Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Jun 1916, p. 3

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mlop Streohs ` .thePro- T nrery State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. . Frank J. Cheney makes` oath that he is senior partner .of the rm of iri the city of `Toledo, Co'nnt_v and State aforesaid, and that said firm -will pay the sum of ' ONE HUN- DRED ` DOLLARS "for each and eve1'_v case of Catarrh that cannot be cured` by the use of HALL S CATARRH CURE. F-RANK "J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De- eember, `AD. 1886. ' , A. W. GLEASON,` (Seal) N otary Public Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally and" acts `tln'oug'l1 the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- tem. Send `for tr.-stimonials, free. - F! .T. (`.HF.N'1:`.v X, on m.-Inn n uuxu. uy an u1'u,:_J,'lSES, me. Hall s Fannly P1118 for constipatxon. A good budget of material apnoars in the June Canadian hlaganille The ction is unusually attractive, with `F The Ghurkas Niglit, a tale of the war, by A. J. Hanna; T50 Robbers. -of Salt River, a story of adv-enture, by Henry Adclbert Thompson, and ,``War Babies, 8 humorous story by William Banks. author of William Adolphus Turn- penny. The Retreat is the sec- ond sketch of the brilliant series written at the front by Patrick Macgill. Winter' one the Prario, by I-I.,H. _Pi_tman, with lovely illus- frations ; " `Along the -St. John .AVal-_ le_v`, 7. by_ T...C. -L. Katchum;- Others Saw Us. -hv T.....+-...,.. ....' as uuul. ucuu LU1' u,':}llHOl'lllS, Iree ,F! J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, `Sold by all` dr11,:_2ists, 75c. * "Hall Q F`nnn'Iv 'D{lI:'~ -9.. ---~l-3---l-' ___.__.----., v-..`-. The renort emphasizes the necess- ity of judicious and thorough spray- ing`. calling attention to the fact that dur-ingj the past two years there has been an excellent (len1an(l for fruit of grood quality, and a very limited sale for inferior fruit. ' nu . ____....v. .. u.vu - Small fruit rrrowers are asked to give special attention to the packiiig. of be1`1'y_e1`ates, and to thereby avoid a repetition of the complaints made last year` 1'e:a1'di11q the over- facing of those packages. United States Prospeets--Damag'c b_v frost general in all the western states, Idaho, sufferin_2` greatest. Apples not so seriously injured as other fruits. Georgia peach eron also suffered by frost in April, but w'eatl1er conditions have been ideal since that time. Estimated output about 1,000 cars less than 1915. All reports from New York favorable. "H I ,` ._.,. .,-..--- o1\aIV J.\.ILl\ 1.l.lV\JL(.lrIJl\J- The, above are prospects based en: tire1_V-upon the blossoms and cannot be` taken as an absolute cstimatoof the ultimate crop. "`L_ WAVVV ` ` - .1 Clxerries-Production of sour var- 1et1es .1n Ontarlo, Brltlsh Columbxa .and Quebec` wi1l`be large. Sweet varieties injured by frost in British` Columbia, but are satisfactory ..c1se- where. - hree months mnum. ` Small -Fruits-Ontario strawber- ries likoly` to reach A ma1`l{etT about middle _of June. La1'_.<:e crop ex- pected. Quebec _ber1-ies will be about two weeks latr. Raspboa-r_v canes se've1'ol_v winter killed in On- tario and many sections of British Columbia. `Plums-Heavy bloom- in Ontario! except. between Hamilton and To- ronto, ,Whe1'e Lombards are, light. Other varieties also Iigllter than last year i11 this section. (V1 1-. -u o A I L _-_. -...-- u-v1z_ ;.; -vvvur_ LIUUUIIIQ Peaches- `Promise of heavy crop in-` Niagara. Essex and Lampton- al- so heavy. Medium to ful1.in Brit- ish Columbia. . Mi3'ea1.'s-Ful1'b1oom A in Ontario. Light in British Columbia. X[_Jples-'-Full bioom in Ontario, Quebec `and British Columbia. Pros- pects for fair crop. in Nova. Scotia. `l1._.1,,_ 7` ' Ottawa, May 29th-The Fruit Branch` of the Department of Ag- riculture has issued the June Fruit Crop Report, giving the prospects for fruit in all parts of the Dominion and in many sections of the United -States, Briey summarized the re`- port gives the following informa- tion: . . By the decision `of the court W. C. Henry was made an executor and $1000 was given to James Coulson and Joseph Coulson" and $500 to Marv Ann `Coulson (theirmother). mm J0 we 0: 009$ 5 (K0110-Ia em-mm J0 II9.Ip[!I{0) I[D'B0 `C} .)9.I.I8f - qqaqezglggfpue Kanoxg K.III3HVD$ pue children of Mary `~Lazenby. Mrs. J anev Stewa t (a daughter) receives one-third o the residue of the es- tate instead of her children. bested. third on Feb.