`our-w ..---__..,_7 @'I\`o [new nnme will be aqded to the sub scgiption Lxst. untxl the money 13 paid. Subscribers now In arrears for three month: ' and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. _OIO I O-O The Board of `Education has done the best thing possible in taking `the kinde1'g'a1'- ten out of the Central and thus relieving the overcrowdingj. It is not fair. to the children effected, to get but half a day's schooling because the school accommodation :_ 1:...-;..,1 rm... vnnuv mun-+m-q will he in -SCDEWAART & STEWART, BAR- RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Oonveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Gwen St., Bar- rie. D. M. Stewart. 1-&~L_EX`ANDEI-V ~ OOWAN, s55- G. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- !oR}3sWIcKE & BELL, BAR- Is:rRATz~& ESTEN, B-ARRIS- best tnlng pusswxe m uuuug mu mm.-.5,... is limited. The new quarters will be in every way suitable for the work, perhaps the -room to be used is even better that` the _`qua'rters _in the Central that are to be v_a-` cated. _ cessur to Len uox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, ` and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Oioes: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan. DONALD ROSS: LLB, BAR- |[Ba1'1'ister, Solicitor, Notary Public,` iv TC0nveyancer, Patent Expert. i Oice-Ross B1ock,Vrst door WCSt 5of 'Scott s coal ofce. n, ,.,_1 _,_-_._ _._:n_ A 11 TT r<....~ vmce 01. vuuun Lu. uuuuuu. \d V --. Thursday Morning, by Thompson Grew, Publisher `>UL DUULD B L'Uou. u_1u\;\;. ; Several years wlth A. E. II. Cros- | wlcke. I LA. .LUL.I.J.IlJ.s\A.A\/A.vI\a..- ..,-..._._-_ _ ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oice, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to .loan at low- est rates. risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancera, `etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Rosa block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., Surgery and Diseases of Women especial- ..1y. Office 58 Collier St. Phone 61. V . , 35- i I | T . , . - "'1 Having spent! years Post Graduate work in British Hqspitals and having` served as CliR'1ca.l Assismnf 111 Golden Square Ear, Throat 8. . aid Hospital. London: Royal London Ophthglm 9 Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Sur eon in Royal London0 hthal `c Hospi ' . Bria Eye Hospital. Bristo - and ix-mi ve _ axital, Hxrmxngham ;?ormer Member of ritis phthalmologxcal Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREFT. BARBIE. Dknnn KI I1 I\ `l'I-- An L.R.C.P. 8:. S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 85 S. Glasgow --SURGEON: Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Thtoaf. , __ __L ._,-___ 11,-` A DR. `A. J. HUNTER, LATE OF Toronto. Physician and Surgeon. Oice and residence` 12 Burton Ave., Allandalc. Telephone 661. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 Invvva I I \J~ p.\JHI` .Wehave a. large amount at money to loan atloweat current rates.eiI:herin small or in la gzzzmzaz T::$;t'%5 zU%a% wen Street Barric- hers, -Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers. Ofces over the Bank. of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest curre?t " rates. G. H. Esten. G. G. -SMITH & CO., PHi-7ONE 82. -n`cr+a1\1-:n1rA\n:-1` 1Qn TT--I--'L-`-- # -......_._ _-_.-._, 7,7,` fister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. 77% 4:? .A__.__.____;_..__...__. Sages. .lV1OUAtf.'1'1'1` Street Barrie. II. M . .1. JAAJQQ, L.u.L-_)J.\;L..x-1, Surgeon, e'tc., L.R.C.S.. Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Office and residence, Dunlap St.. Barrie. Telephone 165. __ ___T_ ___._.. llr; Bosanko 3.lc5o=: -W'est, To1To;1t;>,-` ;vill 7); at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consu1.t.a.t'ion hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. Son1e time ago this pa`g'e suggested that the town clerk start a movement for the gathering together` of V portraits of the .Mayors of,Ba1'rie. It was in 1871 that the place was elevated to the status of a town ' and in the years that have passed si_nce -then, there have been seventeen occupants pfthe chair. It would 11ot "he amis to also have the various Reeves of the village. These pictures would make a pleasing adorn-` `Telephone 167. and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) )'N.W1N, -MUEREP-HY & ESTEN,. Ontario Land -Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, S. E. I comer Richmond" and Bay StI.,. Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy It Eaten, Solicitors, Bank. of To- ronto Building, `Barrio, `will be- promptly attended to. 'l`n:nMs'or.-` SUBSCRIPTION Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS ;. L`.A.\4o4" you 4 Phone 51. A. Ross, PEYSICIAN, . _ _ . . -- -L... T T) {V C 17.31.. 7 J. G. GUISB-BAGLEY :II. T. AE.\I.aLL, OFFICE FOR MONEY rb. LOAN n n In!-an ovnnunf -`I -ma..- D. L. Darroch was re-elected pres- _ ident b,Co'lling'wood Board ` of` XTrade,.and..C. T. Stephens, sec1'eta.ry,, Seven members of the- Culling- \'wood;'..~`re `departgnent /have enlistgd UNDERTZLKBRS ? LEGAL PHYSICIANS SURVEYORS .;s. u uv., .L.LJ.\J.L`.L'l O6- 1869. Undeftakers. and night. Morgue in connection. Bar- Rx1~l.G% 265 ..-au ;. QJAALIILIAI P. 0. Box. 96. {for tin- "01' Dil`(*I and thy- '_',*(-m-1'21l b1'ouujl rt. I IJG vlyu xwoo 5.~ mm- L l|l.~`Hu_x R(3\'i.'(-l .5 Cha]m-rT I 11011.-b_\' '.'i pc1'.so1i.<. I tho (mm- thc itnm C011nt_\' . about {hr are 1'(-quit -ec-nth lay by ]a0.~'f.' `\'(_,`1` to 1 town or <.Iar(-L. Hu; `F105. u-' tato m` 1 their c-lm d1'ess(-.<. : full part} Sport i\`vl\` U10" .~j(-t-11 ` `and. Hunt Said` nalm A di. .' . I VOL. ' LXV. `fut THE COM N-()1 it`-I` 'Tl1i:1`t_.\'<-i:_- in`: or 1} Connpany p:m_\".x of`: `Feb `].!)1`l':, aftt-rnnim Rop(n't : L. -'.\.. I... . ggnj BARI1 NOTICE .B:11'1'iv. Fr}. or In-I1 fur. \\'hi `lributg- amnn{: 'p('r.' \\'lm,< .}H-t-H puma Hm Clilllz notim admin for _t 1. uv whn< been di,~`t1' .MORTG't~. % ` R-ESIE at- Off(`_1'( .L\run Fourtl I I I said brick `$0011 ` I K `A u nco OF -EE3T)NTC) able town: b`ll(; t.~z`. txvonty Elir.nh( Ship (1 AA(mir- ' :1-:1 Sum D.-` 813'; Notice 211. ha__l.I'h (LI. ll.l\ wnhi-n_ p1'np(-rt ....-.Au..,, itio: tmm may Anm 1'w`..`;;L,*%` I H x llo :I'|1(-V11 f-'{'lI"Ef% 1`\/`Its J-*\n l\-n ~Fm`t (Ti, ' '13-..'. W1 1 CR,ESV-. A't 4..-- -1110 BRANCI;IES AT Vi3Xiiiz1ET AND` ALLANDALE LI A EIIIQ ll--...-- Iii. _s"'i'E3} IJAAJ - AA Hort KTEDI `en -lucxuucm W. {I re `department K `<---- 4- nnvtrinn --tr.-- :-__- ` LL who have Banking busness,_ of whatever nature, to transact will nd the_ modern Banking Service offered by the Bank of Toronto most satisfactory. Long experience, ample re- sources, extensive foreign and domestic connection enable us. to provide ade- quate facilities for the management of business accounts. ' Capital ....... .; ............. ..$5,000,000 . Reserved I`unds....._. $6,439,000 YOUR BAN1qN (INCORPORATED 1355) _.._va1e,_vi'ith the 157th; Frank Egex--' ton, of Toronto," Who has_.'1'eturned wounded; Frank Temperton, ofyTor- ronto, now` in Belgium; John Bain and Harrison Legg'ott,' both of Shornclie; Bertram Pitohford, in the 157th; Gershom. Ba.teman,_ of Beeton,_ in..