Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Dec 1916, p. 4

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of C., Chas. Neely ; .I..c'ect.A- Br6. McConkey; '1st Com_.,. Bro. J. Mc- Laughlin; 2nd Com., Bro. Alex. Black; Organist, `Bro. Ed. vWebb. | f.50-52 AND FURTHE_ TAKE NOTICE that on the 4th d`_.' of January, A. D., 1917, at the h" r of two o clock in the afternoon `a- Council Chamber {in thesaid Municiality the Clerk of the said vMunicip!ity shall attend and sum up the otes given in the _airmative and negative on the said lquestion. ' ' h 117 ("1`I4l'Tl'l\1"r 1 nuuu uu uu: .:au1 uy OI .U8CCIl1DO1' A. l D., 1916, at the _ ur of two o clock - in the afternoont head of the Coun- cil of the .said _ rporation or some n_1embe1' of t}1e sag Council appoint- ed for the purpos by resolution shall` attend at uneil Chamber in lthe said. Munici} litiy for the pu1'~ pose of appointi - two persons to attend at the nal summing` up of the votes by the Cler ~ and one person to attend at eaeh Olli11f.`,' division on i behalf of the pe ons interested in 5 the Voting in "the irmative, on the ` said question and ._ like number on ` behalf of such pegons interested in the voting` in the ynegative on said`: question. A A A xv-rs v-u--vvl.-----._ ' .- A ----- ,_. ..._---c, \:IwvI-IIA uu uuu\;.L but L'.\l5L' ii ing contract wi 1 the Hyd1`o-Elec- tric Power Com Aission of Ontarie. TAKE N OTI _ that the fo1'egoi11g is a correct stat ment of the quest- ion to be submit d to the vote of the electors and th the votes of the `electors on the id question will be i taken at the san time and the same lplaces as the an ual election for the Municipal Coun `. AND FURTH` I I LVLAL -.. rm-1gE NOTICE 41.).` .u .1: UAUJ. 1112 I that on the 27th7 T! 1n1D ,1 :1 I of Ontario Vdevd the Municipalit_\` may be require electric energy place of the ele ._ now being` obtai Are, you in 4 Hydro-Electric . -mg tnc 1\1}{D1::.'7_-15Xs, E1) AND ENACT- ED this.8th da of.Dcce_mbe1', 1916. ' F. CRAIG, ' , '\ .l'..-...-. 1. That the followin_2; question be "submitted to the electors of the; `Municipal _Cor1foration of the Town [of Barrie. ` I Are you in -igavor of having the Hydro Electric I power Commission of 1 Ontario develop} or acquire for the Municipality wligxt ever worksmay be} required for tl supply of electricl energy or pow ' to take the place of the electric _1ergy or power now being; obtained iunder the existing contract" with ..the . Hydro-Electric Power.Commisson of Ontario 'll'A`l\1'1"runru --- ` I The Council of the Co1'po1'ation oi,` the Town of Ba 1'rie enacts as fol-! .lo\ys:-_- V ` J 1 7'I"'l..\L L1 1' `V ' ' TORONTO MARKETS ,By-Law N o. 905 I DEVLIN MBN S SILK OR GASHMERE SOX @ MEN'S SILK MUITLERS in all % LADIE'S FANCY COLLARS ififa11c3' boxes, Vat 250,500, MEN S SILK TIES,` put up in separate fancy boxes, @ MEN SA FANCY SUSPEN`DERS,:`A1`n11ots and Garters, 13 PLAIN PAN CY FANCY FANCY LADIES FANCY::[IANDKERCHIEPS, in boxes RE PO R TS WHITE; sIi.K CREPE Bousns, with. `Maize t1'imn1ing, 36, 38, 40 . . . . . . . . .. 3 S1I:KvC>`I`}PE BLOUSES, in White, Peach and Maize, 36, 38, 40, @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHITE :LK. CREPE BLOUSES, with Cope11ha;9,'e11 tl'il}lIl1iI1f__`.', sizes 36 and 38 only, @ -S.'[_LK`CRE BLOUSBS, in '\Vhitc-, Flesh and ).I.ai7.e sizes 34.Vto 42, special . . . . . . .. . . 