Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Feb 1918, p. 4

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HUIIUU A t'a1'eWel1 party was gi\'L`l1 Robt. Sho1't1'eed at his residence, Coulson, `last Friday cvc-nin_2,'. Bob intends to don khaki in the near future. His mm1_\' frienrds wish him bon \'oyzi;:c-, but hope peace may 1'Ci,`.`,'I1 before he rcaclies the some of action. L- LL- I..L.. AI... IIU Dl\illlH:_". M 1'. b1'otho1"s A .. 1l.'Blll.L'lllIL', KJUUI-Vlllly `IHBI4 J` LILIH.) O\\'i11f2,` to the late hour the sta_'_-ie 1'eaehedHi1lsda1e Sntiirday night, the Mt. people were f:u'or(-d by a call from the mail ]l10SS(`1LL'Cl' Sun- day 11.111. 'PIIn ennui ninI1ti'i1 `INC ixnnn ulliin (`will- The snow plough has been quiie busy all xnorningx, 1)1'0(h1(,'i11:_',' 5.-'00:} results. T1`.'1'ic is agailx ulmnpc-dml. On 'l`uescla_v, Jan11m'y 29th, the Crown Hill auxiliary 01:` the Oro~ Hod Cross Society hold a succc-ssf.'111 all-(lay sewim: 1ne0ti11:_;' at the home ol. Mrs. A. W. Partridge. `I... ,....I... 71 ._....A ..H .II.\.. .. .. .......l in... U1. '\11Da 1. \\ . 1 GLLL L\.l`='\.'p I The next all-day sewing` mc-cling` will be held at the home of .\I1-s. W. T. Pm-t1-idg-0, on Tuesday, Foln-uu1'_\' 19th. In the afte1'noon the regular monthly 111ccti11:.: of the Crown Hill \\'omm1's Institute will take place. I 'r.`n11m..:...., ..-m-L- tn: nmm .1....;....- I V\ UlIIl'll D 1llBLll.l|lL' \Vll.l I.LI.l\U lHil\'l.'. I<`o1lo\\-`ing work was done (l111~inj.; the month: Oro Red Cross Society, i (S g'1'e_V flannel shirts, 6 pairs socks: lField Coml:'0)'t.<: Society: T pairs. socks; F1-enc-11 Relief: 2 quilts. u I v V.--l)znlt011 Irwin. S1`. l,\".---.\Im'y Guest, Rex Guest. .11`. ]\'.---.\I:1u1'ic(- \\"ebh. 'IIen1:m ;\rmst1-on_:, .\>Im'io1 Jobhitt, A11'1'e Jobhitt. YTI \l,...l.`.. \I....... Y).`...,.. \l'..l.1. I,lU|l'lIlln IU,---.\lo1'Io_\' _\I:l_\'01`. R0-_-;m Etllol .\In_\'o1', Lynll (411051, Rc_\`nol(l.<. Hillis Tribbl(-. S1`. ll.---.\I.ilI1'0d (}uc.s`t. l1'\\'in. .\I211'_\' ;\1'mst1'0n:_". l.....I._ A11. (hwst. I `I u Irwin. I , 11.`: `~II|l||l' l'1':1n<~.+ our]: (,`I`.~1 int:-nun "T110 Sm nu1'l(*r.~' an` fur Hm Im- _,._ _ ` _ _ , __ 7| lI\\||1_ J1`. Il.-;\llnn \\':n'ni(-:1, BL-1'n:ml Jobhittg I'}ln1e1' GIIOS1. \'0rni0 Bar- 1-zuul, \\'il|'ril Quuntz, Willie I{(-_\'- nolds. L'.. I 7/ I.... VI`..Zl.l.I.. \IIlA \.. }Q1uu;t7.: I D.. .\ I1'iia_\' :1 l'1m'11om1 01' last \\'l'(*i{ lin- stuml in the 1101150 01' .\I(n'ris ;\i('.\':ll)ti( l'. 1-F. B1'z\ street, c:1usol fmm tlmwiu-_-' l'1`0'/.(\n \\':1t<-1' `pipes with :1 tort,-.l1 and ht.-('01'0 Hu- hlzizv xvus v. dun1n'.'u to tlw oxtolit 01' $'_ :')0.00 \\'-as done In tho lumse. ()win-,-' to [ho . \\'o:1tlim'. .-\1v.\':u1 l'm7.0 up and in using` :1 tnmii to thaw tlu-m out the 'h i:1'/.0 \\'ilS mnn1n1ni<-:1tv to the partition in the kitchen. Flunivs quit-kI_\' mmmtt-I to tho llppvr story um] whom the briy.:ndt- 21l'l`i\'(`1i tin- lirv was l)ln7.in_-' in tho attic. .-\ 'lino of imsv was taken into the uttiv um] Hm firo t'0u_"ht frmn 1111* top. It \\`-as n<-(-,(-. to l'(`ll]()\'(' 1.4....-iilm--.|\I.. u.l..-Im- 4.. nu-6 -.1 Hm .Vlll(|lIl'L'- ` ()1) tho \\`:t.\' to tho tiro tho hoso 91-i:'l1 mot t\\'0 slc-i_-_,v~hs t`0l1ltll`_'.' in the n}npt)hi1(' tlirootimt; both (11'i\`o1'.~'. ro- l'u.~ol to shnro tho mm] with tho tiro sloig,:h, tho mn. hoin;' tho ho:t\'i|_\' lnmlocl sloi`-4*]: was oumpollozt to turn into tho snmv at tho 1'i.~;k of an up.`-ot and :1 ('()l1.\('(tll('Ilt. (t(`1:l)' in 1't':lt'htIIL{ tho liro. Tho tiromon .-houhl hrinu tho Il]:IHt`l` to tho nt- tontinn at` tho (`ount-il in mt on~ `th-uvnr tn h:1\'o :1 h.\'-law ]m.s'sod giv- Itllfl tho tiromon tho ri_v_-"Int 01' \\':1)'. . stniivnu-int. of claim. IIUIII. llZ|llll'l||"l' \.` lU\\|l UI \7rlHH|. l`|u- plnintiI'l' Roht. Lmm-nee is .`s`llil|f_ ,' llm town 01' ()rilli:1 for $.'