Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jan 1916, p. 8

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13 10 '10 19. 77:1 '.[I'1I11IJy Uu`un...u. J.u.u.u.uuv- \Vhen The Advance went to K{)1'CSiEs` ' last week, the Cl1u1'chwa1'dens .of Trinity felt assured that the` new ll1l11lSt(`._1',\\'O11l(l be with tl-1(`.m.0l1i Sunday, but by the end of the woelcl it was learned this could not be, nqrl would he be -here till the first Sun-l. (lay in Fob1'ua1'_\'. Last` S1111(la_\'i .Rev. Mowell of~\\'yc1il'fo Colley_vooi'-l ciated; next Sun(la_v Ppof. Cotton," also of Wycliffe,` will take, tl1o'soi'- |\`ice. .1 --- -- m I `~.,,l- (\-..u.z~Lnna l VICU. _ -The Big Sale 0ve1'shocs,ll' Felt Boots,Hoc'kcy Boots-`and Housel; Slippers - for men, \$'o1;3e11 and children -- begins this week at Moore s Shoe Store. Get bifsy. Concert at Central Meth. Church An enjoyable evening is promised for those who attend the oyster sup- per and concert in Central Method- .ist' Church on Friday evening of this week. The supper will be ser- ved in the school room, now used as a military Y, beginning at 5.30. The concert in the Church at eight o clock will be presided `over by : Judge Vance. The church is worthy of the best `support of the citizens, ` owing -tothe generous shaieof war work being done. Going Overseas V -. L- LL.-. nn-nI`l(AQ an- Uuug v v v-um... After listening to the earnest ap- peal made for recruits by Mr. J as. Clarke at the military service in Central Church, it is not to be won-` dered at that he has offered` his ser-I vices in any way needed for` over- seas service. Mr. Clarke has ex- pressed a willingness to serve in the ranks if . necessary, or if of more service on the Y.M.C.A. sta, to go` , uxrn ...n..1n-n- An if. is in .Women s Rubbers a -. .65c. an pair. Infants , ranks -lI.l1eC8SSu1`_y, U1 .I..L I11. .. td Ed` as a Y worker. And it is in this capacity he is likely to go, whether with the 76th or 157th Ba.tt., is yet to be decided. No more capable man could be found and the `Batt. that has him in their ranks will in- deed be lucky. d V ' -All eyes are centred on Carey s Semi-Annua1 Sho vSale now on. 55c.,. and 59c. a pair; L are worth at least 35 pei` `Kant. more - mony. Two Alarms in a- 1'._ -1. -2... nnnn J. LIGIVU Property have Tn!`-` Alarms in wee: Just after noon on Thursday of last week the ringing of the re bell gave 4 many people e an uneasy feeling, owingto the stiff gale blow- ing. V The brigade had a run to the corner of Owen `and McDonald streets, when it was found an chiim- ney was on re. Saturday mom- _ing, shortly before nine o c1ock, an ..:....... nrou aunt in from Brown s _ing, shortly nerore mue u uxuun, .... alarm was sent in from bakery. Over the way in the ` 76th mess-house kitchen (fair `poultry building)` a small blaze started, and the cooks notied the re hall. .'The blaze was out` when the remen 'ar- rived. * ' - "' 1'4 'I'I..A.....|...:..-nAg.{~ 1'1 V Ulla `Presbyterian S. S. Entertainment rm.-.. ..1.:I;l...m_ l\'P' Q4, Andrew's E `PTBSDYUBIIEII . D. qIIllL'VLUGLHuLvAnv The c.hild_ren- of" St. Andrew's S. . S. were- given their annual enter- tainment on Friday} of last week.` -WTa'i1ted--Housemai Two in ,fa'm- ily, good home fo `suitable pe - son.; A` Xgve. 2-3 TED xperiencga geiierzil to Mrs. W. A. J. 3-3 uvgyv... ong Buckl 9 I A-.. _Ove_1'shocs ' at" _coND_1=:Ns;:D ADVTS: rm: `NORTHERN ADVANCE`. Lava . DOW: was served, after which the ' children put on an interesting pro- gramme... Rev. Dr. McLeod gave an `address. < Rev. `Mr. Mc_Far1ane Was? chairman. "'T'- T`|"-...