[L `20th, 1916 lu.-. uu. 1\"`_',l|l.(l.l 1uL'I:I.1u`.; uu ;uuuuu_\. The report as presented on Thurs- ldzly oveninaz`, 1'ocommondc-dv that \V. Scott be appointed at :1 salary of l$5().00 pm` month, wif}1_f1'o(= _pro1nisos Hm the fire hall bu1ldm'.", 1uc1udin_~_" l mat, water and light. f`1_,_,, ,'I , 1 ' A r: -.. `. n {Special Meeting of Council So : ' Dcides-Satisfactory Agreement Made iE::-l\Ia3*or Alex. C.oWan Prese1 9 With Signet Ring on Eve 5 . [ of His Departure. E.SCOTT FOR TOWN TEAMSTER -{M 01- -'-11511" 1l>.1T\i\'111-1 You T111 \\"1~ tnlttu-I.|nn`v tnxrull-1 uuxn \_V\.l uu.\l Lu\.L\,. 1 . , . v _ B111 101 1110- 1011 ._\'o11 this: That 1M~"<`17 x`.`~"1111l" 31111 1110 3311011111 A11` C01. C`111'1'i0_ "wont to }.:1'011t' 1101501131 11110111. 0.\;p011. 1o 11111k0 11101 001111itio11s as 1 --------V---- - 0o111'l'_01'111h10 as i1 111_\' in his pow01' 5 - . ` A '10 110 11111 1110 I\".(`.O '.< 111111 111011 . '15 -Presentatlon of Ex-Mayor Cowan' ~ 1 1 _ - _ ~ 1 - 1` . . 1\\'011 as 1110 01110013 01 1110 10111 Bat- 1111io11, 01111 110111` 0111 my 5111101110111. A1101` 1111.'~:i110; W115 ' 111.~4110;~'1-11 0f.l.\\'h011 1110 11a11111io11s were 110111: C`011111i1 took 1111- o11po1'11111i1y whi10 11111110 up to their full st1'0119:t11 from 1:1 ,. 01' 1~xp1-0ssi11_1_-' 111011` app1'0- 1110 17111 I10s01'v0 Bz1t111.li011 1)0f'o1'0 `h 101 tion of 1110 -w01'k ]101'17o1'111011 'i11 10:1\'i11<." 101' 1110 110111, 111051 of 1110 11110 111151 11111111011` 11111105 11111101't11k011 1110111111111 w01'0 50111 to 1110 1:')111vBa1- =l1_\' 0>:-.\111_\'o1' ;\10.\'. (`ow;111. .\[11\'o1' 11111011 115010 110112111011 to know th0_\' %C1'z1ij.1' 01111011 311'. Cow1111 to 1110 0i\`i01w1-1'0 001111112` 10 0110 of t110\110s11b111.- l1m-om ;11111 111 11 .<.11o1`1 1111111055 p1'0-l1111io11.si 111 1110 0011111120111. 111 11101. -'1 ;-0111011 111'. (`m1'1111. wit`-1 11Vsi2'111'1`111os1 01` 1110111 vo111111001'011 101' 1110 31-1112 011 110111111 01` 1110 (`o111_10i1. v'1`1101-1S1l1. 11i:`11lz1111101's. This is 1111011101- `__ ' 11010011 `1110 si2'1101. "S151 1311.. i11.~'1111100. 110si110s 111:111_v o11101's. how 1\r'.1`3.F."1111111 1111 1110 i11-. 11113 011- iC`o1o1101 C111'1`i0 was k110w11 11s 11 5.100111 iu1'11\'011 1110 i11 1io11. 3111110 001111:1111111i112' 0111001`. 11 is 11110111 12' (\`11'111.r-E1. 1f1`.{3.'7 T110 .\121_\'o11, 11111110111115 1120 511100 1110 first big` 11111110 1112111111." 1110 ]*1'1~.-0111:1111-r111. 1'01'01'1'0 01' 1`.`11i011 1110 11131 C'11111111i1111 1=o11.1i11-I T10 1110 1111111)` 1101i\'i1i0.< i11 101111 i11 s.;`0.11t took 511011 :1 p1'0111i110111 111111 111,` 3111111-'1: i_\11'.i(`.01'1'11:1 111111 11111011 1111 110- 111111101\`.AL2111::'01:m1`<'i< 111111 St. J111i011. -.`*1ix'0. 111111: 1'01::1'01' \1'11'~`~ 0::111'0's:s`011 111 11150 the 30001111 11111110 of Yp1'0.<. (`o1. .3111;-: 111-]>i:11 1111'0 111111 1110 1111111111011, :11 (`111'1'i0 "is \\'(`11 1'1-<.p001011 111' 1111 01' 11.0 .-:.-1:110 11.1110 (`11111-1-i1-1\'11.< 1101101011 `1110 0111 49111. 111111 110111-` 01" 11>: W111 ' 1 ;i11 1r'i11=_= 111110 11'; 110 1101101" `.0 1111 0.\'-!110111' 1111_\'1hi11u' $11111 11110111 111111 111111. ~:11101111101' who 117115 11>:11.`i11u"1ow11 111 is 11o1,t1'110 \\'i111o111 1101011111112` 111111.| i;`"1=0 01111 01" 1110 1-7.`111_1i1'0. M11101`-1 11111 c-01'1:1i11 1-11211'w11011 1110 921111 111111, .'1 (`-.;v.':111 \`.'