Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Jul 1916, p. 1

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Ls sale eady UIAJ. vb : Two children have "been operated `upon for tonsils" and adepoids; three children have been tted Wit11jg`lass-I 0Q, - Relieved , L=.hild1'e11 and _ `three. 1'I1 l hair and head, aned condition of the niucus mem- l i uu_y 1u;_'.u'u. , . . Reivisits to the Pu_bli'c Schools ofl Barrie as school nurse, I have made 1537 inspections re:a1'ding` personal liygrieiie, enlarged or diseased tonsils, adenoids, G1lla1',Q`e(l glands. repeated pear-acl1e,diiculty in l1ea1'ix12,`,,,- in- brane of the eve, eranulatled l](lS,` short-s1.e-htedness. ngrer-_na1ls`, skin eye- `unclean .t1'ouvble,A unclean pediculosis, fever s_\'nmtoms. _ anaemic conditions, orthopaedic defects, chorea or any apparent physical defects. Central School - Inspections. 7;/'6'| Children with Throat trouble . . Q .19 ' Skin trouble .. .. 5 Carious teeth .. ..41 ' Eye trouble . 4 West Ward,Schoo1 Inspections:31-`_ . Children with Throatctrouble " Eye _t1'0uble. . 3 . Skin trouble . . ._. 1] Carious teeth .. .47] ` ' Pediculosis 1 South Ward School V Inspections 3-1 Children ;with Throa.t t1`o uble . 3 _ ` Eye `trouble . . . 2 Skin trouble .. 2 i ' Carious teeth .. ..28 East Ward School Inspections 10;) i Children Witli Throat trouble . . . 2 . - Eye: trouble . . 2 ' Carious teeth .. 5 toothache for eleven 1 i'.ln'nn Following` is the report 6f the! schoolnurse for June, as presented to the -Board of Education on Mon- day ni2'l1~t: T ` .A 'l)-'__,'_!1,_ .1 1`: 1-. 11- r.- _ Second Outbreak ` At 2.00 am. Tuesday the remen were called the second time, the smouldering _ timbers }1avi'ng been l'fanned "into a blaze. I vnnv ul/.&\.\.-In I u;s;1-sou 1u1a;u_y 1_'uucu- up E11811` HOSE.` Auto and vehicle traffic had to be diverted on Bradford _street via John, Sandford and _Vict'oria streets for over` seven hours owing to" the re hose having` right of Way across the street. 1A.. `- U UJUUA. It was after six o clock before the remen nally rolled up their hose. Anfn an-El x.-olnln +..-mn 1;-) L. L! ` It was a Icing? hard ght for the" remen, they had nothing to eat till the re in the residence was sub-' dued, which was not till almost four Eo clock. e ' u REPORT 01-` SCHOOL NURSE FIELD GOMFORTS evenings vatr trip ous Ice Cream Soda enu includes every- , Ice Cream deliver- L of the town. ' rnibu EVENING ` uoxz-.',LL1]|:|`.`.',V -IJUIUH UilL1'iLl i_UU1'L(d) 1'13 a l."" tliatcit ivas tbldnsliiigll aaibytolelfrisgt 31:8 nfirgrllg ,_ `an architect froni `Toronto. They ht of the] had been expectlng Mr.` Edwards 5 . . would be In town shortly or the- architect for the `library; either gentleman would be taken: to the school when in town. i Two Year Limit Modied On motion of trustees Wallwin _ l p and Love, the -two years experience `rs ` t l necessary for teachers in thepubhc` he sun, oc- r_1ot be vis- ly; the pee- 1e1ghbor1ng schools will be relaxed in the gem. ' t t t ll ' acknow-?2i3r1i?1 ?n Vllest W553 - 0f _5`3k5'schoBl. It had been found hard to 5 In_Sl31t_t9-. get ya tea'cher wi-th the experience d 13 mSt] called _for to accept a` short-term _ |`engagement. ' r ;tf"`;?` Aflf -To Take Miss King_ s Room l"- 31 1 "Miss S. F. Sproule was appointed ra e of . . r , ` to ll the vacancy in the primary never fol, roomlof `the V/Vest VVard School for] Jsnt in the. months of Sept., Oct., Nov. and - nexfshi _` Dec., at a salary" of $200. On7mo- P - . . ' ~_ ' tion of Trustees Love and Wallwln; 0 England _a Appreciated Their Services ~ `_ .Trnste'cs'L_ovc and-yA11drew moved: _ e .',`l:l_lv8.