THORNTON C RAiGHURgT ANTn1:`*niiiL" I. Ilillu IV. and .\I1'.~'. T110 . , ._ ..A' I.`l. 1w}>11v\\ , um I; cum ciid3n7N*ELE* `ll. i.s'('l)l`l)ll`_-ill Hm} I Yidu \\'illi:1In.~; I'r'u~mI.< H115 \\'('(`1\'. `air. 0." Tomnfn, is fhog p:1:'m1f~~'. Mr. and .\Tr.~'.'I VIGO l)llll\fl. \'I|\HI'I' llulll`\ I'M`.-'.<. n(~\\`-l:1i:l. doz. Tll1`l{('_\`.~ , lb. :l1'<|.~;.'<.ol ]*`()\\'l l`.... ... I-`.. TTOHM-1'1" homo in \\ I L .... .. . . . . . . A I"(-1n".1:1 r_\' 0111 nl' x:l1'l'i(', is \'i.~- 'w. .\h'. Stu:11'L .\lv- ~'m'inu.l_\' ill. ' `.\(`\ \`,llH 'llH` \':1.~s ]'~1'<)\`i | nl V4-1m1:u'_\' F('1)l'll:H'.\' ith is slu-ndin-_-' _'_'mmlI':1tlu-1', Mr. I"t-Imlzl 1') F:-hrunr_\' 215, I917 \. Ila \V(lI4\\'llI - \\`:Is lmld in . '.\ln-th- tlw Hm`. Dr. 'I .. AL. \ nu \ ll`l'.`l'. .\[H H! I)m'1 H|u'il1~_:' 1-his-l Full wlu-:11. (}00.~'(- \\'ht-:1 ...... I f\_.l.. ~ 01' %'v1r1l1i `V of' Hwir ('rn1.'<-I in the Rn1'I'i<=i Hw sir-k list. An nu m ' l\I"-. Ill. .-\H(`l' Hu- . LJ`) .. ht-I` .115. .'iII:x'_-`:1 by` homo M n_\'. .\l'tur li|'f<'1'mI1! I.I I .... .1. \=;;;;`;,.;~%I.-.1 I! \`.'itl1` nvr >15-1 mm-.Ii \llJ().`l' \\ H|'ilL Oats, new hush. B:l1`l('}'. m:1l111r_" 'l`imulh_\'. 11-\\'. N '\IZ..l I ml... um} 1 -lmnn! :1 l't(-1" with 1017! rt-l:1 H117 _| N11- Hm Tuc-s1lz1_v, .\I:11'cl1 l3ll1, \vl1e11 the sow- i11 will be (lone 1'01` the Roll Cross Society. 111 the nfte1'11oo11 the pro- g1':1n1111e for the Institute will he f_"l\`- 011. \vl1o11 Mrs. S. .T. 171111511101-o will give :1 11111101` 011 '.l,`l1(- p:11`l` tlm l`;11'111o1"s \\'il'o slmnltl take in l11-1' l111sl1:111 l111: :111(l .\l1'.<. 'l`l1*1.<. I\lZ(~t-:1ll'(-_. 11 1'o.'1 I M1`. ;\l111'1':1`\-` TT1111f1~1' 31111111 tho 1111-! I111` 11:11-12 0! Inst \\'1-111; wi1l1 his 11110111 111 ("z1111phoHi (11'd. V1`. '|I:11'\'(-_\' 211111 .\|i.<< !l1':11*(- N11:-'!_`.' Spblif 1111* \\'1~oI<-1-1111 \\'iH1 1111111 p:11'- n11 r.<. -- 1 ,. r 1 1- .1 .1.'\.\1'. . .. . . M1 . ;\1'thur -T:1<'l{.~`. ni' 1110 Bn.. 'I'm'nnin .<]w11`r :1 You d:1_\'.< : I homo 1'(~oonf]_\'. -. . .~< _ \. V, LI(XIll"\. Hllllllll: X0. 1 .\Ii.\'(*l anal ('lr)\'-1' Struw, bundled St1':n\'. l0<).<(- I 311'. \'i: fV_....... If-`$11si|1(\.~'.< (`n!l(-!_-'v .'}>(-nt :1 1'4-\\' :11 hvr hmno X'(`\"(-l`H_\`. \\'v 1`("_-`I'M, in lnsn `Mr. .Tn.<. |nn {ho :\li.