Barrie,\Cm1nty of S-imcoe, Ontario, January 3rd, 1918. lill'l`1VUl.l. . An 1llil1'lll which L-uu.~:L-rl sonw anxiety for :1 time, came from the R. V. llospitul at 3.30 in the :1ftm`- noon. Fire hzul been (lis(so\'r-red in the il0OI`lIlf__" l)c-neuth one of thcl liroplzurc-s on the g`1`01lH(l lloor 01' tl1('l builtliuz. \\'h(-n (llS('.0\'C'I`Cll th(.- hos-l pitnl fire hose was l)1'0u_v'l1t into -action and thou the tire hull notiliml. It was 11ocossm'_\= to tear :iw:\y 501111` of the flooring" 1`0lllltl the tin`- placo in 0l`(l(`l` to get at the smould- iny; wood. The bottom 01' the {iro- plnco upp:n'ontl_V was built upon the fl0o1'i1ig, cement sonic im-lies thick being` placed on tho fl0o1'in}_". The heat haul ponotmtetl tho cement and so chm'ro(l the wood that u l blaze 1'esulte(l. 19 uv,, 1 11,11 About two o'clock pass(>1's-!)_\' on I)unlop .~:treet notieed dense smoke. floating` down froin the King hloek, opposite the I . (). square, and telephoned to the lire hull. When the iirelnen ur1'i\'ed and enquired oi the tenants of the block as to the fire. they were surprised to learn that ziriytliing; was amiss. Fire Chief Shrubsoln and his men mount- ed to the root` and came to the con- elusion the chimney with which the block heating plant is connected had been on fire. em1siny_" the dense ` smoke. Plos Amos T\ I .\[:1k(- your vote sil()u(-c- the I-ryl Craig has'})oo11th0rv l0n_ (m0u:_1'h."" when that is the only olm'rg:o Mayor Craig,` has uguixlst him. [ innisl by Acclamation. L Sunnidale Township Council by Acclamation. THE MAYoRA.'r_Y . New I Year s Call. QARRIEPLANING MILL] Collingwbod. Y\ 1r n AA E'](`n.1(*:1tinn--.I. .\l'ih-ht-ll. V. I". 'I`0n(-1` (:wclmnu- Li`.-`ht Cmmni.~.-'.im1-3 T. lI(-1'1'inL:'t0n. J. A .x. .H.|n: Pvvllnmu. Lll`|l. V\ . .1 .-\.llu:1 Mcln: Reeve, Second Deputy-Reeve and in; Two Wards. I Board of Education and W. and L. Commission by Acclaznation. I By noon of We(l11esda_v (am extra day of grace being allowed on ac- count of the holiday) the list of candidates up for the various public olfices had sim1ne1'ed down consider- ably. Two 111u_vomlt_v cuxulidates (lid not qualify, nor the opponeiits of 1st (leputy Soulos. Alcle1'111o11 in Vvarcls one and six were z1.(l(lc-cl to \Varcls three zu1df`1vc al1'ea(l_V 1'ctur11- ed by nccla111a.tion, lom'i11g' :1 co11tost in two and four. The L'flI1(,ll(l:llI(`S i11 the eld are: For Mayor John F. C1'ai_;` Robt. J. .\`p1'ott IP01` Reeve John H. Bev.1n(.-tt Geo. B. McLean. For 2nd Dep.-Reeve \V'1n. A. Lowe Chris Horslield ,Ward Two Aldermen Q Cl1;1;~`. H. Beelby T1105. H. Davis A. H. Brotlnor Ward Pour Aldermen .-\lbo1't E. I1om1ox \\'m. A(l:1111s0n l-Iclxvaul A. C11l'f. [CONTEST FOR MAYOR} ;:?lJAI[ kinds of dressed lmnhcr, floor- ring, ceiling, oak oo1'in;_:'. mouhliu~.;' :and trim, B. C. shingles, rou_ lum- ber and joistitig on hand. I)1'cssing --and all 0111015 receive prompt attention. `Office Phone 163. Has. Phone 359 i --Sp1011(Ii(1 : designs in rDougall Bros. 45 ;:..