.<, \`i. :11"1'(-1-101111)y,.f1110 3-1~111 B=_111a1io11s 111'1'Tiv.0 111 1`1l1f_"12111(11 '10:-111.-_r.-.',-;ir1:1 01*`. Cf111111"11 11.2: .4011 1' 11101 will :01 11 1\'a1'111 10001111011 11-0111} 2111;: 1110 .\111_\'01'. reply \\':1s'_ '1. the pooploof 1.11::'1111111, as 1110 1110_11i 1101 1'0u'1'(-1 at 1011v111<.:' Ba1'1'i0.. 11111 me of the -'181.11'Hi}_1'111a111101's of Toronto. 11110011111) his 11011101103, but his 5'... 1.1110 so W011 1 for the 11311311113 ! - arose out of the call to 11_11tV 1311011 that cl11e_v displayed, 1n` the battles. : none who were able should s_}iT1`1`k- _ above mentioned. J ' Q1'1`.\'{`ll Afho in.<(-1'i } 191.-:s.`? T1 lxnalcilxjz }n'v.~'(-2` :1('ti\'iti T.\Ix'.?(`.o\v;1:1 1:: -r1 tjivos w laE:<' Jc-pT:n'tu1'o .t :.':<~ (`mm in hr-i1I=.>' E m `who 1 `=t- (K i':'l`.. _h11i1di1i:' is AH`-;`.11.\' fire-]n'00i'. :11- :'n m:1n_\' are ti1'<)-1'osisti11g'. .1110 ()1w1':1 |11t, miss- I (Iowan V Presented 1`:._._ A Iom.'i11u' town nti I-Empire." 3.I`ajo1'- V m"t'(-r-i(*(1 by` H10 ~.'-il :~:'0f; iv`. 4:` rm v wn c 1I0us0, on nuuv\.IA |.\) LA . !ll.(-1\ IllI" lLllln Kenneth and Clit'1'01'd \\'m`m-1'_(-n- listod with the S00 ries" in Sop- tembcr last. Tho_\' hnpml to have }_v'onc- [to the front t02'ot11o1" but .Sho1'tl_v before their battalion 01-05- sed to France, nmasles developed` in the tent in \\'l1ic1i Cliiford. was, :1 quarantine was" put 011, thus the 'b1'Ol01'S were scpamtod. C`/lif1"01'd is a fm-n1or..en1plo_vee of The Ad- vance, he [is at Sl1o1'11cli'e. ' 1.]... LL,. -Ll.,... ..--. -1. 11.- L'__~L I vI.All\.\q IIL IJ (LL |'lL\.ILlll lLll\:o Jolm, the other 5011 at the front, enlisted in May` of last year with the 49th Bn., at Edmonton. He has sowed in several o119;ag'e111o11ts and come through without :1 scratrh. I 11 11' ,.\,...- ......u... .. 31... V Mrs. \V:11'nc-1' is not content in soc-l imp; her boys 20 to the war; she 1150.- t11o' S]):l!`0 time b0t\\`O0IL 1101150110111 duties in knittinsz` socks for the Field Cr.m1t'01'ts, 51;.-o for 1101' boys. Tho oomi" -' Sund ingj will 1n'(-:1 1 in I~Ipis<-<>}>z1l (`\`(*1li11`_'.`. .- The . co111'.<'v.< will. btu, :M:1rr-l|i11'_" ()1-uh-H." rx }0NE oz~*sas1' GFFICERS! `. T111'00 S0115 :1(-ross 1110 \\`11tm'. on the Ki11::"s 1)11s:'i110. ]11's. A. \\'a11'- 1101'. P011:-11111:` .~'t1'(-01. 1'000i\'0r.1 :1 t010u`1':1111 on ;\'11111111_\' 110111. ()1t:1w:1 t11:1t 1"{011110111,11:111 1)0(t11'\\'0u11(1011 111- 1110 111-111 on .\p1'i1" 1.4 111111 _w:1s 1:011 l1i11c-11 10' -N0. 5. B1'iti. 11011 C1'().\'$ 1;0.~`11im1 :11 \`'i1110:11'11.\. 11':111r-1-. T110 1_010u`1':1111 .~'::1t0111 111111 1111- \'-.'11111111 was 110111 :1: ';'1111.110t. .\s 10 1110 >1-1'in11.~'-' 110. 01111110" \\'0111111, 110 1>:11'ti1-1111113 1\\'01'0 'u'i\ 011. 11111 1110 111011101` is 111' 1110 11101101 t11z1t t1101'0 w:1s 1101111112` 501'- `ious 01' 1110 buy `\\'011111 111110 110011 10-! 111o\'011 to :1 1i:1s0 110spit111. T\'nI\l\r\1| 7 n1\r1 l1:4'o'n...1 \".. .'........ -1. in f<(-1'e:t. I5. `unt-_\`, oz` (`maz- |]mn_\'. 1511: l~}ntI`.. ~1St'n IIi'_-1I__lzm `l*'i1'. (i'(>mi11'_"(-nt`. w1'iI(-5 as !'fl1<=`.\'.~i- to 'i'1:(- 'I'm'onto ',I`L-l('g1'z1V1x1: S'i1',--Ho}=ix1'." you will :1n`.'\` nw :1 Iitilc .~'}nn-<- to ox1n'(~.~'.< my `\'i on \\'}1:11 has been put *o.nw by people {I.h21\'v . 1o._ .~'in('(` Jny 1'o1H;:'11 `tn 'l'm'on1o on .