Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Jan 1918, p. 7

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The Supreme Test. IIUBUEI L you 500 your way clear to husband to the front, as` .,_....,1 .....x 1 ...:on. M 1... .-m Wanted to Know. Allll cu: as My nvn nu: un A Sleepy Humorist. Geography Lesson. considerate. Unprepared. IHIIU lU um Iruum, up and I wish to be rid CHAPTER XXX.--Continned. il(3('.u.3LUu|l:u [U `My Lord! act-u;~'tonI0d to MY Ladv! 11;; ht-inf." `J11? J (ICC- I you over got and have your 3 aw ful to lmvt-. 1 ,....J u, go to sloop. \\"hut ]n'0b:ll)l_\' the rubber :' itself. deaf]: home wife girl any S111ulay-5.]5 a.m. Mo11day-Mail 7.4.5 :1.111., Nation- al 12.15 p.m., mail -1.55 11.111. Tucsday~-5.15 a.n1., mail 7.45 3.111., mail 4.5.3 13,111. \V'e(l11csda_\'---5.15 a.111., mail 7.45 'a.1n., mail -.`.:'>:') pan. 'l`hu1`sda_v-~5.]:') 3.111., mail 7.45 a. 111., N:11i(111:1l" 12.15 111.111., mail 45"") nun v r.-. Friday-5.]-5 a.m., mail 7.45 3.111. mail 4.55 pm. Satm-day--5.15 a.m., mail 7.45 a. m., "N:1tio1Ial"]2.]5 p.m., mail urn fssnnn wen lll |IlIl'[ 3 Change of time, effcctiw at'{m' {Jan11a1'y 6th, 1918. | .\-lm1da_\'-Mail to North Bay 11.15 a.m._, mail to Gravenhurst 8.00 ]).m., Cobalt 1.25 mm. ` . .. .. `V .. 1x :11: Tuc.'~:x1:1_\.`-M:1il 1u.\'orth Buy 11.1.") :\.111., mail to Gravenlmrst 8.00 p.m., Nati011:11 11.25 p.m., Cobalt 1.25 in 1-1 \Vednesda.y--Ma.i1 to North Bay 11.15 3.111.. mail to (-3ra\'(-nhurst 3.00 p.m., Cobsilt 1.25 21.111. m1,....-.n.... '\.l ..:I 4-.` \T 12.... 11 `IR 1_r.u|., uuucuu .1. . - u u . . . .. Thursday Mail 10 N. Bay 11.15! 11,111., mail to Gravenlmrst 8.00 p.m.,[ 1Nutio1ml 11.135 p.m., Cobalt 1.25! nvn 1"'"" 1 }7`x'i(1:zy--;\1z1il to N. Ba_v`11.15. a.m., mail to Gravolllmrst 8.00 pm. Cobalt 1.25 11.111. Szmm1:1_\'---Mni1 to X. Bay 11.15 a.m., mail to Gr:\vcn1n11s`t 8.00 p.m., "Nati0u:\1 .1l.`_ a") p.m., Cobalt. 1.25: O ill I (Daily except Sunday) Barrie to C'n11ingwood and Mea- f(ml-10.:')() a.m., and 7.30 p.m. From M(~a'( ord and Col1ingwood- 7.55 a.m.; and pm. To Ihnniltm and interxnediate` .|.u ;4uunuu\nu ,uuu nun.-nuu.u--..-l points-T.-.L'> :\.m. From I-Tamilton and intermediate points 11.15 a.m., Via '.l`0ronto; I800 p.m. 'Y`l.. .2- 1... Tl.\...!1A-.... 1.`..Z` . .\..n.. I \lt\I\I ` . ' I Barrio to H:unilton_. Fridzxy m\l_\'-- p.m. Toronto and in tm-nu-dintv points. (By HAROLD BINDLOSS) V - _ . . . . . . . . . n A,A_.I..I. +'!'!-}*-'-!-!~+!'~}~+`!-i~!~~$"~-~+~' l~~~-21-}~}- `-!-"}-i~+'I-}-"~%~'!"i*--I-Q->3-l-I-jg '3` Trains leave Barrie as under: F1-om Po11ciang an To Po1)et.a'.1:: 7130 11.111 EA.MILTON-COLLINGWOOL BRANCH ! J. 1` l %++M' %+H+M~H44*'kH+%H+%`W4$%+ RAILWAY TIME TABLE '1`ORON'1`0--NORTH BAY The Advance Small Advts. Mails Close at Barrie P.O. PENBTANG BRANCH. Pinkhufs Vegeume pumpuuuu, unu Meommeace the treatment without delay. ; 'l`llE Al)VANCl. roaczlms the responsible, steady-_|:oimz people of a wide <-onullunity, and they are the l)u_v('rs. There are more of tlwm who rozul THE ADVAN(`l'l to-(lay than ever. 'l`he_v take it and like it for its tone and respnnsillity. Going South Butter Put an advertisement in the columns of The Advance and get quick results. If you have for sale anything that the people wantr-or want to buy anything that somebody else may have for sale, a small ad. in this paper will bring quick response. 