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..v..v..~..- M..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..g..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..g..;..j..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;.. 9,0 3. . 'w>'oo`ol44.',,09 v 9 ~ , O 0 o 4 0 .~ruv .'~. :v:v:`-2`-}`I: ~. ~}:.:::-o::.'..:..:,,-Q . _, M, , , :. ' . 5 an ,.o. .. '....9..:.,,, A 6"; . }o.}..'...' 9,; . .:-. M-:-.. 'wwMw * . Q` Information 4&4 Barrie Collegiate Institute for the Electors` in Connection with the .1, TO` Tho Bunrcl of I')(luc:1tion are (l(`5l1'l01l>` 01 not only ol)t:1iniuu' all iI1fo1'111atio11 in every feature mul detail in connection with the ]n'upo: (T0ll(`}_riut(,- Institute. but are solicit- m1.< that thoelocto1'ssho111(lbe t'm'nis`no(l with Ilw sznno, and sot l'o1't.l1 in such :1. 11111111101 as will -,-`ivv thou: all the inl`o1'm:\ti0n at hancl sn tlu-_\' will he p1'c})a1'c to vote intol1ig_,-`untl_v on the questions asked at tho (`Ol11lllf_" .\luni- vipnl lilootions in -T:1uu:n'_\'. \\"itl1 this olxjoct, in \'l(`W we l)0_'; lu lu_\' tlw l`nllm\'inj_:* facts hefortv yon. 1-`mm the oompetin:_-' a1'(-liitm-ts who en- lvrorl into the competition for 1'(-,-l)uil(lin_" on the present site, and for :1 now huil(liu: on :1 now slt. tho following: urcliitects wen- .~_(-loctuil l'1'0m the numl)(-1'. \'i7..: W. W. Lu- Cl1:1l\('(? 1'01` the I'('-blllltlillg mul Ellis 8. Ellis for the new lmilding`. Tn nI~11n1I n win-n flu; T~`lnnl`n1-_- flin In-i\`ilnn'n 101' Elli` lll'\\' Dlllllllg. In 0r(le1"t0s_:`i\`e the 1'-`.l(~.(~to1's tl1ep1'iviler_,'e 01' s:1_\`in*_-; \vl1c1'(e,{'01'tl1e future the C0ll(`:'i:lfL` Jn.~stit11le should be. we asked for two separ- ate anal distinct ;~`ketel1e.', plans and speci- rutions. from these, bona ll(l0 texulers were asked for, and from the number received on both propositions, that of the Bull Planing Mill Company, Limited, both for the new l)uildin_-.5 and `the re-eonst1'uction on the pres- ent site was app1'ove(l of by the Board at :3. ..n.-l- nl` `-1.; - 'l`om1e1'. The Bull Plmlillgr Mills Co., Limited (HA- 11uIIIl,L'u . Site . . . . . . . Eqnilmneut . . . . .. .r\1'0hite(-t.~" Foes . . l.o\'0lli11}; (hotlxxds -1- _ ~1- ~!-E-I-I-iv-`Ev-`i-M-vi-2- .'-.'-!-%-E--E-!~ -:-:-+~:-:---:~ Lo.<.-'Tns111'2u1c(` .\Iono_\' Tt-ndcr, the Ball Planing: Mill C0,, Limited . . . . . . . . .1 ]"Iquipmo11t . . . . . . . . . Arollitoots Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.e\`cHin_2' >-.:1'o11nds . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less Tnsur:1n('o Money Questions to be Submitted to the Electors: ` Amount rvqtlirod 1. \\'hi(-h sito do you new C()llc_-,'i:1t(! Institute: THE ELEGTORS :- (a) East end or * a. cost of (b) Central Site : assortumxxt and new Carpet Squares at I I 7 writish, Anglo-French L and Canadian A War B onds RE-CONSTRUCTION. NEW BUILDING. ion Electors Re-building and Selection of Site ` Old Site at C: uxu DLUU ill: . . . . . . . . . ..$ 94,281.00 ' at a cost of 108,644.00 A roquition for :1 1l1(!(`ti11f_:` of the iI:iti'/`.0115 has been p1-osontocl to Mavor C1'ai The wtition bore the . . l `nanles of 30 1'z1tepn_ve1-.~'. and calls [for the consideration of municipal questions. n"L,. \I ........ I. gl ......... u. I The Mayor has chosen F1"ida_\' night for the meeting in the opera |housc-, at 8.30. HOW BARRIE COUNCILLORS ATTENDED MEETINGS During` the past year there llave been 27 nnleetixxgs of the town council; of these `21 were 1'o,r_v;ul:n' lxleetixlgs. four special and two statutory. Only t\von1mnl)crs nt- tondecl all n1ecting's, .\=1n.\'or C1`ai9.: and Alcl. P:1yne. The n1ceting_v's were attended as follows`. I Mayor Craig .. ` Ald. Payne . . . . . . Dep.-rce\'e Soules Dep.-reevo Lowe Ald. Lennox . I.-\1d. Pearce . .. .. |1{0( Bennett Aid. Tyre!` . . . . .. Lun_2' .. " Dzwis . " Brotllor 1 " I{0_:ors ! \\'isd0m l " Clarke vv ` I'Io1'sI'1el(l Thompson av Vote Craig` for Kayo)`. His muni- cipal experience is worth a _::'1'eut Ideal in tlmsc times of economy in [public . I ]n'(\I'o1' PUBLIC MEETING FRIDAY. $108,('H.00 . 50,000.00 $ 58,644.04. '. $ S4.H0.00 5.1-H.00 4,500.00 e"\l\l\ ll 94,-284.m . 50,()00.00 44,234.00 091,000.00 . 0,000.00 5,144.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 ['01- the Sunday, , Pastor, 1 The pastor Jnorning and I A Special 1 r,vI\ 50().0() Harvey Site, Agricultural Park Site. The Bmu-(I .-oc11ru an option on wlmt is 'mm\vn :15 the llz11'\`0_\' Sitv. (*on11n'isi11_:.," n\'m' 4 ;1c1'x-s of land. having" :1 I'1`untu_;o on ('|um)c1't0n st1'('(-t 01' 307 foot. on .\'0phi:1 St/1'm!t 332; feet and on ()\\'en Street 3324 foot, and this site has been illspecteul by High School lusputctor II. I}. 53potto11. on behnlif 01' the Dop:11't1n011t of I`Idu('ution. and app1'u\'o(l n+` From :1 report askc-ml for by the Board, A.(}. A1'(i:l`_"il, (J.l..h`., s:1_\'stli:1t in his opinion suitublv soil can be obt-.1inL~d and found at the probable required depth to erect the proposed building.-' tho1'con, and that ample facility and full for d1'a`iui11g_-' and s(3\\'c1':1_:'(* can be obtained. mi. ,.--...:.::..-. ,.r 41... A .... .:,...H-.......l D....l- (`EH1 UL` UULi1.lLlL'U. The acquisition of the A;:1'im1lh11':1l Park site if it is approved of by the electors, will be it matter of ne_u'0ti:1tio11 with the Joint _Stock Company who own` the building_';, the .