5?: 750` each E 'Ha`iia*eI. Dixit: Dominus-Gi'eg'Q1'ian 11 geljl "Lovely ..Eac-;G. F. Chant Laudate Pueri-Grego1'ian -Chant. Magnicat-J. Stearns; .. _ . O Sa1utaris.Hostia-.-J ._ C. Stearns. T'antum Ergo--B. Hamma. . , Post1udg-March in 'C---F. Burns. Miss Mary Camero organist and oir leader. '" "133t1ude;Triumpha1' `-i!1'm`-c'h'-" {Jr Christopher `Marks. T - " ` j 3' I . .2. ikvespem` .; 1?1;e11itfle-% `Lovely .,P"g5ac-Gc. 'H`iiI:"~ ` .BURTON AVE. . ` Morning 7 Hymn 142-Hark the Herald An- gels Sing. (`Lnu-.6 T ..-..J n D..}.`yn.. ................1 5-.. ..,...,_=,. A Chant--Lord s Prayer, arrallgcd by -Dr. Arnall. . Anthem-Ti_dingsT of Great Jo)- Porteg, . , Hymn 1-13 - Hark What Mean These Holy Voices. . "O1fertory-Pastorale in C-Flaglc1' Anthem-Thore Were Shepherds- Nichol. - n 1 -in 1-15 4 Angels From thel Realms of Glory. I t`CIA\1:vu .- an I VJLAJI5 National` Anthem. T V Hyn111 142. T 1 C11ant---Lord"'-s ~Praye:r. ,1 `I ` Anthem-Tidings of Great Joy. Hymn 141-There Came Upon the I Milglgight Clezg. I - 71 -r n I | Oife1'to1'y-PastoraIe in F-Lcfeb-l ure-Wely. V _ . I Trio--O Holy Redeemer. , Hymn 145. Anth em--The1'e Were Shepherds. Mr. F. J. D. Norman, organist and (211 n;1| 1110 e+n|s. ` .LV.LJ.o .I.'o Us JJ I choir master.- The following lists show the standing of the B.C.I. pupils as de- termined by the examinations which have been held for about one day `per month throughout the term. The pupils have -been graded according` to the average pe1'centag'e obtained in all the subjects of the` course. It might be noted that the standard required at the Departmental Exi- aininations is an .average of 60 per cent. | rII'I 1': .me_rit, and have been divided into `JV.-ll In 1 The names in'the following` lists are arranged throughout 1n order of four groups. KT.` 1 7I"l...nn n...-.-.. 7{\ n....` nan!- 311,. 250 each vbxnu. I No. 2. Tlruosevwho made between} 60 and 70 per cent. ! x7. 9 m1..,.... .1... ....1,\ 1....+...,.,...l I cent.) No. 1._ Those over 70 per` cent. (The percentages. are included `in the case of those who made over 75 per` J:uuL 5LUul1oo I - `rm. 0 rnt.-'..,...V...1... .,...,1,. 1..\+..m.... UV unxu IV [JUL uwnlun No. 3. Those who made between 50 and 60 per cent, ' I `TA /1 'l"l.nm~. uyvhn 'n\n11r\ Inna 4-`xnnl I (JV (I/l.l\l UV IJCL \2\.7lLll_U I No. 4. Those who made less than 50 per cent. . - `Du-uwn 17' l IJV LICJ. Lbll I/n Ponil ..v. . Group 1. M. Justice 81, L. Quiimlan 78. M. Malcolm` 76,` `E. Gove 75, H. Turner. ` T , n n 'n ' n 11,1 *ul1l':):1.1) 2. R. VCame1'o1'1, O. Gai- lagher, L. MacMac'kon, R; Park- house, N. DeHart. 11...... 9 Ti 'I:l'nnT sum '15` 'l2nun, IIUILDU .L`o IJC.I..laLUo | Group 3. D. MacLa1'en, E. Barn- hardt, F. Evans.- - - Group 4. C.` Fielding, G. Quinlan. V Form IV.a Group 1. J. `Shepard 77.1, E. Am`- bler 76.4, J. Boys 76.2, M. Warn`i`c`a 76.1, J. Nader 75.5, R. McCam1, M. Ross, E. Dobson, F. McDonald, F`. M<;Murchie. -I`! 