n} o:o~}oo}oo;~o;-;;5o 50` f`7:ARMEN s MESSENGER ` H(7\\ l'\'l'l'l\l il:-. the men :llL'(`:1(1_\ am` 111050 '\\'1m 1m\'(- \l.... ....n.... ship, THE NORTHERN ADVANCE \\`m'kinu' I _ . n npvll for lmln in 1'11 ~ ' 1~1'0I v.< exp.-.: U1 1- 1'1 hm-n hm-k | u_u A V! bx... l I'm 110' sure 0 that. Tl101'u`s 3.: roml 0' :1 sort rims \\`L'.~.l to .-\1mz1mlulu zunl Loclu.-1'bi1-." 1 But l`m not .-_-"nine; wvst." i "\\'0(-l, said Pete, ye might start that \\`:1_\', zunl l \\'m1l nu-(`L yo, \\`lu:1'0 21 slum.-1 truck rins l)a('k up the -_;l(-:1--_\'c'll l{('l1 it by tho lyrolu-uz (l_\'k(- \\'ll(`I`L' _\'(- (-ro.~:s the burn. 'l`h(-n I woulul set _\'L` on the rmul to Ila- Wia-k ()\\`('l` the hill." I | lsion show that 75 mm) lmvv 1121111 Hu-ir :x1u]>1i(-uti(m.< ;_~1':1nt<-I for ' m11t\1)':1l h`:1inin_-.3. ha-. .<.(-\'v'1':11 p:1.~:. by tho J)i~:x1)lvul .\'u11iv1's! ,._ . . \ . . I l).".1111xn_v' l)o:1r and :1\\'211t1nu' the 5 (.'(mmn.~si011'.< :1mn'm':1l. H1 tlw.~'c`| '7?` ...~ ...n.n~ n_~ '3; -n-n in .`\Hnn-f-I "') \.UHlllll.\ElUIl > il]7[HU\ill. "1 Llll'>U` T5, :15 m:1n_\` as 37 2110 in .-\1h(-1't:1, 2; . in .\`,:1.~'1{:1t'vl1(*\\':111. 14 in .\1:1nit0h;1 and the other two in B1'i1i.<}l Colum- bia. A vo11.~'i1h21`:11)lo ]1ropo1'tion are S}1C('i211i7.ill`_',' in 1':11`1n nw(:l1:111i(*s. i Tho 'l`1'21iui11_-_" 13011111. it. m:1_\' he 1-X-' 1-lzxinml 1-n11.iist.~: of :1 Vm-:1ti011z1l nt.'-l H(:(`l'. :1 _\l(`di<-:11 Uim-1', 211111 :1 thirzll m(-mht-1', _::m1<-1':1l1_\' 1'1*1v1'1*.~'(*11ti11"_.-' the} I 1'0\`im-izll (`(ml1ni.<.~ i1m 1-.~'t:1hli. to help 1'1-t1n'11(|1l sol1liv1'.< in 1'1n11in_;'1 1-1n}u]u.\'n1('11t. Wht-11 :1 man is i'm1nl :1111:1,hh-, m\'in_-' to :111_\' (-1'11-(-t of his 1.~`'1`\`1vt', tn t:1l<(- up his l'01'111m' om-11- }r:1t,im1, ha: 111:1)` 1-lnim the ]>1'i\`il(*:`1-.3` of the Hn\`(>r11111o11't`.< I\'v-]~I1l111-:1tio11 >'r~lu-am-. '.l'h;1t is. he i< cntith-11 to 1'1woi\`(- I'1'u<- t1'21i11in`_-` I'm` :1 111-11` 015-: ('11pa11im1. nlnn: with l'1'<*1- m:1imv11- :1nr(* 1'01` hi111. h1`.~: i`2n11il_\' wllilc the t1';1i'1i1I:' ]:1.~'1.~', 21ml 1'01` :1 mumh I ... The Advance is read in the best homes .in Barrie and `vicinity weekly; these readers patronize Barrie Stores. To get this business advertise in_the Advance. A D VER TESI Enabout $475 Touring - 4-95 Coupe1et- 695 Town Car 780 Sedan - 890 F. O.B. FORD, ONT. One Gallon of Gasoline has done it. in its hiuhest sense is the cre ~ation of 21 new mm: and providing the means with D IA! rm so '1-"h as to get business for that rm. The ad. that cc-u_':ts is the one that makes the luxuries of to-day the necessities of to-inorro\v. A great many people advertise as they give to ch:trity-me: `V to get rid of the solicitor, Then the advertiser says it doesn t pay and when done in that spirit it does not, Ad- vertisers must-put brain and selling force into their copy, and when this is done they nd that advertising is not an expense. but the nest kind of an investment which to apply that ' \Vi)f .I] is inves -~- 5. C. Dobbs. past president Associated Advertising Clubs of America. lI|(IIl| \-V` r`|lI\l full_\'. "I. .