.U()(J nml costs for injury cnn:-nod his \-.'il'(- in l'nllvin:_,-' on tho Si(i('\\'Il1l\' in ()1-illiu. l 1nin1i' claims that on Nov. 9, I016 his wife was injured by n full on 1110 sidoxvnlk w11(~1v- un iron plutv ('0\'Cl`('(i 21 drnin runnin;.r throng,-`I1 the walk, cnu.s'im: into1'nn| mu} oxtmwml injuries. The town clniins no notice in w1'iiin_LL' wns givon of tho injui-y as required by stzlilm-. um] that the condition 01' the si(lo\\`ulk was not ns alleged in \Vlll.'lll, |HIl'H.'y llllu l.)'L'. Make puddingxs and soups b1-mu} with skim milk. lhilltl iTIIAWING WATER PIPES | SET FIRE TO HOUSE 'Ull.`lll ll Ihlum-. !NO JURY CASES FOR. I `\(ll l{:n'1'i- Imlm-ll i.~ in m-ml )1 mn- t.ox'-i:II.< for . caps. For this purpose (li.<':l1'I(-ll nu'n's 01' \\'nmm:'s suits. rimu-I up um] ]n`(!n'.~;(-4| 1n:1_\' he u.~;ml, also .\:kirl.~'. um] woul- lon 1u1dm`:."urmonts. Donations of tlm.s(- nmy he 1:.-ft :11 the ROI] (`moss 1-I|1\I\\. .\lr. .lu.~lir(- Lm11mx is not lilu-l_\` In ]H|\'l` :1 _iuI`_\'-:1! his murl 11-.\'t wt-('k. ['11 till noon \\'(-tlm-.s'l:\_\' {ht-r(~ \\'us but one vzm-_, um}-ju1"\' ('lIU'l`(`(| on tho ('0lll'l (lot-kol. hm` ll1or- \\':I.\` :1 p0ssibilit_\' 01' tln'(-0 0)" fmlr Iwim: ('llU'l`l'(l h(-I'm'(- tlw time Hm` rm-(*i\`il1}: vases (:.\'pi1'('s_ ! Thu 4--nun nnlr-v-nil Fe ,Inu unfl Excellent broad can be made wheat, barley and rye. `Jul-n ruvr1Hinn~zx Ant` unnn: Rubi. CROWN HILL ` I"l T110 ,1 I BIG BAY POINT SCHOOL REPORT FOR JANUARY. IK \\ 1!.` ~'i(l(`l'.`ll)]l' Thu .\.~vB111't0n \\':11'ni~:1. 3.-~.-\Ii(-0 Q11.'n1t'/., J02!!! Jul)- I`I'I \ IIl_', "II-`V3 -asp (*l11('I'(`(l' ...\ .... VI` ~-- Helm`. IIKJIIIE. Tho H:np1i.~t ohurc-h and Szllvniion Army haul <-l1n1'_2'o of the shop Sutur- dny. Foh. 9th. Not r('(`(-ipts, $21.2-L 'l'rinil_\' (`hum-h will haw` (-lln1'r_:u Salt- ur I"(-h. Hith, and 1110 following b`utu1'h1_\' St. .\1:u'_\.< rhun-11. Shop c-olnmittoo this \v(-ck: .\'lr.<. Liitlv, phone 486: M 1'5. Mzwbarcn, phone 463. .\'o.\:t \\*<\ok. .\lis.~; l.u.w- rem-0. .\I1'.<. A. Czu's0n. B0nhk(`.('])(`I', `Ir: 1):-v-Hf nhnnn 10`! i -- Z1-Imn 'l'ril)l)lo. -'l`mn Hll(::1. Nay B:u'r:m M. O. TTubho1't. TL'{1(`]l(`1`. [H lI\'l', Will.` l" ];l:Islm' 10 `.'.`(`1 loss is ('()\'('1'(`(1 RED CROSS. "nu: mom-1n'.n.N An'vANcn l7.\llIIl'.`, I is Julia and '[`()\\'n 01' Urillin. IJ 'l ... 2.. m.\' noon Ix 0;-;m' \A\'(-bl), ASSIZES. B(`1't1m lIl', |7||\'ll\' A Hrs. Porritt, Q4 I)....1u- \ 1l| by .\Iiltm1 |l\I\ l` th_0 of its price -is high and there will prob- ably be a shortage in the near future. Honey, the unequalled nu- tural sweet that sugar cannot wl1o1l_\-' replace, is being af'fe(-ted ill sympatliy. The unusually lzlxge crop of honey produced in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba in 1916 was sold quickly at prices sliglitly above those of the previous season and present i11dic:Lli0ns point to :1 still gi-eater demand and h-igher prices for the new crop. Thus, by 1n'oduv- ing as much honey as possil)le this year, the bee-keepers of Cmlndn will not only increase their returns but will be helping" the Empii-e. '1`l1eseren1:1rks refer to e.\'t1'acted lioncy. An increased demand llor (-oinb-honey cannot be ])1`(`lllL'l'O(l. l 'l'l|n nnnnnl linv u-I-nufnv \uvn4ln:.Hnn Sugar is-an importiint war food,` 1 \'UIllU`llU||L'.) CKIKIIIUL |IL' lFl('\llClU\l- I The :11>poul 1_'o1' g;r0zItc1' production is 0s1)vci:I1[_\' to those who urn n<--,r- lccting their bees or are n0t'mnn- `2x_-.:'ix1`-,-` them in the best m:mn('r. '.l`h(*1'c are 11111113` zxpmries in goat] locations for 1.roIi1:1hle hom~_\' pm- |ducti0n 1no1'c p:11'ti<-111zn'l_\~' in I*'u.~L- crn Cunzulu, \\'I1c1-vc colonies in mx hives 01' in .sc1d01n-opem.-I 1'rm11e hives, now p1'0ducin_-_-; from 20 to 40 pounds of honey czu-h, <-ouhl he hnade to 1:1-odu(-u 80 to .100 poumls Ill` lIH\I'lI ill '.lH n\'au'-.Iu'n Qnncnn fl` | . . _ire5_-;I1lzu' oeeup:ition tor the amount UK IIIUIU Ill illl ll \`L'J.il::',U HCEIBUII. J I time ennnot be . to ;'i\`e the `bees the attention they need, they 1, might be llillltletl to :1 member oi" the fainily who wonlal tnke an in-ll lterest in them, or the_\' miulit hell `sold to u 1)1'ot'ess'i_0nal l)ee-l;eep(-12.` flint well`111aiiage(l bees often I ]Ht.\' V '11s \\'ell us, or better than, one '3 . tot time spent. with them. The lil.'