343339,; North Under the present act governing the sale ofButtcr, each pound must h.we:a wrap- per :with the printed designation on it. Th; Advance can supply thcivcxy best quality of paper, printed out of stock or with the maker's name included. Mail orders promptly attended to. Phone 53 THE ADVANCE ped Most Terrible Suf-I` Efing by Getting Her Lydia. f E. Pinkham s Vegeta- e ble Compound.` I PRINTED . ..f.l)U ll.lII., O.-)\ lhllhl l.LI) J. North Ba)` and into1'n1e(liate points. . . .10.40 am. and 8.30 ]).m. Hamilton to M(*.ni'0rd, north . . . . .. man .. ..-. surrtmue mm mm o If you shiver in frosty % weather, if you have cold ; hands and feet, if colds are ; stubborn and frequent, 1 then` your blood ma be 1 thin and impoveris ed. .|l(lll|lllUll lll `.u(:iIl\Hu, HUALH ... . . . . . . . . .. 10.30 13}-1.. Hamilton and }\`1('f'01'(l, south ".'1K .. u. ' F0}? ',.\'u{11}.{1' Allandale, (-105 Allundalo . . .. Allnndalv and has been correcting this condi-- tion for nearly fty years. It possesses rare powers for creating natural body-warmth, for charging summer blood with winter richness and strengthening both throat and lungs. ' Scott &. Bownc. Toronto, Ont. 17-Y2 Midhllrst and G1'enl'(2l Barrie P.O. as soon as [1n01'ning' mail is sorted. I 1r:n-.x..I- ....._;,. 1-... [lHUl'llIH_', lllilll I3 BUILULI. [ Hillsdulo route leaves at .l`_ .0 lnoon. Sma1l-Hoss I'}cc1e5-I n1'k ' F1'm1cis-Eli7.abeth Brock-Bradford BaIdwin-town line [Essa rond-Mniu \\"illiam-Burt.rm Ave Cumbc-rland-Keid Bradfo1'd---Victoria 'I`ox'm1t0-Eliz:\h Pa1'k---I-Tigh , Bnyeld--\Ve1Iington Gwen-Grove \VelIi11;:to11--Peel Mulc:1.stc1'-Penetan;: -PL-netnng-Du(*kworth N(e1>:on--Blake Blake-Hodno_\' Bl:xke-Duckworth B|akc--Bcrc7.y ` Collier-Mulc.ast:1' 'HI's"w'IFE; m A mixture that will remove grease from the finest l'nln'ics without in- juring them is made with one quart. lot` rain-water, 2 oz. of ammonia, one lc-uspoonfnl of saltpetre, and 1. oz. {of sl1a\'in_'_>; soap, cut up line. This prepzn-ation should be licpt con- stantly on hand. SCOTTS EMIJISION .4.3() p.m., 8.30 p.m., | Ran` and Quin:-r Street Letter Collections :1 ml Ponotnn_';. closed ]):l}.: . Rural Mails. 11.111. 11.111. 11.111. -"" '1 on R I\l\ _ ()1: EEK 8.30 2.50 7.30 S.40 3.00 7.45 8.50 3.10 8.50 8.55 3.15 8.55 9.05 3.25 9.05 9.10 3.30 9.10 9.15 3.35 9.15 9.20 3.40 9.20 9.25 3.45 9.25 9.30 4.00 9.30 9.30 4.00 9.30 - In a sense, it was unnatural that] `lthcy should be talking quietly and ` 1 almost condently, but he did not Ylfeel the anger he luul expected undl `his ant~a}, *o11ist was calm. Still, he ilwvns none the less (laugerous and! lwould use any ad\'a11lag'e that he; Y`v0ul(l gain. ` v ..nl ..\-,,,_ _.__. :....I 1-..u.... 4..H I .u-) 4 8.10 2 0-1:. rmxtos leave the Toronto 10.30 `nan. . 4.30 19.111. . .7.00 p.m. Ii}; EIEE .30 7.11; '7 -`DC K ltlnt the train was running fast, the next station was some distance ahead. There was moonlight out, side and he saw towering rocks and masses of dark trees roll pnst. I Well, he renlarked, You have} l` had a strange career. Lending 3' gang of Swindlers must have been a clmn;:e f1-om helping a philanth- ropxst. I r\..I.. ,.m:l...l .1-nflunv n-rhnlv F01-I Tuplbb. , Daly smiled u'ather grimly. For :1 long time 1 served a strange nnm. `Philanthropy loses its charm when it becomes a business and results * are demanded from all