Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Feb 1916, p. 5

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Cataract Wash. 7 for itself, Ist, of money actu- "I`L.. ya..- THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Trustee Ross enquired as to the enforcing of vaccination in 4 the schools and *if so enforced under what authority it was done. Trus- `till such time " as the healthg`-pe _ :He believed the spirit of t he1"l`aw to- tee Richardson was not clear as to the authority. Trustee Wallwin said they were simply carrying out the provisions of the Provincial Act. If the Board does_not enforce the regulations the Board of Health has the power. He did not believe` in vaccinating any child under three years of age. If a child was found to be in such `poor health that vaccination would be; injuri-' ens, then the rule be relaxkplgun-l` be,` - that especially in "time of an` -epidemic ~it - should -be strictly "f`! ~".f. ` , I4 th1joug'11 which the children slid ,down, `Was in use. I... . .-. .'- _';'I`l;<=:'E'J;hairman notieci the Prd-j Tperty Committee `that the east am I . ~ 1 ` south wall oi`? one class room in the` B.C.I. was .fallii1g away from the outside Wall. t On motion of Trustees Ross and Wallwin, the Secretary will notify Inspector _Garvin that the Kinder- garten room `in the Central school has `-`been moved `to anothei loca-' tion, and that the former Kinder- garten room is being tted up for a second primary class room. autiful Brick houzszef for sale on B" dford St., near;E1izabeth- .9 mo nished in oak and birch TQQ in cellalf .{witl1.;. laundry. :.tubs'.= " 5x:'6ai"~-9:58 .e1:eeeria2,i"z4e*i+Tf t" inaiaig, `7li g`iifi1g This is one of the Barrie. Can be -terms. Apply \tel's","'i5vith"' and plumbing; . nicest situations bought right on I/W; C. Thompson; oigef 16 Owen [St., Phone. 288, Barrie. ` treat Oar oke in here,- Tsxr, Toronto Globe-Hon; James Duff, T the Minister of Agriculture, who . has been laid aside for some time as the result of heart trouble, vis- : ited his office at the Parliament. _ Buildings late yesterday afternoon, . and was warmly welcomed back to his old post. To outward appear- ances the Minister looked won, and 1 he was in grand spifits, though he conded he was going to take no - undue risks. Mr. Du, who has al~ ways been used to good health and i fall" activehlife, apparantly could not %gr;`;j*;fq`p he has come to Queenjs Park t]i`i's'week as an experiment 11! would be active in the Legislature,` standing the strain. Asked if he` Mr. Dn said` h_e expected to be in - his place, but he was not going `ftp -e ycarry. off any stunts. -" `MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE ' l BACK AT `HIS POST eer and ` raiser Nb RING 0115:: [N r you or the cigar 1; out. , / over this` ultimaf` t the passehggt. the cigar qn`. 1118. *ock Sales. eld Street 2` ONT MANTED %19oo? ` Washer P6191 \JA \J|l\J II\o\|4I- The Igoo duce the work Lhereiore, y o u the amgunt` of Fxanahan was mar- vvnn...-. an-- `Specialty T of BRUARY 17, 1916 kGOES Barrie Notice hereby. given that a By-1 Law was ssed by the'_Cou_ncil of the Corporion of the County of Simcoe, on `he 27th day of _ Janu- ary, 1916, a horizing the Cdunty of Simcoe to g1-ant,ee debentures to the amount :7 -$13,000.00, bearing interest at th rate of 51/2 per cent. per annum, .' be `issued .by the Corporation of he` Town of Mid- land under By- aw Number 918 of the said Corporion of the Town: of Midland, and that such .By-La\iy was registered `-'11_ the Registry Oice of the Cou ty of Simcoe on the 16th day of ebruary, 1916.- A..... ..-.nJ:nn {us 1` mac`: A1` enf nein \|l4`V \.IJ. .L vux LISUIJ, u.J.\Ju Any motion to i_1aSl1 or set aside rt thereof must e months from R. J. F TCHER, ~n IV) .51! 