Iacts are luuau; Emperor Napoleon III. was anx- ious to 1'111'nlsl1 the \\'orl classes of Frmlee with a, substance which would serve the purpose of butter, `have much the same properties as butter. yet be more cheapl_\' produced He therefore offered a prize for the iscovery ofsueha substance. Chem- ists at once started expe1'in1enti11_:. and at length a. chemist working` on `the Imperial Fu1'n1a,t\'ince1111es pro- -duced :1 substance which so I111` met `the r(=quix'en1ents that he w-.1.~'. :1\\'anl- ed the coveted prize. rm... :.u-nn+nv +`nllnu~ml nmnlmnixu ed the eoveteu prize. The inventor followed n1eel1anie- .all_\' what he believed was the phy- siological process which took place when unde1'l.'ed cows produced the 'bntt.erfat in their milk from the fat -stored in their own bodies. He lirst reduced beef fat to small pa1'*ieles and placed it under heavy `p1`c`5Sl11`0, and then applied _hea.t to it. of low `temperature. This sepamte(l the stem`-in from the olein, througrh e1'_vs- italization, the result being a fat free from taste and odor, and \\'lli(`ll melted readily in the mouth. Ex- Aperiments proved that it was as nu- itritious as butter, and was capable of being kept for :1 longer period `without beeoining rancid. O\..__a.l.. ..`4.-n. +l.i;~ fHanrn~nv-\' in `WlI.n()uL UCL'Ullll1l_L3 uuuziu. Shortly after this (lisco\'e1'_\', in 1870, the FI`lI1(`0-P1`llSSl:1I1 war broke `out ,nnd ultimately Paris '35 he- sieged. Butter was soon at :1 pre- .mium, and later the supply ceased .nltogether. In its place lzu'_re quan- tities of the new substitute. oleo- mar_;arine" were mZ1l1l1f[lCt111`C(l. and it gained such :1 strong: hold on the _public that Paris alone consumes immense quantities every _\`e:11'. It required the great war to result in the `introduction of this food into '-Canmla. \.u nnnnn un- Prom Animal Pat. Oleomargarine is n1annt'ao.turel from many forms of animal fat. and it is necessary to keep in mind the fact that different kinds of fat melt `at. a lower temperature than other kinds from the same animal or from other animals. This is illustrated "by the well known fact that butter melts at a nmch lower temperature -`than tallow, although both are de- rived from fats. One form of fat which has a very high melting- `point is known as stearin." This stem-in, whether from beef, pork or any other kind of animal fat. or from vegetable oils is the basic in- grediezit of oleomargarine. 'I`hn m-hml nrnr-oss of nmnuf:1(`.- `the cattle at the : small pieces by emem; OI 0u:uxuu.rgunuc. The actual process of turing high-grade oleomamnrine is as follows: The fat is taken from time of killing. After thorough washing it is placed in a. bath of clean, cold water and animal heat. 7 niaehinery subjected to a low heat until oil, or fat in liquid form, has been extracted. This is allowed to settle until it is perfectly clear. The next `step is to subject it to pressure, which separates the steariu from the fat which melts at a lower tempera- '.`turc. which is known as "oleo oil." `When properly c`.i1:rned, with the addition of milk or cream or both, and possibly :1 small proportion of cremnery butter, the product known `as oleoniurgarine is produced. l 1 1` l I :surrounded with ice to draw off the 1 It is then cut up into 1 and 4 the And Its Food Values 0LEOMARGARlNE| But this ]u'0rh1-t uwlts at 1!, low teuipcraitun-, and would be quite un- suitable for use in wzmu wcz1th(-r or in hot <',liu1:1t('x`, so stt-:u'iu is mhlcd to raise the melting." point. Lard steal`- in mid hcc-,l' steuriu are both used. ['01- this purpose as well as the stouriu 1'1-oiu cottonseed oil. The p1'op01'tio:1s in which tliose i11g'1'od- iouts are used depend upon thn time and place wlu-1'0 it is intended the ole0iii:11'1_r:1ri11o is to he consum- ed. tind (1 a-rnf'11'I1v a1nr-tar] 011. Pat Carefully Selected. 