Published from the office. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County at Simcoe. t;hel?ro- Vince of Ontario. Canada. every- Thundny Morning. by $1.60 Pm ANNUM IN ADVANCE`. UNI'l`ED ST.A'('ES sunsmumms $1.60 IN ADVANCE ...-.\ i mheurthnrugvnuxe v.--- ..u .-.- . - u . --- 'No new nune will be added to the sub scx-ipuon List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three month: and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. `vS'l`EW-AIRT & -STEWART, BAR- RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyance:-s. Monty to loan in any sums at 5 pet [ cent. Oice, 13 Gwen St., Bar- | rie. D. M. Stewart. ` iALL3iXi\Ez'11' 06 AN, sU-0: ..........._ 1.- T_______A IV 1': _ ,, 'ORESWI-OKE `ix BELL, _.'..L.._.. C_1-:4.,_, BAR- n !_, _ __ .___ I STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRI-S- EDONALD ROSS, LL.B., BAIL- nI-- says` lllllll 1l'il|IIll_`.Ln ` A s]('t-iul council o01nn1itt(*(: was, appointed to take up the srovcrmnent ;:1':1nt 0| :i~"_ U()(l for ]1:11'bm' improve- mcnt. 7I`I_ ...,...., on I...L,.. ._a' ...._... .... W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., Surgery i and Diseases of Women especial- I 1y. Ofce 58 Collier St. Phon E 61. 3 I __--. --...`__--..` -`w--- : L.R.C.P. S: S. Edinrmrgh; M.F.P. 8.: S. Giasgow 1 ---SUR(:'EON--- Eye. Ear, Nose 5; Throat, . 1:... a..,, __,._., .._...., -.v-V qr --unsaunoy Having spent I yearn Post (imduute work in Uriti.-h Ilospil:L1a':xn(l hu.v1m: su1'\'e(1m-.1 (Jlinicn. ; .\=' `rum in Unldm: .\ quun~. L-Eur, I`hron.L 51, Nos 1 iospilnl, Londont 1 .oy:x1 London Ophthalmi ` Hospital jllooroltlsb : fox' :1 term as Imsidpn l surga,-on 111 Royal London Orhthnlmic Hospital , l1`is!<)1l'I_\`cHospital.Kristo :und Hi1`l1lilIKhB.ll1 I kayo llo.-smlul. Iii1'xnim,:11a1n ;fo1'mer Member of I I I I 1 Uritisln Uphllm1n1ul(:;.:iuulSociety. Dlv'l<`l(:1t~ 78 lJ17.x`1.n|* H'nu-:r'r. BAIHIIE. I'h l . 0. Jinx. 96, i DR. MOIETDIER T)`I...... (VI. VT VT` `II I _ LYON. 122' .........._.....-/ ..4..v \/ \.r v 1 4.2.4.` , vu\r cessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan. EG. G. SBHTH & 00., PHONE 82. ` 1 Established 1869. Undertaken. ,1 Open day and night. Morgue ` | I and chapel in connection. Bar- rie, Ontarlo. `ll-ll` 5 runs` I IJIHIJ A\\I\I guaranteed 6. 10, 15 years. Beaver and Blshopbrlc Wall Cedar shlndlea. Metallic Anything In the Lumber Lilo GET OUR PRICES BEFORE Y fit "ixii"'EEA?'I}4I3"wi{L] Tnlnnhnno can I I-'ocI CERTAINT!-3l1R`ROOl lllL' ll \L`l. I"1ro ah-st1'n_vo(l tho 5.-"room houses and residence 0|. Mr. \\'m. Taylor, Allundule. Loss 0stin1uto hotwocnl $-1,000 and $5,(lO0. ]Im'rin_: fishing \vu.~: 1'opo1'tod as :1 f:1ilu1'(-. ---.-~-~.-o twin . -n n n A A I II I. U '1 LI I LU Telephone I90 BAIIIIIE. }. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, Inc. Office, 151'. oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. ...-....-.1 n ...v.nA.-4 In .n.v.n.a.uAJ, JJQAW rieters, Solicitors of the Supremo Court of Judicature of Ontario, P1-octors, Notaries, Conveyance:-3, etc. Money to loan. - Oice, Ron block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C`. hers, -Solicitors in High Court 0! Justice, Notaries Public, Conn veyancers. Ooes over the Ban]: of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Estyen. Iarfosanl rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of. Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. J\J 1 L! \.V J\1. LJl\I\Jll.1l7\Jl\, I)4`1l\:1\JL|3 tors, Solicitors, Notary Public, Com'o_vancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen St., in the prem- ises fornlerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elm- vale, Ontario. \V. A. Boys, K.C., BLP. D. C. Murchison. Thompsn Grew, Publisher lr. VV . A. Surgeon, TJ? (1 D ou1'gcuu, L.R.C.P., 7-ncuirlon nn .n. .. g - - ....--..... --`.. .. From The Advance of Feb. 14, 1867 Butcher stalls in the mzwket were lensed as follows: No. l. Bin;_v-hmn Bros., $40; No. `2, Geo. .\Iuun(l1-ell, $28; No. 3, Mr. Brett, $24; No. 4, Mr. Mnundx e1l at $10, (lu1'ing' pleas- bre of Council. \V. J. Graham se- .LJ.J.\/.L/.1. ., resldence, Telephone Bloor St. West, Toronto. will be at 91 Owen St, Barrie, every Sat11rd21y. Diseases--xEye, Ear, Nose and Throa-t. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.,` and by appointment. ...... ..... Al AL.l.|lA.V ALJJAJ, \_l.L'4I.'J.\J'.I.'J and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposito Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. JJV\VLL\, J\lU1Ul .['1I oz .l14b'1 JULV, Ontario Land Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 1852. Office, Medical Building, S. E. oorner Richmond and Bay s Toronto. Telephone, Main, Instructions left with Strat Esten, Solicitors, Bank of route Building, Barrie, wi' promptly attended to. Dr. J.{ X1i"THUR ROSS H. T. 1&1-AIVALI:-(-)FFIOE I __...__',J__ ,. ,, & ]\h}RCIIISON, BARRIS- CA1},-.t,...n KTAC-...... T)..Ll1._ FOR UNDRT;&i{E.; f;smzsi:A1eg IlIUlllu ` Tl1o1'o \\'(`l'(' 1}!) 11101105 01' snow on, the level. L` L. . SURVEYORS _ V `__ MURPHY & ESTEN, Tan!` Qnv-mavns-a Wu- Tie`? ROSS, PHYSICIAN, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., London. Office a1_1d RING 263 I.I. L III (`III Accuracy and Efficiency I Ill.\ ll(ll|l`\ :Ink1n`_" Nm'\'1(~ ('0n1]nlot(~ I':1<-ililxvs BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE VVVVVVVV Mun1cipI"'""`r"iFi""Editorial Vievsz-Point Tho <-u.<`:0111<:-r.' nl" ', ])l'0ll1])fll(`SS Hlltl Tllis Bank 1u1_\'s .1,-in..< Km-\-Em` Yum FIFTY YEARS AGO '5 Tho I-3:1 ml: 01` Tomnlu nrv :1s;~'u1'(- 01' -llir-iom-_\' in all tlmir t1'm1su<~tim1.<. nzlys .~'p(-1-iul ::lt(~nti(m to this plxzxsv 01' In Your l)l1slll(`.~'.~` nnrl p1'i\`:1t<~ ::r'<-m1n1.< mo in A at all llrun (`l:(`.~',. Capital . . . . . . .. $5,000,000 Reserved Funds $6,507,989 \ .\~ \ \':1l11c 01.` the sal\':1_;'e in the ruins 01' the Collogrinte, and that expert to be :1 nfoiul it sucli an` olliciul l>'.`0l)ti1lll{ll)l0. Two or tln'(-0 }):n'ti(-5 wore prosellt on \\'oln('s ovenin-_-' to j_"l\'(`, mlvioo. Tll(`.i(` '_"vn- tl(-men were not p1'oso11t to :_~'i\`(v ml- vivo For the pm*ti('ul:11' l)(-iwlit 01' llw Bozmlz them would be somcl.liiny_;' in it` for them. 'l"li(-1`<- is lwl'm'(- llw l'n:u'xl of l`I ziml lllt,` rule- p:xyo1's tlw most impo1`t:mt' question 01' m:1ny _\'o:n'.~'. in 1-iviv :u:ti\'iti(*.s': \\'l1m'v the new >`('ll()()l will l)(' built and tho 1'vl:iti\'e cost 01' the sclionios. 'I`lim'e is but one niotliml of slot`-i(linu' tlm qut.-stimi :1 ]ll(`l)l$(`ll(` ..A' L1... ....t ...n-,....- nu lvlun nnn.*finn nl` and H10 1'(`l:lU\'(.' (`(151 01 1111- 111111-1'1-111 doc-idi11_;' 01' the 1':1t(1p:1_\'('1's on the question of 1'1--b11ildi11;.-' on the old site 01' 501-111-- in}: 0110 11o:n'(`1' tho ('(~11t1'o 01' tho town. The first stop towzmls s in`-_-; l'111l inl'01'11111tio11 has In-(=11 taken in .:o1ti11:_-' :1 report of the 111-0.:-0111 r-011ditio11s. The Board Sh0l1](l also t:1l(r- up the quvstinll of :1 now site and . s'("(`1I1`(! :1 report as to cost 01' .