Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Apr 1916, p. 2

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TBOYS & .\[URCHISO;\', BARRIS- ' (V_II_2L_,_.. \'_L_-___ T`l__LI2- `DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Q.........m.. -4- T `D no . 1.1.1:- DR. MORTIMER LYON, R 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every ; Saturday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose [and 'I`hro8:t. Oonsu1.tat`ion' hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ntw-vnhvnnnf W. A. LEWIS, M.-D.o.M., Surgery nun ! I I-zannann A: `X nunnnun A.-~u\n:n1_ DR. J. HUNTER, LATE OF J.-A.-.-;`--u--g. ..--.. fter, Solicitor, Notar-y P:1blic, &o. Oice, 1st oor -Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. ._vi__.__ _. ._.-_?_,, hers, -Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Con-- veyancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. (H. Esben. Vllluu UL VuI.GAAv. V-u-uu. If u v., Thursday Morning, by Thompson Crew, Publisher Ilr. Bosanko I7 I} lI\W\IL` :3 Ey. Ea: Nos: 8 Th;-ou_t._ law:--'...--a ---_. `l\-_4 1u_- `I '7 U U U U u v - v v v - v v v v v v v The Adyape of April 16, 1916 .,_.__ - ._.._,, .___._., rister, Solicitor, etc. Banki of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. v--cu-n \:yuu$uuIl|1l0II BT13`,- Ol'1|'IO8-'l8 Dmunr 812371`. BARRI8. `Phone 54. P. 0. Box. 90. I\_I.L>l \\I ..........w\,.., .,.u..u.J- tors, Solicitors, Not_a1'_\' Public, Conve_\'ance1's, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates,-.01` interest. Offices 13 Owen St, in the prom-_ iscs formerly occupied by the Bank: of Toronto- Branch Ofcc,-Elm- vale, Ontario. XV...-L Boys , K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchison. IN-VVLLN, * HY & ESTER`-, Ontario Land Surveyors, ' - etc. Established 1 . Oce, Medical Buildi . .8. E. comer Richmond -and y 8%.. Toronto. gelophono, 1880. Instructions loft with Strctlly I Faton, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrio, will in promptly attended to. - hours; a.-111* appointment. -nu lJl$yUl U tie, Ontario. ' An? 13i`s2;'sZ= o}'Vv1.1f.}i e3$i1 - -ly. Oice 58 Collier St. Phone 61. V 35- (LII: "0 LA Telephone 165. ` J. LL L`bJ.L'\fL[L.L` surgeon," ;?c~J.,UU L.R.O.-S.; Edin.: L.R.C.P., London. Oice and residence, Dunlap St.. Barrio. _, _.._v - :_--.--._-, V`. .-. -v and residence corner` of Toronto and Elizabeth -Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. __ V. __.v....__....., 3---`; V.- i'i`_oroi'1to. Physician _and Surgeon. Ofce and residence 12 Burton Ave., Allandalc; Telephone 661. [We-invite your business andlprivate `accounts. D:-._J. A1m1g13_ Ross :45.` __.-. 3. H. T. ARN-ALL, OFFIOE tn: uomen square Bar Thro :i.... =:ag,:' 2: av: g_a.*;:. ...13:a';.2I .(`?.`a'3t:. nh.nI.%? ' ' -lIIn-hung 'o$n--an `I; Tmnms or SUBSCRIPTION J. G. GUISE-BAGLEY FOR UNDBRTAKER8 __P_HYSICIANS _V3_`7'-T933 LEGAI} Prompt and dependable Banking Service is provided. for business men carrying their accounts at The Bank of Toronto. The reputation . `resources. and facilities of this Bank are a guarantee of satisfactory service to the business community. RING VOL. LXV. TH -CERTAIN ? Beaver and Cedar Shinlvs, car oixri Pmct~.:~ THE BAH F3. 'I`1\I1\I\I\l\II I` ll) I K.l\,'-: BARRIE. +TheNe1 . MA \ I,' Buggies, Sleigh NEXTDQOR' nnmcnns AT BARRIE, AND ALLANDALE ` ' ' -H.A.SIMS. Manager Srrrucr Pun;-.~ AfR 1`):T.\"I'1U-`_\' I . Telephoim 10* nIIDIIlT n `IV? JAS.' {Fire "Makes . .Has 11 II) `Skin. I On 0 remove - the occasional smoothness G'lyced0n;ia ...._.._ ,1, ix, B011 farm 21 and 1- mods-,1 l A mamhr Bank of Al _\VIn {st and 1.- V. , . IV` THOMPSON Druggm. Most rc F-01? T; L\J-J5 - 1 Real lb ulauc 111 0116 DJDHLALA uuu llvuv uuwn. is none too good for the position. BAR .Su cces Night a ';7.gpe] . Mr. C. `_H:_R oss T;e-c;iv_;d hi; `com? mission as police xnagistrate. A A O ruuvuirn `I 1 , ` 5 VJCIIIUO I-`ll IJVVIAIIJ U-oI\o* Q I %eW.rren, lieutenants; E. King, (G. ,arley,,buglers; committee, Dr. B_o_s- nnko, fP.-~`F. -Ewan, S. King,` Myers, 31111193}. ..BB_ll.~ .. , A - '."."9'-1?." V ?`=?R- :l: .1.vM.!1,1n,`Kfv'-.l ;;._"r:,t9;::1,!