Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Feb 1918, p. 3

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`W ~or tire tape. Camels hnir brushes are of little `use in cleaning disk rt-cords. Glue afpiecc of clean Bmsgsol s carpet to ":1 block of wood and rub the record 74:Wg3Il `with a circulm motion. This re`n'iovcs grit and dirt that the brush might pass over and does not injure `the record `in the least. The troublesome vibmtion oc(-u1'- ' in many xnnchim-S can be remed- 1__by inserting: Felt lwtwoon 2111 mts in the cabinet and where the motor touches the wood. 1-..: nnillm: nnn hn mnn in nlav { 1 I : 1 ` `V- Kllcl! Hl.l`lH`,:s aluu HI|.'LllL'l supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 ()0: Estimated 1'0vmme from buf- tor and eggs . . . . . . . . 220 ()0 ` . Farm stock, produvo. bu'tL(*r anl ~'_cg;:;s are valued as follows: ' I v-` . . - | '`.m brown xmmzs . . . . . . . .:~32n 00 8- yum - 1on nn` `7'.l.J' mare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 milch cows at $75 em-h.. J5 `2-your-old cattle at J 3-year old heifer . . . . . .. V4 yeax-ling.- stem-s . . . . . . . .. Spring calf .. . . . . . . . . . .. 40 bush. wheat. M $2.10 `200 bush. barley at $1.25. .. ~300 bush. oats at 75c. 180 (107,. sheaf oats -.11 7:"):-.. ~40 tons hay at $12} . . . . . . .. Ensila._;:o .... .. . . . . . .. `S00 bush. turnips at 15v... 200 bush. 111an_<:els at 18v... 3360 bush. potatoes at $1 .. 450 heads <-nbbngc at 101-. 40 bags onions at $12.00. . .. 35 bush. table carrots ,.. .. 20 bush. table hm-ts . . . . .. 101/2 bhl. our . . . . . . . . . 528 Ibs. bran .. . . . . . . . . .. '23: ) lbs. shorts .. . . . . . . . .. . 500 lbs. butter .. . . . . . . .4 El\ "I\1` HOUSE 0}` REFUGE EEPORT | .- _> 1' the spi'in;: rubs or jumps when < e pl1ono,r.-;rapli is playing: it is a .ign there is a dry spot. s6mewhe1'o ietwcen the leaves. Wind it up j. .airly' tight and` let it run oom- ~'pletcly down two or three timt.-5. 3"l'his will open ufi the leaves and dis- > vtribute the grease between them. `)4\\\l\(vv0f|"\"| nnI1;h\'\DI1 \\'iH1l In(`t1 `vtribute the D0LVV`l'c1| Lucux. I Phonogmphs equipped witll motnl horns can -be much innprovod in tone and the metz1ll~i<- effect killnd by ., wrapping- the horn with c1('<~h`icinn s `kor tire tape. ` f'nn1n`\.x hnh~ hr11s1ms n1`(' littl {motor touches we wuuu. -; Loud needles can be nmdo to play 318 soft as desired if they are in- crtcd only part way in the holder. HINTS TO PHONOGRAPH OWNERS. ;nx'111-()'x1V_`z111(`1 wood I Sm * " oxcla and fzlrm are, :15 MK` condititm. O\\'in(_-' ` t_\' of s('v\11'i11_" :1 V *x' the sick. the -\` tron lmvo :1 __-`W211 hi! k to pu1'form." !``r J `largza P0?-' mas. ~13` __ from . Ycd xbs _|1lm]')n` Cuh the '\ .~'.pm.s61ne\vhc1'o st ag; * ,. . rive 'cs. 1t N m ht H 1 adv V . tire Hum `Inn\.'m.' mu] (118-I I .lU uJU I 452 50! 120 95: son 00 333 34 3432 55 1 vol. LXVII.-No. 5. .$325 o0`V . 190 0o;n . 450 001p . 325 00. I 140 00 so oofh 20 001 84 001i .1':n rm 4 ~_2'5 135 520 450 120 36 360 45 S0 E )`6!liko cha before the \\ 1I1(l mm lost OOQTOO prisoiic-rs, was :1 1'en1arkab1_\j {inc itributo to this phase of \Vell-inf.-'t0n g3i\1ii flcllills. Early in the iiyzht (willie had perceived great po.