-i lferent operations in modern 1l])l:t1`_\'l ]11'i1(`tl(`C5 are bvietly le.s'(-1'il)e:l inlii "`Bees :m(l`llow.t.o Keep 'l`lie:n"` l(l'Ixperin1ental Fziriiis Bulletin No. 20, Second Series) which llltt_\` bel {obtained free on zippliezwion t'rom';` ;the Publication Branch olf thel :Depz1rtment 0t, .-\grii-ultnre, llil:t\\'.2IJ EA good way to beemne i\L`(1lttlll1t(*tl{ ;with the better ll1(`l.ll0ll$ of bee-i ;l\'('(`,])lllg is to nrrzinge to ntteml (moi of the :ipiz1r_\' tl(,`l1101l$t1'11tl01l.\ that. `will be held early in the :nmmer,l under the auspices of . at" the] l ro\`i11(--i:1l Bee-kee1ners' As.so<-in- tions. A list lot the llee-l '.-\ssoeiatio11s with the 1(l(ll'(!$.~'(`,\` ot gthe .\`e<~1'et:1ries is _g'i\'en in the ':1l)0\`e=in(-ntioneil bulletin. Another clz1ss,ol bee-keeper that ;lIl:l_\' profit '_"reutl_\' at this time i.~ the expert zipiau-i.st' l()(3:1tt`Il in :l luootl hon(-_\' proxlur-in: l'(5_'_:'l0n. wlio.~'e time is not fully oeenliieil with thi- lhees. llis principal problem will be lhow to in<-reuse the number of l)L.~ lto the tulle. extent in time 1'nr the lhone_\` flow, so as to make the l:li)~`Il mt` \'ulI|-|.l\ln 1\`. 1... l llic I,-n.u.-l...l..v.. Froxn l"m'is comes the nows that nn immt-use amount of Inca. particul- arly of the li_-.,-'hfm` \'n1'i(`li(I`~:. i.-x ho- ing used in the ulodvl.-) turnml out h_\' the great }*`x'-znuh house-1. Chuntil1_v In-Eng most important. int` n I uuu UL'lll.'l' j_.{I.`l Olll llllll walk. Isnid: I would, hut my t`01k.~a don't ox- pvct mo until the train :.:'1-ts t.,h(-ro."' in the scat right in front 01' mo sat :1 mother with hm` fat boy. She handed the comhxctor :1 l1:Ilt'-t'xu'(` ticket mid the conductor said. Thnt boy is too l1|1'__;'c to rido on n halt`-f'm'c ticket." Wt-ll." said the mother. "ho wash ! when he got on. 11u|u'_\ nun, au :13 LU llllllic Ill(` lilf)"I.' of l1i.~; \'z1l11:1vl)le l of 111-1-l 111211121},-`c1111-11f. The n:11'l_\ 1'o11l:1ui111_'l of 1lll.:l:lll$fl1L'l.0l`_\' (1111-0115 is; i11;i.1't-l l'111i. J111li(~io11s f'1'c1l1i111_' 1l111'i11-.1: 1111-l itlc-z11'tl1 that i11.1111111_\' }1l:11'11.< i111111(~l-l, Iiz1l(:l_\` ]11'o(-mlcs tlw h011o_\' llmv will` help 11111lo1' 5111111: 110111li1i1111.<. l}_\`l (li\'i(li11g,' st1'o11g,' colo11ios not l1'~s tl1:111 six \\`(`(.'l(s hcI'u1'e tl11'- 111i1l1ll1- 111' tho 111:1i11 l1o11o_\' How 2111 i111-1'11.-1~'1ul 111-0]: 01' 110110)` will he 11l)t:1i11(ul, pru- \`i 1'4-1't-ilv 111100115 :11'0 1111 l1:1111l in he 5,.-`i\'1-11 to lhv 1111111-11i11.~'~ 1:11'l.' 'l'l1o.s'o q11N,`11s 111:1_\'l111p1' 1`1'u111 l11'(-1-(leis in the .\'1)11tl1e1`11 .\'1;1111-.< :11 l'1'0111 H0 (.'(`1ll.s' in $1.04) 0:11-h. This ]>1'()1-v1l111'1- is1'l1i1-ll_\' :1]>[1li1':1l1l1*l11 the li1~('\\'1-1-l 11111] _:'1)l1l1-11 1'111l 1li.<- I1'i1'ts; :1:a :1 rule the 1-l1)\`1-1' l111111~y Jlow 1-01110.5 ton (.1111'l_\' for it. '|'\\.'o- pn11111l 11:11-l<:1j_;(-s 0|" l)(-vs with 1111- l.(`Sl('ll l'o1'1ilo 1111011115 0l11:1i11(wl 110111` the .~'011tl1 l)_\' v.\'p1`1~.~'.< i11 M11) or 1-111-lv .l1111o 1-(1.~'ti11'_;' :1`l1u11l $4.!!!) 11:11-l1,` i111'l11li11_g' t1`:111.~'p01'l:1lin11 (`llll`j..`,'(`<. will he l'1>11111l :1 ]1:1_\'i11u' i11\`1-.~l1111-111. il` tl1("\' 211'1'i\'o i11 gnml c0111li1,io11 :111 (-1111 he 111110011 1111 1111111l).~'. ' '|'l11-11* . l)1_- ;1 . .~.1111` ply oI' . l'01' 1-1\'t1'111-tml ho111-_\`. with l'1':11111-s :1111l l'u1111l:11iu11. 111` r-11111113. on h:111l 111 1.-1l\'u :1 111:1.\i11111111 ('1'0]1. 1111.1 this _\c:11` it is 111111-v t':1:111 11\'1-1' 111-1-11.<.<:11`_\` to n1~ .~`ll]1}1li\'-~ :1111l l1m11-_\' m11t:1i11111`s 1-:11'l.\'. 'l'\\`1>- 1-o111h .~`11po1'.< 11111),` 111- l':1.x`l1~11ml I11;-'11ll11-1' tn111:1lu-111111111-1-11 51111111` l'n1' 1a\'l1':11-I1-1| l1m11~.\` 111'u l :11'liv11l:11'.~ 11I' 1111 .-1t11':11'li\'1> 1-o11l:1i111-1' 1111' l1u111-5' ll1:1t l1:1s I11-1-11 1|:-~'i-;111-1l tn 11111-1 11 1ms. i11 nhI.:1i11i11: .~.11:'- [i1-i1-111 li11 p:1ils-131' 1,-l:1s~' `i111-.~' will h1- . 1111 :1m1li<':1ti In Ilwl .>\]1i:11'i. ('11-1111':1l l"..\]11-1'i1111-11l:'ll l*`.-11'111 (Hlnxrn l`.1u- i.- \'n1~t'l `Y5. I Ulllll, ' St. Paul's n sion Innisfil. : .Iohnson_. the 2 and 6th lino, sum of $4.25. .\|u.n:.~:. \ Vllllill I'..\]H'I'llIll`Ill:'l "zlrm. ()ttm\`n. I}vvs\\':1.