Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Feb 1918, p. 5

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\ lll\'('I'Sll.\ . ! 111- the 1'o:Ilm.< of .\p01`l. our Imys `are this week ]:lu_\'inj_-.' 21 l'ri(-mll_\' `,2-':11:w 0|` hm.-k(;\' with ('.(".I. 1m_\'s in I I i I umno of their .~*(-rios; last week the (`0Hin2'\\'oml* shldt-llts \\`or(* the -_-`nests of our b()_\ s: tho _::1n1o 1'0- l.s'Ll]t('(l "m :1 .\`(.'()I`(` 01' 9-5 1'01 tho l\'i.~'iim'.~`. Um` lm_\'.<. t|mu}.rl1 l)0utv11.! I ('011in2'\\'nod_ This is Hm .~:ov(nul` `~[>l:1_\'ml :1 `_"()0(l _-_"znnv. and 1111- hvst In!` 1`m.lin..- nu-u-.-nil:-J In-1\\'mIn HH- E {III 0 !`_'lIL'.\l3 (H Ulll Iru__\n, lIIl' _'_'un|L' u- ;.s'Ll]t('(l for tho! houtml. ` hv.~'t' lot 1`t-cling: 1n'o\':1il(-d In-t\\'(~vn Hwl, WW0 tmnns. In zlddition to 1h(-in" E::nn(-, mu` buys \\'v1'(' ihis :lH('l'Il()()H A . .. I u ,, A ,. AL- um` 41.... |\. \. I. IAl|LI(l|'\ -nu i1'<'(-('i\'v(l the <-lm-zxtiml Ibo It-ri\'o! from n .ho\'.< (1) in (*0lIl[)(`1iH I. - . . |Hl the publxc nw0t1n'_". BAPuR.IE_ RINKS DBFEATED .` IN TANKARD GAMES` ll. l|U\H\ \\'.H. kt-um-(l.\'.1. (`u-0. Mulcomsou A. If. 2~'t:1]:l(-ton .1}. .\|:1l-01113011 L-\. 1). Simon. . . .1 Toizll . . . . . . . .335} 'l'l|(- I3urx`it-5 mi-1 . mum! uml I 1)(-troit I.l. >'~tv\'m1.~nn. . ..'12 11 1.` 11__:__ _`_ .)1 ,'|`nlul . . . . . . . .333 Total .. .. 25 .\In_im'ity for I)t-tmit. b sh0{.~'. }3z11'ri("1'1xist1o.~; ]nh1_y(*d 0.s'h:I\\`a null \\'c1'L- (l`rL`:ltt`(l h_\` 4 shots. U.~`.Iu1\\`u Balrric Thistlos 1I.'l`.(`zn'.s'w-ll l)2u V. A. llurl K`. H. Builus l\ . I". (}n1'n-11 P. .\l. 11am ` A. <:. Hart , _\..:..s'_\~1u-.-.....:1:3 W. N. 1)uI'l' ...'1:31 J. H. (A`00])L'1' J. W. .\li1nc F. .l. Bailc-s H. A. Stt-1)11vn.< L. 0. (`litTo1'(l lb H. \\'(-bh i;\ U. l.u1nl)orl . .17 W. A. _l -o`\`x. . . I3 WILLIE JEOPARDIZED } HIS JOB IN THE ARMY - I l 'llulil`ux, X..\'.. F01). (i.--;\(hlr(-ss- lin_;` the ()\'(`l':~`(':l.~i Clllhto-(lay l.ioul.- C0l..\I(-l\'1:l\'o_\'13-ll, .\.I)..\[.S. :11 lI:1li(.':1.\', l`0rmo1'l_\' 01' Ult:\\\`:1. and who saw two .\'o:u's of so1`vivo :1! HH- front, bt`}_":ll) his 3~`])(`(*\'11 by su_\'iu'.:' that there were \`or_\' few i11(`i(l(`lH.~` l\\ hic1l('i)llM 1n'o\'0ko l:u1__-;lm-r in the _-.;rim di.susio1- \\'hicl1 haul \'is'i1(-d H;1lifz1.\`, but he had lma1'd 0|" (mo. ; It \\`n.-e at the cxpcllsv of an :n'ti1l(-1'_\' 01T`i<-1-1' 01' the _>':11'1'i.=ox1. who livvd ..:.|. 1.:,. ,_,\ ,,,,.,_,] 1.3.1`. vph would consent. i. Mi`. C('lllll`l_L{'.\' l)(-liv\',- (`()lll(l ;. be built lmt\\'oen niarsli and lake ;; `and the water punipcll out 01' the marsli. A (lolegxam pointml out the`) pill1])0SSll)lllt}' of this. the llollzuulw river \\'oul(l lime to be :1min(-l. ll. 1'11`. Hunter was one of." the (l(`l(`- '1 gatlion appearing` b(-fox-u the York 1 county council. Wlwn tho .\'v\\'inzn'~ ' ket rlclegates l`(`illl'll(?ll lmnw,u ninet- i. ing \\'as culled to tul-:0 up tlw mat- m'.- A coimnittce was nppuintml ml one of the 1'(,`3llllS \\':i.~< tlio 1n-os- ent ::atl1crii1f.;'; tlu-_y haul sent out lanlc petition i'm'm.~`. to all sur- oumlinp; nmniuip:il-ilic-s, this ])('ilLl()lll allcd upon the Ontario ,-_:'n\`i. tn ako action in (low-lnpix1:.;` tlw punt` ogs of Simcoo nnd York r-ounvs. here \\-`ore splomlicl F.lli))})ll)j_`, famili- :.... AL.-. {'1 TR imcuinw n-nnu'h tll l 0lll('('l' ()1 Ill!` _"ll`l`l~U1I. nu ll\|'\l with his motlu-1', an :13,-"ed lzxdy. The 0t`l'ic-vr was` IL-u\'ing.;' tho llousv on the morning." of the L-xplosiunl, and us he pn1't(`(l from In-1' at the doorl he .~a'.1i`d: "We are _;'oiu_\_-' to Imu- nrtillcr-, prau-t`ice't1nis mm'uin2'. and if vuu 110111` ('.