Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 May 1916, p. 4

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`coLW1-::LI. TDVALSTON ' UTOPIA VIGO_ THE NORTHERN M ADVANCE _L"O110 back School. , A: West 'Alfo-i I . . . *1'onto 1s spendmg her her parents. _ 1 `Tu nu-14: WT:-c Tr): . uc; pa; cu L: _Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miss Edythe Johnson attended `the wedding`- |Bowdery. rm... 4` ..... -..n1 n+` \f..; .I.JU \V UULJ o The funeral of Mrs. John Fara-| .g`he1' of Toronto and formerly of` Hillsdale took place here to St. John s.Chu1'ch and r=omotery on F1-i-, day- The service was conducted by I the Rev. C. \V. Browne. .\Irs. Fara- I" gher leaves three sons namic-I_v: John and C11as., of Hillsdale and Wm. of \Vave1'ley.` ' . ' `T Red Cross dknitters will be inter- ested in the following` acknowledg- ment of socks sent from Barrie lbranch on Mar. 16. Q.M. Sergt. Gage of` the 2nd Field Battery wrote from France on April 15th - as follows :- | -11 An-_;_ _,,_ ;1,_.____.1_ `mg. n-,,-13,_, ...._ .3. ' Miss Sylvia Eileen Cronan I holidays. `r1 I T . May 1, 1916 ` , Mrs. \Va11ace and da`ug`11tc-1', Mild-I Y I lrod, spent last week 111 Toronto. [ AIR. .-..\.1 '\I'..n .\-..'lL.-... T."..n. r\'1\11' J.l'\l, EIICIIU LCIJU \V CUIX ILL .l.\Jl \Jl1L\Jn , I Mr. and Mrs. A1"thu_1' Klngf and; `son, Melvin, spent the holiday with` Ifriends in Toronto. `r 1 1 1 I .1 A ll.ll\|-3 111 .L \l1\}1lb\Ja Mr. Lorne Gilpin has 1'etu1-nodl home after spending` the Winter in! the city. I I \`|'3.~,. Qului.` Dru..." ..I'..'Jn.`! `I73.-..~l JL\lll\Il.A. v u Misg `Mabel G1'0: -lliss Ethc-1.` Coulter and Mr. R. Ca'm1ing'T havc-I 1'ctm'nod to North Bay after spend- Vinj-2' the holidays at their homers` hero. 'I"r 1 -- . . . I l.'\.l\.I ' I Miss Hazel . Morton is visiting fnends at Keswick. T A I P 1 :1 1 1 .1 i AJ1\,L.1\,l>J uu ;xw..:nLLno A. number from here attended thel l1'oc1'11iting' 1nectin2' at -Chu1'ch1ll,- last- lWodnesday evening. (`*1 I 1 1 \..L\I.|.L\l All l.|II. \1L.l(l.;\ LIIAD JlIAlll_;'.o Mrs. J. Milno visted friends in. Toronto last week. v 111 ' v v V. \l1A\.s3\.lll~V V L1 Law I Several new houses. are being`. erected in the village this sp1'in_;'. If-nu T lfilun 1-inJn,1 -`..2n...'ln 2, JuniorNIII.-I1'e11e McQ11a_v; 75. Senior II.-Keith" Elliott, 89; `Garfield ,McQuay, 87; Lizzie'Dunn,| M(Correcte d by Jos. Marrin, market square.) nan-p TI-:r1na nnonnn ' 1 an A Senior IV.-Viona'El1iott, 69` per: cent. . ` ` 'Y'l `l 1' 1r /\ l-F A Wheelbarrow for - the Boy _ fory65c. or 85c. H. H; OTTON so sou -SARJEANT KINGS- HEADQvUARTERVS FOR DRESS GOOD AND MILLIN-ERY Go Carts, Sulkys, Wgagons, Velocipedes and Wheel- barrow; for the J and Girls and the Baby, Crctonnes at 15c a. yard, exceptio quality of C_1;etonne._ 3; inches wide ...... .. ...l5c Art Sateens in very beautfiful desiV the newest shadings. Undr priced b I of the early purchase at ...... .'..l5 an ;CurtaT.in ets at 20c. Fine Madras Mu ` and English Nets in white, cream and Pa shdes Wpnderful valueat ..... .._. ..... ..2(] ~MARKE REPORTS CARPETS AT A cREAi` SAVING` Stair Cafpets in fawn and grggn shadings. Special value at 85:. On salsa ai;. . . . . . . 