1916. DJ vu; vs Terms of sale: 10 per `cent. at the time of sale 1d the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will A be sold subject to a reserved bid and " to the existing lease. . ' V .1 -- - - L A 1 w u A A J V H I II. LII V paid for this one-half. But 'ng by'far is the act`Washer will long_--as when es not wear the vashing is done 5 of the cloth. cing the slight- e-tenths of the ng. ' Further lpa.rticula1's. and conditions will be made known at the time- of sale and in the nieantime may be learned from X ' \ ` Simcoe, 0 Notictgis hor'e.by given that a By- Law was`, passed by the `Council of the Corp 'ation of the `County of the 27th day of Janu-' a1'y, l916, . 11t11o1'iziug' the County of Simcoe to *ua1'ant_ee debentures to the `amount f $10,000.00, bearing` in- -terest at the `ate of 51/3 per: cent per annum, to b ation of the By-Law N un1 issued by the Corpor- oyvn of Barrie under 1` . 894: of the said Corporation 0 the Town of Barrie, and that the _ 1'egiste1'ed in t e Registry Ofce said By-Law V was` of the County of imeoe on the l6t11 day of February, Auvv rs`:-\`--:I\~r\ #n .916. J T 151'. BY-LAW No; 1195 Of the gorporation of the County of Simcoe EH8 .lULll uuy UL Any motion to the same or any 1 be made within thr e months . from .1. CU1 ua1.y, J.U.LUo' lash or set aside the first publication of this notice and cannot be made..t reafter; 1-` 1 ,1 11 , 11:51.1- J--- ..L` B`:-\`r\\r-|1t|SI11 UL AVDDQ There is said to `be erected on the said property a large brick dwelling: house a11d also two barns (one on stone with stabling under) and wood `chard. I "VH1? \rII-l - 1.. -1 RE BY-LAW N0. 1193 Of the Corporation of /che County of Simgoe. - auu cuuuuu IJU xuaub-.uuc:.uu..u.u;. Dated the 16th day of February, 1916. - 'n- 1' 1:~rV1nmr1`r_`r`r..`D ' town of B UNDER and by, virtue of the Power of Sale contained -in a cer- tain mortgage which will be pro- diiced at the time ` sale there will` be oifei d `for s e ._'by Public Auc-n tio11 at t New arrie Hotel, in the " on Saturday the e Township of Simcoe, and Innisl an County being `com osed of the X of Lot N iber Twoin the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Innisl, containing 100 acres more or less. ' ' u u . south. half uuu suuy. uui1.1 u The pro% from Holly Sc Store. n 7-9 hlame { me. It s (1 deos as it pleas- ` RE BSZLAY No`. 1194 " 1 Of the Corporatiozr of the County of Simcoe . Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by the Council of the COiVO1`ati0l1 of the County of ' is the 27th day of Janus ary, 191 Simcoe t amount 0 $7,500, bearing interest `V of 5 per cent. per an- poration the Town of Barrie, under By-Lw No. 893 of the said Corporation 2.: the Town of. Barrie, and that th said By-Law` was reg- istered in th VReg'istry Oice of the County of S1 coe on the 16th day `of February, 16. Any motion 0 A I the same or :a part =.thereof must; be made within three` months from the rst Vpublica on of this notice ` and cannot be ma e thereafter. .`. 1... mu. .. -42 1a..1.mmi-v" authorizing the County of y guarantee debentures to` I; V issued by the Cor- _ quash or setaside % M9RT9A9E sAw7> and 08.111106 U6 um. I: uunoau.-.vu;. `Dated the 16th ay of. February; _ _. --- -nu-urn-I-r'ra'r\ ` "'(3`,onley, Aujstioneierf _ -, ,_~..:m.`_;__ ` _Sale at the farm o__ T1105} Grieves, lot 14," con. 4, Ves`pr'i_1, `Feb. 22nd,_ of ` farm stock and implemepg ,' ' Sale at one_ o clo_ 9` "wqnderful re`d_j9Jpple' siitf _cg,_i1 be .eodI;edfin a,b'ean pot. q V's;JTij{:dj appleg, -sugar 1zvq:1te_1j_;s11_(.>,'r_`l'_ ..at=-;;l" `t ei ht hours in Va-vslbw` 7' _. -0 ' Clerk ofjli-()Zi;7S7i71711`c0e. Dated t11ev16tI1 day of February, 01R `U DH DATED 19th January, 1916. Valuable Farm Piopny laterson THURSDAY, FEBRUARY` 17,. * R; J.