\`1)105iu11s t be afraid, it'.~; all 1'ig."ht." Hull nu hour nl`ter\\'u1-(ls the Mont Blane blow up. The old lady was th1'o\vn acrosas the room and out of a door. When she 1'oc0v(|r0d sut'l'iciout,l_\' to 1-'.p(-nk she said: If Willie c:u'1'ies on like this he will lose his job." ! Stock 1'aism's should ~lwh:1tbrr~c-db(-st ms 1 lmnl [Z4-:1 sticla; tu Hm! \ In L1l'llll H. llubhirk Hook Total . . . . . . . .1313 Total '.\Iz|jo1'it_\' for ().~'lmw:1, -1 : I. ILAIII -. S_\'kus.. .. . . `. . l.u1nl)or1. |1ll.\ 3 \\ |'l K l III-` {I I l\ is at UK` n1(`o{i11_" of Liiul 1'\' S sn AI . _.A.. IIII\lC ll \ \ I~\ l|||l (I||| ur the 00-\11>a111t.s' 0|" two ' the (-l:1. but tho rooms lmvv ulw:1_\'.< In-<-n "110 HT lK'lil|'\ |7"`V|`V|.\g `\l wllu-zxtiml whiz-h nu-oiins_" (-mn[w1i1i\'(- slmrt. ,. unnnf Inn` THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1918. }il1"I)L'l'l `(.7`,ll i.~"l()]lll :\l('.`C. Kvilll ...l;') 5 T0111] U1 I)(`-trail i I met lcl`v:11. Barrio I\ ( \ l [Jill I ll` I A. I). Sin10n..l(i \\'. H. `l\'on11w1'\' 5) agree as to I their lo'uli1_s', b1'(.-L-L .-;im1.<. -303.5 `in J11 ._u.x;; 1 6.6 L` |\li UHl(`l`l 1.). I h(`l'0 \\ (`1'C H] >l(`l1ul(1 .~:u1ppxn-_', liU7ll|` nu[Ipi_\ \\\IuIu mm nu u.\......._. ics, the G.T.H. ]l1LSSil1;;' i ill'()ll_`.,"il the for two days_ the Metropolitan was two A z'c-solutimi \Vus then movml and miles away and tlmre was UH` mloptotl in appreciation of tho work water. There may be other peat`lono by the visitors along` this line, elds that could be opernlml. but and lieartily co-oporatin-.2` in any \vr,s`,rket people know only of xvay possible. he Holland river `.nnr.=Ih. Tlxoy \`.'orr A committee composed of Mossrs. resent to enlist the S_Vn1])aii1'iC3 ol"Otton, McAdam and llubbort was arric business men. We should named to 500 that any work in non- .akc united action in secur1n::, somo- `IICCCIOU with apponihng :1 \i(`i(`{.."1l'fxOl`l olU `.35.(i IIIUUII I H}(` I III(`_\' 1 is to! ,Al llll , door I l '. A I. . !TR;aIIT1{ CHURCH VBSTRY The auljnurm-(I Vt-:~'tr_\' nu-(-t.i11_;' of 'l'1`inil_\' x_-,l1Iu'L-I1 wax hold on L\Io11d:\_\` u\`cnin_u'. 'l'l1o I'mum.-iul rvport of tho ('01lj.:'l'L`,'. ,'ilti()II and the \':n'im1s ihrum-lws 01' _-hu1'('I1 \\'m'k, I'm` thv`! ninv months L`ll(lil1_L` Doc. 531. U117" xvvrv pl'(`.\`(`ll1('(i, snuwilng` thv (-l111r(-hi to lmjn good I'm--.n";.! vmlition. l .\h-. H C. Chznmon \\'us ro-(-l(-(-ted Vi(-:u"s w;11'(l0.n; Mr. H. A. Sims ro- 1i1'ml as p(~0plo's ':n' this :11- pointmont will be 1'.I:=.rJ.(- at :1 later nu-(-tin`.-' I K`. | . . .-\ nmst ('lI('Ulll`:l_'_`.`lllf_" mt-(-(ma; \\`:1.< ithul of .\luml:1_v <-\'(-1111:}; \\`h(-n St. ) ('rvu1`j_:e'.< .\I|_ (-u11'.'.'l'(-_'_~':11'|;`l1 gnzvt for their annual \'v.~`1r_\` nwc-ti11`_". I n 1 L) The linaun-(-s 01' 1111- m11:_"1'(- \\`m'o 1'(-pnruwl in 1_vnml slxxnpnr and the l'utm'(- [u'muis(-.< \\'(-H for the ('(mf_"1'('_`_":lii01l. 'l'lw n-rt--ti(m 01 :1 ]>:1rislI hull \\`Hx '(li.<<~\1.<.<(-cl. the nu-(~t'u1:_*' being` in 1`n\'m' ull slu-h :1 1)uildin5_-` ])('ill_1: or(wt- 1 ml to tulw (:2lI'(` of tho .;'1'0\\"in:_-' xw--nls 0 0! tlw t-hurt-h. I11.~:l1'm-{inns \\'1- 3' `_- i\'~n to have ]nl:1n.~* ]n'(-p:11'(* with .< vxlinmlvs for p1'(*s(*11tnli011 at ul " nit-o1in`_" on .\l0nJn_\'. .lob. `_ :')th. ` .\'o\\-` vl1u1'(~h\\`:u'd(rns \\'v1'(' (~l1n.s(-11.2 M1`. Lmu Little was (.-1I0.~'o11 |)_\ Hu- rt--tm' as his \\':u-Ion and Mr. \'. Klniuht \\`:l.\' 1-lm. by tho pt-01:10. *1 D um-Inn},-' . .\`id(-.-<|n(!1\--~S. 1'}. 'l`u1`m-1', 'l`l1o;;. l{og:c1's, A. W. \\'hith_\j. .Imne.