01eo_11111'15g111'i11e 11111110 111 1110 1111111- 1101 11qSe1'i11e11, from 0111'e11111_\' select- e11 _f_1it;`=1'1`e from 1111 11111111ri1ies 111111 111a1111f!'1ct_i11'011 11111101 st1'i011_v $11111; t111`_V _1`. (`11111itio11.< is. 110001111111,-' to Dr. 111111011 J. R051-1111, Pro1'esso1' of Pre- \'e-11t.i1`e .1\Ie11i0i110 111111 11_\'_*_"1(.`I1(" 11t I-Ia.151va1'11-1-_1College. Dr. I'1111've_\' \\'. Wi~1_\:,- 1.1112 well k11ow11 1111t11orit_V 011 1'oo11, 111111 our own Dr. 111131111525, 1101110111 Officer 01 110111111, 1111 111111-1e 01' food 1'e}:111'11i11g` which there can be 1111so111te1_\' 11o 011_jectio11. As 11 substitute 1'or 11111101` it 11115 111110110,- 1111_\' 1111 the 10011 111011011105 01' the 1110111101; 01` the e1'01111101'_\', while it 11115 1110 111111itio11111 1111\'1111t11_-_-:0 01' 00511115: 11110111 111111? 1110 11111011111 to 1110111100 115 11111101`. D1`. F1'011'A1111111s, 11111-te1'10lo_1..-`ist at the City 111111. 111111 1101111}; 1li1'e0t0r 111 11111o1'111o1'ie.~' 11111'i11_~_" 1110 1111501100 111.` Dr. N11s111i1h 111 1110 110111`, who is 1111115011` 1111\\` 0\'e1'.~`011s, writing" 1'1'11111 I".11}.:'111111l, 1'01'01111_\', 51111011 111111` his ex- 11e1'i0111-0 with o1e0111111'__"111'i111~ 11.5 it 1:`. 11111110 111 111111 1-1.1111111'_\' 11113 1051111011 111 his 110111: 11 s11'o11_1_" s111111111'101' 111` the 1150 01' 11111.1 21111010 111 C1111-111111. It 11115 1111-1_v"0l_\' s111111111111011 11111101` 111 11111;-'111.1111. he 1101-1111'1-11, 111111 1111111_\' 1111105 110 \\'11s 1111111110 111 .~'11_\' \\'l10th01' he '11.: 0111111: 01(`0111111'j_1`211'1l1(' or 11111- 101`. F1'o111 1110 .~:1.111111110i111 111' 111:-10, 1111110111111100, 1-o11.~;is10110y 111111 111111-1- 111011t 11 0011111111011 1'11\'or11111_\' with butter 11111110 110111 01011111. M11011 11115 110011 311111 by 11111.40 111111051111.-' its 111t1'o11110,1i011 1'03.-'111'11i11__'. the 11001` _2`1'1111e 01' 1111 110111 \\'h10h it is $11111 111111 0100111111`-.r111'i110 01111 110 11111110." 511111 11 1000111 11111010 111 the C11111111i1111 M01110111 ;\ss00.i11.L1011 .1o111'- 1111l. Such 51111011101115 1110 1111110 01101100115. When 1111 1100011105 111 1111_\' 11e~_"1'00 1111111011 it is 1111110221 1111- 1105511110 10 1'01110\'e the odor 01 1110 1111111, 111111 it 01111 1111 10113.-'01` 110 115011 \\ i1h1111t u'1'01111_\' i1111111i1'i11u' the 1111111- i1_\` 01' the 1'es11l1:1111 o1e0111111'u':1ri110." I\'11t111'11l1y 111011esi1'11bi1i1_\' 01011101`- wise 01' 01e0111111'.:'111'i110 11.4 11 111011 11011011115. 1111':."01_\' 1111011 1110 ki1111 01' 1111 110111 which the 111111 is 11111110. There are certain 11111115. .~:111-h 11s 1110 l11\'01'.< 11111011 110111 1110 1111ek.< of 110513 110111 whi1-11 "l0111' 1111-11" 1110 1111111111-- 011, whieli are 1)e1'1'0et1_\' 1101-1-111111110 as 10011. 011 the 011101 11111111 1110 1111115 11111110 from 12110 11115 t:1k011 110111 the 111105111103` 111111 011101" 011-_,"1111s \\'o11111 11111 110 s11i.111.1110 1111' 10011. 11 1s 1-1111111011 111111 this 1111 is 11. 0111].` 1'01 `0111111111-1'1-1:11 11111'11o; 511011 as 1110 1111111111'11e111re 01' 1.`-'1'011. 111111 5011115. l'111'0r1111111101_\' 1110 111111105- 51011 has become .