` FLETCHER, Clerk of the County of Simcoe; R; J. FLETCHER, % Clerk of the County of Simco.: STRATAHY & BSTEN (`I5 HU1'UU_V L1 as, 'aon t tm2Hh `uarantee 1e or any Ie within th '4' 1`\'l1]'\`1.lIl'I4:A'\` AUTO-TION "SALES Vendor s Solicitors W Ba1'r1e. TA- . _ A _ __ 1111/: I fs. bout one mile : Church and 7, 1916 'entleman_ had been health up till two death, when he an attack of la. h he never recov- place on Friday That Lilian Soniervillebe exigaged for one _ year fro_m .February 1st, 1916, at a salary of` $500.00, pay- able monthly._ She `shall be requir- ed to sign an agreement approved by the Board and her engagement shall be terminable on one month s notice by either party. Trustee Richardson, in present: in the report, said itiwould be well, in view of the mis-apprehension in sorm quarters. to explain that- the it-urse -will '1ot`pre_qq for modi- eal tr atmnnt in all cases that come under her `notice, but `only when .necessary, the same will apply to `dentistry. There were some pre- lhiiinary. matters to be arranged be- fore the report could be `presented, ' they had to provide for free medi- cal treatment, and Dr. Little had kindly agreed to give this. 11-7 11 - _--;.J:....1 b\aLA\JJ 1.\4lll.l\.r.I. .|1\.I4boou..I_./V QIDDLDI/Cbllk-ta I In the ease of free ,treatment; when requested `by . the parent or guardian or by the physician in at- tendance, and her other duties_ per- mit, the nurse shall assist at minor surgical `or dental operations on pupils recoinniended by her report,` if such operation is performed out-| side the hospital. a ; The nurse shall` not 1'emo\'e (the, elotlning; for examination of a child; without the consent and ` in the presence of the parent or guardian. -` The nurse shall `eomply with thei school reguiations and also with the rules and by-laws of the Boardi made from time to tin1eWa'ectingf her duties. { The nurse shall 1'iot_g;ivc_o1' pre- scrlbe mcdicmey or other. treat- ment, 'but -111ay in cases of emer- ge11cy render xlecessary asslstaxice. Tn J-Ln I,\r\lVI'\ .4? -L`...-... J........L.....4-. lx1ALuaJ nub; uyu yv O- V V. .... _- Trustee Wallwin as a medical man cited items in the report that needed adjustment to meet medical 11ecessities, etc., these were em`- bodied in the 1'cpo_1't. m_____1.-..- `D--- .-.....~.'..m.-`I AP Han -Last Wednesday. night `when the National "from Toronto to Winnipeg got a few miles south of Cobalt the baggage car was noticed to be on re and before the re `was extin-' guished the car with its contents of mail and baggage was destroyed. I'\.. CV'____ _'I,,, ' -1 -.--.. wwacu-Du u an: \A\-IDJllA\I~V v\AI On Sunday morning three box cars became derailed near Burling- ton, the cars going down an em- bankment of about thirty _feet, the cars were all broken and the con- tents, yvhich was wheat, was strewn in great piles under the w1'e,ckag`e.t The auxilary left here about noon Sunday for the wreck and it took till Monday nig'ht'to gather up the grain and load the wrecked ears. `The train which came to grief was in charge of Conductor Wm. Penny. parent or guardian to have,` medical attention , to the pupil shall not interfe1'e_ with the pupil s right to attend school. ' Dotueu 111 but: 1'upu_1u. Trustee Ross enquired of the Einance chairman if his committee coiild nance for a nurse and new [teacher this year. -- `II A 1 :1 , __,______L_J CMI lulu? J-\lII\I vv no u After full consideration of duties and work of caretaker at Colleg- -iate . Institute during inclement` weather would recommend that an allowance of `$30.00 be -given for -to -procure assistance, same to be en- gaged .and under direction of care- taken McIntyre `T for. one month. :de.skv.