~;L11upo.~'0 tho |`nll(.~' at Hw inn t0\\'a1' -\1u1:m the [mliu-nxznl?" T1 A V, __ 4____:__1 25 Miles To Barrie 4/% A . ;(lunL-ry; and hve stock or all kmds (.- the wluiplm-nt I'm` zmimnl lm. .1.1.s. mu. 3. . Tlu-rc }win-_,-' no u`Lh'c1' b11si11c.'s be-I _l'(n'L' the Cmlrt, on motion ml .\I-,-; |l\'inl(|_\' zmd .\IvI)uI'1 . the :l~ .~,(.`S.\'lH('!lLi _ ]1'nll I'm` the 'l'u\\`n.'lni1 0|` Urn. as nmv ".11-\'i.~*<- and :11m`-nltlml \\';1.< mlnptvd. `guml t'ln- mmrt 1-l0.~'.(-11. Council Meeting 11 1-1 .l m'~'u:u1t to :1(l_i0urnmont tho. -1`-uilllvi} nu-1 imm :1I'iv1' thu ;!vnurt. ('num-illm'Thmn]> n~prn't- -`ml that Julm I ur:1n".m1. . \`:11u:1- EORO COURT ' I1u11'.\:11'.1nt to :1dj01u'nmm1t. All ltluc mcmbt-rs ]1'(-sent. I 25. Pt. 1':11r_"(- 1 :1.s,<(9.<.~:(-(I to I). M. ,lSt<.-\\`:u't as u\\'m-r unrl ll. 1). .I:uniu- I .s0n`.< nznnc struck off. \ll_...L u.,.:u.'. -..1\.:a..4,..l . want. The aim of advertising is not [0 spread the name of 21 IELHI .` llkllll I _-Xlbcrt 11o1~ John 5'. Davis 1 1-`. llil\| I`lu Llllln .l. Jimmal Blzu-knm1'(* mum,- in.~:t(*zul UL` Hobt. Bl;1(`1\'l1l()1'(`. : \\' VIA -L . [ J L. .`1.\\. LL. .L, Lllll. 4.1. urn int $75, taken 1'1'mn alsst-.<.snl(-11t of J. ill. C,` nml :1.~.s'('.+so.-1 to (IL-0. _\l<-- `J":n'l:1ml 11>` n\\'n<-1' at -`NW. .\1'1hur .\l:11'.~'hz11l, :1>I.\`('.S.<,L'(I as own- vr with Juhn .\l:111~:l1:1l], S. W. 1,; 5 I`! ...\n \' Putt.-'5 (`_\'L'.$ twinklvd. be hvttn-1` 11' th(-_\' :lidn21' him but 1:-1 him liml it ( A 4! .1 l)..l:........ Town 11:11 The .~.`L`(`Ol)(l : Y . `Il\'il\l IJL Llklllkc 1.)! 1' \\'. Pt. '15, mm. Pt. .\'.\\'. Pt. 1, .1 Q-"'3': 4_.'-.... I'u..... 3 3510 53 PERCENT. 20 to 25 miles to a gallon of gasoline is a frequent occurrence with the Ford car. One man (name on request) reports an average of q 33 miles per gallon for 20,000 miles. Surely this is a record that few, if any other makes of cars ever equalled. and greatest service. The Ford is truly the Universal Car. It demonstrates the economy of owning and driving a Ford. You can average 1000 miles more travel on Ford size tires. The sav- ing on The name Ford" stands for the lowest cost Second-haiind Cars of different makes on sale at clearing prices. T. R. HUXTABLE, Illlll IHIL ll`l Hlll| nnu Lb \ sec t:u- that. l oli. and H|('ll 1':1tlw1` slmirp nu - . I . yw nu :'ll'll('K nu. S1nith'.x' n:1m(- suh.~tit11t1-d Hnxith us 0\\'n(1- 01` lot H, k` . . . . .. `I lull, Om, .