-rnnn (Incorporated 1855) Barrio curlers were (lo|`o:1tml in the THl)l{'1l'(l (-onipotition at Toronto last week. It soonis ])()S5ll)l(` that with an zmiulganiation 01' the two (-luhs now oxistinj_- in Barrio, strm1}_-' rinks could _iourno_\' to Toronto each .Fob1'11a1'_\' and return with the big troph_\' in their possession. Ono vluh with the _'l'O0(l curlers from 021911 or- ;:ani7.ed for the definite ohjoot of \vinni11}_:' tho tzmkard, should also win o\'c1j\'tlii11_r_-' in the way 01' :1 curling.-; ll'0]')ll_\ in this tllSl.l'l(`lI. \' .\ Last. spring \vl1m1 Camp Bordon came into being: and there were pros- ]:(`('fS 01' trade coming; Ba1'1'icwa1'cls, the local Board 01,` Trade sprang" in- to 1'onewe(l life and got busy for :1 train service. Woulrl it not be ml- visablc to a;'ain rvs11r1'oct the sloop- or in an cmloavor to have an clev- tric rozul from Bm'1'i(\ to the camp. Rop1'os(\1xtul'i01)s miyzht be made to the l'l_\'(lm Radial Counnission to- \\ zn'(ls this end. 01' is 0111- B. of T. al'1'ai(l of smell :1 pmposition as they \\'or(- in ]'("_":H'll to tlw hotel svl1(r1n(-. Chioi` 0|` ]>0li(`(` l{i11::' :1(l\'is(1l tho v0u11<'il to v011si1l(-1' 11]:1(-in'_" :1 liconso 011 jit11o_\'s as :1 11102151111` 01' jnstivo and protvctioln to li\'cr_\' men. 011 1110 5111110 p1'i11(-iplo . not 1'(-.<- t:1111':1nts be liconsocl us :1 111o:1s111'o 01' justi(-(- and protc-('tion to l1ot(-1-km~p- I-rs? It sc-(-1115 in('1'odibl(: that then- (`l1i11o:~'o 1'1-st2111r:1nts can make it 2'0 at tho ]n`0s011t time. with a110th01' on :1 1:l1`$_"(`1' .\'(':1l(`, '0 I11.-liovo, about to 111-2111 h11:~'in(-s.~'. It is safe bottilm` tl11'(*v ('z111:11li:111s could not kv(']v tl1('so ]>l:1<-1-< npm (won with the town full of 5011111-1'5. But 21112111 H0111 this. Hm <-z11i1:11 i11\'v.~'t1-(1 in thv hotel ]n'npm-- lies is \vo1'H1 r-011. 21111! 1111')- n,.4I.\.. t(-<,-tion. I lmxrwl tlw ](-:\.<(- M m:n'k(-1 :m \\'(~i'_"h 4 I l I .:<-:1h-s l'w< :11 for the _\'(~:n'. .\lr. IA. 1). \\':u`n1<-:1 was :1 n(~\\' \\'H1<'11lll:2]{(`I' and j('\\'(`H(`l` 111 th(- \'1l-; I nun K H|'.'('. Tlw 1':1: ml" Kizmlt-r 14111:` l`m' Ilwg _\ (':II' n~n Hm-, .'il.~t. ltili .~|m\\`(-l Hlmt I2!) 1u~1'.~` had ht-on lovkml up inllxrilu: lllv _\'t,~:11'. HHS m:1l(-.4. `_ 3 H-- [1n:1h~:<. 'l'l1(- p1`i.~'011(`r.~' hurl lwon 0111-` plo_\'(~(l at 4-utlin: \\`uotl zuul 1n:1kin [in1p1'n\'mum1ts to the (`0unt_\' pro- p(-1't_". QT` l 'l`l11-1'<- is111m'(- (':1l:11`1`l1 in this .~.('(`ll()ll 01' lllt` (-01111l1'_\' than :1ll nll1(`1' (ll.<(':\.i(`>` put t0j_"1~tl1(-1`, and for )'1*111'.< `it \\'i1$ s11pp0.s'1-l to he i111:111'11l)lv. l)o(-101'sp1'(~:41-1'il)o1l lm-:11 1'1-1111-1li1-5. :1111l l13.' <~011st1111ll_\` l'11ili11_: to 0111-0 with local t1'(".1t111o11t, p1'01111111101-1| it i11o111'11l)l1*. Cz1tm'1`l1 is a local ulis-I I l I lease, ;.:1'catl_v i11fl11cnco1l by consti- t11tiom1l co111litio11s and tl1o1'ul'01'e re- q11i1-os omistitutioiiul t1'e11t111011t. Hall's Cutarrli Cure, 111:u111fact111'e1l by F. J. Cl1e11e_v & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is 11 constitutional remedy, is taken i11to1`11ally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Syst0111. One Hundred Dollars reward is of- fered for any ~cnsc that 1-I11ll s Cn- tarrh Cure fails to cure. Sand for. circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & 00. Toledo, Ohio. Qnltl H1.` nruurwricfc 750 11a tion. ('.'nnirm:1n Kin in his in:n1'_-'1n'nl d to tho Bnzml 01' l`Ilu(-ntion `. 1.1. \.Illl'J.L`L`J.l ca UV. Luluuu, \JIuu. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall s Family Pills for constipa- inn HA. SIMS. Manager in Banking n1n:l_t-rn ill\'i1(`(|. laid o1npln1.s'is on the advzlntagrvs to the S('1l01111'.s` by 111:1kinL:' lIl()l'(` 1i.~`(` 0|" ` tho Pmmy Bank, not only in -.1 .~':1vin-: spirit. but that oven thv ]mmi(-.4 0| the I-hildron go t0\\':n'ds tho :1.s'. nnoe of the j_*0\'o1'mnc11t; and at the saline Limo d0inl_-` tlwir hit" 10 hvlp (-1111 the W211`. (`lost-l_\' voluloctml \\'ii'h money .~'.:1\`iug' is. tho honw -_-':mh-us <'11lti\':11im1 in whit-h the <~hil Fall] 1, ,. 1.:,.. .`....a \\'l.2l.. H. ` .` ....d- IH,-.. L1St(`ll1l1.," to the 511101111111 :1(1(11'(:ss of 311'. Do11:1111 Ross 1)c1'm'c the town 0011111-i1 Inst \\`('('1{. 111 s11ppm-t 01' 11 civic __-1'a11t to 1111-. (`o1111L\' C11i1111'(~11'.~'. Aid Snci(~t_\', 0111- <-011111 not 1101]) :3. 113011112` akin to 511211110 t1121t s11<'11 i11- stitutious 0011111 nnt 110 111:1i11t11i11o11 w1t11n11t ]11`i\'11t(` <-i1i7.1~11s 11:1\'i11j_: 10 1111110111" |w1'n1'n :1 1m1_\' like t11(- town 0011111-i1 111141 be-_-` 101' 111n11o_\'. 11' is 111110 1110 1101111 01' 1111* ( 11i1(11'(`11's ;\i1l So(-ioty, 111 '1'n1'011t0. \\'n11111 111-. 11i111so1L' 111 .~'(-1'111'i111_-' 1<-;_:1.~:1211i011 111111. would put this 111-11111-11 01' 111111110 sor- vh... nn .1 nnv \\'1111 ntlmr I-`n\'o1'1111w111: IIIUIIU) HIJVIII; L`: llI\ II\lIlll _u|\n\ 5-: (lo :1 l)'i_-4' 1nu't. \\'l1ll<' it is not lll{(*- ly tho Board cl" l.(lu(-axtiml will l21l{(' into ('011.~'i the (-ullivation ml 11n-oomlpionl n1'cz1s. still :1 plan <-nultl be m'nl\'ml wl1m'ol)}' the .<.<=l10l:1rs mi}.-"ht he 011('()111`:lf1`(`(l to pay morv at- 4-....Hn.. hx Hun lunnnn Iran-ll:-n< l):n'_ 1Hlj."llL Ill` UIl('l)llI`il;t'l1 lU |m_\ nun tontinn to the honw g,-`anl(-ns. outs also mi;_-`ht hv shown thv V of o11<'0111':1f.v`i11_2 tho boys and to <-ultivato :1 small patvh 0!` an Hi11(*e tho C01l(-_-_-'iat'o lnstitutv 1111110 up t 0\\`11 111141 1110 s<-holzxrs vzlll at the post nico :11. 110011, ('011diti011s :11'm111d tho lohhy have 110001110 110- 1*i1lo (' B0111 wi('.kvt.s' .-l1o111d 110 011011 ['01- dolivc1`_\' of mail at this 1115.11 l10u1'. Tho j:1111 at the doors sl1m11(l also be 1'oIio\'(=d by the ope11i11g4' ol` the double doors to thoir full. instoald of tho l1:11l'-11001` as at present. X Mr. \V. R. \Vhifo 01' P(-Illhmko, .~:p(-:1ki11.: in RL-:11'1'(-W ron-(-n1l_\' at :1 banquet for the County (`num-iIln1's 01' l\`onl'1'm\' (",011n1_\' said the l':u'm- ms wives had only to mi.-0 an ex- tm t111'k('_\` to moot lhv .\'(-:u'1_\' <-0:-it 01` :1 vote of" $1:')0.l)00 for tho Put- riotio and Rod (h'0. funds. H0 mi}_r'ht have added that the wholv cost to our-h l'z11'|nm' would hz1\'(- hr-z-n nmt in 0110 _\'v:u' h_\` ]n1`(ul11(-ix1'_-; an :1dditim1ul pit: or two. U`l"_ illl.ll.k1l1l)ll . X5 l'.\llL'l'Ll'\| LU sp1'n1'_-' Into t-x1.~tmu-(- wi-thin tllcl nvxt two \\'ovks. 'I'l1(~1'v :11'(- 374') 1':m1-` iilios in this town frmn \\`h"u-ll kin H1:1'.'(~ _u'<>11(- to tulw their stuml an vm.. .. _ :'.....1]I.. . ` l||l'II. ,h:1n:lwl [n'<>t('rt ` u-Mn .n In bc \ 1|I`_', ...... . . . x:1<-hon 01 A " In-t-lml. lll l]l|' l|'lIII|l|\ wluivh his str The only (1: l':1llin<: t`x'1-vs. not :xn_\'Il1inu' \.... ... 4|...` (Hll'('$ HI l'(HUl'.\ lllill ill! |l|l\' ll! llll' this. 1':11'(\l_\' h0:111t1l'I11 nml -mnp:n'n- t1\'vI_\' .\`(`:|l`('l' .~`]I('('l('.\' nl` luck. ()l `l*`I`_\in_: l :m. :1 ht-211' stm'_\` by II. C. H:uM(-H. ll:1\\'ks and (Hhvr (hmw l)ostm_\'m`.s" h_\' l\ (-u'in:1l ('}mu'lz1}'. ``\\'ith the '|'imh(*r \\'ul\`(-5 in .