~`.sibilitios 00]f]'Oll'l an occupation of 11 position in OU|liis rem-, and he immediately gravv Ooltho order for his troops to rofi-out. ` It was the Nelson 00' .. . ` ten m1l1t:n'\' tactu-.~:.: sol- tmu-11" (ml_\' :1 _L:'1'(}:li .-av vv v-.--.u--.. .. - ..---. 2:0 00; Salamnnca, that mo:-mo1'abl(.~ battle 4 Oorin which tho French were scattc-rod 9-"0 Oofliko cha before the wind am"! lost '_"25 O01-nn $-%-l ...,...,. ... ,. ..n.nn..l_-nhlr {Inn 1.3% I 10 1' lU| 200 00. -20 00; ('L*n_1.| 1 tho! IKII and I tonic movement. It is revoi-(led of l)` -` . . ' ;!hv1s ehivalrous 11l 1ti\_,"0l1lS-it, Soult, ;that on one occasion, discovering: 3`\\-'ellin_;:t.o11 in full retreat, he re- [)`in:n'ko(1 to :1 stat? oft'ice1', his face `)e1')lexed and t1'oub1ed~lookin<.r. "I n I ~ -' wonder what value the I`411`_,"1lS]1l1]:ll] .- . [) is up to now?" n 1-11,, 119_11:._..'L-.. I'I1......L `I-\|\. ;.u...... _. T\'otl1in;: in war so suprmnc-.1_\' tests the l()adm'shi]) 01' :1 L`Ol1Ul1ill1d('1' as the a.bilit_\' to cm'r_v out 21 su(r(ses5t ul retreat before :1 superior force of the onem_\'. nu . `. .,.A This is n maxim of -mi1itm'_\" science that is undisputed. The his- tory of gho famous retirement from Hons during: the first.c1~it.icz1l weeks of the war and the 1'nllying' of the forces along the Piuve, last fall, _'4`:1\'o further vonfi1'n1ation 01' its truth. - . .. ..- n. . 1 ..u Famous Retreats i in History! i The Duke of Wellington, who will always rank as one of the greatest military -,:eniuses of the world, was once asked to define the test of a gzreat general and he unliesitatin;:l_\_` replied, To know when to retreat, and to dare to do it." There are |\'er_\' few famous . ,`(`l1C1'ills who have not, at one time or another, had to undergo such an ordeal. one of the [few being You Moltke, who played i such u notable part in the Franco- [Prussinn war. The usual bombastic {spirit of the typical German was evi- Idently l:1ckin_2' in this famous sol- . (lier, for the story goes that when he '35 once shown 21 newspaper lnrtiele which compared him to all `lthe greatest captains in the world-- .;Ale.\:zm(ler, Caesar, Turenne, Marl- lboroug-li. Frederie.k, Napoleon, Wel- lliiigtoii, and others-he demurred. lNo, no, said Von Moltke, 1 llmre no ri_9;lit to rank znnong-' these, "for 1 have never in all my life com- _ manded :1 reti-eat"--wl1ich he con- _[sidered the most. d-ift'-ieult operation \\-'ellingt.on. our most illnsti-iou:; soldier, was :1 past nmster in the gurt of 1-et1`eatin_g',,aml time nnd :{l.f.{'{li1l he retreated to victory. In- dee(l, so i'2'eq11e1itly were the Iron iDuke's retreats :1 {prelude to vic- Ito1'_\' that some of his opponents `were frankly silspieious of this stru- `te_u'ic !his :1nta_:,-'onist, nuv n- A',_`I ,__i,,._. L_ __A [mu uL\|\A -V. ..-.. ..-..-`.V. ... _ .,,.,,, :i `It flu: in )_1n1lit:n'_\'tact1c.~:.: only -) dim` would have (10110 -it. Mur- );mount, the French Gem-ml, thinking: Jitho British had at lust 5-ickonc-(1 of )'the prospect, and, in c0u.~'equc1u~(-, Jrctreatod, daslietl inipc-tu0us1_\' into ;):t1io trap, and (-anic out 01' it with his .1'me nrm_\' in s1irod.~'. I ._ The Wellington Touch. 7 The Interests of Barrio, the County of Sincoe and the Dominion of Canada our Oritu-ism. '_Ste\va11 will not live to hear that ,,_:_1 vv ' sum. Then striclinp; forward in his giantl mi.