--. Tnilmn `Tnnnn hg enarrman. A -His Honor Jud e Vance has kindly consented to reside at r the Concert in Central _e hodist next Friday, Jan. 21st, follo 'ng the big Oyster Supper in the Military Y. ` M. C. A. -Ca1'ey"s,AShog a_~._Sal_e_ is in full 'EfC'A -Carey s _ Shoes. Sale in" swing. Men s 1- ckle Overshoes at 99c. and $1.09 air. Men s 1- Buekle'Gun1 Rubbers _ t $1.25 pair. Likely to Give Field Kitchens A .-.....+Zn'n- n +1111 ovnnnvo (`FF fhf . 1..1Ke1y to uxvu .:.I.c1.u. Lxxvuuvuu _ A 111eeti11g' of the executive of the! teachers association -Was held _ . in Barrie recently when the form "thc_ `teachers contribution to the. War `should take, was discussed. Motor ambulances were suggested, but it! is n1ore likely that when the nal ldecision is made, eld kitchens will be selected as Lieut.-Col. MacLa.ren has spoken in favor of the kitchens. 'l\ far. 7o ax]-)'i11 Euvnr gfnrrn an ` ne self-acting` has SI)0Kl1 lIl 1aVU1' U1. LHU nuuucu -Men s plain `yc1', storm and ers,worth $1.10 a pair, but Ca1`ey s e selling them during` their Gigantic ' oe Sa,1 now on at 650. an pair, all s es. ` . Chamois leather should be wash-- od in tepid water and dried with V `the soap `in them; `they will then be ` nice and soft. '|soc1AL AND PERSONAL} Mr. D. Williams, of the Co1ling- | wood Bulletin, was in town on Monday and it'te`nded' the meet- ing in the Opera: House:-in.the evening. V . 1ur.- K.Y4\:` 1uI,.\r.',..... nykn ha: CVClllllb o l Mr. Neil McVi_car. who has been with Mr; J. G. Keenan `for some years as piano salesman and tuner, sailed last week for his home, in Scotland, on 2'1` well- [earned holiday. in -r\....|. I,.....I IAt\l1:G_ {Cj:u'ucu uuuua._). } Mr. John, McCosh, local regis-ll (trar of the -Supreme Court of` Ontario, has been connedto his home on Bayeld street for the . past ten days `with a severe at- `tack of la grippe. It may be an' other week till Mr. McCosh isl able to be -at his of`ce in the; Iicourt house. . 3 I I . | U A young widow and three small child-I ren are left comfortless by the death oni l Sunday of Sy_1vester C. Roive, known by i his many friends as Sub. Some; i months ago diabetes developed and ; {gradually the disease assumed such a` {state that active work was. out of the. qucstio . - During the past summer, with his'littIe,family he had lived on a farm near Thornbury, where the out- | door life seemed toagree with him and = i hopes were entertained that the disease might he conquered; but this `was not to I be, during the past month he has been DEATH or SIB ROWE. NOTWITHSTANDING the fact that it is only 18 months since the voters of Ontario denitely registered their opposition to the policy of the Liberal party and voted to retain the license system, the Citizens Committee of Qgne Hundred has announced its intention of circulating a petition for the purpose of having Total Prohibition in force by ]uly of this yeariigl ' y Andit proposes to accomplisihthis in the absence of the voters who are away ghting for .liberty. - I 31-` 1` . No Electigns The British Government is using every endeavour to obviate the necessity of holding "an election during the war. There `are many questions of vital importance, but these being subsidiary to the essential war measures, are resolutely held in abeyance. Doubt- less the Dominion Parliament will adopt a similar course. The Issue Wasipecided June, 1914 The prohibitory legislation that ing in character than that which Committee seeks is far more sweep` defeated` the Liberal party, and its 1, introduction at this time can only "result in breaking up that unity which `all parties are striving to preserve as necessary to the winning The Pe }_5le vlijhvring W ar