the money given. Then my pay was arranged Ion the surmise that to be exlgagetl "n such an oecupation was reward ,enough, and something_,-' must he ul-j llowed for the mlturul reaction. Asi in matter of fact, l n1 not surprised} lthnt Fe-utherstone l'0l)l)L`ll my eun- ployer. Hc lea-.1'\'e(l it; but I lhink we can let that go. Foster nodded and was silent. lPer1m.ps it was because the excite-l imcnt 01' the chase was over, but he` felt (lull and tired. He had no sym-l lpathy with Duly; the fellow was a| rogue, but he had pluck und charm. `In sense, unnatural that 1,, ,1; L, L..n.:..... ,...:..4l.~ ....,:| I \ u unu nu... Now you hnd hotter exac-t.I_\,` what you want, ' ' sumed. about it at the mqury, anu wuuu u! was in the factory passage he spoke to the man he saw as if he was the ight guard. l u'r`1mHa an Ynu nrobablv know, .'\U, nun: .|'u.`.u:I. nu; nunuuul some guarantee. 'J`h(-.n we must make :1 1):11g;-`:1iz1.1 I'm able, if I think it worth whilo,} to _"i\'o you what you ask. None ofl my con1'c(le1':1tes know ll1_\fHliI)_`__:i gahout. Ft-uth(~1'st0nc's ]1ist'0ry; tl1is( Eon}.-"ht to be obvious it you claim` that \\'uIters meant to killAhim. \'o1-5-' well; I can, so to speak, bury an unl'01'tunato 011-01` of his so that. it will never trouble him :\}.;:1i11. .'1`1mt's much. What lmvc you to Eotfer? l I'.'..\;.. ...... ....... ......o-'..nnc'ml `ri- J 1 V` I1 I alone. A | \l',... HlUllUo Would you be I p1'on1ise`."" \'n " unhl V1121 mo II'lL`ll i "I don't make an offer. di(-tnto ternis. i Are you?" Daily naked with an iimnical smile. "Well, Sl1])])0.'s'L'. _\'ou Ehzul me :11-ivstvxl ? My deft-n(-e lwouhl he to discrcilit _\'0u1' partner's ie\'ilen(:e. My i:l\\'_\'(!I` would 1n-ove ithat Feutlici'.x't01io us my vnciny land had `.1 m0t.i\`(- for 1`(`\'u11g_:o, h_\' `z.l(i.lllitiilI_L' that '1 ililli rloniumled ni(mv_\` from him and would tell the court on wlmt uiuniids. You must ,see the (Ian-_'or in whivh _\'0u' put =_Vou1' fritrnd. ' Foster .~za\\' it; imlved. he hzui seen it since he he5_-;:ui the chase. 110 "must silent-0 l)zil_\'. but the I1-lluw ':Is :1 l_'l'ill|il1i1i and he vouhl not b1'in_~.;; himself to proiniso him im- munity fmm the pu1ii. he (Ic- ` served. Yet nothing less would |. the man. It looked as it he iiinust lony his duty as :1 ('iiiZP1l it iihe Iiioalit to save his frioml. 'l`hi.~' '}\\`us the prnblvni, and there `as up- :i])iX1'(`1lii)' no mlution. I)-.il_\`. who 10 DC lll'lll. know that i need to I think I'm able tn :il1I1(i(`l`.s't()0(i ii. \\'li(`ilL`(i him with Hlry amusement. i nun v` ..I I... Inch... --I'll g IIOYI" 1 Foster was now confronted with `tho (.lii'f'icult_\' he d1'0ad(_-cl must, but ilw tried to be linn. ALI I-..u. 1........ 41...; I ..,-.,..1 L`. , ; wt: 1: k'.\|.'llill um ulurut.` . Inn. . !('ll(`.([l1C.\` zurainlst the puper.s' Hm! I it-nmpromise Icz1t,l1e1'st0ne. I ' Whiz-.h _\'ou l1:Ivcn't 1);-(yo-;`I1t!" i I ` I "Just so," said I)al_\'. "H we .ll)oth L'1l_`_"l1j.."(` to uunkv no use of the _;dm-11n1('nt,s we hold. tlu-_\' can be , ',ox'11au__-;od nt..-omo convenient time." if 'I`lmt mc-ans I must put the ='poli<:v off _\'0lll' Iran-k um] nwvl you! ` v: A r');|I 1 iul'_)` u1nuM'n|l'nl. I \Vcl1," 1'(-.~a11nu-ml the `nluko 21 proposition. To we'll (-XL-l\:1n}.;'(! loom I I AL. -_.. IHH IJil\\`IL'u\ \` unu nu unn lu uu-u nu. zit. but IQ):-ztt-1' must try to ]N'l'sll:l(l(': fhim that ho <-nuntt-(I too nuluh oh] _ gthis. 