'l'\ _,, T TT_`lI 1"!" 4'\ LU1Vl. L11 Uluc. _ Group 2. `C. Doran,-L. Hall, H. Ball, J. Hayes, A. Robertson, F. Hubbert, B. Stewart, P. Shrubsolc, M. Ball, E. McMaster. fl~.u-u":-nu Q A I41.Im:n`r T Tznnnon W 1.710 IJUIII, Ll: AVLUAILKIDDOL n ? Group 3. A. Elrick, J. Keenan, F. Dyer, D. Myers, A. Bell, C. Jarmain, flunusn A W` (`urn-n`mn`n W I-`.O`l`1` H U)/Q31`, .lJ. J.u_yc1`a, 1. ucu, U. uaxxuaau, Group 4. W; Campbell, W. Carr, D. Beattie, H. Creswicke, J. Cockbnrn, F. Collins. ' V 11-....- T`? I. ituated in one `of arts of the Town, M 1 excellent block _i; `ion purposes, or`; e. A beautifulsg ed the1'eon.which vhich the proper- gnated, namely; 1 ` ULHL LVQIJ Gyoup 1. R. Fowler and S. McIn- tyre equal, J. Hambly, R. Sibhald, B. Wright, J. Scott. ` Group 2. K. Stevenson, J. Noland, J. Warnica and G. Livingston equal, E. Speers, E. Channen, W. Turner, M. Banting. 11...... Q 13 pn11nn`An `D01-`rnv xu. Duuuug. Group 3. E. Reynolds, E. Parker, R. McKever, L. Barwick, V. Strange, A. Livingstone, V; Wice, F. Moran, G. ; MacMa,ckon, R. Sproul, F. touchette, A. Richardson, 0. Sarjeant W. Thompson. ` `D 11-.....`-. /I 15': 01.1111 1111111: T . "i:1:;11`{)`1.`i."i. Mizn, H. Milne, L. Sloan, V. Thompson, C. Bell, G. McDonald. ' L T 131-..... 1-11' | zzuugu, u. uwuu. _ Groilp 2._ R. McQuar'rie, B. Part- ridge, G. Myers, C. Culross, R. In- gram, A. Simon, G. Rumble, P. Bl`a:ekmo1'e, F. Goodwin, K. Lally, G.| !Firman. I n 117 1.11-L.._.J.-- 1:1 (`1....\,H?..1 I J.V1U1JUl1.luo % % `Form III. % Group 1. E. Crossland 78,-R. Dunn 75,_L. Campbe1l, M. Morton, R. Cav- anagh, D. Otton. - ` I1...-{nu 0 D l[nn11n1'i;n R T):ni'.- ' .1.` 111116.11. - ` Group 3. W. Flaherty, F. Good{:'cl- low, C.-Pae, N. Mo1'an, \V. Jacobs, M. Reynolds, S. Garvin, AG. Braden. Group 4. R. Guest, W. T011C1lCttC,` xr D,.n ` JVL. D611. I T Form II.a Group 1. A, Ellis 87, M. Schmidt 85, G. Thompson 82, E. Pearsall 79, R, Brown 79, I. VValker 77, B. Car- ruthers 77, D. Peacock, M. McKin- ley, M. Robertson, D. Guest, 1. Min- nikin, M. Dunnett. - ' 11...... 0 fl Ti` M (`:1-sn1f__ uuuu, .LV.L. Lluuucou. V Group` 2. G. Fitzgerald, M. Grant, M. Nelson, M. McCuaig, G. Coutts, _I. Robinson, B. Cockburn, I. Lowrie, M. Fors_ter_, B.` Peacock, G. Hickling, E. Shanahan, L. Reid. .Group ' 3. F. Hubbert. ' Group 4. M. Hall, J. McBride, W. Sutherland, V. Brown,` A D.` Smith, Dobson. . - - _ Form II.b ,` 5*--Group*1..=.=`M. -.Walker__8_6; M. Coch- -r.u....'.:t-*.\v_- =-,:.-i'!;\ ' I 7. : a:,3. - ~uruup ` J: 1:; .- ;~a9_v: =.-. .-:'1{;t\.. av :.:;1;.r.;. `Ara .- . . - . Group 2. D.` Poucher, M2: Iriwin, M. Reid-, C. _ R}i`chardson, C. McLean", E. Fraser, W. J amieson, ` L. B'ell, `Dull B.C.l. PUPILS STANDING 58:11. ' . > Grqupi 3. fB. -Wa`rnica, K. MacDon-i Form IV.b :3` 1-V,"' :9;.v::e,=.'