\` i< \'<~1`_\' . and all ($('Ill'll(`l] mmh.~ nml .~('l':l]).~: of \\'n.\' . ho'.~:I\'o.-xl in In- turm-I into fmnulnlimx. II will In- \\'isv Lo rt-luin some 1.-unlhs 0|` cl0\'('l` hum-_\" in -use tlloy are Iwcxh-zl I'm` \\`int(-1' . |)(,-vznlsc su;_-,':11' mu)` lw \'(-r_\' dour in tho autunm. l u I A Sldw Train. `I got on a slow train. I told vnmluctor about the .s10\\'m~s.< of train. and he told me if 1 din! like it I had beHv1' _;.*t out : ml ..,,,,II 1 A .- n - MORE HONEY IS WANTED old Hm! HM- didn't` um I and `PARCELS AND L1:T'r1zs 3 FOR PRISONERS ' ()l'l'i<-ial notivo has been sent the local post office that m`1'm1}_:`c111e11ts have now been nlade wl1e1'el)_V cor- rospo11 can be t1'zu1.s`mittcd Jfrom Canada to enemy and enemy- lo<-:-upied tor1'ito1'_\' tln'ou_ the '111(`dil1m ol T]10.~`. Cook & Son. i.\1ontrcul. I The 1-11:11-20 1'01` I'o1`\\'a1'Lli11:._~,' letters Iis 25 .r-ont.~,, whit-h must be rmniltod {to T1105. Cook & Son, .\lont1'oa|, by !nT0:1ns ol` :1 postal note. This cl1:11'g-0 'r-overs the e.\'peusc oi 11'2111n'l}l1Hill}_`,' tho 101101` to :1 uelltrul -ount1'_\', tho I'm-wzmiin-_-, from tlloro of tho It-ttor -,to an enem_\' cou11t1'y and the trans- imis.~;io11 of the reply from :1 neutral Jcountry to the person in Czmzulu. (`nrfnin 1-n.-h-it-Hnnc ..u-.. in 6`n....,. J1:uuuu"\ LU HIU ])(Pl'.$OI1 111 kiH1il(l2l. I 1 C01'tz1i11 1'ost1'icti011s are in fort-0. .111 1'o},>`:11' to this m1'1-r.-5]10111101114- !and full p211'tic11la1's 111a_\` be obtain- lcd by :111yo11e wi.s11i11u to 1-o1'1'c*.spo11d `with em.-n1_y 01' (~11o111_\'-01-(:11pio 101'- |1'ito1'_\' 011 z1m1l_\'i11L;' to .\Ie;<:~;1'.<. T1105. lC0o]< 6: S011. 531) St. ('atl1:11'i11<.- $1., \\"., .\Io11t1'oz1I, 211111 (`H(`1(lSiH`._" :1 `.s'ta111p(`11 :11l1l1'(-.~".~(-. o11\`(-lr1p(' for [1'opI_\`. in ext-1mm::'e for duplex house inl Town of Bawio; separate entrances,` 110w and up-to-date in ovo1'_\' ro- spm-t, rmltod at $35.00 por month, 1 Mock (`mm post` offioo. Apply 1 Gun 45 run: I .. ' w ." `Box ~b`.', p`.1onc 2253 B:n'r1c. '00 HILULIIIT Illlllfao Some people don t .seem to care which `side their broad is o1omnar- garined on. E The Jri1i.~h \\'n1' ()I'1'i-0 11:1. .~:1n-- Iionml nn nrrnnu'o111(-nt \\']1c1`(-h_\' one ])2l1'('0l \\`hi-I1 lot-s not <-ontuin otlwr than . :\1`tiL-105 nmy ho svnt {cm-h Ihroo Inonths by p1'i\`nt(' in Edi\'il11al.<. in f`-nnnnlzl di1'0(~t to }u-i.~on- 501's. of Wm` other than 01'fir-(-1`.~; in- tm'n<-(1 nln-mud. Tho pam-(-I nnxst he .']>z1('k(`11 and lr~'1::1t(-ho(1 th1'0112`I1 the llrost 0I'I"i<-C 1;) the 1'(*I:1ti\'o or friend `oi tlw }n'i. mnl must hv:n' :1 4-nnnnn mi post. ,, nu |IllV| |1|||.`\ IlI'xI| tl [1-onpnn. I T110 next 01' kin has tint riazht In lthu voupon and mm dt-. to iwhonl it m:1_\' he j_'i\`(-n if they lo not \\'i to use it`. PC'1'.~ 0l1.~' \\'i.~'hin: In >L'll(l ]n:u'vols 1llI(l(`1' thi.~ .~'r'11vnu~ shoulul zIp]vl_\' 1'01` tho 11(wo. <-m1- polls. if 1110)` l1:1vo not nl1'onl_\' lunc- sn. :1~ v`url.\` as pnasihlo. C011}m11.~` for lulu-(-ls iintolnloc] for p1'i 'h("l()Hu`i11;` In tho (*':1n:1di:u1 I"m'<-<-.< .l 1... A'.. T\ ' .n... ,-nu lllnlllll .\;IH\. 11 ulw. v|n--l\'<'1.~.. | <~r.~nn nrv \\':l (-(`ls :1n- . [hp im-lu~inn in nrti:-lo not mvnli list may oulnil : ..,... X nu PLOWING MATCH AT OTTAWAJ ;\tH1v ;mnu.'1l lll("(`li11g.'_'0l'lIl(` Un- Inrio 1 lo\\'mon's ;\. hold in To runtn on .\lm1du.\'. it \\':1s decided to lmlxl tho :m1n1ul pm\'in(-inl plowing: male`-h at 0U.1l\\'l1. Orillin \\':1.~: in thv r:u'(~ for the bi,-.r match. Sinwoo 1-ulmty mum-il at tho J:n1uur_\' 50$- sion nuulo :1 ;:rnnt for this match if In-1.1 in Simcoo county. `.U. l:uA\\xn IIIl IUI [ I`l`UlI('l'\ are .~'uppliu by 1510 T 1'i. m \\':11' I)op:1rt111o11t. C:m:uli:1n Hm] C'1'o.<< .\`u-{-ivt_\'. 14 ("m=l<.~'p11r .~t1u-21. London. .\`.\\'. 1, and in. the <-:1 nl ]n'is011cx'.< 1w1011:.:'i11_:' to tho 1n11(`1'i;1lj I"01'co.<, allied t'o1'(=(~.< or ('i\'i1i:1n ]\1`i- l .~'01I(`1`s 02' \\'an'. I)_\' the ('1-xltrul l ri\ .~.011(`1's 01' \\':n' L'mnn1i1tov. -'+ Thm'-l loo 1>1;m-., London. ;<.\\'. 7. T110 li.~t j \ : lot unmls which um)` ho l'or\\':m|(ul lie -1: l`nHnuv.~- .`.uul'1.