`a 7.IL.ew ` ` hill--to .oo2ne`.:beford'!thje" (3 - `legislature which if passed svould make bicyclists responsible for any damages -that may accrue through a horse taking fright at a passing bicyclist. `L nu. .u_,'r\n -,__,, ,1_;-:I V--. v- H. Startjxy, `Q.C., was elected a. Bencher of the Law Society. II -1'? I1 I ` A re in the G.T.R. sand house was announced about three o e_lock one morning by the blowing of 15 or 20 locomotive whistles. . J T The Advance" suggested thathe W. "C. T.~' U. follow theevgample of the Owen -Sound` ladies '_oue_1; -drinl.iil18'~founta_ins~in Barrie. . ' ' llV.l...~.J.I -4.--.. 1..:.;.;1-- -.a..A.m . `-G;_.x:;it:l'1` `a;f:hi;:':`?:;`1;::$A: '~__tosh;, '_l4L 1_en3t.;.___-W. Eolmgs;- .sec.,"J.' Fire 'bri`g ade- withvi . 1' An nu`:-:nn Anus`-' '_ - .... "$5,000,000 ' on` Aonann to see their only son Wearing khaki, taking` the step that thousands had taken before me. I was an old member of the 25th militia, having taken out papers for a. ser~ geant and hearing the call for men to as_~ sist the Motherland that had so `carefully fprotectect her little Canada for so many years, the military spirit came to the `front and I offered my services. Those of military age who feel w_ithin them the call of country and of Kingfwill benew men-once the ques- tion is sett1cd, Is there not something for the young civilian to think about i11 this corporal s letter. Again, many of those now -in training may never see the ring line ` (and God grant that they may not) but the training` he will receive at the training camps l Wlll make him more-of a man in every pos- ` sible sense and impressions that he will re- ceive there will be lasting. in` their benecial effect. ' ' - ' Don t cut corners keep off the grass are signs that meet :the eye in most every park you enter. But to have to put up a sign Warning carters to keep off the boulevards is about the limit. And. yet it would appear that such signs are necessary inthis town according to the letter to coun- cil of Mr. Norman, president of the Horti- culturalsociety. It remains to be seen what `the "Committee will do with the com- munication, but one thing is certain, if . careless teamsters are defacing boulevards, the law should be evoked, if after due warn- ing the offense is repeated. Next to its parks the prettiest thing about a town is its well-kept boulevards. ' Y From the Collingwood Bulletin (as re- ported on another page) we learn that the Barrie Water and Light Commissioners vis- ited the shipbuilding town on the first of the month, on a. tour of inspection and inci- identally to get pointers onthe operations of _the commission up there.` Like all.other matters connected with the local- manage- menttthe trip to Collingwood was not made . `known outside of the oicials. Perhaps the -Colliiigwood oicials i11 exp1ai11i11_g' the sys- tem in force told the. visitors of the pub- hclty given through the press of the`doin_:s of the Conmilssioners at their business nieetingzs: . if this was 11ot done it was a 1'e::1'ettable `oversight. It is to be hoped the trip will not prove a fool one even if it was made . on the rst of-April. The Collingwood Enterprise` commenting` on the visit of ,the Commis_sioners says: As far as we are able to learn, the Barrie Commissioners are a Commission without any power to cponduetor create the business that properly belongs to them. In fact, they are not even permjtted to issue a cheque without the consent of the municipal author- ities The Enterprise is talking simplyp to hear itself. The Municipal authorities have not aiword to say as to how the Com- missioners run tliings. The objection taken by the municipal authorities isthe way the Hydro Commission _order-tl1i11g*s.A V Certain sums ar.e set aside for depreciation of plant which kept the revenue so low as to allow for no reduction of rates, at the same time the monies laid aside for renewal of the plant do not appear in_ the statement pre- pared for Ba-rrie in the Hydro accounting", 4 "Oh different occasions this page has sug- tglested the gatherings together of the photo- graphs of former chief_ magistratesxof Bar- ,rig; The suggestion has