-_>:11t, he fell furiously on the near- est of the oneu1_\' with his bayonet, refused t11equa.1'te1- which they seem- ed desirous of _ and died Iif.-,'11tingf in the midst of them. It, may be added that the (`on was the first Peninsular fig'}1!. 01 the 43111 Foot. '__L....I.... :4-.,.1c \\I1\_~ Hun \~:nrn-1' nf` . hind to retire into, FOOT. 5 \\'aterloo itseltf was the \'ic.to1'_\' of l 1-etreatingz; arniies. The battle was 1 preceded by events bearing` a re,- 1 nmrkable 1`CS(`l`11l)lI11'lL`0--lfl n di'er-| ent settin{.>;, of eou1'se-to the mas- 1 terly retirement from Mons. Only ( two days before the Prussians un- V der Blucher were defeated at Ligny I by Napoleon, and fell back rapidly, 1 Napoleon niaking the g'rea.test mis- ` take of his career in not following" l up. ()n the 581110 day the British :' held their own and no more at 1 Quatre Bras, till, learning of their 1 Allies' defeat, they, too. retreutedlt us they did at Mons, joiiiing; liands| with the Prussians not a minute tooll soon on the field of \\"ate1'loo. ..( Napoleon always asserted that had!) Groueliy and his corps come up inll time the British m'm_\' would ha\'e'l been (lest1'oye(l. "`It was, said he, ] folly in Welli11_Ltoi1 to give me l lmttle in :1 place where, if defeated, 5 all must have been lost, for he could i not retreat. There was a wood in t his rem", end but one road to gain : it. lle would have been (lestroye(l. ' But the Duke Lad ea1'ei`ull_v con-l` sidei-ed this question. Someone once said to hirn-If by misfortunel the French hud em'1'ie(l the British 9 replied the 1 position?" \Ye had the wood be-| Duke. "And if the wood also wast 1'o1'<'e(l`?" No, no!" said the Duke; tliey eonld n_e\'e1' 'u\'e so heaten us: we could liuve mmle good the wood :1}.-':1inst them. ` `J !|)ll:\wuA | ` Sair1." VFL-.. -. i}UU |UB~ UulL\.A 50 (P02. qr}.-"5 lit! (10% . I J L jlgqgopically Conducted. ' lie rinspector nmkes the t'o|lo\\'-{V ng comment: [1 l A "`Takin_: into t-ousidcration the ( . .2 a(l\-'anc(`(l price of all supplies and -.also the necessity, owing to the fire, 1 ,. .91 ha.vin_<: to purchase ninny s\1ppli(-s ` I `formerly p1'o(luco(l on tho t'm'n1, l _ '. 'tl1t.ink the institution has boon <-on- ` {lucted very economically. The Go\'- 1 -vevnor and Matron and Medical Sup- crintentlent spare no pains: in l0ok-|j ing after the t-,on1t`m't of the nnnntos `thereby sot-ui-iug' lmrmony and good will. The House usual, in excellent to tho in1possibilit_v of S(`('\11'll1}_" nurse. to look nt't.ex- *"Gov(-.rnor and Mutrmi "\1_"1l`l of extra work E I on D `I '1 ,,, Barrie, County of Simcoe, Ontario, February 7th, 1918. WHEN HORSES ARE POISONED.` when H homo, om at pStm.(,_ m.lto properly umlerstund what thislin France. 'l`he1'e we: in H) H i_._ found St_1,,,,.(_l.in,,. `in 1 wnr meant to themselves and to us one front in Franl ` . I I . O ` '" "` the world. Dr. Grenfell said that :1 here. All men who st dopey condition with the pupils ol 'mm'\'ellous change was coining.-' over liberty and rig.