Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Feb 1918, p. 1

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fI:!~*-~3 s`~-'$~`~-{`2w`~~-2`+~~1~2~--?+ .; - ~ .,.... 4557 `.231 n 1" n 5125 32}; so 00 ` 100 00 50 00 , n1 1:! (U! UN `.20 (ml .,.._ ,.. v {)8 x no I : as 1 In: 00 1}`! 353 .v-' Tho ti1'.`~;t re}_"11lm' nu`v1in_ of H13 Board of I-lducaltion on Monday evening` set :1 good rccm-cl 'fo1'futura 111eoti11g-s, adjournment was n121ula~ by nine o'clock. f1L-: .... 1x',n,,,- , ' I I Av BOARD EDUCATION SHORT SESSION School Nurse Given Increase in Salary. Coigr St. `Methodist CbuYCh`l:f'L: UVV llllll? U L'lUUI\o Cllairmzm Wullwiu only ub.-cutcos '01-o '1 and Chunnen. I -\ lvlter was read from the De- pa1'tn1vnt of Forests and Mines in 1`Cj.`,'{l1'(l. to the owxiorsliip 01' the land upon which the burned ('()ll(r;_;'- liztto stands. '.l`l1is letter (`(11110 in `response to an (`nquiry by the Bourd as to the m\'ne1'.sl1i1. 01' the lzuul. The letter states that in ]844 patents were lSSl1L`(l to certain resi- (lonts, in trust. 01? lumls for _-_"1'um- mor school purposes_. and thnt no l'u1'th<-r tr'.u1sa1(*tion has been re- ( O1'(l(.`(l. All that should he neces- l5{1.l'_\' would be thn tmiisfc-1' of those lots to the Board of E(l1l('1\l.l0ll. Miss Lillian Sonniu-1'vill(.-_, school 11u1's0_. uplied for an i1ic1'v:1s(-, in sul:I1'y of $100.00 per _\'eu1'. 'l`l\o jzmitors of the three public s(-hoo`ls z1. for an lll(`1'(`Zl>`L` in salary. County Owes $3117.59 for Extra Maintenance. Two rt-.p01-ts were p1'c.s`011t0(l by -ltho Fiimlioo committee. The [ii-st: ' ro.<-oninwuclml }\u.\11m-nt of um-oimts and szilarics. 'I`l.r. . u...- n i-1-uknunnnc nun, $1.00 per annum. Single copfes 31. ,lUl I Hes. `Cost i(.`ount_\- share 01' I lAl`.`.` H ipnpils qntlll which is the amount due h_\~` 1-mmt_v for L-xtru nmintc-nnm-c-. Report Progress on Site. ('hnirman \\':1ll\vin said ho had no 1'(-p01-1 on mu.-'0tintion.~: 1'0 Col1(r;_':iate sin-. The mx1f(-1'o11('o.~'. hold had hoen lmrmoniotls hut for ct.-1'tz1ix1 rt-nsnns no .~'('H](`!l1('l)[ haul ho:-11 u1'1':u1 as yet. Lots of Coal--Schools Kept Open 'l`rustoL- Low-. as (-hairmzm 0L` .\Iann,Qen1ont, said he had -hem ask- ed hy . (-itizonn` why the schools had hvon kc-pi open on 31011- dny when 'I`01'ontn and nozn--by town.< hn.d closed down. The 1-r-ply f_-'i\'on was that no direct. order had come to vloso. h(*:~'idr`s there was no .~'l1n1'tn,<.'(` of 00:11 as far as the schools \\'(-re 1-om-(-1'n(-d. so he felt ju.~'tiii(-d in k(~(-}:inf_- upon. Nn (-0111- m(-111 xms mudo h_\' the 1n(`1nhm'.'. Increase for School Nurse. -1.: I . ; Un motmn .\1nlv0m.~'011. .~<<-11001 Hurst-, in s:xl:u'_\' of I ` . TfV..l\ 1 V-1 .`~'(`ll()l)l lHll'3l', \\il\ _.`..:|` $100 pr? ifrnxn Feb. 1st. 1918. . rn__ _,_ ;.I .. .1- I nun lmm l`(`l). ISL mm. 'l`1'u.