\I:1_\' ` l >'ittin;.: oi` the ( hvld hero on I ) 1_.....-uni ' OI` REVISION AND COUNCIL oil and repairs is proportionately large. More Mileage FIVE POINTS, BARRIE. Ford -1, _L.,I 1| - (`mlrt 0L` the '_ $thl \H ` -35 101? 2l.~'>'('.\`>`,('t]. ,,A _,L` I lllll Illlll -\\'l I hvzlth . littlv 1H)ul.~`. I` I I t-11t1'(- iii`, tor, liml )'(`-(`l)l1.~`l(l(`)'('(l his 1`(`Slf__'l1:1tl0l.l and \v:is willing in aot until the end. ml the _\`(,-:11`. .\(:('('])i('l,l l)_\' tlw (-0un- (til. 1.. ... ..._...l.... .... ".241. Al -` A-1." u\Z....I:... |(r11. In :H'(.`O1't1:111('(` with the mimlu-s of }:1. Inlet-ii11_'__" H10 vmlncil in the noon hour oxzlnnim-I 1'0:1d lino, von. 7 and north of 112111 to CR. and on mo- tion 01' 'l'h(m11xs0n and Rvo in :1n.~'.- lwc1' to S1.I':1(rlmn petition $100 _'_{'1`:1l1t- `ml on :on1ition that thv ox1wctc l:'m'(-1'1nne11t (-xpc11dil111'e 0|` $150 is ioxlu-11:1<- on this 1'(.md as pm` state- I mont 0| D(.`]lllf_\'-RL`('\'C. l........I. D....1.~.,.-A m-.-..-_-.x...- 'l-3i.L.~.. 'H'Hl Ul lIL'lllll.\'1\L'|'\U- .ln.~:<-pl: l :u-1<:u-d, ow;-1'. "Ridge I{0:u'l, ])i\'. '3, n1Ipe:n'(-(1 1'0 :1 :_"1':111t; for his division. On motion ml .\[<'~ Kill1('} anal .\IvI)11IT $25.1!!! -_-'1-;mt(-(1. ,-\ppm'ti0ni1:-_~' nl" S1':1tnt'(~ Lube): t:xl<(-n up nml 1-n11H1l(' until (i.`_ (L \\`hvl1 thv Counvil :1d_imn'no to m(-(-I. on '.l`ln11'.~' . thv 31st illst. at I10 i ;`\[nm1u'm' (to latt- -Ym1 \'e hm-n uwzl)` l:0u1`, and only to go I\1x1` 3 nvr. I .\I(~s. "Please, sir, :1 man h'0p1<-(1 112111` a crown in the gutter. .\l.:u1:x'_"(~1'---And did it tulw halt` :m Imur to Iinul it? .\lu-.~'.<-11-.:(-r-#"Please sir, I had {0 wait till the man went :1\v:1_V." I%oi|inj_". hut i1' :1: 1'0 all ~_v`nml . 1 Why He Was H. .1. 'l'IT)ITOI"I"., (`It-rk. IIURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1917 Delayed n1o. ()\'(. 1' half an round the cor- nml I .- ` vlntl:in:_:'. HELP ma ; wnmuwcwmau Some Ha\:'-e to Kegp on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Get Help. Here is a letter from :1 woman who ` had to work, but was too \Vuak and suf- fered too much to continue. How she regained health :- T`v-nnlzfnrf Kv - T <:11'r>rnr1 an mnr-h regulxiuu Illilll LI] 3*` Frankfort, Ky.- I sulfored so much i with female weakness that could not do my own work, had to hire it done. `- I heard so much ' about Lydia E. Pink- ham's Va go.-ta b l e Compound that I i tried it. I took three bottles and I found it to be all you 1 claim. Nowlfeel as well as evcrl did and am able to do all my ` own work again. I ` recommend it to any woman sufferizig from female weakness. You may pub- lish my letterif you WiSh."-Mrs.JAMES `E CONLE\',516 St. Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky. l `xv- ............. ....`n..:..n.- fun. nv\1v Fnmm n` ` urn..