< Mail'- liu, W. I). -\1inuikin. "H. U. Ballis- `lon, .1, li. Bi|1i11_~'slq\'. ll". Hxrll, C. (K! Ruml, H. J. (lnll:1{_~'lu`1'. Lay I{0pr(-s(-ntnti\'vs to tho Syuml -Ju<|_w_-`v \':m(-0, (1. A. Rndc-nhurst. \\V l T)....,. I. I` \I I) --.H|uj.;t- mun-n-, u, .'\. \V. A. Bu_\'.<. J\'.C., Mi . 1 .. l2.......l 7 \\' `W. A. hu_\s. J\.\.., ma ]"i1|un(-0 I%(nn` - W. A. Boys, 'l`]ms. R0;-;c|'.~`. D. J. Rohurn. Ju:l_~<- |\'nnvo, Dr. .\']n'0tt, S. E. T111-um-. _\'('str_\' (`IL-1'k-.I. 1",. Biuil)j_"S1(`}'. ` :\1uli1m's-.\'. .\l<'.-\:1:1m. C.(".I{:n1d EST. GEOR.GE'S WILL BUILD ! PARISH HALL` as to what (-I11-cf 0 l:1l<(~ ln~\'ol xvmd ~'. the > ]w211{(*l` dial `m as llwrv was no DON T SEND om or TOWN J. Dealer Barrie Vote against the By-law and destroy the best chance the Agricultural Soc. will ever have for getting For Edison Phonographs or Supplies. THERE IS ONLY `ONE PRICE all over Canada, ......A... 2.. D..-..In.1..\ ......... .. ..1,... l)ll.\ll|l`.\.s 1;: 11.13 I 119,111 0011111 he and mhU|' 10\\'11s to 3.-`oml 1'-.:i1\_\j`.1y \\':1tv1' also. The ll1.l\u In.) Unux \(A\n.a I n\n\.a.. cu: u\ .n \,u.I|uLAn, and you get that price in Barrietlxe same as else- where. besides the added advantage of "seeing and hearing before you buy." You also save ex- press, postage, mone_y orders. etc. just as advan- tageous terms are also given, and perfect satisfac- tion is guaranteed. REMEMBER--there is only one price in Canada; You can. buy Disc or Cylinder Phonogruphs and Records in Barrie for the same price you can get them in Toronto and elsewhere. Buy at Home and Save Money and Bother up-to-date fair buildings MEETING ; L'1'.~`. I 11:11`:-111$, \- illun. I i I I . i i .\-11-. ('1. jspt-111 1.110 `here. Hrs. .\I(.-.\'uh|), I M(-1'lm1'nu2`h. spvxlt the \\'(-ok-<'11.1 with Mr. and Mrs. Hum. Br:ull`o1'xl - S1. M1`. ('l1:1!~'. .-\1'(:}1o1'.Sh'ut.1`01'l. \'i:+i1v NI his pn1'0nt.<, .\l1'. and .\l1's. .'\1'<:.II ('1', \\'i]li:nn St. for :1 Few l:1_\'s 1:14 \\'(-ck. (`hm-lio ("uln-n.<.<. Toromn, W115 3 |\'.'v('k-(-ml \`isiIm' at his homo hmv. _\l1's. (`lune and little son. II:1mi|- ton, .<]wnt 1331 \\'o(-k with Mr. :1n= [.\h'>'. I)olnson. \\ iIlium St. Humption is :|hilit_\' '_"1'(`u.~'(' \\'hm'v the >qll(`:ll\' onto _\'mu' job`? . LIJJ vci\`('d ]l{11\ (`.\` znul tw ._Z ., ,_ [- land !\\'u.s uh I. m\`inu' 'tl11-re V York the \\'(` mm'- 110 hcli no(,~t- ()ni:u'i: \\':1.~; In iutod Punt 1 1 ul1_\- c L the 1'0 take 1 titionl _.\1.1, I 1 in llnmk I\"()'J`lCI'Z is ho1'oh)' _'.'i\'L`ll pur- suzntt to tho ']`rustuc Act that at} })('1`S0l\I~Z hu\`in_' 1-lahns :tu':1i11st' thtt` Histztto 01' F.li7.n ?\Ii.s'0atnpl)t'll. Into iof the Tm\'n 01' Ba1'1'i(-, in the` (,`(>unt_\' mt` Sitnrtw. widow, llC(`(`1lS(?d-,` who thl('(l on or about the 21141 (lu_v* 301' J9`vhrtt:n'_\', 19175 , are 1'(~q11estod in Sgsmul pm'tict1lm's 01' their chtitns t<:< itho \ll1(1(`1`:~`i_`."l1`t] Q11 01' h(-l'm'(- tht" Em! day at" ;\1:n'<-h, 1918, :1t.'tm' \\'11i<~.!.s' t(]:\f(` tho (`.\'('(`llY01\ will di.~`.t1'il)11LL.' thu :l.<.x('1a~` of tho c~.~'1;1to union}: Hl(.l.`5C' ;(3ntiH(`(l tlu,-rt-tn. h:tvin:' 1'og':t1't1 onljs" We the t-lnims of which they shall `then ll:l\'t" native and that they wil,-7 hot ho ro,. to any potzsott ft)!" `the :1.'~'.>('1.\ 01' saiul c-state \\'Imsr, }vI;1in1.< shall not thou h21\'t- bvcti ;l1'("t'(`i\`(`ll. . . 'u\1~ . \`I\l-Ix ru\\|` \ \' and In the Surrogate Court of the Co1u1ty' of Simcoe in the Estate of Eliza Miscampbell, Deceased. |`DaH-cl. (3111 M" I"('})!'l1:1l`.\'. 1918. .'l` 1 I 1:] 1)nI|1 ll`, \v Dated `_ n F1-1;1`11:\1"\`, 1918. moth ` Rink 1 9 v 0 v 9 o_o oov`-os`Oo`o9`oo`b9`o .. y;..;,.;..;..;.. v n c V .-.. 50:.