Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Aug 1916, p. 8

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Trinity Church Men's Working Shirts, navy -.blue, black` and white stripes, Black Sateen, sizes 14 to 17%, big value at I_.00. , Special price ................... .. 75c VVith_ I every dollar purchase we give lyou a 5c Coupon redeemableat our - Premium Counter. See the race goods at small prxces. TENTH _ SUNDAY AFT-ER TRINITY V Buy Men s Working Shirts now and Eave money Men s Black and White Strip: Shirts big value? 75cp_rice .............................................. ..50c -. A `E Pastor Rev. G. R. Turk. Sullday, Aujxtlst 27th. I.-"-AJ_l.I.uV U nun; . Everyone welcome. Every Motorist needs one.3 Saves your clothes. See our; -lines ofKhaki. Price $2.75 --Now is. the t'ne7't,o have 3 furnace cleaned an put in s} for next season,. be re the e fall rush comnlences, all or p} 531. Buichanan, Moffat Parr. New Principal Arrives Brotherhood0veralls . UNION % MADE A Sizes 14 to 18. AUTO SUIT |" `-"" "` Terms of paymc-1V the amount tc-ndm of tender and ha " of March. 1917. !!.11bj0(3t to _ex1stinA-" |t1c11la.r.: of which "E `from the Executor} [any tender not no Purdxasors shall 11 jt acceptance of tend at then own xpe shall not he requir [abstracts or tltle 7" in them possessmz made w,h1ch Vend unwhng tq revmo`. gescingi sale}; gn ;,1_`_B ._ ment -alone. ` 3 - V- .-- ~~-~' .. Further particulagg may be had on application "to the ` _xeciutors or ' IA 34-35 _T}x`1'eo, in the Th (`r';villi:11bu1'_v--1 OI) barn, pastllre farn _ 9. Part of Lot 3. 7 E6;-71: . }m1f_ % u LOLLII UL .lJUl in` `the Eleventh `Township of Essa as the` Aaron Bar : in V:{-`'. HUI`! Ill 11"!` Three 111 the I-. ' acres; \\'or pm.~ Four in the F1 ac-res: North `V0. `Partof ] bc-1` Six" i11`f'uo E vonth of acres. ,Good bri house : f o11t-btiildinqjs. > , -VV- 6. \\'o._ 11:11 Flown in the ` am-0;, franio .110` iins. V V of Lot Nmnbo`: mth of F.9<:1-100 and m'.t-!>!1i`.d- uu -LlI\' xuuuuuzu. Lula \H.'UI\, uuu Hull! his` subscription to May 1st, 1917, M Ich date will complete fty yea1':~: c(mt='nuous subscription to this pa- per. `nun: uuu-1 unxxxnu ` 4. East half stoon in the S I :1 2'0s-Frs.x11o. 1`__ I ! ! nth of _I`]s.<-.1 100 C 130 :mr`x ham. :3. F.:1.st half Ln? 1\`umbm' Four- toc-n m the Ton_ of F.. ar-2'(>:< --Ln7.-' Houses (1 frame o'.1tbui`.d- . 11123, Cassin fal . f Lot Nmnbor Six-` - 3; Lot ' Num the Eleventh `(except west 2 , l":O()d ;ut1)11i`1li`1}g l !l\I uu LL:-T . .,outh ha I11?-9 in the F1 ` ! nis1-100 a_c1'e. yup uLI.A1l|1AA';ga Lpcllblullcllo V 1. North haigf of north half [of xLot, Number olg in the eighth con- goession of the ownship of Izmis_l 1'-'--50 am'es.--A _0od frame barn. L 1 , ( n . I Sealed Tenders will be received `by Mr. _W'.' J`. [Finlay \Vm. Kin}_r and Mrs. Jane Stewart, Exeeutors of the late James He_v1ands deceased, ad- dressed to W. J. Finlay, P.O. Box `.301, Cookstown, Ont., up to the 'rst day of `October, 1916, for the `purchase of the following` properties `upon which argvsairl to be erected the buildinsrs tiientioned: . 1 xT....u. Inn}: .9 .-....u.- 1.-u:- -2 SEXECUTORS SALE or VAL -I ABLE FARMS 7; V\'c~.=.