THINK before `you 11ndersig'ned up t the 31st day of . the_ purchase of uable properties :- -\ `A 'v'\fV1`|1' `I l'1'_. came on bunuay. V . Sib was well known in athletic circles being one of the star defence men of the Barrie Colts" hockey team; he also was a prominent baseball player. being an amateur pitcher of some note. He learned the trade` of a moulder at the %gro\vi';1_g;adu:{1l3} worgr->tiIi tagzm rug-no nn Qnnrlrnr 'slU\Vlllg glauuoun came Sunday. Q:-\ unno nun 1:0` " I`-lave pok_en. THEAPERSONAL HBERTY Lmtgn or ONTARIO. Friday the 21st January is the ' eginning of the ' second week of our January C arance.` There are many everyday needfuls _; ffered at a re- duced price that mean s3ings to you. Clearance Cashmere % ose 1'11!` 1`,,__] (`4~r\L cs.-A '- Va-mlllll \l A` \lI~I\v . ' Plain full fashioned Lash ere Hose m SIZES 6 to 71-2', regular 30c. 33c and 35c. A limited - quantity. _Pa1r, r . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clearance Women s Waists ` White and colors, sizes 374 and 36, regular $1.25 to $2.00, at each. . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50c White and colored Sillgltlso Black, and some very pretty Voiles. sizes 36; 7and 38. regular $:.oo to $3.00. Special.....g5__.; . . . . . . . . 98c YI7L:J.- ,1'.V`I .. cg`:-$7` pJ .UU. A o o n o u o o n u - - - - - - - . . V V , _ , White-Flanneletteijslankets V Large size pink and Blue borders . . . . . . .$l.39 ' Largest size pink and blue borders . . . . . .$l.65 Coloreql Qhintz Cdmfopters ~ _, ___..L:..,.L:/xn worYII1")r*` \JUlUI'UI.l \lll.ll.ll:L \JVll11U1'uVL >3 12 only large s1ze, 4 color combmatton. regular` $2.50. For clearan .:..:.$1.65 White Flannelet e 371 inch white an. elette, heavy English make 10 pieces. _ For cl_ arance. .. . . , .. .. . . . . . . .9c C Clearance Ladi s i.Co'a.ts '. -' 27 Beautifully m___c1efc.oats=_of this "\5vih'tei"s' styles; rangihg $15.00 tf $27.00. "For cle"ara'nce . . . . . ., I-` ' mo 9:: h. s:17nn. -`with tracks and `I. litter" "carrier. . ship of Innisl, and gdjoiiiing same .`-me id,` y days` thereafter if ford, Ont., .soli-cit.or` for above uuuu: piuyci um: V PARCEL 1. Comprising the Soutliu: Half of lot- number fteen in tlie,I-I. rst coiicessioii of the Township oflR' Innisfil, coiitaiiiiiig one liundredl acres` more or less. Upon the prein- E33. ises are said, to be a conifortable ] brick dwcllin g of ample size, large Ha barn 36 x 92, two large, straw 91.` mows all. upoi'_i stone A and cement 2,11, foundation with large inside runlgl. for cattle, small barn on foundationlgl. with hog pen underneath, .1_a1'ge hen- house, driving gshed aiid inipleiiient house .60 x" Water is furnished by a neverlfailing well and pumped with mill. There is a good orchard S which has been scientically cared for and is in full hearing. The property is well" fenced and drain- ed and is in a state of splendid cultivation. There _,are about four- teen acres of fall wheat in the 9" ground with eighteen acres of fresh seeding, seventeen 1 acres of pasture. 3" All the fall ploughing has been as done. -There is a good hardwood -`bush of about twelve acres." The B zstabling is well arranged for all kinds of stock and is equipped There are also tracks and-car for slings in the barns`- The farm is situated on a County road with rural mail delivery -and is conven- ient for market, cliiiiigzli and school. Altogether -this prop y is one of the choicest to be fou , in the Town- is . . . PARCEL 2-. Comprising part of lots fourteen and fifteen in the f- een&lri coigessionbof 'TOWa1Sl1ip es wi iin ury uppose . o ain fty-dne acres} -The soil and has been weal cultivated. ll ploughinv ijq all done. perty is alsb wlfenced. . S--10 per cent. 1;-to be paid on ac eptance of tender;-, balance _ iiwhen pos- will be given. iplo tender rily accepted. T , A ders are for each parcel eparately l as ,for the whole. . 