~too Love Silltl tho reason lw hzul maulo this motion iusu-ml ol" 1'(*]I0l`llll_`_1' tln-ouuh lhn r-oxmuittoe was that tho im-1'(-nso_woul(l lmvc boon Inzulo to Miss So1nn1er\'ille be- fore hut for her (-xpoetnliinu of :10- ling: overseas. She had been :1 faith- ful xnemlwr 01' the stall. The tl`l1StC(t 1'ospon. for the appointment lmd done a :__-'oo(l thing` for tho ('l1il(l`.'en. l 'J`rustoo. Stopllens lwliovc-(l all . s:1lzu'_\' i11(-ro:1s(~s shouhl oonu-, Cluxirmmx \Vnllwin did not think a hottt-1' choice could lmvv been l1`l1{1(l(`. The r yr-,n1' hm` work hm"! 3 been rllflic-ult, hut now parmlts were ynblo to see the l)(`Il(`llt$ rle1'i\'ml from me(l-ionl .~'111wrvi:-;io11. llor hours lwm-o not oonfiut-cl to the school gil1o1n~.~:. much homo visitin_I' was done. ltl1rou_x;'l1 the committee. I l n l l l U4-1.1. ; 11 ;1_m.__\[r, J. R. `.Tohn. u ! pronrilmu ln_\'n1:m from 'I'rn11_\' `licthodist ('hu1'ch, Toronto, W111 `. give 21 lIlis.\`i011.'l1`_\' addros.<. 7 n1n_T?nv (`Jmrns 1~`.. .\[zmninr.r.~ U11, uU.U-J. Al Luun Total {(-03 xroro . - . L`.>H`.`~1 lJlK.' To UH 4.l\L'Atlv:_'I' um for pzlst 3} \ -;11`s. .1-.<.< u-nunty -_"rn1It Psychological Moment. }I(~---I think the ps_\ ('h0log ica| moment has arrived to speak to _\`o\u' father. darling. Sh(L-Oh, Percy. 110-11" 1 ask him for youf haml- do you think he will `;-tick`! ru , 1 1..-. u-m\'f.__1m hng, uu Ju... ..... She~'[ {nu [tho gout, Yltll |L"C-W \\ l'l V '|'_ $972. _ of nlainlt-xlnm-(\. vounty umnt I1-cs pzlid by |>u]nH~'. !'<-(N [min] by _-oum_\' u Crown Owns Ill Elisa I I give 1mss1o11.'11'_\' uuun-.\.~. _ 7 p.m.-Rev. Chums E. .\Innmn`.r. >-nassistnnt Sc-c1'otz11`_\' 01` Hmn.o `Dv- yartmont will .~*1)(-mt on tho xn|.<. _ `ary situation. 1 rlnnfl nun.-Cn W\'n1]\`hnl]\' \\'(`l(`Oll1(`. l\('(`})lllf_' Uprn. .\u runn- xdo 01' TI'11>'t(fC`.~'. Low and \I1.. Q...M.. \....:ll.. H.n Ill` V\ll| nuns. :~lll_'C hr: won't~-11e has; mp 1;.~t`1a`).\n) nmi11to:mn<'(-, b:1.~'(-(I aH'('nIl:11u-0 .. . Ah, -3 Int UL _ .l I $2199 :. 1301' )'(`EH`. IQ I'll>LCL`.~. uu\I' unu Smnn1m'\'ilI(*, the .\I\ ...,...,.n.-~:. L p1'o.~:i.lod: the 'l`rus1cos I\'in'_-,` Land. $1`l~H8.(I:') .-. Ru .1! \.Uluuuru I A u~v \ . . Evor_\'hod_\' wolvmno. ;\..Rc_v. H. 1). l{:\_\'n10ml. \'i-:n'. $4153-1 n-.\ nn 134- (I0 Ul'lL'1l.`l' rlzmnv: U6 : MI J.i=l.%ennett War Bonds G-ivernment, Municipal Triniy C-hutch IUULULE hut: JJVM V\'h:1t Innkos that ncklv so 1ou '.ills of his noi-_:hhm'. '- H 7 , u" - _ _}-, they \`v .1u.~'l I`. `or the new no 1-oss the road. : ca. nnkc the m-i`-_:l 1 mxnuay, ronruurv um mm. MISSIONARY ANNIVBVRSARY DAY. H xr ; -1,.\......`.. V01. LXVII. No. 7. British, Anglo-French and Canadian my snnummn. 1 Good music. I`"0d."bd.` `W Como` \RRIEPLAN1NGMlLL{ Pastor. Hm`. R. J. Fullis. Sumlay, Fol)ru:11`_v 17th, 1013. -mrreq'rnwrA`pv A`M'NTV1I`.`R.SA'R.\ For Investments in and other Securities f Pooling the Neighbors. .`x...4 .....Ln; Hm! hon of MAKER O_F PORTRAITS CONSULT THE or cANAnA_ Thrift Leads to Prosperity via a Savings Account flmur. 0 just lnixl :1 (-0mm'- ` work-in5_"111o11's and . try- 11ci_<.:'Mmr.< think she Bluuuxa. hon of yours 'inqui1'm1 Jou- Ink. wAu;wm Of Board of Education for` 1918-lnaugural Meeting on Wednesday Last The l'et1tu1'e 0|. inuug,-'11ml meet- il1f_"n` 0|` Barrie Board of l`Inlueatio11 the of Secret-.11'_\' Fred .