muen ior 3Uu. W,` She hesitated, glancing at an openl door close by, and then moved to-` (1 wards it as if she e.\`pected him to 1- follow her. Foster did so and -1 found himself in a small drawing- room, where she sat clown on :1 sofa and waited for him to speak. In- {stead he. stood opposite, pondering. ' The girl was pretty and fashionably;1, .(lressed, but he had ground for` (* thinking some of her 1'1'ien(ls or rela- 1] itives were dangerous criminals. It}, did not, however, `follow that she , took part in their plots, and al-it though she obviously knew some- C ithing about what was going on, he did not beliwe she knew it was 5 connected with the traged_\f at Gar-'( dener's Crossin_-.5. He admitted , that he was perhaps giving 'a_\' to: romantic sentiment, but he was sor- ry for the girl and thought her` Dal_v s Victim. The. fellow was handsome and Inust have charm, since he had been able to inl'1uenee;]' Carmen, who was st1'ox1g-\\'ille and 1 clever. ; \\ ell? she said p1'(~se11tly. . I saw your name in the book, `_ Miss Huntley, and know whom you! came with. I think you ought to go : back to Edinburgh at once and masti- nrge you stroiigly not to go to Cana- ; an n 1 f t t. ``It looks as if you had gotl tired of E(li11b111'gl), she 1'cmz11`kod.l Did you stay there long? i No, said Foster bluntly. But! I womlor \\'l1(-tllor you (lid not know that 1 had lol,'t`? 3:11-... ,,....1.l T lvnnu.-7 clln nel:n|l. that 1 mm 1011??" l How could I know? she asked with :1 look of su1'p1'isc that he! thought was well done. BC-sides] why should I be i11t01'ested"! ; \Vell, you secnied to think it, better that I should go a\\'a_\'. Any-I how, you gave me :1 useful hint,` which p01`l1:1ps war `ants my doing as`; much 1'01` you. ; ueners bI.'Ub'bllI_`.,". her Dal_\"s influence you .Ll\'. (l\lIllI|/l.l,'\l must. da. It was plain that she understood him, for the blood rushed into her face and he saw that she felt some confusion. This seemed to indieate that she was not a hardened adven- turess. To be`-gin with, I am not _::oin_ to Canada-I did not mean to ;_ro,' to ' . i I" A I want to _1l1SI.l1_\` )Uux' (juuuuszt. I see that, but I'm al`raid _vou ll have to take my honesty for :.v'r:n1t- ed, because I ean t tell you ziiiytliiiifz more, except that the man you came: with is not to he trusted and may involve you in the difficulties that threaten him. as a stranger to whom you tried to do a _v_f'ood turn and who has showed his gratitude in a clumsy wa_\'. Then there s nothinlu-' more to be said; but I suppose I must admit that you meant well, she answered, and _;ivi11`-4' him a level glance mov- ed towards the door. Foster held it open a11d after she had gone went down to the .'~;mok- 1n;:-room. Perhaps he had been rash, but this (lid not matter. On the whole, he did not think the girl would tell Dal) about his Warning, and if she did, he probably knew al1'ead_\' that Foster was at the ho- You must think of me- I 1 I I CHAPTER XXI-Co11tiuucd TE! NORTHERN ADVANCE j- she said, and her eyes sparkled as she added: But you are guilty of `intolerable rudeness. \Vhy do you |1)1`CSl1n1(3 to interfere? T cnnnnzn T mn vnr]n- T m nn`rf.nin-. I l l\' ll.` II\7 v, 11100. Her _.LL -1 .. A1. 