75 Tapestry Carpets for hallgand bed rooms _ at old prices. While they last ,,,,,,,,,, ,,75c REPORT FOR APRIL S.S. No. 8, Essa FOR BgxsEBAIajII`.;.A;N;"D'5T1H11 ff995b W LEAD. LE1`-ROY `Barry wiitod, Miss in the city over the] Are you one of the 200 whosubscr d fer the Woman s Magazine at 35c? If not be one of th A subscritging this week. 11oli witli ` SATURDAY MARKETS - I Bowdery an d of Toronto, -of Mr. Chas.` FA Handy Cart % For the Baby Easy to Handle Is the Sulky With" or without Canopy. Prices from $2.00 up. 45; Thelma Brolcy, 26. - ` Junior II.--Ha1'0ld Broley, Robert Orrock -14. Senior I.---L0ttie Dunn. Junio_1' I.-Beat1'ice MC-Quay, ma Orrock. ' Y1'V'11 ~1~n1- TVVO SUDDEN I DEATHS Two sudden deaths ha`\'c o ccu1`i'od{ at .\Iidh1u'st within a. week. 011 Monda_\', April '2-1th Mr. Geo. Frank- land died `after six days illness, from p11omnonia_, arzcd 76 years`. On Sunday last, April 30th, Jlr. |Cha1'1es \V. \Va1'd was sei7.edTwith [an attack of apoplcxy, d_\ ill_Q,` almost =immediato1_v. He was 58 years of `age. ' . - I Q `Mrs. T. Brooks a11dd:u1;:hte1' of lA1list0n visited Hrs. T. Hart. ` Miss B. Ruse1l of B1'acpb1'idg:e \`isited` Mrs. J. Hart. . Glad to report ,I\I1'. Rex. Sutton 115 s1o\\'ly iinproving.` | ' Our t-oa(']101'., Mr. Moir has 1'etu1'n-I i . May 1, 1916} led after the Easter holidays`. n I The Canadian Ma2'a7.ine for May` `contains an interesting` and historic- ally important article, John Henryl the Spy, V by Charles S. 'BIue.l `which deals with the curious and romantic.`ca1'eer of one who acted in the capacity of a secret a_c'ent in Canada of the British Goverinnent during` the tronblous times of about a hundred years ago. There are other important contributions, such as Outna\`v'ying' the Navvies, by aA1f1-ed Fitzpatrick, Soldierinyg: in {Canada Fifty Years Agro,- by Dr. iGeo1'g`e Bryce, The Gael "in New Scotland, by S. P..MacDona1d. Chi-ldhood in an Indian \VigWam, by MCD. Tait, to, with general |ex_cel1ent "short stories. ' A at $1.5o,\2.o< 1;1V'iV11`1`>1"-- ills011 Elliott. Primc1'-Jo]mnie Dunn. ' R. A. Campbell,- Teacher. I TORONTO MARKETS --_!_ -.,,,' _ _ $2.50 antN3.00 SHAN TY BAY AT MIDHURSTli "spnmc SUlTS_`SP_E1.CiAL' $0.00% fl` _ A . _ n .- LII I\II`\J nrwnnuv --._-_, A week ago we could not have offered any- thing 'so good. but after Easter is the time for bargains. These Beautiful Serge and Broadcloth Suits in the newest of this Sea- son's styles are $3o.oc value for. . . .$20.00 one wants a Northway The Ready-to-_we=tr~ epm-tment is creating a new` record of sale, tm not? Every- ' 'a'" nt, br 3 waist or underskirt. Such -.115 we sell with the guarantee ot Canada's best makers; SARJEAN1; is; K1NG S FOR NOBBY BOYS CLOTHING This week we make our first showing of Boys Wash Suits, including a large ship- 'ment direct from New York. Tommy `Atkins style at $1.00, $1.50, $2.25 each. A 1\I\r\I'\``I mam. nf Qanfnrd : famous uxms style in qu.uu, qu.uv, qn.u..u ~........ A complete range of Sauford s famous E511 Serge Suits now in stock. UllUCI3l\llL. LIUIBII .p_uu Canada`: , per lb. . . . . .. ns,'dresed 'sA . . . . . . . . . . . hindquarter. . . . forequarter NS . \ 20 h ` ' $ `V$3.oo, $3.50 and $4.25 % 61; Imnfr and Rubber Tirs. _v1-:Loc1PEDE ! Bax :-ie Lodge of-Oddfellows .con- ;tinued the celebration of? the found- ing of their order with a social evening in the lodge rooms, Tuesday. A large represe1_1tation of men_1bers were preseiiti and an enjoyable even- 'ing was_spent._ Progressive euehre took up the g1'eate1' part of the 1 e\'c-ning, followed by speeches and Imusie. Refreshments were served [during the evening. 7 A J.\\lLl\.\2 Au AA\, vuJ `to the Trustee ct` R. S. 0., 1914, land amending ets, that all credit- iors or otl1e1's`l .vixi}_,>' claims a_ `the estate of tl said John Caldwell [who died on 0 about the 29th day of January, 19 , are required on or before the 1st y of June, 1916, to se11d by post 01 to deliverto the un- ldcrsi Mess, . Stewart & Stew- `art, Solicitors >1'.,..,tl1e Administra- ;,Lv\.LL 1)u1uuuAnu m. trixi of the sai< ' Estate, their names an(l ad(l1'e.s'ses nd full particulars of their claim -and the nature of the security, (i any) held by them. And taken "ice, that after. said last mentioned date, the said A._d- ministratri.\' wi proceed to distrib- ute the asscts f the said deceased, among` the pa ies entitled thereto, having` regrard nly to the claims of which she sha then-liave had no- tice, and that `he will not "be liable for t-he said assets, or any part thereof, to an" person, or persons, of whose clai IS notice shall not have been re ived-at the time of such distribu on. ' Datedcthis st day of May, 19:16. A.-n-~`.'- .'.L'._ -.___,,, W ,7 18-2? THUR_Si)AY, MAY 4th, 1916. I'ARMER s rmcns ODDFELLOWS AT HOME V V Barrie, Ont. Solicitors for the Admiuistratrix. 11 A , NOTICE TO CREDITORS sTE\VA1*'lc'1_* .& TWSTE\VA1:i',1`, Eeby given pursuant ..4-` D Q 0 101 1 IE POINTS EEDWARE Efii St. M 2nd SUNDAY 8.30 a.1n.--lIul_\` 11.0 a.m.-- .\Im; v and 1101) (` V 3.00 }.m.-- .\'n:.` 7.00 1>.m.-- liw: m0n.--!)1h (3 Rev. 11. I). E Rm`. 1'`. I. prom-h at 11 Seats all especially \\" \\ ..*.:\"'J`1-'1-T) ix. HIDE A MARKET 1`~`m-: .<.\1}` I :1-:.\1 1-: \\'.~\.' TI-ll) ' 3 p.m. School.- .j_._____.__ , \v_xx'r'1-in j_ \- {IKE Tiv ix \ '- Cha.~'. 1.-4.2; ;. 7? ` W.-\..'\'_1`I-1'1). FOR .\'.\l.l'I 7 -`[I.lIl.- Socikll ht ser\'im-. 1'1 Savo Switch by M 1'.< St1'cc_t. nan cnoss NOTES : : T-HURSDAY. xr .\| HEADQUARTB1 The nu- .~rfaI'f an-: Livut DI . }I0u.<(-. m com] l(-to 11:100. B21 l'I.'i('. Trixnnu-r.<` m0h_il<- .\ pzyitl. .` the )'(':u' '10 11_ n'1l&`zl'(*.s' x at The -rA| n'.\l TiIll()Hl_` 41110111 8 .jfli('('1.. '1 2Il.llil.i(`7? ]'ai . .~ 1`i:1':(- (` barrel . . tuna an-n cave: I: -01% iron` use` I o{o_uoo one In it... ..'. tet .. \ g Io11ows:- V"-` Allow me through .War Contingent 3 ., :, Cv _ may give you great " ; know that the men are very thank- ` received from time to time the Association, and we often see the` the Canadian T Association, to thank you` very much for a` gift of socks that were packed by- you. It pleasure to ful indeed `for such gifts , that are from 9 stamps of the Canadian Red`Cross Soeiaty on the - gifts. . fl'\`l.... D...-...:.1....J. ,1 .... .. n...4. 4.1.- cloliu-1' Lrnw-. Eiral Men] v-;.w ll \\'m. rn v Lit3u'L.' I Sm-Q-t.-.\: * Collinmmn. . B2mJm;a~ Smut. hau, (`u .1. 'A,.}.`1-' Trinity Qlulrfm-r is. Barrh. ()1' Ofillial. . ~ Jliljnr" O1-illin. S01--_~'I. rio. Tran.