2% _ ' ' _ ' WHITE SI_L`?BLOUSES, in very nat t_\' styles. sizes 34 to 4'2. spcmal . . . . . . . . . . .`. .. `WHITE VOILI,BLOUSES, in V"e1'_v natty (Iosig'ns a1_1d_st_\'I'0.~', sizes 3-} to 4'2 @ $ `DEVLIN & %MURCHISON Tin ` For -uva. and A. W. SMITH, * Ladies , with Japanese sleeves, made in pale blue or Copenha'. 11 crepe and trimmed around col Jar, dewn front and sleeves with white; embroidered on -front mmd sleeves in white, Xmas I-,1.i(,eS (runny... `or of llaving-V.t11e. owcr Cdmmissi'on p or acquire for whatever works] ` for the supply of: '.power to take the '1c energy or power ed under the cx1st- -. J-1... TT__.'!,f, `I11 ay of December A. IV `A "II\1\t] -4. .L1- - Ex: TA-KE NOTICE LINEN` HANDKEh}_cHI3rs with namw hemsfzitched edge, in ; PARMER _SZ PRICES December 13, I uuxuxvvlu 350 each. x \ LINEN HAIEDKERCHIBFS @. ::MBRoIDI:R@b 'HANDK_ERCE OK --,1, `*- cusps` HANDKi:RcHnIr;s, @ W. SMITH`: F `blegk. , Mayor Clerk. .Lu.3oa1ll1lal.U.ll OI `He and. the annual supper of Empire L.O:L.TNo. 452 took p Monday _evening. The newly fled master, F. Applebyv p SATURDAY MARKETS `- V - U, vyyxull ulc propor- ty is g`c-morally dcsighated, na1nel_\4-', ` ` McCarthy s Grove. The property will fbe offered .for lsaletsubject to a reser bid; Terms ten per cent. at the tir of sale, and the balance within thi1I'zt days there-- after. ` ' ~ For` further pa1'ti,culars` apply to STEWART & STEWART, Vendors Solicitors, Barrie, Ontario 49-52 . [December 5th, 1916. ..vo ` This p1'o po1'ty is situated in one of the best rosidenti. `mrts of the Town and would make of land- for subdi ` for a la1'go residen b. A beautiful small `L`1'0`\-'e is situq d t11e17 eon Wllich gives the name by wjlich the proper- `McCarthy Grove A . '1 |'[`].m> ...nn....4.-- _w 9 ,-- .,.... \.uuLcuuL'u 111 a eertaln mort- ieggagre which will be produced at the 711 time of sale, there will be offered for` sale by Public Auction, by W. A. 19 McConke_v, Auctioneer, at the new ,1? Barrie -Hotel, in the Town of Barrie,l Ielon Satur(la.y, January 6th, 1917, at. reltwelve o clock, noon, the followings,` ic l property, namely:-- i 59 All those certain parcels or tracts `V of land and premises situate, lvinew S and being ill the Town of Barrie in .c 7 ' , ) .- tl11'ee`a1fil four on the East side of. 3. Lount sfreet, formerly Charles street, a`qLo1'diiig to registered Plan 1. No. 13. " f lots nine and ten on the l South si'_iof Grove street, formerly .- John st1 _ i`, according; to 1'eg'iste1'ed ' plan No.9; :8, Of Lots eleven and twelve o"`lT_lie;No1'tl1 side of East! 3' street, are ding to registered "plan 1 . ._Of Lot one on the South '.':`E street, formerly John orth side of East street, -_ registered` plan N o. 13. l 4 two, three and four and ` of Lot ve all on the 1' East street, according` ' plan No. 13. Of Lots l "teen, eighteen, nine- _ `_ went_v-one and twenty- ( two `on the 'est side of Clapperton : street, ac-cor _ng' to registered plan No.. 31. Of ts sixteen, seventeen, . 1 e 1 1 V1 1 cigrliteen, nix en, twenty, twenty- one, twenty- , twent_v-three, twen-` t_V-four. twent`-live and twent_V-six on the East SI of Clapperton street aeeordingr to 1 St1'(l plan No. 37, as amended by isterecl plan N o. 148 Of Lots sevent `e1g'l1teen and nine- teen _ on the %est side a of Owen 1 street according o reg'istered plan No. 31, all in tl gsaid Town of Bar- rie. . 