~'o1110\\'11111 111110112` those o111111se11 to 1110 51110 01' 1110o111111'_;'111'i110 111111 the 1311 115011 111 its 1111111111`111-11110 is not 111w11_\'.< 01110- 11111_\' . 11' o10o111111"_":11'i111- 11111110 111 C-1111111111 it W111 1`(`.\1 with the 1111111111'iti0.s' to 500 111111 1111111111: but the best 111111 1111- 11111051 1111 -_-00.: 11110 1110 1i11i.~'h011 1110111101. 1'\1.m..1u1-..~-1.-hm 111 is 11; 11111111111 `VOL. LXV'I.-No. 51. Hm 1n11. pro11u<-L. 01eo111:11*;'111'i111`. i11 its 11:1tn1';1l state, is nnieh the e0loroI'ln1' This is 1`e'_-`:11* :13 :1 (l1`iL\\'l):1(`l{ by the 111211111t':u-.t111'e1`. 111141 1'e. is 11111110 10 L'0l()I`lll!L' 1nz1tte1' to '_-`i\'1- it the :11- pe:11':111c-e of butter. Tl1e.~'1- :11-e :_"e11e1~:1ll_\' (`011.<,i1l(`1`(' as p01't`eetl_\' l1z11'1nless espm-i:1ll_\' in the s1n:1ll 21n1o1111t used. 111111 are either 00:11- tar dyes or :1 ve-_-'et;1hlc r-0lo1'inu' imitter such as annotto or .~':1tT1*o11. The history of oleo1m11'\_':11'i11e is not free froin iiistances wl1e1'e a(lulte1`:1nts have been 11:se which were dc-t1*i1nent:1l to health. For exmnple: some time 1120 la1'~_:e quan- tities ot`e}_:'1_':-_\'olks were importetl from China, pi-ese1'\ e(l with borax, borio acid or salt. Tliese yolks were collected during: the spriiig and siinnner and shipped (l1u'i11__<: the Fall and winter. They were used in the xnaniifacture of o1eomzu'_:arine of- fered for sale iii the United States. Uncle Sam. liowever. put his foot down fii'n1l_\' upon this przwtiee and it is 11ot now e111`1'ied on. Pith eggs at their present hiyrh rate there is little danger of nreserved yolks" {i11din_L' their way into oleonlargarine at the present time. D1011: urn nnu: Bninnr nnneir-rnr1 |at the present tune. l Plans are now being considered for the nmnufacture of oleo oil" at the Civic Abattoir, and possibly of the nished product, oleo1narga- rine. If this is lone the citizens will be assured that they are getting: a product which from an esthetic, a liygienic and a food-value stand- point compares well with butter. Nearly 70 per cent. of the young men of Lincoln county are not in Hnnt condition which makes them suit:1Mo- for active service. A ....... -..1-- I.:- ....:,1.. 1...; 5ul[H[`U` Inf ilULl\L' >:L'l\ll'U. A man may pocket his pride, but 11 Woman has to conceal hers else- where. , l The Interests of Barrie, the County of Simcoe and the Dominion of Canada our Criterion. Barrie, County of Simcoe, Ontario, December 20th, 1917. [LEADER 0F THE NEW UNIGN GOVERNMENT BOYS CONFERENCEEE Successful Meetings in Barriei of Delegates from Sur- rounding Towns Barrio had within her ooiiiiosl for four days last. week more thzmi 21m boys and their leaders who are iutimutc-l_\' (-onnoctod with the work of 1n;1kin boys fit for tho hiu'hm' ideals 01' citimiiship. Lo:1dors1ii1i and Boys` `\ \'o1'k Co111'o1'en(:os" was the ba.nn01' under which they met. the H1(`(`tiI1f_" here including the counties ofSin1coe_, Duff01'in, North Ontario, North York, Purl-_\' Sound and _\Iuskoka (listric-ts. Dolo_-_-mes <-:1m(.- froni Gi`:1\`ei111111'st zu1(lTh01'nh111`_\` on the north. to .-\ui'01'u on the south. I,Bu1:ter Substitute Was First Invent- ed at the Order of Napoleon III. When the French People Were Suffering From a Shortage. .'xuA\uu uu -4.; ..\.\..... Tho {'1r.~:t `_"1lHl(`1'i1lf_' of tho I010- *_':1t0.< \va.< on 'I`1uu'sdu_\' eveninzr, 6th i11st.. :11'0nud tlw Lczulvrship sllmwx-' table in Collin` St._\[oth0dist<-11111`:-ll. Followin-_-` .tl1c .~'11ppe1'. 'I`:1}'1o1- Stut- ton. the 5_"1'0:1t lo:1 of ho_\'.<' \\'m'k ad(11'o.