-2 1 T1:d _It'rn;im .r: `jAi)VA1`ICE. A \Jo lllllilltl U3Ulh Groiib 4. M. Suthe'rland,_ W. Bow- man, G. Burton, W. O Conner, L. McBride, G. Marlin, M. Mayor, Z. ;_Haycs, M. `Hayes, H. Bell. ' Form I.a. Group 1. A. Walker 88, D. Robert- son 83, G. G1'al1a'm 82, E. Channen 81, T. MacLaren 81, H. Jarmain 80, `O. Glennie .80, M. Cheesman 76, D. Hunter 76, R. Campbell 75, E. Pratt, A. Martin,,K. Cameron,-. G. Snider, A. MacDonald. _ __ .. . - A. -a-1 1-; on, C. Scott," M. Rainey, J. McKev- or, G. Fisher, T. Young, N. Chappell, I G.nRip_}}a1'dson. 1 1r (L_LL._-..I..--.1 TIT D-.. Group 2. H. Quinlan, C. Fisher, B. Con11cll, C. Dunn, F. Dawson, H. Wivce, L. Thomson, G. Wiles, B; Stephens, B. Healey, A. Carpenter, G. Srigley, A. Johnston, A. Calvert, J. McArthur. T ` Group '3. W. Leece, Q; Swarfz, B. 0--4-- 17` l".......J-`.\...A Ti` r`:-no:-n;n`rn W $2.00` U I JVLULIL ouux Gray, E. Crawford, F. Cr'a'ig, A. Stephens; avnuin A \J1`u,1;5, 1. Dhcpucua. Group 4. C. Gibson, C. Armstrong, I._Lovc1ette, C. Srigley. - . Form .1.b Group 1. H. `Ross-76, I. Marlin, C. Ggay; S. Crawford, C. Lynch, C`. Fraser, S. Beatty, G. Bidwell and H. Miller equal. f1.......-. 0 `IF T.n;I7:o W. (`.91-m1f}1n1', 1].. l\.I.lllU1` equal. Group 2. E. Lewis, E. Carruthers, P. Newn1an,'A. Watson, J. Caldwell, R. Dunn, E. Harris, R. Malkin, 1. Watson, S. Parkhouse, W. Hines, J .Ovcrs, R; Walker, J. Little, K. Sinclair. ' _ .` -u 1 an--r-, ls` kJllll.Il(lal.l a I Group 3- R. Fow1e1',,M.. Leigh. C, Luck, D. Adams, W. Hook, E. Cat- lin, A. Black, V. Findley, H. Smith. --..._-.. A` T (..11.nw. TI D]An7h1n11 w n, A. Black, V. rmaley, n. DnuLu.| Group 4; L. Culham, H. Plown1an,~ E. 'B1'adeld, R. Fishe1'_. ` I Uu 1JI.uu.uu, Domi11io11 Fire Ins. C Royal.. .. Norwich Union . . . v. Hartford. . . .. . .... London U11de1'\v1'ite1's_ Guardian. . . ,. . ... . London, & La11caS11i1'e Northern .. . . . . . . . Scottish Union . . . . Royal. . Phoenix Hartford . . .". . ,London U11derm':1te;9. . On ri'fles.,,. $350.00, ` loss 1u:'1:4:.. ' `n.m'+ 0 - ~ -' Ull J.l.1.Lvu_, q/uuxnvv, Avuav ,_ 1.--_, -....r.. . -_._i ' ' ( Militiajnept. . = :1` ` History of the School__ ;The school destroed was one of . thg...educationa1 landmarks j of Sim- . g; . . .$1.95 $2.00 each % %We have a Splen1id Slection of Useful Gifts fo} F ather; VMother, Sistergfgr Brother. ' % Shaving Outt. Safety Razors, $1.00 to $5.00. "Ash Trays V Tobacco Jars 5 Mitts and Gloves. 50c to $1.50 Pocket Knives, 25c to $2.00 V Electric Reading Lamps, $5.00 Carving Sets, $2.00 to $5.00 Electric Driving Lanterns, $2.00 F alncly Scissors, 2 5c to -7 5c Sugar Shell, 65C to $I.oo Berry Speon, $:.2-5 to $2.00 - Carpet Sweeper, $3.00 to $4.00 Electric Iron,.$4.oo and $4.50 ' Skates, 50c to 2.50 Mloceasins, $1.2 5 Snow Shoes, $2.75 to $3.75 ' Doll's Carriages, $1.50 to $3.75 H- H Q.TIQN. SON, `(Continued from rst nage) How Insurance Was Pla_ced V On Building` T TH`: _ T`_ __ [VA COLLEGIATE mus Store Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights V till TEN O CLOCK. V T- On Contents FOR FATHTSR The place to buy good, useful Xmas Gifts. erve bid. .Te1m$+ . time of sale, and; hirty days ther FOR SISTER 111;` C0. o L) IV (1 un, J.)