Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Dec 1916, p. 8

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Keith. Rumble, son of last Witness corroborated his father s evidence.. Said wnt up `the old road. Mrs. Blanche Farragher, who lives to the south of the destroyedhouse, saw the re a little after 2.00 a.m. The stable was are and ames` were coming out of the back door of the house. Did not see anyone about at that time. Isocm. AND "in-:wsoNAL This concluded the evidence. Mr. Boys `contended that there was A no evidence produced to send his client up for trial. run , ,,!_L___L- ___1|_,,_,-:I 1., LL- The magistrate referred to the changing of` insurance from one agent to another, to the `fact that the premises were vacant when de- stroyed, pointing to incendiarism. He was not trying the case, that was for a- higher court. He committed `the defendant to stand trial at the sessions in June, 1917. Bail was xed at $600. " ` I Saiter has gone to Chicago for a short visit._ ` ' Toronto for ,` ms. :1 Miss Helen. Dougall is hum; from` .l`o1"onto for the holidays.- --.--~ 1- I n 11 ~ .1 *'iii'1ie1i's;1E"31Zs gone to Woodstock for the` holidays. L. 1'-wen -r1-___-__ fro \1- 1-4 1 Mr. L. J. Salter spent Christmas! n `incurr- -_---_~v v- --------a ~- '* Mr. W1VI-ia;;1;t;r-df New York jg a . 'Second 'DeputylReev_e Robertson, Years On Vcouncil Board WhO`thiS coming lnunieipal election _is in the race for the` Mayor s ehair has given ten consecutive years to the work of the town. He entered council as representative from ward three. ' I wce; O'\r;c:o:1't`:;'::t.:5 go; `an; C-}_re'y.'C`lo;h`O/crcoa'ts: _.oo, in sizes 38, 40, 44. On sale t $10-90 - dies' Fur Lined Coats, 2 only, lmed wxth Muskrat and having ne Skunk collars, regular price $50.00. On sale th '_ week at $25.00. _ _ Io" nly Ladies Coats, 1n brown snd grey Tweed, -2--- - . 5...: .0 ....I.. On uh: hnfm-n efnrl:-fakino at each 1 -v--`y___._ 2 Wolf `Sets, one blu, one black, regular price $45.06. To clear at $30.00. : I brown; Opossum Set, good style, regular price $32.50. On sgue at $20.00.. ` 5 only Mihk Marmot Muffs, Princess style. To ciear. ..L;4-urn 3_ at $4J-- I Ladljgs Sets of Furs at Great Reductiqn Great Bargains` in Mejn"s J (_)_verc_oa_1$ at }`0.00. j __-__ r`I-a.l. (N .... ... 7 .l4'd.UlC3 \4UaI.3, Au ulvwal an-u 8-- ..u\,..,.,, 33 only. On sale before `stock-taking at each visiting his sister, Mrs. Donald Ross, I -..- -. .- -. . .--1 I K. M1-s.vJane Leeoe and two childreo `are spending the holiday in Tohonto. `Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Gallie spent Christmas with their son in Toronto. ._Some of `the pictres' of` B Co. _oi'dered_ by parties in -town are still at this office. It is requested that they be called for on or before Fri- day evening ofthis week. Orders are st_i11_' solicited. ` - '%"11i;j*`;;.`a"M;s.{R.*m:gg ml the` guests of Mr. and Mrs.) C. J. Bant- ing`. `-311'. Arthur VV'oo_dhouse is home from the University for the holi- days. . l l\Ir. and Mrs. Gren. Caldwell are home from Edmonton for three months. ' Mrs. Otto Redfern were with M1`. and Mrs.` G1'iiths for i Christmas. Mr. Mrs. Gordon \Ve1Is spent ` the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dougall. - I` IV IV Al Ti , ,1 `T1,, l`II_,,.1- I . _ - ..c..