<.sod the (lologzttcs. All I"1'id:*._' the older boys \vo1'o in . 1n'(-pm'in-_" for the <-mm-r- onvo and 1'oc(`i\'i11'_-' instnlt-tion in their work. VF`... ' ..u.,.Hn..- rs?" T .n\'<' I I.L`]1' \\Llll \. I The initial ll\('('til1`_" of Boys \\'m".< C'o1i1`c1'o11(-0 was opened Fri- l:1_\' about 7.2%) p.m. in the B:1pti.~'t 1-hurc-h. with the usual devotion-.11 001':-monio:<. T)f\ \I.. '\l'n+n\. annlrn \'m'\' f- 001':-n1omo:<. Rev. Mr. Mutch spoke \'m'_\' t- tin_-_"1_\' of the allies. who were repro- .~:0ntod by the ('1(`1`;_"_\' of the Protest- ant denominations. also the Stlndny Scllool and Y..\[.C..-\..: how it was -._.,_...... 5.. :1r\ Hun kn.-f \\`nI-L }\\ School and 1..\1.L..-x.; nun u an Ixeec-.ss:u'y to do the best work byl the co-opemtivc movement. Then followed the election of 0fTieer.~`.. also 1'ep1'esentati\`es for the B0_\'s E`-.11'lia1ne11t. The officers elected were: P1`es'nl- ent, R. Infrram. Barrie; Vice Presi-l (lent. .\[. Ta_Vlo1'_. Orillia: Sex-1`(-t:n'_\'.. A. A. Bourne. Penctana`. \ .. ...+:..,.. 4`n.. Hm Pa:-ll-.1mrInl*t' A. :1. I50111`n0. rem-Luw.:. I ;\'on1i11ati\'c-s for the Pm-lialnontzi Tmvns over 5000. '\\'oslo_\' Buie. C01-` lingwoodz Harold Morris. Orillia: B. Pa1'.t1'idf:o, Barrie: F. Sa1u1de1's. Orillia. m-.....- .....1.... mm. v Rm-,1 uruuu. Towns under 5000: V. Gravenlmlst; D. Hopper. town: Lindsay Robinson, Gordon McLean, Tho1'nbur_v; Bourne, Penotang; Gordon .\'eWn1arkc-t; Lloyd Crosloy, hurst. o..._..I .......:.m+:.-nu. `L]',.,.,., IOVVIIS U\L'1' _ vu- `B. Pa1'.t1'i(f:e, ~JU\VU. II l'.3A\'V Llunuv Boyd. Cooks- .-\.urora.; Arthur Hux1te1',!tiOn was g;\~e,, ,_ L10) (`1'1`V(`` Games for Home. P1ny_'round, G_vmn.iA Rural nominatives: Harry Chas. Feilding. Crown Hill: Horace Purdy. Roy Reid, Harry ;\Iorton, L. Fletcher, K. .\{eLennan, Lefroy; (}.'thc._ir town and school Rumble, Hillsdale; bell. Oro. Mr. Vaughn, Boys man, very interesting address on New f`.... n,12n.~. Trina] fnr Rnv: Kforvvn I Ball. l `JL'|Il}l||llI(I.l\Jlln A de1n0n.~'t1'ation of C. S. E. T.i ;1`8l]l0S. given under the super-' \.'i. of .\Ie. Sitleuius and Vauzhn, proved to be a {great suc- cess. Mr. Beuelis, of Creemore, and! Miss Jessie Bancroft `l'lV'O valuable assistance. Hearty 1'eemnmen(la- to the Book of and School. A jolly crowd Qathered at 6.1: ) in Trinity church parish hall for the convention supper. The boys gave yells while Wi5h81't C'31l"`waiting for supper. The benediction lwns sung before 33"? Eithe table; everyone partook heartily I sitting down to of the sumptuous repast. u-rim Rnv r'.nnnrlinr\ Rllilllr, i : 1 . 0011. um. nvus sung uu.u.n: a|I.uu uuvvu Lung man 8 the interesting `"'.\e\V"`0f the I Canadian Ideal for Boys. ;\Ierv_vn uT},e Canadian Boy Bui1(1er 5 Taylor was chartered under theIn--was strikingly port;-ayed by Mr, tellectual Standard and found upto Sidc-niuS_ I the standard. These charts explain` '[`|mu mum the S_0_S_ _. the : ideals for boys to live up to and sons of soil were called to the front bring` Canada to the l1iI.rhe. staml-laud presented with the badges won ard of `fTi(*i8Il('.V- gfor farm service. The boys who M8.V01' Craig '35 09-1191 P011 *0 had previouszly been given their extend the civic greetiiir: to the badges were also called to the rlelc-grates. He congratulated the front and were .'mc1uded in the `leaders in having such a splendid general cheering given, lot of young men answer the ('02) A vote of t-|.3,u1;s to the ladies am 01 EI1l('1ux1Cy. was upon I_-J__.. 1... 1.....:.... enlnncli sun A MAKING SIR. ROBERT BORDEN er. ., r_v; on Hunto1i.