Lu:u cu nu 151'O10y near- ly 23 yea1's`ag'o and the_un1on was cert-amly a happy one. He at all [times was ready with a }1lpii15:; hand borhood. . TH! and was verypopular in his neigh- 1 .1 - - I ~~ ,.,....._v..... v.. vuuu: afvuau vUuL1l:1"y. Miss Paton, the new "teacher for Cherry Hill `has arrived, also `Miss Foster,Ythe' neW of No. 9. Hope they make good. ` .n11r mnnln on-rnmm...J c._:-__.-: 1r- :..n.u]uc uu:_y uxazu: gUUu. Our `much esteemed friend, Miss McCourtney, had the misforttme to fall "and injure 1 her hip recently We certainly hope she may soon be around again. 11' 11 1x ~1- The Rev. "R. J. D.-- Simpson, of Carleton St. Methodist Church, To- ronto, with his wife and sister-in- law, Miss Georgie Boake have re- .turned' from the West and spent a few days- here previous to returning to his duties.` The Rev. gentleman speaks n most glowing terms of the conditions of. that great country. i men nnn 51- --- '1-'-- V` 3 " A _ A. 'Septem'ber 4th, 1916: ' TheARev. Mears of Toronto assist- ,ed at the services`in the Methodist ch'ui'ch last Sabbath. ~ Death of Ghristopher Nixon ,[|L,_,_ _ 13;, UTOPIA j THORNTON rn iton-19.1% % Abvntdn All tun` J.\v_\" 011 Friday ?d by one ."-s of people hr SIX MONTHS ro `SHOOTING, The 64th annual Fall Fair of the 0:0 Agricultural Society will be held at tl1e..'I-`own :~Hall~, Oro. ~oLn`l-Friday the Lth irist. .. .- ~ A ' OILUIJCDDI Mis Jean Hickling and Miss Mar- jorie Kirkup have been spending a "few days at Toront Exhil,i:tif)g;.; , W1l\lJ`:` Chappl wenf West ajl few days, ago; We Wish him [every succgss. , V A ` T , 7,, 71" 11- - --- -- uaIn'isis1gii }'velyn Brett Went-`to Toron- to` `last. Week to attend `the High School there.` ' ` ' ' 1-` nn '1, ._ \J I/I.'l|Ill4 Miss Janet McKinnon, `fvho has been spending a week or` so with her cousin, Miss Jean Hickling, return- ed to her home 1n Toronto `a few days ago. 1\.f:an `l:`....I.... `D....u. .......z. L- my, uaaup pusucxl Luau ouuua._y, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson and Mrs. Delbert Evans motored up from the Queen City to spend the holiday at the for_mer s home. ' II nu-111 ml -.- `[7`J.;._-_ `n,,,, - 1 a a._y an LHU LU1_u1t:1` 5 HUIHU. and Mrs. Edgar Rennick spent Sunday with. friends [at Utopia. T 1 11- 1-70 - - - ,vvvun'I3uu vuuu H113. VV. Auams. The Secretary of the Branch Pat. Fund, Jas. Hart, wishes to acknowledge the amount of $50 re- ceived `from the Congregational Mis- sionary Society, Rugby, for` the Red Cross. This has been forwarded to Toronto. Fal`I wheat seeding `is [in full_ sw1ng' 1n thls v1c1mty at present. n ` A ovnntnv nnn n'|-nor .n-P 'v\n(\-vxln -'........ .nuu5 All uua vu.:u.1u;_y ab present. | A goodly number of people from these parts took 111 thevslghts at`. Camp` Borden last Sunday. Nfr ah Mr: 15`;-nne+ "Fla .... ..... (Corrected by Joe. Marrin, mrkef ' square.) an n__.- LL IUD `Miss. Reyi1olds, Randal spent the week-end with Mrs. W. Adams. T1... Q..,.....4.....-. -2 1.1.- \Jtl'lll`J JJIJI Ucllo Mr. and Mrs. Doae and Miss Berfet, Dalston spent Sunday: with frieqds. - ` 1-.`I1`v-. -- J. U1 U1] DU: , Miss M. and Mr. E. Palk spent the holiday at their home. j Mr. N. Van Norman spent the holiday at his home. A Mr. Samuel Thacker has left for- Camp Borden. ` -A `M3. t\\-:4: 'I!'._... T\___,. V 1 1:- YS7e-pVte_n-1;);1' 4th, 1916 Mrs. F. Palk is visiting friends [in Toronto. .vr:A -.1 1-` u c ... I\A _ 111 LU! UIILUI `Miss F. P110 is visiting` friends in Toronto. ' ' `K3, 1r 1-n.-'.--`-- ;uuuI Lula \\L'l'l\. There was much 0.