- \\'illll` Hi` that I `I1:'_"ili\. .\l'1t :ilmar.t. ,i/.011 L V >('('Illl'1 Iili)|l`i2` 1)_\` till In-:11. ; l'('lll`\'( Us in ` `: 1:111:-1'. ml :1 -. ll)` l\\' :"_":xi|1.~ l"n.< I l'(' N 0 9 9 0 0 9 9 9 v 0 ::oo~:oo}oo`~v.oo:oo.oo2oo:`oo`:v2ov:oo:ao:o~:oo_oo.oo`~`. o LaUA\l..:bX,U1U QL. \_Iuu u\,.,1' Launuu u,Lx_y. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound 3 fair trial. Thic fnmnna rnmpclv tho rnmninnl EIBDIC uumpuunu u lull Luau. This famous romedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorabor of the female organism. LII w1l\Iv\(LI\ nun r|1-vifnfl Qn 11"-din uuu IuvA5uLa.vuL vx mu. Ax.-nun. u.5uu-an-. All Women are invited to write ' to the Lydia. E. Pinklmm Medi- cine 00., Lynn, Mass., for special * advice,-it will be condential. M Ten minutvs I A A . ` Thanks,` I A. I mks. ' ' said `I. .:'ll1l}_)().~`(` .- -1? Nu hull `I l:1t<-1' In.~'I('I' loft . . .1. . ......` ' 1'l'll.\.~ l.'l(` HIIHH. ||:1'f uml lw1'(- and there 1 \\'1Il(`h \\`hit(- stmws A 1 hill) 1. \t' '_'UHl" so they can tell I"u.~'t<-1' '(ll(ill'_"1I1- I ought to let - 1., I ~.. .` 1. LL nu` V 1 (-.\':1('1|_\' ` out; but 1 Jock is . 97 : which mi}.-`ht .I_. A..`I II "UL ?(>ll 1`ll the A` .,`., ` 01. I110 W21) , ll. 110 mm u'zu'u\:u |.Il4.lb ho was in S<:0tl:1ml, but the police could not :11'x'L-st :1 man who haul donv n0tl1ing.;' \\'I'()llj". 'n,.,;.._ 4l.\.1 H...4~ Ln l.-nll I ll\ILI|IIl:. `V l\.IIl:.)c I l Foster new 1'e:_-'rette(l- that he haul ( helped the pom-l1e1's, although he ,1 thon}_rht he haul inzule frieinls who`! would not betrziy him and iniuht hei nsel'ul. Jle haul met border Scots [in Untnrio, and knew something about their eliurzleter. They were lll8.I'l(C(l by :1 stern independencel they hail inherited from the moss-I l . trooper ancestors and he tl1on_~_':ht Pete was 11 t_\'pic:1l specimen of the virile race. The nnin met him at the broken (lyke, and leaving the road they turned east up the side of :1 .~;p:irkling_;' burn. 5 i The narrow strip of level ground was wet :1ml_eovere(i with moss in 1, [which their feet sank, but the hill- ` side was too steep to walk nlong.l It ran up :1 slope of 3.,-'1'ey-\vliite grass to the I`ll)_, L'('(l sunnnit where the peat `. was g.-;aslie and torn. Here and there an stunted thorn tree 3.21-ew in! :1 hollow, but the 3.,-`len was savagely wlesolate, and Foster, _`_"ldllL`ll1_`__" at his r-onipnnion, thon_;'lit he understood why the 1110!! who wrung :1 living 1'1`on1 these l):ll'l'L'll hills 1n'ospei`ed when they ezune out to Czuizula. The Flowers of the Forest, who fell at I*`lo(l(len, loekin-_" last the .\`<-ottisli square a_:`aix1st the onsl:n1_:ht 01' E11};- -, l:nnl s linest cavalry, were bred in these wilds, and had left (leseend- . ants nnirl-;e(l by their dour stubborn- .:11e.