[ 2y. Graven-` l.`|. The h(-nodiu.-tinn was pr()n0n11<-ml` by Rev. G. A. B1'o\\'n and the meet-` in: (-losvd by .<.inu'in'.: the .\'nti0nul4 u A A I * |Jln SK lplaoo 01 9.00 :1. 'I".1_v1o1' opt-mul \l_. L (!01ll's(' Ul Lxilunnzg nun \.u.IIuuIuu` _-- - 0l(l(`1` boys. showin-_-' how b0_\'.s` }11L\'('l3`t)<" '0 to ('-xtt-ml the 2111-11 0!" H1011" lin(-s\11'- F111 th1'0u_ the C.S.E.'I'. [`'l|1'<'[|. 31 A vc-1'_\' interesting.- tlemonstmtion13111 301111 \\':1s `_"i\'L'l] 01' the Sunda_\' s(*s.s'ion 0l';"\'- M1`- tho (,)1'}_y'z111i'/.(*d SS. classes. by the!MI'- LOHL` C()HiI1_$."\\'0Ol1 410lou'ati0n. led by .\[r.:.\_I1`- \\'i1l`." Fx'zm(-is. also by :1. Bm'1'io (-1:1:s'.`~:.`'H1ti01I. :1 .\[:my new and intm'(,-sting: ]mi11t,s{Y-M-C.:\. \v(-1'9 l(':u'110d H0111 tho t1i1T01'0nH .~\l't(,-1' .s`11`_"_"(`.~`ti0I1.~`. !'il1.`-", ill? n... u.. 1n..,_1. no` I1.--..L' \\`('1'(*h(`ll1 nr_; rumr Anthc-111. 511-_~_-'e. ; Hex`. .\I1'. I}l:1r-knml t-1z1ss.ol' Brad-'r 1'01-I. d01I1011$t1 2lt(`d the 111111-\\'(-ck` .~'c-s. of or5_:':u\i7.od class. A n. \r_. u : .. ..{` Hm Q Q .\.-_! .~'(`S.~'lUH U1 Ux').:u.u1/.1.-u H). v Hm`. M1`. \\'inu'. of the snciutinn, Toronto. *_":u`v :uMr(*.~:.~: at the (-10.40 01' 1 \\'m'k. u-. ,1. n..:, Ar {`r_H:.... \\'m'1{. g \\'(-sley Buie, of C01li11:_v'\\'ood. led in devotional exerv-ises at the open-' in; 01' the :1t't(-moon session. i .\[r. Sidc-mills '.Ii1\`(* an :11d1'r-ss on`. Soldiers of the Soil," _-_:'n.'in5_-' fivel rules for >`.11(`ee. (`lli11`ti!12'. pro-E 2`ramn1e and sehmlule. 1 at it.! keep olltside i11te1'e. from <'01nin;r} in and keep pure. 1 I-`;\`n nun.-r-c nI' Fnnrn \\'l"1`(` ` m mm K150]! pun-. , Five (*zul.s'(-s of t`nilu1'e were` dexnon. by Rev. Mr. .\lnt(-h. .-\ Ienon1in:1tion:11 eon1e1'm1(-(-. 1'01-V tlmved. the di'e1'ent bodies bei11;: `distributed th1'oug_*'11out the. ehu1'eh.i iwith :1 see1'eta1'y to represent enehl . . I l dCIl0l111ll1.t 1011. l 1 A ,Ie._.-....L....A2,... AK` F` Q T4` '1` 1 recently prommwu cuu-_ uuu um-i -ada. \\"ith the high price of but- ter the embargo has been removed and the article is now 1u:1uu1'uctu1'wl in Cauzula. ..._ . . . ,., , _V_ _>`_ ....-.._. W -,,,, __ I St. Audrc\v s c1n11'cl1 was the- 1aco 01' 1noet.inu' on Sa.t111'da_\' at LOU :1.111. with \`i(-0-p1*e:s'id('x1t .\l.i l`u_\'lo1' as cl121im1m1. Tho ]ll(`(`tiX1f_"| I]I('11(`4` with h_\'nm.~: and 1n'u_\'m-. M1`. Sidonius road :1 pamt-1' on `I)ail_\' Bible R(~2uli11:`." .\I1'. \`:m_-_v'1n1 *_":\\'o a talk on :1 4\`. A A111101111(3Cme11t.~: J .1 (1.... 3.... ...nn4Z Saturday Meetings. K 1'01` :1` 1` Czmmlianl \' boys hztvoi lines; I ` D `. xx:-: :1. helpful the (-1:155 V. --. 4...`... Sunday Services. DC$1)it(` the severe \vo:1th(-1'. chm-011 .~;o1'vices were well attelulod. The dele_u'ut0s a(*(*mnpanio(1 their hosts to cluu'('-11 both mm'uing and oven- 11152,`. N who provided the supper \\':1.~1 cur- ric-(l by the \`i;_"o1-ous clamximr of haxlds and three (=ho01':<. The hono- 'diction \\':1s pronounced by the Rev. :G. A. Brown. 1 n - Afternoon Meeting. At 4.15 3 1112153 nmeting was hold in St. .-`~.11d1'mv,'.< churcll, for older l)0_\'.<. Barrie householders, in common `-with the rest of Ontario were inim- duced to the substitute for butter, known as oleoxxlargurine, and until recently prolxibited entry into Can- ...1.. \\':H. Hm hin-h urine of hut-. At the close 01' the so1'\'i(:e.<, the closing` (-011l L-mace \v:1s hold Methodist chm`:-h. I3 `I . . `Li. 2.. l'l.K'LII\1\II-`.l1 \ Ii. ln::1`:Im. vlmil`. 'l`h(- \`:n`im1.s 1'c.~:0i11Ii0n.