-,'liteous the front \\'he1'ever l the eyes diluted, -it us usually 1111- the world because of the war, and Tlxey did not need to parent that he has eaten something `it W115 all 01` the bttcl T110 t0i1('ll- thnt does. not n<"ree with him. The lngs or the Prince M Peace w""' i l"" to I "1 nth __ f __ 1`; not hm Hwlsinkingg into the liearts of men. Even speaker saw an old 1 HM 0 COMM` ` 5 ` ` the surgeon s knife could be :1 nies- day who had plenty f~`i1m(`- Bull?`-l N0~ 35; Sl``tlfl`'ls(>nge1' of love. \Vise men said, soon onl_\,` one son. The : Series. of the llealth of Animals after the war started, tlinl. when glitiiig line, and th seventeen billions of dollurs had nsmljiig 3 1eu,m- 1.1.1 been spent by the dil'l'erent ll2ltl0llSipi'l(l(` und pleas-nire. Branch. Depm-tmenl of Agriculture, '2 '. l . 1' .. . - . . ` L ()t,m_l mm mm :0 ind. ref` 0 1p the war would lmve to stop lo)-`in the Royal F1_y1_-; (. phcntion to tho Iubhoutions Bi-nnch want of mmmy_ The axpmditm_Olm. g_I_mt dnngm_' and of the I)epm'tment, explains nt,to date was over one hundred audlin um letter of his least one cause of this state of forty-five billion dollars. They were `mg 011' four Hun pl things. The authors, .\Iessrs. S. spending in a single month now he had been fond oi Hndwen, D.\'. Se. Putlioligiist, and what they spent (in the first year of and 110 _-,-id he felt :l E. A. Bruce, V.S., Assistant Pntho- the war. All the great nations ()l',51,u11g11,g these foul. logzist, tell of experiments by which the past had had their (lziy, but 1013;: flu-_\' had _-_-;ot,; it wns found that brneken was fl're-lwlien they lost their souls they \\:'hn was the hero, qnently at fault. They say :1 disease perished. The United States had um boy? :-lknown as sta.;:ge1'e; has -been pre- gntlieretl in half of the wealth nifl 'j`h0_\;(- who won,- 11 valent on the Pacific slope for many the world, end seemed to he in (;rm,f'(-11 Missioii wc he _venr.~:, end then proceed to detail dan_L:e,r of following the other gm-nl `um (l\'an(g() of Chri 1- the results of their research. To nations who have died. They wonldlimd the imp]-ovemcn t, show the serious nature of the e.om- surely have perished ll` they n0t|ditions_ Many p - plnint they quote an instance in come in with the Allies. All the coast, Wm-ev" without st which of '2-l,l1o1'.'~ses, owned by 11 nations had sulfered enormously in \viL',,m1t` pi-opgy {'oo( V. t`n1-mere, 16 died. Not only are the the sacrice of precious human life. ku0w1e_(1;_;c of how t m syniptonis fully set `forth, but the|The boys in Lxvbrmlor who lmd been t]wy had, and so 1 . . . ..,-. -1,-..m L- v..n.......A...n.....+...1 nut` whn were .exneete(l imr l'rmn hex-ri-be1 ,.........,.. _ .._,, , Mm ntlto (1; forty span: what which wus fro-l\\`l1e1 peri: llmown gut}: . ' clan; - results To nnti , sure - com I '24 ho1'.'~4es, nati fm'xn(-rs, the|The tren.tment that should be followedledue is given and the steps that shoulclwo : he tnlien for the eradicutfron of goo `- the fern from the horse s feed, whe- pie, ll ther gntlieretl in the field or sup- voh .1 .42-) 9...... nm I-mwh-.4`? Plan Htln nf'll.l'w. Advertising is an investment-not an ex- pense-and should be treated as such. Because it has been the habit of some inerchants to look upon it as an expense, alwrong view has been gained. Perhaps the misconception arose from the fact that in bookkeeping it has been the habit to charge advertising to _expense. Adver- tising produces new business-it