Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Nov 1915, p. 6

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We have had so many inquiries lately regarding -Eczema and other skin, diseases, that we are glad to make our r answer public. After - careful investigation we have found that a simple wash of Oil of Win- , 'tergreen, as compounded in` D.D.D. .- Prescription, can be relied `upon. - We would not make this statement "to our patrons, friends and neigh-A -bors unless we were sure of it-- `.-and although there are many so- Vcalled .Eczema `remedies sold, We . ourselves runlresitatinglyt recommend A Prescription`. All druggistsj V have D;D.D.,_1 25c," v$1.0'0.i .:;Dr'o`p into _'our_ store to-dya e:i1.lt1g Q11; `J A.I&\I.I.I.(:l I` `V l7t;'si:r:;t'. White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, Wolves, Marten and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to SHUBER'!`" the largest house In the World dgallng exglnslvcly In NORTH AMERICAN RAW was a reliable--respons1l.)le--sate Fur Hopse wulx an u r: bleznstzwz reg. utation existing for `more than_a thlfd ofa C':r_1t'.Ir:'.":1I->."..rSur~. cessful record of sending Fur Shlpoers prorgpr,5.\ rI$FA(`T0:<\' AND PROFITABLE returns. W rxte for ti): fjubm sbmazr," the only reliable. accurate market report and pri `el:5:publisl1ed, Wrizia for it-NOW-it's FREE A. B. s1-IUBERT. Inc, %i`Zc`2 eEI.`i%`3T'usYE: A *--- " Get` More Mane}: for your Fc Muskft Wanna` .... -_ 1' -__ AND "TURSDAY, Nov. f. 11th ha -._ 43-3 `this ECZEMA 21 BARBIE BRANCH A % j L. F. CROSS: Manager. `By -Setgt. W. S. Robb sxrr. rmsr conrmcam`. The council met on October 25th, pursuant to adjournment. All the members were present. ' _The Reeve in the chair. _ a Communications were read from Mrs. McBride re sheep killed by dogs, P. J. Lynch re culvert op- posite lot 10, con. 9, C. H. Sproule, . Asst. Provincial Treasurer of On- tario, enclosing cheque for $425.87 . re Colonization. Roads. "Albert H. Abbott,` Sec. _Red Cross Fund`, To-. ronto, re. report of amount `collect- ed for the British. Red ~Cross So- ciety on Trafalgar Day. Lt.-Colonel 2nd Division, Niagara Camp, asking that a _ roll of. honor be established ) in the Township of Vespra. ` - A-AA---1-~ -`k - -v..vu uuv u uuguu an Ulalll`J.l' p.I'BSv of the line, I think that that par- ticular French regiment must have been an exception. At. nine o clock that night the crowd was still pour- ing through. ~ ' . years to get together, and now in ruins, sobbed with a sob of a broken heart, and. imprinted on their faces was the look of despair of lost souls, whilst clinging to them were the little children wondering what it -was all about. Some of the less strong were hustled out of the throng and forced-to sit by the roadside. Here. it was that ` Tommy Atkins showed the manliness, and humanity which is part of the British nature. With a. kindly word and a pat on the shoulder, `Tommy carefully lifted the babe in arms, eased the women ` cf their bundles and gave his` arm l to_ the old and feeble. What a pic- ture that would have made! At . this point it` is impossible for me to I go further without saying that 1 what French troops _ were passing 1 through the town did not show the same manlyspirit as did the British. . What I` say below can be corrobor- 1 ated by thousands of `Canadians 1 who witnessed the scene. The French infantry were totally disor- . ganized; they poured . through the town mixed up with the refugees, without ries, side-arms or equip- ment. They had thrown all away . and ed. One could easily tell ; which was the party that was ying. 3 The `British transport drivers rode! . their limbers through the town at _ `their usual pace, perhaps stopping. . where possible to pick up _Women and children. The French hurried through the town, jossling anyone . who happened to get in their way _ and having that `excited look on their faces that denotes ight. If nothing more than the . ahpve had . happened, I .would have said nothing as when all is said and done it is ` terrible to be gassed in the way the : French troops had been, but I do indite the French troops with show- ing at this time a total lack of that humanity displayed` by Tommy At- T kins. I never saw a single French . soldier assist in any way any of the 3] refugees. I have seen French sol- diers going through the towns on farm wagons, whilst old men, wo- men and children vtottered beside them. I have seen wagons on which - French `infantrymen were, ` and on :1 which room couid have been made }' for six women, refuse to stop to pick them up. They had absolute- .30 ly- no thought but to save their own as miserable skins-. It was then that or I thanked God I was British born. Iwill say this much that they were ' not soldiers belonging to the regular c French army and from the Way the French have fought at other parts m` nf flip lino T 4-Lin]; "1\n`- LL..L .