\'cit0mo11t i11 om` vilIa last Friday o\'ox1i11}_:' when the stable and _contonts of Mr. Jos. Reid were b111'nf. Fo1't1111'af0I)' the rain`! was `falling at- the time and p1'o\'c11t- ed it from sp1-oadin_4'. ` 0111' school opened on Tuesday. The interior of it has'becn painted and the . yard inlproved by a wire fellce. ' uu,u_ u1a_ lulL'l{,', J1 M1`. and Mrs. are attond11'1}_r the `ronto this Week. VTVLA..- ---- ` 1A\,aDo Mr. Will Culbcrt of Bond'Hoa<-1 spent the ]1olida_\" with M1`. Geo. Mar tin. T Y'\: ww av`-.- CRAIGVALE" V V September 4th, 1916 Pleased to report tl1a.t`I\Iiss Row-' ena Black is 1'ecovo1'ing after her ill- ncsg. ' vvvv n n.` u , - Fred 'ebb of the ].57t}x"B11., Cz1n1_p Borden spent the week end` wi r,h_]1is,1111clc, Mr. Edward \Vcbb. .1---:._ 1,1 - \f1- o'nJ \r... 17 Barley . . . . .. Peas ..'. Oats, old Oats, new.. Buckwfheat . . . . .. Rye.. . . . . . . .. Hay, per `ton, `new Flour, western .Family Flour,p1.' "b' Potatoes, per bag, n4 Eggs, per doz. . . Butter, per lb . . . -nI;II`fllI1E .ACl\1N(\d\ ' um. uwu ua.u;.f.'ulc1`s_\\`1l1 sxnp`. ` | C. H. Baldwm 1ntendso;:om;; back to Clillege agaln 111 Toronto. `\|AlIlll`ll['rl 1(1- School re-opens on Tuesday. Mt. .Ward of Midhurst will teach again this year. "N... `.\r..u...:|:-L mu 1 - up `ycax. The,Methodist Church A1mi-ver- sary services will be held October` .1st. Rev. Irwinof Shanty Bay will |p1'e`ach_ both morning "and evening, also his two 'daug'htcrs,will sing`. C. Raldxvin infnnfle 1.-nin... 1.nn1-- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Doane went to Shanty Bay for Sunday. , g\Villia1n Coulter is Very poorly at prosezlt. ' ' ` ' E \f..,. `lTV...4-`L '77 ' " - lu;.`sl.mF1'a111{ Hunter (nee Miss El- la Church) has a ,slig'ht attack of Adiplltheria. ` Q 1.1..-...'l -... -_- - "" ` ` .,_,u .3, . V 7 Mr. Thos. Redfern is slightly in- disposed. `_ ` Among those Who attended the Exhibition this `vear from here are: I 5 Nfienpa T-Flnro 11".. *.u',.._:1 -n_,, I u\,\,1.1 ;_-.1cau.y uccuuu. ` 7 D. M. Coutts took, a. car load to Camp Bo1'den on Sunday. _ Bfrs. T-T, Fa:-1-nll Rina M. Q...--.n--- uullxll uuuu.-u uu nuuuay. ' Mrs. H. Farrell died on Saturday" and was buried Tuesday of " this week. 1:. A K vvuuvxa Luuuu U8!/L81`. _ Sergt. A. W. Dyer returned to Camp Borden last Thursday after a two Weeks furlough. - Mrs. .Sam Barclay and Clareuce of Barrie spent Sunday at Mrs. Alfred. Dyer s. 111' "PL... 73,10, 1u.uu-u1uUu uus year Irom here are:' Misses Flora Dyer, Meril "Reynolds and Lily Bloxham, Messrs, A. E. Dy- er, Floyd Dyer, C. T. Campbell land J. R. Hunter ' . 1.71.... C'._LL_,, A` -7"` _ Prices still kept to the top notch "at the Saturday market. Buyers were not as plentiful as on "other ' market days this season. This .was_ attributed to the summer -cottagers jhaving in many instances returned `to their homes. :;,1?.-1fices ruled as un- jder: , - r _ T Apples,` small basket ...i.15c'i A-pples, Duchess, basket .20, 25c _'Apples, Duchess, barrel . . . . . .$1.50 Butter,` lb ;. . . . . . . e. . . .32-33c. ' Buttermilk, qt. -. . . . V A. . .A . . . . . . .5c . Beets ,bunch . . . . . .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . :5c Beans : . . . . . . . .qt., 13c., 2 ,qts., 25c Blackberries, quart . .` ` . 20c I.5c Chickens, spring, lb. ..`..20c Chickens, sprin<,.j;, pair 80, 900, $1.00 Bouquets . . . . Corn, doz . . . . . . . . . .. A . . . . . .-18c Cream, coee, pt. .. 15c Cream, whipping, pt. 25c Carrots, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . ;5c Cucumbers . . . . 2 for 5c A" Cabbage, head -... ..`5c Duck, cach'...-.s ....70c Eggs, doz..,... - . . . . . . . . .,...28-'30c Fowl, pair . ._. . . . . . . . . . L .