\'m'lh- rm (':m:ul:1." (~14-., (-tr-., ulnng` with tho 1'r\-_ruI:n' \\'hir-11 mm woll mnintzlilwrl. Inuko up :1 ]mrt.i(-- ul:u'l_\` intm'ostiI1-.: numh(-1' 01` this pronnit-r (7nI1z1(li;m 1n:1:.:':17.i1I<` of nut- (I0()1' lift-. W. J. '['n_\'|o1', Ltl.. \\'nod- Stork. 0nt., is the ]n1h1ishm'. | CUUI Sl`Ul`il_`.',C lllhlllillllill. An Indian tribe in Bolivia slum< the whites and lives as in the storm age, nmkin_: tools and \\ (`p0!1S of stone, bone and wood. Slabs of Imtural cork more than twice tlmir have been invontc-(I in cold st0ra insulzltiun. A T. . L...l.,. ... I2 Are you doing your duty? .\1'v you 1| '3| In- I _'.;II1|\` Ill Lu T]I(*.\'(* mi 1n__-t-{ht-1' `l`till`_" tho i1 .. A Strong ` oxpumlod to I twlcc then` normal 317.0 I'111f_r]:n1d for .. -._1..LI .... loin: your duty} THE NORTHERN ADVANCE WOIIIH ])lll U115 lH'illI('ll U1 lIl(|Illl' .~\'|` vice on :1 par with otiwr 5.-`n\'o1'11111 institutions. 'I`l1('so hmnvs 1'01` l'1`i<-111111-ss vi1ii rm1-~<-a11 t we :01 :1w:1_\' 1'1'm11 the 101111 sl1('1tm"'-:11'(\ s1111posml to 110 ( in.~:titutio11s, but only :1 sn1;1H portion 01' 1.110 (-xp<-11w 0|` 111:1int('n- anco of Sinit-00's 1101111` is borne by the county. and :1 u'1`11nt l'1'om muni- viynalitivs in tho (o11nt_\' is not 5.-'i\'vn unless the request is 11111110. t]1m'M'01'c the 1111111z1go111o11t 01' tlm institution in Barrie is oo11tinn:1ll_\' in (i(`(`]) water in 1'05.-'a1'1l to Iinzlnc-i:1l 1m1tto1's. And is it 11ntu1'11l to suppose :1 simi- lar state of :1lT:1i1's exists in othvr cmixitios. The s_\'s1on1 is all \\'mnu'. Counties s-11011111 bu coinpollod to maintain those institutions the sunio as is done with tho House of R(>l'11_-_-'0: or the P1'ovi11ci:1l 2'ovo1'm11o11t should take hohL l(`I'(` \\ its il \ il.\'il my round the (-mxnoil the l'uil11x'o 01' the 1` 01'. count-i1lm'.< 10 - Mills` :1 sufhcit-n1 on tho 1)11sin(`.~'s of , ,1: 1 LI... 1. ox 1 )('(`l(`(l 1:1: \\';.i M; ~ ; nntudnul \\'H'h r. I ill- - vzlluo 1 -_v`i1-ls _',':ll'(l(`l). to the 111e111bc1'ship of` the \'a1`i011s vo111111ittoes 11:11} to he ovv1'(-01110. This 111:1ttI.>1' \\':1s taken up by the elected 111011113913 and :111 (*x]1o1'i111o111 t1'iv(l- 1l1:1t oi 0011`.111itt0cs oi" sniuller 1111111- bv1's--i111l(-od. 1-o111111ittv(-.s~ of one. 111- st(':1 oi` l1:1\'i11;' 11111111, 111111` or 1no1'v 1111-11 on :1 vmxililittoo, 11('cvs>'i1:1ti11L_: loss of time 1.-'(`tii11`.:' ('o111111itt(>os to- _.;utl1o2' 01' 0o11sidc1'i11g' the views of 1110 1111-1nho1's \\'il(`1l i11 1-0111- 111itt(-(-, 21 ro111111iti0(- of one to look 11H:-1' (-uvh i(-1111111111-111' \\':1s s11:'2`(~st- (-11. \\'i1|1 <'(11'tz1i11 .~':1i'v_:'11:11'1s to 1-hock possible rash :11-tion 011 any mm 11121113 11:111. .\I111'(~ p1'm11pt 111-- tion and i111li\'il11:1l 1'('S])()1).\`ii)iiii_\' \\'o11]d ho the ]11'0b:1bl0 rvsult 01' such system. It is soniewhnt 111011;` the line of tho 0110-_i11d,u'o .s'_\'Si(`l]l now i11 \'O_L'.'110 at 111311) fairs. 111 the old days 01' tl11'oL- _i11d5.ros tli(-1'0 was 111111-11 11('n1111i11*_-* :111(l l1awi11__-', 11111! lo:1vi11;' to ot11o1's. 0110 j11(i<;`o 1m1kos his dooisio11 11101-0 p1'01111>tl_\'. with due sense of 1'ospo11sibilit_\`, and on the z1\'(31`:12'e with loss o1'1'o1' 1111111 1111- tl11'oo-11ot\\'iH1st:111dim: tho :1 that "in :1 11111ltit11do of (`D1111- scllors H101-0 is \\'isdo111. Of 00111-50 i11 hi`: q110sti011.~'. the 1-011111-il wouhl l1n\`o to he 0o11s11lted_. 111-fail work and 5110!) 