\]~1*il -Nth -(\\`i1l1T:1 -Em)? <!(-!'n-ionl`). Tl`: n_1w l:n< lw(7n put to mo in st-\'o1':1l \\'u'_\'.<. smrh 11>`; "\\ h:11, is your :pjnio:`. or (T`ohm(~`. ('n1'1`i(-." I don't l they nwnn. Do tht-_\' Inonn as Colonel of the 131}: bu'tt:1li'on. '11 so. my opin-T ion 0! Col. ('n1"1'io is` ol'.tln- highest. H0 is one or the b-:`-.~'t` con1n1z11nlin_\-' -oi'toi<-ms that 1 11-.1\'c over .301-wd whom I so1'\'v(1.1111do1f \\'1'.L-n 110,\\':1s :1 livutvn:1nt in tho- "loyal \\'o.s t Kent lI('2`inwnt'. I h21\'o~b0o11 sm.'\'i11_ for 2%!) _\'o;11'.~t: 21 in tho I{o_\'-.11 \\'ost Kvnt l{os_v'i1n1o11t,oax1(1 nine years `in the l1lH1('l'. im-1-11di11g' (}b1_](`1'L11 .~\.1101'. I '-I-Stoln Hiu'h1:1ndors of Toronto. Ylvw LNts. -.l5c rapery,1 =1 One=of the Boys Reported Wounded HAS THREE SONS IN KHAKI l\'l|I 111;..Iuuuu\An HA J\Jl\IAIL|,lg Whom the wa1"l)1'ok0 out it did not si1i'}>1`i.~`L- us when we know that (`olmiol C1u'1'io had \'0luntom'od with `his 1'(`_`_ .'lnl(`11l. and one of the ilI`.\.`t at that. I :il. was one of /the first to (v0luntoo1' to 2'0 with him, and lm'in_-' thv time we '.'01'c- at Long` l%1'am-ll. \'alr%z11'tio1' and Salisb111`_v Plain. Coloiiol C'u1'rio did all that l::_\' in his pm\'m'-2'01` tho wvll-l)vinr-_-' and ('0ml m't of his men. \'\'hilo W0 \\'(*1'(: at \'al(':11'ti(`i' ho was (*:'0lito with l1:1\'i11 `$110 of the liost drilled l I hzittalions, al.~:.0 the best. Sl100ll11_I. lrou'iinm1t ii lhv .li1'.~:t `(0nti11_~.-`cm. l\\'hon W0 ni'1'i\'ol in l".u on S2lll.\`l)1'1}`_\' Plain we had 501110 of the worst :~:>mliti0ns- `to contend ivith }ill:1t.{1ll}' t1'0op.i had ever had tlierc. `L)..# Int ._.... LAN ..... 1.1.3.. VIVl...L v\u.--_.. -;'|\\ |.x nun un< >0111'.~" V be .\I0mi1'1'_-`-0m` \!:11'vhi11'_" ()wh"-1v's.' % J-'.\'(-nin'_" - `Li 1'v's C01::p11l.~`01'_\'v S'S01'.\'i('0s. CHRIST CHURCH SERVICES Tribute to Co}. Currie rvuuuuv ;JA.)'|ulr Alix H` 1 Cllrist H(*i'0r1n0d .. n1m'x1in'_'ig and bjot -5 %'m' hik lis- `\I'_,_. {.'f'\,. Sunda' Bishop 3row- ml. 1.. ("I...:.L 1),.c'.\........1 I M'(>1id21.\".~t 'i'm'niio 1>:ip-rs <-ont:1in- mi tho`:1niioui:w=mmii that Limit.- ('01. Bl'l1(`(`_. 21 I'm'mt-1' w-mvnn:1mlinu' ofiim`-1' oi" the .`%iim'no i*`m'(`st(-i'.~', had mot with am 11('(`i4i(`Xli on tiw train |whi1coon his way from Wiiinipcg` `to T01'm1to with his \\'it'(). , Col. Bruce iimi been :1 poor state of health 1'oovnIl_\'. and \\'us comin_ to Toronto for a short rest. hoping; to 1'ou'ai11 his a`C`11StOIlICd vigor. It is l1ll(i(`1'St00(i that he took a mis- step- while in. the aisle of the train and struck some hard object as he foil. Death 1'(>s11ltod :1 short time afterwards, in spite of all that could be done by physiciaiis who were _sun1moned when the train arrivetl at Chaploau. Col. 1$1'11r-0'5 wife was not.` able to *_"i\'o (i(`iil1it(' particuiam about her }1ust')and.'s death, on ac- count 01 s11f'fo1'i1iu' from the sudden shock; ` 11v: 01 IV 1 V1 - - A A unluk. l\o' l While Col. B1'uC0 .s home has been [in Brandon, Man., for about four _\'0ai's after` his removal from Col- lingwood, he was q_uite- Well known in Barrio by the local oioo1's of the .`-}:')tl1 I{<.".:"t. He was :1 menlbcr of the well-kn0\'vnA Brandon legal rm olf (`ol(lwoll, Bruce & C'0lo1nan. The .soni01' lll('llll)0l'. llmx. (`u-n1'~_"0 Robson Coldwoll, was .\lini.~'tox' of I.