- Creswickc, W. TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS <;u='rs FIVE POINTS HARDWARE. coe County; HunterV s History of Simcoe County gives the following` account of the foundation of, the school. ' mm: 1- 1 , ,0 :1. ,]',_____.:l DUl1UULo The history of the advanced 1 schools of the County is not without ' an interest of its own. On August 3, 1843,` the Governor-General, Sir Charles Metcalfe, issued a commis- sion appointing` trustees for a Dis- trict Grammar School, (Simcoe_ be-` ing then called a` District instead of a. County.) And the District Coun- cil on August 9, set apart the large room in thelower storey of the east wing of the Court House at Barrie for the use of the Grammar" School, to be occupied until suitable buildings could be provided; His Honor Judge Ardagh supplieda sketch of the ear- ly grammar school for the fth vol- ume of the Documentary History of Education. `ceeded slowly. The Government granted nine lots in Barrie for a school house and master s residence. Frederick Gore, the head master of the School, received the ' patents for three lots (Nos. 24, 25, -26, making. a total of %acres) `on the north side of Blake Street, August `.20, 1845, also No. 12 on the south side of Collingwood Street, and others at later times; But the undertaking of the erection of new building pro- By March 20 of the same year (1845) the attendance ofl pupils at the Grammar School, which was the only one in the County at ' that '_ grants, had reached 43, according `to! ' the report for that year. In Octo-. time receiving Government ber, 1848, the Grammar School was` still carried on in the Court House, although not without growing dis- satisfaction at the slowness of the completion of the new building, on the part of the District Council. The room in the Court House was iniuse for the Grammar School until 1849, Grammar . 4 Silver Spoons, 1.25 to 7.00 set Knives and Forks ' 5 Brassljardinieres, 1.25 to 5.00 Brown Betty Teapots, 350 to 1.00 Fancy Table Lamps, 1.00 to 5.00 Beautiful Trays, 1.00 to 2.50 Covered Roast Pans. 50c t0 1.75 Bread Boxes, 75c to` 1.50 Flour Barrels, 1.75 to 2.50 O-Cedar Mops, 75c to 1.25 Nickel Tea Kettles, 2,00 to 3. 1. 35 Nickel Tea or Coffee Pots, 25 to 2.50 1d'1.75 each Toy Drums, 15c to 45 Rocking Horses Hockey Sticks, 15c to 75 Skates, 5oc to 5.00 `Pocket Knives, 25c to 2.00 Iiand Sleighs, 25c to {.35 Hand Saws, Soc to 1.25 Set of Tools, 1.75 Flash Lights, 85c to 1.50 FOR BROTHER FOR MOTHER the trustees having` appealed to the District Council for a grant of mon- ey to enable them to nish the school. house. In the later fties, Mr. Gore was succeeded as Head Master by the Rev. W. F. Checkley. `Mn. 1.... 