\l:11'1' durinu the minutes he p1'esiti- is speech es at the head 01' the. Beam table and il1til11:1l(`.s' to the tnlstees that their tirst lut_\' is In elect a v:h:1ir- man for the _\'em'. This Mr. .\[:u'r has been doing` for 21 _\'ezn-s nm\(. and the 0eea.'x`i0n has become :1 habit with him. Despite his long; tenure of office. he1*et0t'o1`e the _\'(-airs to him have been those of children U1 _\'01lIlf_" people. but this ye-.11` of HHS the 5.-`enial see1'et:n'_\' has rem-liml his m:1jn1'it_\'--.~"o he illtill121[(`(l10 the trustees on i11i'0rmiu5_- them that he had been <.~(mne(-ted with the Pmnnl for 21. years. l`I..~. Full Jun-nu] Hun n\'1-nnfinn unit in _'L _\,L'ur>.. The t'ullo.b0z1r(1 with the (`X('(`]Iti()l1| of Trustee H. A. Stopl1ons--u new nu'n1ho1 --\\'us present. M1". John ` Sinclair was the new Fave on thol I 13021111. 1 L` \l .\.... 2.. ....III....- b'n.. {Ln Ir. . . \`l>'lH11:_" ` thc1'(-by tom-hm- <- ,nmn`m-in 1` he infill |t.V :m_\'ti1m rill ':\'i.~`it.~` to l,)UZlI'(l. St,-1-r0tm'_',' .\Ia1`1' in c:llli11_;' for tho` election 0|` :1 1-huirnum, .~'t:1tml that .~`elc(-tim1 was made by ballot, pm- (`C`C`(1C`Ll. to distribute tho 11<-(-oss;11-_\'. p:\p(~1's. The result `as tho solve- tion of Dr. \\'n1l\\'in as chuirmzln by :1 vote of 7 to 2. The 111(`mbc1*s pres- ent voting: were T1'ust(=.(- Ch:n1non. Fislu.-r, .\l:\lc0mson,< Sinr-lair, .\Ic- Admn, l{i11g', Hllntor, \\':1l1\vin.' Love; Trustee B_\'1'no 031110 in aftr-1' I the vote had been taken. 1 rm. \v..u...:.. :.. o..1-:....- n.,.i IIHC \'(ll.l' Hllll UL l.'l1 l1H\L'll. Chairman \\'z1llwin in taking: the` (.'h:1il' thzmkotl the members for his` `(-loction to what he <-onsitlered one: of the most importamt and honor- ahlo positiom in tho xmmit-ipnlit_\'.. He had been 21 momhm' of tho Bonnl 1'01` the past four .\'vu1'.< and during" that time 1norn!)L-rs lunl ox-.1 })1`('>i.s'Wl th(`ms(-l\'(-.~' Hot-l_\' on all` quo.~tiu11.<, ho lmpml the .~';mu- `.\ ()ll1(l 1-outinue hu"m_-_-' tho in('ol11in:' ,\'v-ur: thorv h:ul hm-11 mam) of opinions hut notlnin.-_* 1(-1-. JI0 lmln-cl their (It-libt-1'uti0n.~' \`.'()1lh| not ho hz1st_\'. Spt-vial t~1npl1usi.< \v:\.~' luitl h_\' the 1-l1:Iirm:111 on the l':1<-t that otTi<'i(-m-_\' must he had trmn I(`1l(`]l-' D115 and officials. their aim must he to _I.:0t the ht-. st-1'\`ix-L-. (`ll:lll_`_(`.< hm] hoon mmlo -in tho It-at-l1in:_-' _~'t:\lTs for this 1'o:1.~`m1 and _"nm| 1'0- ` .-ults haul followed the ('lHlI1_*_'_'('~`. The ('h2ltI'l11Il1 uppointt-tl I`ru.~tt-o.< .\Ia-.\d:1n1. Ki11}.`,`_. ;\[:1h~om. um! Love :1 cmnntittco tn . tho . ('0lIlll1ittf*(`.\'. 'l'his -mn1nit- too thou mot and 1'(-po1'totl as fol- lows: (-at-h -nnnuittoo after being: mtihotl zlppointod their ch:1h'ln:1n. th(- tint umno lll(`I1Ii0l1(*(lI I'inance~ 1`1-11. .\l(-.-\l:nn. t-1`. Ch;m11t-n, Huntt`-1'. Stt-plu-Ins. Management -~- 'l`1'm:to<.\- l.m~o. t"h:mnon. kill}.-'. Fislu-1'. .\I<-.-\h1m. ! 1 | I l"i. Property and Supply -- '[`1~u. .\l:11omn. 1\'ins_-`. .