(lnea- tion for )1-.1nit0l):1 under the Hoblin .\ < T 'So1n(- time 32`) ('01. Bruvo a00cpt- ml Il1(* ('OHlIl)iHlIl oi` the l>>'l.~it_ Bat- talion. \vh.ir-l1 luv l'(`('1`lIlT(`(l in Mani- lmlm, with l.<-:1 in \\'inni- pt-2'. r-,.1 `h..._... 1 , `h. - - . ,. u,uu.u. dikiu 117,600.35 l._. ("01. Brxu-0 Hill fI":u'm. VI`: 1Sli`_ . Up x'.':' \\' ()ml ('0l}<-'_'i: 1(_"(`. g_"1':u`.nat git`; IN` ;\' ]:1i1' in CD11}! Hm C'mu_1`._\' V ("ms ]$)U-1, am] in the m!,\\':1:' . . .\ r A Former Commander of the Simcoe Foresters m:11'riwl .`.h'L-.'112111 .r-(-in-Ll 111(- znnl was 1:1 2 IJEUT.-COL. BRUCE KILLED on TRAIN : zxuu. ('01. 3rn.r'o \v:1. the Huwm I1x. :1 111:- ;~:ov(-ml` \:-1`u1uhlr: this >'m-i(`-1_\'. 21>" wvll :1 ario IIiV..~'t0ri<`-211T .\'m-it-1}.` PARKS COMMISSIONERS MEET 1Ii.stori .\`oL-it-1}`. -oi whivh ho \\':1:5 :1 1n'(m1in(-11! niombw. In 1907 he was zlmwixitml Iiic-ut.-Colonvl of the .'3:')th_ Hou'in1(-iit (h'i:zi<-aw F01ost- vrs.) In 189; ) I10 \\':1.~` 0i0<'t011 Score- t:u'_\' of" fho X()1't}1 .\`inu-no C'0nsm`va- tivc Associzltioil, and }1oII' this nfeo 101' :1 number of _v0ar.~:. In 1'1'ato1'- 11211 (*i1'('l(`.<. luv \\';1.~' wvll known. :1t~ t:1i11in}_v' liiuli 1'auk_i11 both the Ma- .~'011ic and U1 -.11i<.1'v ()1'ior.s. 110 was an nrdoilt Impm'iz1li. He was a. n1m11bc'i' '01 the C`olli11j_>,'wo0d Club, and also of the Czmadizni Military .Instit11to of iT01'o11t,0. H11 (`I 1 A l I .- 1 All-'LlI.\|l.\ Ln: 7 1uLuuI._u. The funeral takes plane fo-day, to Mount Pleasaxxt Ccmote1'_\', Toronto, `with full n1i1ita1j_\f honors. |mv WORKS I ' . . The 1'og'u1a1' monthly mectmg of `the Parks Coxxxxnxissiolx was held on .\Iondz1_\' 0\'o11i11_:'. M1`. John Fraser.. a returned sol- dier, was appointed as zxssistaxlt foreman. A committee was ap- nnintml +n 2...\.........- o..... ..l:4.....p LLIALIIICLIII Ll. l.UlllllllLt\.\.' V7!-In` Q11` pointed to into1'\'iow tlw military authorities in 1'0u':ml to the future use by the solxlim-s 01' the pavilion in Qu0o11'sApa1'k. T(~ml_01's` will be called for pl21I1tin~_" tlmvor beds in the parks and .1011-s. : fr-:-'=-=IBE-=\ l,.-. .- m ml the M111 t."n.1'm- made :1 K.L'. }'w:11 01' tln-Wlnw 1 IV price of Brysofs bread has nochanged All kinias 6cts. single} baf. 12 cts. double loaf. .:uuuu-nu; 01' B..\. I \ 1 SINGLE COPIES THREE OENTI {SLOO PER ANNUM IN EDVANG mtin-E . . . . . . . . ..35c . . . . . . . .50c `.1-ed, at-. 85C. `:15 born on` .P1"osp(-ct ` `;-1. .\`i:m-:',.-- (`mm1_\',. in <-ahmm-:1 in (`n11in*_"- 1* :ml \'i'-`.t)1';`. Col- Lt ix: 1~e-.3 mix` nu- I -It\.\-1 xmc-il 1.4-n1:1:`lc T 1'vsi of Imu. anal ho <'0i1t1'i})- `L11-.1h1r: 1'ru1wr.~; for as to 1h<- Unt- . Y 1 .\`op'iex1nl)m'. 1901, _`\i:11L'.m*1 I-Ilo;um1' :1l::]>`um. I10 I'(`- .t'm-. 13:11" in 1.-`B9, in l!)l)f}. He lnw 1'22';:v_Ao!' I}2'u(`-(* x I ;u.- nun; \_\`:"1.~' cAl(-ut- 1l_ 5:11 in 1`.5)f) fill am _ livered. e to .` __ f;...'.'.- 75 525C to 50 . .w..T53,450.00 v s Depart- 14 010A/1:00 t ...... ..'.65c. t ....... ..85c : cord. 1.35 Price ,` that crowded es. .$ 1 Phone 303 .2.%25 .l.75. ..1oo. ,1.25f .I5c .l8c .15'c .186 .16c THE` BARRIE PLANING MILL . mos. ROGERS c only..l.29` .\Ioirc..1.59 Ullil.ll_',"U(I. ' _ A -F1ida_\' c\'(>11ing`, 28th, at` 8 p.m., Major T. C1'av.'fo1'd Brown. Jos, Downey, Col. Currie and Pte. Gib-7 bones will speak. Again `Judge Vance will` act as Tchairman.` V ` Through the generosity of Lieut.