1QKO +1". ..1...m. :.m+:4.., IJJ uuu Ally V n V V - \JII\4u:LA\.;J c i``In June, 1855,. the above institu- -tion, which at this time was known as the senior Grammar School, need- ed enlargement and improvement. `When built it was calculated for on- ly 30 pupils, but as the attendance had increased to 66 daily, further acccomrnodatioil was` required. The members of the County Council made a personal- inspection of the school and granted $700 for the extension of the building. At a later time (about the year 1868) the name was changed to High School, and in 1880 it became a Collegiate Institute, when the old building was abandon- ed for the one now in use. I11` `I '1 1' , L'__,, ,.,'l L- The new building` referred to in the above served as a Collegiate In- stitute till,.1913, when the exten- sive improvements and additions were erected to the rear. In 1914: after the long vacation the school was opened. The building had a. frontage of 70 feet, extending to the rear for a distance of 135 feet. It was truly a building` set in a hill. Large sums of money have been spent in improving` the grounds, which would not have been complet- ied till next summer. I g Dec. 13 14 15 17 -18 19 THE WEATHER ' - n o o . . . u (*belo_w zero) TKT TI (50 per`pai1". Lowest Highest .1 1 .1 rz.::1.u; W. H. ?UTTERY Snow 0.6 2.4 vvu\J u:. vnlu lzvvvul. n a certain mort-- produced at the vill be offered for- tion, by W. _A.. eer, at the new [ Town of Barrie, ` ary 6th,' 1917, at, n, the following`; krtue of the power- I1 1: nns-4.-.3 .u-..L ` . . . a o o . - o - u o ..-.u; n`, \JllavLI(7Dn- registered Plan (2 and ten on the- ,.L....-4. 2--.... -J-- $5.00 each . $4.00 each: 9, . . - .$4.00 . . . . $3.00 1 around col-A Xmas prices . nnpathy with H01i.[.._..',[.;_),$.jj .13 for $2.00 for for aim 1,00 V and 50c each A each each V 50 .25 L1...lH0|i!!ay. % % I monthly lpackuing lows :` 330 `pairs 'ocks, 62 p_1fope1_'ty bags, 264 s_u1t py_]amas, 6 palrs sl1p- pers, 48 hospltal shirts, 12 sponges, T108 grey flannel .shirts, ,4 hospital `-suits, 4 quilts , 17 pillows.` _ -wnr I J____ `I.-- 1.1-- A_---lII._--2...... gu;yg .. `1..-_-.. Work done , the Auxiliaries: 1----- H... Collier Street--34 "sets pyjamas, '4 4 flannel shirts, 23 pairs socks, 1 hospi- tal suit, 1 hospital shirt, 1 .quilt, 7 1 pairs slippers, 1_ "pillow, 2 hot water bottle covers. Miss Booth s Class- 21 pairs socks. St. Andrew s-.--46 py- jama suits, 12, flannel shirts, 23 pairs socks. Military Hospital Club-14- doz, handkerchiefs, "20 property lbags. Trinity---8 pyjamas, 1 flan- nel shirt, 7 hospital shirts, 1 hospi- tal suit, 14 handkerchiefs, 38 pairs socks. Trinity" Girls--6 pyjamas, 5' hospital shirts, 3 property bags, 6-1 handkerehiefs, 7 pairs socks. Bap- tist-6 pyjamas, 14 pairspsocks. Al la'ndale-14 s pyjamas, 51 ` flannel shirts, 13 hospital shirts, 38, pairs socks. Mrs." Devlin, St. 