` 24th, 1915 .and the 4th on Dec. 6, 1915. The case was tak- en from the Surrogate Court on the disagreement of the relatives [inter- JUNE FRUIT cnor `REPORT. A GOOD "BUDGET LI LLLLLL .n.>.J' 9 , . ry Publlc, - 11 the prem- by the Bank Office, Elm- Boys, K.C.,. y1g:uh1'1clEy nas been adapte `forty-eight diiferent purposes` gilgongehold, ; -~ Pron1o`tions--Tl1e O. C. is pleased to make the following Jpromotions: Pte. Tim Dool1ert_V to be Temporary Private Unpaid ; Field Marshall John Crossby to be Temporary San- itary Corporal. The above men will be attached to the Tea Company for` groceries and pa) -I-,____:_.L__A V , pg, .. .. . Punishments-The following: pun- ishments have been awarded: Pte. Bacco, 5 years C.B. for refusing to eat his "rations; Pte. Dollar, 765 days `for refusing? to whitewash his last post. ` Lea.ve-Leavo will be grranted an- nually for the purpose of having" a. bath and change of clothingr. Spec- ial leavc` will only be_ granted to those who are able to prove they lare sn11in_;r it. - "i 1.1 .1` " n .. ....... -._. -~- Mi+`i1'elAl1'rn1--OnV this ounding. men must lie perfect1_v still until.ca1{- ried3 to a place of `safety. ' ])~..nn-..-.4-C.-....~ 7111- _ ,n no - I - Lect11rcs'-Lientonant Pick has been picked by the War _Ofce to : lecture on the parts of a _s:'1'ubbe1'! and how to make round holes*with] square shovels. V _ - } A Route Ma1'ch--T]1ere' will, be a: route march as far as Russia, hea_ded by the band, which will play the p;reat march entitled Here we suffer grief and pain. In case of frost- bite being: prevalent in the ranks. every man will be plbvided With a, box of,`Sunstroke . ointnlent and crutches. ' LEY ary Public, Expert. t door West - Special - being` the man will : erel, one ; cocoanut. Sports: Sports will be held in the q11a1-13*, admission to tram ticket. T}1e"g`1'cat draw will be a juggling exliibition by Sergeant l\Iang'le, who will jtiggle with a split pea and a tub. s - T 3 Dzevfaulters.--In future ail default- _ers will stuff palliasses with hedge- ho_:s. . ` I (By Kernal Deoly Dooly, Command- ing the Submarine Lancers.) Reveille_-3 a.m. Parade-4 a.m. ,Batta1ion- will parade with bare feet and helmets when they will, proceed to the North "Bridge and dive into the River Ure. Anyone fou11d`wa1ide1'i11_9; at the bot- tom lookinf./,-` for proniotion will re- ceive his discharge on coniing; to the surface. All oicers on this occas- ion will pledge with puttees,on. All submarines found must be hand- ed in at the Quarte1'master s Store.` H - ___ -..... `Luann; vv.u.anAuwu|/\,1 0 LJbULUn 47.22 a.m.-Camc1 parade before! proceeding to Egypt. All humps must must be properly- polished and chins shaved. N.C.O. s will be sup- plied with goats. Anyone turning onparade 1'ust_v will be handcuffed to a ghost. h . 1r . an - --- A ` Special Training-12 noon. There will be a night attack on the near- est pub with grub_be1's. A fatigue party will be told off to get the empties away. ' T (V2-1, III I "L 1.31 p.1n.-The1'e will be a nose inspectioxi by Lieut. Rubenstein, of the Jerusalem Light Horse, [who will operate by nioonlig'11t upon urgent eases. ` Special arrang'en1ents have been made by the '\\'ar Office {for Dr. Boddie to euro the following com- -plaints: cancer, consumption, at feet, overlapping toes and Viennese VCIHS. S`i'e`1;.-eAll~ men with corns ` will parade at the qua_rtermaster s for sandpaper. I .`I 01 " lY'ears- Ago. by Dr. George Bryce, and The Spell of Montreal are other features of 3, strong number. Electricity has been n~.+'hr'.o;am ..1:A:........:.. __ H. Cres- (Signed) C. H; CRIPPEN, high-grade` dian and Ce Ion teas. Itisa- STINCTIV_g tea __ 3:Hn:-Hun Hanna . 