~'.<(*.< livid. who h:1\'v led to B:n'ri(~. .`.li ` .\T:n'_\' .\lvlu-:1 1. hm` mu.\in, .r-an. .. . \r .1 L. 1': Mr. amt. s1~<-mlin`: ` I A? is illl]5l'.`)\'illj_" yxin-(-I_\'. .\Ii.~`.~' I'.('t:1 H::_\'(`S .\1n-ut 1; in ()1'illin. Mr. Blolxuh nI' Hznnilfrm m`n(-(1 1l0Il1(' uH(-1' vi: : ' L`I.. . ' . . MI . MN). l':IlLI'|'.~Un. \~.u-.1 I l I 1* I2. AI: \'A\.~.-\: .. ` M(-.<. Jim. .\ an-.1 V'inr=(\11'f. Hu_\'(-.< of Uril'li:1 qwnl $a111tl:1;v lI('I'4'.: Mrs. 'l'1u'1wr of 1710; is .<]n-Indium` nl `.`01'tni'_"h1 with 1101' . .\I1`.<. Jm. C0:-khurn. Mr. mu] .\I1'.~'. \\'. .\. ('h'::_\' of` Oril-I '.i:1 \'i. .\I1`. and .\I'1'.<. Jno. Bram- ] don, the Ii)-st 01, the xvrzck. I .u1.~.\ 1 ._ in I-}:11'1'E(-. |:.....\. .. I .\l1'. um] .\h'.<. 'I"I':1nk llowo spout i>'~nm'.:1_\' xvii}; t'rivmls :11 L7l(>'l>i:1. . Mr. W . H. Smilh 01' Smi1`l1rl:1h~ `\'i.~'i1(-:1 |'rivmI< lwrv last \\`ook. ~ . . n -. 1 (`L M1`. and mlmhor mt" (l:1_\` (`\'('Hill'.:' I:\.~t .\[1'.<. \'()lIl1 .\| 17.`. I'KJIYN\Ill (I 01' Hznmlltm urv .l. I)un. .\h'. and .\TI'~`. 4-hilnhvxx 01' f~"n:m l:I_\` 5,-'11(-sts of .\I Mr. Hm`;1m- | :I lpninful :1:--iulvnt ( s I 3 | was }mH'in'_" 1111- 1 sun] nun \\'l|lIi` ii Jl`.\ \' - . - . . . ll:1_\'. pm" ton. Fl<)111'. `.\'<-.~1-1'1 1` H . L`V,` .. I III' \\II :1! Hw hm I-. -In_\' zxml !fnnc. um. nu . I `(']lillll'l'IX I~"n:mt_\` I"-:1_\' g'1|(-sts .\lr<. l{nh<(m hero. :n'tri met with :1 pninhll on Sun(1:1_\' last. (:1 l1or. in the st:Ll)I(- and mm \\'('Ili` in 1110 wrong` stall.` In (-n1(-:1\`n1'ixI-." to 1:111 it 1'i'_"ht. .\l1'. I :1rtrii}_-n \\`:1s m'11s}wd in tl.o stall and his 1-oH:x1' bnno 1n'n1 _\ .\`](`iL"h 1 jma1'n(=_\'-nl ta .'~]:(-nt am cu m'(l:1_\' xliglxt. .\h'. Vt-rut-1 wool] is .~'])('11 lhnllw Inc-1'0. Miss (":n`1'i(' Rhlv` 2l1Sil1(`.~`.~` .'}>(- I I... I... . |\`ll` 111'. .\. .~p(-ht 11:1- ; \ lulu vml. lIu'n(-I to limit hr .\li:\., Inst \\'ml1w. 'l`|w ])2`.l`1()l` snvinl : on .\!nml:1_\' night 'l'\\'ol\`(~ home of u..J..... 1 F.\ kniHinv_-` lmmo of .\h'.<. . l(~vt-nin< next 1.... 1 .. .. l'\ l'Hll|'-'. v l|l'.\l land \'i. M ARKET REPORTS The Advance at the Blookgtores 'J.`l1oAul\`um-(,- is on sale at the l)00kstm'(-.x' 0!" Walter Scott. J. G. l{ecn:u1.aml Roy Stone, price three cents the copy. Also at the office of lpublicution. $1.00 11 your delivered in town or mailed to any address in Canada or Great Britain. To U. S. subscribers $1.50, strictly in ad- N. un-snn `l|I|l'|| IHHI ` S1(-.