'Mary s- 54 pyjamas, 6 hospital shirts, 6 bed cushions, 1 quilt, 7 property bags, 6 feather pillows, 6 handkerchiefs, 33 pairs socks. Congregational --i 11 pairs socks. Miss Scott-27 pairs socks. Dalston-16 pyjamas, 7 pairs socks. G11tl1rie-'12 flannel shirts, 1 hospital suit. Ivy-12 pyjamas, 10 hospital shirts, 1 `flannel shirt, 8 'pairs socks. Oro Station, 1. pyjama suit, 1 hospital suit, 9 pairs socks. Midl1urst--3 flannel ' shirts, 5 pairs socks. Minesing'--5 pyjamas, 11 flannel shirts, 1 quilt, 2 property bags`, 18 pairs socks. Stroud-7 flannel shirts, 2 hospital shirts, 12 property bags, 1 pillow. Utopia_-6 pyjamas, 6 flannel shirts, 16 pairs socks. St. Paul s-6 py- jamas, 6 flannel shirts. Gren-fel khaki Circ1e-12 pyjamas, 16 pro.- perty bags, 8 pairs socks, 2 pillow"s.' __, 9- `n_L__: _J.:._ A .. \4A\(J IIIIICIJ v 1.,...._... ~........, _ r__, The Railwaymen s Patriotic ` 'sociation, Allandale has given `to Allaudale 7 auxiliary a` generous cheque of $300 to be used in buy; mg` material and this to be made up by Allandale ladies. -Ir I 111", 1_ __ ___`_________J__\3 LA \JlI1'bblll.luD WCI:An _ _ x Shop comlnittee this Week_: Mrs. Palling, Mrs. Shanacy- ` _,..L_;_ 101.1- LI... n1.-- Saturday, December ` 16th _ the shop was in charge of - the Congregational and Reform Churches. "Net-ffceipts $25.14. ' 7' '" v _ -( ` . ..-.n_> gents size, @ 1d 250 each. Mrl Wiseman has presented to Barrie Branch, a ne turkey, weigh- ing 28 lb. [It is to be rafed, pro- ceeds to go to the Society. Li ` rs n , . ,,1___ 1`\_--_.i~l...-. """ ' ~'3`_' " '"' """II'ii. Donations," Saturday, Dee:e11`1;t_>e1- 16th. Ivy, V 1 pt. c1'ean1, Zxffoaves bread; Painswick, 1 cake; Mr? Bren- vnan, turkey; Mr. Wiseman, turkey; run '11 1. m I ,_,_ "_"J_'_:J__,] ISLLUUBSE. J.Vt;b Lcccxpua qJuu.U.u.'. Saturday, December 23rd will "be a Union Saturday. ` :There will` be a ~s"pecia1 afternoon tea, _also a candy table. Donations of cake, candy, etc. Will`be Welcomed. . . . -. A 003 ' uau, ULILIXCJ , 4VJ..Lo VV 1>3L.LA1uLJ_, U|AA.II\/J , The Poultry Sale was [ 9; decided success. Net receipts $65.00.. _ C4..4.---..1..-- n..........L-.. ~')`2uA u1'l'l "kn The shop vv-"i-l`1m1'10t be open during Christmas week. ,,,,,'L1_-_ L1.-2.. _.....1-; 'l`I"-.. ' `tivcs of soldie In order to _ sist friends a1idf1:ela- "in sending s'I_,na1l`:re- ready" money" to branch `of "the Can- ommerce has pro- of French Bank mittances of France the loc ` adian Bank of i cured a` supply Notes for "this These ve franc Canadian money), _ :7 fquest and will b found a_ most convenient" form of furnishing pocket money to he boys at the -. front as they are p able to bearer .