\ un uur LOIlHIHIl(`(`. + Hun"- I l:1::_-., is as 1 0Ilo\\'.<; Pipe. .<}rnn_~`(~, pt-11('iI.<, tooth pow- der. pmniulo. 0:11) l):\:l'_-:0 and b:uI'.'o;< .01` 1':mI<. .~`h:1\-'iu%-,-' h1'u.~h. .~':1l'ol_\' 1117.01`. m0h:Ii1' |:',)0H:1('(-5. S 0un('os <`:1mliu.~'. mwlnl 1'il)b0n.~'.~h1':1.<.< polish. xnitIo;.1.< (mw pair :1 q11:11`u-1'). nn11T1vr (om- -:11-I1 _\`0:n'). |)1':u'v.< and bolts (pm- \`ilin-: tin-_\' um` mzulv ml wohhille: nml in:-Iudo no 1'uh}I)v1' or l(`:lIl1(`1`). hm1sv\\'il'<-. ll.-lmlkvn-11i~|'.< (0110 :1 qu:n'Im'). 4-mnhs. lmir b1'u~*I1o.<. moth hm. vlmlu-s lm1. buttnn~`. pipu Ii`.-h|<, duhhin, huh n:1il.~'. .~'h:x\'- ' I I. , A \ u....v _...... 1 .... .. . rt-1~ .Hl' .\llH`[l'('l llhv nu-nth list p:1n'(-I. The 111: 1111- pnrvvl is vim i-1 :ul\'isml that \\`('iu'h lx-ss than 1 to minimize the 1' I`|:1.<` iFARM WATNEDE II II\ -'rh.- nu; .~ hvnll In V. . W. C. {Thompson The .-toaI_\', pm-.-.istout couyzh that never qurtc disappears 11n the luv 0| ordinmry (`0ll_!.:`|l rcnlcdios is due to :1 differellt r-onelitinn than thn cough which results from n cold. [t is due to :1 chronic weakness and i1'1'it.ut.ion of the tis- sues oi the air 1`n1ss:n,-'05 and must be overcome by a treatment that will huihl up the ontirv s_\'.-t.cn1 and 1'(ssto1'o the throat and 11111: to normal (-omlition. I"m' this ]m1`poso use our R obertson s {Drug S tore nnnn:G4 D.-ml r\`C!.... \\'(_- rm-on1n1(~ml ]ml:xt:nl)l(-. It .\'r>1'w<--.-`iaxn (`ml mung: nun` >lIl`I\ :1 ([11:11 1 .~:111~. iI1.~(`(`liI`i1l1` 11011 (`I11-1-|\'1'1.~`. 1Im11i11(1(>.~'. M111`: \\':11'111`.l (11:11 1110 111- In 1-1111. 11-l11~in11 tho [1:11'1'1`l 111' 1 11111 111m11i.nm.l 3.. Cl\.\ .. For the Cough that Clings .... nun nu |I|(' l':ll\'l'l U1 Z'.Il_\ nwnlimwnl in tho :1hm'v :1)` x-nnlisvulimm of Hu- 1n:1.\'im1un \\'oi:'1n oi , . , . . .. Ill. IIcIIHll\l'||'Hl('|.\ \` '). -mnhs. b1'u~"I1o.~x ~. I) :lIl`<. luhhin, 11:1iI.~'. mm (unv .~Ii('k ([11 ..l. .. A I Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil "H10 t'0Ho\\'i11u` .1 no ...\ ... Lnntln IV! ll`lll'.`. llllilil 4 )l)in, w ([11:ll`l4`1'). ]m\\' AlHll|;lH|l>\` u-nun \I( l:_'.lll I `M011 pmlmls. and tlloy should In 11111-1` pmu1ls. so : ri. 01' l0.<.< in 1? tlnis Iimulsi on hr-L-muse it is always fresh and cmltains the hiyghost ]I().~&.s'ihl(3 per(-(`ntnqo of Pure I.i\'<-1' Oil. ' rrI1'rrr\ (\I'I'rl-I-In: nu urns \l*lU" ` 0 webbing": (`l' ` 11i~|`.~' .I.... L.`.`._, 'O;')p:>;ite' Pst O-ff:-:'e `II `Two SIZES 50c AND $1.00. pur- um] Wlncn l)1'r~akf ast. nn1f'['in.~' are left: over, split . them and toast them for lumrh. .\ ``. plum pu 0001:- (-d and put a\\'z:_\'. should on no :10- :-ount be reboilml; steam it. I l'USI: UllI(9l`r LIISl)UCLUl'> Post Olfice Insp(-ctor s Office, 3 Toronto, January 23rd, 1918 6-3'} `I SATURDAY MARKET Adjourned` Annual Meeting. Please take notice that the ml- _iou1'nc Annual Meeting` of Hm- Sl1:u'ol1ol(lo1's 0l'tl1oBa1'1'ie Union C`oxnete1'y Company will he held 05% .\lonrlay_, Fel)1'ua1'y 25th, 1918, at 4.00 pm. in the Police Court C}mn1~ hers, Bzwrio, Ontario. for the prc- .~;cntation of the Annual Roport:~; 'l:Ilo<-tion otf l)i1'(r3t01'.s' and sxwll other business as may conm beF01'ce the Inc-(=iin_-,-'. 11 \\'..n...:.. nm :1 7 A |lu`7Il, lll7.\l-In 2] I 1-int:-(1 notices containing fllrtherqi linl'o1'mation as to conditions of proposed Contract Ina._v be seen an blnnk l"o1'ms of Tender may be `obtained at the Post Offices of Allnndalo and Painswick and at the oiico of the Post Office Inspec- tor. Toronto. `~ \ C`,.Al ,,,1...1 ; u'cL'1\cu ul ULlil\\ :l lllltll H0011, .on 1*`vid:1_v, the 8th I\[arch, 1918, :l'm' the c<)r1\'('_\'u11ce of His Mnjesty s `Mails, on n p1'oposed Contract for ;t`om' years, six times per week, each 'wa_\'. over Allnndale R. R. No. 1 l(vin Pninswivk), from the 1st April,. !1918, next. 1)..:..A...,1 ....Lf..,._ __..A_, ,,',,_, n, n," .\`J-IALI-`.D TINI)II{S. :u1d1'0s.sed to the Postn1a. Ceneml, will b(-- 1'eeei\'c:l at Ottawa until Noon. on._ F1-irlu_\', tho 1.3m March, 1918, rag t-he co11v(`_\'anco of His Maje:x'fy"'.9" Mails. on a proposed Contract for {Tour )'om's. six times per week ouch way. over Stroud R. R. No. 2 (via C1'a`i_;\'aIc) fmin the ]st of April. 