~,.. C0uiIl'_"\\'u Pitnwvr ` Si_L'IlilI >4 Ba1'1'i('. Maohim Longzlmm. I Hospitaxl Midland. O1'de1'l_\' I Sloan, ('hur Barrie. .\I:1jrn' \\'. Ca] :1 . Liont. Pastm Cillvf. .\\'. Lit-111. ' b1$1'. Ciipl. Livnt. -ur -Pastur- "i: l.1` C`u]t. _ H:\`I.;_x Liout. .\ P:1yxn:1.\ .... `mums; apt. iW)ii 1 May 90 `80 r.-\ '31.. 1).." \'\'. rd .-x',' .7, xv. h I . . . . . . . . 16c . . . . . . 17c-18c . . 6c-6; (I01 nn din zn vswmd` 1 if 3f1il1l1 1 `30 18 28 17 15 25 11 00 .900 900 7 00 18 11 00 Ann O I O C I IBUU bot. 15.-25c. . . . . .$15` . . . . . .$16 `.. . . . . . .$20 . . . . . .$1.75 ....5cT basket ..25c basket . .40c . . . . . .`.10c.l . .$1.50-1.75 .. . . . .15-20c . . . . ..$14.00 .. . . .$1.00 . . . ., . . ,5c. .... .. . .5`c V . .$7'-$8.00 .. .. .A...5cl o 0 . . vv'ug . $1.00-$2.50 . . . 15-35c . . . . . . .l7c . $3.50-$4.00 . . . . . .' 35c .. 30c-32c . . 40c-42c n uII\J\. ll . . . . . . .97c .' . . . . .50-51c . . . . . .60-62c . . . . . .650 . . . . . .80c . . . .$21-$24 .. . . .$15-$18 .` . . .$10-$13 . . . . . . .$14_ %. ....$s.5o% `.' .. . . .$3-$5 5 VL\l`\I&` L \I Tuesday s ~prices: AVVheat, cereal Wheat, milling Wheat, goose Oats, bush . Barley, 111a1ti11g' Buckwheat .. Rye, bush . Hay, timothy . . . Hay, _mixed . . . . ' Hay, clover Straw, bundled . . , Straw, .loose .. Apples, bbl I6 .3ST 65 6;) 00 on . $1-$1.05 . 980-381 I 1916 L1 00 90 55 ' 1 25 40 T70 70 an nisl '1000 20 1 16 30 12 --oo 10 oo 7 50 20 1'3 00 f\-l\ ` 56 8 -00 8 _0o 000000 00000000000000 0 :: }'=noHNT AB(lITrBARRlE.{ . mu` nI1unAvIvnannnl'A+Q `What. Ourcorrespbndents Find V 1!!__..|.!_ '1-5 ---._.I_._.. v- ---u v -paw-v-gun.-g-v-. Worth 0 Recording oooooooooooooooooooooooo THORNTON 1r - __ 1 10113 , May 1, 1916 I The Annual Vestry` Meeting of] St. Jude s Church Was held on Mon- day evening, April 24th, the Rev. T, J. Dew in the c_hair.e After the meetinghad been opened the-audit- or'. s report was read by J. A. Jamie- son which showed as per audit a credit balance of $262.86.` ' , L Au:-_._1-....- ._...- .........:...L...l . , , Apples, per basket 20, 25, 30, 40, 50c '_A;p'ples, cooking barrel .. :...$1.50 _`Bu_t_ter, lb..... ....l30c Buttermilk, qt. . .`.`-. .'. .- . . . . . .5c Beans, eld, qt. `.4. ...20c. Beets, small basket . .. .20c. Beets, large basket . . . . . . . . . .25c. Bujtter beans, lb. . . . . . .15c Butter peas, lb. . .- . . .. . . .15c Chickens, lb. ` . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . .21c - Cigbbage, `per head . . . . ` . . . . . .5-10c ;C'a1frots, small basket. '. . . . . . . . .10c Carrots, large basket 3. . . . . . . .15(: Cream, coee,_ pt. -. . . .t . . . . . . 15o Cream, whippmg, pt. . . . . . . .,.. 250 Flbrme Arm 001- U1'BU.ll- uu.1'a.uue U1. qJ.'.oua.uu. Rqbertj Allingham was appointed `Lay Delegate to the Synod." Q. Qzalnovnnh P Gan uuy .IJUn:gu'u: .|.u uu: uyuuu. Sr. ~Sidesmen, R. Alhngham, Geo.' Elliott. -- ` n!:|___._-_. 1'--- Cu...-....-.L TIT....v` .l..'JlLlUI.alu " Jr. Sidesmen, Lou Stewart, Wes; 'ley Fletcher.