1)l'UlUllU LU lHbl51'J.L'l'U.' ` I suppose I am rude; I m certain-. ly unconventional. But you gave me some advice in Edinburgh and I was` ;g1'atcful, because I saw you meant- lwell, too? I Qlun n'l)\fn 11:: n nnn1r I1uI+'_1u17'IInrI `Z0omen"@nce nvalidd l \\L'u, L00: She gave him a quick, 11a1t'-puz:z1ed 11a1{:'-ncrvolls glance, but did not an- swer, and he resumed: Anyhow, you would run :1 _:_:1'e:1tc-1'1'isk in Can- 'z1dn than I did in Iidi11b111'_2`h, and| you were rash in comin_:,-' to Car-i 1:_.1,. H 211111 i 1 1 1 3 She 12111111011, 21 1'21th111' St1'21i11L111} 121115.211. You are 11o11\'1111tio11a1 ! `e110u;'l1 to think I \\'o11l11 be 521111. l121l1:'-nervolls glmice, but (1111 not 211111 A11y11o\\ , V011 _:_:1'e21ter risk 11510. But I 111 11ot _L1:oin<.r to C21112111:1l she broke o11t. Don't you believe 11111.? I s11p11ns11, I 1111151." S21111 Fost111*. But I think you o115_1'11t to go 11011111." C211'- ' t11e1'11. How do YOU know what 11111111 .1 1 712 1 01 21 111111111 1 1111111. 1 I know 110t11i11 21l1o11t it. F115-` te1' :111111itte11. I 111111 you 111111` with :1 112111}.-`111-0115 11o111]12111i1111 2111111 1121111 say I 1121\`1111 t t21k1111 21. \`111'_\' t:111t-* 1111 111111 111 tryiiig t11 \\`211'11 _\'o11.1 Th21t s 1111. nu -1 11.- ......1.` this. 110 1111111111 she would 1'et111'11 to 1~111i11l1111`4'l1, but it` she 11111 not, he` .l12111 1101111 his best. H11 must. 1111! 112211111 111111. She 13011111 not have been 211to_1_.1`e- ther 11ns11spe11ti11_1_1', or she would 11z1\'e- bitterly reseiited his attack 1111011 her! use of her i11 his plots. This, how- ever, was not I1`oste1"s object, :11- lover, b11t her 11111511 211111 co111'11s1o11 sl1o\ve11 that she 111111 51111111105 2111111 was r21t11e1' tl1e prey 01 21 foolisli 111- 1'21t1121ti011 than 2111 2'1e1-011111111111. S1111. 11111111 . but 1111 felt sure she did not know 111 \v11:1t 21 se1'io11s, 111`i111e 11111 lover was 111111111-21t111l. Fos-l ter, 11mve\'e1', 1\'o11111 110t dwell on` o - I 1'112111_\' to 10111111` D211)` 111 the 11101111111. 211111 5.10111; to 2111ot11e1' _1_1`211'21}_'e 1111-11.1l~ 21 11:11` 211111 tl1(111 1\'.'11'11e11 Pete, \\'l10111 he 112111 S1-11t. to :1 11if'l'111`e11t 11ote1. A; fast 1 -211` 1\'o1111l 11121011 Li\'111'11o11l 1111 1- ..2`. Ln....;. 110011, 211111 se11di11_-: the car 21w21_V, \v21ited about the office until 1111 could. get tickets. After 2111, 1111 11113.-'ht 1.'i111l Dnly before the ste21111111- s21i11111. (To be cont11111ed) MUST REVERT OR. BE GONSCRIPT-ED` Ott21w21, Sept. S.--.-\11 11111111211 011 the Militia D1111:11't111e11t. st21tes t1121t. 111 the event 01' 21 511111111 111111-1111 1'11- 1'11si11_<.1' to 211-1.111111 tl111 1o\\'111' 111111: 211111" 1'11t111'11i11:_1` to C21112111:1. 1111 1\`o1111l 1111. 112111111 to se1'\'ie11 111111111' the .\1.ilit211'y S1-1'\'ic11 .\1.1t. A11) 1112111, 1111 111:1tt111.` \\`11eth111' 1111 112111 3.101111 n\`111-$11115 01' 11ot. if 1111 112111 not :11-t11:111_\' 5111111 . Vice :11. the '1"1'011t 211111 11111111 1115- e11211`_:e11, \\'0l1l11 he li21l1l11 111111111` t111.!~ Act. Ill ull: 111 L13 uI_::', Lu nxuu _\\Iua1nL' ||u\|. ax... .u u That's lfzlst cm` 1` T11o1'(- was :1 silence for tho no.\'t'.i1'i\*o or six 11ou1's. fl-\'.' nlomollts am] 110 `felt s.\ n1]natho-` There was (mly . I I 2 itic us he wzxtchod 1101' distu1'b(-d|turbod him: he 11: u.~.., 11. ... . .,..1 n...l>41.,. ..n1:.... lmt H- l..`.`l .-nu! &lil(.'K'. 111'! iul`_'.L'1 uuu \tuIx.`||\'u ulnli I110 H1011}.-;11t she was _;'1-:1m1li11_r_r withl `doubt and a1:11'111. In 1110 111c:111li111vl 110 was not f1'(-0, 15-0111 m11ba1'1'z1ss- Iinu-11f. H was an :1\\'k\\'a1'd 11115111055 l and he had not n1:111:1 it \'or_\' well.- `Thon she got up and lookwl at him` calmly. I ..v.... 1...