`l/" t-liesresignatlon of.sMi`ss M. -A Usher; he TI399'?Et;`?51:` the aBar 1_n V` s .apprcc1at1on 5of her ser- 5 Enquiry Trustee `\Vallwin enquired as to ` the Collegiate 5:;1'a11t from the Coun- , t) not being-' equal a) other. schools. i In the discussion which ensued, Sec"_v Mari` explained the systems in tabulating the school accounts upon which the grant is made, and of the correctness of his }:,'111'es; also that i his_work had been l1i_e;l1ly commended wbv County Councillors, Trustee l\Vallwini also enquired if the com- lmittee on revision of the by-laws ` had got to work. Chairman King! lreplied that owin_::` to so much spec-l IV ial work before the Board lately the] , committee had not met, but -the workl i would now be taken in hand. l f'lV-..-..L-_ 1171--.; _ ' A vvuuL\.l uuvv uu Lanuu ll]. uauu. 1 Trustee \V1smer 'enqu1red If an larohltect had been engaged for the ~designing of porch at entrance to 12 F T V m...:......,.. 1:v.......n..-. .`.-..1:-J .uu.. uuu; lIl11lL~.`., .:.o)U. The monthly expellditurc ;I. [equipment was $567.29; ` and Site__$369.-10: T \.u.`uLvuLL1_1l; Au uu1'ou_\' puuns, 2131 -.t. That tenders be asked fo1'Vcement- , in: coal cellar in \Vest VVa1'd school. } B.C.I._ Building Reports i Chairman F1'awley'% 1'epo1'tcd in ,fa.vor of `paying sur'\'e_vo1' A1fdag'h s facet, $73.50; Brown & Cog, lawn {seed ($4.00: D, 0 Rourke, work on! ;"4'1'ou11ds,` $87.75; Canada P. &G. E. `4Co.. blue prints, $2.50. ' T 'l"1m .n..+Ll.. ........-.J:;___,- , hr-I L-,v.L 1u.uu UU pzuu. ' That the f01vlOWi11g_" supplies `be pm-(=hasc-(1 for the Collegiate: Charts, botany, zoolo;:y,_V$15; mounted birds, $25`; 1'2 charts at $1.25 each or the` M equiva101',1t in library books, $14. Thai" frnxrirn-2" Inn nolvnii LU. ..m;---L v I Lu. u GIJHUUL. That account` of R. H. Stone, $146.30 be paid. 'T`Ln4- +1..-. 4-',\1l-.-.1-- . ~A---- " $175. App1 . 462, Barrie. g A Property and Supply `Chairman ~~-\Vz111wi11 s report asked pe1'111issio11 to `receive quotations fr0m_t11e Preston Furniture Co. for. iki11derg'a1'te11 supplies for South i\\'ard school. . .,muu_\ U1. apauu. That` the application of Miss -;\Iab.-`g cl W1'ig,'11t of C_olli11g"\\'ood fo1'-a pos- lition on the Public, School staff be! `accepted at the initial sa1a1'_\'. and} `that the secretal-_v notify her of! ? same. i - I -u.JaJ paL;c1.. . F That Miss I{oe}.:'o_v had boe11Ae11f_rag-. I \ ed as assistant teacher "in Modems am1,Histo1'y at th0 Collegiate at 'a' `sala11'_\' of $900. ` 7T`I..-.L LL- ....-..12-_L,', n 11" up . I \.v_v vvuc q1. .`!J_L..'..UQo , _Pa_\'n1ents ineltuled B.C.I. salariesl $1036.66; Public School salaries. |$l992.48; rent ki11(le11;'a1`te11. $28.33,` departlnent examinations $51200; ac? counts paid $379.18. l ' Teachers Engaged ` j i Clxaixman Love fron1 the Manaf_>:e-V -meut Comlxlittee renorted that. the public schools teaclxers had signed l.(-ont1'aets for another term except % Miss Usher. H11 71 -`r. 7v 1 -.q l The" communications were of mu: tine c-hai-'acter, the principal ones i were the resignation of Miss Usher -from the staff of the V\'est \Vard lschool and a final statement from Principal Merritt as to receipts and expenditures of the school under his control, with cheque for balance. Finance Report . _Chairn1aniM_cAdan1 reported for the Finance Committee that receipts since last meeting` weree$7429.55; of this $4916.73 was from the B.C.I. in- eluding` _2'overnmcnt grant, balance levy 1915-16 and -fees; public school levy was $2512.82. ', ] ,1 ' - ` 1).