` People s. Warden, J, A. Jamieson. Clergyman s Warden, Herb; Arn- ALI ' Iva; lmlluditor, SQ R. Brown. _ _ The ' concert, in conngctulm -the. Ladies Sewing irc e e Cross) which tookAplace_ last Thurs- day evening was a declded success. The handsome sum of fty dollar: being realized. Those who too [part acquitted themselves [credit-' lably. ' n.. 1:`u:.Jnvv t\1vl\v\:~r\l$ Ina` d-`win pn_ GIJIJQ On.Frida.y _evening last the Re- cruiting Meeting was held, `the? chief speake_r being Captain _Hartt of `Orillia, the other. speakers Were. Major Kno_wles'and Major Smith. The Chairman, the Rev. F. Dunlop said the speech delivered by Cap- tain Hartt was the best he had heard so far and the consensus of opinion of those who were present, fully agreed with him. n One re-' cruit was received, viz.v,VChistopher Burns, jr. .. _ `P\,`l'.. nu.-1 lfun fl `D TJ'nnuu'n:~:+nJ your departure from our neighbor- hood we wish to express to you and you family our heartfelt wishes for 'your future welfare and prosperity. We understand your only son, Wal- ter, has lately joined the colors. We are proud of the fact that this church will have at least one repres- tative in the Canadian - forces. May the God in whom he -trusts watch over and protect him is our earnest wish and prayer. For more than thirty years you have been a resident of, this community. You! 1 I .I.\J &'J.l.I \JIE\J| VV Jllli, _ ` Dear friend and brother,-.Befo1-e have been a good, citizen, 3, good neighbor, a good friend. Industry, . atience `andf cheerfulness amid the iicultls of life have been. exem- no 1 1, , -1: 1,,i,,_ ' Sorry to report the death of Mr. George Mulligan of Toronto who diedlast Friday evening`, leaving; :1 |widow and four small children. The funeral `took-place on Monday morn- ing`, May 1st, the body being taken fron1_the. ten o clock `train here and taken to the family plot in the Union Cenieteryhere. The Rev. T. J; Dew _o`iciaed. VVe extend to| those who are called to mourn our` sympathy, in the great loss `they have sustained. The widow was formerly Miss Einma \Vallace, daug- ter of the "late \Vn1. and Catherine lVVallace of this place. Q T)1..n.~...1 L- ...-..-......J- "LIZ. I:-udn`-t\\-\11r\'II May - 1, 1916 ' `Tuesday evening`, April 25th, at the close ofthe League service _in the Methodist Church, the members of the church gathered to spend a social evening with Mr. Geo. Wynes before his departure from our midst." Refreshments were provid- ed by the ladies and during the ev- ening the ` following address was read by Mr. W. R; Best and Mr. Jas. `Brandon presented a club bag` to Mr. Wynes. ' To Mr. Geo. A W'ynes, n...... 4-..:.....: ....,1 1......n..... n;.+'...... LJIILIID, J10 V Mr. and Mrs. G. `B. Hen1;y'visitcd: Toronto last week. 7 ` 1 1_,A1 r|'|l',l Wheat .; . . . . .. . Wheat, sprouted. . V Barley . . . . . . . .. . _Peas.. . . Oats .. . . Buckvwhcat Rye . . -Hay, per ton Flour, Westerll . Pastry Flour, per Potatoes, pe1-Vbag Eggs, per doz.. . Butter, lb. Chickens, ' dresed Ducks` '. Turkeys` Beef, hindquarter. I -pnvnnss n 11`-Ana of light nourishment. "Hope to see V! alxuuu Ul. UIIID lIAuuu- Pleased to report `Mr. Christopher Nixon as still bein5_~; able to partake him 1'esto1'cd to his .former groods health. Mr. Nixon is comparative-I ly a`young man `Amid a good citizen! and we certainly hope. for his ul-I etimate recovery. KT,` -R.