~\3:x'ieu1t111'u1 Society who are tenants and the Town of Barrie who are the owners of the lands. The a11m1:111neeting' of these com- panics which are held in Jzmu:u'y will zv.ft'o1'd an ea1'l_v oppox-tunity of ascm-tz1iuing.: the positiou they take. Amnln nr-nnnnnnex-Hnn Inn: hnnn In'nvi- IJUSILIUU LllL'_\ lilhllu Ample accommoda.-tion has been provid- ed in both of the proposed buildings for increased attendzmce. T._ L._Ll. .... .... .......I.. .....I I|ll'lL'(Iv3Cl| illu: In both commodation ate with an m1dito1'ium, ; ,.+,. +\.n+ l|\ In U)` L-I1`-llLlllV`-by Ll] ruu lllf l.Hll l,_V .V'UL\vlD. Both architects have been in close touch with the Depzu-tment of Education in the matter of school (-onst1'uction, and have as- sllred the Board tlult the proposed plans will meet with the approval of the Department. \\.'n hnnn fn Mnvn n nn`nv-nl] c`.rn+n1| nf ll|L'l.'l VVIDII LIIL` iI.lIll.l\}\il| UL LIIU LJUIIKILLIIICIID. '0 hope to have :1 colored sketch of cm-,l1 proposed building_: placed on view in some prominent place for your inspection, touetlier with other tlruxvings setting forth the interior plan in each case. The Board in the matter of the selection 01.` :1 new site, and in the choice of areliitccrts and plans. ete., and the acceptance of ten- ders. have used their very best jurlgment in the interest of the ratepayers of Barrie, and trust that you will give this important matter the consideration that it deserves. ndvt. The King's Call to Prayer . There will be :1 meeting for fol- Iowship and prayer at 10 o clock :1. '31:. in the Sunday School room. New Your Messages. _ II :1.m.---Sul)_ie(-t, God `Final in rlndividual and Nutioxinl Life." 7 p.m.-SubjeL-t, 1917-1918." 3, There are patriotic us well as _.l`eliginns reasons at this time why _ I the people should attend the ser- viees for worship in God s Ilouse the first Sunday of the New Year. \\'hi<-h Cenh'z1l sitv 110 _\'m1 p1'(.-11-2`: $1.00 per annum. Single copies 3c. |A DAY or A I NATIONAL PRAYER King's Proclamation Calls People to Prayer Sunday, Jan. 6th. King George has issued the fol- lowing` proclamation calling upon the peoples of the Empire to observe the first Sunday in the New Year as :1 day of National Prayer: .I.. 1`... LI... mnu I 1 __:J. _L_.__ .. ...._, .,. .......,..... -..._,--. The world-wide struggle for the triumph of xight and liberty is en- _teri11, upon its last and most diffi- cult phase. The enemy is striving by desperate assault and subtle in- t1'i_9;11e to perpetuate the wrongs alrc-n(1_\' committed lld stem the tide of free civilization. \\ e have yet to_ complete the _;jreat task to which, `more than three _vem'.<. ago, we dedi- Ieated ourselves. ~. :1 n \.u-.\.u kPI.ll7\.l v\_.1. At such :1 time I would call upon you to devote a special day to pray- lor that we 1na._v have the clcm'-sigl1't- ieclness and strongtli nec0ssa1'_v to the inc-tox-_v of our cause. ! This victory. will be gninctl only [if we ste:1(ll'ast1_\' -rc-n1c1nl)01' the responsibility \\'lll.