`. para `Luna 1 +Ln T31 STRATHY & .ESTEN, Barrie, Their Solicitors, uu\ L1 u,AuL' llul Ll. `_ of Lot Number 5 Concession of In- 0 ' good pasture farn1. ` 1' Twc-nt_V-one in ncession of T a'ac1'es)-116 acres, -\-.v- u. ..;-u\-. not Lot N:'.111bir V / onth of Es.<:1-.5~, Lot Num- of Essa, ` '20 `anixcn nn :1 ...,-..\.1 __,_`_. -._ __ .. M1-V. M01-1-itt. . late })1'i11oi}i11' of the Collbgiato Institute left Bar- rio I on` \Vodnosda_\* n1o1'ni ng' for Owen Sound, Mrs. Merritt `and child- ren 1ea\`i11g'. on Tuesday. A Fifty Years A Subscribgr (\_- _ _ , ! 1| r . ..I_'l' L._.....-, .7 `V 7` nu v UU uuuuzuju The highest or Tssarily `ac ce_pted. l *e ten days from: ' to search titles 5 so, and Vendors to furnish any eds` except those , I '1unbor Eirzlxtrwxxl noossion of the 2 acres." Known! 5 place. _ I _-10 per c<>.nt._ of d on acceptance nee on first day; 'I'}1e`s:11e will be ; "tenancies, par-' .1av be obtained "VI... LI._1___A u.,u.; \..\\i\'.7l)b unuac` If objections s are unable 01* _e,' Vendors _ may rmngj` cash": pay- v- `of Lot Numb?-2' ,om1H'. `of XVI.-st 1'o.=.--:`oo flame `\uLu. \rx 11.131417 an and good Heavy Black Denim; well made. You should see them. Price 1.75 iThis -is` a very heavy Denim which `will give good wear. Men s Black and White Stripe Overalls, with bib. Pl'lCC . . . . . . ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Men s Blue and White Stripe Overalls, with bib. M Special price ............................... ..$1.35 Men s Cottonade Pants, extra good quality of cot- tonade, well made` and the price is ____ __$l.25 Boys Cottonade Pants, sizes 25 to 32, well madc- . and big value at ......................... ..50c' pair Boys Khaki Bloomer Pants, very ne quality, sizes3o to 33, price ............. ..'. ...... ..$l.l5 Men s Khaki Pants, well made, with belt loops, turnup cuffs, two hip pockets and watch pock-. B et. Special price ............................ ..$l.65 Boys Khaki Bloomer Pants, sizes 25 to 30. Special price .................................. ..60c Boys Navy Blue Bloomers, with belt loops, well made, sizes 24 to 3!. Special price .... .;75c Buy the above lines as they are very scarce goods. Boys Plain White,- Navy Blue and Navy Blue . and and Red ]ers'eys, with half sleeves, price ........ 25c With long sleeves .................. .............. ..35c Men s" One-piece Bathing Suits i-grey trimmed with redpand plain navy blue, sizes 42 to 44 _ only, price. ., .................................... ..50c Boys Khaki Seirts, with collar, sizes 12% to 14, nice quality and the price is small ....... ..50c 1 Soldiers` Money Belt, extra ne quality and the prices are right... ..... .,..,.`....50 and $1.00 l l l Brotherhood Overalls T7 ..4S;11 `- '\l 38 ' . \ N :m1`.=u31' ` ~n' an! ,, ____,_ .._ ._.........--;-4,- Our 0ld tow11sman, M1`; Jos. Pul- lan, now of Vittoria. was a` caller ar, The Advance. Hus week, and mid 1r.','.\ L-I1kanu;1-M-;nn 6-.` II}... 1..L 101'. -- .... vuuutillllfu :,r= tne1-oacls W055` ! mg perty known .as `Bo1'd0II` 1."ig to the north of the ' ine Iiivvr. are in the danger area` of the Rlef Range, and anv pe-eons ('I'0->`-"32 such roads dose at t ` 'x` own 1'1-"' r W. A. LOGIE, B' Genm'a_l Commanding No. 2 1Vy. Dnstrlct Toronto July 3, 1916. Newspapers will not r__ this advertisement if. the_',' wit-hout authority from th .ment of Militia and'Defe' ,, Om wa- ` +-`-.