not been taken up by the town clerk or the town fathers, to H whom the scheme was commended by this . Readers of this` paper; are now asked %to co-operate with the editor in an attempt to secure the photographs of the early Reeves and the Mayors of the early days. Some, `yes many of the `families have left Barrie, "but it should. `be possible to get in touch with some representative of the families who _ would be pleased to help along this move- ment.. It may be even possible that the _need- "ed pictures are still in town. We Wlll be pleased to hear from Advance readers. ` By chance the other day we picked -up a scrap of the`-London _(Eng.) Daily Mail, of unknown date but of many years ago as the paper was faded with age and no_t by exposure to the light. The piece of the newspaper comprised the joke column and `contained an item` that showed how the , English people looked `npon Kaiser Bi1l s ambition to world power, as "now shown` in the present conflict. v took , the Kaiser 7 and his preparations as a good joke, but when Englandi gets through with him now, his place 1n , . IXXXIXXXXHXIXIXIXXXXX` McPhee; treas., R. McMillan. e_d, dividing the money in the treas- ury among the members, each man getting $5.00. `I'\.mH. A4` `Dan 1! R nnnrnn `nag- gtzhuug qJu.uu. ~ Death of Rev. M. B. Conron, pas- tor of Collier Street Methodist Church. ' QIIIIITBI` . . . . xxpul. Ar: 4: . . V V. ~ ' x ` I._X'xx8I`X:xxxXXXXXXXKXX New Moon . . . . .. ..April 2 Quarter . . . . . .April 10 Moon . . April '18 "Quarter April 24 council Meetings . Barrie Town . . . . . . April 17 Tecumseth tp.,Beeton, `Ap. 15 Innisl Tp., at Stroud May 1 Vespra Tp., as Court of Re- oo:4!:n\v| 4.4- 'l`;41111-I1-c+ Maw Brrie Board T of M Education` May 15. ' `Chief IA'.vent_s_-this week a ---- nan urury, J.U1`1l.IU.l. ucpuug a_.u...u... April 15. - Spring Horse Show. ,-.-- Premier Borden, speaking in the House of Commons, severely reprimand- ed Messrs. Foster and _ Gar.- land for their connection with the purchase of war supplies. The move by council at the special meeting on Friday evening of last week` in 1 authorizing the purchase of a -"re team is ; one that should have been takh `years ago "The actual cost of the team as compared with the employing of a man to furnish his own outt should not figure in the case. -_ Eiciency is the chief item to consider when ` it comes to the discussion of municipal problems such as this. . Even if the cost is greater by reason of the town "owning the` outt there will be the sense of security in ` knowing that there is a team in the hall that -can be relied upon to get to the re in the quickest possible time. If one man is __not a success another can be had, but the team remains that knows its duties. It is. to be` regretted that Mr. Beatty saw fit to resign before council or committee had met to further consider the matter. Now that --a change is made in the system the best man :......:I..1..1.. :. ........ 4.... ....-.,.A Pm. Hm nncirm 4 w-- w.`- y April 14,-Death off Thos. Drury, "former deputy sheriif. A.....:l 1: #4 Q.`-.1-{nu `nrgp Thursday, April 13th, 1916 103rd' day of the year wsspru. .11)., an Uuuzu U1.- vision. a Midhurst M;.;722 wanna} CALENDAR um? the su will ire small i1id`eedA-. The item was 11-l`I_`_.-.... l7'I'\L.. T.'n`.-`nu :11 9.111 1-tron *r\l):I`\+ [[18 Sun. WJ..l.l UL . aluanu lLl\.A\}\..\lo .Lll\4 Luvxxl. us.-.u as follows: The Kalser, 111 full wa.1-.pa1nt, is shown in, `Punch s cartoon . tlnso Week sitting on a rock upon which the sun slunes, while climbing up out of` the shadow is a burly-headed Working man Socialist. H1171`.-.4 I-n-mi-.02: 110170 vnn Born? 1321:: uu1'1_y -ucnuuu wux A1115 uxuu uu\.u.....n.. \Vhat business have [you here`.~ asks the Kaiser. n-,4..__-- c_..:._1:-;. 1)....L... H1 `An ,_,,,_,4_ __ tut: .Lx'uuc:.. `German Socialist Party: place 1n the sun, .._.._y___. Somebody writing in the Toronto Star says 3," car-load _'of liquor is shipped into Orillia every week from Toronto, amounting in a year to $35,000. This `surely is a mis- take.