1~cne nu-..-x.ur.u 1 Lyn unlua, auu1'csscu llo lllo l o.~`lnmstor (loxmrnl, will be l1'( (f(`l\'C(l l` Ottawa until noon, Eon `I'm the rm... ......... ..... :.:...... M. ..._A1. ...._L n :1), u\ U1` I918. .l.17J,Ua Printed notic-es eontailling; fur- ther infonnation as to conditions of proposed Contract. may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Strond. Cl`{1if_."\'1O and at the of- fice 01' the Post Office Inspector. Toronto. A ru7'm11nnr |\v'v\ HOST KIIIICC .111: Po. 1n: s Office. Toronto. Jan. 30(1). 1918. .\`I~I.=\I.l-II) 'l`I~I.\ 1)I-ENS. ;11d1'essod to tho l o. (ionoml. will be 1'o<-vi\'vl:1t Ottawa until Noon, on Fx'ida_\'. the ]:')1h .\lm'ch. HHS, for 1114' cm1\'o_\`:111oo of His .\l:1j9.~st_\"s .\I:iil.<. on a p1'opu.~od Contract for fonr _\`o:i1'.<. six linios per week each wan)`. over .\'hnn1_\` Buy H. R. No. 1. {min tho 1st ;\[n'il. 1918 Printval notices oontainin fur- ther inllmnntion as to conditions of pinpnsvd Contract nmy be seen and blank 1'01-ins of 'l`ondo1'- 1m1_\' be obtninml at tho Post 01`1'ic<'s of Shzlnty I%:1_\`. I-Il;_::u' and at the oI't'i(m of the Post Office I1ispeot`0r, 'J'm'onto. A .~-nynnn... inn TORONTO MARKETS Satu1'dn_\j's closillg` order was shown in Hm puor nttondam-0 at the Saturday nmrket. Not more than ten fzu'n1c-1's cuxno `to the mar- ket,"no1' were the townspeople. out in the usual Immbers and in con- .sequcn<-e butter and eggs Went up in price. Butter, II). . . . . . ... . . . . ..... .. 50c 1+3}.-gs, doz. .. .. . . . . . . 60c Chickens, spring.-,'. lb. . . . . . . . . . .30c Fowl, old, 1!). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c Apples, basket ... . . . . . .35, 65, 75c (`alyha-_-;v_. [mad .. .. .10 and 150 lU>l \ lll('(' Ill.` Post Olfin-v T11. Office, '[`m'0mn_.1:1n.30th. "I918. THURSDAY, FEB. 14,1918. .~\pple.'~-<-nllcrl the king` of fruits -may be 1150:] in 200 (.1iff(3l`( l1t\\'llyn`. M Huluil H. \\'a1l\\'in_. Preside-11t .\T(-Admn. Sum-efa1'y Ba1'ri(~._, Feb. 4th, 1918. 6-7 .\'l`I.U1I'Il) 'I`['}NDI-Il\`S, addressed; \ Hm pn hn- Hnunv-nl uvill ha! l"Wail(Co1;tia<;: Mail Confr;: Mail Contract A. SFTHERLAND. Post Office ]11spou~to1'. n Qnm-fnr 4 (W f'Fnn FARMBR S PRICES .-\. 5['THHl{L_-\:\'D. pncf {HT}.-tn 1n.-nnm u.., L Sutlu-1'l:1m1, - Post Office Inspector, unnnfnr- c nNnn E kn |`L I llJUl\l.A.'l.\1J` Po:~'t Oico ]n. znm-in)-'< inn \u. . [VH1 6-3 RED CROSS NOTES. out . . .. . . . . . $1.55-$1.60 .. . . . . . . . . .$l.T5-$1.8?) 31' ton, new ....$1`2.00-$15.00 Westenl, bbl. . .. . . . . .13.00 Flour, bbl. . . . . . . . .$12.00 s, has; . . . . ..$1.75-$1.s>n )0!` :'lo7.. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 55c pol` ll). . . . . . . . . . . .. 40-436 |. . . . . . . . . . .'_ 8-30: ,` live weight... =7 50 9 50 . live weight 8 50 10 50 vouch .. .. .$10.00 to $13.00 .... 1'21: IV` l and to ho .~h:l|| H()('iUL\'. . A. I ,. HIDE MARKET II 'H'lXHI.\`I"Il vl ll1:lI(`l'i:|l 1m- I'r0.\'.' .\'m-i(-t_\' I clown in Hu- rum l.xI (X. \ KLIBUH. I)UlH\l\l3|'lH'|',| 1 phone 103. n11xi1i111'y, 11111 <-,o11cu.`- , sent in ])(`l` .\'l1`s. B. 201101-0115 511111 of $8.00 1, Utopia. thv 2`C`I1(!l'0lls I u _ tho nu` rmolntion \\':1s (-.\ o<-uti\`(- lll(`,(*liIl'_{Z 60.... ..o' nah-.. 1",`... '|""lI| l'.\lll"Il|"l(- _iu.st In-l'I)ru ('ln'i I 2 Huh_\' of luv (':m:1rliun prim .-1\\'ii/41-1'l::1I has .s'upp]i-I `RIM! uni:-4 ..I Vheat, new Barley .. Pes .. Oats, new Bu(;k\\'l1(-at Rye - . . Hay, per . Flour, Family Potatoes, E_e_g:.=, por Butter, G1li(`1{(`]|, .. Mutton, weight. Mutton, . Lambs, ouch Lamh. per ll). .. .. }I0g_;`.<. live. :~olm-f Saws. live . Butrhvr cattle ....` lltl` -`llllllfll .3490 pairs Fzmndiun Feb. 13, 191%. |,.|'m-.. (`l.. ~.u\'u III`! III I-.\'])-:]i('Hl. _ _.p 1 ,),uU `.~si.n>-.~s1n,n0 . -ya. LU ii .1304-1 .60 ..~53.o0-$3.25 Q-'{ (ln an. n - o\PidgJ.'.E $1 .61) I ._m-$ 1 .02. v.1 -n . . . . ..1)o .$1.5o_$3.bd ")1 \z. . . . ..$1...~ s-$,-_>:) ....$1:')-$1.7 .$'_3.().`%-$Z. .-10 sh. .