-H.Q. .67-19-1. ' -u ` nuns V - It Is notxed . r thinforxnzmtion 1 9f 3' concemed t t theroa `I'0SS' `.1119 fhnf nm-+.'..... ._ .u,- -.-. ,__ A stool that forms ' :1 cane [ British patent`. Salt will remove the st:1in_ Trfml silver caused by 031;: when alynplled dry with a soft cloth. To get a cake out'._of a pan wlixol` when taken from the%oven sot 1: on a wet cloth for five minutes. 80 Dunlop St. The OLYMPIR` Candy Works .` Come in after th and enjoyia `deli or SundzLe--Our thing in this line, ed to any pa;-j IA BOX or 0%}: cnocomas A Water THE WEEK IN Igmua | I HURSDAY, :.AUGUST -24, 1916 ._. "|v,,,. ,-.n.`,...,] 1..-; Could anjgthing be more deI-ightful? V 1 _t`h:1t folds comp:1<'tIy and `cane has been _:'r:1:mul a l)'+nv-:4-' }even`ings water trip gous Ice Cream Soda. germ includes e\'_er_v- :. Inn (Trix-,nn r1aIirnr_ cuu uunuues c\;_ery- Ice Cream demer- gt of the town. of an evening Phonc 305. This is the 75`.Znd da_\'--tw0 years and 23. day:<-1-s1nco the B1'it1.s'h Enx-L pire declu1'odTwaT1' with Geirn1u11y. ` 'l`.wont_\'-Ii\'- Alan H12lI`l'l(`1l .luiE.:. late IClwa:'l li.\I:' who s1n'viv(-.< lxl-':` \` `four ( llll(lI'(_`H. i""`. :' trude and 'J`mi.l_'~.'. also Slll'\'l`'(-ll ln_`. ;. mie sister-.lolm w Andrew and ,l.~n-pi Daniel (C0unt_\~_ M Mary of Barrie. The funeral will his late ]'(*.~'i i II_10;'i`0W (FI`l(lil_\ l v. me. and will lo:1\'- 1 nstation after thv arr _train for St. M:n'_\." "brothers and :1 <-. Charlebois, of .I`o:~m ' pall-bearers. .....; yr: \ L'.l`H -. pressed for h i.~ `famlly. nu. nlIl'Hl nI~ 1 j(ed11va.to `in from tho ('uH-,, `when Mr. ;\';m For nv:n'l_\` Iv. Quinl:1n_\vu~ 7 civil .<(-r\`i.~- ::~ He was '\'(-1'_\' PM ffellow-\\'o1'k-xx was one 0!" IL: . popular -izizo-2 uvLn.... -. - llulluli/ll "I whcr(.- vr-Ar_\' x-.-..., , 1BARRlEPi}iJ THOS. R The deal I: {)4-wt; atvPm-t ()[H;, :11? of .\Ii(-h:1(-I (guinl;-z 3011 of tho l:m- .\I; was born Tm` W-:1: stad zlaijnininz 'LY.. . V - '- ' All kius or .1;-. in, ceiling. oak H and trim, B. ('. sh her and joistin: sing and all mvi-~ attention. - DEATH OI` MICH/{ Oice Phone 163. Old Principal A-`way it . Barrle Ctlttxiixx ; ;F!iFFi)r4 -G. M. UPHAI .:1ufu1.-use.-u in the n:1mz>~ of W'h0I_u -:1: withdlraw mu.` `when }):l.\`.~'iI!'_" pccially (-om. is frcq.m~ntl`\T enables the \ for CX}I(`lI.\`-~ -"alone. M A Joint:# `Great % "K. `for .f:1mi!y -"ed with th- VOL. LXV. TH` The War SIMMONS Splendid `_."c ne appcamn reasonable pri One of 1}. Furs for tim Nat| UNION Big assortx J. FRANI PQR1 I`o1'ontn Furri` -tion invited. A.dd1'es.s 200 an-1'(so choice c1a.\',,\vhc-at land in" Innisiil, r-e~;1t'1'z1ol location, good bu`ildin<.~'s and m'onioncos.4Ov"no1' would soll at 11.2111 in price in prefo1`- once to routine". 111 health only. reason. C01'1'es})0nd 00 `and inspec- Barril `,4: M4 1;; 32-3-1 15 disc Ma.ssey-Harris Seed Drill, cost $90.00, used on y e_W .daVs. Must be sold._ I\'oT1'easo` Hble offer- refusod. ` ` " ' ` T IN 1-\ -Ir rs-1` Save your` ;:ombing!: and have 9. Swith made out of Tyo'1 u:` own hair by Mrs. D. C. Howard. 190'B1ake Street. _ .6-tf nace saves coal. See P. I UL'|l.L`I`.L\JLl .I..I.+_VLl VV.l.I.lLl ' DUUIV BE H.}]RB'--Bette1`*' nwje the furnace overhauled and put shape before -the Fall .rush is on. clean `fur- oran, Bay- a satis- eld st1'eet,Ahe will give _ factory job. Repalrs for e of stove, range or furnace FOR SALE-B1j.ick residence on Bayfield St.