Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Oct 1917, p. 4

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A Few Facts about British Red Cross Work. The British Red Cross Society is the only institution which carries voluntar aid to the Sick and V\ ounded of the British forces on land and sea in every region of the \Var. Ha`. work 1': Hvnrpfnru Hus hnr1I~nrn nl n11 r<.y_1uu UK LHC \\' 8.) . Its work is therefore the concern of all c1z=.ssc.<:r)f British subjects, whether livin in the British Isles. in the Dominions an Colonies beyond the seas, or in foreign countries. Oct. 8, THE NORTHERN ADVANCE lt now costs $300,000.00 a week to carry on the work of the British Red Cross, or I 6,000,000.00 a year. Every minute of the day and night it costs $30 to minister to the sick and wounded and dying. ' Last year Ontario's magnicent contribution paid for the entire work of the British Red Cross for nearly six weeks. This year, in View of the greater need, it is earnestly and condently hoped that Ontario's contributions will be as great proportionately as the magnicent offering of last year. Our trust is, that the Citizens of Ontario will give generously to this noble cause on-- "I917. If Caizada fails 2 Organization of Resources Committee, Pa Receipts. April 1--Bul. on hum] . . . . July ]`.3--O1'm1gu l;od,<,,'(~....._.` 28--Snlc of hom`c-made `baking: . . . . . . 28._M1-g (`.ll."nh|nul. \Ve are endeavoring to make the paper valuable to you, and at the low sub- scription rate at which it is published it is necess- ary that it be paid for in advance. Keep the money in circulation. We can- not pay our accounts un- less you pay yours. Please don t disappoint us. Ucl. SJ, .1917. AI1x1i\'u1'sm*y S( l'\'i(?(`S will `be hold in thv M(-,t,|Imli.s`t (`hlll'(']l on Sumlzly, Oct. 21st, ut `. .30 um! 7.00 p.m. Snrry to rt-port the d(-nth of .-'\`li.s-s Mny Gibson, (lzL11_L:*l|tm 0| M rs. Hugh (iibson. W0 oxtond Hm si||<-on-st synmatlny to the family. NI) . Clnn-Ina: (`.nInnhnH nl' I`n------In n_ynupu.LII_y L0 EHO lllllllly. Mr. Clmrles Cnmpbell 0|` 'l`(n'onlo :~:p(-nt '1`lmnks}_rivin,:' with Mr. uml M1's. Clmrlos Cmupbell. BELLE EWART RED CROSS WORKERS. Report From April 1st to Oct. 1st, I 1917. \'i.~'.iti|1g her mint, Mrs. Turlcy. .\liss Hutu Sprmxlo um! .\|i>'s I{,u|)_\' sp(-ndin:.;'tl1v I1(>lil:1)'s with tln-ir .\l(-.Cm1n :n'(- lumw fmm llmnilton, p:n'(-nts. . `nulungr `.28--Mrs. Cuttonuch 31-G. Aw-rill . . . 3`I-Mr.~'. Hill . .. Penny Bllllk . M rsyl'.Iull1'ord HOLLY * us in October, we must curtail many of our activities." Sir ARTHUR STANLEY. Chairman, Executive Committee, British Red Cross. Oct. 9, 1917. " l\\' u'Hl Wu. Inn} 30,000 of these provided with Nursing Staff. 2,000 Trained Nurses working at home and abroad. MARKET REPORTS 7.500 V. A. D. s helping in Army Hospitals. 57,000 Hospital Beds found in the United Kingdom. IN GREAT BRITAIN .