\'i11<-lair. Hunter. V _.._ Check waste on your farm, in your imuse or your sliop-cut down your aelf-indu1ge11ces-(l0. for you1'sell' `those little jobs that run away with the small cliangc---g;et full value for nvcry dollar you spcnd---and depo:~:- it the savings regularly in the Union Bank of Canada. ` The accumulated results, with in- `terest added, will some day mean Ifinancial in(l(-peudence. IAOVL`. ' '[`ru.~'1(`o T`_\'r110. the H. ('. rt.-p1'o.~'m1- ` t'.1ti\'(- is 21 Inoulhor of all vonlruittvv.-` `- in <~0xm0(-tion with ('nll. Ins. uf1'z\ir.s. . On motion 01' TI'11.~`I(`('S Kinj: uml - `Love. .\lr. Iro(l .\[:n'r '35 1'0 1.,--| `point(.ul :15 the B0m'(l'.< 1'(-]u'o.<(-mu-ll `tivv on the puh1ic- librnr_\' hum- |'m'I_ V 1 llvnn \'nu1-.- 1 1. 1. V b 1 I. ulnr, um. pointed ti\'(- Illrvv 3'eu1`s. A .X1,\.....~..... IHl'(`l' '{`H1'5. ` !\dj0ux'1n110ntwas thou in m-lm-_. but the nu-n1hm`s ('m1linu(':l in :1 _ `mum!-iuhlo talk on the work for the }~"h_"1< '-ominu` _\'(-ar in 1'(-y_"a1'd. 1n-'nwip:1ll_\'.3( I to .~:r.-11001 1n:n1n;_-"(mu-111. TI'l1.~`TL`('l;(_lm I.-mv u1L`o(l that momht-r.< mukv :1"{m~_ point 01` \'i.~'itin5_" tho . Llmstnytu 1)(`(I)]l1iIl}_" :1cqu:1in'u-(1 with ti-:1vh(-1`.<.H'li\ll and their worlc. l'nlv~'.< 1xu~n|h(*r. v\\'('1'v I':1n1ili:11' with the \\'m'k,\nf' thn-` tf`~` [st-h(m].< tho) could not \'ot(- 1.1:-l1i 1'.`"l "`_*'0ntl_v on q11o. -0min}.-' 1)M'(n-<-1T1H` Hm. Tln-nu] Rn.-ialnc if wn< nnf I':\'|1'l(`\'(*1`. \\\'H' lnlllllllul HI\:| HAL \\\I||v Iv: || \1.`u-l1i _"(`llI1_\' m1nin_" hM'm'<|1 tho I:`():11'u1. I(`sil0:< it \\'a~' not mix", in -pl:1<`-0 all tho work on tho shnuhl-3_ m'.~` 01' the ch:Li1'm:m 01' c0mn1itt(`(-. 3 C'h:1i1`m:u1 \\':1ll\\'in I\_`_"1`(`('(l with` _ what T1`l1.~`t(`(` Love had said; hyll l\'i. tho whonls the t1'u. `then-h_\' . his int(-1'0.~'1 in` !1(`11('h(`l' :m`d scholar and gave 011-` . ,,_ . ,.. .. .1 A . 41... .A..6'o' 'l`,\....l....... ' 1 (-mn':1-_"(*1nm1t to the stuff. 'l'om-1101-5 ,nm)1`0L'i:1t01 Visits. I'r0n1 H20 tl'l1. intilnntod that 110 was x'~:u1_\' :-t any time to 1:0 with the t1'u. on $\1.`l:lll'\_' llll` nrnuunn nu lx\l.`|,\n '.vi. to the sohools. As (`hninnan I I [of I 1'oport_v and S11mly oonnnit-t` `too for the past four _vmn'.<. tho c1mi1'1n:m _ his s1xocv;<. scum` laldvicv :1~' to (`([\1i1Hl1t`l1l and sup- lplies. l l "Pu-nafnn 1.n\-n HI.-11 1-:l. (`n 53"?` 15 CHAIRMAN} Tho Interests of Barrio, 1-lxof` the :_':1t(-.~'. 1'<-1u'v.~(-utin_;' the I3nl.-ahm"xk "110: `u. l_ ;..11',. 1`(-'_"in1(- in l'k1'21i11(*. to I1`0.~'I-I.it0\'. u`_- H1-n1m11.~ :m:l .A\11.~11'i;z11.~. lm\=.'- ftht < t'z1i1'U`\'<'1`- ll Wt-w.-ni'/.0 1'u<- n(~\'\': 1 ho shm1Il- 3_tl('lw;:Ito.<. !it_ nmm(`(._ (H-r1nun`\".~ (-IT01't.~' for |h(`:`.('v unl:1A ml \\'ith'11l(* (`:|$t'(`!`l1 front. cc-ntrod nowssih 1.\-l:1m>:u~m1tl_\' in an effort to open up 11'." - t1'u_ } th1'O11:`h \\'l1i<'l1 she 1na_\':('v: m-1-9,-1 m|s(`<'111`(` s11ppli0.s of food for l1or':m m1-`lll1n_"1'_\' people, have p1'o_>;1'csse(1 :s'o;i'11~ 'l`om-hm-s'1'ur as the sign'n1g.v' of. a sepz1mtc=l\\'i D. C. M. FOR NEAR. BARBIE BOY "Burris Branch, A. LESLIE, Manager! Thornton " W. C. HENRY, Mgr.