` 5.4 iOpen every afternoon anc`~~ [ evening, weather ` permitting Thursday and Saturdayr Band every Tuesday,-. +-!~i-!v--3-i--}-!~+~l~!v~}`~ r-!'~~~!- -!- 1 _.______._....._.___....,..,._., ihing to relieve the fuel situation .or we would freeze next winter. Re- lqnrrliiig freight rates, M1`. Hunter '!said the rate on peat from Cochrane {to Toronto would be $5.00 -.1 ton nvhile from B1'ad1'o1'd it would be $1.-10, so the 'development of pea`: in the north country would not help us in this part of Ontario ()\\-`ing to ex- cessive 1.'1-ei;:;ht rates. Ur. Ogilvic said the first he knew there was any value in the marsh except for hay was when A1'cl1ih:ilrl Blue made :1 report on its possibili- ties. Later :1 g0\'ern111ent su1'\'ey _....,in x'.. v....u..... ...,.1, mm \Sfates Groumlf `C a r I e y 5% {BOATHOUSE |.l1.A \ 4\l}l4I\l`I`l.\l4I HII3 I`-' (`(1 i1I. to sell the lixlsl `vs 01' lots IHlHl")(`l'.s' t\vo111_\'-li\`c' t\\'ont_\'-six, in the sixlh (-m1<-(*.+- 01' the T0\\`11ship of 0m. :sz1\'<' except about t\\'on1_\'-l'l\`e :1c1'e.~:.- .n~ ~1.`J(llll|I'| NOTICE TO CRBDITORS, Hunt, Tm'0n1n_ \`i.~'itod 1101 \I.. ....x \x.... n..... M... ll|IlIl`. I|`|\||Il\`, \|-`X\\'(l H\'r.\ :, Mr. and .\h'.~'. I)unv;1n Mm last \\`(`(`I{. ('l|:u`l(`s 1 ou(-hm . Tnrnnlo'. L-I10 \\'(-(-k-vn with his l':m1il} FARM FOR SAIE .\l'l,'!H illJU| 9.-'4 ()(J0.()O. T`i`JUU.U\J. I'u1'tI1<-r }I:n'ii(-u1:11's :1m:L\' 1:7 nn\'_\1 n L`('\. VQH 1`.\'I)I-II{HI(}I\'I'fI`) has _ ll AI. l)lU(T IIIIIUU ll ll.'jIULl Ull ll/.1 lIlJ<)I.`l|Illl was made. No further work was `done as coal was plentiful and sell- ing at $6.00 :1 (on. The speaker then went on to ex- plain the peculiarities of peat; ~it \\'ns in1possil)l.0 to press the moisture out, ruin falling,-' upon the (ll-yi11g blocks was not zlhsorbed. llo (lid not think it possible to lower the `water so as to drain the marsh. Mr. Coombs, :1 B1':ul1'or coal lealer, spoke as lid .\l1'. l ea1'so11, `also :1 L'011l dealer, on the serious- l|x1o.ss of the coal situation. If there awns zulytln-ing in peat. he was \\ illiuj_~' to help it along,-'. llo was p1'oso1)t Ian` :1 . salpporler of [tho 111zu'sl1 and mz1nul`:u-,turing pom. Iso as to relieve the ('O:ll sl1<)1't:1.-:0. This 0XllilllSt(`(l the .~poul<'u1y_" by tho ll(`l("_','2lt(`>`; Clxalinnun (Minn lhon vzlllml upon locill men for their \'io\\'s and lirsl upon Mr. W. .\':n'- inaud- AlJCI\'.-\;\ ])}'Il\` (`()\\'.\.\'. Solit-it()1' for |'}xcu11101'.-`,> Barrio. 011t:n'io. 1 . Vllll'l' [HHll|'H|il[.\ illllll`\ ll! ])0_\'.-\ LI) R(').\`S, ESQ, Knlinhrnv NO WAR TAX AT I |\\Il7|7 JA|)\"l-y Solivitrnz Bnwio, Ontario. -..-\- 101,9 71 1' put this` .\J'(' you IllU- T L if (L8 jozu \! _,........ | Ur. Szugiomlt l`(.`l.('l')'t`1l 1- tho l'ailu1- in the past to xlovolop thv poat hogs in the \'i -inity 01' :`:z\1'1`io. |hv unclorstoml (-mulitions now \\'m'9 ; than t'01'1n01'l_\' -in (-liminnt- tin: m0i.~:t1n'c. llis \ lC\\' 01' 1-(ml (-011- tlitions in the l'utu1'o \\':1.< not _;'I00m_\' as those 01' the \`isit01'.s, ho l)olio\'el present comlitions \\'(-1'r- due olnietly to the \\'m'. M]: Sz1 r_i(\m1t l':1\'m'e \\'o0 as :1 coal Slll).'s'lll11l(` at the .~.'z1mc time he was in l :\\'01' at {the ;'m'c-rnmolnt, c-xpn-1-i1\1o11tin;,-' on those l)0}_v`.~: all ow.-1` the <-01n1t1"\'. -it woulal he mono) well spent. 11` the ()t`ta\\`-.1 plant hacl been H sll('('(*ss that was s01\1('ll1i11;.,*' to won-k on. l"t(\_~'21r(li11}_" the (l0\'0l0])ll10l1l ol` thv `lllollaml boa`, ho l)olio\'od there _ were other l)0f."s, not st1l)1:1o1':_-ml. lthnt couhl be levolopml more pro- t'1tahl_\',lik(` the ones 11e:n'.-`\11_:11s. Conl ('OHslllll]lll!)ll this .