(.`ll rests upon us, and in :1 spirit of 1`c\'o1'e11t obed- ience ask the blessing` of Almighty God upon our endeavors; \Vith hva.1't.~: gmtc-l'ul for the Divine guid- ance which has led us so far to- wards our goal, let us seek to be ox1lig_*l1tem;-cl in our understandhlg` and fortified in our courage in fac~ inf: the sacrices we may yet have to n1ake4bc-fore our work is done. I I tl1m-efoi-c 1101-eby appoint Jan- ... _ - -\ I l .` l *" 4 Chai1-man Board of Education Yours truly. Go vernment, Municipal and other Securities (Continued on page 5) WILL R. KING, n1-11 Tfigity C.-lu`u-ch u.uu . Everybody welcome Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. {B/' `. or CANADA ixceptional Bank- ri ing Facilities For Investment; in MAKER OF PORTRAITS THOS. ROGERS `st. CONSULT Day of Intercession. J{{Mih5aii Ehii Jztnmlry (5. 1918. , Rev. R. J. Fallis. will I evening. , _. -~..` The thorough orgmlizntion of the Eunion Bank of Canada, covering the -Dominion with over 300 brunch- ues, and reaching the rest of "the world'th1'oug*h Agents and Cor- respondents, provides splendid bank- , ing facilities for its customers, what- ever may be `their business or pri- vate needs. pmzrt.-11 both i NOMlNATl0NS QUIET] I i Long List Nominated ; Offices. :\'omim1tions for 1918 town coun- cil were held on Monday evenin.: amidst gay decorations. The afore- said decorations were not in place to add beauty or distinction to such :1 prosic atiair as 21 civic nomimttion, the color was in place for the Veterans ball which followed the civic n1eetin_Q'. ... ,... . r. -.. . ,1 ......,...._-_. Town Clerk Smith was master of e.eren1onie.s, assisted by Chief King: as secretm'_\'. No111i11ntio11s there were in 21-plenty and as usual there was the last minute rush of nomin- ation papers. The fol1owin3'_v' nomin- lation were handed in: John F. Craig". 1 P. Love. \\. :1 vi. 1)L'u, J\.\/., U_y gr. .1. \IuA l Vlll IlI1(l`R. Powell. I H. G. l-lobc-rt-son , by S. N. Hurst] and W. D. llinnikin. | For Reeve Goo. B. ;\IcLe-an, by Geo. Viukers and A. F. A. Malcomson. J. II. Bennett, by A. J. Wallace and O. B. Patterson. Geo. Vickcrs, by H. C. Clmnnon and S. _\[c-Adiun. For First Den.-reeve \\'m. P. 3011103, by R. Powell and n....:.. 7|! Ward One W. A. Lowe, by Geo. Vickers and! A. I. .-X. 1\[alvon1son. Chris Horsfic-ld, by H. \\":1llwin and H. Powell. ` A. II. Brotlu-1'. by S. .\I(-.~\d:1m and 1:. w. I n_\'nc. I i Sumlay, January 6, 1018. l The Feast of the Epiphany. ._ In response to our. Sow-rei<,{'n s `- veolnmnnd. we will intmwoclc with `God at all the services of the day ` ifor the cause of our Iinmiro and l `liner Avllics. llomixlg` sermon. 'I`l1(- Kin-_-,'.~'. *Command. Evening` .'~.:e1'1u0n. Tho Iloux'm- =anI] Answerer 01' P1'aye1'. . Holy Coxmnunion at 8.30 and 11.00 _1f_ ' /Sunday School and Bible '(`lu.