3- -2.1. BATTALION ORDERS -Rations-10`.15 a.m. This 2 Ke1'na1 s birthday every receive two boiled mack- glass of rum and half al V dapte ` wnn`a.n- `I xdjt. bi.l* M., Surgery en especial- St. Phone .35.. rtlln Fi; Money spent in advertising in a 155` Local Paper is not an expenditure, but anjeinvestment. Try it to `.`b0qste9 your 1. 1916 who LI.-n. .._ .. ........_, ..uu.u._y uxaca-BUD. Flies cannot breed without lth, and their number is a measure of the lth about a place. They serve as a perpetual tormenting disgraceful reminder of our own lth; and they serve to teach us a lesson in cleanliness. ' 1: - ' * , It To solve the y problem is simply to remove, destroy, or screen all manure and other lth in the community. Manure should not be allowed to remain about stables for a longer period than four or HOW TO ve da.ys._ It should always be kept in a tight-tting PREVENT FLIES box so that ies cannot reach it. In cities, towns, and villages this is the law. It is no great hardship for U18 man who keenn A `hnw-an nr a nun" 4.-. ..-...-a.----a- ----L ' ' .._.._., yaw ,.a.n..es. ulauea, Wlplg ms dirty teet wherever he alights. Flies breed chiey in manure piles and lay about 120 eggs at ca` time. It stable manure is not convenient, the female y lays her_ eggs in, garbage, human excrement, decaying vegetable matter, `rubbish, or any available lth. In warm weather the eggs become full grown ies in from ` eight to ten day . Perhaps some of you have seen the Provincial Board of. Health's moving picture lm illustrating the growth of the y. If you have i not already done so you may see this interesting lm at the next Canadian . National Exhibition in the Ontario Health Exhibit. C t The y is a great feeder. He has an enormous appetite. When full grown his rstimpulse is to obtain asquare meal. He is not particular- about the quality of food he eats. It may be manure, or FLY HABITS lth of any kind. Then he starts out to visit the im- OF EATING mediate neighborhood. A conveniently open kitchen win- dow attracts him, and soon he is revelling in the sweets of the kitchen. It screened windows prevent his entry to the house he is intent` upon he takes a few meals from the garbage pail or spittoon. If there is plenty of food near their breeding places ies may travel but short distances._ If. however, the supply in the immediate neighborhood is scanty they travel considerable distances, even half a mile or more. `C 3 Q vvvW< HE OPEN SEASON for the house y is at hand. Flies are that lthiest and one of the most dangerous enemies of man. Every` summer they kill more people in Ontario than are killed during? the entire` year by murderers, lightning storms, mad dogs, angryi _ bulls, street and" railway cars, and motors. How do they do it?` By carrying the germs of typhoid fever, dysentery, infant diarrhoea, tuber- culosis, and many other diseases to our food. How could the y with its disgusting habits do otherwise than carry disease? 'l`he frequenter of every lth this insect boldly in-vades our homes, and with a. nonchalancer FLIES and impudence unequalled by anything or anyone, he roams about ' . among the daintiest dishes, wiping his dirty feet wherever breed chinv in tniann-an -nvlhm IIUII: `l--- -L---L `e ' ' V $':o5`:5\'9J_ O .. .3 Dunlap St. Phone 86 1uAY JUNE$ JULY AUG. SEPT. ER! CB5 mduate w _rk in erv.ed as `Yltcu 1- "Hannah. ' nan J- G. SCOTT Nut, Stove and Egg Sizes 25 cents {per .tou will be allowed to Farmers and others teaming from coal shed. OAL A {$I.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE smau: comes THREE cam": __._____._._.._-( $7.75 per ton 7.90 8.00 8.15 8.25 Yard Phone 118 BARRIS- 11417 Diuklin 1 1. J. '&7.IJL/'l.J-LJ.V I .S., Edin., Office and- S1 ... Barrio. _ nd ZS_uZrgec>n. 12 Burton. cphone 661. y, Eaf, Consultation; p.m., and by fisher [Aul\.lll&5p $3. an and Bay Sta, `Ila:-.' 1001 L to the In" lid. . .L .1-I.\JL`.lJl UH! Undertaken. ght. Morguo ction. Bur- 1 ESTEN, rveyors, En- blished 3353. '\J_.. ' RIWBS IL, _ oFIo_1 . (6;'`ii:} ist Church.) T I.u ~u . pus St., Bar- r, rnrou ac don Ophttig m as 11;: all ...