<.~'(*1" . l..... . ..n' A .\Ii.<.~' H. - 11__ H (,_H1itv n.1...~ H um. :\Ir.<. Ilohson , Ill... `.\`I}-`. 'I'hor(- liltlx (mm M .\h'. :1 :x1'1Ix'xhL\'. In N` ml hir1lx S\\'iss l:xi1')' (uttlv hr('(- disvontilnu-I tho 1'1-(-din-_-` M" oil to their stm-k b(-r<:u1.s'(~ 01' tho Iii 3 01' <)MuiniH2' this fnml. \\'l1i-ll forlncrly ixnpnrtctl 1'mn1 Frzlm-4 ll'_' ill 'l`lH11`. . 1Ill`l In-ml I A ..:,_.... l . | \(-rm-1' lIu-kl1w_- oi" (.`.ol1111g=1 H .~'|b('l1(1ll1'.:` :1 l'(*\\' (]:1_\`.\ :11, his `ll'l1. his lwotlxt-1', 1 Ill'|'Il. u \\'l)l`k(`|`s' 4 I ._ .\. '|`iI'l'm 0| Hm 177111, l :n`ric, 111- \\'(--k-L-nil 11011-. i I - :1 lnunln-1' :\1'<:uml h('1'(- arc` ll1(- lnr'1m".~' (``\l`l'. 1 'I" 1':1nk H 1 CI-LAIGVALB CROWN i Owing to the freight embargo we '1 have been unable to secure the: shipment of Davenports and Brass Beds advertised at special sale` prices receqtly. `IT III .01` . t` 11 land 01' .\`m1n~,-' ])(`()])1(` in ('1':Li'."|n1|'. rink :1nd_ cnj()_\'ul)l(- tnnv lust Sub` M Htv\'(*n. who I l.. .. SI-IANTY BAY ;\lkin. .~pm1f S:1t111'dn_\' I .\Ir.~'. \\'. l'3:1|l\\`in. who \ i$Hill`1' Hivnnls lwrv. H`- llu-ir lmmo ant l{nwl(|_\'. \\'(-cl1w.~d:x_\'. A 1 C OLWELL :l HI 111(- Il\l DALSTON THE NORTHERN ADVANCE I "' """"J ' We will iiotify our customers ( their arrival through this paper. . \ .I I` I lwv \\':l>` In-M :11 HH- Jim H:1nls on .\l0n .\Imnl:xy the lzulics in- Mrs. .\l:11'tin. ` I*`vh1'11:n'_\' i-`ch. `llh. HH7 1:!` H10 Ht-cl ('-mss nwl .\lr,~`. l lu- Inst 'l'hu1'.<- I l L... ....a mile! (`:l.~ 1-hil:h'(-n )IiI\ |'lI| ]wupl(- n'uI Lam '|'nl'ml('0. IN-h. `_ li1!1. 11 mi" ,\linr(e .\li.\,> .r(':I x\|` \ I3] w.<<]:l_\'. nu. -gram, mm 3 I -.-.... .......... -.......a.. ..-.-I Ioupnrv-I Our other lines are moving fast? Come quick if you want to take}: advantage of our special salei pnces. Apples, Imskt-t" Apples, 1)2l1'l'(*l Butter, 1}). Buttermilk, qt. Beef, fronts, ll Bevf, himls, lb (.hi<-kons, 1|). Crvnnl. <~nl'I'<-0, qt. Cream, \\`lxippi11L.". I `.. ......4 .~ In-ml.-1-1 HILL 1-mu. mm, mm :x_\' (-rm-rlnim-:1 ni . I "l`..... at M1 . 0.1)n1'n(-'5` \\`u.s' :1 .<]>l(-mlinl I lit: .