\`c-111'wasnl)no1'1nal ()\\'ll]f;' to tho -xtrv11w and 1011`,-'tl\_\' cold, the use ot` coal in lar_;m' quan- tities hy mnnut':u-tu1'inu' plants and llthu vrimnh-:l tjtllllllllll ml` the mil- ?! S l _\;'fjo 20 feet (loop and the host in tho U1-`JU lllilll lllL' lHl'.`l.'Ill -VI|l)ll.L|z'\.`. The Dominion -.;'o\'omnient took 11:: the dt.-volopnieut of peat 11 few years ago 11cm" ()tta\\'a; it was operated for three yo:n-s umlcr the supc1'\`ision of an (`Z\'])Cl'l fmzn SWCLICH; a private com-orii pu1'-l chased the lllnnt hut :1i't(-1` the win- broko out, owin_-4' to 1:101: 01' (':l[)ll:ll, went to the wall. The 1n'mlu<-t of` the ."0\ l. peat furin was put on thci market in Ottawa at $53.50 per ton.` The _',"0\'(Tl'lllll('lll has haul si11've_\'s made of the lI1{11'a'l] lumls at llnllziiiil L:u1Lliu_:; lien: lll(`l'(' :ll'(.' 51)`) zu`-1'05. in one block with pout lH:ll(`l'iill 18 world. Their 1111111 \\`a.~: to got the hnlnioipalities; iin Siincoc and York the Ontario I.egis1atu1-0. The dc`- Volopment oi` the 111n1'sli lands on the llollzuul 1`i\'(`l` would relieve the coal situation of the two counties and Toronto. This fuel is not as good as liard coal -but is about the same as cauncl coal; it 11-qi1ii'os ul ton and tli1'(re-qua1'tors to equal :1 ton of hzml coal`, 01? course it `is l)1llk_\'. The obj0?,`at in C0|l1ll1_`_`,` to Barrio was to 111'}_','e that :1 deputa- tion he sent to 'l`o1'onto to u1:;'c ;.~a`.`c:1`11x11(`i1t action. Mi-. Donnie said A ,I I .5 [\l\I\ ..... I\J` interested, also Toronto, then go to l all tlioro \\'m'c Ln... .... 6- ,, .... __ f1'()1n1. H ]m\'isim1 1 (`nn1inu1 flu-_\' hzul I plant. hv `rm... ,4.--mu Illillll. III` llrumnut lfmnl $'_ (Hmnn 1;. :1 plant. .\l|. .\. (-'1:|l`l((' A ...`A. 4.. lll . IHi:lll1I:tl'lu1In'._' luau \`\':1\' in out tho nmtorinl. l o-at mzuto :1 lino tiro (`tttl(`l in t'u1'- mnoo or -_"r:\to uml at tho pro~'ont hi:'h lyrioo 0|" C'(}`.!t it \\':1s up to tho `v,-'o\'or:nnont to 't:tt\'(' this quostiun up illltt muko it \\'m'k:|h1o. In tho ]>:1. p1'i\`:\to mtpitat hzut t)(`(`ll i11\'o.~to|. tho pt-npto hzut tum: thoir part. it \".':L\` tho ~_*'u\'o1'mnont`.~` turn. .\< to hv\\'ol'il1'.-` tho lovol at 1.:t`:{o Hilnooo. tho spoukor boljovonl suoh to ho an impo. M1`. 1). Qltittlaltx sniut thoro woro pout l)()'_-'.< all uvor tho c-0unt1'_\'. Ho tl-It that it` thoro was any o.\:])o1*i- lH(`llttl1f.L` to ho tnno in thix lino. tho -zovortmtont shouht lllllt('l't:1t{(` tho \\'m'k. It \\`u.< not tit\'o1_\' tho ]Dl'l'\('Ilt tut-I sl1m`tu~_"o would huvo ()(,`4`lll'l't`(t but for \\':n' oomtitions zmrt tho ox- t1'omoI_\' ooh] whntor. (':m:utn shmthl ho in 21. lutxttism to ho tllttt-p(`tt't(`llt; 0|` our H(`t`_ ,'tlt)0l' to tho south for tho] mot this :~`.(rh(*mo \\'()l1t(t ho ono .\ \l.\ll|}J It-wloyu-I .\'l2\lv.~' win ,, IA H\`\|`l lI\'IlVl\' rt-lien` ,. `.\....[. lhe1'e:In_\' in .\i'_11l1. He he- `.ie\'ml that the experinu-lltzql \\`01'k :1lr(~;m_\` e:1rrie:l out. the _\.;'m'- ernmenl . he nhle in :0 nheml zmd m:nm1':1e1u1'e pent. \ i[e from the war and the 1)vssi})i]ii)' ml our <-0:11 .s'u}:pL\' hein: cut 011', there was ul\v:1_\'.' the tmuhle hetween eamitui and luhor to he e01I ln I%a1`1'ie the fuel emnmitiee hml 91hee11 emleu\`0rh1-1 to -get wood, ihis `\\':|.~; nhnosl in1]m.s'sihle to zleemnplish to inability to y_-,'et e:11'.<. 9.1.40; -'the1'e ml. the hu-k of luhor to (-111 ` i wood. I'nle1' }n'e.~'.ent ('m141i1i0ns h(.~lie\'ed the people of ("entral ()nt:u'io shnuhl see that the nmtter hmu-_-`ht hefnre the f_`,'()\'(`\'1H1H`l11'. m:mu1':1etu1'e `an be 511('4*e<\.~'- I'ull_\' enrrieul on: if we do nut use 1'es(m1'ces at hand no one will ]1it_\' on us. ALI I `. 