'l`lu- l'vHm\` pla_\`(-(I '21 (-It.-H-1` ,f_::n1u.~. but it \\':1.< nczlrly Iinisllt-d [::uHl l"().~'\(-1' th0uu'ht he still hold :1 tr1unp. | I ~-\\v'.. l....| 1u.Han- n\'a-n|'1:l;II in Illlllllh I risks :1 .\tuin(-(I name. his 1'c1:1tionS' _tli. and the lux~'. of 1'1'iC|uls.` i\\'o'll admit it. but tl|(-.-to H|i11g_';s 1-uni lw li\'(-(I lmvn. You risk h(~in_I:1 glricrl for |llll!'(l(`l' uml <-(`rtainly a gsorious 1'ohb01'_\'. Tllerc-'s L`\'i(l0!l((! Zmmu,-_:l1 to (-onvict you of :1 slmre inl ltlw lntu-1'." I I n'|`l...L 2.. .... " l\..l.- ....q-nml u-HI.` " \\"(~ laud In-[tor .\'('(`l.i\il| to whom the cnn \\'m11l he \\'ur.~'-. " he suixl. l"(s:I111o1'st<)x1(- iuj.',zux1. ` , l"..\'urtl_\'; _\`un hu\'L- nu r.-lnoivo. l3v(mi(lo.~', FcuHw1'st()11o mu.~`.l promise itu keep back m1_\'tl1ing 111- kn0\\`s and you to say nothin}_," albout your meat- `illf_',' with (}1'nhu1n." I .....u H l.`....4 1-n\*.`:n:l I Daly s smile rather disturbed him.` Then it s strange he said not11in;=i about i-t at the inqury, and when in `nu: ha fhn factorv nassngc spoke, I cum I il_`_',IL'l'. Iunuzl Iuluuu. I 'l`h0n l'm ul'1'ui your purtllvr Tlnust take the _-m1.s`oq11(.~.~; : ["0st01' pond01'o(I. Duly, who look-| iml xlott-r1nin(-(I. km-\\` his l'ri(-mlship . . l pt-rsualrk-1 ' I ll..... 41.... I... ,..........l inn ..m..1. n'n `llH` |Hlll'l'. i That is . 1):1l_\` :1.-_r1'(~u(l \\'ith*1 tun'h1'0k0n calm. I'm .s'u1'[n'i.~'.otl ` you don`! sow that it stre11g't1m11s my `dmnnml. Il'.~; obvious that you must 1 lholp mo to avoid the trial, or leave `{m(- to It-fem! Inysolf hy doing` us`: `}much thunzlgzc us pns. 'I`lw1'o's ' `H10 other wny." 4 ,l I*`0stor thou;:;ht tlmu-. was, so ml` speak, :1 middle way bot\v(-en tho.` two, hut it xvas hateful to il1di('l1t(`.,' :uu(l whilo ho hesitated the cur lurch- '_ - ed as the train -.un out upon :1` b1'i4l_"e. The door swung open and` EI)ul_v s face got. suddenly hard. A` - passcng.-,'m' from another part of iflho train had entered the our and` - .wus l0okin_-_v; into the $nmkin_-.,-' com- `I want you to .,, Y) said Foster. A-.. D) nvna unnnn innnan u leave my ])zu'tne1' .~.`atiHlied \\`it.l| l latter. `'l'll` \. begin \\'ith_.| lo(-mm-nt.<: the] nu thut` l"()st(!1' replied. ll `IIllIlx.`lpl\.' ' V `not without ni-rm truxuu." ?"I`11:;at s so. You pI`0b8b_1.V k"! more about the` methods of the 1101-` ice than me, but I understand they. nnm an-1 H\nn 'L'nnn Rniulill bnckn tell Daly nu) partmcnt. It was the man Fosteri had seen at the hocl. Next moment, ,Daly was on his feet and spring"- Hmy um-nee Hm nm-rmv nnr hn'|md guaiy was 011 ms 1|.'l7|: uuu a1um;5-- in; across the narrow oor turned t< to Foster with a pistol in his hand. 1 Blast you!" he said hoarsely. d "`You fixed this. I thought you h were straiglit! I Foster understood the situation. 11 [The man in the next car was Houl-' ton s detective or a police official I who had known that Duly was on n n t [the train, and feeling sure of him, had resolved to watch them both. He had probably a companion, and Daly ' knew the game was up. The lat- ll ter s voice had warned Foster (1 that he was desperate. Escape wasi jimpossihle; he meant to ght, and 0 Asuspecting_y,' Foster of tTouel1e1'y,! `would shoot him first. This flashed 11 upon Foster in a second, and as .d l):\l_\', still facing` him, opened the [vestibule door, he risked a shot and y {sprun_;' i'o1'ward. n I Hr. lll|!