Celebrated Scientist ; Thesis on "Ru; H-zur" for Micrubzs `city man does, what a di1`fe1`L-nce there :9 uvnnx. .1, .,u.\.....\.....,. 1 If me average farmer could see ],;11f as much in farming as the average `wou`.d be! .... ,_L c._,u, _,_ .,.,. , Tho (` that 1 I (`>- }m\`(- l(-t 1 --\\'1._\ : n \.luA\A nu, . Although feeds are high, do not 1`:-.11 5 to give sufcient nourishment to ' young heifers when bagging up 1'v,.;? the rst time. lonkmaffg ; Gycedmxia Makes Your Skin Like Velvet J 1 Has :1. ma.1-vellous effect on rou_r:h` skin. One or two appliwtions will, remove the roughness, and by its` 0C( 3L:iOll.'1.1 use the skin acquires the% shloothxxoss and softness of a baby s.` Glycedonin is not sticky, and gloves` nmv ho unrn n ?n\\' mnmmwfu nf'tnv1 \Il_)'|'UUU(lHl lb HUL bLll.'K_V, EXHU g'H)Vl}3` nmy be Horn :1 few moments after`: usmy: xt. Prlcc, 15c. and 25. Do-1 lightful after shu.vin,r:;. fV'I"I% `D'%`hTTT'II A ULEI DRUGGIST, &3`c>".` AN 5 A ceIebrz:`u"_) sciuzmszt. ' made :1 lifelong stud)` of C forms of l):\r.-'.<:ria, rum-11x13` 1;: interesting :mz1o\1:1(:em Lhu -are more microbes in the :1 n'r-Inr-I: 11 Ohm nun-nn.r own] .n -1 Bank of `Monte Buiwmga. am-to -3mA3- ARNQLD Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency , Money to Loan A mmher at good Farms and Town Pro- pomes for sale on any terms. UHTOLD MINERAL WEALTH BARBIE UNDERTAKING .1?-31:03.5. .. . All latest. d:Sif_n5 in Caskets kept, instock, inulu Vauits nnrl (\:\L' H`}:ulk Th:1t'.< too bad." "Yt-.~'. but I think thr-_\' wv mo know (-n1'1iL~1'." . . "I've 4-rmkml twn pain `_-.11 just :1< well hzlvo .~x I I3r0w11,~: l1:1\'(~ Iln-_\' -:m't mu .of the day. He says ihzit he 1: 21.11: IUUFE ilil(.'I`Ui}t`S lll H10 1111' at `J o'clock in the inoruing anzl at L) -4" at night than (luring any utlvm` ;l. discovered tlmt the perc.-z-,z1tnge crobes in the u!.:no.~'.pl1e-rc 1:: \~ at 1'. o'clock in I."`.`3 morning and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon than at. any oaho.-r times. He has also noted that at or about 6 o'clock every morning and evening there were indications of the a;)proa(:l1 of the microbe rnsh" hour. From that time on until 9 o'clock the 3tX]l0;$pll:I`: became more and more cro'.'.'dc with germs of all kinds. soine bad, sonic good; and then. imn;o ly after 9 o'clock the tide began to ebb; until it was always lowest round about 3 o'clock. The Food Problem THE BARBIE. ONT jllst tc}0pl1un- me to our clin- .~hm'.l Hm I , _ ' _ I i This is the time of the year when merchants find business} laffecteci by hot weather conditions. Stocks are slow in mov-} ing. Advertising is the key-note of success, especially in` hot weather. l)l'l[f`.1U.'.l K)OVCl'1'llTlCI1[ LHIlC`.Cll HRS ULI(l'JCCU LQTKU THIIYSXIIS, Proter-ring and "Crimin:_llity if it had occurred since the passage of a recent Act, shows too dzmgernus 21 triing and incapacity to be permitted to meal with any important: situation. The statements of tl1is Company have been treated by the author of this report as if the out-going product was identical with the incoming product, and from the series of reports he has singled out two ite1ns-the Bacon and Egr rep0rts-:1n-:1 from them deduced an erroneous "margin" which the newspapers have interpreted as ``profit.` The auth )1` of the inquiry Shows :1 strange lack of even :1 f'.m:l:1- mental l::1owled_',' of simple l)()Ol\'i{cC'])l!lL`,` and a (l2x1i:;u't)Lis inability to co-ordinate fll.'llI`CS. The following are specic and mitstzlnriiiiag errors in the report: l`l-.,. ~r\rinni'\n` r.-.u-.4 +`:- + -..- awn -xnrr r,u'r~:!*r.r-\nv1I' A.-.-ale uviflw the business of The William Davies Company Limited has THE statement issued by the Department of Labor concerning been given widespread circulation throughout the country and provoked public unrest. `X/Yimnfnxrnv `Finn +r.\nI*1n:nn] nrnrrlinrr n4 -I-inn v-nnnvs!- nyno -P1-xa gI?nn+ I-unn LU V UI\\.u lJl.l.