- Clo. MacLaren, the 157th Bn. Band will arrive in_ Barrie Thursday noon :and remain until Saturday evening. usxssxxxnnnslllllllllgllll g Y gag lufriendsg . Y any E g thmg you can g1ve - theme -%e x c e p t g your Photograph. 3 J. FRANK JACKSON Maker of Portraits mrwfrwarvsiriiiiwriii $11111111111i111!1__i11.! G. M. UPHAM - - Manager om-ce Phone 163; Res. Phone 359 You will find a very conven- ient a1'ran can attend to the town, 1nakin;_;'.dep0si nkin_ when in or withdraw;- ' '01` then .eit}1o1'A ing mo11e_v. In case of death, the balance 1uton1atica1ly 05 to the survivor. ` siwnlmwlnn RECRUITING CAMPAIGN in the ['a111i1_V .s' \11anc-ial . 1)l'O`_1`1`(`.SS by 0ponm :1 J01i1t- Account in the `Union Bank `of Canada, in 1101' name and your own. All kinds of dressed lumber, oor- in, ceiling. ozik 0o1'i`ng', 1'n0u1di>ng and trim, B. C. shingles, rough lum- ber zmd j0isti11_ on hand. Dres- singgand all orders Vreceive prompt attention. - A II. 45, T mung % L Give` our Wife An Ihterest uuy. All men of military age in Barrie rand surrounding` country will be .ap- pealed to ill a most friendly way to offer their services to their edu11t1`y by enlisting` in the 177th B11. _ f\.. m`\\1\Icl1iJ\Y nvnninn` :11 . the 177 Recruits for the 177th Battn. VOL. LXV. TH!` Evorythillg` is in 1'eadi110.~:.s for the bxg calnpaign of Friday and Satur- dily. ` - AH nr milieu-v mm in Rm-rie CI1llSLlll._;` ul Llu: Lllbu uu. -On Thursday oveiliiig: at 8.30, the speakers will boTHon. T. \V. McGar- ry, Provincial T1'easu1'c1', Lieut. Col. J; B. M ol)lio(=, and Pte. A. Gibbons of the 3rd Battalion, first contin- gent. Pte. Gibbons was woundedl at the battle of St. Julicn on April 24th, 1915, the day on which the Canadians saved the situation, and was taken prisonei` by the Germans. He was in the hands of the Germdns for four months, and WaS.tl'xI1`X-v cl1a11g'e ' non. ..A.- Q .-. n. Simmons %&Co.`I GREAT SHUWENG Everything in Headwear ......... ..75c uiti`ngs..95c. pccia1..1.15 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY C1iidren s Headwear xv. No. 17 wnou-:A No. 4236"; THOMPSON CHEW. PUBLISHER J THIS WEEK Barrie Branch or u|.AA\.z\.\Jo AIL.(4Al`V ILMLL lllls7ULLLl\lD, Dunno or sweethearts in the ranks. Others said good-bye to boys from distant places with whom they had become` aoquaillted in a social way during the stay of the battalion in `town. Tlrero were st1{ax1_;`e women in the crowd, who said a tearful good-bye to husband,. some 11avi11y*.:.li\'cd in town for tho most. part of the ve months. some con1in to Bi11'1'ie dur- im,; the last week or two. . 1 Civic I'areWe1l_._ V ] At the 'f`:11(-well conr-crt _Qi\'o11 by 1110 hntizzliont rm \\'o i-Von- inu`. 1I:1_\'or C1'ai_u' 0( the chair and '_":1\'(- the <-ivio fm'oWoll to tho !>:1tht:1!im1. V His \\'m-ship 1'(`1`01'1'0d to Hw'11(-\\' ('()11x'U1i()11s` and t1'_.\`in 4-in-:12n. umlor whihh the mom hn\e to _Ii'_'ht. but kn0wi11:'. tho T()'t`h I-:1H.. as did Bzm'i(~ ])(*h})l(_*; he was! sm'c ihv mvn would 11plm1d.tho hon-' nr. o:"`th- 1-Impiro and the t1':1t{it0:1.w`! 0%` (":1n:ul:1's :mn_\'. Ho ('0n2'1'ut11l:1t-1 0:1 them on` thn-ix` -<:;\. tho .st21_\' in town. and tlntlhzvd is it xvm-u 1x(h;.~:.~ in :1ss(-:11*})l<` zmnlhvr (shut men that would <=o1.1 tho111s(-In-. in z1s,prop(-1' :1 manno1' :1s't11o Ttln Bait. '.I`ht.- h_:`-.m1 \"z\< H!i]`e{('It Fm". fhv (-.