\l'll Hm ni m:nlml0 nmlv ;l)l'lllIg' |Ul'\\ H111. A I He heard the pistol explode and- ,his face felt s:c0x'el1e(l_. but he struck 1 `S8.\'i\f__ ,'Cl_\-`_. and somethi_n;.g' rattled upon the floor. The pistol had ldropped and he was somewhat. sur- 1 prised to feel himself unhurt. as he g'mpple(l with Duly. They reeled : through the door and fell against `the rails of the platforin. Then he 4 `got a heavy blow and his grasp slnckened. Somebody ran tI11'oL1g'l1 lthe smoking__,r compartment, and while `Elie tried to collect his senses Duly 5 Foster wus (liz'/.y, but he saw the~ 'mun s (lurk [ir.rm'e against the moon- lstepped back to the gap in the `rails. i lliglit. There wus :1 g'limmer of snow -tin the gloom beneath, and :1 eout'11s- ed ilin; the mm` of wheels and n ' rattle from the l)I'l(l;(`. Then Pete sp1'ang:1er0ss the plnt,fm'm, pass- . inf: in front of Foster, and when the latter saw the 3.3111 ng-`aim Dal)` hm] wnnn [_'_','0m:. 1 Pete lezmml :1_-_-':1in:-tv the hack of the var, I)I'(`Uli11f_`.' hard and holding ia piece of torn silk. . T u-nu ulnnm n unnnnfl nwnr iFLOS COUNCIL 3. I)1C('U 0| U)l'll NIKK- I was about :1 second owor llmv,-'," ho j.-mspnd. He just. stop- ped hack and left this in my han ."' The l`o1lo\\'in_-,~' named 111e1nhors- elect. made and subscribed the doc-i lurations 1'eq11i1'mI by law: .\ onnc 'l`v-n;n l'.'nn\`n' 1) A ('nn Flos Cotlm-.i1 met at Ellnvalo, Jun- !u:n'_\' .1:')th. I understand they; now and then keep s.ometh'mg back, with an object. Then I*`eatherstone not a fool. He was in the light > ind had no pistol. The man at the "oice door was between him and the] -yard, and could have got out byi the back. .\'ohody would have heard 2). shot. "l`hm-n '24; -zilmn-rs for some mom- IHYULHJHS I`L'lllllI'l'Il IJ.\` Amos Train. Hecw; 1 . A. C011;__:'h- liu, Deptlty-I{co\'(~; Joseph Dr_\,-'sdu1c, Couu<.-illm`; Thonms E. Smith, Coun- cillor. IIVL ,. Lil \\ - n__._.... LL-.. I,_..'l. ll... ,.l...Z.. CIIIUI. The Rco\'o then took ;\Iinut(2s 01' last n1ovtin_;' confirmed. The l'oll0\\'in_-_-' m-cmlnts were pass- `ml for 1)a_\`ment: Geo. Grant, bonus 30 rods wire 1'c11cc,$.'-3.t)l); Jmnos H. John;<.ton, L0 rods wire i'('.11oc', $12.00; Joseph Stone, 60 rods wire f'0.11(z(-, $6.00; Jno. Kidtl, rofuml o\'erp:1_\'1nent dog" tax. $3.()(); 1'}. (forlott, attondin}.,*` I)i\'isi0n ('.0u1't, $2.00; Sick Child- 1'0u .~'. Hospital 5.:mnt, $`_ ().00; coun- |cil n1oetin_:1', $12.00. C0u;,"hlin~-Sn1ith `- ()1'dm'cd that the taxes ('1ll'L (3(l ay;ain;~'.t the prop- erties 01' Miss ;\11l1'f,"{l1`(3t Mc-.Ginuis, Phe1p.~:ton, and x\I1'.s. 1). Russell, Crossluml, he .s'tl'll(`]( off the roll. r).. 1....-. ..... ...\ .... .....,l 1110 (fhnir. roml and ...-..-.n.uC.n... l C1'LlL'5 U1 Mm: ;uzI1'j,'uu:L .uL'-\nuu|.~, By-laws were passed appointing .\l(-sex-s. .1. H. Hall and John Mc- |..l ._...l1A..... ..I' ............ . L5... 1017 I- .\lt'.hl'.\. ol. II. lulu iulu Ullllll .ur- |.-Xultgv nmlitors of :x0c0u11ts for 1917, Iuppoi11tin:_" (it-011-_:(~ Stcplu-.n.~'on as- l.`s'(3.\`.\'(`nI`. and :l])]10il1til1_.Q' J. F. Mo- l`lnn..~ nunnlsnv n' Hun `Inn:-4] nf' '-`L'>VE\ll` (l|l\l Ill! (Tlullq mt-mhor i]`I('lHl. ;IH.`l'.`5Ul' llll `Vl'Hl |-I11). | \\'ilk-ox-I)unh:1m-Tho Clerk was `rt-quit-.