|LlAl\/ uuapouo Whatever the technical wording of the report was, the effect has been that the newspapers have published that the prots on Bacon alone of this Company for 1916 were about ve millions of dollars. This interpretation of the official report is not surprising in View of certain statements that the Commissioner of the Cost of Living makes. The Commissioner is reported as saying that There were two individual cases of proteering in 1916 and that had these cases occurred since the passage of the cost of living Order-in-Council, he would consider it his duty to recommend that The Marquis of Qneenshury hi;:ii!:.' praised the resources of northw-2:`. British Columbia. Speaking of a tour, while in Wiimipegg in 1917. he said: `The people of (fzuizula need have no fear 1`egartling the ability of the ccr.i::- Itry to pay their win` debt. The in em] weultli of the northwestern Brit- iish Columbia mainland and islands is suilicient to _Y)i1_\' the war debt of your splendid dominion and that of Great -Britain as well, and still leave ample for generations yet unborn. It to fsimply marvelous, in fact, ldo not hesitate to say that it is the greatest mineral region in the world. There is everything in that region I speak of in the way of minerals that the world requires. It reminds me of much of that section of the Ural Mountuins, from which the grand dukes of Rus- sia have taken their fabulous stores of wealth, and it would not surprise me if it is of the same t oru1ation and connected by a. dip below the sea." 1 U1 IHHHD, i`-IXLI. 1llU.llllliLCLlllCLl }C\},lIUU,UUU LIKID U1 \JU.llllCL.l UUUUS. The net prots on these were .68 cents (or two-thix'ds of a. cent) per pound on meats, 1.04: cents on Butter and Cheese, 1.04: cents per dozen on Eggs, and .47 cents (or slightly less than one-half a. cent) per tin on Canned Goods. These prots include prots on all By-Products derived from these accounts. -lwnrlnrr `flu: vnor 1-lwn rlnnqn-anti cnrvnrl nf {fa val-n cfnv-on '7 arm n fIIIC"!\YYIOI" Last Winter the Commissioner, under authority of Order-in-Council, required packers to submit statements under oath for some years back and up to December 1st, 1916, of incoming stocks of Heats and the cost of such. as well as statements of outgoing product and the selling value. This Cornpany represezited in writing at the time that the information as s1>cci1ic:1lly required was not in accordance with Packing; House Accounting methods, and invited the Commissioner to send an Ofncet to the Head Ollice of the Company to exeniine the books for any information desired, and to secure a `.'ie'.'.'poi:1t as to the best way of collecting data which would be of use to the Government, This oer was declined. and there was nothing to do but ll in the in- formation required as literally as we could determine it. For example, there was no recognition of the fact that a raw product may enter a factory under a specic classification and leave the factory as a nished product under some other classication. \\'.. t~..Im-Hum! n cu-irrc nF or-nnrnfn Gm.m-.- lwnenzl nnnn mu- anu o~.xLsr:1nmn:; in we re arc: The )')t`il1Cl;)_ ll item tlmt is cut ` 1: excitement deals with cold st JT. 1.{C l):-.c')n. The Lerzn cold-3tnz'a;:e" is not (lezinr.-rl, and the p'.i`.)lic is :1`.low<.-rl to 121:1`:-:e its own clenitiozis. As all Bacon in a packing house is uinla-r refrigeration it is really` all colci-storage, and therefore this Company's g: res of cold storage Bacon represent the complete quantity of Bacon lmnrlled in its entire Plant, whether in free`/.ers or in process of cure for immediate shipment. That some com- Alleged Profits of The William Davies Company in 1315 on %Ba`coI]_,_ as indicated t_>_y Depa_r_tment of LJLUJJLD JILUIUUU IIIVUJJLD UH illl ..l)_\* "1 YUIJUUL3 U.L'l'l VUU 1l'UlH. LHCDU iLL'L7UUl.lLb. During the year the Company served at Its retml stores 7,500,000 customers, the average purchase of each customer was 35c., and the net pI`0flt upon each sale was 5-8 of 1 cent. VFLA L..