| M rs. E. \`s'. .\vI:u-kio, of Little Cu1'-| rent. Ont, has sent The Advance :1 copy of :1 letter received by her` from the war office, stnti11g; how her 3 5011, 301321. A. Mackie won the I)is-` ting'uisl1o(I Conduct Medal `\l,,. \l..,I.`, .. .. 4'... IlI`lf_.'.'lllSllL (l \,vUlllllll.'l .'\1L'\li|1. .\l1s. Mac-kic is a 1'o1'n1(>1' I3a1'1~ic.- girl, her maiden name boin_-__1* Annie Johnston, l1orb1'otl1or, Neil Johnson. was a mmnb01' of tho live1'_\' rm 01 Johnson & (`ni1'ns. who at one time had a li\'c1'y stable on Oxvvon slroc-t. [in the old C1'o.slJ_y stand. Mrs. .\[ackie's lnlsbaml is captain on the .~;tean101` B011 Ami. The letter l'1'01n the war ollicc is as follows: "-18(>'U-l9 C`m'po1'al A. .\lacki(- -~l`)):lf- talion. (`axuulizixi Infant1'_\'. For (-o11s1io11ons f_','11ll{ll1t1'_\ and (l(`\'()Il()ll to (luty. l)urin-_-' a lieavy enom_\' bomb:u'd1ncnt a shell burst at the (-11tx'z1m ~(.~ to a huryinu` :1 5.-"nu crew and l)lowin}_" him down stairs. N1-\'o1'tl1(-loss. he at once as- lsistenl in Lli-,:'_vin<: out the buried mon ult,l1oug;'h he twice collapsed while at work. He l`0I111lll1(`(l at duty lir- lingz his machine gun until all chance 01' an vm'1n_\ attack had passed. llo was then (mlorml to the uinl post for lrozltinont. :1l`t('x' which he insiste(l on 1'vt111'nin_;' to his post. llo sot a 1:1z\;:11ilivol1t vxamplo of l0t(`1'min- ation and 1`..... . lovotion to (lut_v." .l \T....LI.. ....l1 . ______` Barrie; Gaounahy of S-imcoe, Ontario, February 14th, 1918. IIIIXUH illlkl ||\,'\\7Ll\lIl [U \ll|L_V. (7o1'p(n'ul .\[u<'kie oulistotl as :\ pri\'a1tc in the 37th battalion at Suull Stv. .\In1'io, O11t., in S(`pt.. `I915, going.-,` 0\`01's('ns with thuf unit `in .\'o\'. of the .<:1n1v _\'`cm-. 110 was :1 t1'zu1spm't (11'i\'m' while in lCn_<.:1:ml. hut \'0lunt('(-r(-(1 1'01` 1n:1(-hillo _I_"un :\`.'m'k to get to l"r:1m-0. Ho was sent thorn with 1`(-. for :1 Can- zulinu Scottish hattzlliou. \\']1CI`(` he \\':1.< \\`m1ml(- in tho \\'ri. um! knee l\`v1>t. 15111 01' last _\'onr but is u`-_~'uin on He won two strilws ho- 't'm'o _L('H.ill_L the I).C..\l. and one at lthnt Iiuw. mukin_L' him n'o1'L"(r:111t. ! New Russian Republic Comes t E to Terms With Teutons (opt-|ili:|_-on. Feb. 9. -_- .\ p(-an-0 |u;:rooi11(-iit has In-vn si_:'ncl h_\` repro- $('I1tzlii\'('.~' of llw (`(`l)i.l':1i ])()\\'I`l'$ nmi 01' the l'k1':1im- Hauiu. :1 . 5 M-rlin it-lcg_'1':ui1' :umoum:0s. The peace :1.-'1'eo1i1('i1t lw1.\\`s-on 111(- <-cntral po\\'L-rs and L'l-:1'21inL- \\ :1.<, >.iL;IlL`.(i at two 0`:-lm-k this i1\orni1i_.:'. 2|(`('01'(iill}.."`tU an official Berlin stato- nu-nl :{_< 1`m'\\'ui'lvzl iron: (`op(:nhn ;_"(>11 -3)` the I(`i(`_`_'.l`{`u1li1 <,'t)1i1}):1I1)`. (ioi'zn:m and .~\us11'i:1n il'()0[)s \\'-r(- Ib('i1|_" \\`iIlulr:1\\`n iirmn Hiv v:1 i_. EPEACE ON THE 3 E EASTERN FRONT, I ii The ["ml.~h(-Vih guhly will 1'-coj_*'ni7.s- 5.-o\'vnnnvnt ]n'nh- no poxu-9 nun-or-- `nwnt .~`i;_"1u-ml h_\' l`(`]>l'(`.~'.