-J. Lawn `\nnI1 nnnn-11+ on `par LLIIIGDU LCUUV C1) 9 No sh have been caught so far by our shermemat the_fishc1'y this. season, but all being well we speak! for a successful. campaign next week. A - 7 -n 1 1 -1,1 ,_',, ,0 Mr. J11o. Readman loaded cars of choice cattle on_ Saturday last. The cattle "were of excellent quality and the prices were good. The 11i__>'hest price paid was to Mr. Wellsley Fletcher, for a handsome steer. the price being $108.00. 1);- nr... A....m:,......,.. :5 ........1-:.....`i ' +ll\Illlll>?lI1lI V ' - 7 Spring seedlngwlll be-later this year than for many years, but the wheat and clover look ne. If` YT? ['1 1 nrnn,-|,, Il.I\a\.z uunnl" .A.uuuvUo ' . I . b `V ' Pte. Wm. Arn1strong' is working` a'month for M1`. A1li11_a:}1am,' and Ptc. VV111. Melbou1'neis \vo1'ki1}g the same lc-.ng'tl1 of time for Mr. Herman Thompson. I o-.:.;,.. ,.....,1:..,..-...:u 1... 1.4.... +1.:.. \VlIC(l1U auu. L/LUVCL IUUIL llllCn ! Mrs. Wn1. Coburn of Tottenham paid us a ying` visit last Saturday. TI... Dan` VT` T TWA. 4-"nab Lin Ln!- 1.Iu/Lu. uu ua ALJLIJ v4v.u.u Lucuu KJtl(U\alJ\A|AI The Rev; Dew took _his- tcrit last Sabbath from the 16th chapter of Mark and the 3rd_ and-4th verses; Presentation to Mr. Geo. Wynes' EDGAR We ho \ _that kind Providence may your life many years to = -tus 1 ,and that it may be the means of calling back to mind the old \'friends, and associations at Edgar. 1r__ 1-rr.__i...' ..u1........1. 4...l..~...- ra1'I':"l\ I7\I__`?I\IIlJ U411 U153 SILI/Du The President desires that the V Wool Distributors_ in each church or _,aux,iliary will keep account of the number of pairs "of socks sent in to the Red Cross Rooms, in order, ,;.~'to ,1_na_ke_ a complete list from each 5"auxiliary.i . ' , .:. .fThe prints- of the Princess Pat- `ricia s miniature` painting have ar- rived, and are for sale. the sale of these. - 4 -- ~ Central, Methodist Church had __'charge . of the Red Cross shop on j.-Satlirday, April 29. Net receipts, $25.61. `Soldiers A-`id receipts`: ,_-gplunch, $7565.; candy table, $5.50. followiliiig. Saturday; the Allan- , _ Mrs. Wis-. - mer has kindly ocred to look after .'. ;(g)__n $aturday,_ May 6, the` Con-" half of you1'.M.aS.ter. .. We hope. thit _._g'rg'at1onpal and ReformeJd}`_pispbD- this parting is not nal, butjgtth tn 4 .`*Ch111`Ch8S will have clia e and. A - L .9Lgain`., _ w,i1l.;receive a_,wa welceme.~.g f ; LUJ. Jluo Lxbvul-J Juxuuu Ilu UUAUL-Jo will have and _prayer._ have been resident You good good" Industry, " and I iiculties life exem- plied by you in no small degree. We shall miss you in the church where for years you have held a position_ of trust and where you were ever ready to witness on be- you may~oeme-~back--.il41mongst , Ifvyou do, be `-`as`sure'd y` members? .. J.Llt:11'J.,_aLI\L `CIUDUULGUIULLQ um J-4\-l-all-Lo Mr. Wynes, although taken` quite by `surprise made `a very _app1'op- riate -speech, in which he expressed his thanks, and also his regrets at [parting from his many friends at |Edgar. ` 7 ml... `X7:-\~nann"n TneI>:+n*'n I 110]!` 5 - . [The VVomen s_.I)i1stitute will hold their annual jbusjiiess meeting and election of oiii at the home of Mrs. Howard `Brandon, on -VVed., May 10th, at 2,30 pm. All mem- bers are requested to be present to` take part in the meeting, also new members will be cordially Welcomed. 