____-__.,_. -1.` ;_L,_ f,.__.,...._...-. B_.-_.,. -1] :1... ,__..._._|.!__._ 1'... LL. 1-..; ___1 _.___. ciassmcauon. We submitted :1 series of accurate gures based upon our interpretation of the oicial requirements which made no provision for charges of any description other than incoming freight and unloading charges to be included in the cost or to be declueted from the selling price. There was nothing in the report which couizl be read so as to determine a prot and loss statement. The very fact that with only a statement based upon cost of row products and value of sales in Great Britain 21 Government Oliieial has deduced "Large rnnrgins," "T rnf`vh-r-rin-r" runl (`riminniilv if if hnrl rmrmrrv-rl cinnrn For the last scal year ending l\Iareh 27th, 1917', The Vfilliam Davies Com- pany bought and killed 1,0-`l3,0()0 head of Live Stock (Cattle, Hogs and Sheep.) This, plus purchases of outside 1\Icats, produced 160,000,000 pounds of 1\Ieats. The Company handled 6,550,000 pounds of Butter and Cheese, 5,650,000 dozens of Eggs, and manufactured 26,500,000 tins of Canned Goods. `Finn hl)+ nv-ngfc An +l'\ncn tvnv-n RQ nnnl-c {nu fn-n_lx;nr`c .-J n nan}-\ n n n n n u ant` nn LU.C I15 {)`13 U1 1. CUUL. The turnover of the Company from all its operations for the last fiscal year ending March 27th, 1917, was $40,000,000. The net percentage of prot upon this turnover, after deducting War tax, was 1.69 per cent., or including war tux The Company does not c-hallenge either the legal or moral right of the Govern- ment to investigate business entr-rprises when public interests directs such an investigation should he made. If an inve.-siigation of the p:1(-king and meat business is ordered, the Cmnpany will place at the disprmii of the ("m\':~rni1xe11t not only the data it would he required to supply under Order-i:2-(i`mmci1 directing that inquiry be nmde, hut will place the oxp of its OiiiC!,`I`S at the di.sp<)sal of the in\'esti;::1tii1g cmnmitteo, if it is (`<:=z1.~'iderv(i they can render any service which will he of \':Li1lC. The (`mn}::in_V has not n0w-nm' at any time during the fifty )'(':1r.~; of its opt-1':ifirm--:-.ny1hingto (-nn.<-mil in Inc-thnd or practice of car1`ying: on its btisiiiess. It does, hm\'c~Ver, claim the 1'i;rht to con- duct its export business without uhusive (-mnmvnt from G()\`(`)'Ill]H`I".'t civil servants-espeeiaIly when the eenchisinns drawn from the data :1.'~`kvd for are improper and false. nun I'\P (`u!\nI]u,c nixinr [\\'*r\r\v~I` ;I1I]1xEi'v~;r.c :0 {Ln r\n1.`v:v\rv1\1ur.:r.nnr~ TL :_ ..~L:..] llll}l|} IUl illlll Ji|.lBL'- One of C:m:1du s chief export industries is the pa(:kin;rbusi1`10s.<. It is o. to the live stock industry, :mr'1. along with othr-r or-:p(-.rt in(h1sfri.<..it lnziintzzins the finzlncinl s`.:LhiIity,of this Cr>17:1try.:mdsI1r)11h],provirlingzitis on :1 .:nu1idh:1. receive cncm1r:1;:en1cnt and not s1:1n(l(-mus uhusc. In View of lhc publicity given to the report. of H10 Crmmxissinncr on the cost of li\'in{._:. the (`mummy dcnmnds the same publicity in 11:1\'in`;-; an official Gm'ermm~nt in\'os|i_<.:.1ii()n of this report to dc-ivrniims the lri1thl'ul11es:.v. or uutrulhfulncss of its (-mu-hnsinns. '0 do not seek puhlic (-0nsi us: :1. (-omprmy. but we (10 say that unlruih- ful oiciul statements, or slutomonts the effect of which is to (-rvnto an untruih, Best Land and Time for Beans Field beans planted in June mature a crop in ordinary seasons. Well- drained, Hmed loam soils of medium fertility produce the best crops. Toronto, July 17th, 1917 AHo t VVeather Advertising Labor to be Five Cents per ljounfl, Untrue: Actual Profits Two=T/Jirds of a Cent per Pound Respecting the Report oi the Commissidner on the Cost of Living:- As far as The U'1'lz51'um I)ar1'c.s' Cum mm is conrcrnrrl I/1119 lcrrn`in(zh .s' (1/I mbl1'r- .s-faIr*n2,m2I.