~`s. l ete's hnir wzis turning :_-`re_\' and his brown tau-e was deeply linedl abllt he <'r0sse(l the quz1kin~_,-' moss _ `with :1 _\'oun'_*. l:ul's stride. and Fos- ; ter thonu'ht_lns inouth could set hurnll ....a.. ..a' 1.1.4 +u-inl.-Ii... I l At the head of tho glml they ;,(~limb1-11 :1 1011'.-' :`1':1ss_\f 510110 and .ioz11nv to :1 tnhlolamd where the peat .:_\\':\s turn into }_~'1'1-at blm-k rifts and f"1>il(-I in hl11IlII1()('kS. This was 2111- .:11:11'(-1111)` f\':1t111'(-`s \\'m'k, but 10st1-1' _:sm1l1l not see how . that hu1'st 13111011 tlw hills could have \\'01'kL-1,1 sum-h h:1\'o(_-. (`l'U. the 1'11-"-_'v1l [`\\':1.s't1- to :1 alistzlnt 1::1i1`11, they sat 1(1()\\'ll 1111011 th(- . and Pete: lil- 1_h'Ll his pipe l'mm Fostv1".< pmloh. Yo'll hand oust until yo fiml -.1. 1hu1'n that will l(-2111 ye 110011 tn thee imzul; thou _\'<- 1-1'n.-,4 the hroist 0' 11 Well _\'<-'ll .~'(w the 1'1-1-k 0' U;1wivk," `hv said am! 2111111-11 :1i'tL-1' :1 11111151-: i.\i:1_\'h1- ya-'1] 110' hv . pi11;,-' in the 1 H1 CHAPTER XII A Complication At noon n(-xt (lny J0stL-1` sat,` SlIl0l\'lll}:" on `.1 hridge nonr tho cl:uzh- an. The air was lllllll and snlisliine lillctl the liollmv, while l"0st(*i' had just dim-l npnn sonic z1];p(,-tisingl broth. The broth was thick with \'og(-tnhlcs, but he did not think the meat in it came from :1 barn-door fowl. The clzwlinii xvus 1!. poor and nnti(l_\-' place, hnt he was tired, and` as the gz1n1ck(-<-pe1'.< would not sns- poet :1 n(.-utl_\` elm-.s.~:el strzlngci`, had than-_-"ht 01 . n1mt'nm' ni VVhen he hzul nearly linisln-(l his pipe, Long; PL-to (-mno 111). Fr).~'to1' who had only seen him in the moon- li_ now notecl that he had :1 ratlior frank brown face and :1 twinkling smile. i .1`. .u. . n :1 - 1 1: u `I10! IIlOlI:_"lI[_llln' ll.lUlllll`\,'UEllu .`l:L uiuul ins urulnto m spltc 0! ins t\\'111klm_'; smile. H(- was ;1 man who \\`011lr1 V I.'(n':(-1 Il('iU1('1' :1 l'a1\`01` 1101' an i11ju1'_\',1 l':1mi I*`)stg1` \}`:1s ;_-'l:u1 to feel that hci `was on 111:` sulu. nu- IL. I \I l` 1 (ions that ) maul." 7 -;1rvI'ull_\'. It `nml mutunl 1n|`lJ1(*t'1i()Il. EH11 to hr mmlv am l1m1m'z\1'_\' nwlulhnr ~nI' tho uunu`. l ULUL him and 1i.-toned looked as '11` the ]u0:u-I|(-1'.~`, wlm .<(*v1m- to w(n'k now tln-n as lumvst d1'u\'or.~`. l\'l1('\\' nllu-1' WP uml comhim- for It mi`.-`ht ho u<--1 l*`n.~`t('1' Ihamkt- (~:1v|I Ill hunt. dl|ll 3.\i:1_\'h(- _\'v'] `i town 3 I I ll .`lil`\ ll .1 think I'll tall "_'nin'_" .~'0utl1 to :'l (Lqu-<-t 111211`: K Pete .~n1ilml. `I 1.. _,... .... I L'l , (lmlo ll _ lI(I\\|l ?l1:1rcs , .,, I ` from l'1'(-(-m II\'l'Il\ . 13m. ` ~':1l(.~' `El .`I||IIl' IIII ` \\'hi1(- l"u.~t( tlle l'('Hw`(< `fth:1I :-U` CIIIIILH Ye'll be for Hawicl-:'?" he re- marked. ;m1o llw luv.