111attC1's being loft to the 0o1111cillo1" in o11a1'_:(- of the dc- pz11't1no11t. How often is the oxmlso ;:i\`o11 i11 r-0'.111ci1 for 501110 1-1-port, tl1a'c"tho 1k-lay is o\vi11_;' to 1':1iI111'o. in getting a r'o111mittee quo1'n111. 1 , [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if x: The now \\'an' Sa\`i1):s CortiIi<-:1tos \\'lxi(-h lmvo boon crc-atod by the Gov- ornment to 0l1C0111'f.l'0 thrift and economy and to give e\'e1'_\'on(- an op- portunity to assist in fi11:n1ci11}.; our war L-x]:c11ditu1`o. are now on sale at evm'_\' bank and m0no_\' order post 0m('(','iI1 Canada. The (-,o1'tiIi(-:1t(* $0113 for $21.50. the $50 for $43. and the $100 for $86. As an invcstn10nt these (-crtifioxites o1'l'(-1' mam)` :1t't1':1c- tivv t'(*at111'(`s~-(`l1i(-I 0|` \vhi('h :u'(- HH- absolute secu1`it_\' and tho (-x0o1I(-nt iIll(\.1'CSt return. For v\'(-1'__\' $`.2'1.:'>I) lvnt to the G0\'m'Inn(mt now, $125 will be rt-t'un1od at the om! 01` tlm-o _\`(':H'S. vow. _ .. . . `,...&....,.,. u-I U0 l'('llU'll('U ill LlH.' (`UH U] llll\'(' _\ Vill. Til(`I'(` uro two other 1'4-z1h11`o.s' which :11'(' (-spr-<-i:illy iim-r(-. in snizxll in- \`(-~:toi's. Fi1'.~`t. tho ('v1'tif1'x-:it0s inny hv s111'1'(*mlor(*d at any tinw. ii` thr- })n_\'c-)' should 110011 his mom-_\'; uml sovolld. (nu-h ('(-I't`Hi<'ut(` is 1'<-_ at: Ottawa in the bu_ve1"s nmnr~ mid. it lost 01' .~;t0h-n. is Hw1'-:' \':1h1r-~ less to znlyono (-150. But while 1h(-_\` are excellent l'1'om an im'<~.< nxwnt staiidpoiiit, the co1`tir:1tos should appeal .~'t1'011u'L\' to C:mmli;ii1s })L'r`:ll|.\`(' tho)` oft}.-1' tu those who must >'(`1`\'(` at homo :1 spli-iidinl opp0rt11ni1_\` for :1 most im1u(n'tzn11' pntrinliv S('l".'i(`(`. Tho pm'. who lmuostly saves in the vxtmit 01' his zihility and ]v111('('x' his ${1\'il]f_"S at the disposal 01' HH` ({o\'o1'1m1ont by ])ll1'CiHlSilLJ tlwsv ner- tiIi(-:itv.~'. inziy fovl that he is h:1\'iu'_" :1. di'i'vL-t share in 1'(:(- (`([lIi]I])iH*.;` n..n\2Hm.i....- n|I\- 1"-nx-nlinn UH.` ('.\U'llL ()1 I113 z1IJ111L_\ illlll |IIu'(\'\ and nnmitinnim: our (":m:1 sol- di(-r.<. \\'h(-) are so nobly doin'." tlwir part. I)1n'in1: tho I{z1i.e01"s visit to .\1itz1u two Russian nirnu-11 flow over the town and droppc-d :1 1mmb(*1' of bombs. 1.. .. D" 1.. 1.-.... L...... l(\I'\KJ Il\}l\lu In the motto)` of 5.~'i\'i11g_- by muni- cipalities to\\'ar(l.~: tho Simcoo Comlty shelter, tho 2111.-`x1x11(*11t was used by tho speakers hol'oro the Council that :1 grant from Barrio meant much in sec111'inu' like grunts t'1'on1 other towns in the (-ount_\`. Tho t'ailu1'o 01' Bzu'1'io to pay :1 :1'ant should not ])]`Cj11(ll(`(` the other towns nor shoulxl it later the (li1`(-(-tors t'1'om asking; for :1 _"1`:u1t. t,'1'om tho other n1uni(-i- politics in the county. II` the law suit now pomling-' is n:_-'nin. this town it will mean from $:30() to $600 v.\'1w11(lit11r0. :1 100:1 onouuh 511111 to come out of tho Barrio 1`:1to1m_\'- L-rs \\'ithout. 1m1kin_ :1 ;_-rzmt--:m ox- ]cmlit1u'o othor towns cannot ho ml- lml upon to make l)(`(`:1l15(` tho home for tho (`llll(ll`(`l1 is not located in lll(`ll' n1id:~;t. - -- -n x 1: .1 illl llUlll NIL` lllUlllll'l.'ll Hy HNlL'HlllUl_\. Spocinlons of almost o\`m'y proc- ious minerals have been found in Spit'/.be1`{_v`c11. but tlloro are no si}:n.~:, ncco1'din_; to ;1'onln_:'i.~'.ts. that ])I'(`l -} ions 1ninr1':1I.~: exist in pzlyilr.-' <;!1:::1~'~. I UUlIIUB- In n Paris no1'o(Iy1mx111(= 1:1b01'z1to1'y for to.