Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Feb 1918, p. 2

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PO(,'I--pU(`I1`_\' on one side 01` it? 13.12.-.. I"...v .\l.nnday--.\f.ail to .\'orth Bag: 11. a.m., mail to Gravenhur.'t 8.00 }.r Cobalt 1.25 21.111. `- 1 1 H.111. \Vodnesda._\'~Me.i1 to No rth B a_v ll.1:3 a.m., mail to (,'vra.\-en'm1r:-I. \,.u-..v p.m., Cobalt 1.25 am. ...1.... \r.,:1 M \' 12.... 1115 p \,W..... 1.-., T11esr1ay-.\Iai1to Nrn't1x P-a_v 11.15; a.m., mail to Grm'enhur:~:t 8.00 p.m..1 Natiqual 11.25 p.m., Cohan 1.35 ,,....., u,.,.... -._, "1'"n111'sda_v Mail to N. Bay 11.15 a.m., mad to Gravenhurst `$.00 ;'.m..I N8.tiona|" 112:3 p.m., Cobalt 1.25 I1'i(l:\)'--Mail to N. Bay ll. a.m., mail to G1'a\'c-nlulrst 5.00 p.!!\. ` Cobalt 1.25 51.111. Sutu1'lny~-)Inil to N. B213: 11.1.3` a.m.. mail to G1'a\`o11l1111'st 8.00 p.m..-_ National" 11.25 p.m., Cnlmlt 1.25 an` Sundu_\` Mm1du_\'- Muil 7.4: ; 21.1 I" l`._ .l-`3 ;>.m.. nmil '1.."1 'l`u(.-mlu_\`- 5.15 .'l.HI., m -u qr- (Daily except S111;da_v) B:L1`1'i(- to Cnlli113_*\voo.l and 3103-` fo1`d-'lU.:":('r :1.111., and 7.30 11.111. _ From 1\1cnl'01`d 111111 Col1i11~_:\\'o6d--i 7.55 :1.111.: 11111! 5.15 11.111. ` To Il:1111'1lt011 and i11to1'111odi:1te p 11.111. From lI:\111ilto11 and i11to1'111edi:1t'e 11011115 11.15 :1.111.. VH1 'l`o1`0111o: QHH11111 1 5. Wt-_:|m:stln_v I m., mail 1 'I`ln1r:s'(la_v~- 5.1: ; ., .\':\tim::1l"l2 'I\'|Il|.` I 8.00 1I.lll. IV 'J'rnin.~s lcnvc Harrie as umlnr: Going South .. t..HI [I.lIl.. -Mun! lv.u|.. I.Iu u.|u North Bay and inturnu-liuto pnilnts. . . .10.-ll) H.111. nnd $.30 p.m. Hamilton 10 .\1<`21l'nnl, north ... . .. 1H '!H u II| Tmmaiu . . .I`U1 .IIIuu |.\ll:unlul(*. _.v\ll:1m|nl(- `|All:nul:1Ix- Mhllnlrsl and (irvnfol Bzwrio l .(). as soon its ` mm'nin_L: mail is sorh-.11. 1li11s ruutu Ivan RAILWAY TIME TABLE lucclos -I~`n rk Frn.nc'isv-lCli'/.1\})c(l1 B mo k--l' rad ford Snm1l---Ross Bnllwin--town line Essa ruud--Mai11 Willimn----B111`ton Ave Cumhorlnn B rud l'o1'd--V ictoria 'I`oront0-Elizabeth Pnrk--Hi;:h ' Ba_\'c1d~-VV(-1li11{,:to11 Owen-G1'ovc W'cllim;';t0n--T ool Mu1cnstc1'4~-1 e11ctnn{_-: I enct:m;:-Duckworth No.Lion--Blake B`.aL:c--Rnd|1o_\' H1:1ko~I)m-kwnrlIn I1l:\Ke--Bvr<`7._\' I r-n:.._. 1r..I.,....cn.. TOR.ON`T0-- -NORTH B AY H_AM.ILTON- -COLLINGWOOL BRANCH ;\Il R:|1`l'i(` :l"rmn Pom-t:u|g To l`on(-V.ung_:` J 1Il:\K(.'~--l)('n'/._\ Collier-~Mulcustcr Mails . ;\li<`1i2;I.l( l' PENETANG BRANCH. Street Letter C-ollections tu llznnillon. I"1'inl:\_\' only and illtvrnuuliutu jmints. l p.m.. .\`..'i() p.m.. 7.1; ) 11.11` !...v -....I in6nu~mn.Hnh\ Close at Barrio P.O. `l till `JIKA lax us/.\ the 1110.31 misr.-rabl:_- Been 'in :1 railway :1 4~:_\'mputhi'/.(~1'. .\~ iv clnsml |ul_-_:`. Rural Mails. K; ` mi \ . l` ` N` \\u North '1 Iuu. leaves :11 :\.m. p.m. p.m. "lH\ `I `)I\ I`. nfl 7.00 ' -nr:` 1 \nl 7.05 ` 7.10 '7 s')l'\ :..;.