3 L95 LIL May 1, 1916 The Scventh Line of Utopia -sent in theirlcontribtgtions to Barrie Red 4 Cross Rooms, Saturday, `April 30th. The donations were as follows: 1 chicken, 2 lbs butter, 31/; doz. eggs, and 60c in cash. - ` 1' 1 n I u.#i\.I1':VD`,J`tJ3Ix~1:1e:tt, .. Ivy spenf~ a few days with her mother, Mrs. Wm. `Bell last week. 117 '0 -. `I 1-. 1 JJULI Aucu Vvuvna Mrs. W. Ross visited E1-mva1_e friends recently. ` '1,r.. m...... .1u':n.... ..........4. 41... ......'.1-' I uuu Vllldl \JUUns3uU,vV 1| LLVLIJLILIEQ On Thursday evening there was a recruiting meeting in the school house. Quite a number of men gathered but the speakers failed to appear, they got stuck in the `mud Iwith "their auto two miles away. A u...}.Ln.. A43 `D.-.~..&n.. ...-.....n. ,.....1,., L; AvA1uu L yuvln "Mr. Ohas. - 1\ end with Cooksto _`l_-_ l'\., \1,,_,,_ us- iiller. spent the Wadi- wn_ friends. A aunvuu \lJ. .Lv.Ls>J:,J, .Lu.u a.II\J.Vv\; U11 uuuuay `Miss. Annie P1'O5f0r of New Low- ell spent `a few (jays last week with .Mrs:_R. Hobson. `T e_ vmnuniuwdy 1,1916. 1 The many friends in this -village _...- of Mr; Jzis. `Milbee regretted` to learn of his sudden death at Ham-` iJ:tanJ9.x1..;T1xeday- V V - -Onr+n' n n11mHnr` 91H-nnn Hus atvtlendled. fhe . anee .(g'1\/_;z1 by the Red Cross on , alxgnted to about $40. . -.~ T .-Geo. Ellsmere of _ the G.T_. .', ;`v11/" .hbme f11"ere.. .T ~ ,. CR9 M'o1'1da;y..pnight. The proceeds % tile is spending a few days- n:_2- nudge--1-3 -1.` 1-rr`__;_ `m- I VLUGLH, vuuyyzug, 11' Eggs, doz., .. Horseradish, prepared, bot.15< Hay, clover, ton . . . . . . Hay, mixed.... ' Hay, Timothy Maple Syrup,.gal. . .. . ... .. Onions, green, bunch . . . . . Onions, pickling, small ' Onions, plckling, large Onions, multipliers, qt._ Potatoes, bag.. .. .-. i..$1.5' Parsnips, basket ;.] Pigs, young, pair . . . . .. Parsnips, bag . . . . . . . . . Radishes, winter, 6 for .. Summer savory, bunch . Straw, ton . . . . . . . . . . .$7 Thym, bunch .. . "Lynn IJll\4lL uuuu UVVU JIILADD ulvug A number of Baxter young; people also a few `of this place spe1_1t a very enjo_vable evening at Mr: and Mrs. C. Gra11am s last Wednesday. ~V -I-\ol\I Miss Isabella Jordian has 1-ctumu ed after spending the holiday un the parental roof `at Lindsay. 'l\f{:-a '\TT:nnH3`...u'l ]l'..lm.. L .. ,. A.-.` .. vnnu lIuoL\JALL1 1L(UL an 1.uuuaa_y. ] Miss \Vi1mif~1'ed Marley has .g'one `to Toronto to spend some time. rm xv 1v....1,.,.,. 1r-.- ~r-1._. 134.. I _ental roof. uuuum an :.uu: uxuvt: a'U,IlUU1. I Mr. Fred. Rowe of Brentwood spent. the week-end "under the par-- `I `II I III` ULLIJCI-I .1 `JUL- Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson of Egbert spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Flemings . , . . 1"..- 1:\.m,1 1`rr....,........ ........_L LL-` J. JuAAl:1LEgs:a ' Mrs. Fred. Warsuop spnt thl Week-end in Angus with her sister before` going to jliv in Allandale. 1.I':.... `D e,...u.';'..e t1-.....c..1' ....._' LL- uI:J.u1.c 5g.uu_`.f, l:U_`1VU Lu zxuuuuaw. -Miss VE. Scott'6f .Grenfel' was the guest of Miss,M."`Rowe on Sunday '15:. A....:.. 1::..`..-.24... -4: m-..... 'r..... .n.