= havm_bt1en;I:;punehnse t..~-..:: '; Globe 3-of: Pre,ston,;,:,.O;_1t;, ` and are here, ready. to be-.put into" ;.`f)lace,. e- __ L " "'_Reived-. `propositions . of Miss. `I9 `in .Music, for ' ergarte.n-i" '..7-..Woul`d, _ad_via_ `ac.- ofsar'ne" at '$34000eper t `::`UAS.4.-P91 -.:in8f!1'11tiQn5:.0f -b.o::i.rd,j 60 . ' buuu J A u A w ; n. J V..- . Trustee McAdam then presented gures of the estimated expenditur- es for the year. The chairman be- lieved that by sailing` close the board could nance the .expenditu- res. He did not Want to enter into any plan that would bring on a- de- cit. but such a state of aairs -would be no - new thing, "would be no crime; decits had been known in the past. a " -- - -#-- -_--._ _.`l-...,. Monday :l'1'o1n the to St. Mary s as one of the larg- despite the bitter O Malley celebrat- mass, " afterwards ral sermon in t tribute was paid ' the deceased. In- e in .St. Mary s pall-bearers were lfe, ; T. Grey, G. y Caldwell, Jas. , _. ---, --..O....,.. u, ;u4uu Mrs.` Fryer returned to 011 Monday evening, "after her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mor1'an.' |_ Trustee Andrew was sure when [the people realized the good . that lwould come from the school nurse there would be no objection if there was a "decit and if the school pop- ulation continued to increase the increased teaching staff must be the result. ~ ` ' Move KindergartenNcw Primer? l ` ' T Room. . Trustee Wallwin for the `Prep erty and Supply Committee report-._ ed as follows: as .o- 4. 1 ,a \l\-I . l1un1.u;Uu. Lu. pun: \I..l..l.\.r. uu.u:t:3.`[ Sir Charles Ri`v_ers Wilson, for- mer President -of the G.T.R., dled 111 London, England, last week. XI -.- ~ TEN, I I "` =:i3iL%::. %v9r7A`m>/_sI:x _- ..- y\lAl. Hr: 7 `G. Tooke was t_Q, on Monday on business. --uv in Toron- ' M1-_. Wa.l_te1' Potts of Collingwvood I spent over Sunday in this ward. Mr. Stewart Douglas has accept- ed a position in the G;T.R. oices._ n-' Mrs. Kidd, William St., is visit; -inv; relatives in Toronto. ' ' .. v..v--y-.-u E\Ir. D. 1V\[] I11;`}-1ett has moved f1'o1 Essa St. to Burton Ave. School Norse Is Appointed (Continued from page one.) . . M x x 1; x x xxxxxxxxxxxx' 7 1;; iiiss ativ'e also of Wick- n'_ce sons survive: Julia and Elize- atrick and OM01`-ris. hanahau celebrated rsary of their. wed- r 4th of last year. 7 ' I Toronto vlsltlng S.` Mc- \ _ Wallwin` said the .11rill~,rW.b11ld he insisted on just 1 an ~:n I-`un njhnn` `Ln Anselm` ' nu; ma uw---.D . Would recommend the construe-D tion of.a lift at Collegiate Institute to facilitate the removal of ashes from basement, same not to exceed` mnn nn ., , year, same to ' include heating and 1,5 _. J"'-7 caretaking. -rtv I1 Vuzw $50.00.- The only-I-'jr.a1-16-1`-t;-Tf_1': <>;1_1' the cdu; Ins. was one recommending pay- . ment of aounts amounting to 1 01.41 In ' i Trustee Ross` enquired as to the re escapes on the King ` block in connection with V the Kindergarten Trustee Wallwin` said the `:s`:.;. '.1;.:.n ...;...`I.:' 1... :....:.4...1 .'... :...+ 7aiFiif"E'iT'o'$1'i7un"&ing, he doubt- "ed _if the regular` re escape was of h 555 Up `I J [ID If any use in the case of small child- ren, he would prefer 9. ~toboggan sI_i_e aair, . the exits j_ fom . .-1_:he `mtlmnln I` l'VI....._.- `D .-- Gravit;Waslier .LVI.IllLD.' VI-D VEMI 39.16 11; [Ottawa scho_ols- a tube` 1` The following Merchants will co-operate in this Big Sale :---GEO. VICKERS, MOORE & ARMSTRONG, POWELL O& CO., DEVLIN & MURCHISON, SARJEANTL & KING, SUTCLIF F E SONS. VI/atch' For LaterAnnouncemen Friday& Saturday,Februa.ry 25 81 26 : sp EC 1 A L ANNO UNC EMENT H. 3. c. _I;"_R_{epprt ')NEER CCONKEY

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