\|m1lt-EH1. Mr. .\rl ms the _"l1(-st -v(-ntly. ' _\Ii11(`.sin`." r.. ._ `I . T?n'.). Iv 1:n1:'htur ml" 7\[1's. >7. .)(i. '3(ith, 191,7 HilI~ J\1 I at Mr. H.` C. c._. smit}1_& Co.,E 11:1; hM~n n 'l'm':m1ng I l'll`.l. I" .\rthu.1' `loan, at his l ill rulin- ..` . Slum}- WIT HI! I l\' (111) |lI\'lI H V '1uvn'- [EH7 lw<-11 Nlonkmas 1c%=dL%niai I I mull Smrl 1211.1) TTH1 I{:xtho1' ancient news reading.: about :1 (`In-i.~:t1nus di1111er on the first: of .\In1'vh. A ht-lntod letter. \\`ritt(-11 't'1'mn \\'it1o_\' <-amp on Jun. 26, :_"i\'os an :xv<-mlnt 0!" how `[110 boys 01' ;\" and ``B" ('01H])21Hi(`.\' of the old 157111 il'21H* with 1110 ]'_ :')H1 Brunt battal- Xmas Dinnt For King H ll'il`.l\l\' \ rr_"ht 01' 11>`. '('hivl in I :1.-. I ll `IIV II III. ! koil-:1-. r`nl'x'M tnrmlml r:1i< i gvnilw-1. To ~:nm1 Hunt '_"nml l`1'i(-ml I. ... `... Au :J{i.'{.Z-1'11}.-. I`. 5th. .1;-_; [urn [|)l()ilIl(`)' l ':x-- -Iit Makes gfour Skin Like Velvet Has :1 Imu`vellous (el'1'(-.<'l on l'0H`.;'ll skin. One or two :1m)licat.ivm.-; will remove. the rollglmvss, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of :1 bnb_v s. Glyccdonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price, 15c. and 25c. Dc- lightful after shaving. T2 Cf%QTT1E A $1 l .'\I1l`I' \\ l` `.311 nu 41. \\ that \\`:1.~'n't nuilml \\v | `Ms and \\'(`m. bzu-k in I .\l'1m' `_ ll Inilmttxs" .1110 lmy.' ':un(- hm-k I room and we hm! n ,. .. \...1 ' .\Hm' _'.\I llHlIll|l'.\ IIIll'Iu||>.`|InI in Hue lllX`.'\'~\ I'I'o1- and (|n. .~'nmI\'ing' rum-m'I. .\ml :1 j(>1'._\` j:nn `timv it \\':I.\'. 100. Thus (`ll(l(`1l Hu- ('hristn1:1s clinm-1' uml tvlw jo!i1i<~.1~ lion. INOW With Construction Battalion N ,, l..._ -.... .. , % I ! I F I :l|l."l- |II\l' nr lm'l.~' '|'|H`n \\'(` l...7!.. .....l. \\'|11-11 :1 (-2111 was 11111110 for \` I1-<-1'5 110111 the 1`2.")th battalion to join 1: r;1il\\':1y o011.s`h`11(-tim1 11111111!- ion, 01' H1n.<(1 \ n11111t<-(=1'i11_: 1\\'() 1111111 `:11'1'i(~ \\`v1'<- :1(`(`('[)i(`li. Pts. 1). S\\'u(-n- il!-_\' 1111:! IC. I*`iI1l:1ys1)11. T111-_\' 2111- 110\\' `I0<-:1t(11 at Plll'iiL'('i #111111, t\\'ul\.'(- I I I I 1 LVUW IV LUAL wvanuus .4... 1 milt-.~'. `.`1'o111 Lmidon. Tho t1`n11. \\':1s 111:1rl(* n\'(~1' :1 mmith 11211 and p('l1(iill_'_" m111]1l(-to m".-':1ni'/121tim1 01 Hit- unit ti]'ii1 is light. 