\I . 7.40 1 "-`$.24 I .I)\I 7.55 8.10 8.25 8.30 8.40 1 8.50 \ 05:` \>\'d;~; hattrgrc-J. he was 1) p:u'1.~. of his zmatoxny .' haw been labelled m ,, I , . `| H. .. ..,. nu nvl UJIU 3% 9% QM 95 WW W3 9% 9% Z.i)U &m &m &M 3% &% 1% &W &M LW LN | rmxtos loan the 'l`oronto! L|l| 10.30 {Ll ll. u$I.:m -[.30 . .100 K\'.n)\' Kl. south In Puhimlu-.l from the ounce, 123 Dunlop Htn-.c-.l, Harrie, in the County of H'nm-,m-, Hue I :-ovincu of ()ntn.rio, (Iunndn, ovary 'l hurmluy morniurz. H. Pinlnyuon, Editor and Manager I hzgatgfuixgdttnnti l'.3.(lU A l impl(-nuem has In New York man person to Hm.-:1-l Terms of Subscription $1.00 PER. ANNUM IN ADVANCE 1v._u._.I (u...L.... u..L.......'L...... an an 1-- -ynnau 5..--u an-u-nu-o --v 4-.4v..n.a.1ua.a Unitml Staten Subscribers, $1.50 In Advance No new name will he atltlml to tho nulmr-.ript.i(m lint until the mou(~._v is paid. .`s'nhum~i}mru nnw in urn-.n~.: Fun 'luI'l. Hulmcrihurn now in arrears for UH",(: rm)nlh!4 and over will be ey'm1j-_;- ml !!1|.. )0 per rmnum. I Aalunruhnr rnhsu nu nnnHnnHnu 87 rir-sterra, Snlivitnra, Notaries Public, and (.'rmvc-,yunm:rs. Money tn loan in any mums at 5 per rzent. Ofco, 1.3 Owen 5%., Harrie. D. M.. Stewart. A LEX A N DER ()0 \VA 'l`HUl5l)AY, l"l".I$. H, 1918. ';cr>.E.w'1(;; dz BELL, a.{auxs .5 u. :- ll ml.-III [H11 lullluul. A lvnrtiuing ratcn 4 I _-_.:7_..: _ ESTRATHY dc ESTE3-I, amaxs- i TEES, Solicitors in High Court of ; Justice, Notaries P'1'ni4:, Con-:ey~ ' ancers. Oice 15*. oor Xuantc Temple Buildirg, Barre. Honey 3 to loan at Iowan current iates. G. 1 `CI t'-A.-_ Choice Reading EDON.-XLD Roast. u.. 8. 3.1.3 5... 6-13-14..- .1,-AV! -9. VU`JAV.1lJlJ n.-2:22. LA`. 13.. u.`..wu|m|..7- c ter, Sohcztor. etc. Bfaacmin. 1'-*.:n~ `Q ple Building. Barne. }mm `nu 3. low. x `BOYS dz .`v[L'E(l'." ISCN. I5.\.R.E.I-3- ; ters, Solicuors. .`-`Ora.-jr ?'1h ; Com-eyan::er=,. r.'`.-2. Nimey -..-.. \ loan at `no?-rr:.~:: races -3-'1 ;z1:eres'.- ` Offices 13 "W-:-r. 3' ;-.1 me grem- ises fortnet-L3: I of Toronto. .__Y_ . x_.__. . lop Money to loan. nor to lu.-nnnx, (owan & Brown, Hurriater, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardimmhip and mlrninintration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, ctr:-. Oflicm: llimlss Block, No. 9% Dun- `tor. Solicitor, Nrztary Public Sac. Oir-e, 1st floor .\r{a.srmir: Temple uilding. Mrmrcy to 109-` 1: lowern rates. y....n4 .. . .,.... - ---_..-.. --.....v-.. tera, Solicitor?! of the Sup-`mo Court of Judicature of Omario Pmctors, Nrxtaries, Conve-yancerg etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Ros.-1. biock, Barrie. W.A..}. Bell KC. !D-R. .\1L)'i`Y_\'.1L1{> LES. E,(}. G. SMITH & C0.. PHONE 812. L-.;_L1:.L..,I 1u.:n l`...1....