1 huh] H A.l-xnmnn nil ( 1 'I1lK(* l1H._\ Ull uh. I A41-.1111sm1 told the lm-.1; lz111 in IC11;:1:111d, \\'11u1'u 111-:11 \v:1s t:1k(\11 out and 511111 at six |)1'inks. 1.0): 15 711191105, for 0110 po1111_\'; this 511111115` would last an m'di11:11'_\' 1101130 for A ..-..,.1..4:,... Hm mm-ml um-1 Ior uvo (lays. `(l()ll(` compos.c of "`0t.ton, ._........1 5.. ...... 41...; nI\17 ....~...L> in nnn. u_V. .\l:\_\'u1' L! 4!, H". \'i.~;itm' puilllml .ln.....l hm \l'nnIx (` Hill I)(' I` _ \`ll'. IIUIIHIU billll |lH'|L' \\l'1l.' nllll 10111 5,000 11131115 01' punt 110`-.1; 11\'11'11-I 111111.-. A Mr. Wilson, 1111111 0111- 01" 1110 U. S. 1111i\'c1'sitic.~', \v11o 111111 11111110. 11 s111'\'o_\' 111' 1111- 111111511 1111111 A/" 11.11 state11 111111 t1101-11 \\'o1-11 011101- "`~ 11011111-ts 11031111-s pout 11) 110 111111 `f1'o111 1111- 111111-511. Sa111p1os 111111 1101111 sent 111 G01'1111111_\.' 11_\' 11 B1'11111'111'11 111111] 211111 the 1111111_\`sis 111111 . 111111 e11~o11-:11 11111111011111 1-1111111 110 1-xt1':1r'11111 to11111k1` 1110 work 111'o1'1111111(`. A year 11:1) 11 1111111 111111 5111-111 1111 .~11111-K mm- nn 11m m:11's11. 1111~'. 111.1I1 \\':l.~`i I\II|IlL'lI hL't\\'uu-11 (`a 11-re \\'mlH ~ ... H A IHI l|`_',l||l.'-` (`()H.\'iIl(`l'(`il \1|l\ll I d")I\( .\`]ym11 .. Ixl-11:1 ln`v.~'m1t Il\I'lI l|\'l lh \\|'H |.llil\ \\l' H lnwm-4-1 ()1lI`$('l\'(`$. . .\Ir. H:n'j(\:mt 4 .. ..... Ila I'(Il`|\'Il||| -`l||`| 111.-.< 21s to (-ost of (`H-I it \\`m11 vu.- $I}00.|)()0 10 [mi in Irlll H121! out if t1'0uhl(- unaulu and tin- mn' mnl (mm- \\'(' Inukt- , I.. . [1 it mu.~1 ho 1` <-umlitinm l`(| lllH nu.` 3:111. :- _ m - I A , ,.\ "`.`'.3'7ma1u1t`:ict1i1'ii1_~.:' pout in the .\[)l'iH`.' in \ QIIIXKIIIILH M 1'. (`()l1i1igs was quaintc-(I with the Iil()1'0llf.,"ili_\' 1:;-i m:u'sl1 in Br:1l-` ford. A live \\'0ul start on the marsh in .-\u*_-`list and hum till tho snow put it out um] xmuhl hum to -.1 depth 0| two foot. Tho l- wu\'<-1-- ton peat indu. xmuhl he :1 . a'air in compurisoii with one vainly- lishcd on the Hnlland mzuzsh. 110 had :1 scheme under xvuy in `i.\|'i ('onnc(rlion with his i)1l.\'ill(`.~'.s' oi` hny ba1in_4'. He 11-li(-veal -rn1hl (leli\'o1`0d ii), B:u'1'iu 1m\';1.< at low cost o\\'iuv_' to 1':iii\_\':1)' connections and by The Iirst 0h.s't:u:lo to hv o\'or<-mun was thv 1uzn'.-":. h(- thought this could he U`(`<)11\))ii.~`h(`n] h_\' i`) \\'<'A'il)`,' the lake Lox-L-1. ' / . .. . ;, ...L.. ..u..1.o '.'un~ hml to Toronto and having the };c-tition signed, was carried out. A 4'm-+hm- mntinn was nx-osc11ted, signed, carrleu olu. - A further motion was presented and concurred in that t11e'Bozu'd.~si of Trade t1n'ou;_~;hout Ontario be` 111 _;'0dt0l11{`I1101`iliZe the govt-rnnlent to take. up the st-11-mo. <. m u l__L..lL" ..r 1.Ai nu u...._. "1. V..- >~( Mr. Comnhs on behalf of _the \'i5itO1`!~`., thanked Btu`:-ie people for the kind rec-option given them. And Mayor Sprott in ackno\v1edgen1ent. regretted it had not been possible to ente1'ta.in then, owing to the late a1'1'i\'nI ot' the train and the neces- sity oi` vntvhilxgs; the late afternoon train south. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE -r1I\'n 1111 The follmving reports from the school principals and nurse \vc)~(.- presented to. the Board of Edut-utiou at the Fcl)1'n:u'y n1eotin__:': Public School `Attendance 1 I 110;`. I'm` A \'(`l`. lnrmth :I1teu(l- Central School i West Ward. 1. I5. .\Im'ri. .\li. Ht-n1'_\' <` `most " .\Io01'o, " Morrison " 1ai11`m_-slo;-' ' ."prm1lo I ...\ .. .0-.. Burton Ave. 15. Shem` Miss I\Ii11'.1'u_\' `. .\Ia1`s11;1ll " K0n11(|d_\' " Collins " .