\J.LuAlv\l Lu alruuxx auxuu luulu. ) Mrs. XV. \Va11loss, Mrs. John Rein- ford and \Vm. Reinford of Barrie spent Sunday with Mrs. Hem-v.` Smith. T ' T1 1-.` o . .... - 1 John Blain spent Thu1'sda_v with her b1'ot11e1',, James A. Smith. lE]mvale. ` 1.` `N ..q . u. -u `.- l`i{ii-.W"r. E. Sn1ith'visitcd Mrs. Ag` |Potts`one day last week. . 1r:__ A, ', 'I\ I1 1 . '1 n May 1, 1916 , Mr. and Mrs. John Jennett of Utopia were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, O. S. Rowe. `II 1__ I`! 7.3, n 1r-11 1 .; \IvvsJ vAAv uuxy Lamp wccn. N Miss Annie Bell has 1'et111'nc'd__`af-' ter spendin5_,>' the holiday with "he";- sister in CoIli11g'\vood. n .1 11- 4;. 1. u; V1.3 uuuu`. Luau wvcn. I .Miss Mabel VVrig'l1t.w11o has been at her home returned to Elmvale on Monday. b uuuu; Iu. n+1 . U. U. l.|UWCu Miss G. Lalrd of Midl_and return- ed here on Saturday to resume hje1j_ duties at Pine Grove school. `M2. 151...: 13-..... -2 he- 1 LII-3L\.L nu \JUu.1u:_',WUULlo A number of the soldiers are oti on fu1'lo11g'I1 for a month.` I 'II":......_.. 'TT_1__, - 11v-1. uu J.uLLuuy,u Lu]. it lllUllLH.v Misses "Velma," Reta and `Violet Kelly of, Phelpston_-spent \Vednos- 1 day with their a11nt,'.\I1's.. John. 1{Q17 ly. ` ` I Is I """""I\'Iay 1,`1916`.~i:. ' Seeding has commenced. in thegc` ` parts. ` .A .C'..... .0_.._.. "L_,,-' , 1 1 `.1 1 .1"- uAuI.u._,LA1AL5 {AID HU uac. Mr. and Mrs. Samul` J o11nstn, of Sudbury spent a, few. days at "Mr. A. Purvis home last Week. '\r.'__ 1r,1f I 11- - 1 - (l.I.IJUu . ' I3 A . [ _ g__. A few from here attended the pa.t_r1ot1c mee't1ng's last week in Bad`:- lrie. _ ' ` . 1 .1. mu. , . . JA\.. " Orville Gilhooley is wearing3_a badge to show that he has olfei-ed his services for the second time and was tu1'ne(led0wn. All. honor to a_ man like ithis.-L j 9 Vera Baldwin spent a few days in Barrie lately. ` A ..LL.-... `cu.-_--_. ~ -_.' 3., 1 , n.. LU} Clil-laul DC]. Mutton . . . . Lambs, each Lamb, rper lib. Hogs, live _ selects . . Sows, live Sows, live Butcher Cattle.. uuu\,;.u Jkll mu: :>Luuu.lU1. '6 Miss `Minnie _Debcnham and Mr 7 A. Robins wgrc united in the holy bonds of ma.t1'imony last We'd- nesday. ` \r:~;. 'r..}.. 'n_.-_-`_. 1.-., ,,,,r 1 .1 uu J. Ll\./Q\IIa.'Y - Mr. and Mrs. Coc}n'ane of Bar-A rie spent the week-end at the [lat- ter s home.` T Ir, `I11 1 7:1 L'\.4L D JIUAIIVI Mr. Frank Robertson is making p1'epa.ra.tious for building" a barn a11d Mr. Thos. Nightingale ;is re- modelling his house. - `II 7 `II (V 1 r 1-. L11 JJlrl I 10 _ 1a|/U1) : V ~ Arthur SVtevcnVso11 IS home f1"cn lC01.lo;:'c for the summer -; . `I11 ..- 'Ir3,,,,,` 1x1 1 -I - .a\.u\nuvJ - Miss I11zvB1'o\\`11 has to the Hainilton-No1'n1al week. . t\ The fa,1'n1crs are busy -sced1n'g' tlus , .. .-..-. .. .. .1 Vi nun. I Our. teacher,` Miss Jenkins, who! has been Avisitingat home in Ever-| ett returned to her duties at school` on Tuesday. I 'II'_. .__,'I ]f.,__ (V, 'l- 0 `|'\ U `I? IIUIIIC LICLCI c Mis Sheield pf cnmemfiggir GQAIGVAEE blillllal .Beef Hides, green . .. "Beef Hides, cured . .; Tallow .. Sheep Skins . . - Lamb Skins . . . . . . Calf Skins. . . . . . . Horse Hides . .. Horse Hair . . . . . . . `Wool, unwashed . -. . . -Wool, Washed . . . . V.

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