+..L-an: :Piano Tuning I !1*`h'll) lH\'U0l\'S - I rncti('211 Piano 'l`um-1` and Ra-pnirer. New pianos z11\\'z1_\'s on hand for sale. 70` Maple Avomlt-.. Barrie. 30-yr. ` Makes a specialty of farmers` business including the discount and collection of Sale Notes. blank notes being supplied free of charge on application. Loans made to responsible farmers for -pur- chase of stock for fattening or breeding ECEERTAINTEED ROOFING ._L.....1 K 1(\ 1K ...._ |\IJ-.v'-"*3" 1j- : i"&1 guaranteed 5, 10,. 15 years Beaver and Bishopbflc Wall Baud Cedar Shinz15- Metallic 00iling_ Anything in the Lumber Line Get Our Prices Before You 3 1111-- 13-11 D1n-n;1\I1' NEH! nu vnac. _\[.P. 'JuisL .`.'. D. ~ um; um. ;u.m.u ......--.. ..uu The Ball Planing Mu1Sf,, 'I"n1anhnne 108 Limihnl A: RA.I)F..`.UIUP.ST, BAI<:RIS- Iv.|:.!._ _A,,._ r1,LI: n and ly. < | n g_; Diseases OE`:-:e II\.. `V. (`DD .1 . 3.5": Y .~.a.-nu Surgeon, 936.. L..-..<..S.. K`-4lI.L ence. Duuiop phone 165. . , 1.! u L.-. and residence corner ot'1'~rruncu and Elizabeth Streets. Oppuznce Elizabeth 5:. Nlethodisn \:h'L`:il.; Telephone 16.`. Blow St. West, Toronto. whl be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie, every $atur~ day. 1)iseuse;- -E_ve. Ear. Nose and Throat. Consultation hou.;'s, 1.1 mm. to 5 p.m., and by appoihlpf ment. Renew the subscription to your daily paper now. Magazines, illustrated weekly papers. The latest in all new publications. Everything to be found in a firstclass 1 , ,,i__.._. ._ L--- I. \l . x` LYL L l Ll l'fst1blished Upon day and chapel Uxxturio. cu-`ran n__ L115 .IJaI.|.l. .L.lI.IM-L Telephone 108 BARRIE, If you have any guest: at your home, are going out of town for a visit, 5 or know of any in` Q 3 teresting news, let W us hear from you. ' We always apprec iate smh favors. ' - ._. ..,? __.,..._,. V. T UNDERTAKERS LEGAL " :1 W L.U.. fllvnx-'3 0... 1369. Undertakers. and night. Moxgue in cmmoctiou. Barrie, '.J`I Iv.[11': bison. RING '26:; L..VCl ju Ill :5 |.\J bookstore is here. on application. VAN, A su(:(;E."- Cou1dn 1 THE BANK OF TORONTO puvposes. `Opp. Post Otce Branches at Barrie and Allandale, ILLu nu-a\..\,. .... _ he \\'or(- an e.\:prt.-.5 ion dolcfulncs . . 1.377 n L i Vt Boss Him! {lu- should ho written`: \\':\lk(~r1on 111!` papc-1'. shou1dn't;It looks :x~ iwcrv (-i1h(-1' ` all dcpend.< on the} it .~,hou1dn't be writ-, -1, V :min-: the winulmvl `Du hr run--' I'm not the man II 3 I-Iditor-'I`hnt pot.-t1'y: km 01' ton on (-ithor llllI`k.\ tho .~;(-mi- lirst intrmlur-ti m .-\nu-ric.-an ruil `_`Uli nu-n I` , .`1'I {H hm-n putvniw I in Mmblv 2 ll :1 In-(-dlt-. x'(:all_\', with $1 ,()tJH,1)m)_ HUI ulna,-.33. 1~:h !" ask SCOTT S H. A. SIMS, Manager I mised; ' mulrl ' on \' il',`Jll1l"l|` (Il" l"J|||l|l\'|I` ll`; K`, 7` ` ~Y\\'h<.-)'(: wine clntlblixu-up (-an he ud-, `j\'zmta'_'(.-m1.~:l_\' lam-. This \\'n.~: do- gn1u11~H`ut<-tl lust wt-(-k wht-11 \\2mlt-n l\ u.