` The Orillia papers claim that all the whiskey that nds its way into that dry town` comes from Barrie. If the Toronto writer is correct, then the man who must have his whiskey will have to _go a few miles further east of Toronto after the 16th of September, to wit: to the Province of _Quebec. _Our Orillia friends, who are so _fond of accusing Barrie as the source of all their whiskey troubles, will find it hard to break away from the habit of stating that the liquor came from the County Town. 7 NORTHERN ADVANCE` % _ Among a batch of clippings from a clip- ping-agency received at this office was one that did an injustice to a neighbor newspaper, giving credit where it does not belong. The item as sent to The Advance was taken from the Port Perry Observer and reads thus: The Barrie Advance says: `Celery and pineapple make a delicious salad. - So do burnt leather and garlic, or any7fothe`r `old thing under the sun. The truestory-is, ; The Advance used the salad part /of the item for what newspapers call "a filler, that is, a small item that lls out a column. The item was used just aswe would have used this item: 11 rm, , ,,, -- _.D -11 _._.',..LL 1... ,1_..\-.... UIIID 1LC1llo - One ounce of gold might be drawn into "pa wire" fty miles 10115:. T The funny man on the Orillia Packet saw the itemeand used it in his own inimitable way. The Port Perry man evidently c_onsidered the item a` good joke and re-produced it as coming` from The Advance. Now we are giv- ing: credit where credit is due._V \Ve hope both Packet and Observer editors have tried the salad as printed in The Advance; per- adve1itu_re`the_v may know the tougrlmess and bitterness ofvthe Paeket s concoction. T The latest thing: in 1'ecr11itin5__r is he s11}: for a platoon oft red-lieads him` `the 208th Bn.;iof which Lieut.-Col. A. J. Smith, an auburn liairc-d vlrislilnan, is in gonnnand. \Ve l1a,\_'G county battalions", sports_n1e11's battalions," bantam battalions and those of Scotch and Irish nationality; what would happen somewhere in France it'7a battalion of [these aubuV1'nAhai1'cd boys gol. at tle Hun? .:___?j_ The Toronto Teleg'ram says: Ontario ~s a$1aweekly is cheap, bnt not so cheap as the community that permits a local newspaper to perish rather than add 50 cents to the present subscription price of on ee-a-week; journals in this province-. .' This is the character`isticall_V pertinent Way -the Tele- `grain has ofexpressing itself. If `it had a eou`ntryicommunity to cater to, the lan- guage would be more- circumspect. pThe end of the dollar weekly is talinosthere, and the subscriber who raises a protesting voice should remember that there is hardly a conimodity purchased now-a-days that has not increased in `price except the dollar weekly. The Orillia Packet says [the Ontario 'gove1'11111e11t ha_s lately disqualied Beerburg and VPorterhiause. Consequently many of the citizens of that town will lose their inter- est in the County Town. The disquali- cation mentioned above seems to trouble our aeka heriif. Horse Jrden, A quiet 1 Manse," Im day, March Mary Howi the late M this distric1 were united by Rev. R. ing for Sa: Howie and" in this disi ed. The quaintances newly man happy unio1 Sir Robe} from His \` i'3p:f;'f `1 &'$i"&`ee3}aii`2L 9623` :3 centlywgonferred upon -by ,the `King. of the _BelgiI`na. .' ` " wedding took place at the. I Imperial,. Sask., on Thurs-` Maroh'30th, when Miss Myrtle Howie, daughter of Mr. and ` Mrs. Howie, formerly of district and Mr. Joseph Sinton united in the matrimonial bond M C. Eakins. Before leav-- Saskatchewan _Mr. and Mrs.` family were well known ` district, and highly respect-f The many friends and 843- 5 of the bride wish the I married couple a long` and M union, `HI MJIJDILIEQD -' ayailable Robext Borden _has received. His Majesty the King the royal license-and authority to wear [the Grand Cordon of `the Order,o4 Y --__ .11 .-`I=-L ' A4A-4n`:`un ` -only in In These Times MARRIED IN TH]-}.W'I:`-ST - NEPHEW OI` LOUIS RIBL - - ' T DIES FOR EMPIRE jui- _. __J_1:__.. ;.-'_1_ __I--- -1. 1.1.