$-'2 25 10 00 35 65' .1 ()0 1 (N) 1 (H) 5 4.`! 5 ()0 (542742 Ix . Berry, C0lling_"w0od. H2185 (`.o1'p. H. BaIssi11}__-*tI1\\'nit0, C()()kSt()\V1l. (i~l277() ll. 'l`hunms, C0lling;\\'o0d. Wounded. (`.npl.. E. W. Imwrcm-,(=, Barrio. 2()1'.257 C. R. R. R0,<:c1's, Alliston. 14213:}? h'upp(-1' 1`). W". I 01111i11}_,"to11, Orillin. cu.-4,, _ ,9 use H`! { hum. HI`) Bulmu-o on hand . 48 S6` SIMCOE E-OUNTY CASUALTIESI l!I.\`1wndit111'(-. I`ris(n1(*1's of Wm` B11-:ul Fund. April May June . . . . . Sept. . . . April to ()1-t;>l)L-1'. 'g_;:(-11-'1':.1.l -1 lI(n1v_\' M(m('_\' The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. Look at it. If it does- not read 1918, it should. `"'s'4"::41:z 64 2885 ` unnu- Prisoner of War. li4.'M()0 G. W. Mt-Curd_\', T0t.ton- Hlll. I'('('(-i\'od . 4-xpcmlml Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Died of Wounds. Ix`. VII Mrs. J. C. . Ii. \Vul.~:11, Tottculmnl. I C. Wilkerson, Batteau. $220,000 spent on equipment of King George Hospital (1,850 beds) and $130,000 a ycaij contributed to cost of its maintenance. $22S.O00 spent on building and equip- ping Netley Red Cross Hospital (1,000 beds); and $625,000 spent on maintenance. $175,000 for Orthopaedic Curative VVorksl1ons and Trnininn Tfnnrl ~rw:a.UUU tor Urthopaedic Curative Vvorkshops and Training Fund. $185,000 for Facial Injury Hospitals. ..`-'_>1` ` T0 SUBSCRIBERS: $131 10 (HI I 5 To UJU KYIIIIIU 1 ruuu. House and lot, Peel St., owned by Mrs. Banting, sold to Mr. Robertson. 'Mgr. of The Ball Planing Mill. has recently made the following- sales:-I-Iouse and lot, Cor. Eliza- [beth and \Villia1n Sts., owned by the- lYoung estate, sold to Mr. A. Meek- lums, Henry St., Barrie. I House and Lot, Cor. Eccles and \Villiam Sts., owned by Mrs. Brun- ton, sold to Mr. Joseph Dcsourdie of the Grand Trunk. `LT- ...-_ __..] I,L T\_-1 rm 1 I Real EsE;t:a Agent THURSDAY, OCT. 11th, 1917. :: W.C THOMPSON Owen Street, Barrie, TORONTO MARKETS an your home, are going out of town for a. visit, or know of any in- fnrniztin rv nnurc 14:0- UL LIIVW UL Gull] LII` t.ere'sting news, let us hear from you.` We always apprec iate such favors. If you have any trn nuts: 2 1-. vnn -r SATURDAY MARKETS I'A.R.MBR S PRICES HIDE Oct. 10, 1917. o") {\f\ -1 1 ' .'.'.1ico-1I?o 10.00 to 12.00 . . . .13.00 . .$1`2.00 . . . .90c . . . . .450 . -13c--15c `. .`.2c-`20c 7 50 9 50 8 50 10 50 7 00 9 00 `IE 1J|l|LUI, ('lllHl'(' ll2l`lX'_\' .- . . . . Eggs, now-lz1i(l. (loz . . . . .. Spriny: Clnickc-n;<, lb ..... Choose, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fowl, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'l`111'k(~_\'s, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ducks, spring, lb . . . . . . . .. Timoth_\', No. 1, ton . . . . .5? Mixed and Clover . . . . . . .. Goose \\'l1(~at. hush. . . . Fall \\'l1oat. millixL;, busll Barley. mnlting . . . . . . $1 Oats, bush .. .LU . 