%`*3% `' 1-min am JJLLLU' ,Notaries rs. Money ` 1- ' K _ An nq mrm nmer Mem 1' of ety. r'r,~ BARRIE. . 0. Box. 96. 1Si'1 , BvARRI~S- h Court of Iblic, Con- r the Bank Money ta 1: rates. G. auu. us; DUI. , _ Mairi, 1388. th Stnthy I \ Bank of To- rrie, willlo _--.--w FF. 8c S. Giauscil 3 aankn JJQLLIX \I-I 'rie. Mono BRS PHONE 32. 'I'T_ _1___L_I_-__ `LATE 013* of Toronto , _!L- `_i3aI3!1 of- & Brown, obtaining- nship [anti eral Soli- ncer, etc. `KT - O * rhmr-_ R055 .1916`; "E66. 5;X_XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXI VLJJIIUI./CL`V' U11 LHU La/1111. Donald McDougal1, another aged inmate of the county home, passed away on Saturday (May27) aged 73 years. Before coming to the house of refuge deceased lived in the township of Oro, whither the re- "mains were taken bv G.T.R. Monday v n1ornin';' for -in'tern`1ent. Tea is gathered `four times a year. \r. n .- Natives of Algeria bury with their `dead `all the medicines used in their last illness. The United States used one-fth of the pounds of su- gar produced in the world last year. 1n.._.4.__ _:-.I_L ,1-M, . n l DEATHS AT I-IOUSEV REFUGE C L} Kullll VIII? Ontario, nveyancora, '\A2 .. `DA... Bceton World-Thc death occur- red at the house of refuge on Fri- day (May 26) of Robe1't.1V_IcC11bbin atathe age of >80 _vea1"s.V He came to the institution from Essa eleven years ago. The funeral was held on Sunday, interment being? made in the celnetery on the" farm. n......1.1 *.\.r,.n........n ......u..... Mal V `._.,.....`.`.v. -.- v..y uv.n.au. Auduu Juan.- Forty-eight different materials are used in the construction of a piano. which come from no fewer than six- teen countries. - disease. A There are more epidemics in `the spring than at other times, because impurities, rendered innocuous; by the frost, are released,` and spread _, I a nu If you ar :1 sufferer from Eczema or unsig'ht1_\ pimply skin, you know Just what i means to have `that ackward feeling about gers and oftentimes 1y a time you have e `mirror and wished ' would be like other People that _v 1 know, without a. blem1sh. T wish can be,yours for the asking. if you will go to the druggist and p cure a bottle of D. D._ D., the _ eatestof all skin 1`g3med1_es, apply i ccording to direc- tions`, In 3. short e your skin "will be as soft as vel t. = V Come in and as "for -9. bottle to- L L_ ack'- guarantee. T Sk. also about 1). '.D. Soap,;-t-ha_.'t eenn Hm c:]r:n LA. I!- - XXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXX \LAuu(1yDUo A papertowel is an excellent thing to use when drying" lettuce, Put the lettuce on a piece of the towelling and pat it. with a crump- _1ed piece of the same. ` Ask. D dav on our mone_ ack keeps the skin hen V: -- e Suprema- I . l'\...A......- VOL. LXV. TH!` Ill-UUII I ,First quarter .'.. Full moon . .. Last quarter . . .. New moo11 UL: A June 7-.10'rec1`uits left for -Niagam Camp. C. Colliton `took possession Barrie Hotel. T11I\I\ 0 XK7..1- t\'. 'J.....-...-. yuuxx lruoauaanuxn J.Ja1L1\; .I..I.U|.Cl.- J 11110 9-Wo1'k of 1mp1'ov- 1n_ P. 0. Square commenced. Ohief Events this {week `a. year ago V June 5-25tl1 A_nniversary Clapperton street ood.'--P. . 0.`Clock started.--- Death of` J. H. Scott, pioneer contract- council Meetings _ _ , Barrie town . . . . ..June 5 Flos tp., at Elmvale, June 26 Vespra tp., at Midhurst, June 29. Bar1'i.e Board County Council opns June 19 County Court and General Sessions opens June 13. . G. Rpbertson, an- at low- Thursday, 31;: 8th, 1916 159th day of the year _Scott s Bobkstore Barrie "WEEKLY CALENDAR xv. No. 23 WI-I-OLE No.