\-......_`J..i 2.. 1 1 7` " T Thereewere present_ at the n1<')nth- ly meeting of the Board of Educa- tion Chairman \Vill_R. Ki21g', and Trustees Love, VVa1lwin, Frawley. \Visn1e1', McAdam, Malcomsoxi and 1 A_ndre_w. 7111 ' New Teachrs Appointed in Blac _of Those Resignatg-{ Others Accept Re-en? gagement VACANCIES FILLED on SCHOOL smrs . DOMINTION OF: CANADA IOUR on B.C. I building can oe cooxeu um g and reheated avor are the follow- , tomatoes, aspara`-. n.-.+n&n.-m +Imn4- -nan 13TH, 1916 _. o cIoek on ' Saturday, Owen Sound Sun-As a result of the arrangenlent which was made by! Col. G. F. McF-arland on his last "v`1s1t to.OWen Sound, the steamer . Soo C1ty has been tted out dur- rng -the last week and will be placed 1n..comm1ssion at once for week-end trrps .between Collingwood and Owen Sound to enable members of the 147th Battalion at Camp Borden! to -take- advantage of week-end leave 'by_visitingoOwen Sound. It is understood that the -boy_s will be able to leave Camp Borden about 11 taking the train up_ to Collingwood, \ regular ' "where the Soo City will be waiting ' ' to bring them to Owen Sound, `riving here about 6 o cloek. "It ar-I is _ planned that the steamer will leave] .' here again Monday mornin_g` in timel" \to reach Collingwoodfor the noon a special S:-train: .on_j`the'se `B G ' .- T .gf,1'\fe >;9;` 4 i s'.;_>edlAal `train. for Ca1 np Borden. In case ` -ltherefare a` sufcient numberaof -boys .....`... V- -vuvvau.u.J.L\vIn v:1\'I'e:-1ford _ bowlers .will hold. their rst annual tournament on their new greens on Wednesday and Thursday, July 19rt'h,an_d 20th. ' {OWEN sotIN1'3 SOLDIERS % TO GET WI'.EK.-END LEAVE` I Allandale ubov;7lers went to Aurora land N ewmarket '-last VVednesday, be-. King defeated in both places. At Au- rora the points scored were, Aurora 4, Allandale 2; at Newmarket it was} 6-0 in favor of Newmarket. , I `Ir n iii I Y\'ed1V1o_s-(1'a_\' of last Week Bradfor I lb wlers defeated Barrie on the home, g'round_s. Bradford tallied 6 points` to Barrie s blank. The score was: Barrie Bradford F. '\V. Otton T [G. Woods M. '\Valker W. Evans o . R. W Payne V W.campbe11 ' I W. R. King` `A. .`Barnhardt ' 1,, A- . ` - I _ Bowlmg ; ,Gamcs in Northern. League this: weck-Ju1y 12, Bradford at Aur-| ora. Newn1a1'ket at Aurora, Allan-I dal "at Barrie. ` i I an van I ` On the }1o1ida_v the rsteof a series: of club handicaps, for gentle1nen,; was `played. The presidellt of the? club, Mr. J. H. Bennett came 1'st iwith Mr. Walter Scott second. W. Hickey B. Devlin F. Mam- W. A. Turner L25 $1.50 pgrzxltlsn), out; an VV. 11. LJUVVW \vc_=A: end Furn1t'.u'e tiyorc. " -For Iron` Beds; M 'esscs and; Springs, call at VV. A. 5% Son s, I I \\'(`_4.l end .Flh`nif'.`.11-ta .\'|`nrr- , [ The weath;-1' man is makin}_~; up for [lost tune 1n eax-nest._`-For :1 week, past [it has been hot Weather with]! sl1}_"ht s]1o\\`e1'.s, on two _da_\'s. T110] weatlxcr 41-(~adi11}.-`s for the past Week are as `follows :- , July 5.. .. 80 0.01: [Tuesday and Wednesday of This! Week Hold Record So-Far. | 6 ;:.unLcuu\l- l ' O2`1ly-one tender included -building." the blcycle shed, so the committee| was empowered tje close a contract] for same without comin}_r to the! Board for raticatlon. [ ""1... 