15* her information mgyi Eliie shad enquiring from Mr. . aw- Chnrchill, Mi"?.v -T. L. Webb, m` d executors, to whom all 11811- nai-3?.e=wi1l' be addressed, .g - 3-4 _And all Millinery, trimmed and untrimmecl; Ladies skirts, VVomer1's sweater boats, Infant's wool suits etc, at a reduced price, each of which spells savings. SIGN TIT?` of the v 29:1 __ inasmuch hich that will ;_ questions diverts at ning -ll ttle fo1 O-n Prohibition war. It is unpatriotic, as the personal rancor ensue in discussions of `questions of this nature inevitably ' attention from the measures hat must be taken if Canada is to ke her full share in ghting the. _ for Liberty. not ha V their wishes consulted regard- ing a m sure which may abolish the _ liberty the individual to purchase openly su beveifages as may be desired. Irossly Unfair V to Soldier Citizens THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1916 n'- .\I\II A \lL \I\4\o-n-.- ; . . %. `. . . .$9.25 .$'3sf1'7.0o; works. _, Mr. Rowe was in his 26th year. Five years ago he married Miss Violet Coles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Coles. Mr. Rowe s father and mother reside on Dunlop street. east. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the union cemetery. _.___.:.___.._:.._______ .-_._.__..._..__.... - .,V_._....._-. _;__. ......._.._. iCanada Prodlucr and Gas Engine CS-. \./dllcluo works. `(I .. I VNOL. LXV. TH!` 'Fl|o\1u will nu cx1wns(-.~ lam-1_' m `f<)1'111(.~r_-; u. Whengwilx ' Don tS ;sr"`a;;`m.4 Tende;-s` will 3. l{(*.~'(;,,i'\< Dopzl 1 ! un- l\Tl l`1\T AI. . l . D('1m.~iI 1131111 nmx` `(*.ount;.;\\'i1 (1011:: f`f~:| 1: G. Mf UPH1 asgngsmiouel ` ~ ~ Fifiiiibiv J. Franl 8.30 11.1 11.0 a._; Builder and Real Esta,te"Agent: Otce: -15 Owen Street; . (Established 11A years. ) Dunlap Stl Suml-n burst 1 TMinc.~:ins Strotlu-1 Sims. Sorvi .-Sundu_\` school V churvh. ~choir[ 0 chax'u` the sm "NI , Bits and R10 per . perc Rev.- vico.~' nu 'I\.zl..v .3 Tim at [M12 evcninj. F14 %%sUNi - Notice is hereby given that the- Couneil of the Municipal Corpora- -tion` of the Township of Iunisl will {at a. meet to be held on Monday, t _ thefsevent .: day of February, 1916, I "at the hourofrll o clock a..m., at 5 riiihurchill, '_. the township of In- 1 f nisl, conside a by-law for the pur- 4 Tvzposesi follovi -1; namely, for closing andr;stopping; .oodland' Avenue as` :_a. p 3 registered in the _v "the registry div- ,` tyof Simcoe as mtofat_tend at they be .' conns_el*ivith'- ` . I 1 Centrl '7r1{E La'dYJ .P.ARI rm} P09 7 `Money to loan on farm lands Sale by Tender be ~1'oee'Lved by the to and ine1uding_ pf January, 1916, for )f the following val: UIIUUA, auppnva qnd straw- Prrce, $2,850, ii) of Vespra, . hog house. d water and nn~ hail tubal`: , with 7-room` and poultry : creek, apples 2 on cfr.W- 1 Town T1? uvt\II zlair of` EWETH ` nrnnnvuunawtinwni TANKARD COMPETITION. Barrie Thistles wonthe right to o to Toronto to compete for the Tan -_ ard, by winning their district cham- pionship on- the local rink Tuesday. Three clubs of two rinks each pub in an appearance. V The result was as follows: ' T '- ' (IL... ___`I V Wv('J'<)v1l'ingWood H. T. Wines, cl. 1 W. T. Allan, Barrie Thistle; _ W. A. Boys, sk 21 R. H. Webb, sk~23 _ Last Week t'. club -_]'ou1'neyed ' `for the Boys merod in that munity. But ' that it should tl1e\vinte1', as shows: ' Ba1'rio` D. VV. Bolton H. Hook ; `R. 1\Ia1comso1_1 A. Malcomson - 3.1. G! Scott V Has. Patterson |Geo. 1\'Ia1coms(m . `l.J FIWAAI.