<' 0 the (`am mm . and it will (H no morr altcnfinn to s cmllatire . . I . . . g and ha 2/uzzard .s-latemcnt.s- made either In news )a mas` or r.-{til .~'crz'nnl.-. The on]: urthcr sialcnztmt that will be mrulc will be at an n lcial invcsti aiion. I 1 0 ` THE NORTH THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED panies interpreted co1d-storage product as "freezer" product only is evidenced by the smallness or entire lack of gures on the Bacon list for some Plants, indicating that many Firms did not submit statements of their complete stocks, as did this Company. An Ollicial of this Company pointed out this crild-storage distinction to Ixfr. O'Connor and Miss 1\XcKenna in Ottzxwa. a few weeks age), and the failure to make the distinction after having had it pointed out evidences lack of desire for accuracy of the real inforniation desired. It is true The William Davies Comp:1n_v,in 1916, exported 9T,7.`)1,()i )() pounds of Bacon, but we do not know how the margin of :">.H:3 cents per pound is arrived at by .\Ir. O'Connor, as there were no gures to justify such a conclusion. The probabilities are that the margin is arrived at by ta.kir1'.: the average cost per pound of incoming; product from the average seliing price per ]:Uur;:l of outgoing product. This may be a `rough way of Cstllililtlxlz the gross margin when dealing with small _S,'LlI'CS, but when dealing with gures the size that Mr. O'Connor has to deal with, :1 very small fraction of a cent per pound of error makes a very important difference in the total, and one must be careful to m:Ll sure that the outgoing product is the same fmislled merchandise of the incoming product reported on. A`1r\\'1v:vVi'v :4. c. .t.....- L-.. ..-.. __ _ ..-.A,v, _,_ nuyunuub ynv-4u\.|. 1-.1:-.u LL.u uu. Allowing it to pass, however, as a Jll,L i1 estimate. we wish to point ont-(1. st\-the inquiry of the Commissioner allowed only for incoming freiszht and unlortrling charges, and made no pr .'-risinn v.'hatsne\'er ;'-)1` operating ch:1ri:es of any kind, such as labor, curing inatcrials, refriecrntioti, et cetera. Such actual charges on the 97,7`.}l,0()l'l pounds exported \\'L`I C Sl,lli'2,00()-or 1.2 Ct".`ii .S per pound. `This amount coverctl all clmrgcs up to the point of placing the Bacon on cars l`.-ti.`-i. p;1c`.:iz1_:-lionse. In mlrlition to this was the actual cost tr) land and sell this 0T,T9l 5700 pounds in Eng- land after lee. ' 3 the packing house. which involx'e(l Cil1I'_'.,'C5 of 2.9 cents 1,1.` pt :1--or S-`3,S3l`>,()OI l. Thus 2.9 cents per pound inclwlt l i . and ocean freiqltt, lrmclingc clmrgcs,w:1r and marine i :tncc. cables, aml sell: ,-; coinmissimi to agents. The oc'_-an fr ht anti war risk alone would In:il up 2.4 cents of the cl` rge of 2.9 cents per pmnicl. This 1.2 cents, Dlus 2.0. (`:`.li-L1 t')l..".i of 4.1 c'.-nts-:nnst be "-tltxctczl from Mr. O'C n::u;:in of 5-17.} cc . ])c2` potzzitl. leaving a mz1r,'.,'in of .`.l:'.v ",htl_\' iL:`S thztti :1 cent rer ]l')llI1`i.- which still lnas tn he YL"J'.l;`L`. i been -`e of the error cl" ;wrm*.'.i: and because of fnrthcr factors v.l1;cl1 lmve to be cozisitlered to determine net jzmlits. It is quite C'\'lL !L`t!t some of the other pnclcers rlicl not show 5-:llin_r.; vnlttcs in the country in wliich the goods were Northwestern British Columbia Am: ed One British Nobleman ' I{DvANc1: Mun L/\Jl 1 nub LUAL\,1uoAUA|.Ja The 'illian1 Davies Company, being a private concern. has fol- lowed the practice of all private corporations, except when it made a bond issue in 1911, in that it has not published reports of its assets and liabilities or prot and loss. The present circumstance, however, in which a Government Official has led the public to false conclusions, makes it advisable for this Company, for both the public interest and its own interest, to publish particulars of its business as well as point out the error of the statement of the Government Ofeial. ii-llll KUDS '|JiL5Ull