__- F C. S. Grasett, B1'aceb1'idg, Claude Faux, Lindsay and R. Hunt, were in town for the holidays. ' -Ir 1 `II T 71- 1-. and Mrs. J .7 H. VBennett were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett, Midland,.fo1' Christmas. : Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Tschorke of Rochester, N .Y., spent Christmas [with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Crew. 1_\Ei'ss."i`et'tl1a Scott, of Bracebridg `visited her sister, Miss_ Madeline Scott, of the G.N.W. Tel. oice, fgirt the holiday. N. B. `Johnston returned home on Tuesday, December 26th, after spending a few` days ip To- ronto. up---g - _ -_'-- V . -_ Tuesday morning, Dec_ember 26th, the bay presented a substantially frozen appearance, indicating that the ice` was here for the winter. Last year the bay froze over on De- cember 30th. In 1914 the date was December 22nd. ~Mrs. A. `Le'adley and Messrs. Jack and Leadley Grant were the guests of` Mrs. Robert`Lead1ey for Christ- mas. - -' Miss Esther Henry, who is taking a course at the Faculty of Educas tion, is spending her holidays at her home here. ' V Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong , Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Wm; strong and` Miss Louie Armstrong, Hamilton and M1-_. Harry Armstroiig spent Christmas` with Mr. and Mi. \ E. Armstrong, Bayeld St. Major Jos. Rogers 1 day of last week `for :3 it Wit11 his grandson, %Rog'ers, Binghampton, 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion. - E 11 a.m.-Morning prayer am! Sat- mon. R-esuming the course .on`th epistle to the Romans. L 3 p.m.--VSu_nday School. ;- 7.00 p.m.- Evening. prayer. am} sermon.-` ` A Retrospect. am VnnuQ g TI.--o 10 a.m.-Morning praper follov by Holy Communion. 1 , - A Everybody welcome A ~ Rev, E. D. Raymond, Vicar, ~---- -7" ------------~ Pastiir, Rev. G. R. 'r;u-k;-`.33; Sunday, December 31st : `5 5. 11 a.m.-Morning service. . V Sunday School will be ut73 2- pm. 4 . . V 7 p.m.-Evening service. _` 4.; Good Music._ All welcome." I " and bring 9. friend. [ L ' Vjgcemm Methodist Ir, T-Tn!-rnnn ` ' Bay` Frozen ' Ovef W Sunday, December 3131:, 11"a..ii1}-+Morning-'~3ifvieia.L_;'V'._ -,~Su'n`c>1ay.--Schq`ol at I , k A 917 &C.I H p V "Ali? ("nu-um-...... T1:i1it}_' (}_1u1`urh ., ..--....J , .4 wvvnnnnrvn va.uv simaay After Ohristn1a.s__ Sunday, `-December 31st` I__- J _ ,, left on Thugs: a month s , Mr. Jos.`Ig_4 TTI1 Inspector Viewed Ruins V Thursday last an_inspector repre- sentmg the msurance compames 1n- Vterested visited Barrie and looked over the ruins of the Collegiate Institute. A It is expected that 2. meeting of the `Board of Education and the adjuster will be heldvthis week. ' ' -Upho1stering~ done by %prienc- ed men. W. A. Lowe & At the close of choir practice,_in Trinity church `onr Friday evening` last, the members presented the choir leader, Dr.VA1'na.l1 with a walk- ing stick and to Miss Constance Pal- ling, the organistwas given a copy of the revised prayer book. Lieut.-Cnl. Golquhoun Promoted A Prbs%% bus Choir Presentations ii 'a.;;;;,;tc1; I{7.~i1}'r313az1{ ggpers from Brantford states that . Lieut.- Col. M. A. Colquhoun, has been gaz- etted a brigade commander and at- tached to a headquarters unit. He formerly commanded the 4th (Mad _Fourth" ) Battalion at the front, and Was'recei1tly 11on1e- on furlough. ./The Advance at the Bookstores In English Hopital Last week it was expected that Mr. Cubitt-Nichols, of -the Clarkson House would have arrived home af- ter `a visit to his relatives in Eng- tlanid. "Instead came a letter from him with word that he_ was soon to enter a hospital for treatment. Tues- .. day came a cablegram to Mrs. Cub- itt-Niehols that _' her husband had f'-il_`h;iAL.dyianccii ..1. at the bookstores of Walter Scott, J. G. Keenan and Roy Stone, price `three v cents the copy. Also at '-the oice of publication. $1.00 a year delivered in town or mailed to any address in Canhda or Great Britain. To U. .S. subscribers ,$1.50, strictly in ad- vance. ` . llezlllll Mrfs'. '|4UWl1 luuu;-3. II All 0915:`, II ynvnv pa_rt. Cheap 1_f ken a1_;_?_, once. iily Mi",-"iIA`QBV j _. 