\'<'o1lo11t_ T musir- ho:11'd i11 rix1'."i Hm wi11tm' :t21l. in Limit. R(g\`11u1ds and his :`1;x:. were \mnIs -in", app1'0oi21ti(m 1'01` thov (-.\':*vllm:t (~;;1-{ certs put on. _ ] T) L` "I" .`.,.,,4 ,\.. L` T ,. . . . . . . . . \ .` ..,\ I P. S. h1spor.-101' I`). Loiigmzlil re.-, 1 1'1'od to tho 1'("_:'1`(`-is m` the T'.~:1:-):-': 01's A.-\ss'0<:-iation that th(j_\" \\'m'o uni`! able to p1'o;~so11.t til("i)z1'{T21ii0H with the stand of colors, owing` to (i(`i21_\`i in tho inakingr. I10 ])1'0nli.s'0(iiiil(` battalion that tlmir :1<.:s \\'ou1.l_ 2'6 301-055 tho ocean With Liout. Mc- Clclland, who "at present is con\':1lo.~:- 01112`. ' IV 1 r\ II .'-` - .1 V.` After a five months sojourn in Barrie the 76th Battalion headquar- ters, with pC ? and D compan- ies. left Barrie last week, ear1'_\ii11g with them the good wishes of the entire `eo1nn1unit_\'., Schools rwere dismissed for th_e_ afternoon and the stores and factories closed down for a couple of hours. The men n1arch- ed from their barracks to the sta- tion, preceded by the B. C. I. cadet corps." The `battalion stood easy in the station grounds for some time, during` which the citizens passed throug'h the ranks, saying` good-bye to relatives or acquaint- anees. Many had husbands, sons, nu ouvnni/l.nn..tn In #1..` 'lIl'\I\l'." {\LL.-.-.~ ...... ..l5c c for.....l7c `uitings.25c ....;.. Liout.-Col. Ballantino, in th:1n`:"- in}: the citizens of Barrio. .`<:1i1 no communit_\' could have treated` a battalion `of men hotter than his men had been 't1'oatod. He hoped that when the wax" was over and they returned to Canada. the 76th would ho1odtheir reunion. each yearn in Barrie. On Tuesday evening of last week at the 'home of Inspector and Hrs. 'Long'n1an, a g'atl1eri11}.:' -of the B0219; and Lo11_s:1nanVfan1ilies took_.plaee' that was of especial interest not: only to the. fa1x1ilieS into1'estedTb11t. to the` town i11v3__:'e11era1. It was.a ,Q,`aU)OV1'iI12' to 1'eco5_;ni'/.e a `_{_v'all:mt deed o1:"life`savi11g.;' by one of the men of the -76th Battalion Sig`- nal Corps. It will. be e.1-emen1- bored that in J:111\1D.1`_Vv 1ast.`Pte. `Loveloek, while skating` on the bay, was the "means of rese1uing" Miss 1-1 I re .` r- 1`: `Ir! 1 Lieu't.A-Col.`Ballantine`T}1ank's V Citizens For Kindnesses V ` t6 the Men Stand of Colors Will ` To Battalion in I -the watch Corps, \\ an LIl\ lll\.LI||s`I U1 xuamuu-3 -VLl>J~J Evelyn Boa_0_; and Ser;'t. Grant L011`;- man from the waters of the bay. `So the families jointly remembered Pte. Loveloek by prese11tin5_~' `him with a wrist watch. Col.ABal1an- tine. in making` the presentation, re- marked that it` all his men were as brave as the one before him, the battalion `would make history for Canada. Miss Evelyn Boas clasped on` the Tyouna' _hero s Lient. Fraser of the Sijilal and .\Ir. Lon;'man brie_v made reference touthe` heroism of! the young` man. AEn<.-rraved on the` case is the inscription: Pte. George Lovcloek, 76th `BIL. 'C`.E.F., presellt-l ed by the Boas: {1_11(l'LOl]1`l118.l1 fami-l lies with sincere grratitude for. _the brave act of Jan. 2-}, 1916. ' ' Presentation of Testaments _ As briefly'annon11ced last week wrist. v sented with pocket testaments, sub- ious `Sunday Schools. i . l scribed" by the children of thevar- rThe Bible ` It I Society was represented by N. W.