- 4,." Pm. ... mun` L`illIlll3'. - "You have ;:011o too I'm` in one`, `sense, but not `far c11o11_(.:`h in anoth- lcr. You must ,4 be plaincr if you {want to justify `:\'our collduct. : HT nan n...+ 1...+ T ... at` 1 vnu W11 I H('(1 IIUIV (l|HLlll UL'H| had \'m1i. and] as Tn i Inn `llIl|`l|\` Hun` yum _`_'lu[I!I||u; \v|I.uI olnbarruss-i b\1si11oss`. H .1 .4. .,. 1 tel. In fact, it was rather signifi- cant that they had not met. Still, as she was not going: to Canada, he had nof gained much, except per- ,haps by exciting her suspicious and |so preventing` D:1ly's Iiiakiiig: some itllougli he imagilied Dal)` had some .p1`.1etical reason for his philz1nde1'- iiyur if me `Fnr Hin I"iri gnkn hl ! [)]`.1C1:1('1 1`L`:1s0u l.U1' 1115 lnumuuux-I ing. It was for the girl s sake he had interfered and her attitude puzzled him. Qhn nnnh` nnf have hfin 1t0Q`(`- |11\'o six uuurs. ` i 0110 thin-.1` tlmtn (lira:-1 |tu1'bod llad not lwanl from{ [the police. but it would be lous to 'lisoh(-y an order by toloj.-'1'z\n1, `while H` Gordon z11'1'i\'od bofo1*e Duly ilvft. z1wk\\':m1 compliczltions n1ig_r'ht f\ T7.-tn ]nnu`n\'I\I' nnnl [In THURSDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1917. arise. Foster, 1|o\v(*\'or, could do` - nothin_-.3 to )1'(`\'CI1t this and n'cseut1\' E 1 . lwcnt to bed. f\..J.I._... .... lll`l[, \VK\\'il1'(l (!Ulll[I1lCilLlUHh 1|u_`..'_IIL| :.. um .I....1. -1.,. ....\-1I VVCIIL lU UL'll. ` (,ieti1)j_j,` up in the dark tho noxtl 1no1'nin_<.: he wont to the g`:11':1_-*0. T1101 air was \`or_\' raw and :1 lfog hung! f\ . 4-I... tn-n Ind nun rn- fu`n ohm- I I 2111' '35 \`(`l'_\' 1"d\\" Zlllkl it .LU`D' Hung over the town, but 0110 or two elec- tric llf_"llt>' burned in the :_-'l00m_\' shod, wlnero an alttendmxt was d0in_-4' _Foste1' had last seen it, but the cm`- ier was oft? the 011m,-`inc and some x smm-t1l1i11_'_". D:\l_\".~: 0:11` stnml \\`ll(`l'( . tools and small s}>1'i11;/4'5 lay about. As there was no sis.-`n of the `it did not look as if Daly meant 10] start soon. You 011011 oa1'l_\', he said to tlml zltlc-mluxlt. ".\0l)nrl_\' 5001115 to l)o| `g`0i11g_" away just. yet. ` ` 1 `nu l|(n'n nnvllnr fllnn T 110041 l | Jllst )'(`l." . I m here (-a1'1Ie1' than I need` 'ha\'(- been," the man glnmbled. l By the waxy the `fellow who b1'0u:11t me has left his car. he won t be i | - 1'(-ud_\' 101' zmotllor hour. Tn-,.;A.. ...1.- 1...,1 I,......m,1 ..-Imt hn l1'( H(l_\` lUI' HllUlIll'l' HUUI} t Foster, who had lcmjnod what he 101 and his h1'oaki':1. was so1'\'0d in corner of the big di11in}_"-1'oon1. Ho imas_-'in0d that Daly had Seen it wanted to know, retmllcd to the 110-; a !\\'as :1 bad morning and had not got up as soon as he had meant. Thea 1dinin;,-'-room was cold and only lighted 110211` F0st01"s table, which; did not look as if anybody else was: expected. l T mm cnv \'nn'd snrmor have! U.\lll`lI|l.'\l- l I }'o11`d sooner have `people {get up late, he 1'oma1`ked to the wait(~1' who b1'ou;_-`ht him an- other dish. ` \\'c st-rvc h1'caki`ast when it sl wanted, sir, the waiter roplic-(1.: I But th(-1'c s :1noth(-1` waitt-1' on 0:11`-l l_\' TI`n;-l-rn- uvhn f1|nI1w]I+ In nfhnrl l`\' Ill). Foster, who thought the waiter would have turned on more ligrhts if he had expected a custom- er, saw there was no need for hur- ry and ate :1 good meal. Day was breul-:in}_' when he `finished and word was b1'ou},-'ht him that his ear was waitin<.