~`t'in_-_: nmdel :w1'0pl:1no~' wiml speeds as hi<,:'h as sc-vo11t_\'-one miles rm hour are ])1'od11ocd by nun-l1ine1'_\'. Srnnnilllnnc nf' nhnrmf nvnrx` nvnr-- Chief Event it: the War a Year Ago l"(-b. l'_ . 15H(i -- .\ 1v1')'iHv H441 ., L . I I.`l.... l.... A 15316 ;\ tm` hzxtllv 1':1:`ml I'mm l"l:n1 tlw (Th:1m]:1'.'m- un the \'.'<-~ frnnf. L`. I. 1! 1nI/- I`| , 1\..: IHllll' illlll .`lllH\. Ft-}). 15. '|SH6~$'ix' 'l'h01n:I.~; (Ir-li\`v1'<* his l)1_1<!:vt .~']wv<~l1 :11` ()ttz1\`.'n. l'n1'(~1-:\.s'1i1|_:' zlirt-rt tux- utinn upon hu.s'in(>ss p1'0Iit.~'. Wt-II Hi 1(HlL..']`lun l`:II\ <;!||I-` illlllll UIHHI UU.`lHl'3.\ [U\1lll.V~ Ft-h. Hi. 1S)1(i--Tllo l`:1lS.\'i:|ll.s` ':1ptu1'(-cl ]C1'7.m'11n1 l'1'mn tho 'l'urkn'. WEEKLY CALENDAR Council Meetings L`. 3. H. m1r;'rm I-`.riti. -1' .\rMhu.<:1 .~'1xjm'1-: :1 uml sank. 1." '|l|1t? C`f.. 7l`L`..... .l1n'_\' .~\s. F01). '_ UHI. Bai'1'io (*o1mr~il will 2-'i:1uH_\' ]>u_\' H10 1916 and no doubt -_-'i\'(~ :1 fur- ther one this _vo:n- when the matter of liuhi1it_\' in (-onncotimi with child- rcn sont to Proviiicial institutions and the Post plzicod whoro it bolnii-_-:<. Tho ('I1iI(l1'on's Aid Not-ioty 01' 011- iarin Silflllili hostii` I1wn1. to` have this ion]:-hnlo in tho stzitlltos t-losoul 11]. and till this is :1tt(~11i(`d to, Bairrio can not bu counted upon to ;_-'i\'o fimimdnl aid. On the other hand, the (-mmcil .~:hm1ld p1'0t`(->1 a_2'ain.~;t ha\'in<.-' Hm in.~`iitut`im1 Inuit- vd hr-1'0 if 511:-11 li:ihilit_\' is to 1'<-nmin afzainst the town mvinv: to the in- stitution being` so lm-utrid. Rmlnl ml` !".ulur-ulium `ll l'_ ll1. Events this Week a. year 3gO H, H)](i-I)-:11lI in Tu- nl ,\!i. .`x1m ]:1xl<-1'. 1' svhnnl it-:1<-lwr. Ilt-nth ilip Hlyznmlmn. Hm |vin- Moon's Phases J-'(~l)ru:1r_\' 15/`.\IiS.\' l;illi:1n :1]]mi111ml ]:m`:mnn- vlmnl lmrsv. The policy of` {`ri_;fl1tl'nlness unre- .~'trainc(l by any lnnnan or divine is what Gerinan_\' has announced, and every device that human in_rennity or Ll.0\'lllSllll()SS can invent will he rc.~0rte(l to. The l\_\ ])ocris_\' 01' the German policy is manifest tliron-:h it all. Profession is made of no (l(`5l`."11 to lunnblc other nations, or to (lo other than would be Fair #0 the right 01' nation.-3, a iiiziliifcst 'l`h( -, l'nite(l Slates and other 1'es1u-ct than cnemy l)(-llig_-'e.1'e11t>;. The Unifetl States is told where i'll(`_\' 1nn_\' _-_-`o on the l1i__-.'h .s'ea.s'; unxler what conditions they niay go at all, anxl the Illl1)ll)(`l' that will be permit- lexl to en}.::1g(~ in ('ertai1i trallic. Ves- sels bel0n to the lll)ll(`(l .\'t21t(-s which :u1lu-re to the narrow restric- tions laitl (l()\\'ll are to he treated as en(.'mi('s and sunk without warn- in_-_-`. It is evitlent that the (lcrnian authorities now in control either he- licvc that they can hlnll. the lfnited States into silence as well as sub- IlllSl0ll, or they are i11(lilTe1'e11t as to wlrat cnur. the United States 1na_\' . . Q.` {Hun flu. l l nu L`nl-nnn lie. neut- rals are trcatenl with s(~arcel_\' more _ y Wlllll, (.`()Ul'>'C LHU U1llu'u nLiI.u'a nm_\ decide upon. So far as the Itlntcntc Allies are cm1(:(-r11o.1 the sigtxiiicztxxao 01. the (}orm:m note lies in tho ovi-l it abrds 01' the oit,-z1c_\' 01' the -\l1i(-(1 blockade of Germany. Such u non ..nnl.] _-nu:-nnlv hnvn nnnun p11]v(:1' ownc-(l by Hon. G(30l'_`_."(`, P. (lrnlmiii, who, st1'zn1}_:'o to say, was once h(~1'al(le(l as the suct.