- I l the men of the T6thBn. were pre-I Hoyles, K.C_., and Rev. Jesse Gib- son. The town ele1'g_r_\'111e11,\\*e1'e present, representatives of the towir council and Judge Vance. "A large` gathering of the townsfolk` were present. The battalion band furn-` ished mnsic. . T V . 76TH %BATTALl0NL 5 LEAVES BARRIEI -']`3.ravery Rewarded. THE INTERESTS OF BAFIRIE, THE*COUNTY OF SIMCOE ANDITHE1 DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. Be I`or*.vardd England. JJ\,!IuL I4` .. 218,4-15.00 Lands 623,750.00 ...92,500.00 I-IN-nu... A '7 mm nn BAR'R1E, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, APRIL 27m, 1916 1 VI LL-I. Lvll. ULIL lI\"Ul)L\u \kJI.`:',1LC'.L} Uo .l.'-| Cralgr, Mayor. ` - An Honor That Comes To Few Men Tho P-atriotix C'i'1'0lo \'\'(`L`k ' on A . \\'v V m1I11`.~`t]:'1.'-'- '(*\'(*!:i '.;. r-01a1i_!111<- \\'m'k xvi 11 nu I \ `\'. n ]! \\ \- 1.11:"... I ` _ ' ` T1115 1110ssag'e was communlcatod to the varlous ministers in town and announced in the chu1'ches_at the! evenmg servlce. { 1' IV ` 1 I 1 1 . 1 1 u v \.lAlAAh u . ' Mayor telegTam ~n1essag'e `I-I-v--11 . II `VV{iIu?i1 i _Lieut.-Col. Ballantine has the` hon-I our of being` the first eon1xnandiu<.`:'| ,o`ioe1' to _2'0 over seas for the sec_oml' time in" this war. AMajo1' Ballard; and Capt. McKin1o_\' have also been; over and are now on their way{ `again. This honor coines to fewi men, and it shows a spirit that is . most coixmlexidable, ! `AJl.51lLl1:l.AllL -(ls) VIULLFJVVD 0. I K1ndl_v accept cordxal thanks of`: 76th B11. for hospitality while with! you and loyal sond-oi'f when lc-av-I in_9;.' ' T nu. . 1 Sunday n101'ni11'_?' 3!-.1_`vn1' (Tz':1i'_=' 1'1`- 'cci\"cd :1 tol0}_"1'am`f1'o211 Lieut.-Co1. Ballantine _as i'o11_o '5 : 1-1v- 1 1- v .1 1 n skr Chickens I .Co'akstovm Ball P1ayers_Remem- ` - bered. ` ."\\'ed11C.~.day of last week :1 dep'.'1- tat1o11f1 1'o1_11 the `Co0kstow11 baseball. I fc-am visited the 'a1'111o1'ies. I10at1od! by M1`. J. XV. B1'ole_\', p1'0side11t 01'; the club. a11d'p1-e;~:o11tc-d each 1110111-} 1101- or? the club \\'h'o.:11'0 111011.`-.b(`1's oi" the 7641 with :1 five `d'01Iu1',bil'1.! TIM-1'0 w;i.<, 110 1'O1'111a1 p1'e.~.'011tatiQ11. each 1112111 \\'-as 11111141011 2111 o11\"uIo1ac- c011ta`i,11i11-_"1`11- 111m1(-_\'. '\\'it11 :1 letter; as a token 01' the c7s:tc-0111 i11 wI1ichf the club 1101-} tl1o.o 111(-111bo1's M101 -had -joi110d `(I10 colors. `_ T110 11101103 was c011t1'ibutc-(I out 01' the funds 0:. the club. K ; hntertained Capt. Clzirke and Rev. Hugh Mcl-`arlane Mr. and l\[1's. N. B. Johnston on Tuesday evening` of last week invit-lt ed some friends to meet Capt} .Ta1_nes Clarke and Mrs. Clarke amlll Rev. Hu_u'l1 MeFa1'l:1ne prior fol Capt. Clarke's de1>arture for over-; seas as rep1'esenta1i\`e and Mr. .`sla--} F;i1'lane s 1eavin_u' town to enlist for!( o\'e1'seas ser'\'i(-e for King" "and lhn-`:1 pire. D'ur-in's.:' the (-\'eninu' llis \\.'or-i( ship I\[a_vor Crziiu spoke wor oi"i1 `Clzu'l4:e sv work _a:nm1'." `rho '. here and of Mr. ':\I(-F:`x1'lau1<-'5" splendid exainple in enli.~'tin :m \i'oie'e `wood \".`islxe.=a oi'- all for thri- futnre of both T Cap`r.'1_ lCl:1rl and .\lr._`f\l:-Fau'l:1nr- 1'e.~:pn:14l-l led `in 21 fev: well chosen .~`(`lll(`!1(`{`<.i~ 'fl1anl C`r;:i'_" maul all .pi'{_~<- lent for the kincl (-xpi'es. of 1:!)-ml will.. Brief and smoxitaiieoils little" . :il. by Rev. I\lr.f l.T0urdan. Rev} Mr. \'\':1ll:1ee `21n Lt.