~._. "'- WHAT cumzs YIISPRA COUNCIL wrung-navtA.IU\o -I. o\Jo a on Thursday when the laugh was on the other fellow. About 10.15 on the night mentioned - the constable got a call to hurry to Alexander s house on Bradford street,_ wheres. man was supposed to have 1 ` When in -doubt call the police may be a very good and safe axom, but from the policeman s view the theory is ;a `poor ._one, except the joke is on the party who calls for `assistance- P.C. Sweeney had a call nn Thilrquxr inlnnn #1.... l..--...L ._--r l vv-.~ 5 a anlvtslclt Address: F. . J. `Cheney 6 ; C04, Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Drug- gists, .75c. / . . . .~-~ ----------I `Y"VV The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn _that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrhbeing` greatly inuenced by `constitutional conditions requires _constitutional _ treatment. Hall s ~_Cg`atarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the `Blood on the Mucous, Surfaces of the System, thereby de- stroying the foundation of the dis- ease, {:i\'ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall s Catarrh Cure that they offer One 1 Hundred Dollars for any case that ` itfails to `cure. Send for list of testimonials. . r . A11 -- - *-' - ,,__.__ v-cuti Estate and Insunnce Phonics. Bosanko mock . nan-In I have $200,000.00 wohh of houses and property in Barrie and Allandale. . Small cash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sale. j---_- ._ ___. rent. Iowa voun own HOME, JJ|bLl|lLII5' UUPE Eight {building permits have issued during the month for to the value of $815.00. I 0 town $3.50; as ;u:uuu15 Jlpli. Four plumbing permits have been issued during the month for work to the. value of $250.00. Fees to the Building. Dept. 0 n m A # A3` l.T_otal .. .. $32976 Sewer Connection _Dept. Five sewer connections have been Vmade during the month. Fees to the town $10.00. ..-- -.. vus v :71. la U11 .lJU.(3K` " `I. , 8 worth St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleaning_ Dunlop St; . . . .. Maintenance of sewers . . . 1 Material paid for . . . . -vy -111.16 DIUUWGII ejd St. . Repairing culvert al- m.....g a General-Banking Business. .. . .- Notcbiacouoled at reasonable ram. . .. .- VO'olIec-` tion qf Note: and Account: ...-.. -1' .-u--- 9 1', azazcnol-'1`~, Myvzaaer .D4-qa Iuud payable. anytphre.` Cheque: onoutaide bank: calm! V -"at qfezcha/nge. ... . Sale Nam cam or calmed ?1'm08Ffa00f.\b14.`_"'"?- ` [Beecroft i 5 mar: BOUT AT. LANGEMARQE ~ pened` until Thursday afternoon. - I will rst of all give you an account .,'of Langemarck as told by others . igate. I saw overhead, just about. .round about. Presently one of = o clock. "At that time the" -French F ` call to leave their homes; as they W had been warned by the authorities f _to get out three months before that, _ From the `time the Batt. arrived in Vlamintington, it ' was under Stand to orders. Nothing hap- , of what I actually saw myself and then give an account of the: Battle ,who took part in it. My two assist- hnts, Jack. Fraser and Bill Atkinson `and myself were billeted in the farm- house along with the brigade bomb- throwers. Thursday afternoon .in- termittent heavy gun re could be heard, gradually .increasing in vol- nme, until it was just one contin- l {nous roar. None of us knew wheth- ' _'er it was the British or the Germans ' attacking. About 5 o clock the re feased slightly; at that time, seeing a number .of men outside the farm- house looking and pointing towards the sky I also went out to invest- ,where the trenches would be situat- `ed, three German aeroplanes circling them sent up three rockets, giving the range to the German artillery, which had been awaiting. the signal. .The roar of the guns was then `sim- ply deafening. You could almost feel the ground rock. I have never heard anything like itasince and sup- ._ pose never Will. About six p.m., a few transports and refugees pas- sed through the town. We" still did not think things were so serious "as they were until about seven `drove through the town minus their `guns. They had left 50 guns in the German s hands; behind the num- `hers of refugees swelled into a `crowd. . A continuous stream of French and British transports of all kinds were also making their way through the town, owing to their