1)-...-__. ._,L_, IV `H ' ` JJ\J_UAl\l LUL 12_l.l/l.llL"c1-LIUII. The Pro'pcrty Comnuttee was also }empowered to have the cement oor } in \VeSt VVa1'd school coal cellar con- ` structed. . ' , 4.. ;.uunI: ueus uememi WOIK The eBoard went "into committee- of-the-whole, with Trustee McAdam in the chair, to open and consider tenders for the. cement "work reqn_i1'- ed at the Collegiate Institute, which includes cement Walks, steps, gut- ,ters, etc. - Four tenders were read and that of T. Tooke was found to be, the lowest. The committee reported in favor of the Tooke tender; the} committee bein.:4'en1-powered to con- _fer with Mr: Tooke 1'e:a1'din2' eon- struetion of gutters, this item not being included. I Only-one 4-Ln. L.'..--.-1- -V` - " ' " ' uprominent ..u,mo LJ1Ll.Ll;ll. a quuuucauons. In passing` the motion of apprecia- tion to Miss Usher `the _ members facetiously referred to the interest- ing` event soon to take place in which the. retiring [teacher takes a most part. T. Tooke `Gets Cement Work rphn Dnn1o11 - ' ` ` ...,~.;L .:__A.- appreciation of -the Board A for her three years _ service on the sta of the Collegiate. This was done on motion of Trustees Love and Mal- comson. Trustee VVaIlWin su5.:_ested_` that special mention be made of Miss Smith s qualications. Th *nocc~~inn- 4-Ln .MAJ.2...- -L r- V II Malcomson Hay ` Fzgwley C. Brlcker 21 are good for ty- 'ubbery in place; can be cooked the ,, _ ,, 1 ___1___.l-J Bradford Won From Barrie .. K , `I "I 15: 11_ 12_ HOTTEST or SEASON. -1--1-:.-:--1 CRITERION. s1=o1z'fs . 1.7 16 IE1 - ..61 ..5-2 I y 0 n .- ..63 V .70` Golf this week . . . . ., 23c 3} . `II 7 VS . H. Butt0r_V. \/u1l1lJUCl Coombs iin Campbell l.-uw..l.... Holt . Noilly Marriott Davey Curry TX : `I m. \./ullllllllill 89 66 76 81 91 S0 37 - nn ttihg 0.019 0.01 181 25} '20 urVuLLL|JLCo ' ` It was late Monday evening: when` _word came to town of trouble at the camp. Then .alone: about the time of the ealarm of tire several autos came to town.with men who bi'oiig'h-t news that things were about as bad "5""! as it was possible to have _them. ed 9 There stories were somewhat veri~ Ct ed when several women were set he` down at the Barrie House, having; been sent out of harm s way. It was no wonder that l the morning papers were so `easgerly sought for `news from the camp. Fortunately ;the trouble had been over-estimated by _the men who had returned- from the military camp. Newspaper _' reports sent out stated 1-iotin. aniong IS a considerable number of overseas itroops, l11{ll11l_\' of battalions from the London inilitar_v district, broke )1` out on llonday shortl_v V before 2k, 7 o eloek and in spiteof e\'er_v effort illll of B1`l}_'.'.-GCllC`]'{1l Louie and his staff 30- D1` [1 I0 g to quiet it by reasonable means, at a ' late hour that 11iF."lli it had not been ,.altoe'etliei' quelled. The disturbance `ll at first was made up mainly of noise and shouting , althou a. few sticks land stones -were thrown at the staff 1`ot cers in the early stages, tortiiiia-' -'3 tely . without '(`a11.Sil1`;`.' anv iiijuries. -' Some dainage was also done to the -i headquartersbuilding", where a few windows were broken and doors smashed in. Later, however, the ihdisturbance, after SO01`i1lli." to die 1} down, broke out agaiii withthe re- sult that it was iieces: to call on companies of Toronto battalions'.' with ba_vonets_, to round up some of ithe riotcrs, who. under cover of ldarkness. were tryiiie' to c-a`use fur- {ther destruction, :1 number of them 51 lia\'iiig; secured their ries and bay- Ionets. At one point shortly before. 