(`llI:l1i\'(`$ of tho l'kruini:m Iiudn. Thi. is UH` `l(-;:isl:Iti\'(- h(uI_\` set up hy the l'k- !r:1i11i:1ns :11 the time they lot-l:11'(,-:1 !Lhvir imlvponldt-m-o 01' h 11.~'si.-1. and Ihus been (umrosml h_\' the l3olsh0\'iki 21>`. hm1rg_'1-ois. .~\tt(-nlpts to ()\'(`1'- lln'm\' Ilw Hmlu and (-.~'t-.1h1i.~'h :1 sol- diers` uml \\'0rkxu(-11's (`011H('il as thv g._.-`0\'0rni11}.:' -.mthoril__\' in ['kminr- has 111-sull(_-(I in 1ij4 hHl1f_" thv lust H1-xv \\'-0k.<. -(mot-1`11i|1u' the results of `lwhivh conflicting.-' rt-pm'ts havo hot-n .Ts(*nt out by tho ['k1*:1ini:ms nml tho .l}}olsh(\'iki. ('{l('1l -1uimin'_-; (lor-isiw milit:n'_\' . I \\'| n.,_ (. 1'l`1u- HIIl|l|l.\ Nl|\f\'l'`.`('3. \\'h(`n the ]!(`:l(`(` n(~_v'0ti:\tim1.` at l`}1'(`.~'t-l.it0.\'. \\'v1'c nc-gun the 1301- ,_ cm1.<(-ntt--1 to the zldxnissinn _nI' l'k1`z1ini:m nlvlozntos. but subso- (1u<-ntl_\' (list-)\`t-1's-1! that the 1'kmin- inns \\'(-re (-:u'1'_\'inf_" on 50011-t n(~ 4 Hizxtinns with tho ({m'n1:u1s n (1 .-\us- ".t1'i:\n.~'. 'l`h(-_\' th(*1'0u])011 relmdiatotl > {the ['kr:tini:m.~' and sent 11;.-w delv- [.f_~:1t(-.<, I3nl.-ah(A\`ik . I1`o.~'t-I.it0\'. has A'.... I I I nil nu- front. ! `l"""""}}"n"""i"2"x"iP'i"?'or'sr'rn' .; i J. Frank Jacksong '\'\"I. \||'\ IIIIVII ll Ill \l`_;lII.\ I.l\ II\ II 3tlvlv; :lt0>'. mm H110 now %:1ms:11'm1tl_\' t`1'ontior.~; tl11'011g.-`h 1na_\"; `s(`('11l`(` ho1'_ ` l1ung'1-_\- so -`fur separate` ;H>our- :!_`. l'(.`(`Hl(`!1l with tho l'k1':\inim\ ` {z`ul:1. Thi.~; ponvo. ixnportnnt m" 1'otl1(~1'wi.~:(- as (`\'('nt.\' mn_\` shnw. Is" Hthn first to he .~:i~_-'11o by any of tho` . `bolli~_-'v1'('11t.~`.. II n... .1... 'l`.. .` ..l.... \\\u\' ` ,0\'m'. Ul'lll_`_'l'l'l'lll-`I. Ilmv fur tlw 'l`mx1 m1s' pr0\'(` .-mm-ossful . to dopoml upon the 1non. 01' control the [Rnda has over the tor1'ito1'y 01' the l. ['krainiun rc-public, whiz-h (~111ln'z1c(`s rich 5_'x'z\i!1-*_'1'o\\`ing.;' lnnds. Such rolnrol is hotly (lisputod by `tho B01s.hc\'ik, who rovolxtly disown- .04] tho Ha.d:1's dvIeg'utos as bour- 7g:vui.< when they \v(-1'0 fouml trout- `iu-, sw-1'rtl_\' with the c~::nt1':11 powers and m.;m- delcuzatcs of their own. The G01-mans plan may how- thr- aml .\11st.1'im1s, c-m1t.'\1n1o to treat. with l1{:uh1`.< rop1'ose11t:xti\'(-s. 1 the Oonnty of Sincoe and the Dominion of Oundn our Oriturian. |HEATLESS DAYS 1 FULLY OBSERVED} 3zu'1*ic. in common "with the rest of central Canada. had an 1u1usunl cx1`>oricnL-0 on S:1turdn_\' and M011- (lay, Feb. 9th and 11th. in that busi- z . 11:.-5:; was suspv.~11(lL-(1 tor other cause than :1 .stutnt01'_y 01- 1:1-ocluixnml holi- (lay. nu: . To the bulk the (!10si11_:: on Saturtl-n_\' :\p1w:n'c(l to he 21 nxistukc in that the day is looked 1'o1'w:u'd to as the best busilmss day 0! the week. Ne\'o1'thclcss the clos- ing.-' 011101` had to be ()1)o}`c(1. On 0|` n1(-H-hunts, S:1t11rda)' the main strevt haul :1 dcso1'tm| :1pp(\m'an(-0. store blinds `\\v'e1'c-. drnxvn and canls \vm'(- dis- plzlyml in the mz1,i01'it_\` of the store winows .s'otti11;,-' forth the 1'0:\.