bil- lets being untenantable by shell re. The staff ofcers were at this time trying to keep the multitude of refugees from blocking A the trans- ports. Several times the crowd had to be diverted into the elds to pre- yent congestion, although it was `I partly the refugees own fault that t led to their getting the hurry-up P yet it was a pitiful sight. The more 1) prosperous of the ~ inhabitants utili- m zed their farm wagons to convey the women folks and children and 1 what household goods they could 11 manage to get away in time, but the F3 vast majority had to walk. In that F3 crowd could be found beings of all 0} ages from the babe in arms to the t1` feeble old couple on the brink of the be grave. Most of the refugees came from the country around Ypres and 1". ' on reaching Vlamintington the female part of the multitude were dead beat, but there was `no resting for "chem. The- roar of the guns kept `ever before their minds that death pu was behind them. To a great many m( little better was in front of them`. in .I-Iomeless and friendless, death be- ` hind and beggery in `front. Can it M1 be -wondered at that women, -leaving do; behind them the homes that took po: 1'.NGINL'}:R's REPORT ran THE . MONTH or OCTOBER Cease wasting yor V money mf, - ' 0 Coutts, Treasurer of the Township, . and that the, same be 'acknowledged , by ` oicial township, receipt, and \ printed in the annual nancial state-' uuuuo 111.. 0116 LQWHSHIP OI Vespra. _' Wilson-=.Harr`is--That` `A. B be appointed treasurer tg receive the donations `from the various sources .collected on Trafalgar Day, ment, and that the amount received together with $100.00, donated bv this * township, be r forwarded bi? , cheque to the Hon. T. W. McGarry, treasurer Central Committee, To- ronto. ` ` The Council adjourned to meet at 1 the call of the Reeve.--A. B. Coutts, Clerk. . ` . _j.le . . r > 1`1}ii5er`19ii south-ends of`*8th, Con., `and- that the Clerk prebare list of honor ` of the soldiers who have enlisted for over- seas "service, and of those already at the front Whose parents are resi- dents of the Township of Vespra, A T} VVilsnn._.:FTa m~ ie_'l`L ..+ risib :4 `Th:e following report 1 +n nu. +..-m -A---N Ti*9'?'-5iWAIib 0_>l_cevHour8--_~10 to I I g $100 `REWARD. $100 FROM sAL1sBuxv*PiKms T0Wl.A Eissglii-2} SUICIDE SGARE w1;iumbin'g Dept. I.....L: ...... -1: - I aco. errr1'i.f'* been Work D12 nn i;'a';?- was presnt- I A... `II'_, 1 1 25 48 13 8 29 7 05 sm EDMUND wuxnx. c.v.o..i u._.n. n..1,.. president` V T T ` ' 4 General Manager H. V. F. JONES. Au't Manager 795 .-____ ....v - - auanvlinlilli rah 4-15;-Is couwrv or smcoe. Most reasonable terms given an al Stock Sales ' ` cnAI<:Huns1'. 0&7. LICENSED AUCTIONEER |.-an '.r|.Ir (-1-nun:-I-u -- ----- -- JO`}_iJ_ JEN NETTI Makes Your Skin Like Vlvet Has `a marvell-ous eeet on rough skin. One or -two applications remove the roughness, and by in occasional use the skin acquires he smoothness and sotness of a baby's. Glyeedomisa `is not sticky, -and gloves may be worn a few moments afteu using it.= Price 15c and! 25c. De- li-ghtfu after shaving. M3 n-mg---- - - - , ' I }-u:x'r oopa TO TH; TANNEURY Is to all rd in GASTING8. 'MIol?.I.;nREPAl(I S.egc. = Boilers; Eng-lnesnd ull kindlot (Armand eta onary machine:-11 made and repaired on ahoztest no ce an_d_ mocfonte prices. ` hAl_1ork done b export machin- t nn Diidnfnn n- -I-~- V1'1.!!.9!!9 yiiil I cut ttv U `I Telephone in BAIIIIII. ,, _ ___- - --._.- s`r&l I11`! guatnteod 6. 10. 15 years. [Denver and llslaophrlc Wall Board! cedar shlnles. U Metallic celllmz Anythingin the Lumber Line 631` OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY THE Bill PUNING Mlll C0- Telenlmne an I I----- , _. _,_----._--. .. ..s ,,..-..__w an uuxcl, ucpcu uuents OI me banks business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn. in this way as satisfactorilysass by a personal visit to the Bank. 853 cznraluzgngggprnnc I Why do statesmen read the Weekly Sun of Toronto`? Because is a paper with a reputation that is unquestioned. It _is the farmers business paper,` and is watching the farmers" interests all the time. Aside, even from its market reports, which-are acknowledged to be the best in the dominion, it is a paper of Weight. It has an establ_ished personality. You should have it: come to your home every week. All S through'the long winter nights itl will furnish a wealth of interesting; 1'eadin5_r material of a ;thoroug_rl1ly reliable character.