3;? 11 o clock, when a eoiiipaiiy of the 170th Battalion were preparing to ichargei the rioters. the trouble as- }S11Ill(l an 11_9,'l_\ look, and one of the {rioters red 0i_9.'l1t revolver shots. sgwhich either were aimed into the air - or in _the darkness did not find a -imark. The immense size of the `camp and the darkness made it `al- `most impossible tosret the situation 5: I o I in liaiid,- as some ofpthe London units l, whose men were the ringleaders in I the disturbance, were altoqetlier out "I0f,('O1lt1'Ol of their officers. i T1`- L.._...`._l L`.,1 1` i` " xu,LuuuUA UL Llltfll` UHl(5Ul'.3'. The hopeful feature of the situa4 tion as far as could be made out was the fact that` the men who Were irfoting` were 1a1'qel_v a`etin_: without leaders and acted like :1 mob. VVith the rst movement of the armed lforce from the Mississ:1u Battal- Iion towards them there was immed- liato dispersal. tllougzjh some remain- If all the reports, alleged to have come from the bigvcaxxlp on Angus plains, and circulated around town on Tuesday were publislnable, enough copy to fill several extras was - available. n . `Ir - Lack of Water During Work- ing Hours Said to-Have Be- gun the Trouble. ` in Business K 32-38 _ Eliza`be Street V` BRYS(iN S Roomy Parl Electrically C `led Prompt Servi_ VV.hen the for_ that kel for a cone" did f_o stop and consider ere they could get th richest and . ddies asked purest Ice eam or did . you just! i them go- and get _cone." Our Ice Crm is made from rich crm coming from select dairies. ()ur adcom ation for visitors and. urists is_ of the f st. ____..--__ . SI-00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIEG THREE CENTI j Big Review on Tuesday. AND coop HEALTH co mpannak (`Contimledi on page 5) DUHJGUUVD, CISIIII-III potatoes that you nu; ma CAMP Candy Works Phone 303 . , Cottons, alf Price 5305' QOCOLATES Fe of Crosblnlll evening 4 THE ` ` ;BARRlE%PLANlNGMlL mos. ROGERS T I Burton Ave. E. Shear . ..Mis's Minga$` ,v Marshall VKennedy ? Collins .. Meston .. West Ward . -J. E. Morrison 4-Miss Billingsley Henry . Usher ..\ . .Morrison`. Kearns .\[ 'I'7'_, _, rwager `East Ward J. Sibbald V. Penn: Burton Ave. `rrr_,; 111- 1 6th, - ~ 1916 _.. .u uvu. n v _c., y uuu `West Ward, June `.Qen,tra1 cho6l,; Ju All kinds of dressed lumber, oor- in, ceiling, oak ooring, moulding and trim, B. C. shingles,` rough lum- Ber and joisting on harid. Dres-A sing and all orders receive prompt attention. .31 II; o gentral` _Scho<;1 ` vscnoor. A'r'r}:N1)AiIc1z: `J Uclllll Gil LFVIIUUJ J. Marlin g.'_'O. Ylglaxtson -J\A.L |J\Jll ILVCI 0 a West Whrd . . Central Shool . East.War_d %._ _Burton"Ave., June; Wnc+ 1xr.;;..`: `1".-.~`....L 0`1ce'Phone 163. Res. Phohe 359i Maker of Portraits E as T _ .A W .s '. car; buy 3} thmg you can glve U LL-..` A ze 2%Ato 6 ial discount Y U R `friends (`Qf'\'| \ 1 1 \ I n A \ I- =G.M. UPHAM - 3 Manager % Learni Q Are Y6 Vr Children A to Save T Mo ey ? j I Each maturing _'should have a per nal Savings Ac- rcount in the Union an}: of Canada, money b wisely. Sue valuable in later life. with opportunities save regular-' ly, and training in W to expend an education ill prove in- in thrift and saving VOL. LXV. `PHD th_emw- e x c e p t 5' your Photograph. Simmoris Co. THURSDAY & FRIDAY V6! 