~'.uu nor c"losin;:. `The exceptions \\'or(~ the _ stores. Whit]! kept. open till H... lxnnl: nnnu ~ ufnl-nu Vnv 411']! In unn Barrie Merchants and Factor- ies Closed Up Tight Except Those Exempt. noon; the book stores, 01n(-11 for sale of pn1w1's only. and pool-romus. ()n .\[m1(l:1_\' 1110 5111110 o1`(l(-1' was obsc-1'v-\ ed; the 50110015 Llitl business as l1.`\'llZl1, the 1'0z1s011 for this being` _~'i\`- vn in the report 01' tlw B02111! oi`! I". -nation E O A|.t nu, 5 1 l'4Ulll'i|ll(H| lHl'l,'|,llIg. | The .s':1\'in_-' in fuel \\'us not as _-neat as would lmvo been the vase had the \\'(-utlu-1' lwon OHM. Tho lony.- siqaru of \\'in1-1` \\`(`:lH1L'l` was |)1'()1{('ll on F1"ulu_\`. Sz1tu1'x1u_\' mild and so v(mti11uo lm'iu_-_" tho Hn'(- "lIoutI('.s.~:" tlalys. | The .-\ is :1 lay 1:110 in hm: in`;-' 1ub1i.~;1IL-tl m\'in}_v' to tho <'l()sin`_"l 01-rlvr. P1'intin_\.: phunts, v.\'(-(-pt (lui1_\' 11o\\'.~'1nz1por.<, v:nm- umlcr store and o('!`i<-o L`1:1 ` II._ L` o|.,_ n'..,.1 r...l...\lln.- lllIl|l`llI| `II ual:I`.~' coal u"-rt--utor 111 South 01' 11 l)2uH\` tied "1 lllK' K'Ul|I|||||lI|l_V 'J.\ llllllll Ill l|ll m'd('1'. in View of Hw (-iro11Inst:11u-- es my course in tlw 111ilH(`l' \\':1s :11)- .o]ut(*1_\` in(~\`i.5n})lv. |*'u(-1 1-unso1'\'u- {ion has now low-lopt-ml into an ab- . um-(-.~'.~:it.\'. An all round tm) pt-1` l'(`ll1. . in fur`. <'n11.~'x1:np- tion, \\'hi<-h voulcl n-:ulil_\' hr 01`- fm-tml. n1i}.rht (`:I.\'_\` he the )l1(`2Hl\` 0| .~u\'in:_-' the . (-11tir<-1_\`." `,n1scus1>m 1 1 DEVELOPMENT; iRepresenta.tives from New- market and Bradford Meet Barrie Board of Trade !Look Upon Scheme With I`avor-` ` Will Send Deputation to Inter- % view Ontario Government. il INTERESTING LECTURE BY DEAN O'MALLBY Women's Institute Inaugural Meet- ing Success in Every Way. KH(`l('I' (l('l(H`lllI.l'(l II) II. We fool the people of B:n'1'i0 pros- out on '[`l1111*. ovmlixlsr owe 2: l(l('ht 01' ~_:'1'ntit11d(- to Donn ()`.\[ullv_\' lmul hope in tho nvm` i'utu1'(- to a1}_"ai11 haw the 1>1ons1n'(- 01' hvm-,1it- in_-.-` by his wirlo 1~:nm\'l(-luv 01' the :_"1'on1 poet. The Hall W215 llml tol tlw lonrs. wlnivh `:15 11 tribute 10] the lm-t111'm'. considorin'_,-' the numor-I ous <-fills upon people's tinw 1u1'in_~_-'{ ' I II L,,_., ___,_1_ ;_'l('ill ]VUl'l. lIll' llilll nu.` nnuu |\r to numm'- 1u1'in_~_-' la spm-iall_\' busy week. } 'l`}u- next in the series 01' 1xl(`(`Iil1;..s' lis tn Iw lwhl '1'|1111`.~'.du_\' (-\'m1i1\.;`., F01). 2151 in the sunm plum` zmul :1` I treat` is m11f'1don1l_\' ]n'omi.~'ml Hu- pooplo in an n(1(l1'oss by Dr. ('1(`ll I\lv.\l111'ohy. p1'0h:1h1_\' mm 01" lhcbosl known zuul one 01' the most int(~llv(`t- unl women in 'l.'01'0nt0. H1`. H0- |;\11n'v11)' has been the pionc-vr uI0J1 all linva ml` social work :1_m| nu-'z1iust _s.-rent ()mmsili011 has ht-on in. nu`-11t:Il"in h:\\'in`_' inimrllu-0:1 llu-divul I,-I, 1., ... ;uIuI'H_\ nun u\.\u Ll :\`_"zll1l.\'t mt;-11t:Il in ll)ll'0llll( (`Il |\ l:AvIA\\ . lll1.~']I(`('Il()ll in .'~`(`l|O0l>' uml hm` in- ltt-i'(.-st in ('llll(l woll':m- is l::i<>'-mi lltl l'v!t llmninion \\'l llvr ml)- jovl I'm" Ilw lll(`(`tlIl`_1' mi Ill(' `_2l.