5 ERCHIEFS @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c 45c 75 mu-h 'HANDK_ERGI-IIBFS, @ 3 rm-V252, ,2 for 25c, 15c` can-hi, 25~ var-In --uvu _ .E.`.(```: 1, ,e._, Instgllaigibn Ao:f 'ofii< ma, +1.. nnnn -A Japanese Kimonas of an Under and by virtue of th power sale contained in a certain mort- 2'0 \\r ]lin]1'\\,-HI Ln ' n..,..J..... .1 I I I I [MORTGAGE SALE OI` VALUABLEI RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OI` BARRIE, IN i THE COUNTY 01" SIMCOE. `Under f Chin nrh\+n:nn; g o u o o I V o o 00 u - n u o u o . o no Ladies Blouses shades and styles, in separate fancy boxes @. . . . . . ...... .......... , ,,5nn 7K.-a Q. _,..... nu. ;.;. UI Lots teen, gest ` . 7 . 1'.` five sf` 1! "istered y jstered nin-Lfnnu n.. 1 , ' -. ..u- vuun 1.111106 On _[instal-, . Appleby presjded '1 5. | - -.....v;. >3 cxcubcu s{1_pper United A o. placeon Tho m....1.`. :..-L-IL K1.`oig'htcCn 'ost 1'og'Iste1`cd .iA `oicers electedf` '\n~p A-9 "'T---'* * " rrow hemstitched in/ladies and gents size, (1,; .. 150, 200 and 250 t-Mia: 750, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 our-1. ...;25c, 350, 50c, 75c` and 1.00 s, 1'n1t`up in fan(-.y boxes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25C, 500, 750, $1.25 per sot. o u - u c o o - o - , I n o o n rulcy boxes ((0 . . . . . . . . .. 50, 750, $1, $1.50, at me supper and the social evening which followed. The chief item on the programmewas the` presentation f-,to Bro. H. R. Robertson of a Past ~.:Master s jewel. V.rvE(`;.jger, the first member of the,Io.dge- uring the evening a portrait was unveiled" of the late Pte, ' Walter` 1: i make" thesupreme` sacrioe; at the suioper ~ chief i [the press Robertson },:7Master ,.,,,.;,.,.. 4.1. . .....A :- U 4850 ..., ..um uuy OI November, 1916. `Any motion to quash or set aside the same or_ any part ~the1'eof must be made within three months from the rst publication of this Notice and cannot be made thereafter.` T R. J. FLETCHER, Clerk nf` Hm n......-- -1-`n- II; alllllll. `A AI;(`IA-.`.t}1at the '""id By-law of the Corporation of th County of Sim~ cde was registere 1-; in the Registry Oice of the County of Simcoe on the 28th day of November, 1916.- 'Anv mntinn `` n ......,.1. --. --: -1 mu U1. u1'1u1 "to the amou $110,000.00 und By-law N of the said (grpolation 0 Town of O1'illiv__for the pa and illstallation "f` electrical ment at tho El 'ical Power- of the Town of iiillin, beari torest at the rat of five and `\n/1 u 0- -- "`~~--- * or THE 0 .V;'POR.ATI0N or 2?; com or SIMC0B/gc_ ` `.---- ` u9 Notice is 11; by g'i\`e11 theft a` Haw was })asseic1)_\-"t}1e Council of the Corporation 0 qthe County of Sim- coe on the 24, day of November. 1916 authorizi the County of Sim- co? to gjua1'an 0 _ debentures to be issued by the o1'1)o1'atio11 of the Town of Orilli "to the amount oti No. 657 of the `Town nf n.-;n:..x;.c.... LL- ` BY-LAW No. 12161 ' 43-50 id By-law of the Corporation of tlt County of Sin1- coe was registere ; in the Registry- |OHice of the Com 3' of Simooe on -the 28th day of `vember, 1916. Any motion to qiash or set aside 7... 