22 , V Barrie. ` t9_i`e' wg V` 50- Fictu1'es framwedn at .Douga Bros. gm, ~m1AIl .g ~Wi11_?;buyV or._.. `ease- Apply A1 `ed ;f5ViI1es, Ba 1. 3;. - T 5272 "'j)ort.:3.,k'>lc.a-saw ' To the PatrbxiT&% wsim 1i.,nv'rs.i `ef'%E'-e. .J._w . . 50-5gp R 9SA .1 Brik 'residjence on {`=,{jBayl _,.St. 9 robxps and. bath ; '_e_'\'er3"r` go.1}vcnie11ce, one acre with v v=v.`orchard;.;_; 7 Good garage. . Apply J`. `Fowler, Barrie ' 28-tf .__.._ ..`?.`.`,1.```.'*=,*&!s - 3' __ 7'..." rxlg-1:1,`: .-.| `_x ` In 15 ;c1 i{ q;jg>9sl`ffio3x;l1fs1q%:f;i-B`d1&," .1;:1_;= 1's*'av. and` 1nerc'ai`1"ti'eip'Hic_es s'i1i:.e I I :j i:`1il_ly V 1:1fn:1e;On:_.- .6pcratio n, Yp>_'u1'1gj_1\[I1.--'Y.oxV1'h_ Wo3:hen`- * ; ~ 7.1".-.'-".' - -. -_:'~ ($6 In rr . '1 4.. 4 adM_s ",5- ggyer 1, ,Hq-;sBgi_:, R35: d ne r )os1t1ons 111 -V'hen ylalxt good d1:;:;hard- Wood or s1ab_s, `;1 up 404. `3'_45-tf I-I. ' R 1 ` Sympathy -. from Orillia .\.-a . ~`1`rn -11:- _-_._-.....LL2....-. .14-L SQDIQQ -5111.`?-,I3.?51;.F.~`??`.-`T. . way , and V" " ri'1erca1it1Ie., Sept. `lst, thus releas brave young men who - way to the trenches to _` and n1e. D0 YOUR `B 1 ing a business. course at~-3. BUSINESS COLLEGE. n 1n it' ` `Dunn, .-u;,a1,I,' `icjes s`i1i.e mung ffaun. 3, 19 Iylpapvug -ass-vus v--..- Piiekt-44` `Orillia synipathises with Barrie in the destruction by re of its fine (}ollL'i':i 6e'i Institute building. Th_e loss is ptIt`at $100,000, less" $65,000 inshranee. The 'i11con"venience will "be. 's_e'rious,an'd the cost. of re-bui1d- i'xt;r-`21 t thls.'-t~ime 11eav_\;'. `The Chil- l ia Collegiate .Bo'ard. wired regrets` at the destruction of the building to Dr. Wallwin, chairman of the Pr'ope'rt_v committee. ` V Pictures From the Trenehes . Mr, H. B. Myers is the proud 'pos- essor `of several post cards and snap shots of scenes in Flanders and ac`- warded by members of the 76th Bn, He also has an etehingr, made by Pte. VVoods, of Midland, `of the 157th Bn., of the interior of a. sol- . dier s hut in Eng'land. Pte. VVoods when in Canada was an etcher "of note, several -of his sketches receiv- ing a place in the art f_v'a1lery at T0- ronto exhibition. - Christmas ` at the Post Office tual scenes` in the trenches, for\ Uultwvnuww urv vnnv .. V..- -__-- Not since Postmaster Paton took charge of the Barrie post office has there been such a rush of Christmas mail as this`yea1'. One-third great- erthan ever: before in my time is the way the P.M. put it when The Advance `put the question. Late Tuesday afternoon therewere many parcels that had been posted that day. Christmas day saw Mr; Paton hard at work; in this Way he par-| tially observed the 50th anniver-I sary of his marriage. | Water Pressure at Cell. Fire The 1-X-dwtallveellias to learn the size of the Water main that passes the Collegiate Institiuter There ap- pears to be no rec ord available to determine the size, The V water- works people _say it must be a six inch pipe, some in town there are who remember the pipes being laid are inclined to think it is only a four inch pipe. During the re 120 lbs. water pressure was maintained, the two boilers -nd pumps were in op- eration, three men being; employed, one to each pump and the reman. -Pictu`e framing a s:;';ecia1t* by W. A. Lowe & `-Son. L` days in connection with recruiting of handing in the names of eligibles` for` the army. Under the National Service plan, a census of` the man power of Canada is desired. cards for the purpose of obtaining this census to be distributed ' by local postmasters. No lists are supplied by the Government,- thus it falls upon the men between 18 and 65 to give in their names or apply for a" card. The men who are past the army age and are willing to help in any way have a chance to make knoWn_ their willingness