$2.14 'l Rx ~21 till .... liml `_ ,.')l HJ 0|` mitt |n'i.on<-r< urnl. ( 'ln'i>1- Porlmps ii ovary rose didn't lmvo 'its tlnoyn it wouldn't `no so alluring; Japan has a population of 54,000,- 000, spread over an area of 147,- 855 square miles. - I Snmn nc-nnlo r'lnn l nmn In 1-Ara ' -vLu.uv . . . ].'(* :{~`1T,()() $1I.()() i nL~1 rm ...vI<..tI; an 1`-.) ,. 47n-.v-1. 6()-('i2c farm- Tues- r then` tso ,1. L. ')-.'Tc 3-SOC s-::0.'- .300 \ -LT- '...vlL7 -330 FLT- .-`knnivc-r.sa1'y services will be held in the Methodist church on Sun- day at 10.30 and 7. Rev. Dr. Harper will be the special pi-oachel-. n F`v-inv 1\\'m1irm` Iasf Hm Hih |l.8.I'1)Cl' W111 Dc L110 bpuclul lluzauucx. On Friday c\'e11ing last the High_ S1,-hool Litc1'ary Society entcrtzlined their fellow students of Alliston, in the town, a pleasant e\'ouin5_~' was spent by 1111. Tn r-nmnlinnpn wifh H10 m'dm' Of SPCIH U) 1111. In compliance with the order of the fuel controller all business plac- es, except those se11i11g' food rem-:1'in- ed closed on Satu.1'da,y and Monday. 'T1r\ vxlnl.` n-ix,-on oi Hm `Him-l1 er-hnnl ...1.-..- Bot-_l' Hides. cu1'(`d Bet-1` Hides gzroon. Tallow . . . . .` Sheep Skins C-alt" skins .. }Jo1':~:c Hides .. ].lo1'. Jlnir .. VVOOI. wn.~!~.ml `V001. 1111\\'ushml Cd closed 011 DaLl.LI'u8,y uuu .'uuuuu._v. The play {given at the High school concert last fall will be given at the patriotic concert on St. Valentino s ni_4'h t. in Thornton. Loaf Nfnvxsaxr H11) vn1111! P001310 OE ll1_L ,'llt. Ill 'lHOI`lH.0l1. ' Last Monday the Young` People of St. John's church wcr'e _:i\`on 11 Sup- per by the older people. All report 11 111051` enjoyable time. 'l"l..\ \Vnn\nn-'.- l'neH|'11l*n l-mltl :1 111051 L'x1_]U_yuuu: uuu.-. The \Vomc11"s Institute held :1 concert and sex social in the town hall on Tu-esday. A splendid pro- g'1'a1nn1e was given and enjo_\'od by nu-------\. . CVQTSOIIC. 7.\fi<< R I CV U13 UH '- Mxss Ross a few days Thonnpsoll. up \.t. J HUHIIIDUIL Mr. and Mrs. Oliver visited at the home of Mr. and M1':~:. John Kidd, last week. cI-....:-.... .... ..,. 'l.,\l}l :.. Q4 Y..l...`L- llbl. CUR. Se1`\`ice:s we] vh1u':h on As} am] 7.20 11.111. 134,-. In..I- \l unu I._:u 1n.u1. I"t.1-. Jnvk .\Ionkmm1 of Exlnibitiorl ("ump, Toronto, spent a few dn_v.-. with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. (`ous(-. - \(IlI ....., .., . .. Tlw stores here closed on Sutuxu day :1t't(-moon und .\I0udu_\' us per order. ml 1),: m,.,, _._,_I_,_,, Ul\lUl. The Red Cross \\'0]`1\'(`l'.'i are :11`- x`n11;:in~.;' for :1 St. I ut1'ick'.~; sot.-,i:|l on the 17th. Fifteen of the \'il1a_::'e knit-tm's en- tm-el the competition at .\11-s. Puc's lust I`l1u1'sdz\_v and _;'1'eutly enj0_ved the fun. .\I1'.'<. C:n'e_\' took the first p1'i7.e and ;\I1`.~:. H. (I. .\Izu'tin 1110 honhy prize. A .,_xI. ,, `..,,'Al:.. 1)e:A'ers were paying to the 1 H5 at St. Lawrence 1\Ia1'ket, ' day, the following gures for offerings:-- Butter. clmico . .. .... ~l ()lC()111:Il`;.;l1)(`. ll). .. . . . . . . .. I} now laixl, la/.. . . . . . . . .7 Sprinr_-' (_-lnix-l ll).. -nl `.3 Clnoose, ll) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Fowl, ll).. (111-ssml . . . . . . . .. '_ Tu1'k ll).. 0:l . . . . . . .13 I`)u('k.<. . lb.. ll1'(*.~ .~`('(l. . . .. Gt-C.~0. ll).. 4lro.~~_-cl . . . .. .. . `.3 'I`imull:_\'. No. l lun . . . . .$l. Mixoul 21ml (`lover . . . . . . . ..$,l (`P0050 \\'l1(.-at. lmsll. ....$'_ .0.`%- Fall Wlxeuf. millingr, bush. Bzn'lv_\ . mulling" .. . . . . ..$l.:')S- I\..+. `-1: L .'-1 nn 4 |JUU|l_\ 1'llI;L'. .-`\1mth(-1' knittillu; contest is :11`- 1`uu:,'od to be next month at the home of Mrs. H. (`u, Uzxrtin. Skating is lom.-; punt over for this .'(-uson. Snow-sl1oein}_-' 5001115 to he mow in order and ir:(--culling.-' h;1< begun. -v.. .-...... .....v. , _\l1'. -l. .\. .\`wnn 0l' Bm-ton, (-ullwl on lric-mls$.J1c1'o on 'I.`uo. .\[r. lIom'_\' Wisp has l)0u;_:l1t 300,- 000 foot 01' logs at L0\'(`1`il1._" Station on t|n- C7.l .l{. and is l1u\`ing' tlmm sliippml ll('l`(` to his mill l)_\' 1':1il. ll .\l1'_ \\'isv (_'()l1llXll10.\' to piiw-liasv timlim` north of liorp it will be :1 .~'t1'on-.1` factor in keeping on1plo_\'- m(-ut lit -rv 1'01" \\'01'km(-n for 501110 time. \I, I 11 I) ..~ .-ix- - 1 LlH|\.'. I .\l 1'. J. ('. Bvzltlio 01' Bz`n'1'i(*. S])(,`)1t lust \\'(-vk with Mr. 