~:scs '1 In: 3.00. Louis R. (ml. by I . and J. M011t:1',>'11(.--Leeu1.=.. IIm'h(-rt Ii. Reid. by and Ja.~:. .\[c1{o1'11m1. Cllus. T. 'I'l101111)son, l foot and H. III.-i - -a. ..-..,, v- I Robf. J. Sprott, nominated by W. A. Lewis and A. J. \V:1l1aco. Ward Two HUN .1. ll. Dl'UlIlt'l'. 1 Thus. H. Davis, by W. P. Souk-st and R. Powc-ll. lid. T. T_v1'e1' by J. I. (`mi-_~' and S. .\l<:.-\r,l:un. Hobt. W. P:1_\'no. b_\' S. Mt-Adalnl and A. I. A. Mztlcoxnsou. ! A. II. I}1'othu1', by W. A. Lo\vis| and C`. T. 'I'l10rnpson. 1 Ward Three-Acc1ama.tion. i v ,... ` ('h:1.'~'. and A. 211111 :1. 1`. .-x. .\Liu('Uu1>:uu. x Ed. T. 'I`_\'1'o1', by J. D. \\'is(l0m\ and A. l".. L(-nn0.\'. Ward P011 1),) In n'....,... I... 1! \.\'nI|..v2.. null 1 ...;v\. ..\.-...-........v... Ivuuu Iiobt. W. I u)'n(>, by (.100. and A. F. _-\. ;\Iz\lc0m>`.0I1. 1*: In In. L.. T h U11 Ii. -J. |3I7l'ULl. Avlbcrt 1*}. LOHIIOX, by D'.~\1`c_\f| (.{a11lcy and A. Carson. Ward Five-Acc1amation Rubt. J. Finlay, b_\' C. II ., ool|)y and W. A. Lowe. 'I`h0s. Poa1'cc-. h_\' f`. lIm'. and I) II 1': ,__,, Ward Six illI\I `V: 4'}: LJUV PC1111-0 H. \\'. Pz\_\'nc-. V, LXVI'[.-No. '1. \ . U. \,llil\'|'_\ . U.` '1. II. II I-1\IluII` and T. Pt-z11'c(-. John Catlin. by T. I u:n'<*c and J. D. Wisdom. AI-.. {`1I....l.,. 1... I I\ \\':...l..... 11. H muvxu. Alex. Clarke, b_' and H. W. Pa_vno. Water and Light Commissioner 0. H. Lyon, by 11. \V. Payne and A. J. \\':Illuc(e. J. J. lirowu, by .l:1.~1. ;\'I(-Kernam and Geo. Vicker.~:. Board of Education llcssrs. Channon, Love and Ross `arc the trustt-us whose term of of- l {ice (.-xpircs. 1! r` r`|unnnnn ht L` pnun-H EH11] . Davis. 1 '1l(`(? (.`I\'l)ll'US. II. C. Chmmon, by IL Powell and H. \\'. Payne. N f`. Rn}\n1-funn In I` \\':1||\vn \V. A. Lowe, by C. .H. Finlay. A. H. Brother, by . I). \Visdom. II. \\. l'U.ylll'. H. G. Robertson, by H. Wullwin uml S. ;\lcAd:1m. T) . - 1...... I. II \\'nllu-1.. nun} Q llllll D. .`Vl(1l1(lilHl. P. Loven, by H. Wallwin and SK: .\IcAdmn. A L` A \I..I............. 1... Q \l,. .\lL'4`\lHllHo A. F. A. Mall:-omson. by .-\d:uu uml l".. '1`. '[`y1'c1'. H Rnuu `IV (1 R \|'r-T.r-nu .'\UilHl HIHI 1'1. 1. l\VlL'l. I). Ross, by G. B. .\[cL(-an 1'}. L(-nno.\'. TV_. Ili. l......1 .._.. I... I,` X.` I J. Frank Jackson; 1'4. lJl'llllU.\. Dr. I{i(:lmrd. by H. F. (}z1rr-It unul .-\.. Cmneon. Separate School Trustees 'l`rusto(-,5 for the S. S. board were re-elected by ucclunmtion. LC ._r. Bell, n :1 I? Dn1|'n` For Second Den.-reeve X: 11: LJ\'lIIIU.\ Four 'I`. T_y1'('1', by 11. \'V'nllwin and u....|.._. . H. %oolb_\'. by H. Brothel`. `ll T'\....Z.. L. For Aldermen For Mayor K.C., by J. A. (}~.11'- J1 . by Wa.1lwin nmli by J. D. Wistlom `:1 Itrrie Branch, A. LESLIE, `lhmrnton W. G. HENRY. Mgr.