11V. uunnn i ` Anti that the t_he same or any pziit thereof must "be made within three months from the rst publication of this Notice and cannot be n1ade tliereaftcr. R. J. FLETCHIJR. j Clerk of the County of Simcoe... `18-50 ' the said {Town of Orilli ' -tion and impro ' [buildings in the bearing interest` per cent. per annlnl. | An] 1 Notice is h ' law was passe Corporation 0 Icoc on. the 24 ["1916 authorizil coe to guaran issued` by the _TOWIl of Orillri 459: Ann nn [or THE CORPORATION or THE: I coUN1;f& or SIMCOE ;_c_;_, um nrsn memberuof the hi` e` the supreme sacnce-. Clerk of m .350, 500, 750 per pair. (rporation of the E Orilli __gfo1' the purchase tallation ' f' equip- th Planf Prmm AP n..:n:- 1. "' W"`*"~ L U\VtJ]." fllllll \V V . . _ _ .o\}vn . r1111-`I. bearlng 1n- tlc a-I1ali.' 1`\n`l| (11511: n... y ...... ..40-42cl 1. _. . . . . . ..55-60c} :1 .........2o-25c ..... ....28-30c ...... ..15-17 ...... ..15-17c ...... ..15-18c ...... ..17-20c . . . . . . . . ..$3.5o bush , . . . . . .$1.70 . . . . . . . . . .,$1.65 .... ..J....._$1.7o ........ ..66-68c % ,.$1.1s$1.2o ; ......... ..$1.3o ` 1, ton ..$13-$14 ` ....... ..$11$12 .. .. ..$14`-$18 V ........... ..$12 . , .... .,'..$17-$18 `_ _. .4...` .- \J.I.J.J.'4LU, the` County of Simcoc. in in .350 and 50a our-h Eiby 5_rivcn that a By~- by the Council oi` the the"Count_\' of Sim- _day of I\'ovomber, the Countv of Sim- J.-.1-\.\.-L.....- , uu; uuuuL._\ UL Dull- debenturos to be orpo1'at.io11 of the to the amount of` . D-. 1---- xv nu- nut: aunuuub . nu U]. K` By-law No. 649 Erporation of the- for the 1'oco11st1'uc- ....-..._L -0 1r ' ' I box box box '4-I/A MAIL LLLUIIDDI uC' lent of Mumoipal 1d Town of Orillia, t the rate of six_ 31.95 ('2H'}i rrin, market '.$2.0{0 T $5.00 N`. Du for ` for for . - . . . . . . . . $2. (-at-h $2.00 .50 $4.00 $3.00 I each each ouvh .L.\J IU .775 6.50 6 50 mcueersr. 9169 UL lJ\'WIl'H||7` From \hm-. -to open nu creation n. ]77th 13:11:` me is ht-_jn:: every nu-r.~~ nxakinq LIL: ing. ~LIi. ooi Ont... \y:[1.UII. Saturainj. Co11;:x'(-2:: ti *(?S will lm` in;: .`a':1Iln' S8tl11'(1:1}'. ' open - (T`hri.~ Q l.n.'. v \:m Shop H -Lawn-n:r-. week: My A (`,l11`i~ mcnt will Army l'mr~ week. .\ 'sc_d. - `uuL ._. $1JKh (Hun quart 1'H:l:. 1 lb. bum.. I)alston V\\3 6 ns dh Iinook. I - C1'ai_r\'nl<-. -.` 1 1081' lnwu l`cako,]I 6 don ruH (31l1'l'&11lt Inn`: III`. -IL Hill Tho .\'< the shn]. day, I)(-<- Ag; 1. Tho Sum 11c-gulzlr Illm day, Du-an the R011 (_`:' crvisimn H call is so which thy make and hold s(`\\`i1:' T11e;s`dn_\'.<. -as f01'nu-1'1}. All '45 38. 15 V16 us Lusnn I 1 All 1nm`:.`f .arc inVit--I` Rooms nu `of Dortomlu 'I'l . .1 S. A. Chris I)01x:11iu `School M. 2 quilt.~: lbs`. }mI1-v.- e_2'<,;s ;` M }: chickens. apples. 1 `butter. 1 Circle. -.'c~ jar ]n'(-.~<-2 Ins_titut-. lbs. bum-2 baskorts -1 2 Ionvc-< 2 pics; `J ` 3 lbs. bu!` Pain.s'wi-1`. 1 pint vi - Q1 nn. 1'. Irnuxuu n The r: trv Pun! week. Jinn uunnv ` ` You 125 _ WOl'(` n .VC`1'_V (:4 r I plcasv ::~ rm. --n.\rvAA 4 -u. tary mt-_ Ins Ilzlnu 1417 .A.Ll.u, l'l',n la11dor.-. ta1i0n.<. .~ Bal'l'i(' 1 011 mu Gd hm name (H arm: 1- Jnuuu .16tla` 1%.} l'\I1'L.s`.. H. week, I copy oi` journal 3 front h_\' the t]|il' t1`_v. In ]4th. ]. v,E `cl-|4UKll\@I|ll' T0 In. wherv 1}; `Red (-'I'n~ -ten t0 >3 socks an- the` fullm m` In .'s1 ~i-$132755 _. .10-15c . . . . . . 50. '- T110 11".` `Bram-h I` 5_M0nd:1_\'. I -Att0I1(1:lI1-' IIU` Tho Au SD.-\ Y. - n c o n o - q 1.5. 