`, 9 s and bath; every converlience,` [acre with orchard. Good garat, ' YV. J. Fowler, Barrie LOST-:Smal1 _:q1d wa" 4 with in- itials T.W.E. on it. 'ard on A1'ctu1'11i11g_;' to Advance `.0 E2." 341) FURNACE TIME WILL SOON b'l'l 1',1 1'I'l)'[l. n_LL-__?.~;-_ ___ BO.\;V }iLtL{i\:I`)"! P 1 i ' coND_;r:Nsr:ni ADVTS. FARM FOR SALE ; uuu uavl to thelr fl upholsteru FOR SALE swI'rcn;;s' G. B. McLE. _, . Phone "298, "`_1'1'ie. .__;...___ ; n u. uuxmz LI` 1!}!!! Admnkon m:1:1 un- ' 1'... ',r- .1.-1- nu `. l|lIAI\ Al x.l\|ll Ill]- ?no hf` .`.}~i15.00 `ixxxpos;*d. ` ' ` n -'to have" your Qnput 1n shape in 1-A 4-Ln ndulu |uI_U I'LL DIIKIIIIC 3 ea1'ly all phone. it. 13...... Tho L_adi(-:< Au.\'i1im'_v of the C?:ild- rm) ;\i1iSnoiot.\' :z':1\'o tho little` 0D.('.% in the Shelter :1 pieniv the other dav. There is inuch need of in child '5 c-ai'1'iau'P atvtho Shelter. P01`- haps some f 2'icnd - may have one which. is not 11(~e and will donate 1 I .it to the Shelter. , _ ' '. straps, like the other -fellbwsj - :1 no`-.v departme 'furnitu1'e packed fo. ` & S ing "a speci-alty.~ Now Have Complete ` Equipment Last Week` the oQmp1et.e' equip-,` ment for the 157th Simcoc battalion} ai'm'er1 at Camp Borden and wvas: given to the men on `Saturday. .W'hen i _\'o=.1,s'0e the Simone boys on the _. streets. unless in fatiu-110 clothes,: they will havcthe belts of 1n21i1_y' Uphplstering Ids?` Repairing W. A- Lowe 4 . upholstermg. Min. own as 11 first- v taken charge business, that 0]" VV. Noland. well clas upholsterer of this branch of th movi_n5_r from town placing; their order with on, phone 4 good workguaranteed. Pi 4 tore. T Parties ` L@,- ONT. in H10 F1'zda;.' ` `r-`zm,i".:`n 1:0 '!1:>.d igu.-Ln. 1 . U. JJLULILIIL, 1)i:l.`\llt'1l_l b'Ll'CUlu i Capt. Geo; W. James of the Bow- :manv1lle News, was a vlsltor at The 'j:1Ad\'anee otee on Satu1'da_v. Capt. ` James.is Qtlartermaster of the 235th i 1311., and \\'a'S a Barrie visitor- be- tween Huskoka (trains, . Mrs. John Rundle and daughter, '.:Ada, of Pen A1':,`y1e, Penn., are vis- it1'n;,' with Mrs. Rundle s brother, ..l\'Ir. N. J. Gove, Elizabeth street. - ~M1's. Rundle is accomp:-mied by her 2 two 5_rrandehi1d1'en, Ethel and Henry '- "Tucker. . n rl'1-_,' n .1 `- -- - :1::\':>.6f the young `ladies. on the Court House? staff [ 11_ave_ , retI_J1'11ed from their holidays. Mlss Mmgay [was at Sparrow Lake. Miss "Cres- wicke spent; her vacation V at _8 8k-T -of-.Bays. V, - `A = au.\ullIl.'L LULKIDC uh JJUIIUUU. ' Misses Irene and Gertrude Sim- bmons of Kew Beach, Toronto, and ;MissoMan1io Stewart of Pittsburg', are spending` their . vacation with -M-1's. P. J. Moran, Bayeld street. Fn1`\+ Finn 1`? T......... -2` LL; 1).... u uzuuxcu nLa.L1.. _ I v > Miss Vwinnifrod V1\Ia'rr succ'essfu1l_V passed her I\'il1dC1`_J,'a1`t0l1` primary {examination for. whicl1 she took the 'summer course` at Londoll. A 1 _ I 1|I'I......... T_.--.