-' at par anywhere in 'ance and can be easily enclosed in an ordinary - letter. ' --cs . . parcels or tracts. scs situate, lying- own of Ba1{rie'in' e, and being com- f Lots one, two, the East side of `rmerly Charles. mn1u:nl-n.....J 1')`-- I3a'1'-rie a Mg < citizens of V" Christmas amid a Happy w Yeaxf. `are "respectfully. s for his re-election as Mayor fdr ;a'*;- %"gT' BOYS 'r THE r1fc,)_;I*1`V; = 4._--__. OPEN NOTES : .' ronmgr ~s_I_:1'9p- In Iln\f11ii" "-'IlIn' At the `evening service next Sun- day Christmas carols will be` `sung, also the following anthems: Cantiquey de Noel by Adam.` .In. the Fields with Their Floeks Abiding by .F. M. Coustance. While ` Shepherds ;,.WatcI1ed Their Flocks by Night by Roland ` Spiart. -1'1 1_,_ 11,,u,,-_-__9_ . registered plan one on the South - t, formerly John e of East street, ' red plan No. 13.. ree-and four'andi' ot ve all on the street, accordin '0. 13.` Of\Lot eighteen,` nine- ' -one and twent -` . Gounod. U'u'i;:e"o1'ga11ist will play Beethoven s Minuet in G and -a Serenade by Ch: 11 1 ' ,,1 'll ,'.._ ' \AUu&AVuo Dr. Arnall, choirmaster. Constance Palling, _ orgamst. - Christmas Morning` A On Ch1'istmasV morning the anthem -will be, `,` It Came Upon the Midnight Clear . by Sir Arthur Sullivan, and org'an `numbers Gloria in Excelsis b_v.Perzolesi, and Marche en Re Majeur ' by Guilmant. GEANVTRAL METHODIST CHURCH `Sunday Morning _ . Prelude--Cantique de Noe1-W. J; \Vestb1'Ook._ T Doxology. , . Hyn1n-Ha1'k, the Herald Angels Sing. . ' | Pra_yer. V . Ant11em--VVhi1c Shepherds Watch- ed Their Flocks By Night. V nmI\Il`l\1lIY Dnuvnnuqnn A 1113:1101.-1.' CKI J. ILCLL .L' J\J\.al\D L) L` 15 ALL : Offerto1'y- Berceuse--A. TI1_]msk_v, Opus 13. L Uvvuxass TI.-{..'l-l TKTIHM `lfnnn "I"I1n.~n ullua .1.-J. ` ' Hyn1n-Hai`k! \Vhat Mean These Holy Voices. . Sermon. Hynn1 -Jesus The Very T_houg'ht of Thee.- ' V1!` 1 1 `I 71,], I UL J. Aluuo "Postlude-4Marchc do la Fete- MQrgan.. . T ` a....;:.... tI........'..... . , ;u.u15au.. _ Sunday Evening ' Prelude-Fantasia. .. on Christmas Caro1s-A. B. Plant. ' V Doxology. _ V Hyn1n-Hark the Herald Angels Sing`. . . T Anti...-.n `D.-.l..CI.1 T D`-:I\nI 'VnI1 k}l1l`r',o A11thom-Bcho]d I Bring` `You Good Tidings-Norman Churchill. Carol-VVe Three Kings of the Orient Are. I TN .11 T'I,'_I,.._ \I1 lC1lIg ILJsCa ` Hyn1n-Ang'e1s From `the Re'al1_ns.} of Glory. . Ca1'ol--_C1'ad1od _all Lowly. Hynin-'Joy to the World. Qua.1'tette-Ho1_v Night. ' Hym11-It Came Upon the Mid- ni_2:ht Clear. ' . National` Anthem. Vesper Hymn. , ~ ' - Post1ude--Marcho _ Pontificale--J. Lemmcns. -|r- -r\ 11 ,,,,_-_._`_1_ _-_':I ..`I.-_'_.' culars apply to` -o'uIIn---__ . _k V M. Evening fservice _ Organ Prelude-Rippling Brook ;_.-by Gillette. ' 2 A J-L Avsa 1 ` 'I\1....... RITA:-n Q11n11_ %COLLIER s'rRn1:'r METHODIST V311} `l"I w1(`3Fi{o1'ueHa1'k What Mans Holy Voices--by Sir Arthur `I3: `I , ,, T\_,1,.,_ Organ Pre1udc-C]ximes-Cohen. Doxoloqy. . Invocation, ` ` -- - H}'1n11-.4I-Ia1'k the Herald Angels Sing. , V IVL 5...." Un..1v 7l.n# Ryfnnvnm 'l1non `Responsive Reading Psalms 72. `Offertory Prelud--Dorey. Offertory Anthem--Old French Noe1+Gloria in Excelsis Dco-H. B. gaul. H zrr. r! 711., ;1,_ `|I':.'I .IJL'lllIl1UllDo ` . M1ss Donnelly, orgmnst and choir leader. V 1 1) aux. .I-ixymn` `It Came Upon the Mid- night C1ear-Noel arr. Sir Arthur . Sullivan. Sermon----.Se`eking' for Jesus. AAnthem-Glory to God in the Highest-by -H. C. Cooke. T _ Hymn--Angels from the Realms of Glory." _Benediction.