1916 1 80 50 - -10 18 18 23 10 00 HAII 1566 11 00 10 00 -I An *5 55 10 In I-P` .:.uu ,vvomen's 1nstitut,..bazaar' - held here last Thursday ,,fternoon and evening was a. decided success." The bazaar netted`$102. 8 and the quilt $40.09, so that th ,_handsome Makes Eour Skin Like velvet ' Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One- or two applications will remove the roughness", and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and `softness of a baby s. cedonia is `not sticky, and gloves cmey be worn a few znomentsfter nsmg it. Price, I_c."`and 25c. De~ 75 1-:- nu; a ucuuwus-11111011 naq been partaken of a splendid programme of speeches and songs and %recitatio_ns closed one of he most successful evenings ever Le joyed by the breth-. ren of L.O.L. No. 16. - Sueccossful Bazaar. 2 ..= The _ oriiii s ` Infiti1f,' `E baiaaf ` here .Ina+ 'l'|l.m.a...l.... .'1-a.-....-.`-- .) C` 315 'nn 55 10 50 65 .\n ' Chap:--Bro. F. Sinclair. [ Fin.-Sec.`-Bro. W. Lucas. . Treas.-Bro. J. A. Cor`pe D. of C.-Bro. A. Stewart. Lect.--_-Bro._ J. Creig'h,ton, B1 E. Wonch. . ' Co1n.--Bro. A. Orrock, B Speers, .Bro. J. Jackenian, [B1 Toney, Bro. W. Wright. . O_T__;Rrn T-T n1nn`yn`nn`- art. (`II Thornton L. 0.. L. The a1n1ualA111eeti11gVof L.O.L. No. 16 was held on Friday evening last and the following oicers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: ` W.M.-B1-o. R. Allingham. D.M.-Bro. Bert. -Fisher. - . Rec.--Sec1'.etary-Bro. L. W. Stew- :2 1+ - n U110 T7111 . ' .7 J A_ A nu`n1be1'_ from 110130 attended the Conservative 111eeti11pj alt Ivy- last Monday for the purpose of selecting` delegates to go to Alliston on the 14th to nominate Ta Candidate for W." Simcoe. . I.'l`.:--Bro. J. Len nox. - , ` Oicers were installed byiBro. J. Corbett, District Master of Innis- I` . I` %Monkman s `_C_ilycedonia Mr. Russel Crossley and Mr. Geor,2'e Easton have 1'etu,rned from the West, the "former had been out _the1'e~two years and the latter near- ly one year. A ....~...1..--. 2-.-... 1,` -- " "' -' uuuuuvll Lu but: LVBW 1881'. Mrs. Sam. Armstrong of Toronto .1s vxsitmg relatlves here, Mrs. Arm- strong `taught school here many years - ago. TI1e Rev. T. J.- `Dew took his text from the 4th chap. and 13th, 14th and 15th verses of General Epistle of I James. 3 1r T\ , c .. - The Fowl Supper in connection umucu. uuu muuner mere IBSUWCCK. [with St. Jude's Chu1"ch`will as usual the allniversery services on the first `sabbath in the New Year. mrm. 0-.-- A-.-.-_Lw n - be held on New Year s night, and~ .After 9. delicious-lunc}1m}'17ad been n.rf_nLvnn 1.4? .. .....1...-.::_1 un 4..xu:.u1.a-Adah WUUK. '~ t Mr. Albert Stewart. of Cochrane visited him mother here lastweek. vm... 1n.....1 c.-....--- 3 T -' u"al1h Mr. \V. D. Henry of Grassy Lake, Sask., is visiting the scenes of ; his youth and (renewing: acquaintances after an absence of ve years. Miss Mable Nixon visited friends in Auroraiast week. Ii. AIL___L Du, I A "` ' 4AlLIJJ.\IV 1115- ` Mr. Thomas Henry who suffered a sligllt stroke of paralysis recently. is,.we are pleased to say able to be out again. 1 r 117 vx --~- - -- 1;;vuu;u_uD uu l..uL`., b`lXIJ1. _ Pleased to report Mrs. Simpson as lmprovmg. _ ' 1|/fa. 'L.