- P1 " "" I .A\.u_ ue .LI:H flit`), . ; MissA Banks of Miss Ma_\'l1ew of been spemlingz :1 Winnifred Marrg ' If , , `[7 -(- 1 -1 [1 Mrs. P. F. 1\IODm=mid of New! 5Y01'k and V\'1's'. "A. J. Irwin of` Gal- lwastoxl, Texas, are `visitinf_t' Mrs. J. VBil1i11:;'sle_\' at Big` Bay `Point. _ _ . Mr. F. S. Graham and little da.u__:hte1', Doroth_\', of Chica;;'o, Vis- ited .Mrs. . Grahaln, Courtview, for a` few days. .7\'f.';_- Dog]... -.L' \Y.._.L1. n--- _, J l--\Iu\.Iu`~ uL [VAC]. nuuu' nln-11:. '_ M153 Bertha Wico and Miss Mary M-Kil111011` of,To1-onto were holiday! l\:isi ro1's of their aunt,`M1's. T. Col-J ms. * ' a-. -.1 ..__ ._ , ..... x:xI`\.lI\|Lll\' _LIl\7 Auuubu UL Ixuz-__ ,l_lbL at Big Bay Point. _ ` H ! ~, TNo.1'bm't-and Francis Moran -are `spendin_ their vacation at `Kow Beach, Toronto. . ' WT. 71., T"-T:.A 1,4. _. 1 - -- Opcn for ,t`he season. Little] Lake Summer Resort. Boats for? Hire. Board by day orweek, and lunches and soft drinks at all hours. Miss `Lawrence. _ 20-tf -lVJ\(|Lll, .LllJUlIl.\ u _\[i.~:s Ida.L(-Wis }1a.s Arc-tu1'ned. to \Y(_)lsolo_\', Saskgafter spo11dinr_" her hrylidays at her homo here. \. .\YI..... T1,_,L1Z. 1'17` ' 1 1: -'-r I K.lI.llI|4llI\C _ Mrs. J. Billi11}.:'s1o_V and family are sp_0nd1n." the month of Auf_j,`1_1st B21) V . . .. gu;.` uuu 4311.1. U. U. V\1\'t,' Ul. DLIUUU visited Mrs. Collins last week. Miss Lydia: Aberneth_\f of Toronto visited Mrs. Collins over Sunday. Miss `Beatrice Corbett of Gut}1rieA visited her aunt, Mrs. Collins,` over .QI1n(1o\.' ' ' ...,.u... . ' Sunday. XI` {SOCIAL AND PERSONAL] _ .. ____ ____ v.vv-! .-..w`-v Before lea\'in{_:` .to\\'n Mr. Merritl . called for a L-'ood-bye chat with }."1'.- Advance. "The retiriu_~_~' principal secs :1 l`If2.~Izt outlook `for the Barrirr S:-at ulf l(-an`-.nuj.` pa1'tieulzirl_\' so .when t11e radial roads come this way; in tc{111(~ef'cn with `the work o.t"the schoul and the criticism of.son.e membc~r.~;' oi the Board of E(`luea r;ion CUl7(`Ol'nll`1f_'.` Mr. He111'y's failure to mac`. the. Board, the ]'Ctl1`i111` princi- pal expressed theopinion that`Bar- rie Board of Education A need not wo1'r._V, the work for the coming.-' term being: in splendid state of pre- paration. The new principal will mak_e.;`ood and earrv`t-he school on in a successful manner is the belief of Mr. Merritt. -Avooxyg-`1'c_u'atfioi1j well filled ATrTinit.\'VCh111'cl1, dc-. the hot 111o1'nj112'.' _'."athe1'(-d to hear _A1'cl1- deacon Cody. of St. Paul s Clmroh, Toronto. -'ThoT(l1se0111's(: was along` 11ativ0),1al and }>zi`r1'ioti(* linos,A}wa1'i11}.:" on the st1'A11}."2'lo in wluch the I*]mpi1'e 4 1s now on2'i1_L:'od. Miss Hioks-L_\'nc_. soprano soloiSt of St. Paul -s, sang` a solo (]111'il1f_'.` tl1e'takin5.v' of` the of: fo1'to1'_v. School Work in Gdocl Shape `Co. will be kno` _lmafe1`ial1_v to their Sta uchanan, Moifatt & 1 in the future as . - & Parr. Hr. 'i1lc(l7 meclnanic ., will add of 1no(=l1a'n- ios, aml any work that 3'; may 0114 trust to them will receive 35011 bet---- ter alftc-nltion than in `the pas A The 71-'n1l of Buchanan, Moffat F1'c(l. Parr be1;1}.:' a wxth a'w1de oxperle jPrTea Powerful Sermon - '- -""4"-' Mr. W . 7C.T'TV11on1ps'on has 1'ec11tly sold the followinr_v` p1'opo1't_\': Store, Co1'no 1' Maple Ave and A Elizabeth. soldTto M1'._ Adamson of Toronto. Brick 1'(,~sid0ncc- on Owen S_t., owned by 1\I1's."Sm\`1-ey of Spadlna Ave, Toronto, sold to Mr. Gold of Flor- onco St.,- Barrio. Childre-n s ' Shelter Picnvic 1Cha.nge of Trig: Namej [rinks " mOVrilliaV bo{vl1`s` came to.