~tnm' inI'm'mr-I the }5rur-(- l :u`lizx-` INN-HI that the \\':mI-I-1101' 1|m'0n hm! `ju.~1 r.-ullm! him up by phonv to 5.-1-t !'\1Iu- ('mmt-il to 1nm1m':1li'/.(- {I10 `gm - `5l41'n1m~n1 to nllow um 01' U|l'l`(- -mm- ?tic:~ to :nn::l:_v:nnut<- 10: tlw -.~'t:1h- {Ii.~;.hmr-nt of :1 union jail and u jnim (fluil -`hr-ltr-1'. 'l'h(- thing` up- I l.1n-:1]:-I .~) . to the Bruvc `Crmnril that an petitiun in Hm l.(".'i~- ,luturv \\'n.s un:m'nnr)11:~:h' ]:1 um] 11 I-lmIlIIiUt?(~ r-mn]:().~`(-tl 01' Hm \\':lI'-I 4l('l1 nml (,`f'\'(`.~. l*'(-r'_-`u.~0u mu! Sim-In` ex-.'n~, uplmimr-l to work with otlu-1' .:uv.1nti<:.~ on tho :nnulu :nn:11inn| \`,('}l(:ll|l'. II` Urt-y 1-nu lw Inumu-mi ml 1, join thv l1z1]p)' '_"2lUlf`)'ilL'_". \\'ulkm'-| ;)_ - tun wmlld bu .~,() to tho 1112':-0| (:mmLio.~; that the lam} jail \\'0ul(1 ho` . _, . ` II.` I LAI.. _..A ,,A' Illdll} `nut: saf`r_-lyr havn b and all over -l' ALA ..`._.o H 1:] K L'll||\'l inxem plant `nu \-uni.-In I1 `U1 Sulllhu :1.` an v gm`. Prohibitimn 1kiho.~_h on the jui IIIIFIJII .`.l'l,'Ln.1 L `Ir.-ndm'_" to the '1-ountix-:-, with 5 ., :1 5'.-.';x~; uppu .munti(:.~ join Ilun wmlh -lct)untio' 1 IL` I,, 1, "Hill! H 2 {1.::. I ln~\t-ml ml l'uHiH`_' tlw lr_\' |n'(-ml; in mm! :rumh.~', t1'_\' |n1ttin:.v; thmul Lln-on-."h tho mr-at -,';rimIm'. It loos; the work lwmxtihnlly and quivkly. \\':\l k(~1 1(m . 1| `)X"`\ "I'll |I|' l||`l`-` I" 1 '_-uthr-rin'_". \\'ul' .-<~ntr:Il to Ilw 1| ntios \\'0ul(` lu_gi(-alt-u11\ ir-1 .~:(-ttlr-mt-nt triple llllllli('i]):}1iti(`S. 51115 on Ht-mid and Tinu-~'. ~ E x~ ix` the \\':xlk(-rtml jail `I _to hot,-mn(: Hm ]mni I for t\\'n or t1n'(-(- r-(mntir-.`-t 11>` an (-nlr-1']u'is(~ nlto:_"(*t|1- ibition is 30 }n1ttin'_-' 111(- jail })ll:i]H'$I~` that nno ezlsily (::1]mb1(- of at` A .' ,, I v |l`)II I-V 5`) I r_- busilw <.-zqm he xvnnts I the rr-.~:ulI Bookstore .v......`, V. __.. `the experience thu1 good for health or frozcn water pipes is a new one. as co1u:o1'11cd, which town of St. Mary` `is taken from the TEAWING AN EMPTY PIPE WITH A BLOW TORCH AFTER MIDNIGHT. gurxx nu l'\:\ \`l\. ... ... ..`. X n The \\'1'itm' .~\n0n"' llus lll01'L`l| "'|th-an :\ local rcplltaxtion. He is' X lineal 1o.~'o.o}nl:11\t 01' the ;\n0ns"` X of t11t`1niddI(` :13.-;o.'~', who g.-,'u1'(~xl H1011.` X as tho .~\1mns have all down th1`ou:_-'11` x|t]n- -m1tnrio.<. :u11on_;'.~:t tho 1on(lin_'_-; X[litv1':Iti 01' the day. No is at the .\",ln~vsm}t tune on tho t n1t"ol Tim St. _\. \!.\l:n':\' < .1o11l1l'11:1l. t1n'n1n;_:'_ 1n h1 ('0l]|I_\' . . \' or 501111-oc-:1.~'.m1m \' `i:ls the spirit mm`os_ him and is` _ M1-:1\\"111:' tho man-_"nnmn1011s .~'ulnr_\' 01'} .....u...` |\nI-n::QC;I|<) Hun) a Barrie citizen has had the that is an_\'thin_e; but piety, of thmvinp; this winter. Hero fur as Barrie is comes from the 'own_of Mn1"y'3. The following , 1:LA..:..r ,...L. is .