-......... "l'T;,,, " " " Mr. M. McChea11 held a, very suc- cessful .fa1'1n sale , of stock and im- plements on 'tl1e,`s1xth. Dlnnnnzl J... -._--_,,L 1r Iv- .n.u_vxu;1 - ` ,.l\Ii's. C. Miles i11g' a, few days local_ity. - ' Upholte1'ing andwure repair-T Aingdorie by competetih Qrkmen at Do % ugall Bros, Furniture gre. ) CS 1.110 Mr. I week ' a father. ,,-,_l_.... Mrs. -McDonald of Stayner spent` Sunday with Mrs. McQuay. Mr. Donald 1\IcKay'is supplying in S.S. No. -1,` fo1_- Miss TMorrison, who is ill. 7 I -`.- Luv 10.30 WCCK . 'Miss\Christ.ie Ca1'fut11e1's is from school with mumps. _A R1-1'. nn11Q]!:I lfnwoir in ou1u~.v.1-w SUNNIDALE CORNERS A December 11th, 1916 -Mr. A. B. Rose of Cainsville was renewing acquaintances in this local- ity l_ast we_ek._ no ruuxauuju .' ' _ J. .\V1lson 1s gettlag a large gras- goline engine and chopper this week. I ' ------- ` M -.~_-- uuxvusuxg, nu J.` 11: "Several from Sta.yneVr last we .tion. 1-7 0.1 n.. Wfith Sundaj. T 'T.'l .|Lu.L>3vu [John Alla Tllompsorl Ais moving into the old Farrell homestead now belonging to Frank Perkins. Iqnwnn-n` -I-` .... u `L----- |.'1J\LJ. 1J1Uus1llH.So . ` Mr. and Mrs. Doane and da11'g'htci' spent Sunday at- Shanty Bay. ' Reta Brown was home on Sund ay. Geo. Baldwin is moving a house for the. Wise Lumber Co., at Craig- hurst. ' A DALSTON % ~ I V _ aDece1n'be1' llth, 191-6 { Some of the farmers are taking ad- vantag'e,of`the ne weather to nish their ploughing. -R"-1' trntl `Ins `l\------ -~~ 3 1 . Dealers were paying to the farm- . ers at St. Lawrence, Market, Tues- .day, thefollowing gures for their offerings :-, Butter, choice dairy . . . . . . ..40-42c Eggs, new-laid, doz. . .55-60c n Turkeys lb, d_ressed . . . . . .20-25c Turkeys, spring . . . . . Fowl a . _ . . . . . . . .15-17 Geesefspring . . . . . . . .15-17c Ducklings _ . . . . . . . .15-18c Spring chickens . . . . . . . .17-20c ' Squabis per doz. .. ; Fall wheat, new, buslr ..$1.70 , .Fall wheat, old, . . . Goose wheat ' . .,$1.70 Oats, new, ,bush . . . . . . . . . . . .66-68c . Barley, malting . . . . . . , .$1.18-$1.20 ` Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.30' Timothy, new, No. . .$13-$14 ` Mixed and Clover . . . . . . . . Straw, bundled 1 Straw, loose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straw, Rye ? \./uu_l1Aw yculuc. . ` ' I ' T-l1e roads are frozen. up and 111 many places they are very rough. -_ VILLL IJC G BuUUUDD- ' Mrs. McQuay_of Sunnidale has*1'o- _t1u'ned }1o1ne'aftcr visiting a lot of old Ivy friends, also some of the Utopia people. ' ` W I...` ..M..J,. ...:.. .c ..... 1 4. nu _UL uuuuu auq. (R1511 p1.v')U. A _Christmas Tree and Concert will `be held in the Methodist Churcll on December 22nd, Great preparations are being made for it. VVe hope it will be a success. ' 1\r_._ 'nr_r\ n A -- - - UTOPIA - - December 11th, 1916 Our monthly s_hipn1ent'for the Red Cross was ztakeu in to the'Red Cross Rooms, Barrie, on Saturday" the 9th, and, consisted of six pyjama Euits, 6 grey flannel shirt_s and 17"pairs of socks. Also, the Sixth Line took in their contribution, which was as follows: 2 loaves of bread, 2 p`ies, 2 doz. tarts, 1 -box ofcookies, 1 cak'e, 11?) of butter`and cas`h $1.50. ' A ll...:..;.....- 711...... ...-.`I n - % B. Petch atte11di11g' Whaty.,9rrespq9dns rand ; Recgdig - ` I u .a. .uA:n J. GLILIHD. ii "from here motored to` Week to "the AConvcn- StC`VCllSOl1 '38 1101118 OVCTE THORNTON % Dccember.11th, 1916 -_----.._ NIII-l3LV Beef Hides, green. . Beef Hides, cured Tallow Sheep Skins. . . . .. Calf Skins . Horse_Hides .. Horse Hair .. Wool, unwashed Wool, washed .