-Barrio on Tuesday and cleaned up on %l1c.1ocal p1a_vers. Two. rinks from each club were up when the n1atch`c1osed, the adv`antageTbc- 111;` with the visitors by a. fair mar- , Three rinks played `in Brad- fp1'(Lo11 \Ved11esda_v,_ the clos1n5:_ ganle of the league.- Thompson s Sales of; Property. vvv Orillia Bowlers `Won `Mr; and Mxi. J. S. VVioe 0f.St1'od :.`:L...J 112... r`1_1I:.__ 1; ,, Miss Tanis .\IabLa1'en of the Cen- tral School, won `the VV. R. "King scholarship for the pupil making` the best showing of Barrie pupils {at the Entrance exa1nina.tion. The winning; of this prize `gives the suc4 cessful pupil at yea1"'s tuition free at the Co`1,1eg'ia.te. `V. A. Lowe & S011 have "added a new _branch to their furniture busi- ness, that of 11phO1StG1`i11}'_f". Mr. \V. Noland,- who condur,-ted a repair shop at Charlotte and Berczy sts., will look after the upholstering work-. I [ T Won King Scholarship No'*}v Do Upholstering ' The" `s't'reet front of the Ma- sonic _Temple_ is getting the nishing topciles this Week. Painters-`a1'e at _\.\'ork~on the c.\'te1'io1' b1'ick\'t'o1'k, to`:- be followed by the painting . 'o`f"t_he :wood\vo1'k. _ . V . The Finishing Touchs . -.... _ ..-.vv- Max Ro.~`c11fol.1t name up polioo court fol` szc-11tmwe on last in oonnor-ti_m1 3Vi't11 Tflm of 1'of11sin<.:' to 1'otm'n ":1 1101-50 p111:(-11215041 frnln aAdm11km1 m less paid $2.3. A `Without costs \\'ns1`ixx11>osg`d. North Bay and Htultsville have week with Miss A handle, xed on the side of at step- 'la.dder so that the ends balanced, overcame- the difficulty ordinarily ex- I perienced in carrying it. It is worth - -while to spend auicient time in fas- tening the handle to insure that it 67111 be at the proper` place.--From Popular Mechanics; -' A Municipal officers and road-masters ghould be given the authority, and be compelled, `to have weeds cut upon `vacant property, the cost of doing the work to become a. legal charge against the land. The majority of owners wouldfbe willing to pay_the cost of weed; cutting, and would appreciate the service. It is hoped that action will be. taken`, so that vaca t urban \ property may no longer be egarded as a dangerous weed menace. At a meeting of the Commission of Conservation stress was laid upon the ` increasing prevalence of weeds. * Earnest pleas were made "for action to overcome this detriment to agri- culture. While farming interests are exerting, themselves to eliminate this serious handicap, they have just cause to complain of the prevalence [ofweeds on city lots and subdivided land upon the outskirts of cities and towns.- Thisland, once forming some of the best farms, offers ideal con-I ditions for t-he growth of weeds, and they ourish in great luxuriance. The owners in many cases are non- residents, and, -consequently, do not appreciate the` condition of their pro- I perty. ' A - 1m`...-.:,.....1 nm .... .._.: ..