-_`~ V (Roxy) _\len7.ie.-. 'l`h<.~ ple21<.m'o' the evening` .\\':is A-i1'e:1tl`\' enlmneerl by". musical .nmnhe1's' 1.'{"_!'.l(`?`('v.l hf. .`lr..3 MeFa.rlane. llrs. li:1il1i::1n. .\li;s.~~: |.Ma Dolurnll. mriss-3.1..(>ttnn. Aime.- King , Rex . . Ir. \\'.:1llaee an (7:ml.' ' `_Clarke and .elomitio)1ni')' imnihers by eulo_v'istie :1`ppreA-iation . of Cznpt. I 1 1 m-`.3. Burton. I-Zefreslnnents xrerel served `in [tho (lllllll-}'0OII1 frmni tables decorated in pi11k,ai1(l whitel and Vvags of the Allies. The` com- pany separated With good wishes for I 1. 5 3 'l`?111_1-.14 who will speak at tho 1:o(-i-uims-_~..\1w_ 'l`ln1:'g`.21_\' ii _1' (\'<-:`.in:.<. 'i'u- 2`.L`=.'!' is I Hug` T 1,21 I'1'21nr:<`. Xmv} M-.'.< \\'.i`.1 'm~ ll(`:i1".}' \.\'(-7;-'::xx1u!.| 1*.<..;\'!(-\`x.'n2't will` hv ::m.~`i u 1':1iT:--3 Tu)` 01mtim1$ EH` S`(`L`0I)l]V-11:11)! .312`; in good. 1'op:1ii' to S("11(1' to` :3:- - The Co1cne1 s Thanks FRENCH RELIEF Juxvxuc. | Craig: aekiiowledexed the as follows : Your kind of appreciation received. our people. (Signed) J. F .-.nn`..v 7 7 THE HON. T. W. McGAf.RY, Provincial Treasurr ilmemmgmmm xLl{\\ una .'1'..' " V o1111:11V1m-cl byi rt- by M1-:4. 5 ` . I hnan. :\I1;':~I;_ r\.. I ' . I mot U115; .;hon \,'0`\'i1f_"(`41`t1l(1 fut`1n'o p1'0:s'po1'it_\' of `tho do1>a11'tinu' 1'1'im1 and `(110 si11}."~ ;inu' "Gm! Bo \\'it}aA `.'m1'I`i11 \\'0 l;`.\l(`(`ii Natiollal -Hh(*1:1. V -= h_\' ` L-' Y N '1 V I;1'in'_" on ':\\`hi<-'-.: had -rhvo at 4.; 1:38 \\'a,' di.~;po;~ of. M their Ici u11dc-rtakon` lo vivic: lilnmno p1'o-[ ' with :1 si'."n('ti Tho} K ;.:`:'::` "S1stvBn.. T (4 \ E .? ..F."Tmu1 'u1':1\'m1 in<<-1'ipii011. (`mm-31. .\Ia_x~m-`. inl Km :1('ti\'iti0.< ,`r0wn .':<* 1n;w n 3)!'i.i|`__:1])]..(` Tox-| :. town ` .'.-,1. ,.11 ~ .1 n - - --r . ' I I while` XILUDL VV(llUL CLIILI llxllln _ ` Council went into`Conm1ittee of the Whole todiseuss the terms of agreement between Mr. Scott and l.the eo1'p01'ati011. Upon Committee 1-ising; the report was adopted. The terms of the a ;1'een1e11t speci- fy the duties of the teamster. ` The Ilire hall and all appliances are to be lkept in good order, especial ezire to _be e.\'e1'eise(l in l town s Eteam in proper em'.litim'1.e He will lhe umler 0l'(l('1`$ l'i-nm lhu C`l1i1i1'mmi lei the Fire :1~ml l _oli(-e Coiiiiiiittee. `, or _(`liairman 01' -Eozml 01" \\'m'l |lle will lmvv two \\'(-:_-ks lmliml:1_\'s in lll(` \'(m'. at :1 time in he :1l'l'21ll`.1'('(l. nlliist i'in_"V the tmvn hell four tinies 3:1 (lay. 1mmel_\'. -7 _2i.m.. l'_ norm. l [p.n_i.. and 6 p.m. 'l`o.4ln' v:m'l: on the ixlw--'>l~' as llll'(`l"l(`li l)_`.' the C`h:1irim111 lot` the 30:21-ll M` \\'m'l<<. lm1m inn` .\'.1('ll \\'m'l< n~' !'::i2' lIf)l'lll as Mi- Dmmlal .\`l'l'(`(`l' mull l1(`l\\'(`('ll l ;n_\'li(-lil :;:nl l-`.w':`-:I._" .\'i:'<`('I~`.i 'Sll'(`(`i \\ :ll(`1 lllL" :m:l oiling 2`.!!sl f-nm\' il<)\'\'iI1';' witliin, :`.l.\m`(~ mt-ntimwal l)Ol1ll(l:ll`l(`.~` are ill-| ('l`:Ul\"(`l in the {l`_"l'(`(`ll1(`lll'. . l 5 . . . ; A .spo('1z11 'nm0tx=.1:' 01. the Town `Council was held on T}u11'sdz1_\' oven- [1n*.1` 0'i ~lnst week to tjnnsider the re- [pnrt of the Fire and Police Commit- itoo which had been 1'e.t_'e1'1'ed back int the 1'o:11la1' meeting` on Monda_V. I rpllnru-n1\n1-P n;- an-n-~nn#n.] r\I\ 7I`l..n.-. dz Bon Bons ef` Easter in %V pro- _ _