swells the vol- ume of business and prot-therefore it is an investment. Only the man who looks upon ad- vertising as an expense, who is afraid of it, prejudiced against it, loses money in advertising. The man who treats advertising as an invest - ment and gives it the attention an investment requires--knows that every dollar rightly in- vested in this direction yields compound inter- est-and more. An Invesfment DR. GRBNI'ELL S ADDRESS TO THE ORILLIA UANADIAN i CLUB. The report of the Inspector olf the House`ot' Ret'u,<,-'e, presented to the county counail, ;:ive:< detailed in- formation x'eg.:m'diu,q- the \\-'01-kin__: of the institution for 1917. No. of inmates at last report.... 78 Admitted di11'ixi3: year . . . . . . . .. 30 3:`. Li. .... . . . . . . . . . .. 13 l I Orillia l z1eket--Mr. C`. J. Miller 'kindly furnishes the following re- port of Dr. Grenfell s address to] the Canadian Club last Friday: | Dr. Grenfell commenced with :\ reference to his former visit to Orillin, ten years ago. He said it was snowing then and he noticed that it was still sirowin,2'. The snows` I of winter were slio\vin_r:, on the whxitening` heads of m:m_\_' whom he ' had then met, as well as upon him- self. He was pleased with the great material progress shown in Orillia, and the fine Y.M.C.A. buildin_z was )e\'i(lenee of social and spiritual ,`_ ,'1'0Wi.ll too. The interval since his `last visit had been mostly spent up- .,on the North East Coast, trying: to 1 !make life better for the men (loing; , lhusiness upon the great waters. He 1 `had to come out occasionally, as at 5 present, to enlist the synipntliy nndl: ~ help of people, to keep things swing` ` in his Lnbrmdor work. He had also i, spent one winter as ali-`Iajor in inedi-l: cal and surgical work in France`, _ Every red-blooded man should gel. there, or do What he could at homel - to win the war. The Christ I wantl 9 to follow is in the front rank of re-! 5 sistnnec. I have no use for it non-l ilresistzmt Christ. The men who lmve - followed the Christ the closest !|l1Zl\ C always resisted that which was` ;gwrong:. Men who do not resist ; wrong do not know what religion 1 means." The speaker, although 'vI`lllf_',`llSll, had gone over with an `American unit.` For a time the peo- 1 l 1 < 2 . ( [In the Service E of Humanityl `the plc of the United States did not ap- pear to have got their eyes open. or. to this ._........II...... ..l........n uvnn :Anvv\:r\lI' nrnv .... ,.| , I 0 hat lmrc libel to,:1ch- The; were , in ( spv: 01113 gll rem nfinnre vn-It , 1...` th ditux-o`ot` ;_-1 1 H` were 1 11 Bill` mu 1)? .4n1L- place. It is like hell. But 1 will do; my hit and stny on." He had seen men in great pain ;:rit.t~ing' their teeth and saying.-; to the doctor, I1 cunnhold on for :1. while. Atteinl to that other man. The French peo-` ple had shown a beautif11l spirit of liospit.alil_y and service. in eurin;z' for sick and wounded soldiers, and even the German prisoners. Men Whom no one would have suspected of being" possessed of a spirit of` idealism, had shown wonderful self sacrifieg and a great spirit of bro-i therly help. The best men of Bri- min and Canada, and especially the )'onng' rich 'of the United States, had gone into the places of _2`1'enles1 clan- ger, and many are (lying: in the snow and mm] of France. m. I 1 1 :,|, 1 Lu-uu_1 an \.1\.. Al nu... I There 11eed be no fear that the `,5 [Ge-1'1111111s would ever -break t.l1rou_r_~'h lthe XV:-sterii front. '.l`l1c-y e:11111ot do 0] ( lit. Two _\ e21rs ago they were so 9 near our base hospitals that some- .