-a. - Toronto regiment; Frank W harrum of North Bay, E. Richards of` Richmond `Hill, and C. Wren, in the. 157th; Geo. Coey; i "Toronto, in the 166th Regiment. `' `l)..:un n- A argon Wnf +110` '.I.'0I'0,I).E0, 111 l.ll_U ..lUUlal.l .u:c5uu.c_u.u. A Private A. Green, `of the -123rd (Grenadiers) Battalion, was so- in- jured by an east-bound Bloor car at the `corner of Queen and Simcoe streets, '_ _ Toro_nto,t -that he died shortly afterwards. The dea`.d'a sol- dier s, former residence was` -given V as Beeton. nns_;___ '[]'......`l.`l ,TT~n+nR H1-'rn11a'}1 as beeton. _ Alliston Hera1d-United through -life `and not separated in death was the happy lot of Mr. and Mrs. Jor- dan Sawdon; both of whom died at their home in the fifth concession of Tossorontio on Thursday `last. The farmer `was 180 years `of `age and the latter. 81.. Both had been ill '12 pneumonia `si1;ce,._the. Saturday pr pious and owing topathee great ~ of; each there was not _.`the_ vi- ;t my :to.; combat-12he,{ diease; ?S wdon.,-died eat5~9Z3Q.Viha t_;he`_mo.' ` : ga Siidcn `at-~'9_s3D im. the. - . .a;..`;I 1.s,:+1;m:. mei1t 120.`: the w'a.lls bf the council chamber and also be of historic value. ' A up ; HZ. ,Yii'I 'n'a2{n"aEer Although there has `been di3e1'enees of opinion as to the Way of going about the selection of- the school nurse," the Board of ity of such an addition to the `staff. At the regular meeting `on Monday of this `Week the permanent appointment was made with the duties defined.`- The- presence of `Education seem to be -united in the neeess\\ the nurse in the schools should lighten the 1 dread` of many parents that their children 1 are e exposed. unknowingly to disease. ; ` Again many poorer parents will be `able to get the oversight of their children, medi- eally, that otherwise would be outside of their means till` stern necessity calledin the doctor; ' a ' The annua.l'meeting of the Barrie Board of Trade has yet to be Aheld and from present indications it will be some time be- fore the said meeting` is held. Quantum Mutatus ab -Illo. ` Tl1e1'e are" cases coming to the surf-ace where the recruiting sergeant or soldier is __doingg as much harm as good, in that a cer- tain' amount of sense is" not being used in securing recruits. -Because a man is not in khaki is no reason why he should be jibed at and called a coward; it is time enough to call a man such when it is learned why he is not "in uniform. There are young men who would like to get into the game but for good reasons cannot. It has re- ccntly con1e to the notice of this page that a young man living on the farm and the only one` to help the old father and `mother, has stopped coming to `town e.\icept when absolutely necessary, owing to the persist- ent attacks made upon him by the recruit-g ing ofcers._ This young man has two brothers in the Kin0"s uniform he is the D 7 `only one left and his duty is on the farm, .if he leaves the parents will have to sell or rent.` It was plainly spoken of at the banquet of the VVarden that the one young man who stayed to_ work the farm was de- . iug as good service as the one who should- ered a rie. A military census of the men of the province or the county and the re- lationship! in wliiclrtlley stand in regard to production. would be one of the best ways to solve the recruiting problem. Such a system would furnish a complete record i | I I of the men of -military age, their calling, T dtc. `In ' this way the `boys who did not `care to fight could be utilized to take the places on farms to let out the boys who were anxious to enlist. Commanding officers might instruct their recruiting . `officers in the best` means of approaching a _1ikel_v re- cruit. A: distinguishing badge should be provided for those who would enlist if they could and one for those who are prevent- ed on account of business or home tics. M.I` E]: 330}! 