-. mu nu um um. 11 mn- `nwn \\`n-1'(- l'ollo\\'in'_" him, it wouhl `tulw lhrm hall" an hour to l`(`:l<`h tho 1.~`])0t he m-1-upi:-I uml. ii" lH'('('>'$:1l'_\ . ` Hhv rm1u'lnu-.<.~' oi tlw zrrouml would ;on'.1bl1~ him to rum-h the v of thu- Imoor without Ill(`i1' S(`(`il1`.{' whivh [w:1_V he wont. Besides, since he `would be \'isib1e as long as he stood up, he could find out whothc-1' they \vm`e looking for him or not. They came nearer and then vanishe-.1, and :.`l'\'IIH'll lll II\.' II! \I:\hlvl:m [ls tlw lllllIHIl()("` I A..v'a. l)_\' HM` I1llIIllII()('l\.~ mm I1HllU\\.\ In lIl\' 11:1-nl. uml lul`1< nl` \\'l|iI~ \\'ill rultnn 1l'(-li(`\'v 1111- blzu-l;m.~.< 0| tlw -_-':L~'11- vs llw soil. Slit-1-11 I1-cl in Hm Ills- uml hv In-:ml the harsh m'_\' of -.-`|'m. that .~kimn1v thv In-ntll. 'l`lu- \\':1.~' ('l(':ll'. uml l)_\` mu! 1 I :h_\* lwn .~'lu1rl hut nlistixnt-t l'|_"\1ros <-ut ;\ H (` 1` nhmxt. I H\ n\_\ hm .~ .lo.~'((-=' nd~` urn . r Hm IIH` IHI'_'.. lllll nr Inu In ~ mu...-|uu..~ n|' Hut wrm :1 time 111- .~'toM(-:1 in His \`i('w ('l)|lIlll:ll1tlI`l two ()1 tlm-v miles, to he nvnr tlw ventu- I I4 . .... .. auuu n\. u- 1 Foster said he was "oinw there and I . -.`= Pete resumed In a mcumxw tonv: , _ 5 It s n _ day 101' the mad and ye could be in llawxck soon after it s dark. .. ..,~. . lli x_\|lllI' \\ 1|.` v > .\ ll:ll'l) 74 l2ll\L' l1l(' Il|11.~ ugauu. `1 tm\':mls' lj1l:1\-.'_:1:11(|. 1) 1211's out UL your boat. _\ tlw night. .~\I`t<-1' . tukd the hulls :13,-`aim. L......... I . I LI.)/.,-.1..]:. lirst . l... L` Inn: nu I\ .~`url':1m- I-. ....I I... 'll| l|I\'|' \\aI.1 ll :ml lm1lu\\'.< ( lll1\' 1111` 3l\I\' IP | looks after his \\'l'(`1, and his r1'n.~'.~` the 4-m11m'_\' (Mul. mt I hue` to the .\'o1'tl1. nu` mun_\' .siwvp| r]. ll` _\'(-'11` w:1nt- I 1- yo :1 fmv (1i1`(`0-i ` ` Al... n|ml.<- I It I ...........I...l Illr \\ um - (II not. If. . :u -1 uu; n. Just Sm" `said Fostvr, W110 could take a hint. But is tlncrc any 1-021-I son why I should start this afta.-1'-% nnnn 3) xqu nu-~ tu tlrnp II 111(- I| I Ill` - ml` llu` hmkvn .< 0!" the ` I . .1. but `.11 look hur- , I ,. |'|_\ L`:lHl. 4 vuxm lIl\`II HlU\\'lH\.'llLD Hl lkll AI in-vetl. It was 1m.~'.~il)le tlmt they haul come to mend :1 lenee or look for some sheep. Fin` nll tlmt. he `(in-\\ hm-l< unmn_: the l1:1nnno<-ks. and llO()l{(`(l for lmllnwa where he woultl l l I l h:i\`e 11 l):1el<'_:1'o1n1(l for his tiu'u1'e as he l'L`Slllll(`(l his lIl:l1`(`ll. lle saw no more or the men and by and by ezune to 21 burn, whieh he Iollowetl to lower gzrouml, where he Iouml `Ithe rozul Pete had told him about. 1 It lecl up and down hill. and now and then the track was taint, while when he e1*o.<.~:e(l the lust l'lll_`_'(` the |lij_-'ht was l'utli11j_:'. Motionless g'1`(`}' clouds stretehetl across the .