\[ost nn " ('nnk Continued from 1st pngtr. Reeve, Councillor Geo. ();:,'ilvie and B. B. Collings, of B1'ndfo1'd. Thn r1n`nr1n+:nnu urn:-n nvnr-1-(n11 nn I East Ward '(`(-ntrnl st-hnnl, Burton .\\`v.. .1 East \\':I1'I. J um}. each. _ -n (`r-nlrul .\'(`11()()I \\'(-.~I \\':n' 13111-1011 .\\'(-. School Nurse. I(`m_\'\'i.~'it.< in the [n1h1i- .<<-l1 01' I ::1rrin as school nurse. 1 have made 19.`;-.'> l'(`!l1l:ll'il1S1)(`( 1i()l1S, 1'0 lr~r.~'u1ml h.\/;:i(-nv. (:11lu1'*_'(- or lis- o::so<[ Ionsi1.<. ndenoids. (:11lz11'(_~'od glumis. (`il|`{1L`1l(`, (1iffi<`ul1_\' in hear- ing". v:1'.:u'1'1m1 .~y1npt01n.<, 11(~m{zl(-lw. f`(-\`(-r. slmrt-si:'ht(-rlnoss, inilmm-l -omlitimu of the <-onjuntivu. 5_rrnnu- lnlml (-~\`(--lids, r-nrimls T(`(`Hl, dim.-:1.v ml `.;'ll|ll.~`.` um-1(-nn hair and In`-:1:1, ]v(`l]i(`l1](`).s`i.~'. (-heron. 01'tlmp:u-lie (11-- 11-vt.~`. nnzwxniv (-omlition. mmmuni- 1~nl)I:- skin etc. ('vnt1'nl Sczlmol. I. VI. Miss v. ` I1'1xlu'1-li011.~' 801.. .\'n. ml 4-hi1(l1'r-n who lmvv. 11.1-um trouble 16. curious tovth -H, o_\'(- h'0u|)l(- 2. skin 1m_nhl(- 3}. pwlit-lll0. I l!1>`]H`('l`i()1l.s` 608. .\'o. ul` (']lill11`01\ who have. Ilmmt 11`-`mhlv 19. various it-M1131. c-_\`v l1'm1h1(- 1, pmIi-ulnsis ll|I|llIHl' 1.1, I`1IlIUu.`I u'\\u 131114011 .\\'(-11110 Svluml. h1.~1wr'1in11.~' -143. .\'o. 01' 1-11iI1l1'1-11 who hu\'o. 110111111` ,1-5'. 11:11` l1'm1hl(- 2, 1. 1111-111 ~13, 111- 3}. E1151 \\':11'1l School. [11. 83. .\'o. 111' 1-11ilrh'v11 \\'I11> 11:1\'v. 11'n11hl1- `_ , f :H'i011.s' 100111 U. 1 '.'I 1...-1. 1). I). \JUlllU33, UL 1)1llL|lUl\l. The delegations were expected on] the"no o'1'i train and n1-rzixigeim-x1t.s had been made to entertain thei Visitors, but owing to the truin be- ing `three hours late, the visitors were taken diirect to the meetin:_-,' place from the train. This re-,-;rvt- table fact Maoyr Sprott referred to` at the close of the conference. >4 Dnnv-on`: iivnu H. (`n-:4 onnol.-, 5` 1io\'ml it ('hil live. VIVI. . nvc. I T1H'(`L' <~l1il who \\'(-ro . [min akin 11'oul)Io worc 1`(-l'(-rreal 10 thv principals for (*.\'oln.~:im1 and \\'or(- :1:l\'i (I to consult ihoir xnvdi-` .1 ._A4... a n.,. ..1.:l.l...... 1-n4.n:\'n1l :1l1\'l.<(`(l IO cunsuu LHU11 tumu- it-:11 zxlitmtlzlm. the chiMr(-n 1'(`('('i\`0 `uu~di<-:11 :1ttoml:\1m- but \\'t'1'c ohliuml tn al)svI11 H1mns(-I\'(\s frmn .\'l`]l()()] us` thvy were s11l'f01`i11_-'. `frnlu 2| com- lnunionhlv skin diso:L~'(`. I 4 .-....m.....+l\- Hm. wlm lmnnennxv .~`K111 111.s'v:x.~1'. 1 il1s])('('1 1'1`(-.'pu*ntl.\' {how who have. and 111050 who have h:1 pedi- ('1l1(\$i:i. and Iind that they are re- vei\'in'_: lroaltmollt l'L':'l11Zl]`1)'. 1 have math` forty-four home \'i.-its to explain to pm-(-uts the neres.~xit_\' 1'01-dental and mmlieal trentmt-nt for the proper develop- ment of their children. I visited two homes where chil- dren were .~:uffering' from 2! minor 00l1tu:`inus '(1iS(`.'1S(' while the other children were hein_2' allowed to attend school nud explained to the pnrent that thirs was c-,ontrm'_v to the school rc;;u1nti011s, and ndvi.~>c-d a consultation with their family phy- sician. '1`he.~oe cases were referred L- LL- ` oust` ....... ..Z.~n1 xInnn:l'n:] rnn:1:- . 51011111. LJICHC (tusus \vL-rt: H.:u:Ln.'u' to the principal. and 1`e0oivm1nmdi-~l cal tr.-rmnont, but \\'c1'e obligc- lul .\lnrlin F. Mat.~:nn < Booth .. .\10(':1lI DnI1_:*nll Longlmm . . Li\=i11g'stono ` (.'luHm1 ` .lvnkin.<, ' .\l(=H0biv ' \\'1munoI.I' ` -: 11n\'(- Penny Bank .w\'m':1l minm` d1'(-.