` for Dierent I ;\It'L:u1'.:'hlin I Pearce Ecelby .1. \\'z\llu('(- I). \\'is|0m|} ___: The Interests of Barrie, the County of Simcoe and the Dominion of Ganadn our Gritu-ion. l.i;'l1t- .-Leeds S. Mc- fl .I.H.Bennett and A. and i and -.......... ..,, ........... .. Last ya-ar s council was 1'otu1'ne(l by acclamation, as follows: I{ecvc--Eben Todd Dep.-Ileevc-D. H. Coleman Councillors--\\'. H. ; \In1`tl11, G. C. `Allan, Goo. Leslie. Reeve-~C1ms. '\V:1ttie. Dep.-Reevo-.-Ucx. II. Wilson. Counci1lo1`s-Grant Knupp. Clms. }Iax'ris, Geo. M. Coutts. Vespra by Acclamation. There was :1 very small gxttheringz; of ratepayers at the nomination meeting`. No new questions were discussed, the only matter referred to was road construction. The old council was re-electecl by ncc1-.1mu- tion: J Acclamation in Essa. I Re-election for the old council in |Essa proved the worth of the retir- ing: members: Rceve-Ja.s. Dunclas. Dep.-Rcevc~-D1'. J. J. D. Banting`. Cou11ci=llo1's-\Vm. Asnph, Richurd| |Adams, Robt. Lowery. l I --'-' *'--'-- ~v --~------~'~~~- I Train, Reeve. P. A. Cou_e;h1in. Deputy-Reeve. Councillors - Joseph Dr_vsdale., |Thos. 1;). Smith, William Ansley. I Reeve. Jzunes Martin. J. Spichm'. Council-J. Huth, A. E. Smner- ville, W. T. H. Gil1'o_\', R. E. Bay- croft, Goo. Culham, D. ;\[<-Mackon. D. Davidson. B...\1'nold. \r....;:.. -.,.,..,....n.1 o?........ Hml IIUSH. I{(.~0\`c---I). A. 3011. W. A. Tom. \\'. J. Holden. Deputy `loom--\\'. \\'i1li:m1.<. 1). C7. B1111`. .-\. .\-[cIntosh,_ ` (,`ouncillo1's---I . h`to11nl)m'::. I . Mr`- |.\uslanrl. J. H. .-\1'thu1'. .~\. M('I11tnsh. ,1. A. lI(>(1_-3011. \\'. A. ("1:11'k. T). l'. !Bn1'nL-s. '1`. W. I{ohin.<.on. W. .1. !1r II n 1 \I,_.. ~._ I VVh_v not take advantage of this `service? led at the nomination n10oti1v.:. ll. IJUVIUSUH. LV.-. Ll'llUlU. [ Mr. Martin 1'osir:,'z1o1 from tho` 1'oeVcship. al1owin_ Mr. Spichm' to be 1'et111'11ed by acclzmmtion. 01' those nominated for the (-ouncil.. Messrs. Culham and _-\1'nol rv.~1'.1`11- I .\I:1_\`0r--\\'. B. H. I :1`ttvn. Clark, J. ll. Clzlllloy. Alla: L,...l. \_/nu n tosh. I) ... :lJilll|L'.\' I. VV. 1l\ Hfoldoxl, D. J. Lt-0. J. II. H Lo`1111hm'_'_". 1'1. i 1.1. H4-n1'_\'. ! }0:u' of 1']('i-malt n \I 11 II \\' L` .3. .uu tion ). \\ n lllllll. \\':1t01' nml }u1'n.-i \\'. i(`usl:1k0. grwo FIRE CALLS ; on sumnm I I ';One to R. V. Hospita1-Damage! ! Slight in Both Cases. Q Lluillil III (`A A. .\l(-Cull. \\'. AZ,\..\ I The liremon wore 1-ullml nut twim- on Sum_lu_\' last. The first call came shortly afu-1' 1.00 pm. fmxn the 1-o;~:i(lez1L-0 of 1). .l. Tuvk. Blake` street. An 1,-xtr-.1 lire haul hocx1 put` in the hall stove, the 11031 from the stovc settixy: re to :1 pin-we of paste-bonrtl which had been plactul ag':\i11st o1.1l(' b-.150-board of the hall. The [ire \\'-as out before the b1'i_1:ulo l1'I`iVCtl. \ u_. ..u...... ...1.:,.|. -- . ':`I"F4-}~P{*'`!~!``i~~!'*Z~2~vX~`Z`~?'-'~++'?+'! .; A