-'; J |._u .ua.I..u. uuu, wuue tney are In 1138. On .word being received that the grain from the car, the number and grade of which they have already re- `~ ceived, is all unloaded, the weighing 2 takes place and the weight stamped automatically on a strip of thick paper on which is inscribedvthe car number, scale unloaded on, and name ct weigh- _man in charge, and these. after the weight has been recorded in the daily reports, are led away for future re- ference. All the weigh tickets are numbered consecutively, which adds to the absolute correctness of. the weighing outward on vessels-telling without fail the exact number of drafts placed on any vessel. The exact iden- tity of the grain is now lost and only its equivalent invgrade and weight is guaranteed for delivery. Drastic Action Demanded to Elimin- ate Thls' Menace. to Agriculture ---:- Grain out of condition has three 'de-H , lgrees of classication` as to its con-1 dition, they being tough. damp, and; wet . The slirinkage which all these `; out-of-condition cars sufferon being` dried is ascertained at Port Arthur. or Fort William by a test machine, in` which a weighed sample of the gear to be dried is boiled in oil, and the steam from the moisurte in the grain is passed through a cooling chamber and condensed, and by its quantity telling exactly the amount ,of_ moisture steam from the moisture in the grain I and: which amount, in weight, 'is..de- ducted from'the weight of the car being dried. When the car has been unloaded, word is given to the weigh- men,. both elevator and government,- the latter one keeping constant watch On the scales, of which there are ten ~1n.each unit. while they are in ll\` LL- On wnr hnina u-onnhyna speedy, Emcien-: Methods Used in - Giant Elevators 1 N V us. uuc -uuw::1 uxunters upenea. There was a. difference of from two to three per cent. only in -favor of two sprays before the blossoms; _The two most important sprays were the `ones just before and just, after blos- soming. From results obtained _it would seem that should the period between the opening of the `leaf buds ower clusters .be short owing to weather conditions, one spray may .be sufcient to give practically clean .fruit, but should this period be ex- tended two sprays should be given. . A study of results from soluble sulphur plots` sprayed at different dates indicates that -the early spray was quitean important one; and that I the two applications before the blos-1 soms were advisable. On the day` followingptlie application of the mid-I way spray at Berwi-:1-1 there was 3., I l and the opening of 'the_ petals -of the i ! I I sharp rainfall of about quarter of an inch, as was the case witli the spray after blosso;'-.ni:2g, which showed that soluble sulphur is not an adhesive spray, and thatxa heavy, quick rainfall may reduce its fungicidal value and bring about increased burning, as was the case with these sprays. It would seem: therefore, that -it is wise to 1 make two applications before blos- . souls; first after the leaf buds open,` and second just before`the`b1osson1s' open, ,which . dates correspoiid with I those advised. for the best control oi` insects, LLIUDC G.` insects. , , .. _-...~-.. ..uuva. u.vuu.s.)_ Among" the o"1cers who have qual- ied as i.nst1'ucto1'. in bombing` at the 1'ec~qnf_oo111'se hold at the district bomhin: school "are the _ fo1`.owin'._: from the Simco b:1ftalions:.Sm'--.:'t.. A. C. Jotlrdan. 