~1 is. "Our (l]b])Ol`Il1Ill1l(`<. l'm' 1SllS." \\'l|l(`ll will lw \\'(-ll \\'m'tli ll(`ill'lll`_". 'l`lm W. 1. wish to -m'1'm-I an ('l'l'()`.l- o0u.< in1]n'(-s. llll lllf'.\'(` nu-ozivr are for \vnm(-n only. 'l`lii.<. is :1 lIll>`- tukv uml it is l10])(`(l tlm . 01' men :11 the lasl l11(`(,`1lll`_" will lu- l1ll`f_"(`l_\' 1l11f_"lIl(`lll('(l. .-\ .-il\'o1-ml- lm-tinn will l)(- mkr-n up for (`X]l(`ll.<- vs, l.llL' .<\n'}ili1s' if :m_\'. to l,)(- u.<<-l K for ]>:II1 lnti1- 1u11`1ms0.~a. LIBRAR-Y_"B*(j:&RD V ~-.- . v-r1-4-IIv- 4- .;. '9"!-!'X"{~-'3-'*~-!-}~X'I`~3~'!~ X `X--3-1"!`-!*-+ 1111')` l)():lI'u nun 1:-clu uu Iu\'.`uu_\ L-\`(`)1i11`-_:'. M1`. L. I. C`1'0.-.5 \\'n:< 1-Iv:-1- lml t-h:\ix`m:m, Mr. A. ll:1_\` In-:1.~'1m-1' lznul Mr. H. J. I"1(-tL'11m' .~'(-(-x'vtzn'_\'. Libm1-_\' r-nmmitten---Moss1's. M-.n'r. Flt-t,(-hv1'. Ha)`. 1)l'01!(`1`(_\' ('0l1H11i1.t('(.- -~ A-'Io:~'.~'r.<. H-'1-a\\'lo_\', Spmtt. Q'.:':nlnn. I*`in:m(-o t-omn1itt0C--Mcssrs." me- (-rnft, 1"1'nw1o_j', Currie. _ I 'l`hr- 1'm:m(-inl stntmu(-ni. \\':l.< us l'ul1m\'.~': I l)n.~_n:s\$- `I%n]uIm- I'r(un 1916 ll.(-:_'i$lnti\'- _ur:mt 'M11ni(-ipul L'1'unt |("m111t_\' 5_`mnt Rents F-in(.-.3, etc. .. ..... 'R(-h:1i(- i11.~'t11';\11c(- C`nrnogi(\ 'I`1'usI .. V ;l'l`lIlllll_:_', .`~l;IL|UnL' ' l"ypow1'it(*r .. ~'i]Io110r:n'iu1'n .~:oc. `7 4 unn . I "'A '|Books...... . . . . `Pa])01's, 1na_r_'nzi11(-5, etc. . .. Building: and repairs . . . . . 1*`urnitu1'(- and 1'0p:\ix'.'~' . . . . Insxn-amen ... . . . . . . .. Ifu,-,'ht, ht-at. \\`:1t`('l`, jxmitor. {w'a1:u'_\', lihrzuinn . . . . . . . . `Szllary, staff .. .. . . . . ... Printin-_-', . etc. .. i.II\llI\lIl|lI\lll| ~7\\- ` trons. l1npro\'in_: <."r0und:< Tnt(:1'(-.~;:t . . . . . . 'Libr:n'_\' 1'02. {'00 `C:1rt:1_-_-'r~, fr(>iy_:'l1t.. .1 lS1x11d1'ios .. If\._ I... . Liabilities - .\Io1't;:a;_*(: on old `b11i]din:.:', $500. ; Tho number of books isstied dur- -}ing the year was 25509; of those , 15656 were adult fiction and 3920 juvenile fiction, and for I`(-f-. erence 838. ` 1 New huil Old building` Land . . . . . 'Furnit1m- . . Books . . . . The iu:uv_:u1':\l n1r-otin_;' of thr- n'_\ lmunl \\ u.~' hi.-hl on Tuv , - ` \I.. I I.` f..,-. . u-n: .. . .a4v;...a.-4 INAUGURAL MEETING 1~`.xponditm'o. P? THOS. ROGERS All kinds of dressed lnxuher. floor- ing, ceiling. oak ooring, moulding and trim, B. C. shingles, 1'on_:;'l1 lum- her and joistixlg on lmml. l)ressin}_" `and all o1'1l(-rs rem-i\'o prompt; attention. '-Office I l10m- 1651. llos. Plxone 2};'>!)l` H(-c-oipts. 1 n1 1- hOH'tuf"`(\` .$5iMS<'r ~ $7161 38 I III` nnuv 'l'1m; ` ., ., . 1 .$ 599 00 Q1 OK 1761 an 1:54;; } UL: 5846 4 40.3 I suzz 3 An- _ _ _ _, , _, | Sunday. Fcbrlmry 17111, 1918. 1 1st Sunday in Lent._ 8.30-IIoI_\' Communion. 1].0(--M01'11i1`1_-.1` 1n'u_\'or and sor- :-mon, Studios in Romans. 3.00--S.S. and Bible t'1:1.~.~'(-.~`. 7.00---I'I\`(`x1in_:' ]II`:l_\'l`I' and >01"- mon, Our II(~1'i1u}_-'o. the Book ofi ~Common I`r:15'c-r." ` K 1- I 1 ,,I ,,,_

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