-I .LV.I.Cl:.l\. I i Todd ` Althotlgh the cup came back to` Barrie curling rink, it soon shifted to the -other pew; the Thistle club chal_leng'ed for it with the result as follows :,, . 3; Ba1'1'io`I V ` Thistles ' i J; G. "Sc:-ott 7 ' Dr. Hart Alex. Habbick Dr. Pa1lin}_>f `|G(`0.`1\IAtl(`3'Oll1SQl) R. W . Payne 1-YV11 m 1]',1_ 1n nil 'l'_Tn-n4- cl-0-')` Vl)`o?ouWant to Buy %a;Nice 3 /Home, Market Gzjnlen or} 3` Poultry Farm? so, Look -2 This List? er!" 29 ~ 363] iBarrie Club -and Tankard ' Games I . Barrie Curling" club wont to Ori1- E on Tuesdayt to play in `their 1 g'1'ou'p of the Tankard gzanxes. The \ clubs in that district are Barrie, ( Orillia, Orillia asylnh-n1,AB1'acebridg:e,_] Gravenlmrst and Pa1'1'_v Sound. 1 Bonspiel in February ` V ' = tArrangen1ents are almost comp1et- ' ed for theaholding of a_ big hon- h spiel commencing: on Tuesday, Feb- I L ruary 14th. The Toronto Aber- ' deens, who hold `the Slceman _ trophy find their rink in the east end of Toronto too sn1al1'to hold _ a large bonspiel so' have entered into arrangements with the Barrie club to have the event played here this year, with the big Sleeman trophy . an $11;-s' nnn+1-cl `n`I';'lD Would With me 01; oieeumu |;1ul1u.y i as the central prize. This would draw a large number of curlers to Barrie. ` President s Rinks Won.-Barrie Club On Saturday night last the plays A of `the .President s and Vice-Presik dent s' rinks completed their series of games, resulting in a win. for the President s rinks, as follows: V Vice Presidents Presidents ' . Boys Trophy Back to Town Dyment McLean Hook Simon, sk Heath McDonald Habbick ' Otton, sk Livingstone Neelands Cameron Bolton, sk Connor McDonald J ackson` King, sk Nichols . Beelby - Moore Stapleton, sk -10 V .V1\'Ia1c0n1s0n T R. F. Garrett . Bolton . R. A. Stephens {Hook `R. H. W'ebb . Ma1co_1mson,sk10 W. M. Duff, sk 14 68 T ` ` Barrie-Orillia Cup On Friday last_ the first round the Barrie-Orillia cup Vseries. w pli1yed, four rinks going to Orilli and four rinks coming here. T result on the round was a Win f Orillia by 21 shots. ' AI- `Rgvn I-LII] ` Sloan `Love, sk 11 acres my loam Ian V brick house, neat bar house, good water, spri_ pears, plums, mspberrx `berries on property. _ .v-Ves` rg, ,2.3o ;pLm. mahuiste . , 'rA1usn or vi:i=n`A. . Sunday; Jan- 23rd, 1916..-\-;Mue- L I on, Sing,` #11 a.m.~, `Holy Comm J1/.aae;. .%ao;.;1;1si`1i-.;:;:,st rot' _ Barrie V. W. Du, sk 7 R. Malcomson 19 W; A. Boys 12 G. Malcomson 15 1-1-1;} Thistles `V .'S('-ott {_Ha_bbi`ck `Malc'o1nson \ Todd,` 3k 19 O.G. Hart, sk 2 . "can, an a TKem'1ed ' ] .jR.A. ;._Stephe_r_1s,, A k I)-.nu'u9u>nlAn' 1 IADUAL "Skip 13 Skip 11 IHII11 UGIDLA. . 50 acres in the Town brick house, bank ba poultry house, with g springczjek. .Price, $24- House and lot, with`-1; Penetang St. Price, $L 4 - - - A any-I 1n?` `17 `the 'Bar1'i e_ Curling l to Churchill to play cup, that had sum-L pleasant rural com- good` curling` willed come to Barrie for VS thr.2 following score C; 1\1Z:Ey,- T - sk. 8 1'1 ? `IE.-...,.;J.'6-I-. an. I; W. Meredith, sk. 20 2'8 Collingwood `W. T. Allan, sk .9 H. G. Wines, sk 18 . Il\JlJs At Barrie `Kt -(.)fi~l1ia: 1( S1011 an uuuc. _ ,_ Nice brick ho se, wgth three acres of rst-class gar ening: 1and,,wi-th ap- ples, pears and plums nd other sma.11 fruits, a. beautifulhonfe. Price, $3,600. -- -.__,g-1-1-....-..~.'. ynvu 1`. niahed J.J.Vld\|l~|In\4 Latimer _ 9 G. Malcomson -1 c .L \l\|\|. H. Allan . .T_. Allan Sid. Browning -- Skip 1 L LLLLLLLL Una Brady . Grainger R. Ma_lcomson Kennedy .1. ` - mo mgnam Hypson Scott .7 Patterson, sk i Gallagher Loth - A. Malcomson L0 VMrritt, -sk Morrison . Payne Graham 9 Todd, skb Hubbard. . -..