$1.25 Gherkins, per 100 . . . .. . . .45c Hay, new. ton . . . .b . . . . . . . . , .$10 Lamb, spring`, 1b., fronts . . . .20c Lamb, "spring, 1b., hind . . . ; . . . .25c ,,Onions, green, gbunch . . . . . . . .5c . D Parsley, .b11nch * . . . . . . . . ` . . . ._ . .5c _'Potatoes, new, peck . . . . ..50c 3 ,'Pigs, y_oun_.:', pair ..$10 r Radishes, bunch . . . . . . . . . . ...5c Sage,bunch ....5c Summersavory, bunch ....5c `Thyme, bunch .. .. .. .c . Tomatoes, ripe, basket ....`45c ...5cl ' yuu. u. 1.. J.J.uuLC1'. Miss` Sutton of `Toronto is visit- ing` Miss Lizzie Gibsong ` -Miss,Be1'tha S1-igley returns to her duties in Toronto. this week. - \r,. nr T A.-.L----~ 71- m * uuuxco Lu 1.Ul UuLU_ LUIS WQBK. ' Mr. `V. J. Andrews of Stroudvwas. visiting friends in this locality 011 Sunday. ` ` 7 Mrs. _, T. Campbell visited her dam.-'11te1' Mrs. J. S} Fer_9,'uson of Nantyr last Week. [ . -V \f3_-.~- T..u.:- n 1 v _.......y; sash n tux. ` V 1 I Miss` Lottie. Coclnrane has ,1`0tu1'n- ed after. 21 pleasant visit-.with her _9;1'a11dmother at[Alliston. ' ------v-. Va.` V September 4th`, 1916` Rain has come at last which has been'g'1-eatly needed; D M l",...u.. ..-1- - - I 1 1 s;;t;mber_4t.11, 1916 Mrs, Louis Nairn has 1-'etu'rned to her home in Palmerston after a vis- it with her sister Mrs. Jas. Brown, who is much better. .Q.......; A T h - " She: was in the ':ie_gt" hospital 01` where he lay wounded- The return- ed soldier and nurse had a. conver- sation over the telephone, when she invited him to her sister s, Mrs. Jas. Lennox, Ivy. He accepted the in- vitation on Saturday evening and thoroughly enjoved his visit. ` 7 . ' SHANEY, BAY ` one fix? DALSTON XVheat A HOLLY ;;. 1nl\Va.lll HUUU. Edwm Johnston o.\'I11-b1t1on 111 To- V..- lxavuaublvllb Laxen explained. The work`of the local board was ap- proved of. _The stricken M home is now under close quarantine and wil*1 be. disinfected a second time ere quarantine is raised- There is ano- I A\l\. (AIL `notice, Dr. Little - charge of it, the house was fumigat- ALI.-\Ju.ll a auu .L1'0I11 mm learned that the case was not of thctepidem- - ic variety, -but was one of the many varieties of this disease,-_ that will crop up from constitutional `con- ditions. The child in this case hav- ing` been in delicate health for some time was a good subject forthe dis- ease. Upon the case coming to his` personally took ed, the mothers on the street can-_ vassed and instructed not to let their little `ones intermingle with other children. Milkmen were noti- ed so that no empty thatsection be mixed with the rest of their -bottles. The Board was communicated with the precautions taken" the an- bottles from ~ 4 Provincial ' 4 .... .u..;, xuunnucu \\l:l L' llUlQlI1C(l [0 act as the health law dlrccts 111 such cases. The little fellow died on Wednt-sday nig'ht-a11d was buried pri\'ateI._V. T ' rm... m......_ ..n 1- .- .. -- - Iu1vu.I.\.'| The .1iI\'a11ce called" up Dr. Little, local M.Q.H. and from him learned that Hm Pain urn: nn+ ..~+- u,.---A:J, A case of infantile pa1'al_\fsis dc`- velopcd in town on Sunday last, when the two-year-old child of Mrs. P. A. Lyon, Charles street was taken suddenl__v ill, and upon Dr. Little ,be-I i11::"ealled, ]n'onounced'the case one of the dread infantile pa1'alysi_s. Preeautiolis were innnediatel_\' taken `to stop any spread of the disease. The street was'qua1'antined, ehi1d1'en were not allowed to leave their homes, milkmen were notified to act as Hm lmalflu lam ,1:..n.,L... :.. H1 Local Health `Authorities Acted_ Promptly In Preventing Spread [of Disease FATAL CASE or T ` INFANTILE PARALYSIS P.t1'ick Albert Lyon or wan 9 ~..m.:m...'