` Lamb Skins . . . . .. was at Caledon this` ' the funeral of his of VStay11or is spend- with friends 111 this Bro. J. Bro. ' A. ' Bl"0. llomc . _ The following oicers were elected &t L._0,;_,L. No. 605, lgis_t `Wednesday 'e_ven'ing{: W.M.`Br'o. _`Jas. Booth; D`:_ M.`Br_o. -Sam Reynolds; Chap, Bro. Robt. Vaughan; Rec.-Sec. Bro. Geo. Neely; Fin.-.Sec., Bro, - Edw. John- ston;- 'Ireas.,. :Brq. "Herb. Blaqlcj D. % Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birnie, Mrs. Wm. Nightingale, Mr. Will. Night- ingale, _and Mr. Edwin Johnston are spending a few days in Toronto" this` .week_.- A T V` ` Mr. Hammond of Camp Borden is our ncwsstatlon master now. '6 V Messrs. Geo. Young, and Russel Constable attended the Fat Stock Show ,in' Toronto. s "Mr. `and Mrs. Lott Smith are mov-' ing to the latter s father s home, and Mr. Harvey Guest is moving to Mr. Smith _s farm. ' ' GRAIGVALE V , Dccc111bcr.11tl14. 1916 C611_q1'at11latio11s to Mr. Wilfred Johnston on passing: his final medi- cal -examination at Toronto Univoi'- sity. _. ucuu111ul;1` J4), _,Wheat s . . . . . . 1 50 Barley... 1,05 Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 O0 Oats, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 _ Buckwheat. . . . . . . . . 1 15 Rye . . . . .. ' 130 Hay,,per ton, new 1000 Flour, western .. .. -Family Flour, per bbl Potatoes, per bag V 1 75 AEggs,-- per doz. .. .. 45 Butter, per 113 .. .. Chickens, dressed ' Ducks ...., 16 Turkeys-.... .'. Mutton .. '9 00 -Lambs, each .. 6 00 Lamb, per Tb v - Hogs, liveseleets Sows,live.... ' Butcher Cattle .. T. . .. . 5 50 Ecve1'ything' was` sold and the la-l dies were proud of. their success, as this was the rsat bazaar ]1eldTin_ Tllornton. Besides the `above sum, the VVomcn s Institute was able to hand .ov01' to the Se wi11g Circle $100.40 a shor time ago to carry on their Work. ' T _ ..__.U. The sale of fancy work, .home-. `made clothing, eo11fectio11e1'y, bread, -etc., and the well pa:t1"oni7.ed lunch counter kept the ladies in- charge busy throughout the` afrternoon and` evemng. A . u-uu ouou LU1 LHUBU 111 13110 navy. [A slnular account of vthls bazaar was sent in from which we take the- following: I f'I'!'I, , 1 n n - - ,-.---- vv Davunnxa vuuvvoau The money we understand will be used for purchasing material to be made up for the boys at the front; and also for those in the navy. [A Qih`|;]cn- nnnnnn4- A43 .4-1...`- `L.....\._-. vvuo nu. vuu. rower ' Those who T handled the bazaar deserve the greatest eredlt for then- untlrmg efforts in n1ak111g the baz- aar such a grand success. fI'Il__ ,, " ' Paln1istry_ was 1'e})1'csc11tad by Mrs`. G. B, Henry (Madam Mazekc) and Mrs._ Pae (Madam Frankeln.) .'1.`he Gramophone was well attend- ~ed-by. Mrs. Douglas Stewart.` who Inn]:-u n nnnnnnn -. -1.` LL- --,,3IL vu u_y. 111.15. 1.lUu5lk15 DLUWHIT. The lucky possessor of the `quilt was Mr. Wm. Power. ` I 7|"l....-.. ---1-- ` "` ` " ' m`. up U uunxvuullu Fish Pond was ably 1ookd';1fte1' by Mrs. Black and Miss Thompson. - `m;._..n..___, m n- - .l.J.\;lI1 J I U The. candy booth was presided over! by. Mrs. McChean, Miss McCh'ean,' Miss Spencer and Mrs. Ba11ti11g`. The Home-made Dry Goods coun-I ter was presided over by Mrs. Pat- terson, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Coulson, and Mrs. Jamieson. ' ' ..'