+ ]n'op:1x'ml whlrin-_:' the ('0111'c1'o11(-o wo1'(- p1'v.~:(`11t- ml to the meeting and utlnpted. .\T1:1tisti,-.~: ,-.un<-oruin-_*' the (~()nl'(*1'(-11-0 \\`(`I'(* also 11'v.<(-ntml: Tiw total x'o;_:'is- trutiun \\'us `.310: h0_\'s from 14 to `.30 _\'vzx1's 0l' :1`,-1: 177). zulults 213. Of 1'(`}_"i()11.\ pt-1'su:1. tho1` were 80 `I II 1` I '-l I'\ I ,1 , ' , |\l\ l_\K'Lll~`l U` KI 1'(-]iu'im1s H|(`l`(; won .\[\"l()(.i1..\'. T4 lV 1'vsbyte1'i:u1>' Am,-'lic:u1.<, `.21 l ;:11nti.~:l.<, :3 Chm: c-hm'('l1. Il'I. xuluua .n/. '.l`lx(~ 1 mm1h(~1' ..-_'. 1L.` llIHIIl|I\'I' KI] `l('|\"_'.illl'.\ \\ L'l l'v l,illIll' 5:3, ()1`illi:1 -H. (7(>lliu;_~'\v0o 28. I-}r:uIl'm' Hi. (}1':1Vm1|1\11'st 1; , P0110- 1:111u'ui. E), .\.lli.~`t(m T. Lt-1'1'0_\' 7, '|`l:<>1'11|)111'y li, KL-.~1\\'ick 5, Stu_\'nv1' 5, i.\u1`m':1 4. .\lv:\l'01' 4, 'l'11m'nt'0u '. \ .\lidlam1 I3. Nt-\\'m:n`kvt 3}. \'i('1o1'ia H:\| hm' I ). .1 ohm`: Al I i Mr. Sidouius zlllnmlnvod tho 1'0- sults of the election 01` 1'0pre.~'m1t:1- lives for the 30_\'s' Pz11'li:1n1ont. For tu\\'n.~' over .")()0U, B. I u1't1'i(l-_-`O B:n'1*iv, was elm-tc(l_: towns undt-1' znnn .\.-H... Rm-n.. [)nnnf-ilur` Luu I 11', H um \`u_:\ L\.'\l _. LU 50011. .-\1'th1n' B()111'I1L`. rurzll l'('1!l'(';~'(.`I1t:lti`((3. (. lillstdale. .', were held. The boys and their lCi1llCI'.s q'j0inod hands in :u1unb1'okcn circle iarouml the church zuitlitoriuni and -!s:u1{_-' the 1i1'st\'o1'so 0t't11e:.:i'am1 1'01- ,1 l0\\'ship h_\'1un "BIL-.~:t be the tie that 5 binds."1'ollo-wing which each member ,ot' tho (-i1'(*lc said :1 short pi'z1_\'oi' for [lithe l'ri0ml on his 1'i_~_-ht, thou the 1-'sL-(-oml \'0i'sL- of the hymn was sun! land 2L (~ou11::mi0n 1>1':1}'c1' said for the n|,m:iu`11h(n' on the loft haml. The `(yliilst verso was suxig. each moniber A )-with folded nrnis s',r1iii _\`i1ig thou__:'h\ L1 .`xlI.l.' L IL'\\ nu I 3 turn: .ui. iinpx'(~. ('i0.<.il1. .' L-.\'(-i-(-isv.s r I t ( 1 J 2 5 t_1>:u'tL-I in i)()(l_\ . individuz11l_\' they ,5}\\'o1'c to follow out {the 1-nsolutioiis and standards of the -o `C.S.]`:.T.-Cill1:1(1izlll Stamlzml Effi- ci(-n(-_\' I`(-sts (~.ou1'urom~(-. 1- This closed ono of the most suc- .g~}cosst'11l meetintzs of 21 coiiferczicos in [Litho fall di'i\'(- of the allies in boys -11 I work. \r... f`.. -~I\l`\A1 4-Ln v\n u-Hnrr '.l.'Kll1l`S(12l.y 01 lush \\L't:k\. LLUW pulur lar it will become in 1'epl:u?in_-.1` but- ter is yet to be cloternuincd. House- wives who may he pr0_i1uli-ml -;1guinst its use, will hold out {for button: those who lmvo t1`lC "ulvn" pronounce it it pzllatablc article. 1,, -...1_. n...a. \.I.-mum` m..ulm-.- `llL'IL'_LilllUll hl.'lflL'LilllL'b H U10 lL'Ll|l. Mr. S. ll. ll(`1n'_\', p1'e.~`.i(lcnt of the ,l0t-:11 con1n1ilt(r(- tllnuketl the Bu1'1'iL- pL`O])l(- for tlmir (~0-operation in on- {tm-tuininv,-` the He was '(-onvin(-od all had been amply rep-a'ul ' in the __v'oo(l done the boys. The 'c(n1t'(-1'ox1(*0 llmler the splmltlicl lowl- l(.`1's 01' the C.S.l`I.'l`. lnul been an linspix-:1tio11 to all. 1 _ _- -- Reports from denominational] and (10lCf_"'.1ti()ll sec1'0tu1`ies were read. | '\l.. k` ll 11. .- nut no` `Ln ' 1Jl.'tIll\'I~` LII LIIC \|lIl\.'ll'llL `llllllllllll utinns were called to the platform: ,.\l1'. F1':lIlCiS 1'01` HM: .-\.11'_"lic:u1 .\I1'. .\[cLc:u1 for the Bupti.~;t_, `Mr. Young` 1'01" the C011~_"1'w_":1tio11ul. lit-V. Elm-l< 1'01` the .\Ieth0<]ist. i.\I1'. Lom_~'nu1u for the Prcsh_\'terinn, `Mr. for tho (H1tm'i0 $7.5. .\.s. vintion. and Mr. .\'il(.