~ which -.:linnnex'ed with pale :s:11'l'1'eu in the west. Rounded hills, atuined a (leep blue, out against the llf_"lllC and :1 trail of _:au7.y \".11>(m1' llLlll_L`L' about a. distant hollow. Since there was no mist 011 the moors, he knew it \\`z1>: the smoke of Hawiek mills. As he went down, stone he- l_":n1 to st1'aj_:'g.:le up the hill.. The {Iiehls they enclosed were 1'usl1_v and dotted w`it.h whinns, but they got IsII100l.ll('I` and ]n'esentl_\` he came to stubble and belts of ]>l0l1_`_"lIl11f_". Then he turned into :1 5.-'oo 1'0dl and saw lrows ol li_rhts that got 1.-1':ul11nll_\' b1'i-_"l1te1- in the valley uliezul. It lliltl been (lurk some time when he `enteretl Hawiek, and the tlllll) air was filled with a thin, sinoky haze. Factory windows _'_"llllllll(`l'('(l in the haze and tall eliimneys l()()lIl('(l above the l|o11.~:(-5. The bustle of the town fell ple:1.<:1ntl_\' lmt stv.'zn1_-,:el_\' on his ezirs ul'te1' the silence 01' .`w I||\I\r| u. 1 Rom-hin~_~' a h()f( 1 that looked <-mu-I 'i1'n1'tahI(-I. hv wont in, nrdc-1'('d dinn(*1'. [um] }n'n\'i. hnnkt- :1 room, Hmu-.:'lI hv lid not 1'({`_"i. and v.\'- plailu-ul that ho (-ouhl not tell jcot if he woulul . tho nizrht. Thou. l(*:1\'iu'.' hie kn:1p.<:u-k. hv \\'m1t into the .~'t1'(-vt mu`. stnmwd 1)) :1 hx'irl*_"o wht-1'0 tlarov 1'n:uls nu-f. A }_-11iI-- `post ilxtlit-mot] Ihnt mw Iml in Spl- ikirk. zmnl tho nun) hm! .~hm\'n F(), that this W215 the waxy to PM-hlvs anal Y:1r1'm'.'. .~\110thm' mm 11] the \v:1t(-1'- vsidv tr) L:1n-_-'hnlm and the south. (To be cnx1tim1:~:`.`. {SOLDIERS LEARNING TO FARM; {Special Instructions Given to Them? -- ACensus of Intentions" Now Being Taken at the Front Ye should ken. I was across the nmir in the morning and t'011n :1 polismun fr-ae Y:11'row at Watty Bell's. He'd come o\vo1' the hills on his hieyole and wa.~'. asking it.` tl1e_v (l seen a stranger wi 21 glove on his left lmn . - .-... 1 (`unzuliam . nu-1'.<~:1.~'. and on this it slmuhl he ]m.<. to l)u. nu; <-.~:tin1:1t<- 0| 1'1:<- nnmh(-r :IL1`I'i('1lHl1l'ill- -l_\' im-lint-tl. The <::1r:l issut-I for the` }u1x'pn.<(- by Hm N:1tim1:1l S!-1'\'i-v C`mn-: mi.<.~'i(m inclmlvs . to hv iillmll ` ;\ (`(`!l.\'1l.~ 15 ll()\\' l)(`Hl'.', lill\\'lI il||l|.lIl'j'| 1 I . , . > n.. u-Ml. nun}: Inun .- n-nun -nun 11111?! ]lHl.`.`IlHI |l|\`lVlIl\'-`l .`llll\ `up with v:1(:h m:m's `nml rank. rt-`_"ixm-ntzl` (lll.(h'(`.\'.~' lwl'm`o m|li I ' I` _ I , .I If I H HAI` wilmv(*1' - - \' . I .\illXI|' (l}X`| il)ll)_\'( l` 1w1`r)l`(A _\ l "Ilnw rxxaxlxy I >'t:m- 1'1-l:1Iim1.s` I. |I\|\\ tn huvv turn tut "H0 _\ nu . nu .m1}...2 u-IL ".\llll \\'()lll1l _\'(Ill. 11 Ju'l'l'~.