011! Big Clearing Sale of &VLI'UUDVJll. Booth . A \IcCall ;vL\.:\Ju/u. . .1 Longman Living~ston\ Wright Clutton . . Martin .. Straws and Summer Hats THE BIG HAT STO;2l:`: J. FRANK " JACKSON l'::l.(i.V.. . 39 Penny _De'poit_s . `Avo~ .xv. No. as WHOLE No. 4247} Tl-IAOMPION CREW. `PUBLISHER ag- Thiszwek. ' Total reg. Averag for for month ',month Barrie Bran h `P61?."1-6TH JUNE I 53 39 38 42' 39 40 43 56 33 Z5? 41 Ar 60 12 24 36 34 AP E5 12 23 34 32 42 57 /42 33 '31 AA 28 33 27 36 36 41 36 nt- E5 5525 I'll` uuu uuuuzuba alt .lllSl1I`(1. The brewery site of the burnedi building has contained a brewery as! far back as the oldest inhabitant can remember. The. building de- stroyed was erected from 40 to 45 years ago, it replacing the original one destroyed `by re. The making of ale and porter`. has been discon-V tinned for `eight years. The build- a frame having been erected and mortar [poured into a trench built up in the. same manner as cement _cel1ars are built in the present day; some of the interior walls were con- structed of similar material" to the outer walls, and as the wood burned - _ ing was of ,grou ` constructiomi I the" 'grou_nd. y from between, the walls crumpled to_A VIVI... .............1 1____;;,, -. .. ..- J ! VA. LIL U KILL mu: 1iunvu_)' Slut: nau HIK- en both streams of water that way. Mr. John Reid,.who `fearing that burning embers might have found` their way into the attieventilators, made an inspection of the attic about one o clock and saw no sign of fire`, about fteen minutes after coming from the. attic, onpassing along the -side ofgthe house facing the ruined `brewery, noticed a blaz- ing ember eating its way into a corner of a down stairs window. The remen were with the chemical extinguishers put out what blaze was to be seen. A visit, was then made to the house when the roar of fire could be heard between the plaster and outer brick wall. Then it was found that the attic was full-of smoke andere was! eating its way upward. A line of hose was carried up inside" and another V hoisted to the roof,whiIei willing hands started in to remove the dfurniture., Then. began a ght between men and fire which raged for `fully two hours. 'An iron roof had to `be cut; suffocating smoke in-I side the house and on the roof made the ghting ag di`ieu1t task. ally the re was drowned out but not before tons of water had been poured into the ' house, oors, walls and ceilings. Of the roof nothing "remains but charred timlbers and twistediron sheets. mkn `(S-nuwnquu v.-...`....._.J.__ _, destroying v I 1 summoned and . Fin-J . I i 1 1 1 1 1 uuu uxaulcu. I. I The Anderton homestead 1s owned by Mrs. Mary Ahderton. House` and contents are insured. rm. 1.. ...... _.u- 0 - I 1 - uxunuuxc auu LWIBLUU .lI'0Il Sneets. The 1)"rewery prdpert_v is control- led by the estate of the late Gid- can Sllortreed, of Hillsdale, and was not insured. " l 7I'I`l__ A,'| I 1 ` "' ` re Closes dnesday t noon - .,-____, ......-.-J v...