` 11 |ti111es the hospitals were st1'uek with str21_\i sl11'11p11cl shells. Yet at this n 1 . . . . 11.ve1'.\` 111110 the Br1t.1sl1 were e1'e1.-1111;: , | 1.1er111:111e11t' liospital b11~ildi111;'s 011 this front, so sure were they that the 1: G('I`I11ull.s` could never more 3113' t'11r- ? 1 t,l1er west. These sl1er111e11 had pro- Jzuted the British Cl1111111el so ell Y t eti\'el_\' that nltl10l1f_f,'l1, as Lloyd 0 lGeo1';_-e had pointed out, 111ore than ]til'te(-11 111'1llio11 111011 have passed to D `and fro over tl1e Cl1:11111el. 11ot 11 lone i11 te11 t11ousa11d of t.l1e111 lmre ll }'bee11 '111j11red. These men hud t11k- 5 I011 up 111ore than live thousand (ler- 1112111 111i11es. This was peri1o11.~: work, t for .~:0111eti111es tl1e mines explode s \\'h(-11 they were l)ei11_e; tished 1111,!` and Llen`t1'o1' the trawlers 1111d kill the C crews. ()11e old 1112111 told the s11e.'1k- I ,<-1' that he had been trolli11_e; for I mines for three _\fe:11`s, and he would ( he jolly ,1,-`lad when l1e could go trol- 5 ling: for honest cod fish once more. '1 The Lnb1'ndo1' and Newt'o11ndh111(lI(_ fisl1er111e11, as well as the British fish- < er111e11, have proved their value to I the Einpire i11 this time of gjreat I peril. The C1111adim1 sol-(tier, too,1 had come to his own, for e\'erybody in E11gl1111d now takes his h-.t't off to him. It was :1 g'rez1t satisftietioii to `the Doctor to see the men z1111o11_s:st .whom he has been luboring for t,we11t_V-five yez11'.~1 re11(leri11g' such vziluable service to the l7.n1pire at 11- this time. ,. n~-.\1_ ,...nI-n .-.t' Hm lxnttln t'1'm1t. av.- SPCH H\n conclcd from. ll. Now in house .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8; . Inmates are ('lll`f_';(`(l :1_:ainst the ~vm'iou.~; municipalities as follows: Adjala `-2, Essa 6, Flora 2. (-lwillim- Wmry 1, Innisfil 1, }'l:ll'(:ll(`(l1lSll 1, llcdonte (3, Nolta\\':xs:xgn E), On) 2-}, Orillia TOWl`lSlll[) 3. T(`(`l1Il1S(`tll 9, Tipy 3, Tay 3, Tossoronlio \"'e.~:.-I pm 5, Alliston 6, Barrio 13, C01- .'1ingwood `-1, Midland 4, ()1-illi-.1 7, 5Pcnctang;-; 4, Stnyncr J, Bceton 4, Brmlfol-(l 2, C1'oon1ox'e L . Mimioo Asylum 1, }lmnilton Asylum `2. Rnnni\-nil nOn Hun lunrnn l'nI- Hull tlns tune. People spoke of the battle front. in There was no such tl1in<,: Frztnce :1n anotlmr st.11n(l for human 1'i;:;l1teo11s11e:ss were at they don the kl Ol`(l(.`l` be at "the front. mki The ; t.l ti (1 `I mig;l1t be. , 11 l1 - man the other 1] - of lnoney and ]~ son was in the I f'1<,:l1ti11;: the father was l ren(li11_u' from him with Sl]')l'l(l(` The son wns |"' Fl_\'i:; Corps, in 11 place F` ot' and he was telling` | `H1 Tllln exploit in driv- 0 planes. At. home V of duek shootingx, f badly that 'x1t'tm' `l'.stulkI'111_:: Ilun (lueks so ll 5_:'ot,z1w:1_v from him. .3 the old 1111111 or f ( ( 1 1 4 Th('il1(lV(` {xix ` have $30 l(3_V he]-Q ten any jny 91' ""5 durable 1 others, '`~* measure 1"1C memory 5 cxperiez `xt. shooting`, COL- int `lucks Hunt. `om note