'l`l10.=.. Pratt. Mr. `Fi(-lcl Custom, tho .\liss(*s Susie Hill, L. I`Ills1ncro and Joan ('n. all 01' Toronto, Wcro home <)\'('1' Snmlay. I'll IIIHH Hllt-lph. Ht-\'. pm-:14-I14-1| I, \l I 1 L LIJ`J.`-l.1JfX-I-JJVJ Too late for Mr. Jus. Bmwn ()rilli:x on I"riI:1_\` llw (1Hl1:l'1'()|l>' iHn(-s .\lr.<. I :-mum.-k. \lZ L`, ,, . A` I ])l`l`l II rit-, r-:|.-eh -$.'.T;'). ` A numlwr 0| lmliox Inuvu rx~r<-i\'(-(I ]l'Hl`l'n H-4-t-nll_\' frmn .<)llim'.< in] l"ru1w(~, who rm,-(i\'(~cl lmxvs nt ('hl'i.w`ll]l:l.\' limo from H10 l_H.r)pi:I :m.\'ili:1r.\' xmrl I must say they \\'m'(> I:-Ii_v'_lm-(I nml tllzmkful for tlwm. .\lr. um! .\lr.`. H. |*)Hi.~' spc-nl llw \\'r-vk(-ml with Burriv friends .\h'.~'. 'l'lm1n:1s Mill:-1' and 4-l1`iTlr('n. ]"1]ll1}_!l'()\'(', .\ ])(!l1l :1 l'-\\` 1:151 \\`t~(-k with Mr. Jnlm .\liHvr. \I.._. \\V... L>,.;.1 1.... ..:-: A,I .II I .`. I ','(|L'l".'I\. .\li<.~ I"i`uii-vs Svlivll Inns frmn Visiting |`i'ii-mls in 1 and I)unz|:ill<. Mr. J.~i|:I(' (':u'i'I1llim'.~' II: ml 1'min :1 two \\'(-(-]\'.~' l'...]..I. ` 'll|'ll!ll .\l1 . Paton 01' l)un1rnnn. in Zion r-hum-h and Rm`. K. .\lr-Lt-zm m-1-lxpiotl his })ulpi1.<. .`-II`-,. M. (`zuml 01' St:I_\'m-1' slwnl :1 -ullplv of \\'m-k. I1:-rv ant hvr nitzrt- .<. ,\Ir.s'. M. Kzliscr. Thr- urd :1 _v Ill\IIll'.\ |llI'| inn Hod ('1 tions laid _.. \n \\I`l'r\ nun .uI. -IIHHI A\IlIH l'. .\Irs. \\'m. Reid, 1\'_\', \`i.a`it(-(I H'- <'L`ntl_\' hm" |)rnHl('r. Mr. Jaw`. B1-(-kmu ton, who is ill. A fvw from this lm-ulil_\' nHrml- ml thv 1'u1w1`ul of Hm lulu Mrs. Illis, 13m-riv, on Sat1ml:1_v. \\'(`nHwr atill 1:011] nml .slm'm_\'. 1'L`U. I ILII, IUI5. Tlw sixth lino donntt- on Satur- day to tho Rod (1-l'0S.\' romn.-`.4. B.'1rri(', zsush $4.25, also there were -1; pairs of socks sent in lust wvok to the Red Cross rooms. \l.. I`I.....1... 15:11.... ,1. 1 J.\Ull \JlUb l'UUlU. Mr. Chnrlns Miller mudo u husi~ no.~'s trip to Cookstown Inst. \vo0k. Up hm-:.l M..M...~.4.... 1).. urns ulp LU \.rUUI\hu)Wll Ills!` WCPQKK. Mr. Dxn"u1 M-Mnstc-1', Burrit-, spent the wt-ck-cm] with his aunt,-5 Mrs: R Rnll nllrlll UH} Wt` `Mrs. Ix`. Bell. `I... `.V,I_.|., All-'1. l.\. l`H.'vlIu Mrs. Fuirbum :mr1 children, after :1 lmwuthy visit with 1101' brother, Mr. W. I)empst0r. has returned homo to Y".s:~:n\- mm mm BARB`? What Oubontpondents Find Worth Recording SUNNIDAL 9 fl`..- Lu- L-.. I. Ton lulu for I .~v\'-nth lino : to the Red ('1 .1. 51"} J)(lIl".\. Hlillllll. 0-ut.~'. hush. Bm-kwln-:n. |m. I l.`|' L ll||l|llL|\'-3 l\' l'||l"lllI3l' 111'-rv COOKSTOWN. SHANTY BAY. CRAIGHURST. were held in St. John's Ash \\ c(1x1o.s(1u_\* at 10.30 ol" St.u_\`nor is . with Miss .\'In1'{_j'zi1'ot 1iT61>i;&]` 1: I I .. pl l_\' in 0 I ... II l.`|IZ.. . . ....A AI 1 . .`l.\....4 .. Fol). Ilth, HHS. ,1 ..` . L'..A.. Feb. 11th. 1018. Thv )'("_'1l1:I1' mux1thI_\` pm-kin`.-; will ho 'l`hm-.~l:a.\', FL-1). `_ l.~'1. .-\H (-011- H')llli(1Il.s .~h.-ll] be in the Hm! ('m.~;> 1' not lnit-1` than \\'odnes- dzxy, Feb. `_ Utl1. In f\'<-ws In-I10!` .\'0. 3 isfilltl by Ht-uti H't'im-. nmu-u1'm| Ihv fallow- inw- %.;i{{11, 1918. _,,'II 1, _ I. ,1 , uh , '|"(-h. -hh. HHS. 1` lust \\'(-(\k. 0 (l()lHlI('ll on Hul- ('ross romn'~', Bar- J \J\I.L\lJ.`-IJ.l\J}J: 1' last Week. II was cnllc-I to _\` last, 0\Vil1_',` to (`.\'.\' of his . Feb. 1]., 1918. >CORNBRS. I has 1'(*tIu'n(--'1! Sum] llilll Ims 1`(~ ' ,.t turn- |\VI|:ll A\1.lD3 K)Lllll\ull. Miss Bridget Fitzgt-1*:1ld. f'or1ncrI_\' of this place, but now of Toronto, is in St. Michael s' Hospital S11ff(`1`il1f., from the -effects of a stroke. '1... ,.l-..L!..... .\....L2... 9...`... 1.-.. MOUNT s'r. _LoUIs. Feb. 11, 1918. Mrs. Crowc of Orr Lake, has 1'e- ! turned home after a pleasant visit uxvith Miss Sullivan. I lf2.._ `D..Z.1.....L l`ZL...........l..l `n.........l.. LKUIH LHU `L`lLl.`L'Lh U1 El DLlUl\l.'. The skatinj,-' parties from here who frequented Coldwater rink dur- iz1g' the winter feel rather discourse- Int-c over the hc-atlcss Saturday, hence no skatinar. . A A'.............I1 \l.. (Corrected by Jos. Marrin, market square.) `)Adl lr:I_, .,_.,_,x 1n

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