`Ca1dwel1v % \J- \.AuaLu.vv \._a.. Gllmour _ 7 Brownlee, sk A15? 11 Read Hu-nftable Shroud 3: Dealubllul ll\l.ll Uo .I. LAVL4, vv7Yv-- New brick house, Ozen St., nished in oak, with \voo_d, coal, and electric mantels. This is onb of thenicest, residences in town. iCan be bought; _ right. an ..-...... :n {-1113 rvnwnhin of Vespra, Orillia : D. `McNabb, L. McLean M. Doige VD- Madden F.ste;}Z""sk 15 W. C. George 16 '9 ; `i11clai.}: ?~ -. 4---- /"1 1:. . -Smclan; . gm; `.CFl.1-"rai.'n`.1`..'.:v ' Churchill L. Grose }. Rieve - . 3. Allan ' 1. Sloan Skip 10 _S. Todd E! :1: 12 Wbrifiif, 2. The for DEE 12 18 wlm g u wuuu .....u spring-xgljek. $2_ 5 half cash. House a.`cre~of land, $L250. .- House and lot with a conveniences McDonald Sb. Price. $ ,300. Posses- sion ab once. V g --p. a-..:..1- Lnuuan urifh 1"-hT`P.l3. 5l.(",)'eS 1?] if, I sk17 1 12 Q1 I` A e dateA Of the ncrt in Cen- if --FridaLy Oyster Supper and? tral Methodi"st. ;Keep` ~ New Adjutant 1 :1 ,1, f1__-L A-.'I.`..-LL anuvv aauguu.-..- It` is rumored that Capt. A1'buth- not, Adjutant of the '76th Batt., has been` transferred to aiiother battal- ion. The new Adjutant, it is said, takes up his duties this week. _ Oonserva.1:ive RoAoms' for Soldiers- {` The Young Consi-vatives have of- fered the-use of their rooms in, the McCarthy Block to the soldiers of the 157th Batt., free of rent, light and heat;,toV be used as a recreation] and club room. > ~ - 1 Winter ' Caps for 76th \*r,_'__ Nu. .63.... uvini-nv nan` xvnvh '.lQ_ Vvuuayl. vayu Lva. Ivvan ` New caps for wmter use were is-l sued to ._the 76th Batt. last week.` The new caps are the same make and` color as the summer cap, but have a sectxon that pulls down over the ears.- The 157tl1 are Alonglng `for some such headpiece. Entertained Choir 7 , `IN - _.. ..-- .1! nI\11n*1`nfl`O+;l\I1 (VF tinternalneu uuuu The Dean and c_o11g*regat1o11 of S.t Mary s Church eute1'tai11e(1 the choir and their friends to a stxpper . J'I _ T__._,...-.\.-. Dno+I11`oI1+ nn `;\.[nn_| Cl1_O1l' uuu Lucu. .L1u:uua av 54, u-...1_.1..f-l at_ the Iroquois Rcsturant on M011 I day 'e\'e'11i110`. Afterwards an infor- mal (la11ce was held in the Parish Hall, Owen street. ` - 1 u` l`\ ,_,_,1A___ _',`_-I ".---,Mens bBuck.1e_;.Qve1-shoesl at E $_1.15,_and first qua: '_- * goods , at. -that. No. old -stock-""t M001-e".s Big \Vinter Shoe Sale. _ . _ ` Measles Prevalent - ~\ . .1 The local health departmen_t 15-"; e ,ports twelve cases "of iiieaslesn. in town and all direct1_v traced to s'is- ' itors to or_fro1n Toronto. In.thc I ` schools the nurse is giving.particu- ; lar attention to syinptoins and ad- [~\fiSl11_9.' the children as to the best 5 , means_ of avoiding the trouble. , ; 76th Juniors `Win at Midland l The junior`hocke_\' team of 'the[ lBarrie 76th Batt; played Midlandl juniors in Midland o11"Ti1es(lay.;_e_\f- ening` last, and came home \;_ic_to1`_,- ions to the tune of nine goals to.` three. It was fzjt ll0C-l{0<'_f,1'pl`l1 start to `finish, with the resu1t=neyer in doubt. -Last nif.;'ht at, Orilliai tliey won by ten goals to nine., 1: ._ 4 Trinity Church. Minister .~-...-:. - IVL-.. rm. AJ.-mmn wont tn n1'D,SS exchange for first-class town prop- rxgnu. ; V 59 acres in.the Tow_nship of Vespra, ` two miles from`Barrie, 5-room dwell-t ing, bank barn and plenty of water. Price, $2,200, half cash. Wanted-5O acres of good land in erty. V T 1.-.... nr\'rv\!) n-mar. hn.r.o`a,inS in

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