111 bus CV\alA' I , ',l}he. fuhgrail ':t6o_k place on Sunday afternoon. The service at the home was .eo.nductod by Rev. M. F. Cree a_ft(>1' which the 1-mnains were taken "to - the Alliston Union Co111ete1'y for iute_rmc-nt. -n.-- -11 -u 1 , V , A_____ 1 \,'\aIL\..v\4a. y `.4- -....-_..._,,_. g ; Midland elevators are uow s_~'ua1'd- ed by the military, vo1'dc1's_ for the ,g'uard having been received. from |'0tt aWa. \JuLI.ovv LII i Ottawa rumors have it that J. P. Downey, head of} the Orillia Asylmn is slated_ for the Senate. The Ori1- lia Packet sa_vs-`fIt is` possible M1`. Downey does not standready to accept the honor it` it were offer- `ed him. He is very much in love 'with his wo1'kehe1'e, and to leave it _W(_>uld be, to say the least, consid- erable of a wrcneh. Orillia VVaterworks_ macliinery has been giving tiouble. Last week a large piece, eighteen inches long and weighing about a hundred pounds, ew out of the large cog-wheel. which drives` the waterworks pump. It struck the ceiling with such force that it broke a 2x10 rafter, and fell `on the oor among the machin- ery doing no further damage. - As it wouldtake several weeks to make repairs, immediate steps were taken to get the pumps-at the new l- tration plant into `operation, the "steam plant being set" at work .in the meantime. On Monday `morn- ing, a gate valve which closed the end of - the uncompleted 16-inch lforee main was` blown out by the - pressure, and let all the water out [- of the reservoir and pipes, creat- _ ing aood at the foot Jarvis street. L An alternative 7 8-inch ,1nain,' pro-, L put `into commission. 1 - 1" ' Ti` 1 IV'__V____ 1V____ 1_____ vided for just _such emergencies Was. 1...- -_--.. -_-_-_--_~~_-~- Moving Picture licenses have been reduced to $25.00 a year in Orillia. If`. T T- ITn-wI-4- If D D `crvlv Tanni- LUUUUULI |.r,U q)au.vU cm `yuan. LIL u;::uc1. -Mr. J. I,` Hartt, M. P. P. for East Simcoee has been selected by Prem-I ier Hearst to second the address in reply to- the speech from the Throne: I `in the Ontario Leg`islature; . * i A mu 1.... 1.-.... .......m.+.;.1 +.. Hm 11]. [I115 \JIllaL LU -IJ\75LDl(lI|I|.LL\.Io A, bil,lVha.s been presented to the` Orillia council amounting 1 to, $36,320.71, of which $11,244 is for` interest for work done on Ragged Rapids dam nine years ago. 1. ` W..- Qnnnynu -pn1w-n`.n4- .E`n~nno'c 1-woe .Lvup;.ua uaxu Luuc JUGLB asu. - The Sawyer farm`at Fennells. was sold by tender recently to Mr. \Vm. Kell, `price $10000. ` ` `The members of_.Tottenham Lodge A. F.`-_&~A. M., .p1'esenfced,W. Bro.. A." P. Potter with a. purse of gold prior" -to, his departure to Toronto. W; Bro._J=Mac'Kenzie- was in the chair and W. Bro.x Pierson made . the p gsentation. W. Brq. Potter replie in; a very appropriate` man- A er; than '5-'ng the hretliren for their and good ,wishes.. Short speeches` were made-by all present ' iat` l_'3e1._eonclusion -1o_- that`. part ' ' `fl. :tl_Vi e.-e.- lunch was; Served. gee with-vflie -` mgm _ making such` nioney. will be forthcoming The Collingwood Bulletin" does . not `agree with the action `of the County Coun- cil in granti.ng but $2,500 to our own bat- talions, the 157th and the '177th. V The county council evidently fails to realize the expense necessary in connection with re- cruiting and failing in this the immense amount of Work involved-and without money made much more diicult.. 