1 ]7`ir: cnmorts :\r0 put on by H10 \'..\1.(`..-\.. :11 this 102111111 nl111o~'t 1-\'-r_\' 11iu'l11. l1_\' Lomlmi :11'li.~'t.<. Uni S:1t1:1*1l:1_\'. .l:111u;11'_\' `_ 7th. :1 p:11'tii--, uI:11'iy fino (`()ll(`(`l'i \\':1.< u'i\'(~11 h_\' llw 1\'i1'(- 0|" .\I:1_in1' P()l1\'('!'i(':~'. This i:1;s 11111111 :11} (":121:11li:u1 ml- .l'....-. -..- 1.1.1-1.1-; 'l`|11-\' \:\\'(-(I lwl l lIil' \\lll' 'l:ul_\` I-ml (lit-1'~` :1.< lIll.'~`}):lIltl `.- 1: 1.1 ..A .01" l1lll|llIH'_\ Il\\ a-_\`v.< did .~:him- \'.'h(-:1 :1|l_\' nhl tur`. Uh .. . .. 2 1. .1 ..I. ., ;\..H( ]' .; . l\'l'l. '0l'|` 1 .. School Boys will call for ` : your old papers, maga- ` ` zines, etc. Lb".`"`i\ iE5i?2:MAN when papers are ready. pi:-txm-.4 nu-\' Inn \\K' illl ;v1ul:liw_" >, (W rm -..1 1| Put your card in the window All helps to shorten the war. | lIll'.l in l1i.~ . r`0l'x'M* , ` llIl'h (ll llll` nuxun. nu wlml :1 hlmv-hm1i' for tho hlnmni-11$ king. r;u~:n.\. fini I .. 457- lIl l'lK'.\. . '.< Iii :-. luriw. the tim(- whvn IISRUGGIST, ill 11 l\v.\ .11 ':1d :mnHu-1' ..I ..... H.` `Ill x ` Hvralir- ..-H 1 `Va ?`|I|\' | "HIH\`\' mutt-. Th ! .. 1`: nun. . I :1l'tv1' nuts, 11 L('l' lll\'.\ |I.I.~.\I`H| l1:1|>pI<~.~: am!` up '0 ":24? thvj us by our ':|0]xl_\': r-" .{nu1(- on` v T111-In A1,. lllll.` 1A2I' .\|| `ImnL" (":1 .I._.. 1 LUV! '_,'Il Ill - of thv t-hnps 9V - .-.. n-__ml .\u\l"I H Hw Y1)`. l`.n..... Announcement v c".\.. 9/5-::":":":":}"`\}o-3-:+...;..:{{:.\.:}.gj..:. .` :..:..;....:..;....:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,,_ BEVLIN & Mukcmsonfg tond rm and .'~':1\'o(1 {ho situuti `:1l't(~1' the l`In'_-'h.,~'h In-.H:1li:.m.' hnd `[1'(-am-d. )l:1_iu1' I-} \\':1s 1' cued h_\' the (`:m:1<|i:m.<. Hon<'(- I Izzluxtitmiv is .~'hm\'n in this \\':1_v cw . S:1tunh1_\' 111:,-ht. I . 1 ...n,... ()m- :1 u|' In-in`.-' ;lH'(`.1(`(l with this l):lH:1()ll w(- :m- in hv i. IS ('01!- that lli`_"]l-t()l)])(`(`l lmnt.<. knoo lent.-'fh. il' tho l(':1Ul(`l' is any ;:00 H10) nn.u'lxL to kn-(-1: 111(- ' LIST OF Aummobile Registrations For December, 1916 FORD r`x .... ....l,.l Chevrolet Dodge ...... .. Gray Dort .. McLaughlin I\ Iaxwell Overland Reo ......... .. You will note the lead the liorcl is taking in the Automobile licenses. It is also a most signicant fact that there are only two cars l'(`])I`(.