- Scott s Bookstore, Barrie `11 I, too,`want a on may not want to spend much money for presents, but you do want to send something worth while to your friends. Why not send a `book, one of the most attractive and satisfactory of presents, yet costing very little? Call and see the New Holiday Books at Orillia f1-i'ends much more 't}}an it does Ba1'1'ie. ` ' Only two births and two deaths were registered with the town clerk of Beeton during the quarter `ending March 31st, ac- cording to the \Vor1d of that place. Poor place for an undertaker or an issuer of mar- riage licenses. ` av `Rev. - J. M. VVarncr has resigned as pastor of the First Baptist church, Wood- stock, -Ont.', to join the colors. Among other :.'easens he gives this one for adopting such a c0u1'.=.e: 1 enlisted because'I saw an op- _pOrtm1l'[y,l0 do Christian `work aniongst the +1'u.ps. I enlisted for conscience s sake, and in an army that God is leading; for freedom from oppression. - Many, many ministelrs throughout the .country are securing com- missions and going` with the troops as chap- lains,'but few, ve1'y,few are taking the step _c-`f the Rev. Hng'h MacFarlanc, assistant 1r.infste1- of St. Andrew s, in resigning his cnzusre and entering the ranks as .a pr1va.te. iM1'. MacFarlane believes that. greater good can be done in a. spiritual. way among the rank and le of the army by becoming one .of themselves. The chaplain with.l1is rank of captain usually, is, as other oicers to the men,-does not assoclate with them, and comes -in touch, perhaps, but once a, week for di- pvme servlce. The spiritualleader that is as one of the `men, -that shares their. hardships and is with theme at their every task is a "much better medium of consolation in` the , time of trouble. All honor to Mr. MacFar- lane and his wife forthe decision they have come to. of the Province can rest easier, knowing that the verdict has been given, even if the result is against them. ` Prohibition will be effective in Ontario after Saturday, the 16th of September, and will remain in effect an- tilprobably the rst Monday in June, 1919, three years hence, when. its continuance will depend upon the wishes of the electors of` After months of `anxiety the liquor men` the province expressed through` a re-. ferendum. "\`I ` T1 `[17 T TT,,_ _, _ !_ ___..`..--..nn _leaving it" until 1919 all the soldiers would `be back from the front and would have had ample time to get on the lists and the Act J.C1'CllLlul.Llo This was Hon. W. J. Hanna s announce- ment made in the Legislature last week when the House in committee got to the closing sections of the Ontario Temperance -Act. In referring to the referendum, Hon. Mr. Hanna statedthat it could not fairly be taken until` at considerable time after -the war. By l would have had a fair trial. Then, if the ` people wanted to repeal it they could do so. ' They would be able to vote upon it intellig- ently, He stated also that the Government felt that if the Province went back to the present order of things as a result of the , referendum then those people who have lic- enses now should have the rste call in the distribution of any licenses that might be issued; The return to present conditions would not, he said, affect local option dis- tricts, which would again come under the by-laws. ' ` Yll..m.. nun `-1111 n11;np nlnnana np +1111 vnnnc_ uJ'1aWa. These are the chief clauses of the meas-l ure; the working of the act is fully provided for, inclu(lin_g' who shall be allowed to sell liquor and in what quantities. * For more than a generation the politicians -have irted with the liquor interests, at the same time` t1'_\'in3_1' to please the telliperanee l'o1'ees. At`, the last Provincial election the Howell 1'o1'(,-esi tried to ride to victory on a partial temper- anee policy that did not appeal even to a jgreat n1a_'io1'ity of that pa'1't,\'. The late Sir p James \\'l1it11e_\p1'o1nise the people of thel Province that il?_1'et1u'11e(l to power he wouldl .... um... .. .......,......4 AI? .\._...m......m l.,...:.l L1UV11l\.\J \`llL|/ AL L\.LruL`LA\.\| nu lrunun JIL lI\JllL\| I ,;'ivc-. them a Tn1'oa.'su1'e' of t0x111)e1'a1rco lolis-E lation when the Province was ready for the; I _Same. Sir James is dead but his suc(:csso1'- ' I ' `I , ,,_,,f_,1 A1 "l,,,1 _,,4 1.1.- -1] .mak .-. \.