~+tml to n0tiI'_v the ]n'i11tinj__: of- lfices of Baotou nml 'I`0t,t(~nhnm that Hcntlm-s will he 1'vv(-i\'L-(1 up to Feb. !|1(iH| t'm' tho usual tmvnship print- 'l'_' I)1111l1:1111~\\'il<'-ox -- T110 follow- ing 11000111115 \\'m'o paid: Wm. Lilly, l1ol11i11',: 1101nin:1tion, `and 1'<.-nt of 11:11], $8.00; R. A. Som- -plo, p1-i11ti11j: 11111 :s'l:1t.i011c-13', .$-13.`l.(); J. Ross I{obo1'tson, I-Iospiiul for Sick (`.l1'1l1l1'(`11. $10.()(); R.0(*\'0 and Tron-1 `x111-1-1'. p1'op:11"111-4' I)v('. lin1111ciul state- mvnt, ."p'8,(H); \\'111. Lin) , Cl(`:I'k.` _ 51111113` for hull" _\'(-111'. 11()st:1_:`<*. and! ` `l.~t:1tiu11(~1'_\', $`_ (l(H.)0. l You'll lmvc to get :lll0lll('l` loc- lor," will the one to the patient, who luul just milled on him. Am l so ill as tl1al`?" _;usp0 tlm sul'l'c1'0x`. mt` ,I._.,H l........ 1....J LA... 211 nu I..'|(` 5ll|l(_'l'(fl'. I don't know just how ill you `um-," replied the man of medicine, but I know _\'()ll'l'(! the 1n\\'_vc1' who` 01-055-exznulined me when I appeal`-` :1-(1 as an c.\'pm't \vih1(-.55. My con- scimlve won t let me kill you, and 'I ll be lmngod if I wnnt to cure '_you. Good day. . loross-exzixnineil when 1 ilp])(`l'- let day. 3 -~-------~----- i A cynic is :1 man who will tell you 'the reason some fellows S110.-CCC(l is _l1ecuuse evm-_vl)ody else is too tired or too lazy to put up fIll_\' opposition to them. Miss Kntl1(~1'in(`. P. Bleet-lier. unin- 'n:_,"er of the B1'uu(l\\`n_\` Theatre in, New York City, is sn1`1'0unle(l by 2.1 'I'ox'ce of women who liuve taken the plnee:~`. l'm`nxerl_V held by men. '5 One of the n1isl'o1'innes of the` `world is that there are so many,-en-' .er_::etie people in the world who (lon t seem to be l\l.)l(' to find lime in (lo. any thinking. ` ; atone 011 [no snow euuunr. I 1, It doesn`t niutter it` you dis-t believe me; this is what h:1ppencd_."t. Dal)` rejoined. `.\I_V friend--\ve |l; eall the nian-\\'ent to the office latoTh` in the e\`enin_r_,r and after some talk,i`V covered Hulton with his pistol. Thole` lad had had some trouble about hisi _ ddbts, becziusc the old man wouldlm `Wave red him out of the l)i1SlI1t",SSlm if he'd heard of them, and his nerve ' wasn t. good. He opened the safe "` , when he was told and the man took 7 the bonds and went out of the ot'- -`'` iiee, leaving: Hutton in his chair. We don t know what the lad i.ll0\1f__"lli.,`l but perhaps he saw he would be m suspected or was ashamed of not slioxviiig more grit. Anyhow, when l` the man was on the stairs Hutton m S( came up behind and told him to p stop. He had a pistol, but looked!" strained and ne1'\'ous, and the other :m who had put his u\\'u_\',`n1:ule a x'uslilh_` at him. llulton slipped on the steps, his pistol went 011', and when hell rolled to the bottom the other snwmll he was dead." Foster was silent for 21 time. The story was. on the whole, p]ausihle,`" and u1thou_-,-`li, he did not see \vh_y`;` Daly had told it him. he thoug_:ht he spoke the truth. So far he had heen l" ..elea1':;.: the _~`1'ound and had notl 7* l hi." object vet hut Dalvl ll :`"' llO`ill('lllHltiI.)li to lnu'r\'l1ini.lh ;-"rl;:"`lei'e not likely to he tlliStll]`l)- 19.` `7 alth0u;_rh the 1'0(?l(ll'lf_ ot thei eds mil throh of wheels i1uli(eute.(ll Q1' fr 7 TEEEMSBTH COUNCIL. (T-2 ha continued) C;>u1 7'i1`1\:at -~w-- "ll. xnust no 5[a1'in:_r you in TTnl. I hid 1Vl()]>f . 