-nius for the . \' \l r` \ I \\'Ul'h. i Mayor C1'ai;_" sped the pa1'tin_r' imlests with 21 few words, voicin_r.: the `pleasure of the citizens in having had the p1'ivilet.;(- to entertain such 11 splendid let of young: men. extend- ling; a hc-m't_v imitation to all to pay In return visit. la I`CIl11'I1 vlsu. The audience rose and sang the Xxatiolml Anthem. after which Rev. !Mr. Fullis pronounced the benedic- ltion. Par Enough. Genez11ogist-You want me to go have to worry about his back Cho1l_v-Oh, not at al1-when you get a title, stop! By Another Name as Sweet. . She-The_v say that possibly we ` shall have no tea soon. 11.. ur.....1.... ...L..+ elm. l2..4'.-nah- snau nave no Lea suuu. Hc~-Wonder what the Refresh- ment Room people will call this stuff then. ` QT`; `Dunn Awning!` stun men. She Economized. Tom, dear, said Mrs. Young- bride as they sat down to dinner, I did just as you told me to. You mean about oconon1i'/jug? Yes. Instead of buying sir- loin steak I bought 3. porterhouse. It isn't nearly so large, you know. st this .~t`:1_'o M12 \'u11L:'hn took ru'(- 01 (hp n1(-vtinu', .~']m:1ki11`_" on 1'o:1.~'0n.~' and 1'0. 01' the -011- t0\\'n.< 1'4-11'oso11t(`(1 1' 01' dolt-~_":1t(-.< \\'01't- If . I1 f`..ll bummy \\01'1u: It is ix1tc1'o.~,:tin}_" to note that Wall`, which has been the dot-idi11_,~' 1119101` in in(ll1C`il1f_`,` the Clllladizln u.nth01'itio.< to allow the 1n:11111f:1ct1u'o and 3:110 of 01oox11a1'.; :\x'i11o in this country. -should have also been l:11'g_-'ol_\' instru- mental in establishing` it rmly as an article of diet in P:11*is, and in general th1'ou_;'ho11t Franc-c. Tho facts are these: TZ`._.-~........ \"nn.-Jnnn TTT '02 -n\\'_ Closing rsing Meeting. so \ a1`io11s ("hll1`(`11 rm.-emu`.-,' oi. the ':1s in tho Cc-11t1':1l mm-h. The p1'csil(-11t. :n'rie. ocmlpiocl the t`ow\\'o1~1.< from ',, , I .,. . .., .\I1'. `l1IlL'l|_'lIL `ll'IllIH|lIl' v In he )1` l|.A...C._ um \_.. rllh llll\|\.'| l cnotan'_": l'!IIlI|`;lll . lnllll. -IU (`h1`ist'|:1n and the B:u'1'i0 | _ I .10 l.'lI\.`L|.lll_'. . lhlmiilo, The 1'o_u;x1l:11- 1n0otin_c; of the Board 01 El11c:1t.i011 for Doomnbor was held on the 10th inst._. with Clmi1'n|un KiI1f_',' and T1'ustcCs Chauntrn, Fisller, Muloomson, I{<)ss, )[(-Atlnm, Wall- wiu, Love and B_\'1'nc present. It was considorml probable h(',l'or(: the xm-(`tin-_:' started that tlxorc would he :1 l'(`-()[)(.`Ilill}_," 01' the tmulcr ques- tiun. in oomplimlco mth the 1'oq11isi- tion for mm-I1 1'econside1':1tion. Bu- t'm'o tho Imml mot the maltter was anal it \v:1s (lot-iulvd that u. spm-i:1l um-(`tin-_-' must be (`2l(}(l, as 1n'0vil<-I h_\' the ruh>.< of the bourd. vm... 1..u.,.. n... hm... ..I.,..L- Board of Education Refused to Re-open Question of Tenders-Mr. Garrett's Request for Considera- tion not Entertained lll. \4uuuuu. This butter substitute was on sale in B:ll`l'iC for the first time on 'Thursday of last week. How popu- lm- :+ will hmanmn in 1-nn1:1oinu' but- nlixzvntl Inl'l'LuI`_' IIHLBL UL \'il|Il:Il, an The letter from the town clerk 1'oq11ostin'_-` mm'(~ infornmtion l)(2l'or(: council \\'(ml(l put tl11'ous_'*l1 the by- law (':1llll1`_" for :1 1'0l'(21'(.-n(l11n1 on tho sitv upon which the scl100_l will he built, zlsliml the l'oll0win5_-; ques- ll()ll.\'2 it" the new site was i11(:lu(lc(l in the cost of tho new h11il(ling; what lill'm'mm`, ll" any, in the size of the ln1il(lin'.".s' on either site; if any :l1'l':ll1;.."(`lIl(.`Ilt>`. hml l)c(m nurclc towzmls takin-.1` notion in sectlrings tho :1`.-`1'i(-11lt111':1l park as a site and can :1 s(`l1o_ol lmil be pl:u:u(l on said 3,-'1'0un An invitaltion was received from Principal Czuxson, of the East wan-(1 school and s(,~l1ola1'.