-'. (}oin;: to the oice he paid his bill and asked if :1 letter 01' tele- f_"l'21Hl had arrived. There was no- thin}_" for him and he went to a window that commanded a View of the street. His ear stood close by with Pete inside, but it was some ltime before D:1l_\"s came out of the ;:u1'u5:e. Kuowiu_:' that he could reneli the door iii a few moments, Foster waited. until the two ladies who had :i1'1'ived with Daly went down the steps alone. He could not iinderstzind this, but :1 waiter came up and said that Miss Huntley would like to see him. \V'hen Fos- ter reached the pavement the girl had got into the cm`. AKT Ll.,.....J.l- ...,...`|,'| kn nrln (1 +11 other = nan 5.-`on 11110 we car. I thougxht you would be glad to know that I am _t_v;oin5_~; 1101110, she said. 111... .... .. ,..,.:..... ... +1.:.< nova , Sam. Are you 5.-'oi11` in this car? asked Foster sha1'p1_V. As far as H:1\vick, she 2111- swc-1'od with :1 twinkle 01": 111111150- 111o11t. As I am (10111: what you 111'_;cd, 1 don't sue W11) you should he . \'n" u-.111] T<`nu+m- of course i\ C), hillil .1 I.Ihll'l, UI \ uun ~J\/ not! \\'(-ll. 1 ]`(2l_\' think it \\':1S :1 11soI'nl hint. Porlmps so. Thank you, and __r00d-b_\'(-, she said smilin_-_-', and si3_"1wd to the d1'i\'c1'. rm., mu. ..,.l1...1 .-...-nu .nu1 T<`nc+n1- Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: >'lf_"1](`(1 10 I110 (l1'1\`CI'. The car rollvd away and Foster, who \v:1`tcl|od it .`s'])o(~d up the street, wondm-(-cl wlnero Duly was, and why the 3_v'irl had sent for him. It was possible that she had mount to re- tiro. so to speak, with colours flying and not to steal axvay, but he did not u11(lcrstz1nd her amusement, and 1'(-awed a Parthizm shot. He must find out why Duly did not want the nav- car. G0in_-.: back to tho ofllco, he asked the clerk: Can you tell me when |M1'. Forbes will be down for break- ., 91 I 1".u=.t? H11" Inn. l.._L ..n.1.+ '|"lm nnrfnv 11151? 7 ' ' He left lust ni,9,'ht. The porterl took his 111__:,:'a<,:c to the twelve 0 - clerk train. um -.. ,.1.,....1.,.,1 mg +":=+ ClO('K C1'H1l1." Foster Suva}.-'cly clenched his fist. He had been clieated; the girl had warned Daly, who had suspected some danger. Still, Foster did not think she had told him all and she hml taken his advice; but this did not matter. Daly had gone and he must act upon his track as soon as possible. Running` down the steps he jtunped into the ear and told the 3\"lg szlid II 1 \ Foster, of course 1'o:1l1_\' 1112111 LU UIIVU LU DHU bl/i"ll.`1Ull. The twelve o clock train went to` London, but there was a connection by Wlllcll one could reach Liverpool about four in the morning`. It was now eight o clock, and Foster walk- ed up and down the platl'o1'n1, _.:1'ow1- ing at his folly, for 21 minute 01' two. Then he zxscertained that there was allother train for Liverpool in llalf-an-llonr which would :n`1'i\*e at . !_::et tickets. man to drive to the statiox S,--.-\n :in 0ir:o1- .1'usin_ and `1'0t'1n'nin-: 1 \ . o n sm'\'1co M.1ht:11'y \,.L ,\.n~ |nt\I\ nn nu-ml-hm` I v `Monkman s } Glycedonia. Has a. mzxrvellous eect on rough? skin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by it! occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. bnby m.- Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price, 15c. and 256. Do- lightful after shaving. IV To 1 EEITTTC I A Q? nu-..` I-Avvn uuuvnu. . 15.20. Mo1\?KMA1\'r I DRUGGIST, BARBIE, ONT. JAS- ARNQLD1 THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING .1, A.RL01i3. . . n--u-ava--r All lat est designs in Caskets kept in stock, including Grave V aulta and Oak hells. Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency Money to Loan Nigm .nE'3a;E.Ew"-none 431 W. D. MINNIKIN, Proprietor 1 WJLNEILLY, Funeral Director and Embalmer. PH ON E 3-43 A number of good Farms and Town Pro- pemec for sale on easy terms. A 1 Harrisburg, Penn.- When I was single I suf- fered a great deal from female weakness because my work compelled me to stand all day. I took Lydia E. Pinkhan1 s Vegetable Compound hr that and was made stronger by its use. After I Was married I took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three months I passed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came away as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed. I never want to A` be without your Compoimd in the house.-Mrs. A FRANK Knonn, 1642 Fulton St., Harrisburg, Penn. Hardly Able to Move. Albert Lea,_Minn.- For about a year I had sharp ains across my back and hips and was hardly able to move aroun the house. M _head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After ta. mg _Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, I am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be Without your remedies in the house as there are none like them.-Mrs. F. E. Yosr, 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Tl_1re_e Dfoctors Gave Her Up. Bank of Toronto Buildings. Hamel Teesm Trmu-xtnt a Gena-al Baukzg Buairwm. . . . . Notrs .D-ie'au.rt1dd at reasonable rates. Collec- tion qf Notes and Accmmla given apaniul attaztfon. . Makes Your Skin Like Velvw Dirqfts Issued payable mngnterex Cheques on outside bank: caqhod at lowest rates Q/' eccukange. . . . . Sole Noees Oaalzed or Cvllmmd ma moetfawmlzfe nvma. W. A. MCCONKEY AUCTIONEER T. BEECFIOFT, Mmmgur Dunlap St., I Make 1-uuu-j-r~-n--u--:------- BANKERS Pittsburg, Penn.- Your medicine has helped me wonderfully. When I was a girl 18 years old I was a ways sickly and delicate and suered from irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said I would go into consumption. 1 took Lydia. E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and With the third bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular and I got strong and shortly after I was married. Now I have two nice sfout healthy children and am - able to Work hard every d1Ly.-- Mrs. CLEMENTINA DUERRING, 34 Gardner St.,TroyHill,Pittsburg,Penn. " ~ V All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine 00., Lynn, Mass, for special advice,-it will be condential. Oce Hou'ra--10 to 4 If you have any guests at your home, are going out of town for 3. visit, or know of any in- teresting news, let us hear from you. We always apprec- iate such favors. 6:. C0. a Specialty of Stock Sales. Barrie 53 The Advance is read in the best homes in Barrie and vicinity weekly; these readers patronize Barrie Stores. To get this business advertise in the Advance. AD VER TISING in its highest sense is the creation of a new want and providing the`means with which to apply that want. The aim of advertising is not to spread the name of a rm so much as to get business for that rm. The ad. that counts is the one that makes the luxuries of to-day the necessities of to-morrow, A great many people advertise as they give to charity-merely to get rid of the solicitor. Then the advertiser says it doesn t pay and when done in that spirit it does not. Ad vertisers must put brain and selling force into their copy, and when this is done they nd that advertising is not an expense, but the nest kind of an investment -S. C. Dobbs, past president Associated Advertising Clubs of America