..:;.. n The Chevrolet is the biggest little ar onthe market-~ try the roomy seats, note the conve ient arrangement of the different parts, the powerful m tor, the easy riding springs, the quality of the top and immings, compare them with the high priced cars. sk the owners and you must come to the conclusion t at the Chevrolet is thevonly car to buy. Remember wh you buy a Chev- rolet you havean absolute guarantee f service. Chev- rolet has been and is being tested ou on, as _you know, the worst roads we ever had in Ontari and the universal satisfaction of the owners isa proof f its excellence, r Arrange for a demonstration and you'll e convinced. NOW is th time to Go` when you like---Come home `when you want to. buy a far vlsn" THE FA L FAIRS Thursday, Fri y and Saturday Sept 14th,l % and%l6th, A CHEVHDLET PHONE DEALER DAY 484 ...\-young UL. U115 WCCK, rr...m9nthA.- s` Ws_entence~~was. V553 . ' ` } s 3 entire amount of the In1}A)e1-ial ement Co-. loa11, wluch with inter- es s amount to over $24,000. On Monday night the council sa11ction~ ed t2.l(]nn' Inna-nl ............_____, n n 1;.a, 1 1 mu H011) . Once more the names and :uI es of men from this vioinit_\' zlro In-2`- `gedvfor. Names may be sent to .\I}':~f. Stewart, Miss Spry or the wool (I157. tributors. um. uuu1I.UJ'LS LOIIIIIIISSIOH. Mrs. Stewart <,1`1'atct'11ll_v :1<-know. lodges a gift of 10 pairs of sm-k<. 100 ]1'a11dke1'chiefs and books and mac- azines, from Holly. nnnn nun-..-. LL- - " u\.,uuuuL'1' .. .)LH. , U1`. and Mrs. Grnsott who h:*.\'(- just a1'1'ivod f1'_on1 Ex15_1'Ia11d "_"i\'c :1 _;-1owi11_-.1: account of the work 01' the Field Conlforts Commission. \h-a Q4-nx u-.-.4 he--J--L'--" ` rank of captain in 1'eco_:;'11iti0n of her splendid wo1'k T'to quote (1'en~ era] Ca1'son s words in a l(-tn-1-to her, announei11;: the promonn. A` most successful Xnm.< -:it't shower was held at the mi1itm'_\' lea room on A11g'11st 30th, $.25.U0 worth of socks, ei5_ra1'ettes, tobm-eo and chocolate and $113.50 in mom-_\' was 5_:'ivon in. As the S11ow(-r w:1< m'~ '1'a11g'ed very h1i1'1'iedl_\` .anyom- \\'i.~'}l~ inf fn nnnfu-Hnn+,. ....... M. I AI ' I Miss Plummer has been j._:iven the .....D.\. .u_, uu1'1'u`(u_\' w1.~'h~ 1115.: still to contrlbuto 1n:1_v soml t!:r-u- donation to -.\I_rs. Stewart `m-I'm-re, Scptcnibor 25th." \f.. .-..J `T " ` ` SEPTEMBER 7, 1915, :-* : FIELD COMFORTS mam 293% REPORTS? act \l' fun. ' . \`. .~' ('iI.o _"ht. _:m1 V` d(_wl:1:'vi. .\w~ ? hold that Em Tho '_'i\'i1.; ']li('}l '0 Hit It > N10 H1mI:~':!1zv'~ that right 2:5 nut Hw \\'m.` W]('22 H11` (-.';<-:- slmnu-. T7. ; `Hint (`a1n:l:i ~ Hm \\`.'z:'. but 'f'r!1'(` if .<!:t- mnthr-1'-lzmcl _ have hm-11 uh-: had mnqzz -:'--I to .hor. v.'- \u`' our Iwa<}.< mu! foot Of H1(>.~'c- v.` law in Hm ::";~* that this is :r at tho nxm:_y xx lives for Hm V is shown in 12:. `way of ]o1mi~Z; }1avin}.:' 1011 um should }19.v_<- in speaker . warninr: to Hm- the g.-'iddy :nmz.~ when s(-ri0u.< <-\ -and the wm'M Where f1'i\'nli1_\' .~ The sc-1'\`ii-- A<-Iv. Now `tho l:z`n. Nbw Hm In: Now u]`(m H11 Lands tho Fatlmr, in T 1 ,\____,, _,, `aw. u. -I. H During." 11:.- spokc in :2 the shm'(~ :1 I-` lar and Hm rc p('x'ien({in'_- over our wk. Sa('X'ifim-. '1' after` (-\'-: ;. -20 worn! \'.'-~- ' Br'it:1inv}-::AiV been dmzv sm'\`(- pa-_: T1. ' Arr-ii"in: :17 was mot by : plic(*d_ (hni 1' : .` proceeded up ' borne `by Nic- ers, the (glmir 281st hynm: HUS}I M: ~ The litn-in} church was 1' Mr. H:1_\'mrmi 'D,__ T) I \I~ Ju.1. Llil) HHHIH Rev. R. J. `V. ,1 . A'abllI.'l, III I '.'