~'. tnnnu-he for 21 numht-r ~'.. and :10]i])0(1 nose hlct-ll \\'v. \\':n'l S4-hrml. -er for the visitors. He explained I. Dill: UIUUU UL LUU ULHILUJUIIUU. Mr. Pearson was the first speak- that the fuel shorta;;'e had been` brought to the attention of the York county council by the many cases of suffering in the outskirts of Toron- V-sulfering from the luck of coal at could not he understood inl towns. He did not think it was` right to allow such a state of affairs to continue when we lmve millions` . . . . . I of tons of l)11|t0l'l{ll similar to \\'lli1lI.! is burned in l'}urop<.- by millions of 1'an1ilios. The coal .~itu:1tion was gnaw-ing worse (':u':l1 year with th_~` possibility 01' next year heiu_r__-` niiu-hi \\`0r. ~;C than the pr(-: sl101'tzL)_-,'c. I 'T"l1n nnuixivminum -vn\'r\-.-nmmit lnnl: IUIIE D-J. ihrouil ` r~:u'i0n.s' nuulv T1 :l:1.<,s i11.<;:(~-ti()ns .~"n'i11 trouble. l'(-H-1' .s'_\'n1p- - trnuhlv. p(*1'son:\l h.\'_uirm~. Fire Drill. MI"-(iii FEBRUARY TE NORTHERN ADVANCE Deposits. .71. an 3 11 and 421% 313 (il oTscFs's7WI;01>mEm ! or PEAT Boas; -)() .\:\ -16 -n ll UH -`1'~'l'_ ~l H5 (it) 7;}; .\n .3 H3 V11" 101' l 11-x11ai11 from school for `the requir- ed length of time. rm,. I,1I.')_.__..`_ ._.._..n... .L..... .. _)'l.`1ll' il_`_:U il ulilu nun npmn an nunl-l met on the marsh, this man non-communicative, but he (H11 ::'i\'e the inifonnation that as 5.-`oorl peat was to be had there as in Sweden and the Swedish peat \\'z1s the host `in the worlcl. He ])('li(`\`etl the provixlce should take hula] 01' the scheme. `. .-. um _. _ H '\.\| gang... u. ..u..... The child1'c11 .~:. nxouths show :1 marked imp1=0\'emont and their clothing is cleaner and in 0\'e1'y `in-1 stance the parents are taking.-` :1'e:1t- er interest in their childrc-n s well- being . lcollegiate Institute Report for January ! I The follo\vin}_-' is :1 sun1nm1g\' of the B.(`.l. utton(1au(:o for Januzu"\': Form _ Boys Girls Total D-.1i1_\' ~ :\\'(\rn_;0 ' V. .. 11 b 17 15.3 !T0i.uls The total cllrolnxmlt is .~:lij_:'h`.l_\" lower than befort-_, and tho dni!_\'| |z1\'e1'nge is L-o11sic|e1'abl_V loss tlmni I I I usua1-due chiey to blocked coun- try roads. and poor train (-mmoc- Hions, and tho ])I'C\':l1(`ll(`(- of colds`. E "Nun nvh-nmn wnnmv n1` Hut 1m QIIUHB, x uuu 11- U! The c.\'t1'emo \\'o:1thm' 01' the past hnoutll has nmdc it \'o1g\' un(';m1- 'I'm'table for !m' tlnrvo of ||'( :'I 01' the {(`()ll`11:01't{l].)l.\' \\'m-m. ...l..._l l.. .1 ....... lIl\' ll|U\il|l'll l'\IIIl.`. % l'UHlIUlliIUl.\ \\illHl- | As was r01m11'k(\ Inst month, \\'(-I are n:)\\' on_;'nu'<- in 1h(- l0n'_". lI(*:1\`._\'K g`1'i1nl" of tho: \\`intm' t(-1'm-1lw time \\`1I(`ll the 1z11'_;`(-st I'1':u-ti011 0|" |th(- `\'<-:u".~' work is (~c)\'c-1'1-rl. 'l`l1<- p1'0:_"1'vs.< of mn.~:t of the slmlvnls .~u-mus to he \`(-1'_\' s:1tisl':1ctm'_\' ut . , .. 1\ I ,A' 4l,,. 4. ."'lll.V lt I)`. \\'l_\ -`i|ll~`I(|l`l\ll.\ (ll -])1`L*$(`I11. Ono mt-1nl)(-r 01' the st:1l't' was (:()ll1l0(l to the Ilonsv for t\\':) 5\\ (-Olin: b_\' >ill11gss. Ht-1' \\'()1'k \\'\.\' `::u'1'iod 011. hm` uhsom-(-. h_\' 1 10uc11e1'-in-truinning` |'1'0m llxc , . l:u-ull." 0!` l'I_lur-nliou of '|`m'm1ln ll ~ . ' ,, A tl |K'(lK IIC 1 ol l'ni\'m'sit_\'. I 1' `are ' _ , K` I / To :1n'(,-nqniry the l0\\`e1'in_<.: 01' the hu\:c on Hm tm\'n.<. >']w2l1~:(`l` IN not see any troulnlo na\'i_u'utinn on the luliv ut [>1'u.w11l. 'l'h-is st:1lv111m1t lixl not :\1up(*:1l In thorae prt-. l'n01'(- \\'<-n- ri-_-"his that could nut hv inn-rl'm'1'ml with.` the 0\\'ll('1`.\' of big.-. sumun-r (-011:`.-_"(:sl would not allow the \\'ntm- to be` lowered, nor was it 1ik(`]_\' the towns would consent. xr.. r`,.1I:n..-.- hr-Ht|\'l|1l :1 1\`L(-

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