to serve. The young man who is holding back will have a` chance in failing to hand` in his name to doubly p1*ove'himself "'13-lie1'::--is- said these` l a slacker. J p . Rush Hours in English Canteens ' suitabvle'?f6 1' ma, ' ',"rden,4 inside *F'bR `SALE, _' 39 crga good iand, `town" limits. Will s_ ; whole or part. _Chez}p Ap- ='r31v Ma nL arens-.,- -.;c.Sto_1e- -or Sergt. Robb in his letter from the front in this issue tells several amus-_ mg storiesin connection with camp life. One tale in connection with a canteen, Where an officer ordered the man in charge -to refund the price of a cup of tea to a bunch and many Who had not bought tea at this time also lined up for their money, re- minds us of a story that has come across the water of an incident in which the 157th gured recently. The men had a grievance against a can'- teen in the "camp owing_ to the` ex- orbitant charges.` One evening a `bunch of the` Simeoes were in this canteen at the time a line `plate of sandwiches were brought j in and deposited on the counter; There happened to be but one attendant `andwhen he went `to the far end of the place for some article, a general raid was made on the pile of `eats- . One of the boys had higher aspira- tions than plain bread-and-har_n, so `he picked up..a nice looking box within reach. Jealously guarding his booty", tracks` were made for the hut, when on opening `the box it was found to contain soap. '_1'O -RETAIN MANAGER. 1_>mc1: When it became known about the business portion "of the town that Mr. A. C: Price, local manager _of the Bell Telephone Co. was -to be re- moved to Newmarket, a meeting of _the Board of Trade was called to urge` the head oice to retain .Mr. `Price as local manager; '- mhn amnnn-`mid:-urn I-nan `H111: nu 'I`nnaJnv LILUC 113 IUUGI. Auauagcx. The meeting was held on Tuesday vice-president Sims` presiding. A. `strong resolution was bnssed point.- ing out that great service and cour- teous treatment was at-all_1:imes to be .obtained- from , Mr. .-Price .especi_9,lly. me trymg V 1 '.=-ae.a1; !iti;`.4',"1:he,*'1')hSt _summ ` "er`.` I'he'I'1edil o<':f e$V"1`iiI`l 1vet i`3_ questedz` to. recongider` fheii-7" ' ,, tem- ;p1ate.d:1-g_novaVI. of Mr. oi` . ~31 -`|'1'~'v.. -I.'.v"'..- 'I`aI `n. .1 JJQL L ICU 4_I:.,is undertood thatithe . j;agerselectg;_d_. _fp1_' /B`a.rrie' ' r.` G. Hand In Your Name t?%:i59;mTTE 9R:@T'W+ On. chargg of `suuginig Hip; Property at Hillidal . \ ` N 5* 5:} $3` Following is given the evidence in connection with the. preli1ninar_\Oj trial of`. Jos. Fitzgerald, charged. . with setting fire `to a house owned } by him at .Hi`I1sda}e. Actions was ` taken on the 'o`1r1e1'~of'P1'ov. Fire ; Marshal Heaton.'~'-'1`I1e Crown. was . represented by 'Mr.f Cotter," Mr.=Boys, ` K.C.,- defendingthe prisoner. . ;- ,, 1|r,"n A WEEK IN same l The first witness was Mr.` R. A. Kent, insurance agent, Hillsdale, for the VVaterlQo Mutual. He insur- ed the prop_erty since 1895 for Tlios. J_. Fitzgerald,; father of accused, ex- cept for a time while premises were vacant. Last i_nsu1'ance placed was f0r_$300, $280 on house and $20 on stable, loss payable to Mrs. Stewart. He valued the p1'operty at $450. Policy continued in force till 29th April, 1916;. on.tl1is date was noti- fied by Fit /lgeralcl to cancel the policy. 1 , :11 `If 'n,,,. ,__XL_.-._.. 1.2.1 1.`... 1-....-" I-V--- J ' . TotM1'. Boys witness said he knew defendant since a boy; had -insured. the property for the father; heard: nothing against the defenda11t', and: believed the risk a good one." ---- . . .1 IJ\.AA\.tv\.a\.u Ian-\.4 --....-- .. 0--.- _,,, '1`hos. Ward, insurance agent, told i of accused (3~0l11lIlg_t0 his _oice on` June 3rd and applying fora policy 1 of $550 on the Hillsdale propert_v." Accused had said the present.'insur- 3 ance Wasfor that amount`, $450 on 5 sued for $550. '_ Previously. Fitzger- _ ald hadvlisted the property with wit- ' ncss. forsale at $375.5 VHad not ex- aniinedsale list when insurance was i being.-' placed; loss"was made -payable to Mrs. Stewart for $200. . Learned later.that5.*a second Inortgage was placed for'$1_00 to Donald Ross.` On morning` of Sept. 11th got telephone |messag'e that the place had been `house, $100 on barn. Policy was is- . i burned on Sunday. , Mrs. "Fitzgerald had telephoned the news also that she owned the property. Later, on Momlay morning, she came to oicc and said that the Hillsdale stage driver had told her of the fire. Proofs of loss had been sent to the company and they turned them over to the Fire Marshal, who is prosecutor. \Vhen policy was ask- ed for, Fitzgerald said old policy had run out; later learned that ol( policy had not expired. ' TI` ' '\f 'I"I,,,_, ___fL,_,_,_,_ ,]V_ 1 _`_\ . r\...\. .__l.__ - W. To'M1'.`Boy. witness had no 'polic_vias guide to prepare new one. I Mr. Boys sharply questioned witness in regard to the amount of insur- ance asked for while he had the same property listed for sale at a very much lower g'ure., \\'itness re- plied that he knew the property was in his hands for sale but had fo1'g'ot- ten about the price at wliich it was otfered;.-had otfered the property to one party at $400.` \Vitness then told of a visit -he had from Fitzge1'- ald on Saturday, Sept. 16th when he said he was goiiig out to see the ruins. \Vitness drew attention to the fact -that the property was listed for sale at $375 a11d that the com-' pany was not likely to pay the pol- icy of $550. Fitzgerald claimed to have eancelledthepsale and placed it with another party` at $670. Defend- ant returned, to witness '4 office in the evening and said Hutton, the mail carrier. had told him (F.) that the re occurred early Sunday morn- ing also that he had `seen Colquhoun who" had ;a copy of the original let- ter `xing the selling price at $670. At the interview with Fitzgerald in the afternoon" witness said h had told.Fitzgera1d it was not like ythe company would pay the full insur- ance owing to the property being listed for sale for $375. The next interview _was in Mr. Boys oice. ` ` We were `alone, Mr. Boys having left us to see if we could reach-a settle- ment. The first thing that he said was that Mr. Boys had told him that I accused Fitzgerald of setting re to the premises. This could not have been so, because I did not think I had the information to seal the last link between the re and the guilty parties. , I told him he had better take the $375 but he re- fused saying that I was trying to get the diiference ($175) , for myself. After pointing out that all cheques are made payable to the insured, I refused to`- discuss the matter fur- ther.` Later, Mr. Boys said Fit er- ald would acept 500 for imme ate settlement as it would save expenses. and even if he won the costs would equal the difference. On Oct. 9 I phoned Mr. Boys offering to recom- mend `$425 but Mr. Boys did not think Fitzgerald would `accept it, being very determined. Subsequent- Mr.- Boys wrote letters threatening suit if -settlement were not made. " ` 5 A v _ Jos. Hutton", mail carrier between Barrie and Hillsdale was not' ac- quainted with` Mrs. -Fitzgerald. Did ..(nbt"~p}}'one} he1$ about` this re. Knew. Waetans-% rad:L%%`F`itzsra1d ? 5 ' Mr. Donald_Ross told of a stormy interview with Fitzgerald over `the placing of a new insurance policy when the one that was being super- seded was held for a client. Mr. Ross held two mortgages against the ._ property one for $200 and the second "for $100. ' A f To Mr. Boys witness said he con-_ 'sidered_ the security satisfactory. He -did not consider -it good business : one -Fitzge1jaLld sd_ part to. place new `insurance without consulting `him. jW as _;not. his custom to recommend . ,-:` L-.~_-.__`_-._; 1...... A.I..:...1... nu. .tnInn !j%.`;`:i;~**% `W 3-S___IIOU I115 cuxuum [U 1C\_JUluu1vuu Joan 5:%;gver - two-_thirg1(2r.`,9.thge ;v.a.lne -.`..c L `.13 huff? z, f iAJWANcn_. -I "7." J ._ swfrcnns your: dmbings and 119.90! a. Switchfmade out of your own hair by. Mrs; D. ' C. Hogrd, 190 Blah m.......a. . 34,4: house was 011 the_new road. Told` Thos. Fitzg'era1d, father of deft, in Barrie, of fire. ` III ..' -u. - The,ha1'ing: was then acljoufimed till the afternoon. M1`. \Va.1'd was recalled in the af- ternoon. \Vitness told `of hiring` team from I1'win s stable and driv- ing to.Hi11sdalc, showed team to Mr. _R. Rumble, Hillsdale, one" horse was plied for a vacancy permit ton da_vs_ before-fire, told witness house had been boarded up according.-; to regr- ulations in such cases. Dc-ft. said father had done tht-'boa1'din_9; up, the father reported having done Sp. rn .1 . 1 n '1 1 named Jimmy. Fitzfgerald lip` vGilbert Thomas, employee at Ir- win s livery barn, knew. Fitzgerald vf'or three or four years. Let Fitz- gerald lhave horse and buggy on Saturday evening, Sept; 9_th, horse was called Jimmy, rig was tak- en between 9.30- and 10.00, was alone when took rig away, returned same between 4.00 and 4.30 Sunday morn- ing. Did not enquire where rig was going, only do this when strangers hire. rigs. Mr. Rumble and his son visited livery limgn that morning` (of trial) they identified horse Fitz- gerald had taken the Saturday night. Mr. Ward hired` same horse and its mate to go to Hillsdale. To ,Mr. Boys witness detailed sev- eral visits a Toronto detective made to the barn and of his denying that ._.E_`itzgerald had hired a horse. Wit- Wness explained` that the reason the `denial: was made was to protect the ' `y ' A~__4`g.*;VAldenial y`y%s also made _to'_ Ward for the sax1`i._!:.1S*`.f8Q!1.'.:,..gIIe .. .L-_.1 22.2`-.3 .as cl-nnmnnit in fr. To the inagistrate Witness said the house was vacant because-tenant would not pay the increased rent. Dc-ft. said he lived in Toronto. To Hr. _Bo_\'s witness said Fitz- grerald same to see him each time he came from Toronto. The \Vard and Fitzgerald families were very inti1n- ate. The insurance company found no fault with the amount of insur- ance. A provincial A detective had made investi;:ati0ns at the instig`a- Ition of the Fire Marshall. .= Edward Colquhoun, the late tenant of the burnt house had place rented up to first September, had lived. there 17 months, left owing to thel increased rent from $3.50. to $5.50 a month. '33 at fire, which oceur- red about one o cloek in the morn- 'in_9;. `House and barn were on fire when he got there, both places were b111'11i11g_f'1'o111 the inside. Barn was six or seven rods from house, was calm 11ight,tl1ou2'l1t it was moonlight. Did not see Fitzg'eral(l, house wouldl be 1/; mile from the old road, could? get to house by crossing; elds. \Vas' offered place by a Mr. Curry `for $400. Mrs. Fitzgerald Wrote him gure. ' that she would not sell for that u.- I\ -. -1 1r_ jut` 3|; `,- ! To Mr._ Boys witness said Mrs. Fitzgerald -gave as [reason for not selling` that place was worth more. Several letters were produced by Witness, one letter was lost. which might have contained quotation of $600, but he thought if that gure had been stated he would have re-H membered it. . - V ` -1 IIl\.ALl.IJ\tL\.\.A av: : To the Magistrate witness said fire in both buildings was well de- veloped when he got -there. No at- tempt was made to save them as they were too far gone, ` A.. . Ill (5 "` V Mrs. Annie Celquhoun, wife of last witness was sure lost letter made no mention of $600 figure. The War huslnegs. ';A aenuu vyq; mau ulfnuao W'ar(' for the sax11?'_13_3a`so_;;. i:5.%He -;._had' sjigfxied `a statement; in Mr. Ward 's oce to the effect? that Fitz- `gerald{ had taken the horse and "rig M. +1.. "0441 of Sent. -Witness also g1'8.l(1_ 1180 taken Hus xluxm; anu ;.5 on the 9th of Sept. also related aisit made. to Mr. Cottel- s office` ,with detective Miller. During , evidgncq the ijvery-'1b`ook E I QP?;;1tock-takihg se1 `on is he; e, andtfor twq,y_{ee.ks we shall. make a big: effort 1:" clear out all odd sizs ai`nd. 9ger%- Christmas Goods ` _ __ Left Over ... '-. - VC}`\`ildren s Handkerchie . now on sale, 12 for 25. 1Uf,.... .. 1:`--_-IJ- Ll'_..._1l_-..-L:..A`.. ......-. July, Ll: IUI 635-- Men s Excelda Handkerchiefs now `on sale, 3 for 25. ` T ...-11.... T_"l -....ll..-....L2..'.. -..2A.L ....I-.....I 2 Ladies Handkerchiefs, with colol-`ed edges, on sale", 2 for ::5c.. M ' (`LTD !C'l"1\:f/\C \Tf\\T13`I' TYTTC \.a_J..L.I.\Ln.JLLvAL.luJ L\\JVJ_4l..aAAL.4LJ Clearing balance of :2oc. and 25c. ar- ticles alljat one price, 100- Millingry a1`:_. J . ELLE Stljeet. ` . 5 Beautiful Trimmed Hats and Mil- linery Trimmings. A large assortment to choose from. 4 On sale at a sacrice before stocktaking. Sarj eant & King, Limited .3, uu can, A uu .. .. _EH_R1s'r`MAs _N3C3VEAI:'I`IIfZS - Sacrifice Prices liarmms Ioill Iwas p1'od1iced which showed the en; tries of the. horse having been hired.l Richard'Rumble, of Iyiillsdalei told of walking in from the C. P. R. sta- -tion at C1`-aighurstn with his son to his home in Hillsdale, leaving the station at 12.35. When about half- way through the swamp a rig pas- sed `him; he paid particular atten- t_ion "to the horse in the hopes of recognizing` the driver so as to get a place in the rig for his son. Sides of buggy were down so could not see who or how many were in rig, thought there were two persons from bulk of knee cover. Had _arrived home only a few minutes when cry of fire was raised, on looking` -out could see reflection. A1'rivin5_z' at re saw it was too far advanced to save buildings, believed -res started from the inside of` opinion they were set on re. Have seen same: horse as passed that night twice since, first when Mr. ward drove to Hillsdale a11d again in the Irwin livery barn. Being` bright iiijlit could distinguish marks on horse, which were star on forehead, strip on nose and white on left hind foot. Believed an explosion took place in the burning` house. To Mr. Cotter witness said he nev- er f_o1'g'ot the looks of a horse. n1 .1 1 I _ 1 11 , T331... . -._v.C,v. --... V, ' To the magist1'ate, passed the Fitz- geralde house comin_: from - station ten or fifteen minutes before alarm of re, was between one and two |o clock _WhG11 he got.home.e l . . Norman Dunn, who hves on the ; old road, had been out late that night `and heard a rig passthe house `on the old road, about one o clock.~ Very few rigs pass along the" old road which made `it noticeable to him. It would be possible to reach the Fitzgerald place from the old road by crossing the elds without being seen. - P. J. Frawley, living to. the north iof the destroyed house put the hour of being aroused at 2.00 a.m'.' Fire was on inside of ham when he rst saw it, re eould not have caught from one building to the other. Mrs. Fitz- gerald had asked witness to try and get a tenant for the place at $5.00 a month. | 7-'.i`hi's'-"i-s the 878th day--tWo.Tyears and .148 days-since the British Em-. _pi_re declared war with Germany. - B Go. Pictures _ ' .. '..._.. A.

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