. Leave we now LAST HONORS DOI121ti(iI1~ 2111]: Hit}: I broad. box r the c1'(*:1m: (102. 211141) b1-cad: .\];?v Ivy, c:1.~h '_ . , . ,...-..-- .. ....ur: Business. }v'uz.. at reasonable ram. V (r`u1 Barber. .\ix .Mx's. Liftlv. SATURDAY mnxnrs _.T. BEECIROF-`TI Allamlalc the shop an Net 1'( ('('i}~? Septomln-r The .\`al\`:. Chan,-'0 mu! Trinit_\' (`in Drqs Iasual pa;/nbt `(lheques oft outs-ill: L at lowest rates Q/"ear -` Sal Nam Crw/mi on mostfauora-61: c "_i7-Viilf up : the Red (`nu tions with 2 A. l\Ia]('(nn~:.:` tibn Q/I 4570568 (21. If . UV LU] Iv (ll\lK I.` There w ii` Cross work Tuesday. .\`. _; Wil1 .<('1'\: ' Barrie hr. headquam :-~ adoption mg is theTint.v~.'L Simcoo rm-2. relatives 01' V of Simcoo nu Will kimH_\' rank and an! Mrs. H. C221`: be forward:-. PHI, -,,, ~ 21;}? '.rHURsD.m'. .'E'ARMER S PRICES (Contin F`i1'in'_* 1" Oce Hmr.1-- I ' 4116 atiwmb IL 5. 00' dm -ST,OLEN Amrcnzsh [September 6th, .1916 ..11o 120 65 _ 70- 125 150 .. 150T 52 45- 50 65 70 -1 AA "bid. new oven tape a cvco area In Inch .. si<.ctl..A....' u Jl\4|.l' Cl, 5 iva . irnposed evidently is ly-;+ ...s.: .5..- 300 6 oo E3 95 '10 00 3 50[ . _15 ` [25 9 00 6 00 20 . . . . 17-18c. . LT. . 18-20c .. ...6c-7c .$1.00-$3.50 . . ".75-1.10 . ..20-22c. '.....$4-$5 .. ..40 .. .34-36 . ..45-48 25 " 27 27 ..;5c . ,...70c .v..A.28-'30c ....$1.25 /{Kn V 11- I5 9 00 7. 00 .1 65 10 00 .9 00 "800 2 50 28 28 23 16 . 28 10 oo 7 oo 25 '11 1:- .;,,w., ouuuay wltn ms brother here. Miss Annie McLean. left for the West. last Tuesday. She will spend `two months with her brothers 8111] y _. SUNNIDALE CORNERS s September 4th, 1916_ T Mr". H. Schell is spending. this _week in Toronto. Mrs. Pipher of Brantford is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Prosser. , " Miss Jamieson of Toronto is at her sister s, Mrs. W. McLeod. -_ Mrs. J._McKenzie and son, J. D. are -spending a couple of months at her brother s Mr. Colin McLean. Mr, lm: 'M .....'.... -2 \~r_u-,,,, ,7 ..c. uzuulcrs Mr.Vuo11n McLean. Mr. Chas. Magee of Nottawasaga spent Sunday with .his brother here. 2 .`MiQA Amnin ].l'-T.'..... 1.9.; 1-, M A ; upmr 1: null.` ' * Miss G. Laird of Midland has re- turned to take `charge of Pine Grove school. ` ' Mr. Russell Parr of Orillia spent the week-end with his parents. a `Misses Warsnop are visiting Al - landale `friends. . ` Your correspondent was busy ghting" fire last week , so neglected writing up the local happenings. - aaululi moert Lyon evidently `is (or was) a reciprocity Grit, and one of the dyed-in-the-wool kind. Un- mindful of `the factthat reciprocity as apolitical factor has been dead for years. Patrick believes in ;];e`ep- ing the res burning" locally. ' He a class'of (light ngered" M gentry and; has been operating . among the boarders at the Welling- -ton and Simcoe hotels. From the Wellington, Lyon took a gold watch - and camera from foreman L. Mc- , V Sloy of - the telephone construction I -company. _At the Simcoe he lift- ed a suit of clothes, transferring 1 the booty from one houseto .anot_her. - P. 'C."Syveeney_ made theiarrest and ' on ~Thg;tsday last the man" appeared` l `in co_t_'1_rt, the case being ; adjourned 1 `till Tuesday -of. this week, when. a_Q. ,Rn!"|fnIInl|...vsI1hn 3------- 3 ' ,_.__........ .,.......Ja u.u\_4. .u;a1clU1UugIl' ley have been visiting in Barrie. V Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rowe and fam- ily of Islington spent the week-end at Poplar Farm. ' M;ec/fl T.....J -13 `Ii ! 