~u1_\ tu `unin ox}-M`i(~1w(-. \\'o1'k i'n1` p11-\':\iHn-__: \\':\-_'(-< an :1 l':n'm ul'tm' _\'nu1' rvt ];1'(t\'i(1il1`.." _\'m1r ' \\'L`1'(` the I-M-:1n\\'11ilv -.:i\`<-n 1110 . sup-3 port as thv_\' now rot-oi\'v?" I \lu-|n\\'l:H:- Hm mun :Ill,'(`:](]\ hzwkl 3lHl(llI'_' ll.` ill\' l .in\`:11itl(-I lmmv. lfrnnl zm illm- A.. ...... ,,_ ,_ , I :1 Inrm. f\'v\'(-rtln-lv.~.<. Hm \ :xn_<.:u:ml 01" the mi1it:u'_\` l :u'min: Im-vo is :1lro:u`_\' on! the spot. S`e\'m':1l months` ago. l'our| 1'(-turlwxl $()l(lu`l`S in .A\1b(|rt:1 on1'o1-` led th(`1n.<(`l\'(`.~`. as stmI(-n1s in one ot the P1'o\'inciuI A5_n'im1ltun1l Schools, at Vormillion. To-day, the records of the Military Hospitals Commis- I_\ I thv I:|.. vu nun A\L\l nu... Foster nmdo :1 little :1h1'n]:t move- ment that he thought the other not- ed, but will (`il1'L`l.L`.$$l_\', "Tlm fol- low must ll:l\'(.` had :1 rougli trip." * A road gun-gs 1-0011 up the water- side, though I wouldu-.1 say it's very good. I'm tliiiikixig hv inzulo an 0:u'l_\' start and would wait for (lin- ncr with \\':1tt_\'. Then ye mig'l1t ,__'i\'o him t\\':l '()01's to get li01'u. F0. who look:-cl at his \vut<-,l1,; p(m llo was heginiling to un- (Iorstuml Scuttisli tact nml saw that Pete mt.-:mt to him :1 Hiciitlly \vu1'n-` iiig. It was obvious that tho po-1 licvmzm would not h:1\'(- set off` at-1`os.~' tho hills in thv lurk 01` at \\ in ' to:-1' morning unless he lliltl been 01`- (l(`l'('ll to m:1l<(- i11qui1'i(-.<. .\lu1*(-0\'(-1',` siiwo tho '__":1nu- l\'('('lI('l`S lliltl mistuk-` on I"ost(-r for l (-tc, thv ortlt.-1's lliltl notliing to lo with the pmu-l1in`_". ` ".l c1`lmps [ had better pull 0ut,. he .<:1i1l. "But the ft-ll()\\' \\`m1 tl J'lI- \\'h:I1 \'.'<-1':- you \\'(>} "II:1\'<- you :1 trn-iv I ` sn. wlmt. "l< _\'nu nlul 1n. 1 _\'nm' rvturn In (`nun sf .. I |lXl (I5 |lIl"\ lI\l\V .\Iv:m\\'h1l:-. AL.` `\\ ('1 `\\'In I ,,, , Illl`\|' `\KHl ('\l'I \\I'!l\\\I \ m. ll so. how I011-_". `How mm-ll nmm-_\` In _\':)H 1-) I VA II . ..l .... I'r'.Il I'll _\lHl 1ll'.`lll' kl ltlI\l' I :m_\' :n':Iil:1h1v .<:-h(~nw : n'.'1'ivultur.-11 .~<-ttlt-nu-nf? H so. what I rm'im-- dz" `tn st-Hl(` in. . A, I .,,,,,,II 1.` ..... [U .\l'(|l\' Ill . '.\n:l \\'.null Hl`_" ll.` ill'l' lHU.`U \\ Ill! IId\\' Illlll llnlml Von l`('(`()\'(`l'iIl" ;.i 11 nr .<-ri0u.<-` ~nml:`|I tn pvt-\'(-nt their 11-turn tol iirin-.1` lim, do not :11 lirst I'M-l ' t:Ikiny_' up the .~'h'vm1m1.< life 01 ...-..x | '{.i"I ll (`E11711 Ill1ill.\ HiHlll'. 11:1", IIHILI mk. rt-`_"im-11tz11' numlnt-1'. I .H.{ .< (`Illi~'llll('ll1. 1511 Pm-| ICuvl1 . is tlwn :1. :l 10' 1111- l'ollmvin4' q1x(-.~'tion.~'.:-- hivh :11'v _\`nu, ll|:ll'l`i('l1,>'il1Lil` or nu-" uml :xlul1'(-.<.~ HI` 1:2.--t mn- orv you 1-x1li.~'t(-J. mny 41:-1:011:11-nt.~z lmvv _\`m1} Iim1.s`l1i1>, .~'v.\' uml :1u`- of .| Ulnulm L lulu I1LLL\1 But 1'0 }u1\'c much trou1)l(- in Ion I`... ...h..,. 9!