\'lvl1i:`- .' but hlunieipnl 'J.`elepnonc- Dylutll mm piety, `held on Tlmrs(la.\-' afternoon, Jan. fro /C11 l lP5 "l"t1'- 31st. About one lmndrecl interested one,`as 1`,e1'5()ns attended, collcomcd l.'` the Connnissioner .Ta1ne.<. Strath snixl `town Mmlylll` .Thc. the rate is high. Del)entu1'es \\'(!1'(` a '5. om the edllomll Qolmml issued for 406 phones, and titlvm-\\` M The "lolmml or that town: siibseribers have been 11(.l(l0(l, and lD1`l11.`-T the l'`3llt` ll'lll `ll itor tl1e.~:.e debentures have not been ll`? Sh M1l1'.V5 "1l01""0l'l`5all`0l ll`5 issued. Last year the Co1nn1i.<.sion- and till Or llle lwll '0 lllllolll cits lliltl $2200 -on hand, but this _\'l`1ll' water just at a time when the ther- they 1m\~e $]9_()() to start with, In 1010l1' '35 (`1'."l.`~" ll lmlk lollll lfutilro the rate should not he hig,-`h 0f fl'5t llll llllllly "3 ll? .'~"`l as $6.69 will come in each year from 6t0Tl(`r-S toltl Of the 1'l'3l5ll ll.1'l3 each 01' the (30 phones which haw \V 0f 3 l0"l".`-`I "ll`3 01' ll Xlll5`" ll5' been paid for without issiiine; rl(--- band, down collar, 01' in- the bath mlmn-(5_ mom `l".ml`\' ml(lCaVrl.nl v my long`); 311'. J:Il1l(`H ?\l(-Fatlilen otl'(-1'<~ the I and tctlions hours. with blow t.o1'<-h .0hj(,Cti0 to me 1)()m,`\. or the (-m_ to tll"l.' out cmllty llllws 0" tlm "$' missioners that the man who may snmption `that they. '\\'e1'e.tro7.en_. Se 1` Wm pays 1-or W `mom, "1- The l1.~:t ot (l0l\l(lC(l eitr/.0115 1l1(fl11(l(`(l H, Um" for whom (l(_h(.h.`(`_\. H. not only tl1(]1l'f).l(.`SSl0llt|l man 1_111-tum` isuod. Xtllhlo to illlslllllrlllsh ll ll lllll" (`l1ai1'nianJ. 'l`. Sinurson .~ail that I Xltl-Om ll. llmln lllllm but llll` lT"Ta(llltll ,it is better l)11.~zinoss to l(-nnl than to l xllll ell-llm`l'l;"'7` And the lollollllll-iilho1'1*o\\' m0ne_\' at ]n'o.~,m1t rat:-5, amlll xllltnes are xlotlieatecl to a .}'onn_- !,pl.01mb] \. this is the \.ip. H, (-MA llml lml Cl llm loll Ol lllll lllllllllilnissioners took. ;\l1`. Sinilisml :Il.\U lllt t('l so an ml th "l`li`l5`l'll"l\" `l_ll"l"llfl1 _`llll' l_"5"'i lsnid that there is so mm-h 1mi.~.v on .' I::z:_l`'l1olll:`:lltl(:lmm Ll-L_(l`l l `ll'll" his line that the In-ople vammt la-ar X; ll l`.`lL ll `"l"' 1011;: (ll.\`tfl11(`t' <-oinniunu-atinns. '|`lns the \\'l'll01' "-`l-H013 ' l||01'i'teomlit1i)1i (`Xl$t(`(l .`n'lll('t' the lw-;'in is 'ning- of N0\'oml)(n'_ ' 01n1=11!t 01 .-\n0n>" l lth-.511-nt.h thinlis that the troul)I4.- tlll`llll(ltll(` :1},-'e.<,\\'l1o tig_-,'u1'eiltl1011.li,,- -;111_<(ul by the 1|)-(1,-0 -`H-(._\ :11 `l tli1`oi1;,-'l1lt.],- u()]`]](-]' 01` mp 1.,-Ii... .\|.-. ` `the ('f:l1ttttl(rT. :II`117(:!1_l=lAtl\<:`\ l`111(ltl`|I'T" llitoliw1s`1iot\`.mi1:\;vst1;:':It11iq' the In M U1 r:1\\'m:' 1l1(` nl:l'_'nunnmum mu.u_\ plunks per zmmnn, pm-miHinj_~` is nhoquo.