-essor to Sir \Vilf1'i(l Ll111`lC1' as loader of the Liberal pu1't_\'. sconis to have 21 par- tioular aptitude 1'01` the slimy l)i':m 01' politics. It almost daily 1'ol`o1's to Sir Robert Borden as the spine- loss B01'(lon" 01' tho spineless l 1'im(- Mi11islo1'. (`}o0i'}_"o P. musf have givt-n up all hope 01` o\'m' ho- oominu Lilmrzil lomlc-1', for sucli l0\\'| l:!('ti(`s will <-m'tainl_\,' not appnzil to (low-1.-nt inimlml Liberals as :1 11c.-ooss-V 111') qiuilifioation 1'01` lv:ulv1'slii}u. The} lwoplv 01' Czmzula. i1'1'(-.s]n(~('ti\`(~ 01' politics. lmmv Sir l{0h(-1-t l3m'(lon to l)r- :xn_\'t'l1in`_-` but s])i)1(`l(*s.~;."' Tho B}'0Cl-2\'lll(` Roconlor, :1 news-\ 1 -'Llll(`(l l)l0(`KU.(lL' UL \.1u.l'nnu1_). ouun :1 note could s(-u1'('e1_\' have come from :1 Go\`e1'n1n(-11 that \\'a.~'. not in the last stzlgos of tloslmrutioll. Tho Board of E 11215 tak- en the ri:_`ht 1-011150 in (](,`('i(1iI1;__" that ('.'n:m'm:1n (*.\'p(~1'ts m|]_\' will :1d\'i.<(' as to 1111` :1dd1`o. Sir \\'i11'1'iz1 Lu1n'i0r porsolmlly in-I hm-cl Lucien Calmon to oppose .\I1'. S0\'i_L;'ny in I')()1'(-1105101`, and M1'.' (`unnnn in all 01' his .<]-(-adios do--. -lurml to his :111uli(-nv(-s-I speak to 1.. Ln ..-3... nu` I.-nu-imv " I-`.\-i- I'lilll`H IU HA3 (lllI|l\`Il| V31 I nluuu .1: you 111 1110 111111111 01' L:1111'i(=1'."' livi- 11(\11t1_\' .\11'. C:11111011 was 11(1t01'111i11(~11 111111` 1115 1(>:111(*1' \\`m1111 11111 11a\'0 111(- n}11m1't1111i1_\' 01' ]11z1_\'i11_*_-' 1110 110111110 3.1111110 with 111111 by 1'(111111i211i11_:` 11is' t1'1':1sn11o11s 11111-1':111(-Os in ()111':11'i0 111111. (-1.~'(1\\'11(*1'<- 011151110 01' Q11(-11(-0. S11m1111[ 11011110111 .s11'3l1( L'_\' 0:111 1'01` it Sir \\'i1-| 11111 \\'011111 not 1105111110 :1 11101110111 to . 1 11111110 1, 111111011 the coat. 11111 not so. this 111110. 311'. (';11111011 111111011 S11" \\'i1I'1-icl with: I speak to you 111 1110 11211110 01' 1.:1111'1v1'."' A1111 t111'011u'11 it 1111 Sir \\'i11'1'i 11121111111111- ` ' '1' , A fl .. III lll" II(lIIlK' Ill 1111 \\'1 ml .~'i_'_-miit-:mt .<,1l(*11<-0. An HHa\\`a hank r'l(-rk is minn.< :1 $1,`_2()0 position i)('('1lll.~`( ho :1l1.`\\`(`l'_('(i! {ho r111(-.~'tions on tho .\ u1ion:il Rm`-` \'i(`(` van] in :1 _i0rl1i:l1` lll11lll1('I'. 'Fhc' ioanl ho filled was a11s\\'(~1'(-(I in (ill-i gplioate am! the !H:1llf_."(`1` 0|` the lhranch, 1'(`P('i\`iIl`_'.' tho ilnplioato saw `that his ('1(-rk was trying` to make a` farce ol' i'(-5.-'ist1'ation and he \\`:lsl ;*i\'on his innno :ii.~'n1issa|. T110 clerk had not been absent one day! in the last` year, but he wrote on his card that he had boon confined to a liospital 1'01` S(`\'0l':1i weeks. Other questions \\'o1'c- handled in a similar mamior and the bank llHlI]ilf_."O1` came to the conclusion that 1110 clerk was not the calibre of man he wanted in his oinploy. He was .{'iV(.'1l his dis- missal aiid is now without :1 posi- tion. 110 cannot get a situation in another bank as a letter of recom- mendation was (ieliiod him. Now that the hens cannot obtain gjreen stuff in the fields, it must be }. to thorn in tho fonn of mlhhavzt`. xnanv.-`(=15 or .-zonncthinr,-' of )that kind. Political PLUMBHNG AND .. I ans:\\`(`1'.(-d I mml Sm`- nor. The r-rl in (lu- r 01' ionic THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 191T< 2 From Tho .\ of F:-h. N, 1-S`f)'.3i .~\ lzu"_* (| (It-l(".:':xti0n 01. the W. C`. 'l`.[ U. uppv:1r(- In-I'm`v the town roulu-i1` in .x'up]m1't of :1 In-tilitnl In l'('Ihl('('l the hotel livm1.~'c~s to nine l'r(m1 1-It-\'-' on anal no slmp 1i(-misc. A hy-l:u\" W115 intmtllu-(-I to so l'(`(1ll("(` thv li-{ ceust-s but was dvI'vut(*d on the` third 1'0mhn_u'. .\ .-nun;-.1] I-nI1l\n n:nnrnHfnn '21: