Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Dec 1916, p. 4

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._v,_ .__\--- _-.V I-..._v-.y-.~- 4.\r\rA.` Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith` are vis- Jtxng; in Toronto and other o_1t1es. I 1:- \Vc would ask you to acopt this! little gift from us as a sliglit token of o11r_lov c`a1_1d esteem for you and we pray that our Hoavoiily Father may bless you with health `and st'1'on,_<:'tl1 to pursue your chosen pro,- fessiou for many years tovcome. \Vc wish yoiia happy Xnia "and :1 Prosperous New Year. _ Signedvon behalf of your school. Hazel Jacks. Minerva Leonard. Mary Reid. 1 A pleasing Xnias function was the Xmas tree. atiiie ,AngIican parson- lage on the evening` of Friday, De- cember 22. The evening was spent in si11g'i11g' carols, in taking` the gifts from the tree, a11d in sharing i11 a light refreshmentbefore return- in2' to -the respective homes_. A vote of thanks -to Mr. Strother was mov- ed by Jos. Fralick, secondedby Wm. Sinye; Mr. Strother being largely re- sponsible for the tree 111ate1'ializi1ig' for the children. of `St. Petei-. s Church. ' ` Mr. and 11:1;-;Vj.\_I'. .\Iathe1-s `of T6- ronto_'arc spendinga; the holiday at Mr. Arthur Green s. ` -Mis_s`F1`orence Greene is \'isiti11y_>i Miss Wilda Martin at Knock this Week. _ _ . I F)" " You have bee_1i our teacher now for three years and" have not`, only full_\' in order to promote ou'1't`e'm- porall Welfare but your influen<=_e for 2`oo_(l has made a lasting imp1'e .ssion unon our young` lives. I I devoted yourself earnestly and faith-i I -` A Doe:n`1Je1` 26, 1916 1 Mrs. E.. J. Mcci-aw is` visiting` 'friends in Toronto. . . Q Mr. nd M;rs:-F7`."\Voods and Mr.` F.Stott- of Wyevale spent Christmas [with relatives in this b111';2;. ` `II 111 rv Iv. VV111. Youn_ of the Queic-n City `is holidaying with his pa1'ent_s. `Irv 1 `Ir 1' `r1 1 Mi`. a1;d are" vis- iting their son, Mr. Samuel Gordon, `North Bay. Oats . . . . . . .L.'. Buckwheatf . . . . Rye . . . . . . . "Hay, pe1-_to n,' new .. `Flour, westemi 'Family Flour, per. 'POtatoes, per bag . . . . Eggs, per doi. . . . . Butter, per Tb . . . . Chickens, dressed . . . . Ducks .... Turkeys . . '. . . . Mutton Lambs,_e:;e1;' III: Lamb, per 11`) Hogs, live selects . . .. I Sows, live 'Bu1;cher Cattle . . V. . . . A`ve1'y enjoyable timewas spent last VVednesday afternoon at S. S. No. 11, when the scholars had an entertainment in aid of the Red _Cross. - The proceeds amonnted to ten dollars. After the entertain- n1'e11t _the'qhi1d1'en presented their te}ac11e1',_Miss Jenkins, with a birth- day book and an album and the fol- lowing address: Dear Teacher, A At this joyous season of t.he'_voar when we are t-hinkAin;r of [those we love and who have been good to us, We thought wexwould like to express to you our deep appreciation of your! e`a1'11est eft'o1'ts on our behalf and _\,?0111` n1an_\;' acts of kindness and t}1o1ig'}1tf11111ess for us since you came` `amongst us. ' I A Presentation to Teachers T I I r,...1.--...- ....\. v--v-- l1uIu._I\/Lsvu, The `Methodist Sunday Sehot . had their. annual Xmas doings on Wednesday e.ve11ing,t your ,c'0rres- pondent understands that the event was memorable for its interest and pleasure `giving power. The_ pupils acquitted tllenlselves Well. - , vv :1 =Mr. 1 %E1`r'1est "Flos,f '-`paid Ia-:yi;1,g visit (to frien?i s in Minesing. ":~?.`;:/: ;;"/y Public Scllokggibcert Thurs- daiig-* -ternoon Wasifiz. well atfnded ai1,d."j)Ieasiug function. Rev._ Mr. Berry and Rev. Mr. Strother ad- dressed the pupils.-andtheir parents, "11". \I_L`l ,, {V ,, CRAIGVALE UTOPIA I'1'H;s vxrnnnn ADVANCE. Box 462; Rhm; V 2 3 Timber and pas!" ?;1`aiid' for ; -.-lot_s ,No..10 and 1` ,- _ uncession 12, -Vesp`ra-400 acres fo'1 - I,:;3? 00, or will sell sepatrately one u d .a.c1"es' fqr,$400; .- Apply W. -.-. ", OMP- Houseplants `will not d'o We1l if put in a. windowover a_ radiator., The heat will` `dry them up. _ I I On "Tuesday, November `'38th, the I31-aft left 1'01-the front excepting- those from B Co., they will like- ly go i11 the course of a'day of so. There was a. g,~'ene1'al hand-shaking. The olcers went .111) the ranks giv-I ing; the men -the glad hand. Capt. Grandy was the only commissioned ofce1"' to go with the men. He de- clared it his intention to stay with the men in.-France if it was at all possible. We have learned since "that he Vreturngd within a few days. V R Christmas fowl there was in abundance on [the lnarketr Saturday, but "the buying was` slow. `Dealers "`were,.l1ang1'ng back" and the towns- = people were ghting shy of the high A prices- Prices {ruled as follows: 2 r I I 1 The prog'ramme_-was made up Of. sin:,i11g', dancing, and S])CCCl1-lllaklllg` by- the ofcers of .B Co. Some: very good __ jokes were sprung. One of the boys told a yarn aboutdrin'1;- ing, when he got through the major said That drink story sounded good but it would taste better, let s all go down to the canteen and have a drink on me. We started down to- the canteen with the major on our shoulders, carrying him like-a. hock- ey hero is carried off the ice, with For he a jolly good fellow. A drink of beer and back to nish the concert. Lieut West, connnan_de_r of `No. 6 platoon re-opened the show; he remarked that as it. was after nine o clock and the bar was closed it would -be safe for him to sing: the old song" entitled Another little drink won t do us any harm. The following" evening` there was a battalion farewell concert in the mess room. I never enjoyedany similar gathering` so -much in my: life. ` I -` ' ""-" ' I The following night each compau_\;' gave a farewell colfert in honor of those who were }:,'oing' away. Major Knowles was'chai1-man. In open- ing the p1'og'1'a111nie he made a short speech bearing on the promises made `to the boys when enlisting that they were to be train_ed 8.l1d`f__ ,'O to the `front as a unit. He spoke bitterly of the way tll0`p1'Ol11lS( .S given had been broken. A _Majo1' Knowles said: Boys, I have called you here to make the a'nn.ouncement that -1000 men are to lbe `drafted from this Q-anxp, of this number 2200 men are to be taken from our battalion. When I heard this I wc11t to the colonel and volun- t_ec1'e(l to take B Co. over (loud lcheerillg) but unfortunately that is _not the way they do it. Fifty men late to be drafted from each com-[ pany, which means that 50 of you are to be taken away from me after all we ve done together. I know you would l1a\`-`ea followed me any-l where. I love yo11 all. The oicer thcnlrcad out the names of those selected to go. 5-. , You have no idea What it means to a company of n1o.n'to be broken up._ \Ve were just gettillg "to under- stand one another, more like one big family every day. 7111 H II Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hickling have been housed in for the last week or so with severe _co1ds, T but We are glad to -say at the time of writing' they are much better. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson and Mrs. Evans of Toronto ate their Xmas goose at the former s home. , Our sleighing at present is very good,` though a few inches more on the high roads would be of much benet. The following account of the tak- ing of the rst draft ..of the 157th Simcoe battalion has been held over for two issues owing to circumstanc- es that e_ven.newspapers cannot con- trol. 'Although the event is now old news, even letters having been received from the Simcoe boys in France, an account of how the news of the first break in their ranks was received a11d the send-off given will be interesting`: 7 ,-___ _,.-__.r, . Have "good news, Writes the 157th boy, from a newspaper standpoint but sad news for us. In I n1y' last, letter I wrote that the chanc- ies were good for _2;oi1_1g to the front as a unit.` I }1ad'o11Ty dropped the letter in the post box and wend_ed my way home from "the Y'..WI-.C.A._ hut when orders "came from the or- derly 'Se11;'t.-that all `a`B Co. men were wanted in B4 h11t"as the Major had an announeenlent to make. W'hen we _9,_fot to the meeting` place" we found that the work of b1'eakin_<,v* up the 157th into drafts was about to I be`2'i,n.A T Pt; W1i31$i: i of the 177th _B11., Co1ling'Woo`d spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallwin. . THay, ton .. . . . . . .. . Horse radish, bunch . .Honey, Tb . . . . . . . . . . J. Onions, pickling, basket: . Onions, yellow, basket" . .. Pork, side,` Tb . .. . . L. . Pork, front, lb . . . . . . . .. Pork, hind, lb L .. .~ , Pork, young`, 11') . . . . . . . . Potatoes. bag . . . ., . . . . Sage, bunch .. Summer `savory, bunch . . -Turkg3ys,Ib .;. Turnlps .. .. Turnips, bag . . . . . . . . . Thyme, `bunch . . . . T. . . . 511;. Earl" Switzer came down ffoiu Orillia to spend the holiday under the parental: roof. 1`: 1'3 1: 1' n :1 -ca-u-.u 'v\ V Mr: W111. Cope1and lost 5, valu- able horse last Week. vv Year. Your co1'1'espondent wishes `all 94 very _happy and prosperous New 1 *6 M ' -' *1"- __"` '"_ . and Mrs. Geo_._,.Sr1gley and son Lorn,faof Druid, Sas'k';.aie renew1i1, old aCqua1ntances."- w if at A, Dy-er s. - __.J `Ir BREAK-UP OI` SIMCOE BN. 7th LINE {IESEEK uuv ;uaA;a1J_tiuL};5a (11.0 but: WU1'I.a. I Orange marmalade put up In small `glasses makes a _m_ce and nmghborlyl Christmas gift; . , -_ T ;.u.;;u5 mu. \_J}.g.y1_q1cu a` 1.1051] $5.30. [1 '1re are qangg and qarrels; but family quarrels are the worst. -nu-rnnvn -\nL ..... 3.. `..__-'II. _ .npp;B,~ 1)e1' npl. i;A.f. .._ . .zp: Apples, other`va1'1et1es, bbl . . 7 Apples, basket . . . . . . . .25, . Butter,.Ib . . . . . . . . . .-13, - Buttermilk, qt. . . . . Beef, fronts", lb . . . . . . . ' -Beef, hinds, lb . . . .~ . . . . Cabbage, head . . . . . . . . . .5, V Chickens, Tb . . . . . . . . . . . . Crehm, co_ee,_. pt. .". . . . . . . -Cream, whlppmg, pt. . . . . . Carrots, basket . Duck, Tb .. .. .. ntrtro Jinn IE1,` nu:-av.`-nap] . Jr. II.--Beatrice McQuayV74, Lot- tie Dunn 69, Norma Orrock 63. Iv>,-Wilsonv Elliott 74. Primary-Leona MacDonald 76, Bruce MacDonald 70, John Dunn 6'2, Vernon McQuay`61. - Average attendance 15. "Offering for C}.gi_l_d_ren s Hospital .4500, ' Figuresn denote percentage. . Sr. IV.--Vio1111a Elliott 87. V I Sr; III.-Ircne McQ_uay 79. 'Ju11. III.-Keith`E1liott 81, Eliz- abeth Dunn 74, Gareld McQuay 73. Sr. II..-.-T11e1ma Broley 75, Har- old Broley 69, Robert Orrock 67. up,` I /4---- _._..-l..._,, vuvu u;151c.Y. 7 Primer A. -Roy Ly111m, George Srigle_\'. Teacher, E. VVa1la'ce. ~; ~---.z- ""`DfJ' P1-imer-Joe Cochrane, Nelson Hubbert,- Ena Hoover, George Gib- son,`Lynn Murphy, Otto Sfigley. | T1.-inunu A D--- T--- Jr._ Minnikin, Lottie Cochrane, Willie Gibson, Dorothy_ Srig'ley,, Ada Lynn. _ Jr. III.--Sank Tyndall, Irene Kell Sr, II.--Eva Kell, Elsie Gibson, Olive Lynn, Hazel Trumbley. Jr. II.--'M,ilton Lougheed, Verna Minnikin, Vera Minnikin, Reuben Bloxham, Frankie Srigley, Marion Reid, Lloyd.` S1'ig'ley. . , - I Sr. IV.-Bert. Hubbert, Lottie S1'ig'ly,`Eln1er Dyer, Bert Srigley, John Cochrane. ' . (. vX,)V Hubbart, Saml Nicholson, Dennis Robbins, Eva_line Murphy, Martha. Nicholson. V ------ -.-..- , ._,. Sr. Pr.--M_ary McDoug`a1l, Dalton Patterson, "Kenneth Smith, "A1be1't Smith. - V ' , Aildy }: atte1'Son, Victorl Kirkup, *Fred Do_bson, *Estelle G1'ay,VEg'bert Robbins. ' " L' "J - - T : Sr. II--"*Ve1'11a Stone, *A_ ` Mu1'p11y,"'ZVIa1'y McDonald, *\Vilfred Murphy, "Ewart Carson, *\Vi1bur Dobson, Elsie Patterson, Joseph Patterson, Alice Patterson. Jr. II.-*Olive \Va1lwin. Sr. I.-Lizzie NichoIs_on, `*Bcat1'icc Wa1l\vi11,_ Irene Murphy. ' Q `If 1'j__ , `r 1'\ `I -s .. I ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS: f1'O_ Y.M.c.A. FUND % I S1`. II`I:-Dou5_7;lasA Kirkup, "*Eu{_j;e11e McDonald. - J}-."_I'i_I:'-.\1a1-,jo1-ie Kirkup, M. J. Murphy. ` ~ I n 71 .-.u-. (W. P. S0\lLES or S. S. No. 5, Vespra; Those whose names are preceded by an as- terisk ("`*) were 1'ej_;'uI-ar attendants during the term. .V. CIass-Edna Carson. . IV. -Clas_s- *`\Ve1lie Dobson, `*Be- `linda Murphy, Helen Murplly, '``Rob- | ert Pratt. . l FollO\vi11{_:' (is the fall term report` k..1mcipal Vlegons, . M I Pollmg, Monday, January I, I91-7i . - I SCHOOL REPORT NO. 5 VESPRAI .scHooL REPORT s.s. N0. ESSA ' App1e,:J)e1' ';;.s,. Annles. other `va1'i'etie: d Inuence H.c.RoBE SON As lst Deputy-Rg S. S. NO. 1.2, Innisl M. E. McAdam`, FOR MAYO Respectfully` ` 'cited for the Electio " of -.3 ,_. r, .17 '5: '`I 1 eacisser I _2nd Deputy. Reve REPoRTs% .Tea_c}ie1- .___.__;___:._._-__. V THISTLE CLUB smrs Dec. - 20 23 I ` .; ._ _' ` As I am just '_ covermg from. a, rather. severe ill ` Ms,` and~ cannot. make a personal wnvass, I take this means of solic'iIgTyour Vote- and Inuence -to elect? e as Alder`- n1an for the above W ` `- Municnpal EIBCUODS, I 91 7' And shall The protected to utmost. Respectfully quests your support. and wishes, inform you that 4.. Polling -- New Year's`-:Day.. IA.` _St;i[gletonL{ lsazrunn" WAY'TuAn xms" {Municipal Electionsg 191-7" '2 ` iTisHuRsbA};{13EcEMBEriAj3 Your Vote andglnuence Respect- fully Solicftgd for the Electioh of 4- Having becae a candidate for Alderrriic honors in -as- lst. Deputy-lieeve Your Vote and Inuence Respectfully Solicited for -24.: _ . u _ ..f `*4 . . Wishesvfthe cmzens of Barrie a _i`erry Christmas and a I-Ia New Year. 'r51'zoN'1"5 jlEAR.KI-1'1'S_ Your vote a%f{?T' are respectfully for his re-election` s Mayor for 9917 1 Your lqterests are His ~ ginterests As 2nd 'Deputy:Reeve THE WEATHER For 1917 Loyfestz `Highest . ..11 23- ..23 '29 V ...1 21.: ...19 .26 A ..21 _. 24 '.,12 ,j'.g_g_. 13 `S1 A W._ H.` BUTTERY` `the ` doz; `dog. . ft, ' lLl\' II V , And1 vw' were .\'. . Gaul(~_\'. ` _and Jim ` Till` I Corinti. a 11mm} I c-llm-.< \Vodmn~ __thian 1. T1'a\'ol'lg Iie. thri -in :1 ho I . V.` All 1 I by `u A 1 - in NW Thir'l_\' ` rie In 1 Barrie taint-I I Owen 1* ve _\'{~;: "years \\` the p::.~ q11d rm. V ly in In dtlctvd .~ J. But-hu %linsed 1|: "Upon ii ,ncss h<- the" \\.:H'4 fo1n't(.~on eial tmn ago he }) is now tl it was as `his last 1.1l`F}Is- thC` in k(` -Whirl: -,,\V('('k.\' he \\`:l.- .` A I , ..... vafaa o - - o u o o oqlJ.o.l.\l`_ v.y.|...'.av ............ . .$1.25l ny, _1`1ew,'.No. 1, -ton . .$12-$14 `and Clover .. . . . ., . . . . .$10-$1L bundled . . . . .$14-$18 loose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. $12 _ Rye . ............ . .$17-$18 [' III` \\ II `but In C}1i`lJ 017 It ht- paw`-I t( 1'nO(m. idcath zit \\`:1.s` Durin;. . to sm'\'<~ ed. For I'Cp1'('.~'H| Council, to ;\I.i.~`.< If ter of tin- Innisfil. `four surx with thv 60$ 'iH:z clay at E; Alex" on Sin1(-or ha bf-.~`i(}(~ {\- }1a1lt?-f In t. gmnial .friom!. `His Vi.- were Wttholx: \Vliat I ity occur when Hu- N0. ~13 .~'t1 ishcd an south on` road turn The auto of the up; cupant 11:: \-sa\'(- Im- in <`I1:n'~_g(- duvtor J"! tlzwtmin. lug rARMI:R's 1>1u'c_ns co1111):111' ment to : '--it WOIll(l-l1 excepiimm press (`om and could rush; in ii) T01-mm toucl_u-d. _ The (1 sengror tr _ the "Barri The trn 'L M1`. :1: . Chrlstm: In Tmtm M1`. ;,fami1_v DEATH ]n u .EIDIE MARKET u o o ` u I o n u o n n u o o an r o o n o o u o o o 04 u o n o o o - o o o a a airy doz. ised 0000600-o raucous: o.Ooa`ucoI 0000000: Susanna- l__,,'I '13e ` . 1C5O ` 1' nr 155 _1 20 10-00 25 9 00 7 00 9 50 1 65 55 37 17 . . . . . .-10-4'26 . . . . . .55-60c" . . . .. . .20-25c . . . . .-.30-32c . . . . . .15-17c . . . .16-19c! . . . .16`-20c . . . . . .17-20c . ., . . . .$3.50 . . . .$l.65 . . . . . . .$1.60 . . . . . . `. $1.65 . . . . . .66-67c! . .$1.18-$1.20` (I11 HE . . .21-22c . . -. .22-24c , . . .8-10c . .$1.00-$3.50 .. .22-25c . . . . . -.$5-$7 ..35c '..' .32-34c ' . . .42-44c . .$1.50-$2.50] ... . . . .,.,..4 30, 35c 44, 45c .. ... L..5c . ._1`2c.l . . . Q1.-1c 10,~15c . . .15-17c . 22-25c .$12-$12.50 . . . .` - . .50 1'0',~'i .$2 . and J F ' I .A.uJ. UV ...60c ..5o '12.o0 11 00 10 00 1 75 60 40 20 - 18 30 1o`00 9 00 10 11 50 8 50 -7 50 1916' ..n.vv . 18c I -n-l\a' _ 15. Mlimsme j _ 1 % 1)9<.=emb9x; ;i :6 *19.1{6 `with=hdr77trbubl?e;__ 3/ T ._ - Mrs.` J.lH.f`Pers'on; o `ce`_a;_teach- Aandie Fraiick ig;%gvi5g;zfs1y 511: e;--* in theranubje` Shooli also .s.id. a _.-.. __v.....-- v-- ._--u.~Jr -uuuo The? annual Business meeting; of Jthe V_V.H.S. was held 011 Monday. of last week at .w'hich the old ofcers were 1'e-eIected. ` the -Women s Institute was held at `the, home of Mrs. W. G. Ross, when . Miss Thompson'ga;ve the i'eport /of the recent. convention held at T0- Tronto. It was also decided to `dd ' thirty-ve mo1'e'_books `to the lib ary and to,buyfanother'supply of sewing material. forVRed Cross Work." A The 1'egulai' monthly meeting` of. V. J . . " I A small i'e1)1'ese11tatio11 of this locality attended ,the nomination "in NewnLo\veAll on. Friday last. FBI, _ , 1 1 lllilss o1:tV};`a `home from the west for the Winter. Miss Bessie \Vill_iams of Toxfontol spentthe holiday at her home here. Miss Susie Schell of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents here. our Skip Like velvet` I 3.51"` marvellous effect on rough skin; .' One` or_ two. applications will remoAve`- .`the rbughness, ;~_an'd` by its` occasinal use ,the skin acquires "the -'8_moot1`g1i`gss)_-_and scjftness-.Lof a7.baby s. % _;G,1yaeap aaip not : sticlr_g?J.:7i1 "lbi3s' a` few?-ambmms `after ' 9 Vilidf`: - . T `c_e'-," 150." 1 De- - lg ` Miss Rose `of Ottawa is renewillg yacquamtances 111 tlns vmmity. I '\I'_'_, `I3- :1` 1170110 - - I > ' be1;I;;'1'-:i(;, 1916 .1VIr. John Buie visited friends ix_1T_ C0l1illg'WOOd this week.- I Mr. and Hrs. Srig'ley' are home for a visit from the west where` they have been very` successful. Tl1oy [spent Christmas at. Mrs. S1-ig-ley s lbrother s, Mrs. Frank Bro11ey s. I may say, Mr. Editor, it always pleases `me to see and hear of those happy re-unions, as such always bring back old times._ to mind. ' -. M ..._,. We he'ar that Mr. W. Boake s I ...-.. -. \a nu .;u-.z1.r\.u|/A farm has been sold to Mr. Miller. J ennett. This is a ne property and we are sure the pu1'chase1'.Will_ make good. M ' Mr. JohnjGrose and his son Mas- ter Vernon of Toronto are v1s1t1115_r ;fr1ends -here. , [ A _ V oM1's. Geo1'ge Green jr.,_ of Mon- teith New Ontario 1s Wvisiting 7 7 . x_, friends l1e1'e. Ou1' teachers, Miss Paton and Miss Foster have gone home for the holi- days. Thelr hon1es`are in .Co1l1n_9;- "wood and Owen Sound respectively. Tt\ 1...-..-. n.-1_ '\r_, 117 `n '- I VV(<=:Ve.\'tend our ollgratulations to Miss Ethel Corbett, who was one of the successful, Model AScho'o1 pupils in Orillia. ` - `Wm: wo1'ki'ng'-in a munition factory in To- Frank Henr , who has bcexii ronto is with his family for Christ- 1S1/flo1ikman*s - The last Council was business -of {sacte_d. Mr. M. B1'oI1ey.1'etu1'ncd _from the west last `Tuesday. He was out there attending to `business for a `month. - ` V Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crossley of To- ronto*are renewlng acquamtanccs here for-a few days- _ ' I A J, 1; 1 1: w --n v ..--J---, T " " "' I A [daughter to Mr. a11d Mrs. L. `W. Stewart on the 19th ultimo. All well. Congratulations. v-`r V 1 -`r 7`. g n -a. - -_c_..-..,.....-v I M1._ and Mrs, Bi;-lljp of Elmvjale are spending Xmas with the `latter s mother, Mrs. Dutche1_'. I 1. .-- ----i I` V" Ed(;i~e Aye1'St-:>.f'To1'o11t'o is] spending a short vacation with his mother, Mrs. A. E. Ayerst. ',\f,_.______ 11 ? , 1"] 1-0 `I1 ._._..._.l....\,.. ..u; v./n1. LAJI/AILLILUJ Miss Tillie Boake and her niece, Miss Reba" Simpsonlof Toronto are spe11_ding' a few holiday with i'1'iends here. " A - - ; m;o:.`o:4.o St `Toronto are wi vents for Xmas. AMr.7 ,a1;d B/I1's.'Miiii-j9:'a11 and Miss Amanda Hicks of Tdronto are here wlth fr1ends_ for Xmas.` .,] _._._._- -.. -.-. --J VJAIJUC Mss1's; Wm: Vlassoif and Russell Crossley, who have be_en.in the west, are home for a brief rest._ ' I "11 1-: .. ._. -_., .Hjipso.i1.'._50c, VVell VVisl1er 50c, Mrs. fn: ":>1;;:1y 50:,-u:VlI-1's. Banting- 50, E. Armstrong Sr. 1.00, Mrs.` Hook, 25,` Friend 75c, Mrs. Urren Johnson`,s1.00,.. Mrs. Hanuel 25c,- Friend`-'1.00` Mrs. Orok I'25c Mrs. Tooke 25c, We1l Wisher 50:3, Miss We$t _5:0`q, A. C. Price 2.00, Tele- phone Op'9rato1's -1.25, R; Paton 5.00, J. .B; Edwards 1.00, Jas. Vair 5.00-` ` To;ta1_.,:2_.00. 0 0 [ I , V 7------ - >.rnA\4.l. 4.x.-ayo T The Rey Beynon of T11b1'11l1ill and his son, the Rev. Beynon of.Lefroy `paid .us a ying v_isit recently. { 1: `rs 1r` 1 n. . ..'-r V Mr. P. Moran and fa`1.n-i1y__ofVBa"r- (ric are visiting Mrs. .\Ioran s par- e_nt s, Mr. and Mrs. Alling'ham._ ' `If 1-\ _ [ ,, ,___ ____ _.---. --.....O........_ Mr. Preston Thompson of Toron- to is with his parents, M1}. and Mrs. \V. J. TI}on1ps'on`for Christmas. I I" PI'I"II` .,'``"``'_f````' V`````' "' "' """ `"``- -"I A. Yo _ur-Cor. Wishes aIl`the readers] of the Advance a Happy New ._Y_ear. Mr. Grainer and family are mov- Iing to Allandale in the near future. `II 1-` I1 -11- `D __--6 __..--_- I M}-'s`._ G. B. Hell;-y"zI{1}1'TnI1-. W. J. C. Boakc \vere.i11"To1'o1ito- recently. ' Mr. and V.-Hrs. Hartley Doa11e of, 1Toro_nto are here for the holiday. . _ T I5}1;1iac1- 26, 1916' Miss Allie Blackstock of Toronto is visiting :E1'iendsA here. '\l',_ I`! 1': 1'1" 111" 11'? -r /*1 %3_I__I!;Ul!_!r V 'KTT....L'I_ 'l\-_-...I.'..__ SUMVIDAEE commas .