<. at tho rt-qlwst of Mn- *fl'ice to :u-vrno until 1110 close or no \\':n'. 111115 0h\'i:\tin~;' the (`X]i('l1- inn-(1 or \\`;u' : ` I An Erroncous Diagnosis." l m!'0uud in 11)` 110. .\n on~_~i11oo1` of hi;- h xlog`-1'o(\, .\ urmhlzllo ml" \':\1: .\n able mun. I`I|`l lllII(' I\l\(H' l)l`l_'.LiHll5 U_\ I\. -I. l"r:1.<(-r; \\ nmlv1'inr: 'l`1':1ils" |)_\' H. '1`. Ilzuldon; .\ Hunt with .\'(~\v' "3lruns\\'i-k (iuitlt-5"; tht-so :n'(- snnur` 501' 1lu- .~'t0rit-s and :xI`1i1:l(-5 H1211 go ' itu m.-ul<(- up tho miul-\vint(-1' n1unhm' '01" Hml and (hm in (7:n1nd:1, publish- ml :11 \'\'00dst0(-k, (`)nt., by W. J. 'l`:1_\'|ur Limitml. In mlulitiun in the ubmv ululvr the lu~:nlin.r of Guns `and : \nmnmitinu" two line u1'ticlos by (~x|wI'l _v_runmm1, nun1(*1y, '1`honms `K. Loo and Major Townsoml \Vhol- `on. Mr. I.(-<- is d(3sc1'ibo(l by tho ...lll.... ..|' Ilnlg Jnnan-hnnnl nu |III-: I 0 : ROD AND GUN MIDWINTER ! NUMBER : .-Xcroplano. 1.-:,1"nape!' ' "No, dash you." "Br"; pardon. but. rnull did you act Iunrl?" "I fell out of it \\`in1u'.v. Ho\\`?" "\\'oH, I \va~` t'lt';m'lIl'. 1'm- whcn my with .<:1ii: ` ful, Ik-nr_\'.' And not to he (lit-tutr-I to h_\' any w< down I wmu." .\n nhlo fat man 011 his kn(~o.<. But not :1h. in pmlutos, But . fur the hlnmninu` |l\. IA|'\' llllll `I(K.|\lI .1 IIVV |lnl Illl II In\ I on. tho! (-Iilur ml this do]mrtmont. as un- vdmllm-|l.\' the finest in1'_L,"('t shot with the .22 riiv that has over live-4|" and his article on R(`.[)Ciil1j_' :u1(| Singlv Shpt Ries will be read with grout interest by gunmen. .`\.nvl this thr- Tn \\`i(']Il I110 I)0. \\'m1lcr : l'..l....I-. 'l'lw lmurs 'p;1.<.< on \\'(-:n'.\ \\'in'_:, II(- fails In [ind u l(*\`ilish lhinu` 'l'l1(~ t(-l<-phnm- '_"()('.<, tin-_-;-:1-lin'_-`, \\'iI'r to H10 front. l)o(-,tm`-S(--. hora, Jenkins, it's. taking: ynn an awful long time to pay that hill of mine. _L.nLrne_..1 Iznrnv H Um, hut vnn [)l|_V Llll Ulll Ul lHllll'. J(-nkins--1 knmv it, Doc, but you ought to rmnoxnbt-r that you were an nwful long time curing mo. nu... .\m-nm]nnnimr-nt \ Inr-rI'\' A Hv l1('1H'k('ll.\' .\nHh(-nht-1'-_ .\`:I_\'.-3 "I)(-:11`, ' . ,.'I `Y I Have you noticed how few people boast, of 1110 size of ihc-i1` incomes those days. 1111 111 1111- 1111.1-. 111- 1x 111 1111- 11111 111110 .-1 111'1' 01 T110 \".\- .10111'11:11. 1111-111113.: 1111 his 1-011_\- -:111111111l1y st-1111-01-1-11>-.1(1111111_\' 111- 111111-as is 1-111: 11111-_-11111111110115 01' 111111<.< 1111-` :e 1-10.11 1-11 11 1112-11 1 .\11 1 1 . 1-111111-_-. 1-11111-111}.-. 11-11111-1' 11111.~1. \'1111-11 11111-11-11 1111- 1'1-111111-1-_v .-1101\- 111-0111-11-11r~:t, 1111] 1'1-11'/.0 \\*111-1-1-'1-1- 11 111111311011 01- 111155011 , .-\ 1111111111}: 111-1-r-7.1-. 1 1111101-s. 1.~\1'1- 1111- . 1\'111111;_- 10' 11:1_\' 101- this. 01- 511011111 1111- 111-1-.