`SClltK"(l in Lhc Coimncrcial licenses. with 15 for the Ford. The car that the commercial lioliscs are buying to bring their transportation costs down to :1 minimum is the car for every pro; spcctivc purchaser to buy. Touring Car . . . . . $495.00 f.o.b. Ford Runabout . . . . . . . . .. 475.00 Chassis . . . . . . . . . . .- 450.00 Sedan, (5 passenger) 890.00 Why pay $695.00 or more for a car when you can buy the best car on the market for $495.00. Every buyer by saving $200 on the price of a car, could, ifthey wished to be patri~ vtic, give $25 of it for patriotic purposes and yet be doing more for them- selves and the Patriotic Fund than accepting some of the Automo- bile offers that are being widely :ul\'ci-tisecl. Get your orders in` eaily before the spring rush, and protect yourselves against a pos- sible rise in prices, Phone, write or call. Ford Dealer, jj I Dcnlmaa wr-re pu_ving to the I`-.u'n1- rs at L{l\\'I`(!I1(_`(` .\1.'1rk(>t. 'l'uo.~t-1 V. tlw l`nlln\\'111g` l'1 for 111011`; THE sP_r;_11Iq AND SIAJ_1\_/IV1\1E_1`).W_$_!}V1V\ IPL}]S FOR MEN S AND Dressmaking Department opens Saturday, March NA ME 1". 3. HUXTAPL_E, IN TORONTO. Automobiles I`\enew- New 1.15 sitmltiou H. l..`.l .... 'X|\'.`\ nun ll`-3`l 4. (-1100 hm" his c\'or_vI PRHCES : THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1917 )l1l'. '.\`('.\1('1'Il . . . . mil_\' I-'1mu`. pm` hhl t:1l pm" |):\'_*` . . . . lllll lllI'/ f'(*(-1 \\':11'm :1: I to act fhmn. mnex uls (,`0mmc1`('i:L1 'nnnuI_ Nnunv and Barrie; Ont. rcial Total New llenew- New als 15 dry. '0 will ho _:l:xd SATURDAY MARKETS 13 Furniture Dealers, ' Bayfield and Collier Streets. K/I`(`ilHl, \\lllllll1II`-'.u 11;. (}nr1'0ts. l>:1.~:lu-L Cu1'mt.~', hum-11 ]Cf_'f_".s', (102. . . . . ]`},g'_-_-Ls", doz. by ]):L~`1(('1 Fowl, lb. ll:1_\'. ton 'II:|I_ ,1 FARMER ' S PRICEHS > T6RONTO MARKETS HIDE MARKET 0:1 by J05. .\[:11'1'in. 1n:u'k(-I`: squzwc.) ' 11:; lI'I'l\II)\ ')Ht1 K .:1'li .ru.11'1;<'l L l'L'\.'u cured l"(`b1'11:11'_\` ll'ill llmul I h1lsl'1.. BARRI]-3, ONT. \'\'lll'l-3 I|I'\\l' 01' <-:1l\'(' ` diir-Ill-` I ...l.:..'l. ...... I-I\ . UHI l ' u Milk. qt. } orlA;_, |h.. all m'u' T ()t:\t0v.'. lm-_-` . .. S1x':1\\'. ton 'l`l1l'kL`)', ll). 'l'umi1n.<. ln1.