- 7 - -..r- --.r.,v- '--' Worth R.ecor("1i`ng~` THORNTON % \_ following agcigtional contribu-'1} tions` have been received for the Y. M. C. .Military Fund: ' Mva` A I.`l'......-... An... '\.I'.... -r>-..u,_ .1l1CCtil1g,`,` of 1 held lierc importance Stewart and family of with the former s par- me iJ`T96nta%l the `Essa and much. was tran- '-iNel1i.eA -. Kell iof fA1"o1'a, is ~sp'ending the 4h_o1i_dys nude}; the, nous`:-.4nI .....'.J-' ' _"'it}.'X' ia;i,' Sam Malay and} "Barclay o w Milton Brown Webb of Toronto vans , A \JV-Id-`I _ b `Herb. ` , spent Christmas at the former s.ho1;1e` here: - 7 - Hairy ABr'ow1V1 V of Tr_ontOn spent Sunday with his brother, Jas. Brown. . V` V R. Hunter of Quee_n S_Uni- varsity; ,Kingston is` hdme for the_ lzolidays. V` --\~|-In" *rvII`n A." `npxvunasu-; uuc . ` 1, parei1ta_l..ro<). Dealers were paying to the farm- ers at St. Lawrence Market, Tues- day, `the following gures for their .oerings :- A A Butter, choice dairy . . Eggs, new-laid, _doz. . . Turkeys lb, dressed . . . Turkeys, -spring . . Fowl . _ . -` ` . . _ -Geese, spring ' .16-19c Ducklings . . . . .16`-20ei Spring chickens ; . . Squabs per doz. . . L . . . . Fall` wheat, new, bush `Fall, V wheat, ol_d . . . . ; . Goose wheat L . . . . . .$1.65 Oats, new,_ bush . . . . . . Barley, "melting . . .$1.18-$1.20 Rye .............. ..$1.25| Timothy, _new,'.No.. Mixed Straw, bundled . `Straw, loose Straw,_ Rye. [' HOLLY _ 5 Decmbeij 26, 1916 A Happy. New Year to7everyone. Mr. Orrok and Miss ~Ma1-ion of Barrie spent Xmas day_ at A. 01)- `rok s. ' T _ - Saturday, 23rd, the treasurer of our Auxiliary sent in to "tlfe Red Cross rooms, Barrie $17.25. `This amount has been ;_:'iven at diffelfllt times from the three lines," of course the $7.00 is counted. with` this. - v_-- -- V v-------` Iv-an.) [U b\4AA\JL\IllD '('-JlL|v'l Ch1-i`stmas M is past for another year, and many a child was delighted with the g'ifts`lpo01' old Santa Claus I gave th_en1. V Pie. R . Ro:s'o`t11e 177th. Bn., and family spent Xmaswith .the latter s mother, Mrs. H. Ellis. M H I b;(;;3;11`E;1' 16th, the fifth" linc s donation for the Red Cross was $7, which we Athink_\vas a gexierous gift.` .f1'l._.1`_1,,, ,, 1| Mr.:nd'1~I'1-s;'i). J. Miller spent! the `week-end with `the `latter s par- ents in Lefroy. ' T51, `rs `rs n-.. ..__.- _ - Maily homes in-this commuliity }1ad,a fa111ily-g'at}1e1'i11g' on Chrlst-` mas. ` Mr. R. Hanna,` Toronto, called on Ins `cousin, Mrs. W. A. Miller, Xmas, evening`. * ' Dec(c1nber 26, `1916| M`r.`and Mrs. \Vm. Dempster, Ajr., I spent Xmas \vitl1'Ba1'1'ie,fri.ends. =.VIiss Luy Dbbson is spending` her hol1days unde1' the parental roof. `III. __.,`I ll , 111 - A .(Corrected lby Jos. Marrin, market] square.) I Beef Hides, green . . . . . Beef Hides, - cured . . . . .22-24c Tallow .. . . . . ,...8-10c Sheep Skinfs . . . .` . . . . . 4 Calf Skins ; . . . .d . Horse Hides` . . . . . .' . . Horse'Hair .. ..35c_ W601, unwashed . . . . . . . . . .Wool, Washed ..42-44c Lamb Skins ..., ....$1.50-$2.50]

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