~: for the Board to_ be present at an cntertuillment and Clnistnuxs tree on the closing day of school. 4' .... .. Ll..\ I)nIl.... Tn $1.00 per annum. Single copies 3c. `FORMER DECISIGN susmmnn Lli1`\ UL BUIIUKFI. A report from the Boiler In- spector Co. showod that the boilers in the Central, \\'(2st and Burton Ave. schools were in grood condition. School Equipment. Cliziirnizin \\'allwi11, from the Propc1't_\' and Supply coiiiniittee; re- ported in l':1\'01' of purelmsing cer- tain equipment foij the public schools, as per ret_:'uluti01is of the Education Dept. The urtit-les neces- sary are required to bring: the equip- ment up stamlard, the cost being; def1'a_\'e(l out 01' :1 special fund. T7\-h-n nnnf n nH`ruwn;v uvnv-n rnnnvn- UL'llil_\ L'll UUL UI Kl -3l}l,'l.'lill lllllll. Extra cadet nnil`orms were recom- inentled, so that all members of. the corps will be in uniform. Finance Report. Cliairinan ;\I(-.>`ulan1, for the Fin- anr-e committee reported receipts since last meeting` as $`_ ()51.9?.. Pay- ments were 01'(l(`l`(`(lZ salaries $3,- '.2.l9.0T, aecount.~' $-1-11.67. Victory Loan Bonds. A second report dealt with the conversion of $40,000 of 1931 five ` and a hall` loan debentures to $40,- 000 01, the 1937 five and a-half per eent..<. as instruetexl. The above eon- \'er.~tion was e0x1. by the committee on Dec. 1st by the chair- man and secretary subscribing: on behalf of the Board for $` 3,000 of the new 1937 five and z..1hali' per cent. \'ietor_\' Loan at ])[l')W."l12OI1(lOI`lIlg in paynieiit tlieret`or$-10,000 of their 1931 five and a-half per cents., and L l`\'lIl_`.I the Boar s (cheque for $308.- 80 to adjust the (lifference. Ball Planing Mill Acceyts Offer. Trustee Malcomson reported for the special committee appointed to a1'1'an_re the tenders for the Collegiate hui1din}_:' with the Bull Planing Mill Co., that the contractors had accept- ed the Boar s terms and that their lett-c1'ol'acceptance was accompanied by a marked cheque for $1000 that the figures would hold good "till Jan. ` 15th, 1918. 11-..--. 4... all-1......-. nu 7 agvnvg vv vu-.-g V-.. Trustee Me.-Xdani enquired if the Board should take any steps to provide the money needed to carry on the Work of the schools till next July, as the appropriation was not provided for later than I)ec. 31. Sec. Marr said he had taken the ` matter up with the town treasurer, funds for school purposes would : be supplied as required. Accepted Invitation. On motion of Trustees Malcomson and Ross, the secretary of the Board would acknowledge the invitation ` from the East \Vard school and as 1 many members as possible would attend the entertainment. Answer to Town Council. On motion of Trustees Ross and - Malcomson the following motion ; passed, but not before some dis- cussion ensued as to the attitude of the council in witholding the. pass- - ing of the by-law. I-t was pointed 1-, out that the Board, if they so desir- ed, could zro ahead with the com struction of the Collegiate without r- consultine the council: e,. That the secretary acknowledge 3! In, x,.., ,3 __ _-..- .....\ .Ll.IJ.'~J- Money to Carry On. 11' .1 3, up uu; o\.\4|\.uIsnJ .... ..... ... (Continued on page six) Plullulllnuu H. u yu.nu.u..uu, .... . . . . V. In o1' that A(lv:1i1oo rczulor.-; may lo:n'11 the liistory and how this new food savor is nuulo, tiw follow- ing article, by T. Rcnfrow is repro- duced from :1. recent issue of the Sunday World: TL 1. ...t-nun |\nv- (>n nnfn Hwwf \\.`:n`