0 Simcoe is `one of the largest andiwealthiest coun- ' ties in the province, but it cannot maintain a reputati_on for patriotism and loyalty by miserly. grants. Something` better should have been done. The boys of the battalion are our own and they` should be treated liberally. From what this page knows of the spirit of the county coun- cillors we do not think that the smallness of the grant can be taken as a sign that the county rulers are A not loyal or that they are unwilling to do their share in the present struggle. $2,500.00 was voted to as- sist in the work of recruiting, and the same amount, or double `the amount if necessary, will later be voted if the necessity arises for further 3 recruiting Work and the pro-- viding of comforts and necessities for the men of the Simcoe battalions.` If we un; derstand the county councillors aright, more as they nd the necessity. arises.` Expenditures along these lines are increasing as` the war pro- gresses, and those who have the control of the County nances will see that the ex- penditures are in accord with the spirit in whichthe grants have been made. that is for the benet of `the men and the cause they represent. it my l l Orillia Packet-The editor of" the Bow: manville Statesman declares his intention to work harder than ever to make his paper enc-y. But he should, not forget that the more he gives his hungry followers the more they will demand. A `busted biler in a Bowmanville newspaper ofcelwouldbe a calamity to the Press Association, the Meth- odist C0'11fC1`e11('(-Z`, and the Liberal Party of l \Vest Durham. Such a tragedy is not to be thoug,'l1t'of._` Most newspapers in com- mentin: on such a resolve would be apt to talk about a busted bottle, but` in On'l- 1 lia and Bowmanville they have no such chance ('1. )-u1_1less Barrie or Oshawa are visited--and instances can be cited where the bottles were busted before reaching the respective towns, which .::oes to prove that the people in the bi1e1" towns are no better off .than those in the bottle worthy -`of a `highly appreciative constitui` towns. . . Canada is to be eo11;:'1`att11lat,ed on the happ_\' result. obtained in Parliament where- by the life of'the: House has been pro- lo11g'ed for :1 year, wlth the unanimous con- sent of both part1es.' That events were "shaping tht way is best known to the pol- iticians, but the feeling` seems to exist that the shadow of. German menace in the shape "towns. (W of the National` Anthenx and Vtliree V 45-. 4.---.- 2..-. (V....4- D.-.++m- The scarcity of farm laborors is apparently threatening; the develop- " ment of Ontario farms, and on ac- count of this the Ontario Plow- n1en s VA'ssociation at the annual meeting in the Foresters Hall pas- sed the following resolution: - 1zrnL-1. L1-.. .......u-.4--Inn n-P 4|-lqn (W-nf-__ LHU LVEM/luulu. rxuuucxu uuu mu rousig cheers for Capt. Potter. ` A .........1...\... A4? 'l`nH-cmlnnm nf.i7.( ruumng UUUCJD LU V A number of Tottenham citizens gathered in the barracks on VVed- inesday evening and presented ex- \Reeve Potter with a purse of $100 in gold as anslight token of the ap- preciation "of the splendid work he accomplished during` the ten years in which lievas reeve of Totten- ham. ' V V I 1 vu1:u._ J. uuus.-. I sea tne Iouoxvmg 1`t7U1ub1Uu. _ i That the executive of the O11t- i lario Plowmen s Association wait on l ithe Hoilorable Minister of Agricult- ure for Ontario and request him to get in touch with recruiting ofcers gin the rural districts and endeavor `to arrange if possible that at least one `capable farm hand he left on` each 100-acre farm, so that the cam- paign for increased production may `not fail in 21916. ? . OIO O O Iol O O Iol UIU ILEAVB ONE MAN ON. FARM | . Proposal Suggested Being 1 Recruiting. Omcers U U OIO Son--I hope, V governor, that ~when I attain to `your years, I ll :know more than you do. Father xrnn ...... T'Il\I1 nun `lm++m- mv Ivmv f`Pat, sai"'d7Sa'ndy,' Why is a short man struggling to kiss ..a tall` woman like an Irishman going up Vesuvi us?. Faith,. and isn t .it "because ;h s ~ trying to: getf at the off;vi,-t1_1ef- `crater\2: .. .