17.50-18.50 . . . . . .13.00 8 00 8 50' $2.15 $1.:1's-$1.20 LCD, ".'{\.. . . . . . .I_ 4'I`2 . . . . .57-60c .$1.()(J-$2.(J0 . . . . . ..L:n' $1.00-$1 `)5 Jul, _-I, .3 for .y' for UU -) VU . . . .55-60 1?)-'. ..u:--r1 ._'.u 68c.-70c J1 . -1-.")-430 .45-50c . 31')-350 q[L< <)\I`a}v}\2 . .300 .'.25-`_ Sc .28-300 . . . .111; .:')[)-60c . . .30 -v, IL f.Ii6;l $16.99} .35-40c . . $3.00 . 43c :Il'. lll oo % `$110 vlJ". u I U .$6~7 9-,. - -IJU ..`~3:)o .30c .'2Sc Ckillaulcnl Beef Hides, 31-0011 . . Beef Hides, cured . . . . Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheep Skins . . . . . . . . . Calf Skins . Horse Hides . . . . . . . . . . Horse Hair . . . . . . . . .. Wool, washed . . . . . . . . "001, unwashed . . . . .. Lamb Skins and Polts. .200 n nn ~$i'~ .1nQ I16; 3452 60c . . UC 300 10c Kn 15(- 150 .3: , v 1-um-suuy. Mr. H. H. Groom, Toronto, paid a _\`in_ visit to friends in Min(~sin_ .11]. Hull A1115. .\l. l\ll&l]l]l. .\I1'. and .\I1's. G. G. .To1m. motored to King on Satu1'<].'1_\' :11'tm'- n nnn Hl.'UIIn Mrs. Cattondon, Toronto, is stay- ing` for a few yays with Mrs. A. Cartel`, at Mr. Campbo1l .~:, Con. 9. Mrs. S. Carleton. Midland visited M1`. and Mrs. Thos. McKinney on \V(-dncwday. \fr H I` (...,m... mA..-..;.. ..`..:J nuuIl'L' uuuau UL ucI.l'0_\`. Miss Irene Groso, who is `coaching: school near Tottenham, spent the liolitlny with her parents hero. Quito a numhc-1' from Lt-f'1'0_\` at- tomlc-(l the Harvest Home services hold in St. Peter's (`l11l1'(3l1, Chu1'cl1- ill. Dealers were paying to the farm- ers at St. Lawrence Market, Tues- day, the following gures for their offerings:- Butter, choir-0 xlairy . ..~1:')-We Euxs. m-\\'-lnirl Jn-1 I-1:0-a .v.un. -Jun. u1 u\\u. l M S. Pete Gifn spent part of last week with Alliston friends. `M .'.-. \r...,. r`<..-.....n.-_.- -0 rv-n2H| Oct. 8, ]9lT. M1`. and Mrs. J. \\'. \V:11'd. T0- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and .\I1'.<. A. Ronald. \r.. ....,1 1r..- ru.., h I I &VL.I.J.` Ll DLJ.` \.X illlll -V1l>. . \. IIUHHIU. Mr. and M12`. Clms. Duo London. visited Miss S. E. last week. 1f_. ..._1 `If , n n -vv lilblz \YL`l.`I\. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knapp and fanlily, Toronto, motored from tho r-ity to spend TI1n11ks}_-'i\'ix1y_-' with M1`. and Mrs. M. VK11n}np. \T1-, mu} \Tv-c fl f! Tn1.....4.\.. uxxrkx uzuxv. ru1'1'_V D011l1(l m.~:t1-not. T110 Misses Harrison of Toronto are \'isiti11}_-' their cousin, Miss Con- stance Douso of Lc-f:'1'0y. \r: a.. T...-mn _..L- :_ L,, 1 - Mr. and Mrs. spent a few days Barrie friends. `I -.- T I" _ _ .l)il1llL' 1l`l\'IHIo Mrs. J. Goodwin :1 Week-end visitor Mrs. Jas. B1-own. `ll..- T1 4... rV:1n., _, \\l'L'k\ nun .`Xlll5I.0l1 Irlenus. I Miss Mae Ca1'rutho1's of Collins.`- wood spellt the holiday at 1101' homo here. 1r,'__ Y n -`- r-V I IICILH Miss J. Burrows of Toronto is \'isiti11g' Mrs. T. F. Bm'ro\v.