UIJUII LIIU lll\v'U5LIIlL'IlLS Illuue 111 Inc DUSXIICSS. The \Villiam Davies Company offered to the Imperial authorities, as well as to the `Var Office Service (which represents the Imperial authorities in Canada) to place the output of its Factory with respect to Bacon supplies, Canned Beef and Pork and Beans at the service of the authorities, on the basis of cost plus an agreed percentage. These offers were successively declined as the authorities evidently desired to purchase in the open marlcet, and on this basis The \\'illiarn Davies Company has secured War Office business by open competition with the World. the facts be laid before the Attorney-General for consideration as to their erimlnallty. The sltuatlon created by such erroneous and damaging statements 1s serlous as emanating from a Govern- ment ofcial, from whom one looks for not only accurate statements but correct eoneluslons. I111 11v-11- 1'\ /*1 1 - 0 I n I 3.45 per cent. The \VilIiam Davies Company has assets of $13,385,000 of which $3,865,000 is tied up in fixed investments. To provide the necessary facilities for the increased volume of business the Company expended $750,000 in buildings and equipment during the year. ,nn'\nnnine nii nH1r-r r-hnrnr-fnr nrncnnir 'nn Innl-o v-nqcnnninln E.-\V`i'nI\|r|r1' nf r\vIn`:}' uuu1pu.u_y cxpcuuuu q>:uu,uuu 1n uunuulgs uuu cqulpnlent. uurlng tne year. Compamcs of other character present no more reasonable statement of prot and loss based upon the investments made in the business. Tim \v:n:.m. hn17:no (`n........m ..6...,,.1 +,. um T....m..:,.I n..!L,...:.L:..... .. ...,.n .. rldvorsoly affor-t the live siock ind11s'h'_v(,~f this country, which is so \'uh1:1hle and o.~sc!1ti:1l :1 T\'0:1lth-prr=d11m11;:power and. 111 the long mm, are harmful to the very people that the St:!J(`I11(`nt seeks to boxxct. T? {Ln i\I|.` Inn nnl- ml` nv:'r..n..n .-J n ..n..nn....&L-W. .~...-.L nn 1`]\I\ T('!ll!r..-. `l\....2,... lllilllllk`. LIXHL {Hi} BLKLIVXIIQWIL hi.'\'l\.\ Ll |H'lI('llL. If the p:i.~: mat of exis'u-nee of 3. (-m'p0r:i ti0n such as The 'illimn Davies (nmp:*-.n.v, or if n::iion:1Iiz:1timi of p:zc:l houses would m:1teri:1H_v and per- 11i:1i:L,-r.H_v 1'<~:`;'.:('e food pxii-es, Hien in \'i(`\\' of the present World *.i':1ge(Iy it ought to he C(I}.\.1X1]I}]:1i(.i wi':11o11t deI:i_\'. T110 fzict of the iniiiter is, liowever, that with millions of pvpit` in Europe turnin5_rfrm11 pz'odu(-ers into consumers because of ihc Wm`, and Hie ifI`(`n1('ll(i()llS dr.'sh'1ictio11 of food prmliiets in(-ident to war, there is no 1`)!nr-(i_V for the high prices of food while such conditions lust, except the re1nc(i_\' of thrift and in(-re:1. of prorluetion. I.(\l\l|` Lnilnx-n {inn-is \"l"V'.` +111]! n; n T4`(u`\I` (`nnl-rnnnw :71 +`1n I-v1:`nr] Q4.-4-nn nu KIIL7 I\'liKK"I.\ `)1 llillll: illlll Ill\VI['i1.\K7 (ll l l("]lI('Ll()[]~ Lon_L{ h('i'ni':* ilwrc WM. talk of :1. Food ("ontrollor in the Fnitcd States or C:1X'Ii(i1 The \YiHi:1zn D.-1\'io.+ ('omp:m_V 1xr;r0d tho Go\'01'nm0nt at Ottawa, in writii:}_t, to appoint: :1 Food (`ontrollor with full powvr to do what he saw t, as We 1'v.'I.1i7.od at that time the l1])\\'{1I`(1 tc-nd<'n(-y in the price of food commodities unless cimc-lwrl by ofiin-i:1l effort. At the most (1. grout (h`a.1 czlnnot he done in !`(`.(i1l(3ih_," food prices while currency is infi:1 Lc(i and until the scale of prir-cs of all kinds of (-om:noditi<~s declines also. '\Vh.'Lt can he done mm only be done by :1. Foot`. Cont:-olhw. '0 wish to point out that nothing at all can be .`1ccomp1ishod Ixlih-ss the data. SL`L`lH`(`(i are zu-(runm-l_v and cI(`:u'ly made and the (l(`du(-,tior1s 1}w1'<~l'x'oi11 sound. Only pnhiic harm arises from dangerous incompctency in the I1;1ph;17.urLl (-ollcctioxl u11dczu'clcss use of lulportunt gures. l Will be found an excellent medium lthrough which to keep the consumers in_ formeclof saleable goods suitable for the season. \ Canada has no source of wealth more dependable, more protable or more permanent than that repl`esenL- ed in her ocks and herds. an __.