157th: Lieut. B. H; Maine): am1TSm'&_:'t. II. Nesbitt, lTT.'h-. Jew Was Fined the value of the early sprays as com- I Prof. Blair of_ Nova Scotiawrites: In order to gather information as to paredwith the later; ones a series: of tests inwhich plots~ were sprayed 1 before, and twice after the blossoms ~ in 1915, were compared With those sprayed once before the blossoms and twice after. In one series of experi- ments the one spray before the blos- soms was put on'about midway be- tween the first spray, which was put on just after the leaf buds were nicely I `opened May 17__th, and the second spray put on just before the rst petals opened May 31st,`or just before or about the time the blossom clus- ters were _showlng`_pink. This we have called a midwayspray. In the other test the. one spray before-bios some was put on just before the petals }of the ower clusters opened. ' Thbf urn: h iffnwnnnn A9 0...... A..__- `Expgrlhiets "Show Conc|Vusiv`e1yA tho.` '*' __ Value of.This_ Method T ` "7! -1 RUSH am: Tnousia. WEEDS` on can `LOTS WHY smv TWICE? Carrying a Stepladder ridmnzann gu5vANcn btevexxsuxn, .D.:x. _ _ Good Mus1c. All Welcome. Come} and bring a friend. 4 . V I K/11155. _ . 11 a.n1.--Preach1n5;' Serv1ce._Rev. J.'S. Stevenson,.B.A., of Dalston in charge. 7 P W - `arr flan o..-..:..1 Q.....;.,... Collier St. Methodis[ Church! ,__-___,_..._ __,-uwu Mr. S.` H. I-I'en1;_v, the new pwrin-T cipal of `the -Collegiate Institute ar- rived in town on Tuesd~a_V and is . busily en_2,'ag'ed getting settled in: his new home. He has taken the house at 85 W01-sley street, vacated by Mr. Merritt.- T _ . _Class. 1 . .--`Sunday , August 27th. 10 a.m.-SundayTSchoo1 and -Bible T3-..\..nL:.`n- Qn\I7:nI\ pnv I \ Cllalgu. . e .7 p.m.-Special,Ser1'non. by the! preacller of the morning, Rev. J. S. Stevensoll, B.A. ' l`1.;...1 1`-115:1) A" 1-nnlnn-vnn I ' - . V 8.30 a.m.-Ho1y Commumon. 10 a.m'.'-Sunday School. . '.11.0 a.m.--Morning prayer and ser- mon. - Z - V 7.00 p.m.-Evening prayer and. ser-I mon. . A F1'id:1_V, 8 p.111. Intercesslon Servicfc-.. n 1-r n *n__'___'____'1. 17-:_,___ - lullll [Ii ('11 l/IIU LQIIIX ILDCLLJ Do not suspect the ntctor if your] water hills are too high. It 1'e_;'i:~:-E tors all` of the water consumed, w`x1o1o1' used 01' Wasted, but no more. \\'hon :1 water meter is worn or _doF0(%_`i\'o it allo '5 water to pass H11'0u-_:"n Without ro.:'i:~:tc-1'i11 the ow `at ;11l;m` 01.50 l1V11(1C1f-l'(`}.fi`Sf01`S. I I The following: article appeared in` the Waterworks number of the En- g'inoo1'in Record of June relative to what small leaks cost,` and may` [prove instructive to the house-hold-I er "with leaky taps in his house and paying for water bv meter: Gal. Cost ' Size stream per day. per quarter 1.-8 ..3,000 . . . . . . ..$4S.60 1-16.... .. T0O'......'.`.A11.70 1432.... . . . . . .. 175......... 2.84 1-64.... .. .71: St(=ad_\' drop . . .' 24 . . . . . . . . .39 V Do not iiegrlect .leakinr:. toilet.s-i for a small leak wil-Lwastc from $10: to $:')0 worth of water a _Va1`. Thisl leak -may occur without beingi `.'l.'~.'- iblc. but it can be detected by lis- lOD.l1_l_ ,` on the pipes leadim_j;'f1'o111itl1e tank or on the tank itself. _,L 1.! _ _,_J___. 2.0 -__._`.i. Rev. Herman` Moore, Pa}'_st"or I ` Sunday . August. 27th. '11 a.m.--'-Morning service. 7 p.m.-Eve'ning Service. 3. p.m.---B.ible Study. 'li`.n4n-vnnn um] nnrhn `WHAT- A sMA.L_L' LEAK costs, Central Methodist [hutch Rev.'H. D. Raymond , Vicar. Are Now `Bombing I11strubtors_

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