31, 1 `I se_,-}t; A5, 1916. Miss S. Warsnop of Allandale visited her parents here during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred; Warsnop were visitors to Angus recently. . V Misses Gladys and E1sie"Clough- Barrie. M1`. $1.111] Mr: aon Dam- no-J 1'--M ivnonuux 111 UIIC VIUIHILV. _Mrs.' John Smith land son, Lorne, of Crown Hill spent the week-end `with the former s brother, Patric}: Doran. ' ' zany. ` . 1 Mr. ,Robert Huth spent with friends in Sunnidale. The rqin last week was a [visitor in the vicinity. I lzfmn` TAL... C`....'J_L A, 5 wS`cJI`1`(L>:)`lU`- i'0pe11ed . Tuesday.` ,Miss Dale at S. S. No. 9.and Miss, Sum- [merville at S. S. No. 17. . ' Mrs. Andrew Potts is on the `sick list. - ~ - 11-. . -.-...- Mrs. J CSSIG, week. LKACU VVUUl\ 1 Harold z 1110' thouj 2 of Barme. C1-L,;I Fanny Priest s15e11f one day last week on thc_Sixth line. . A and Eva Smith are visit- in- v their aunt, Mrs.- John_ Rainford .19 n......:;. T ` `...u,:l: au: auu.u11u1xJ,`_j, we UXJIAIDIUOII. Messrs. Ed. Allsopp, J. Muir, s1'., L00. Cougxhlin, Leo; McL,au}_-'hlin and \Vil1. Lafrenie left for the _West last Thursday. - * UL, nuuuuuo wwu .lV.l.l`b'. U80. JV11]lI'. Misses Kathleen and`Marguerite Gaudct have returned to Toronto, after s,pen'ding. a week with Miss K. . : McLaughlin. ` \,f.._~ If r1...-A.1.1:.- Vnrw. .7 -r 1 nncxpnbcxiv m . 4v.n.\/'u:.', uuu. _Mrs. M. Coug'I1lin,'Mrs.'Joc. Mul- -roy,` Miss Pearl Carson and Geow Knlrpp are attending the exhibition. RYAN... 17.1 An........_ ,1- ~u`- `Kf{-:m$;(1 Mrs. Milo Snider ofl Holley, N.Y., are spending-a couple of months with Mrs. Geo. Muir. T `.\.l :.n..,. Tz..u.1......- -.-.1-Ir A451 uallllll Lamb W CUR. . Misses Pearl 'and- Bertha. Wafd have returned to Detroit; after spendillg a few weeks with Miss B. jR_eyno1ds. If .`....`.I \I'_.._ 1r,-1, n '1 Miss Annie Murray of Orillia vis- ited with friends here. recently. Mrs.ACons McLaui-ghlin is spending a few days with relatives in Buffalo. Miss Frances- Hussey of Sault Ste. Marie visited Miss -Violet `Mc- Laughlin last week. . `H/f:n.-.n.~. T)....-.`l I- J `l'\ :1 -vvv ' '- J 71;t'.""5, -1916. Mr. and 'M1's.'Chas. Nichol of Wyevale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Muil u o `R,l'1..,.. A___., `Ir 0 A " * 3.1:. We J. . . , ' Mr. a11dMrs. Russell Knapp, with Masters oMu1'ray and Bruce, Toronto, have taken their depa1'turc, _ after spe1idi_n,_r some time with Mr. J and Mrs. M.` Knapp. ,Tna11 Trnnnxux :-. u3~ILI--N -1- Red Cross Notes. ~ ~. -Mrs, John Kerfoot has, knitted over one hundred pai1's of socks for- the soldiers since August, 1914. : vuv ucau Lu. muab. JV1. uwua_1'u.- Mxss Agnes Can1p'bell.pa1d a ymg vxszt to thls ,burg lastweek. ` 171- ant` I/I'-no Aa1un...1.`L 7'l`....--_L- u.x.u vxonuus 1u.1D_. uuuzuu, 51'. Miss` Scott, Merrickville, has been staying` with her `a1111t', Mrs. John Kerfoot. `T rt!` 1 v\ . ... .... vvunculgc a, sentence of mne _ months was imposed, but on the plea of his counsel, Mr. Alex. Cowan, and County Crown Attorney Cotter, the sentence was reduced to six months. .A.L\.A1.U\Jl4c ' _ Miss Thelma Becton, Flos, is `vis- iting he-r.sister, Mrs. A. Armstrong, `Er. ' - ' ' ' 41}:-=. 471;. J.xuapp. ,., MISS Jean Knapp 1s v1s1t1ng rela- tlves 111 Toronto. 13-3 II_____,, -17,. ' [ .n.uuuu mu: uuausc pxcuaulllao oMr. Thos. McKinney is taking in the exhibition at Toronto. '1.l'I.-..~. `If _____ .-L CI-__'l,:; vn -1'- JILLDB llcllc JFLULXIPUCJI . . Miss Rnwat, Hlllsdale, V1s havmg a short holiday with her sister, Mrs. Irvin Johnston. ' .`n'.__ T1 *n_, 1 -' - n I/xiv \;AuJ.uxuLUJ..I. do ..LUJ.U11I/U_. _ Miss Mayrgaret Scarlett,'Sunnida1e, is the guest of Miss. M. Orchard- Mao Am..