. I ,_- ._.v \.u..\.;. .I.\lL AALLJU 1l{(-l\.L'o The first booth, on the right asfyou entered the Hall was the Tippe,i;in'y tea co1u1te1', presided over by Mrs. Boake,.' Miss Boake, Miss Comlter, Miss Blackstock and d Mrs. R`. D. Henry. ` VFLA .......1--' L__u, ,, ' 1 *- ' --ova-l_ .51-u.3.I.v1LaEIJ. (Corrected by Jbs. Marrin, square.) non? T.T.'.:I...-. .-----~ _ ---.,._.J \f.n.\IV "(ta 1bul1(4ULlo .'il`l1e Temperance Hallwas beauti- fully decorated, eac11- booth vying with the other for fi1jst'p1aee. "FL... a-.,.L L_-u. -_. m sum of `nearly $160 was realized. NIL- F, .v-- .. There is here now, waiting for your. inspection, a wonderfully pleasing exhibition of Fall and Winter Styles and Fabrics that -will be worn -by the best dressed, men in Canada. It will be a great pleasure to show them to you. are the sort that excite the admire ation of men who know and value good style and perfect t at their true wgrth. Well-dressed men attract each other. There is a mutual appre- ciation of the good taste in clothes that is displayed by men of discrin)ination._ Us Birds. ofa feather LAILEY-TRIMBLE _ MASTER gbauux` ' ? CLOTHES Lturei of the Saturday mark_et; there were some sold at. 50 cents but the _ quality was doubted by many, those I Eggs`6'0 cents a doa. was the few oered at the higher price were of ` eg the price of an ice cream cone! Oh re ham and eggs.. Prices ruled as follows: ` - ~ ` , Apples, spies, `bbl. ..s4 Apples, othei-ivarieties, bbl . .. . ._.$3 ' a quality not to be doubted, but one! A Apples, basket .30, 35c Artichokes, basket. . . . ' . . . . . . . .20c I -Butter, lb . . . . ..45c ", Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .5c , V Beef. fronts lb . . . . . . . . ..11c - - Beef, .hinds, lb . . . . . . .` . . . . . . .1,3e Cabbage, head.. . . . . . .;'.5, 10, 15c - Cabbage head . . . . . . . . . . 5,10, 15 , Chickens, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-`22c 1 2 Cream, coffee, pt. .. . 15c ' Cream,` whipping, pt. 25c 1 Carrots, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c - Citrons, each . . . . . . . . . 10, 15c ' Cauliower, head . . . . . . ..5, 10, 15c Duck, lb . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .'.18c Eggs, doz, guaranteed .. 60c `Eggs, dog. .L..50e ` `Fowl,Ib ....15-1801` Geese, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17c Hay, ton . .. . . . . . . . . . .$l2-$12.50 5 Horse radish, prep. bot. .'._..10-15c " Horse radish, bunch _. . . . .5c ' Honey, lb.` . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . .15c f` Honey` in comb, lb `....8c 11 ' Lamb, front, lb . .L . . . . . '. . . .18-200 _. _ Lamb, hind, lb . . . . . . . . . . . .23-25c 1' Mutton, fronts, lb . . . . . . . . . .120 b Mutton, hinds, lb .. . .- . . . . . . . . .140 Onions, pickling, basket ..35c Onions, yellow, basket ....90c ll Pdrk, front, lb. . . . . . . . . . . L . .166 Pork, hind, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.18e S` Potatoes, bag ..$2 Pears, small basket . . . . . .25cll Pears, large basket . . . . . . . . ._.50c{. ,Sage,buncl1 ....5c Summer savory, bunch . . . . . . . .5c Turkey, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28c Turnips . ., . . . . . . . J. . . .2 for 5c re Turnips, bag .. . . . . .....60c it, Thyme, bunphl,..`.. .. .. .. ....5c

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