\,lIlJl\lL1 Ill vv uA\.:A 1.A\|L\/Ltnx, Annnxno nu 1u.u.\.\.a The t_en1peranee people are somewhat dissatised over the measure in that it does not come into force till next September rather than July as they would have wished, But in all fairness to the liquor interests the Government has taken the safe middle course and allowed plenty of time for the business that has been given its death-blow, to ad- just things. l Pte. Clare Henderson, son of Mr. Geo. Henderson, of Brentwood, has written a letter to his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Hender- son of Alliston, says The Herald. ilt contains some interesting para- graphs, one relating to the death , of a nephew of `the notorious Louis Riel, who led the Indians, in the N. W. Rebellion of 1885. He was a crack shot and out here sniper. He put a notch in the butt i if his `rifle every time he shot a . German. He .,had fo rty-two notch- es. _I thought as I stood over his -grave,` what` a change may take place in one generation--my uncle fons1_1.t-`-against his`. uncle; now I. am V ' alongside His rie .n...~..';.1.. L L: W888` been sent >hi$.:,l-aonie \ Supreme satisfaction is What most men feel when_ they don the King s uniform from a sense of duty. One soldier--a cor- poral-writing to the editor of tl1e_ St; Thomas journal, declares the time `he has spent in. training with the 70th and 71st Battalions has been the best six months of this life. He continues: I felt" it was my ' duty to go to the front and protect "those who were unable to pass the physical examina- tion.` Why should I let men go and ght- my battles to protect that which our ances- tors had won for us, while we stay at home`! ' Have we lost all that old British blood? These weresome of the questions that cours- ed-through my brain as ;I, walked to the re- cruiting" oice. `It was the grandest exper- Zience that I ever had when I walked down ` our main street Wearing the King s uniform. `My parents would not give their entire con- sent but I felt sure that they would be proud \`.I -~. ' Published from '_tho otoe. 123 Dunlap Street Barrio, in the County of Simcoe. thePro- Vince of Ontario. Canada, every mL ,__.x._ .. Ir..-..:.u- kn 31.99 rrifinum VIN ADVANCE UNITED suwrnzs sunsckmuts $1.50 IN ADVANCE , ___:n L- -_1.I...I 4.. LL- __.1_ Eiggnrthcrugzlvatutt t3'No new hams will be added to the sub acripuon List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over wlllbc charged $1.50 per annum. S'.DEWA'RT & STEWART, BAR- -nrnrnnhc o..'l:...'L.._.. \T,.;.....: __ {ALEXANDER 7 COWAN,` s63 G. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- ORESWIOKE & BELL, BAR risters, Solicitors of tho Supreml Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyanoerq etc. Money to loan. Oice, Rail block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. 0. go JLUIIIII, 11163:, 1.11.: VVDHD, vsyv` R. Boys, sec.-4treas.; W.| '_f} ' ,B,bys, capt_,; E. Sewrey and -~: :`I7'."u`iuAn Hnnlrnn aim`: - V. min!` .'rRATY & ESTEN, BARRI-S- DONALD Ross, LL.B., Iip Ba1'1'isto1', -1-\*'o'1;1;.-H Public, ' Conveyancor, Patent Expert. . . Ofce--Ross Block, first door Wes `of `Scott s coal office. - i I 1'1T`I"f`I__ F.l|.El'VV'I1'IUJ. W '|DJ..l'J V1 LIJUL, .L)1..g]_y' RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Pwblic, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 P03 cent. Oice, 13 Gwen St., Bar- rie. D. M. Stewart. ___. UL LJLUUU 0 LKJCLL \Jlll\.'\4u _ j Several years wlth A. E. H. Cres- i Wmke. v_- - `_----` cvti at s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. It s. exugow --sUnanoN-- oessor to Ignnbx: & B;ovwn,' ' Banister, Solicitor for obtaining __-L-L- -3 ._:11.u -un-J:nr\a`1:us nu` DUI I.` 13 I401, IDULLUI lava Lu; vu IIIDILLIAI: probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyance:-, eta. Oices: Hinds Block, No.- I Dunlap St. Money to loan. G. G. SMITH In 00., PHONE 8!. Established 1869. Undertaken. Open day and night. Morgan and chapel in connection. Bar- n, (11-In-{A Biycle elub..o;'ganized for season. ynoran, pres.; Dr. We1ls,Tvi ge- `D Dana can J-1-nynu ' - W

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