` `repligi .P_a,t.A I . `The exarnple set I by the Horticultural. "isocietyp in forgoing the annual civic grant. might "well be taken to: heart by every `other institution which asks a civic grant.` _ We'Ndo not mean that these: institutions cut_ jout entirely their request for civic money,- but they .can so trim their estimates that .8. great saying be had for the ratepayers. in order that the patriotic givings be `not 1 curtailed. Last year the Park s Commis-. sion got $1700 and the Public Library ' $1400--'their statutory allowance. . The "Parksboard by `necessary work should be able` to reduce their needs surely by a half; the Library ' Board for one year out out buying books to` any great extent. With `the new building being occupied by the end of this year extra expenses will be incurred that will - be `unavoidable. The former band grant of $600 will not be asked for this year which will help some and if the two public ser- vices mentioned can curtail their expendi- tures the money so saved in one way can be used for the crying needs . of the. War time. .Fresh -scources of need may devel- op as the war goes on, 0 such as the request from the military Y. Council will do right in refusing to grant. money to any ' an .11 nnlrunvnnu nnh:ir1n_ (FF thn cutting out everything but ~ 1 `KHOW II10l'B M11111 you uu. xavnnv; ---I ll go you one better my bpy, and" hope that when you ' reach my -age, you ll know `as much as you think -you know now. In Scott's Bookstore, Barrie ou may not want to spend much money` for presents, but you do want to send something worth while to your friends. Why _ `not send a book, one of the most attractive and satisfactory of prcsentsgyet costing very little? Call and see the New Holiday Books at of the `re that was still smouldering;- on . -r-r-n 1 -3 .1_...---.._ 4.1,... (`rs-r\t\E;+;l\`I 1 J. L111: 1111: Luau wan cuu an-.uu ...... gab ..-- _Parliament Hill had drawn the Opposition forces` toward the Governnient and the wise conclusion arrived at to forget poli- tics and unite in ghting the foe. Recruit- ing should get a boost as it cannot now be said the politicians are for an election in order to further their own selfish ends. Last session an election seemed very near, 3' the Opposition were clamoring for investi- E gations and appeals to the people; this ses- sion the same thing seemed to be looming up, then the re came and a mysterious one at that, one that Sir Vvilfred Laurier I! openly laid at the feet of alien enemies. ` The time was ripe for the coming together of the parties to avoid a war election. Sir Robert Borden, who was opposed to an election at this time was ready with open arms` to receive political sinners and now the country is to be congratulated for the l happy issue out of a parliamentary situ- ation that was causing very general sus- pense. _.---Y_..j._ LL is built yuan uu; 61.111119 -.. valent this year than for many years. This disease is no respector of persons, and those who have been alicted do not `need any persuasion to convince them that it is ` something to be avoided, if possible. It seems to be .prevalent all over the Amer- ican continent this year. Over 1,000,000 to have been stricken in one week, and _ from other places come equally alarinine: -reports,` schools in some cities having had persons in the City of New York are saidi\ to be `closed. This year it is of an unus- ually virulent type. ,Appare11t1y the wea-` ther has been to the liking of the grip germ, and it has prospered, waxed fat` and! .....u.:..1:...1 Thm-n mvn manv reasons why| ,`,"Cl`Il l,, and It H35 ] )I`OSpU1'uu, wa.u:u multiplied. There are many reasons why the public, as