~4242} THOMPSON CREW. PUBLISHER Summer Reading from the. "plant C 9 "DEV Moon s_ Phases ihamed by. I \BloMtc}y kin| ardf of Education June 12 [mat Latest Novels All the Magazines Best Story Papers. , - The Latest in Stationery the kind the summer visitor uses. The General Session -was held on Friday when the work of the year. C11(l]_l1fJ,` on April 30th, was tabulated and reviewed. Tho_Statistical Ses- retar_v s report revealed satisfactory ])1'0_',`1'CSS both in membership and fi- nances. The present total m_embe_r- it Q the year 240 new `members had bcic-1r admitted which showed, after allowance was made for deaths and 1evmvals, an increase of 144 over last` -year. The amount raised for r.1i:-sions was,$8,150, an increase of $300. The amount raised for _edu- cationalpurposes was $585, an in- crease of ' $227. Other Connexional Funds amounted to $4,000. Four circuits reported deciencies in min- isterial salaries, but no circuit had raised less than `last year. The to- tal amount raised in the district for all purposes was $58,500; The dis- trict [Sunday school secretary report-' ed from 39vsehools a total member- }ship _of the District is 5,120. Dur- p of 5,982, an increase of 186'. The schools had raised for missions` $642," an lnerc-ase of "$137 and for . all other purpbses $4.018. During` H19 \-'99!` 1.99 nllnlnva hot} 1'.-ulna}! J-Ln uu uuu:.l puxpuaua` Q! -.t.U_LO. .lJll1`ln." the year 199 scholars had .joined. the church, ` Throughout the sessions there was evidence of a spirit of de- 'vout thankfulness to" God that in a." year of unprecedented conditions a measure of prosperity had been grantedto the church and an earn- est and sincere desire on the part of bot}1 ministers and laymen to return +n-1-lmh. mm.-..-...;:....`12..1,1- _-1-,i-,v 1 i PLIAINTIITSL WON Last Week Mr. Justice Latchford delivered-judgment in the Heyland s will `case, which was tried before him at the_ non-jury sittings of the high comjt on April 25th.". ' His Lordship found that the will of May. 28th, 1909, as -conrmed and revived by codicil of Dec. 6, 1915. was the last will of James Heylands. whose estate is valued at $230,000. Probate toeissue on said - will and four codicils thereto. The will of 1913 is declared to have been revok- ed; Costsof all. parties out of the estate. ; *` 0 _ '- _ . street cnurcn, Toronto, from June 8 to 13th., A. E. Lennox, Barrie Col- lier street; M. Charles, Barrie Can- tral: A., F. Garrett, Barrie, Burton avenue; G. H. Clark, S. Sergeant. NV. Fisher, Orillia; T. J. Campbell. Midland; Jas. Doan, E1mvale;_R. G`. Richardson, Minesing; Dr. S. West. Angus; G. Kissock, Dalston;[ W. Yates, Hillsdale; Jos.ABa1I, Warmin- ster; F. Polk. Hawkestone;AH. L. Lovering, Coldwater; H.- Rumball. -Victoria Harbor; F-. Sllilling, Rama; W. H. Clark, Port McNicoll. uuuan muupuma auu w._yuu:u to return to their respective` elds refreshed by the contact with one another and _the inuence of the sessions and in humble -reliance upon Divine Grace and Power` to devote themselves with renewed energy to the tasks of the coming year. t The following laymen were elected. as delegates to the annual confer- ence which will be held in Carlton street church, Toronto", from +n 12+}. A In 1-....-" n----.=- rm The defendants were Maydie Flora. ,Pae, W. J. W. Lennox-, Wm. C. Henry,` Jas.. Coulson and,V..W. `-Alla ,was made pn" the Dec 15 . _codic_i-Is_f b'e;. ` -'3` ' "l 909`o'j AJ.\_.\u. , UIIIJI .No.8 loan. N ews-Letter-The_ annual meeting of the Barrie District of the Meth- odist Church was held at Orillia on Thursday and Friday,` May 25th and 26th, the Rev. C. W. `Watch of Mid- land, presiding. The ministerial ses- sion was held on Thursday when 19 ministers and probationers answered the roll. During -the session one candidate for the. ministry was ex- amined and recommended to be con- tinued on probation; A largely at- tended devotional -service was held in the school room on -Tliursday evening when a very helpful ` and timely address was ydelivered by the Rev. C. \V. V\"ateh on, The Present Opportunity of the Church and her R-esou1'ces._ A number of -other . ministers and laymen took part in the meeting, which was profitable to `all. METHODIST `DISTRICT ausguv, lJllU>`Ll`.l'iI' 011 1.0, s'ec.ond~'.Lon. S'ept.j ' 2, "'191D, If. the . J THE INTERESTS OF BARRIE, THE ANNUAL. MEETING CASE j BARRIE, COUNTY OFVSIMCOE, ONTA RI'O, JUNE am, |HY.s1;0.IA`~N,_ Q 1? .1.'..

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