~;a.w\.u `5 It was not till the re in the brew- ery had been well-nigh subdu-ed that the unfortunate part of the re hap- pened-the g'utti11g' of the Anderten l]_1omes'tead./During the prog'ress_of the re, the shing'le roofs of kitchen and other buildings had been Well soaked with water; a fresh outbreak `of re on the railway side `had tak- `nn }\nf-1` Q{-1onnn1_-w A-P suns`-nu `LIKL ___-__ When the remen arrived at the brewery the ames had a good hold on the _main "building roof and" were quieklv spreading` to the Wing `run- ning: "west `towards the residence. lit was to the roof of this -wing` that the remen directed their principal efforts. ~ Owing" to` the age of the! !l)11il(lin;:',`tlie re spread rapidly, in-U -side of an hour and a-half parts of the walls only remained standing of the main - building`, the -brick xviner had the roof burnt off, the lower floors beings: badly charred. .. TL ,_ n .-n .1 n , V, , __ --. ' I ` , Itwas shortly after ten a.m. when the blaze Was` discove're(l by, inmates of the Anderton homestiead,, the re being; near the riclg'e of the roof. The alarm was telephoned to` the central [re hall. In 'giving the lnessage it .was reported as the Barrie brewery,- iu theeast "end, the reel._:ot along Collier street for nearly half a block p_\\_*hen the proper location was learn-v ed. p The remen have had their last run to the old- AAnderton -' brewery, situated at the headof the -bay, at `the `foot of Victoria street, on Sun- day inornjrng`. The old building with its time worn roo.and bearing` the marks of many res, has been a real menace to the surrounding build- ings, several res, supposedly from passing` lociomotives, have given the remen many runs the past few` years, each time__ the blaze was eaug'l1t at its inception and easily ex- tin9;uisl1cd, -but Sunday the ames {had a good hold on the roof when `discovered. ` ' Old Anderton Brewery Total- ly Destroyed -Spark Caus- ` ed Serious Fire in Resid- _ ' enoe Adjoining. = lunromuma THE INTERESTS or BARBIE ' ` , THE COUNTY VOF SIMGOE AND`THE sunnmnu l- -Open for the` season. ` Little ----------~ ? Lake'Summer -Re_sort, . Bqats,_ for Hire._: L Board by--day` or` week,*and*` lunches -and . soft A1rivr'xk)st hours .1`. , 4- W . . `M1R .T.01IFI\n~nn`n . ~ -- AA .n- busers, sizes timely gift was that $5.00 `from Miss Alma Pelt, of` A landale, the result of `a rale [some of her own work. Tho (1..+1...:.. n:_,1, s uumc u; mu UWII W01`K. The Guthrie Girls, who for-[ get the smaller - comforts, sent $1.50 for comforts for the next ship- -ment. ` ' A box will be Shipped`. to En'gle.nd on July I : V `ledges the gift of 12 prs. socks A 1 Mrs. Stewart gratefully acknow-` . I I from the Stroud Women s Institute. This steady help from Stoud is most} ` I welcome. ` 11- - - \.uLLl.h3Ua D An annular eclipse of the curring on July 29, will not ib'1e on this continent; only" peo- 'ple of Australia and `-neighboring islands being favored. ULLD _Whi( On Friday night, July 14th, the; citizens of Barrie, in common withl tlxerest ofpthe North American con,- tinent, will be afforded an oppor- t1u1ity'to see a partial eclipse of the moom A large portion of tl1e_p1oon s `disk will be darkened. _ m1,,_ _,,_____ ___:'n A ECLIPSE or MOON bHk`.lJ.' L'Hl.|.(l1'(*.'H. All of which is _resf1ectfi1lly sub; mitted. ` LILLIAN SOMERVILLE hllld-3C-30 t I have made f'ty-six (56) home: Visits to explain to parents why per- sonal` 1iyg'i_e11e, medical and dental; trcatxm-nt are so necessary` for the, physical and mental development of ` their chlldren. T I AII.n ` , .r... _ VG: .hundred and eig'ht_v-nine (289) child- ren have received dental treatment; .twent_v-two (22) have been operated upon for tonsils and adenoids and txventy. (20) have been tted with glasses. 1 1 tan". . ._.,. , D11.ri1V1g" the past school term, twoi I

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