to discuss} the En over ha only. in hun until i1 myself should and w in the Ling; for \'~i1i7.ation man con- onf: the cal help, thout the no food boneffit ro suf`f(-r- God h rickets. as I 1 on in b(`- expori ism-ass of of sixty , stu.I't', no the in volunteer, has 2:. IS :1 much and 1 summer disc-h; 3 Etinm than in the wi11tc1', and doctorsv 1 :omo from grozlt distalu-gs to spend 1- the summer vacation \\'it.h him. Tho [1u1o.di1-:11 p1'01`ossi0n \\'e1'o \'c1'_\_* gen- , . \ an-nu: III u`\"n\n' Hlniv Hvnn rnnl nun`. IIII':\IIl'ill llI\ I\'Uu`0l\7Il \\l:I\' \l.'I.)' :_"UKl- erous iu _:;i\'ln_;' their time and sex`.- vir-os to these poor fisher folk. Thit was rlmrzu,-teristie of the profc-ssrion. ()n(- (.li>'tlllj.L,"l1lSl1(`1l (-onsulting: ot-ulis`t' unnm from Santa B-.n'h-.u'n, Califor- nia. in May of each _\'en1' and spent the summer with him. There were five srnazll hospitals, about two hun- dred miles apzu'l.' ;\lun_\;' obli{_','at-ions were tlirust upon him that he (lid not ll1Sll1L`(' us the cure of orplmn chil- dren. It is (lillficillt to know what to do with :1 baby when you have only men to help you. It is ex- t1'aordinm'y What problems a little girl of two and a hall` years can present to :1 man. There were *-'1`ez1t' eoonomio di"icult.ies to over- In lunmn `Mnnv nnnnln r-nneulnrml an expect when he went there, such fol" iglrlfill \'-\'UllUllKLl' Llllllllllll-I\.'3 lU ll\l'I` 'com(-. Many people ('onsi(le1'ed an Iig*11o1'n.nt mun fair ;;'-anmc. When a [man did not know the vulucz of what {he had to sell or what. he had to `buy, he was npt to su'er. The men traded their sh for flour and guns ,:1n(1 soap and molasses. A m-opcr- iative store was stm'ted. This pro- voked the mnnity of the Storekeep- .n.-:- `X71: fun: A5 Y1-nnrlnnu nru` Fnwrof \'Uh\`\l Lllu L'ul.1u|,_y U| nu` 3l.Ull.'l\I,'C]l` vcrs. '0 talk of freedom and forget souu-times that tl1e1'e_\\'c1'o many economic slaves. The cooperative stores had been successful, and the Iisllermen own (`\`(21'_\_' cent of the \\'0!`kil1f_f` (?p.itl of the stores. It. `Ivan Crnnngu-Ck`n nnnr nnnrf;nI1: 5|! \\'Urh11Lg Cillllllll Ul LHU DlUlI.'.')- Ll-_ was impossible, under conditions as they exist in Lzlbrador, for a doctor to do satisfactory work if he simply practised his profession. A patient. rni.-_,-`lit be cured in :1 hospital, but the conditions under which he lived at home must -be looked after or he would soon be back ngniii, or dead. The Mission had up-to-date Sl11`: iC(ll ` appliaiiees. They had had to train Iboys for different trades and profes- sions. They made their own elec- tric liglit, 1-'an their own X-rny and 9- pliotographie apparatus, and do their own building, and many other t.hing-s. In response to criticism, :1 commission had been appointed to investigate the Mission by the gov- ernment of Newfoundland. This Commission had issued :1 most at- tering` report `on the .Vlission. A trip :n H1n r1nni n1"'< little limit. in a stiff $1.00 per annum. Single copies 81. terxng 1'0p01'E`p11 uu: _vu5.s1uu. :1 uxp in the doctor's little boat. in n north-vast gale had soon p(`I'Sl1d("ll -the commissioners thut there was no foundation `for the (-11nr;:(- that the Mission was only 11 gloried method of taking: :1 51111111101` ]1o1idny. Pro- hibition hns been