~;.111 c11u.-1- 01 A 1111- 11011-5 \\'1-1'1- 1110 SHHI11 11113.-. 111111 5111110 111111 `0111 01' 1111- 1.-1-01111-11. .\ 1.-1:11-1-11 111111 11111 .1"111s . 11:1.--1 :1~' g`111111 110105 111111 is 115 \\'1-11 01111111111111 :1 .~`_\`.s'1(`lll 11> 111- 111111 >i('(`1| 1111_\'\\-11111-1-. A .~_\'.s-11-111 11113.-"111. 1111\`1- 111-011 11111 111. 11111 111' 11 111111 1111- .-1-1-1'11-0 \\'011111 11:11-1- 111-1-11 1111111111-1-_11. 'l`111- 1.-111110 111 191111- \`1111- 11111] 111-011 51101 111111111.-'11 111 11111 lllL' .-1111. .-11111 llUlllIll'a 111111 1111111}: 111 1111- 1111111 111-:1\'1-11 111-111-1_\' 11-. 5111-11111 511111 11 111-11 1121-111 111- 11-. L`11\-111111}.-11 .-11111 11 11111-11111-r '|`111-.~1- 1-1-111111-s 1.-0.'-1 $?1T.110. \\'1111 .-1101 11110 1111- 1-111110 -1111 11111110 111 1111}- 1'l'01- 1110 1-051 01' 1'1-111111-1112` 11? B01111- 11-11-1-uits 11111-0 100 1111111_\' .-1111.3-1-1-1111.-1-.~'. --11111` 1111-so 11-111 111- 1111-1111-11. `mil with 11111-.~.11'1 3.:-i\-0 1111- 11051 sm-\-11-1-. .-'\11_\- 1-11-- 11101'0 1111111 211 3111):-1-1-11101-s .\11-. 13111-1011, 111 :111s\vc-1- 10 11 111105- 1111111, .~'11111 111111 11-11011 1110 111-111-111111'1-s \ 11111111->1 0111- 111111 1111111 01' 11-1111. \ 1-01*1*(`1- 11111111-1 11111-1115111-11 1-1-11. 1 . . 1 \ 1'1-111 11-0111 \\-1111-11 110 \\'111(-1- $111-111 .\11:11111-11111. .\11 1111 .1111-10111-1->1 111111 511111 11-0 1 ` A 11-x1111-c 11 1101-5011, 11' he 111-s-11-es. 111111- 111s1-o111111u1- 1110 11511 01 1113 11110111-. .\11-. .\11111-o_\- .-11111 111111 110 1-1111111 111 1101111111.; 10 \\-11111 1111- 01111-r (-0111- 111 1'1-g111-11 111 1111111-1111}.-' 1111- 1111.~'1111-.~.~: 111' 1111- s\'.~- l`1:it<-d Stalin yonr1_\' inmnw .-\ mmm-Ht uI' unlm]_\'- calm. .-\ hlm\'-(rm-h in u Via-imls slum. A .~ln:u']'>. .-'t:u-c-2110 hcnrH'(-H l)nmm" 'I`nbIt-nu. in moclu-.~t pipr. ,..`, , `\':ml and l'm'tl1 ho \\'m'k.< :Il0n-_- Emcnlt hlmv mu-I1 .~piHin-_-' {0}:-1'11} Him] ll] \\UIlllUl EU. lllh III l'nl11:k_\' \\'Ig"hl. nu. "I'lu- \\':11m"s Tit For Tat. ` night he mulls hisuin l)('.s()IIl-gIllHl u-.~'1:lm-. at his nwntul pain? ' I 11) ht-1' '_v'(-ntlv trt-ml. : '-_"r-ntl(- voir-05. 0'o1'l1v:1uL : 1', H10 old town pmnpi TEE`. NOETEN ADVANCE to l:1llf_"lX:lf_I`(.` .~'1run'_-'. quosi. by` :1. hliml 0 I'll. FLOS TELEPHONE CO. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the 511-1)- scribc-rs of the Township of Flos Municipal Telephone System was x.,.I,1 nu 'I`1nn~qd:n~' :1ftc1'n0nn, .\Ix'. l<`.u1't0n said that whvn lw ;.\'i:'ll(`(1 for the phone at tho h0u.~'(` 1m\\' owm-I by M1`. .\I:n'tin all his !])1'0])(`1`1)` `as 1-0s1)o11si`1)1o for pay- ;!m(-nt and 114,- thought he \\'-us _iu. 1111041 in movin_;' the phono. I Mr. 'l`lm.<. (`noper 111uim:1in(.-d 3:111:11 when 1110 ('()11111|issi011(-1'3 lid 1-nnnur-I \1.. \r....;.. ..