<;. Oct. 8, 1916. K I Mrs. Elmore Robins of Pontiox, Sask.. spent :1 few days last week at the home of Hrs. Admns. U1`. and Mrs. Hilland of Toronto spout Tl|a11ks3:i\'i11_::' holiday with friends in Lc-froy. .\I1';<. .-\lo.\'. Groso spent over Sun- day with friends in Bmwio. Miss Tomlinson, public. st-1100] to:1cl1o1', visited her home in Moa- ford over T11:1I1ksg'i\'i11g. \f...~ D..:,.,. -4` m ____ ,,; 1 1 ruas - . . . . . . . o o Oats, New Buckwlicat . . . Rye .. Hay, per ton, new . . Flour, \Vestern, bbl. Family Flour, bbl. . Potatoes, bag . . . Eggs, per doz. . .. Butter, per lb. .. Cliickc-11, dressed .. Mutton, live wei,<:lit.' Mutbon,live weight . Lambs, each ' Lamb, per lb. .'l Hogs, live select .. Sows, live . . . . . . . . Butcher cattle Lulu U\l'l' umI1Ks}_"1\'111g'. 1111:. Price of Toronto has been spendin}_1' a few days with the Misses Smith. p ,,z__ W . . ' IWIIIILH. Miss Eva '\\'han is \'isitin5_:' hm` sister. who is toacl1im.:` school at Blm-k Lake. Pm'1'_\' Sound di.~tt1'i0f. I Thn \r;ccn: T-Tn`-u::`I\I-I A4` '1`- ..L.. nun.-1' purl, UL (HG WCOK. Mrs. John Sllefcld is spending` a few days with friends in Booton. nut, M1`. ronto Hart. '\ I'_. .l.1(I1l:u M1`. and Mrs. '11). G fzmlily intend 1noving' tt latter part of the week. -:\r1'Q .Tn11n Ql1nmn1r-I C.` The holiday visitors hero worc:- Hiss L. Ellsmoro, J. Calstoxl, L. Thorntml, M. Coward. A. White. J. Hart, Miss E. Johnston and Miss M.` I1'a1't, of Toronto. \r.. nufl \f.._~ `D .... ..1a`,\..L -0 rn, I T110 Misses Christie of Alliston spent the holiday under the parent- al roof. '\I'_. l"1-,,, , `IVII n rx. .,. -. I 1UUl Ur. G(`0l'f.l'(` Iillsmoro of Sh':1ti'o1'd is spox1din:,-' :1 few weeks at his homo hero. I mL_ 1,I'1 "n I ` Oct. 8, 1917: Miss Gretta Snider 01 Bm'1'i0 spent the week-end at her home here. ` rnv, 1t- mt ._.. -..\..... -|uI\ll . The Indispcnsiblc Corrugated Box in which to pack your comforts. Two Sizes :-Sm:1l| 9; x 6 x 45 ................ .. 8c each. or 2 for 15c. l.,....,. In..n_.n -- ` \V}1eat, new Barley . . . . . `rm--- Christmas Boxes WITH CANDY 0R GUM Cigurcttcs in tin hoxcs of 50 or 100 Multcd Milk Tablets. in tin boxes absolutely water tight, in plain or cocoa avor. Large. 10 x 8 x6, Robertson's Special Box of Chew- ing Gum, contains six avors, Becm:1n's Pcpsin, Adams Tutti Frutti, Chiclcts. California Fruit, Black Jack and Spearmint Done up in ncat boxes, 25 cents Lifc Savcr:~`., VVintcrgrccn, Pep- permint or Clove, 5c, 6 for 25c .\'cilsnn s Soldier Chocolate Bar, specially prepared for sending overseas, Q lb. cake 25c. Small bars 5c. FILL UP THE CORNERS Robertson's DRUG STORIE rs ___w - --sr-`nu Opposite Post Office Rguup mu! mmsll What Our Correspondents Find Worth Recording SUNNIDALE Apples, basket . .. Apples, barrel . . . Butter, lb. . . . . . . . .. Buttemiilk. bottle . . . Beets, bnneh .. . Cream, coffee, qt. . . . .. . . Cream, whipping, qt. . . . . Carrots, bunch . . . . . . . . . . Cauliower . . . . . . .. . .15. Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabba.-.:'e, head Corn, a dozen . .. .. C(`l( ]'_\'. stalk .. . ... . . . 2 Chickens, lb. .. . . . . ... .. Crab .\pple.<, small basket . Citrons, each . . . . .. ... Ducks. eaeh ... ... ... $1 l_:_::s, (107,. Hay, ton Milk, qt. . Onions, grreen, b11neh . . . Onions, la1'_ basket Onions. piel basket (h1ion.<, l)a-_*', . Potatoes, peck Potatoes, :1 bar: .. .. Pill'Sl('_\'. bunch . . P11mpkin.<, (`:]('ll ... ... ... Pigs, yonnu`, Yo1'k.~:l1i1'e, pair Radishes, bunch. . . . . . Sage, bnneh . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 'l`mnatoes, ripe, lb. . . . . . . . .. Tomatoes, ripe, ba. .. Tomatoes. _`_'f1`(`(`1), basket Ttirkey, lb. . .. . . . . . . . . . 'l'n1'nips. each . .. Vegetable marrow . . . . . . . .. UL J.Ul'UHLU- ` and M1-s. P1'oudfoot 01' To-ti are the }_ru0sts 01` Mrs. Chas.` CBAIGIIURST MINESING OF YOUR LEFROY UH. l')u(-hmnni, r\'!I(0\` I EOENERS .. V an.-. ...a.u-.a Oct. 8. 1917. J. Risohorouh last week with of Toronto was with her sister, . Glonnio and to B:n'1'ic the J- (Corrected by Jos. Marrin, market square.) `l2..nL'1I:.I-,. .....,m.. rm, we each The Methodist unniversxugv \';1s held on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Wheat- Iy, Elmvule, conducted the services both morning; and evening to n. lu1';:e c()x1;_';re;_;:1ti011. Many were pleased to meet Mr. \VheutLv, he Iulving -been stationed here ten or eleven years ago. V-.|nLu n Mr. `Tm-nbuI_m, Toronto, and his two boys spent the \veck-end with Mr. Fin. McCxmn. nun Mr. G(!()l`}.',`(! Dobson, Toronto, and Miss Lucy Dobson, ',[`ott(-nhum, are home sp(~n(li'z1_~.v,' '.[`h:u1k:s';;'ivi1n;_-,' holi- dzxys under the ]mrcnt,{1I roof. Mr. R. Hanna, Toronto, cullml on W. A. Miller on Momlny. II A u Mr. Artlmr Tiln, T(;r0i1t,o, spout tho week-end with his *l)r0t|u-r, Mr. J. Tiin. uxzu. n, |:H.l. I 'l'h(- st-\'(-ntln lino (lmmtml on Sut- lmluy in the Red Cross rooms, Ban"- ri(-, cush 75c., and four pounds of` butter. I Miss B. l oac0c.k, Bzlrric, is the 3.-'u(:.s't of Mrs. E. Dobson. Miss 1`). Ellis is visiting 1'01" :1 few days with Alliston `1'1'i(-nds. Miss Bella Miller is vi.-sitinj_,v' Mon- ] ford I'riends. I .1 ,, -_ _ ..-uvu. I VA1\'Iiss Gertie Turloy, Toronto UTOPIA 3 DAY, OCTOBER 18th up--- u `-3.; a. u.n.sn.uu.na.a 1. pa .His lordship the turkey made his first nppearmice on the market on Saturtlay--Tl1anksg'iVin: mzlrket. As to (uzmtitv there were few birds .7 3 very few for tlli11ll(Sg`l\'lll__" time, but when the conditions of the turkey crop is eoiisiflciml, the sho\\'in__-' was good. And the price! The house- keeper could .~'oun :1 note of tli:1nksy_-'i\'i11}_-' that it was not com- pulsory to buy hn'l<(-y at `8 cents. Prices ruled as follows:

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