` This paper has special clubbing arrangements with the Sun. a Let us have your renewal and add The Sun to your list of pa- pers for 1916. . ' ; had locked himself in his room 3 and committed suicide. Sweeney got, there in, quick. time, to nd the ; house in an uproar. The bed-room door was fastened, `all right, and _ getting permission from Alexander, I the constable broke in the door to nd the room empty and no visible sign of any grim -tragedy being en- acted. The expression on the jew s face can" be better imagined than told, or ask Sweeney. On examin- ing the fastening the police found place of a staple, evidently in clos- ing the door when the occupant last left his room, the door was slammed and the hook dropped onto the nail fastening the door. 1 nun: ! 1 'l'Rl:2ES ! ! [All kinds of Fruit" andvornamenbal Trees. Small Fruits, Eve:-greens, Roses. Shrubs, ; Climbers. etc. Everything in the Nursery line. Send list of your wants for prices. Catalogue Free. Apply For Terms `lILI? Ip-n1-p-_------- `r-nu-(stunt WEIIVIIBII * J. H. Wiener, Nurse:-yman, Por1;I1`.lg4i(x)1'..u()nt. nu. ;uu.u vvouua nu.` pl'lC8S. i5Elo_g"d`F}-E3. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE b J. H. Winner, Ntiraorvmnn D.-...+ `DI...-.L n_L _._-._ ....n~v_v-5.1.3: G120. MONKMAN. ugziat. Ll work 135 Vertl audguarantee ra olaaa TREES! I TREES ! ! kind Of FFIIi nn {In-so-......o--1 VI`... |vlly:gIllclIIHSl..IlElZlll'_]SaShfo0n ' - :-:-:;_:;.-.-.-:;I a o c o o u o o . . . . ' o c o - o u c o . . - o o o o - a . . o o o ___________ on c n.o_o_o_-.o_a_..._. . 0 . . _ o O.-'0 : . . .__:_`_:.. Accounts may be ope A bf Commerce to be 0 careful attention as is busi ned at every brarieh of The Canadian Bank perated by mail, and will receive the L` same given__to all other departments of the Bank s tress. T Money may withdrawn in this wav as Efxpg;-,'t Machinist V MANUFACTURERS [- sT.%J'(_)HN -tnnItO I-nI.I_l_ Llmlted . ONTARIO 1 V have "Alli it interesting `: .\-....L... _ t` lubsexfibers. dian hrdughout ]_0ntario _ ` T No ` .j;ahI:-en:nl9yme31t. -% , ` Conntryman wants re to recelve . 0n-tb-A A- ' Collingwood Board of Education decided to abolish all Collegiate fees. Later it was found that this could not be done, a county by-law "sets the fee at $1.00 per month per pupil. -..-...-.s. uulue uulcl` special c to be given a place in the p found, are: Notes from the Feeds and Fertilizers, A Garden, Making Poultry P: of Law Explained, Your C Farmers of To-morrow. An and a short story as well, will a1 .__'II I WITH THE 4th .4. u `.111. [MIG IIIU3 U week 1s to `be devoted to ] brief paragraphs reviewing . farmers. Some other _spec/ial In La -3---- 'l`he Canadian Countryman is recognized as the brightest agri- cultural weekly in.Canada. It" has a net paid circulation fully 25 per cent. greater than any other farm paper in the Dominion. ' Just now` the installation of a printing press costing $32,000 (the only machine of its kind in a Canadian publishing house) .is making possible "a substantial. increase in the size of the Coun- tryman. During the next year the minimum size will be 32 pages weekly, with 36 pages during ve winter months. This has opened up the way to a new program of editorial features that will put The" Countryman in a class by itself. well illustrated, dealing with -the outstanding timely problems of the Ontario farmer. Figuring five such articles, of a paare or more, to the issue, gives fully 300 pages of feature articles in the course of a year, with upwards of 500 to 700 selected illus- trations. The Week s Reminder is to present practical hints for every--week in the year, written by a well known manager of -a large farm. Under the heading of -` `A Dollar for a Good Idea will be published descriptions of practical ideas sent in _by Countryman readers, $1 being paid for each idea accepted. `. `Practical Discussions by Practical Farmers, is a department in which will be given the experiences and views of good farm- ers on the most important seasonable subjects. A Dam` 0V<"'." is-to to ,Live Items of Agricultural News"- brief paragraphs reviewing hunnon... -2 .'._L_.__-L . We will accept, at the Northern Advance office, new and re- newal subscriptions to the Northern Advance _and The Canadian Jountryman, in combination, at $1.50 per year. The regular price of these papers, subscribed for individually, would be $2 per year. - The Banadian countryman The Northern Advance there will be several good strong feature articles. deal1ng_with-the mer. .F1guring ve kue, grves pages feature , year, .Week 1n vear. wrimm Im a ma! rm----- --~--~~~- -9 7% ;.u1.n 1.uL.UJ.ulblla1UH. St.,- Toronto, Ont. camm. $15,000,000 nesenvz ruun; 313,500,000

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