- r........1-..n ..-:.1 - `um , vxnlu Lu mun VULKLS Anal. WUUK. Mr- and Mrs. Ashcroft, Toronto,` are \'isiti11g Mrs. Ronald, sr. \ Knee` .Qm++ M......:,.1....:n.. L..- 1-.- "K1isWI i'i11, `am, 'is__ the guest` of Miss -Irene McKinney. M;ca pnnvo`+ II-H'lml..l.-. u'.~ L.-.-.:...... .. .a.J. I Lu U uuuauuua -` Rev. H. Berry has returned from his short holiday, and seems to have found the change` pleasant. ,1/fr fr}-inc 'I:fnT'~:nnnn 2.. J-.-.`l-..... 1-- -f__1's-.-"T_vVE7 ili'i.a:1;1' -viivamilton, Apto, spent -.a few days with relatives here last week. ' ' '|r- 'r~r-n n - . '0 I 7 - A .Mrs. Thos. Collins and. Mrs. Rey- nolds, Barrie, spe_nt Sunday With their sister, Mrs.- Robert Collins. '11-V-n 0 1-1 Clayton appears to have been the butt for the young men` of the Ivy `district. Wednesday of last week,` `Clayton and his wife were driving along` `the road when a number of young men placed rails `along the road. -This brought forth thethreat someone would be shot. ' Clayton drove up to the store of Mr. Reid, at Ivy, requesting that the police at Barrie be summoned, this Mr; Reid refused to_ do when Clayton went outside and fired several] shots into the building. Then the Ba1`riey po- lice were called.` P. C. Sweeney went to Camp Borden on Thursday to arrest the man, who recently had joined the soldiers. After hearing the evidence a sentence of nine month: wna `lirrvnnannll 1---L -- J-"~- V ` that if such conduct was not s"topped-I -um`/`Iv! V V, ;.v.svo Mrs. D. Wood iis home, after a! visit to relatives` in King, and _}an-` dale. ~' - I 060060000, I . `oo'oo`-09 Q :A--:":'4----1 . CQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOOI 54'- 3.1Ir`I..o n....n-..'.. -' `_._.:.-`_*v..7 ;u_-; T , Sept. 5,. 1916. ' Henry Smith _and daug'htc1', attended the'cxh_ibition last ANTEN 1V_[LS_. coLWnLL.T vIGo.' Sept, 5, 1916, welcome Ti1esday s police - court contained a fuller house than usual, most of the. spectators being visitors. A shooting charge was laid against Jos. Clayton of `Ivy, and after hear- ingthe evidence the magistrate sen-T tenced Clayton to six months in jail. - Sunday ; I aux. IV. UUL!Ub'. Last week `Gunner Fisher who . previously `worked two years. in this locality, was renewing old acquaint- ances._ His old friends were all gladto` see him, as-it had been re- ported last winter that he had been killed in action. He has served six- Ateen monthsin the trenches,` where he was wounded and was in S~horn- A cliife ` three months; Gunner Fisher expects to sail soon as `he is- to be back :in. England bythe 20th of this month. His visit to Canada was on" furlough, ~` escorting some disabled `men -over.- One pleasing h -event of 1 :.1A1iAs_ _.;d s4it_V was i.,1;;eeting;3Si,s_ter..,Sfanden' `.- '-`ihn11i31 %~"?i %2F9e*i*i:%_`F733 `m9*?*}.*SF ` wnen smgmg tnexr songs of praise. - Mrs. Drury and -Miss Annie Jones of` Barrie are `visiting their brothe1', Mr. W. Jones. ` ' `l'-_x_ _.__L .n -n. . - 1vU.Lo We are [pleased tcireport the Axi- glican Church has got ahnew organ. and We `hope it `will be a great help when singing their of praise. Mfg. `n1-Invv nnil -Mica A'v\v::n 1-Avuno ,.u5,uua,u1. .LU1UllI.:U .EJXIl1D11ZlOIl. ,Mr. Cecil Dobson has been home for a few days under.the parental ronf- ' LIJJ. (1 roof. `I17 JJUJIIIJB IIU1 o - A few from here are taking in the ,sights. of Toronto Exhibition. 1!. t`1....:I 'n-1_..