-1... .....-| ll('ll Ill HI\J\ III:_" LUV lHllIIll'. _:Ih:1t not compel .\I1'. .\I;n-tin. \\`l1u pur- :4-h:1.~`(*d tho ]u'n])(-1'1_\' l'1'om`.\[r. Hur- ;lon, to l tho l<'l(-]>l1m1(- tl1m'- \\':1< u phone lost to the system. `5 .\h'. J. I". .\[<:('lunj_:` snizl that as `ho umlv1'. 1110. law the phmw i>`]lOlll(l not h.'1\'L- hot-n tnkon from H110 hlzu-0 _\I1'. .\|:u'lin ]u11'<'h:L ?|B_\' :l()\\'illj_" .\lr. -`ullrmn In nmvv itlnis ]h0m~, tlwrv \\':1s :1 lo. to {In- `1. ll` Ilw Inn` in us `he \lllll(`l'- ;.~`tnmls it. the (,'mnmissimlr-rs slmuhl I, .1 ,1 '1 , ; l,,, I, I 11.\.~1u||L'1.~, uuu i<-omln<-tin_-.-' `ltolu. ' \l.. I).. {Ulla "|IUlIl', ll|l'l|` nun nl lU.`.\ Ll! nu` II :1.s"l|c |.~`t:n1 `see that it is nut hmkvn uuuin. .\I1'. I. -urtnn (-.\']luinvd that Hu- ;<-lmn}.-`o litl not mnko :m_\' rlil't'c1'(~11<-0 in him as he l'(.*({llil`(`n` lwu plnom-.<. | .\l(-s.s`1'.~'. .\'!:l\`<*n and H1`i_-.1-.1 n`:'.'\>.n-ml -n|:11 the ]u-rsnn who >110! illlu `Hm r-alhlv ]m_\' tho cost of tlw 11- pairs, ; .\h-. J. 1". .\1t`(,'llIn1." mm,-In lho Hu1_\'m(-nl might nu-:m u l1:n'zI. In {tlw ]Hll'(`Il[.\' 0| tlw hn_\'. Ht)\\'('\`(*1`.` (I A`...,. I I, ,f.. ` Al.. I ,., \,...,. llllll III}: -`!\|Illl'.\ Ill |Il~`l|li|ll l'.\. M1`. Jmm,-5 St `nth was c-lw-{ml C0x||111|ss1()11(:1' 1'01` :1m>lI1m' lhruv- _v(-nr term, and Mr. John .\1v.v\nl:~_\' \\'u.~.; 1'0-:1ppointod umlit01'.--~l4:1m'(~. \Vil(`l'(_- \\'()m] is in 110 hu1'n(~tl in :1 l'ui`nno(- intemlod for con] it will he 1'oun(l closirnhle to pmtly (`()\'(`l` tho {_';rnto with iron or iirohrivk, in order to rt--luco tho h':1t't. 11' this is not (10110 1110 wood is \\':I. by |)v- ing: (-ons11im-cl too fast and 111211105. :1 \'(~ry hot re which, in :1 I'l1l'lHl('(', may dn1nng:,c the fi1`vhox.~-l'lii'.:'inot-1'- in}: um] Milling; Joiirnul. Easier Then. , Mm-jor_v, _\'ou must f0rg.;'ivo your little friends when they are rude to you." -1 .-1.. rnnl]\nv~- um: T -_`1.... n.,.:.- The p1'(:.~,<-nt ('.I"lH(.`lllIi1ll of of Hm dining' 4 mml.~:. _yuu .1 do, mother; but I slap their` faces x-st." I Sc-1'\'v . portions and 1.>e0`pIu come bn.c-k_`i'or more. WOOD IN COAL FURNACES ID llL7\\ ll|\\': the h'0u1)l`. .,l. .. ...: I -.:'o.'1<~(l {lull Hu- HT and ))l'('.\'(`!|`(`l[ ml` c:11't1'i:1j;'(-s. .., I. . Applit.-=.U.ion Inns lwvn nuulv m the Board of ('nntml. W\m`.,.g, for 11 four your.-4' |'I'un-lnim In mil. i7.<- tln-_uI| (in runs um-nnnI|n.h-1| in the ('i1_\ thnnl-.~'. '|'h:- |:|'uj-vl mm it-u1p`.:I.t~.-'. Ilw .-u-pm'u1.imn u|' Hu- s0l(l<-1', tin nml imn in UN: v'.un=-., um] lhv Im-Him; u|' llw |n-+l mvulivm intu lmrx. T0 UTILIZE OLD TIN OANB. (T|n::1n'_:- of tinw, .lummr_v lilh, IEIIH. F1`ida_\'- V5.15 u.m., mt: mail 4.55 [).m. Saturday-~5.15 a..m., m., ;\'nti(ma1" 13.15 1).: envy` He wa

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