\_1_ _ _..__ ._ ____n_ __, ,,, The Advance Advertising Columns E. C. FOX, General Manager (Second)-The above margin is further reduced in that the author of this inquiry singled out the Bacon figures as an item in which the selling price shows an alleged improper advance over cost, but he did not give us credit for the statements of other products, of which figures were submitted the selling prices of which were under cost. The reason of this was that through failure to inquire the Department entirely overlooked the fact that product may come in as pork and, through the process of niann|':icture, go out as Bacon or, in another instance. enter the factory as lrcef and go out in the form of canned meats; for example: much of the product which came in as pork, and which was entered on the pork sheet submitted to the Commissioner-al)ont which he makes no mention-was cured and left the factory in the form of Bacon, and was. therefore, entered on the outrzoim: side of the Bacon sheet--the result is that the Bacon sales are increased by this amount over the incoming stocks of Bacon. and, like- wise, the sheet showing sales cf pork is reduced by the amount that went out in the form of Bacon. If the Department takes one set of gures the. show fzivorahle to the Company they should take another set of figures that show 11llf3.\`OI'.'.1l)lC, as the principle in either case is the same, and failure to do so looks as if the author of the report was exercising more enthusiasm than sound judgment in his investigations. I)-I11! .\ -.- . .. .. .'. .... . . . sold-a proceeding quite proper, as the forms submited to be lled in were inrleite and ambiguous, thus permitting with- out charge of evasion a variety of interpretation as to the information required. It is thus possible that of all the gures submitted by the different packers that no two sets of costs and sales prices are determined at the some common point. It is this dierence of interpremtion of what was required that accounts for the ditfcrcnce of the alleged "marL'in mnrle luv the rlifforniif :~nmn.-min: (`mnmrm Icquxrcu L11uL accounts 101' U10 (Jlilcrcncc OI me alleged "margin made by the different Companies. Common Conclusions, however, have becn drawn by the author of the report from varying bases of premises. The gures of the Egg business were submitted on the same basis as Bacon, and snmlur deductions must be made. LDC [)l'(`TTHS`L'S H1 Z`.5L'l1!`,' SUCH {I qHl`l'-U31 DIESCH. 0'"! -".11 EFYOHCOUS "margin , it will be found that the ixlcrc-used nmrgin is chiey absorbcd in in-:rr:asw: occzm frcipzht rates and war risk in- surance in 101:3, of which apparently the author of the report was in ignorance. --..... ..-.....4 _,.......\_.... ... ....a ....-.....-;.,......u..... (Third)-It is queried in there.pnrf."th:1t"ifthe margin of 3.47 cums, allcjgucl to have been mmle in ]91.'";, wnf; satis- factory, why was it ncccssmy to shmv incrvxxscd m:1r5:,in in 1016? Assuming agzlin fur the moment tae soundness of the promises in z1s'x:in2; such qm~sti::1 based "m.'IrUin ". if will hr- fmmrl Hmf Hm invrr-rmnri mm-aha 5: ohuv THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1917. \4nAu\4\.A- Experiments in Indo-China have shown that it is possible to make cordage and certain forms of te.\::i1 from the fiber of the water hyacixul 1.. 'n..........-...lv tn .-.-. .'.~ .. `WW7/'\ ,.A wu Au up. Anvunsu |.o|.:\4 ..-.u... To enable :1 man to walk on an in- `clinetl roof spiked frames, to be strap- ped under the shoes, have been put- ented. n, ,,.s..__._._ :_. 1_.a, ru LIUAIA Lnnu ...,-. .,. ...- VV\Al.\/I In Denmark there is 21 two-story pig i sty that will accommodate 1,500 :.:1i\ 1113.15 and in which nearly all the work is done by electricity. l 11: .u__ A_.-..-..... c...._...,\.. ..-_.u,x , . `.