` h . Post1ude-I\Iilita1jy March---Flag'- Ier. ,llUl uh `*.LV11lLll\.lU1 o - H'ymn-Hark the Herald Angels Sing -Mende1ssohn. . Ch'ant in A _ L SoI_o, Sopra.no--` ` Rejoice Greatly -From Handel s ` ` Messiah. Oertbry P1'e1ude%A11gelic Voices. Batiste. IV! (IIVI ', 9, 1.1.. _-';_y. U ;.ucuuc. . Anthem There 'Were _Shep- .herd -Maunde ' 11-r-r I .1 1'1`, ,,I1 l__-._`l_ or VALUABLB; PRo1>1:RTY~~a`i'-` r BARRIE, IN` I` SIMCOE. ; l jJ.'LUll1 AVLUOGLU D .-Llllll. AYL(l'DDn .V1ol1n and Organ--.` ` Romance -. Felix VVa1koff. . ` T\ "1 (V `I 1:-rr ' ,_u,9~v IV--- ua.6`f:a:'.t;o1'y Chorus-Gloria. in Ex- sis-From Mozart s 12th Mass. 17- 1- 1 n,,_____ ((1')________..!9 .1` C115 _V'V l1l\Ulln , Barltone Solo-` ` Nazareth " ---Gou- nod. ' T1 FIT! , 1I',,___f._ _. -'r:...'LL -4-: 11UUu `Hymn - T-he l\Iorning `Light 15 Breaking. ('1 , 11 'r__,,__ 1.1, - 'r):__-_. -1.` 1.111.6- Anthen1-Behold I Bring you Good Tiding's-`-Norn1an Churchill. ' KKTT, 7'.` _.-_ L1...`- .u.u:u1\u15. ' . Sermon A-- Jesus the R1ver4 of Llfe. T ' -n~1 11 T `n ,:,,-_ ___,_ 11--.] .l.l\l.llli.',Dj.LV UL Illa/ll \Jlll.lJ.\.}1Ill-lo Hymn--` ` Ho "T Every one T that I Thirsts Draw N igh. . [ 'D.....nJ;..l--up. T T7nn~r\ 115' ,Qo`pd,, 1 l.Llll1'L IJIHIW LVISII. Benedictus-` `Lord Keep us Safe? I H. Hewlett, Mus. B'ac. Post1ude-Finale--Lemn1ens. Mrs. Laidman, choir_ leader; Miss Rich ardson, organist.` ST. MAB.Y S CHURCH 8 and 8.30 o'clock Masses P1"e1ude-vA-Hark The Herald Angels` Sing. . Long Ago a Midnight Strain. The -Shepherds. A . . A I T Oertory--0 Lovely Infant, Dear- est Saviour. - T Adeste Fideles. Pos`t1ud_e'---Ange1s We Hasre Heard ' ...'.. 'l'J'.-..`l~. V Ull LL15 11: Mass at 10.30 J * A Prlude-Chorus of Angels -- S. Clark. Kyrie---Missa Brev.is-_-T. _Tedesco.< Gloria--Missa -Brevisg-3-T. -T.eAdesco. _Credo-Missa, Brevis-V-`-Tz. :Tedes c __1__ 11I:_'I_'I-.. 9 1`- .\. uuu vvu. VII U110` `street, formerly ing `to registered` Lots eleven and; h. _si1_e T of East .o 04:21` ` - .....- ._,.._,_._ , '__._, _._:_ ..._,_...-........._...V _ :5 Sahctus - Mxssa Brevxs-,-'l?. descg. `- % ' ` L ` - 1- 1 , -It-0-,-, 'rL_--;:_' fl'I` In-16360. Bei1edictus--Miss.a` Brev'is--T. desco. _. * -- . -n-! '1:-!,-_ 'I':____:_ III .6360. _ - -- _Agnus Dei_.-Missa, Brevis--_T.~ T.Ghristmas `Eve These Sulli- Miss Te- Te.?| 'xteen, - seventeen, `twenty, -twenty-u _ _ .. nty-three, twen- and twenty-six Clapperton street reel plan No. 37, cred plan No. 1481 -ighteen and nine- -`g t side -of Owen; reg'iste1'ed plani id Town of Bar