far as circumstances permit should take every precaution to escape the disease. It is dangerous, not only in itself but in its consequences. Complications fre- quently attend it and leave weaknesses from which the patient may suffer the rest of his life.. One way to guard against it, phy- sicians say, is "to keep the feet dry and the room in which one sits or works well ventilated. Another thing necessary is to keep all portions of the body from the Weather. Men usually do this of their own aecord._ \Vomcn. however, should take it to heart and heed it-_\'oung wo- men especiall_\'._ ' The vic'tin1 of tlie <,1'rip who has disease without any of its complications Lay C4lI1\A knows well enouszh that it is serious in it- self. I Add to this the fact that it often leads to pneumonia or leaves the sufferer with inastoiditis or some other dangerous ailment, and the motive for p,raetisin__-' con- sideration of others needs no further justi- fication. One ought to keep one s cold. as far as possible, to oneself. A little thou<:ht- fulness---nothing' more. in fact, than com- mon politeness---will go far toward `sup- pressing the epidemic. protected. the , I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - OIOXOIOXOIOIOIOIOIO-I01610111. IO`g'O OIOIOIOIOIOX OIIOZOX 101OIO:O101OID10101010:O- --_._A It is said that the grippe is lI101`0 Pm` . . 1 : ,, __..-_. 1.1.... -(-`.-ns nxdnxr VDQTR. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4|.` MAL .LVL\J\ll1 o o n a o n o _x Last Quarter . .. .. . ...26th xv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rlgm; `111 1'c1.u51ug nu 5;a.u.,- .uu...,J .. ....J [or all schemes outside A of those pertaining. to the war. for this year. After the. war and business is again up to the old mark the matter of municipal giving can be tak- en up. - `v Why is coal the most contradict- -_ ory thing known to commerce? Be- cause when bought, instead of go- ing to the buyer it goes` to the cel- lar. V jqhger tempty. & [ .. Who can drink the most coffee on an empty stomach, a. large man or a small one? Neither, because after the first swallow the stomach is no Council Meetings Barrie town, _ . . . . . .Fc Chief Events this week a. T year. ago Mar, 13, 19l54-Death of `Jonathan Churchill. ew Moon . . girst Quarter Full Moon " 'iv{{-}'7716,> 1915-Word re- ceived of death of B11f:l(;1' Her1'e1l. Ghief Event in the War` a. Year Ago Feb. 14, 1915-Toy balloons over Brockville gave rise to a reported air raid on Ottawa. .The Donminion Parliament decided to. appoint a special committee to investigate the army boot contracts. `IJLJ. 17 1015. ' mtvn kin- GLLILJ4 UUUU uvA1vLw\.vu>.:. Feb. 17, 1915 - Two big` German dirigibles were wreck- ed o the Danish coast. WEEKLY CALENDAR The Collingwood Bulletin says Bari-ie' Board of Education is securing rooms out- side of the school in whlcn to_ estab11sh,a. .kinderga,rten department, Not exactly. The securing of the above mentioned prem- ises is for the purpose of relieving the pres- ' sure on the Cergtral _school p1'ima1'y classes. --~--- LL-. Ln`-9 Anvv' QI1Q+I)1`\1 0+: V Moon s Phases DVD . . . . 3rd. . . . .10th. . . .18th. A. . . .26th .Feb. 26' THURSDAY,_ FEBRUARY 17, 1916 _ V V KY) \, vs.- Published from the mice. 123 Dunlop SW99` Barrio, in the County of Simcoe. thePr_o- vince of Ontario. Canada. every rn|_--...-j..-. 1'4`-uII\:I'IfI kw Ehcyqrthcrugdvnutc 51.09 rm ANNUn~E-`f1}:A"DVANO`B UNITED STATES SUBRIRIBIIXKS $1.60 IN ADVANCE ~ _..:n I... ...I.1...I 5.. 51.... ...v.k sure U10 beI}E1'a1 _scuuu1 p1'1um.1_y uxaaauq. -so as to get _over the ha1f-d_ay system at present in fo_rce. The kindergarten has been part of the education of the'Barrie youth for many years. ' .___v___