5 E? NORTE-N ADVANCE H15, .r. I the 130-111-`(I The following extracts from let- ters received at headquarters pf the . a_triotic Fund show some of the diiculties which zealous workers have to overcome: "mi A an mnnn HIIVC LU UVUIUUIIIU. I have not received no pay since ` my husband has gone nowhere. . \Vn hnvn 1-nnnivm] vnnrs tl'l1lV. lfully we1r,:,nc-(1 mo tnmg u1:Luxu. ....;.. he asked abruptly: Did your] partlxer think he saw me! I . No, said Foster, who a'eso1ved! to tell the truth. i - 0 ....._..l...6 Ln Lip cur-rn'i~'r\, I)lV, nusnanu nus gone uuwucru. ' We have received yours truly.` am his g'rm1dfatl1er and gx'and-l mother. He was born and broug,`11t` up in this house in answer to yours~ truly. T-In hnu nhnno-nr] mv H10 -Iii ! lie has clnmged my little into a little boy. Will it make diffe1'ence'1 4:11.. 13:11 1.-.. 1.-.... ....c- :n Mm UIIICTUIICU T i My -Bill has been put in clxnxge of :1 spittoon. Will I get more pay?" I I am glad to tell you that my husband has `now been `_rc-`potted Jun]? ,7 U]. (D. DPILDU 1 dead. ll` ..... U- I am paying_;' attention to a nice young.:j man. How do I go on about money 1? Tn nanny-Jnnnn \\'iHn in HlUlH.'.y E - In accox-(lameo with instruc-t:ion.s on 1'ing-pn})e1'. 1 lmve j_;'i\'c-11 birth to twins enclosed in envelope whicli. will you please solul to the p:\y1nas- t(=r. u1`1._-.n -....._ ....,. ......-. mu ..l.~..... In ll`Io Can t ; send my 1 he is no of him. AAf`|,.. $4 OI Illlll. Can t you put soiuobody else in the place 01' my son, who has been] a prisoner of war for 11 months? It is time somebody went to prison in- stead of him. BR.ITIS SOLDIERS INCREASE ' IN PAY. British tiglntixng men are to get. an )1)<:1'cnso in pay which will mnonnt 4.` 4' R5 mm mm in Hm G1-cf vnnr nml 1}. 51101.." I V There was silence for ents while Duly pondered this, al- though "Foster imagined he had care-`g hilly weighml the thing before. Then 1-n .-..~Lml ah1'nnt1\-`2 your] ]U(f1'(fi|l` lll pay \v11Il:11 W111 i1111uu1u to 65,(lO0,0U0 in the rst your and 69.000,000 in the .~:(=cond. The shilling :1 day" soldier is no more. The new scale of pay pro- vides minimum rates of ]m_\' for the soldiers as follows: P1'i\`a1`(-5, 1 shi1lin_'._: (5 palm: :1 day; 1zm<-e-(-o1'- po1"al. '1 shi1linj_-' 9 pence :1 (iu_\'; corporals, 2 sl1i1li11_2:,~t :1 (lay. The new refznlations provide for an extra penny a day for each _\'ea1"s .sm'\=iv(-. hlLll'llI:.'. _\'ULl III I Huh! Did after 1nidni3,ht :1 stare at you?" i 'Hv-Hzu`c- the ram` rt-ad_\' at the Ad1ni1'alt_\' at 4.30. Chau'cuse-\'m-_\' well. H0-I mu :u:(-.u;st.onmd to being n.l.`lunc(.n.1 n.- `*lvTu T A1-11', JAEZI. atldrossod ; (VI. <\ T auu 1 l'3.`.l'u an : Slm-I am ad as All_,nf you who never told a lie 1'ai.<- your lmnds, said the tonal)- er to her small pupils. Please, t.oac11c1`, piped little Jimmie, is it a lie if nobody finds it out? : I)o(-kn", I can t pay you for this visit, so it ain t no use to send me :1 bill. I hope you won't take it ham . |LI\_.3;. :1- ,_....A..._._.. ..._. `.>A:f\C1` In Quite the em1t1'm'_\', my l'1'iend. If ovm-y man who has no intention of )>ayin5_r would be as consid(-1'at.e as you it would save me about $100 :1 _\'(=m- in postage. D.'l11_'_:'lltl`I' (\\`(~.cpin.;_' bitc-1'I_\') Oh .( lo have pity, papa, and lot Edvard and 1110 be happy. - Papa (mxturalist, t`1u'ious1_\`) - I\m...n vm. n.:..1.- nr .....+..:...n....