--- 1- 1 '- _ . September 4th, 1916 The auxiliary of `this place sent into Barrie. Red Cross rooms Satur- day, September 2nd, the sum of $8.00. On the same day it was `the seventh line s turn to contribute, their donations were as follows, 4 doz. eggs, 1 lb of butter and cash, 90c. - ' \A\ILlo Wiirs. Mamie of Barri is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dempster. ' ' A 'pl|.'I7 c\nl\Irvn `Amman A--` L : . I '1 Beef Hides, green Beef 'Hides, cured. Tallow .. Sheep VSkins. . . . ; Lamb Skins . . . . . Calf Skins . . . . . . Horse` Hides . . . . Horse Hair . . . . . . Wool, unwashed .. Wool, washed ....w um a_ympuu1y In tne1r loss. After life s tful fever` he sleeps well. T - V 4vJLvLJU{lalll. . " To the widow we extend our sym- pathy in the \irreparable loss she": has sustained, but she }1as the prom- ise of God who says He will be a husband to the widow, and as she must now tread life s journey alone she has the consolation of knowing: that he who Was a true husband to . her while on earth will be waitingr and watchingf for her at life s close and What a happy. re-union that. will he never to part again. The broth- -ers, also a sister, Mrs. S. R. Brown have our sympathy in their loss. A`Ffm- I44- ..!.. A4-4'..1 9-----. 1 I uunuuuu Ll`L'?tlO]'." . The pall-boa1'e1's were Messrs. _;\. Corbct. J. R. - Grav, Jas.` .\Ic%Choan. `VVm. Thompson, J. T. A1'11old,`S`. M cDo1)aId. . ,1 ! `I ..._u acvll J11 umv 10C':111t_\;'. `The Pastor, the Rev. R. D. `Somer- ville assisted bylthe Rev, T. J. Dew An_a`liea11 ele1'g.~,`_V.1na11 condut-.ted the services. The text was taken from Vlst Peter,` the 4th Chap. and the 19th verse, \Vl1e1-ein let them that suffe1"ae(=o1'(liug'.to the`-will of God commit the k'eeping_:' -of their souls to him in well doin_;', as unto a faitlxful Creator. VP}... .1: 1. 777 - - - quucc UL LUU lC1'XIlo . Mr. N1xon passed away on Wed- nesdav morning`, -August 30tl1, at 7 o clock and as his pastor remarked ' he was ready.for the call. All that medical skill could do and also -the best of treatment by his partner in life the summons came and like] Paul he could say the hour of my departure has come f and I am now ready to be offered up, I have fought a good g'ht, I save nished my course, I have kept the faith, he_nce- forth there is lai.d up for me a crown of ' ri_2hteousness which God _the 1'i5:;l1teo11s judge will gl\'e unto me 11] that. day and-not me only but to all who love his appea1'in9;. 'I`_he "remains were interred in the Ivy- Presbyterian Cen1eter_v afternoon and followed of the largest concourses people w. v\. : uuuu (lllll lUll0\V0a c-v_o1' soon in that locality. `rphn T).-1;!-nu J-1--- T"- 7` UU1llUUlIo , . I Th1'o_u9;h the joint efforts of the deceased and his Wife, who M was t1_'uly"a helpmate at all times they had made one of the most comfort- able` homes in the township and they lived a true Christian life as was manifested by the remarks made by the Pastor `and also by'the large concourse of people who assembled to -pay their last tribute of respect to one who was a man vin"the truest `sense of the term. 1'-Ql \TZ___-- I -" Mr. R. D- Henry lost a valuable horse recently, cause was lock jaw. \Mr. Arthur Stewart, who has charge of the Northern Ontario ex- "hibit at the Exhibition paid us a_ vis- it last Week. -..-_ ..._ .v...aouvvgau.vL LIIAUH. `After a linge1'ing illness there pas- 9s'ed away at his late residence, Lot 19, Con. 10, M Essa, ,on VVednesday, August 30th, 1916, on the farm on W}]i(:}] hC was born, Mr. Chris- topher Nixon, atvthe `age of 52 years. " ` 1 '.. , nu; as n Doceased Was;'thc' sevc-ntI1 son of the 1atc John N1.\'on and was mar- ried to Miss Elizabeth Broley IV \'Q]'Q purn 91141 Hun nub. unw- Lamb, per lb. Hogs, live selects .. Sows, live .. Butcher Cattle