in force for two years, much to the benet ` of the 1- n ,_I,.._. of the colony. More substantial and better hos- pital building's were much needed, as it was impossible to keep the present wooden st1'uct.u1'es at :1 sufficiently liigh tempe1'uturc- in the winter. The nmximum was below ` the minimum te1npe1'atu1'e of the .Iontx'enl hospitals. An effort was nmking to get the Su-x1(ln_; school - children to purclmse n brick eueh, . at t\vent.y-live cents per brick, for - :1 substantial wnrin brick building. I One liundred and seventy-five thou- . sand dollars luive been spent, in :1 _ -ne Y.M.C.A. building` for the use llof the sailors and shermen in St. - John s,Newfoundland. Fifteen thon- ) sand men had slept. in this building t (l111'il1g` the past year. All the young men who join the British Navy from t. Newfoundland make use 01 this well o equipped -building`. Many of the 0 women of the ;\-lission occupy their .t spare time in nmkim: mats which 1 h MJIBBLUII vvu--1 \.unn_v .. _.v....u4 - are sold for the benelit oi" the Work. Everything,-* possible was being done it for the conservation of child life. Teddy Roosevelt. lielieves, 1'i,:'htly, it that large fmnilies help the state. I `I-1. .'1D_YlllHl ll. JIHJHIIIUII 1'13) ILIHI L. I Received into the home for the} `following.-; reasons: sickness 1.`), dos-' `tituti-on 46. lameness 7. old MIC 13. -other 0.911505 .14. Avera_e;e number of inma1os 80. Average num'b(-1' (inc1udinf.:` 1\'L`('p- s family and hired help, 87. Total paid by County '.l`1'vas1n'm'. :'_-103491 no ` have griven to life, ' got out of I \ l.IIu \- Llllu ;uu........ .. _., . , Some people think we make sac- rices in goiiig to Labrador. That depends upon one .-s point of view. When you get in return more than you ;:i\'e it ds not snerif`1ce. You people of Orilliu know what you nud what you life, since I was ten years ago. If you have had. of life .that. is ;;~oin;2; to be it niust come from serving_:: As we get older we can the sacrifices of life in memory, and out of memory we shall experience the joys of God. ' Huntsville F01-ester.-ln a private to the editor, Colonel Grant, in discussin,r.: the enormous task before Empire, says: I did not come. here for a holiday, nor a trip ' The war is the biggest thing human history. Nothing; is safe - it is over and won. It. one like myself, with militm-_v experience, show indiferenco to the need. withhold from the cause airy benefit "that experience night be, help the old Empire. So long am physically fit, any military experience I may have will he at the '1`l~m:n \x.'nrrl.'< ring-` true. Thev are disposal of 1n_v`K-ing` and count:-y. GRANT AT THE FRONT. msposzu 01 my x\1u;.: uua Cuuuuy. These words 1'in;_: tnw. They Itttemncc 01 a military man who true vision of histoblig-:ntion,*` the patriotic .(lvt(:1*1winntiolX 130-. disc-}mrs_:c` if-. IXVUJ'iIf.',\' I`-AKIJCIIDK` Ill ! \\ Iflih `I . `(op of inmates, keeper's |'umi1_\' .$v_ed help, $1.50 1.13. Avex-ago, inc-ldrinp; 31/._; per ~ Km $48,000 capital im'('.~;tol in Home, pm" \\'e0k, .'2.8~'1,L;. `TEL- ,....-.A... LULILI IJHIU `U_\ \'ULlll l_\ .l I Vilalll (`I , I _-`$16,421.99. Average expense per week for `Ann nfivvvnnfnu lrnnnnu-` 2111!] .l`iL `Ta

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