- |llI\| lIIl' lJl' `liIl`P')o ` i\Vh:1t! You think of m:1t1'imon_V iwlu-n you don't even know how nmn_\' \'(?I't(`bI`( there are in tho ;s])i11al column of a lizard! l tell the truth. | Somewhat. to his surprise, Daly made a Sign of acquiescence. Very well! You do know something; and 1 ll tell you what happened. There .-5 not much risk in this, be- cause no _ind_3;e would admit as ev-id-l V 4 4` ence something you (lecl:n'e(.l you had been told. BCSi(l(`,5, l ll own] that it s an unlikely tale. I wassi not at or near the i'zu:tm'_v that night, but I had done some husi- ` ss with Fred Hulton. The lad l d lent him _(;`}`s a gznnhler and money; as n mutter of fact, I never` got it all back. I-lowe\'cr, at man who, now and then acted as my age-nt'i learned somet.l1in:.;' about the ens-1 toms of the factory and went. there the night he met leutl1ersto11c-. But he (lid not shoot. Fred 1-Iulton. l Then how was the lad killed! | He shot liilust-lf; in :1 way, byi accident. ' _ i Foster looked at Duly with iron-i-| cal su1"p1'ise. "Your l'rien(ls deal, too much in am-.i(lo11ts! It was by`. an arecitlent Walters left .l*'uutl1er-l hjone the snow eonloir. l H dnm-n`t matter vou dis-I .Iolm," qu('1'i0d his wi1'c-. if some bold, bad man were to kidnap mo would you off:-1' a x'e\vm'd'?" Ce1'tainl_\', he respolldod, I always; 1'o\v:|1'd tho.s.o who do me u n\`or. .\h'.~'. A.~-I su11p0.~`.(- you find many (-uses of v.\'t1'm11c wunt _\'our visits to the 11001`. _\11's. B.--Y(3s, indeed. I \ isit('d a 1`:uniI_\` to-lu_\`, and :11-tu:1ll_\' tht-\` didn't h'.1v(- :1 drop 0!` _`_":1:`(i}(`I1(` for their nutmnohilo. }\h's. '[`immid -- John, wake up! I'J'lm1'(-'.< :1 Hum l0wnsl:1i1'.<; I m sure I lwzml :\ noise that sounded like :1` L... _ '~\'il\\XI. I Husb:1ml--Oh, you In-:1rd \\'.'1s 1: plant .s`t1'<-tvhi11_'_" i "It must e A 'l'cz1ohor-J01mny. can you toll mo` xvhoro Lake Ontario is`? Pupil-Yossum. Page .18. PAY AN D ALLOWANCE`-S. .~\ mun can't have l1i.'~; ouko and eat it, t0o-ospocin1l_\' on his first `trip across the 1101111. Who s Who in War Time. Why His Head is Bandaged. Deaison, Texas.-- After my little I El I was born two years ago I began suf- 1 fering with female in` trouble and could "1 hardly do my work. 2 I was very nervous { but just kept drag- } I I ging on until last 1 summer when I got where I could not do _ my work. I would }\ i have a chill every 2| day and hot ashes and dizzy spells and - my head would sl- ost burst. I got where I was almost walking skeleton and life was a burden . me until one day my husband's step- sister told my husband if he did not do something for me I would not last long -\ and told him to get your medicine. So he ` ot Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- 1 ` . pound for me, and after taking the first 1 ` A. . - three doses I began to improve. I con- 5. ` ,-I oltinued its use, and I have never had any 1 female trouble since. I feel that I owe 1 my life to you and your remedies. They l 5 gdid for me what doctors could not do ti ` l e` and I vlll always praise it wherever I ;: ' ,"--Mrs. G. 0. Lownnv, 419 W.Mon- . `grey west, Denison, Texas. {I If you are suffering; from any form of 1 female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E. `I Pinkha'n a Vegetable Compound, and ............. H-m treatment delay.

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