~kvt 'l'u1`nips .... ... \\'00d. 1n:l]>l(`. V-3'1 \\'nml. wl't. 111')". \\'()ml, >0, "'1'm=1 s U3 IL ) .a- tin `HI ~n\ H0 (ll! ` (H) . `rt .;sifr )-$V ` (H) (H) III 40 4.1) lIl\' |lll|l|'ll|' Kw wast \\'lw:11 l3:xrl(-_\' 1| . c Ln I\ (iv "..)3-'2>l( ` . . .-l~U(-, 1'n._ 1`m' 0, xscl .$:;.m)` I`? I Alil In ml 1 1 1:117! `um-i `.206 ` 0.-ILL . . . . . . }l1L'](\\`h(`:i1 h _\'(- .. 1].... 4. nu Mk` -i-) "" 111] {ml point -"0 turn 2.) no i_ I nu? (Miw W; .\l1-.< ] IIl()\'(` ` nu .., Tm`, 1.21 I'}}_-`us. pm` ln7.. l x1H<`1'_. pt-1' H) (7l1i(-1 xl|'v.~. 1)ux~l<.< 'l'111'k(~_\'s Mutton L:1mh.~'. can-11 Lamb, per lb ]I0_<:s. live $(`]L'(`1.\` So\\'.~'. live B11t<-lnor Cattle .. ]ll'l|lI'lI('H IHHII \|.s1|IlI`_' Illruun Ill `l :n'r_\' Suund and 'l'ho.<.~`:1lm1. } Thv \\'v(ldi11u' tank ]I:w<- on l*`uln'u- [n1`_\' 21x1. nf lliss Ilvlvn lhyss, thin`-.l :d:111}_v'|m-r of Mr. and .\h'.s'. J. 'l'. (`ur- :l)(-tt. in Mr. Hill. H. \\'n1, (ml): }sm1 nl' M1`. .\I1'.~' A. H. \\':\f. 'l`l .. u~..,. |(`..... l..-.I.1 2.. W. F. l l'('(`lIl()l'('. llll' \\il.` tho }u:n'.~:rm;1-_~'r- 01' lilm . n(H.~`l (`l1urn~h, 'l'or \\'ilsnn ol`li(-iutmvl. r'(`l'('IIl()ll_\ Hw _\`oun:' <-onplo l1'i]) in I)ch'nit and other points 01' i|1tm'vst. and on hn-n .\l'l \ H'(' u-HI mu].-u Hmiv hump H I .\|I~. .1 i h0. p }I1'.~:. ( L A. l.l fill " lm-:1}l1_\`. 5:-mxplu 1 Hutu: av I l!Il'IIl il '=,hl'v :1n uof li1'(\" i .\Ir.<. .\. J.-n'_\' I Mr. zine] .\Ir..-. Emrnocl to thoil I'rim1 t :1t`tm' . ( `LL. .. |'\ H lllIIl'H In-:11'til_\' p:n'1;1k(~n 0|`. `Mr. H<*m'_\' (lillr-. 01' [ lw|].- .-pt-111 .'\`11nd:1_\' with Hivluds In-rt-. \\il.*x IIHH |\H'H ! .\[i.~'.< T~Iv:1n.+ :ml .\l'i<.< .\Tr-(`uh-I iI.:1\'r~ l'0tl1Hwr1 tr) 'I'm'm1i0 i.~'p(-n :1 vm1]nh- 01' \\'<-(- \ i.\Ir.<. "lid. (i:n'1'(-tt. ' Ml` IL .\I (':n'snn is \`i. I .. VVV. L,. Y Jll. lb. Al. \illhHlI I.` \1>1l|H'_; ll'Xxl` fi\'(`s in 'l'm'(mto. :1 Fmv d:1_\'.~' in T:11'1'i0 lust \w-(-l< and nttt-mlt-11 tlw \\'riu'ht-T ~:w0ok nu];-_l I ! Mr. and .\I1'.~'. Hm. I0:ur-och spvnt 1 I tinls. i M1`. and .\[1's. ;\I:Ixs11:1ll I~`r(~t-k. ml" lI ::u'riv. \'i.~itml with .\li.~'.< Ht-(:1 Smut Hm \\'c-JI1(.~`(l21.\'. t .\h':~'. (E00. Muir spent Inst Wm-k in $]f()(`.\'. X.Y.. and ::tt'(-mlwl 1111- Fun- gorul 0|` his sistt-1`. .\lr.<. .\Iiln Sn_\' |.\I1'.<. \`ll.\'(1('1' .<])(*I1l :1 COI1])l(' Mi Enmntlus I1(`l`(` lnsr . and lmcl :n Inns!" 0|` I'ri<.-nd.<. Much . is o.\'t(-mlml in the })(`I`l`:I\'('tl. Bl1l| Beet` Hid<-.<. u 1'ecn -`nu-cl.` Hitles, cum Tallow . . . . . . Sheep f~'~ki11s .... Cull" Skins Horse Hides .. II0r.~~`u Hail .... \Vnnl, u11w:xs110d Vfnnl. \\':1.`\h[1 Lamb Skins uaounn ABOUT BARRlEi n - I .\h'<. T. F.. gmith has H-turn(~r1 nftt-r :1H-mlin: llw l'nnm';11 of ht-1' |nmt|1(-1'. .\l1'.~'. ;\. .\I:1l-mu. 01' Urillizl. I .\[i.<.< ll'(`Il(`. l\'(-llo_\' has rt-iurm-:1 In [13:11-x'\' {\'mnnl :1l t(-r .~]wnlix1:` :1 \\'('('k ...l .. ...a..l .....-.I' I'i|l|`\ I`l|IllIll il|Ll'I umlvr tho [I:1I'('l1l:ll .\Ii.~'s l'IfT'n- Smith rink-1' with In-1' _'_'l'(1l .\l:xlvmn. ()riHi:!. What Our Correspondents Find Worth Recording 1 Mr. W. .\l<-|mlIns.<:` M" :u'r'u-, yspt-Ht ()\`(`l' .\'l1mI:I_\ :11, Mr. H. H. | KI()i1"s. I 'l`|u- W. .\I. H. ht-lul their rv'.:`ul:xx'l nmmhly lH(`(`till_'_'_' on VI"'rid:1`\' Inst. .\II'. J. Strnth 0| (7x'<).<.~tI2IL1l \'isilm| i311`. .|.'H :1 few l:1_\'s lust \\'o(\k. 'l'l1(- laulivs nl' ('r0\\'n llill lllll :1 silver-ssl'l1l all-(lay s(\win}_-` lll(`(`.llll'_;` for the Set-mu` National at tho lmnw of Mrs. S. J. Dunsmm'e, on 'J`1ws` F`olm1ury 20th. 'l`lu m-xt ull-dny sc\vin_4' xnouting will ll lmlll :11 the llomc of Mrs. .1215. Quinlnr, on tho 1`cg11lm' Wonu:1'.~ ln't'-lute Inca-ting clay, Thv 1 n Hrim lmth 21'.-':1in \'i.~itt-I us, mk- 1;' as its vivtim. .\h'. Jnnws T-`.I'\\`m. Miss has 1'(-mrllwl I'I... .lZ .4!. \\'im1i<- H_\.'1I1m' _A.. ..A"A... i | (Corn-cteul Q .VlIH.` \\lHlIl(' |`.`vll|"l UH.` I".hI-.un1m: nHt-r sp<-11:11:12` uh-1' Hm pzxm-xntzll mot". [S ()1 lKlll'l`Nl- illlll lHl will nmlw their Immu- I`. .`.[i.~`.< (`m'Iw11 \\`:Is < I }1()}nlll:ll` ml _\'mn1': lm 1H\- \\'n 1-VI:-nnl in ` Ht-\'. '1'. Dr-\\' funk hi< it-X1 *':\hl);1t|I {mm H10 Hith t'h:m1m' . .\l:1tth( -\\' and Hw ". -I-{I1 \`m'. .<. Ir:1|1k Hr:n_\' h:1.< rlm-iihul 1: in R:11'rit- in tlm no:n' fnmlrv. .i.<:~. '. `..... SUNNIDALE CORNERS ll|.`\ Ill \\`1m jmn'nn.\`. rm 1 1'3." ]nlv.`1.<:lll( tinw `:9 n2 pr~n7vIx- 01' H1i~< Vi mu`! \`.'|:i1o. ni Hm I -m-. l:1 \W'(Ixx(-. : 1l1nm~'-1\'v< with A 1.... I .....V ._l I513 EH. uIL. .1J(|\\llZ)1I.'l.' J (l:*._\`. l'1 o1Tcr11|gs :~- Butmr. vlmiw l:1i1`_\` lZ`._ .. ... ... I,