Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Nov 1915, p. 1

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,e9e1`=; ock coast am; 3` ' IQIUIL U 3 i ', New Lowell, TT:;:iay, Nov. 9th; Coldwater, Nov,.10th;L Orillia, Nov. i4T.1:11.{15<%i13"%*S:%137}1vf `.N*u`.v."r1:.3-`thL.. ~ % f V The Christmas boxes for Barrie Division railwaymen on active ser- vice in `England and 'France leave this week. The Railwaymen s Patriotic Association of Toronto have adopted the_ same idea and lplan as used at Allandale for their irepresentatiyes at the front. vv vv :4. vs. 1.1101116. Two motor ambulances contri- buted by this association at a cost of $3600.00, fully equipped with breakable and repair parts, left Orillia on Tuesday for the `Canadian Red Cross at Montreal. lWith these ambulances are . being lsent the necessary blankets and air lpillows, which were selected and ;contributed through the railway- lmen s wives of Allandale at a cos of about $50.00. _ .' A vs A sum of $200.00 was also voted Ivfor the British Red Cross and a icheque for this amount has been 'handed to Mayor Craig to be remit- {ted with the contributions from the ` town of Ba1_'rie. I -u v-ogvvv vv -I-JLLSLIII ` At the regular monthly meeting [of the Barrie Division Railwaymens Patriotic Association held Nov. 1st iat Allandale it was decided to make }a donation of $000.00 to the_Field` Comforts Commission taking the, form of underwear and socks for men at the front. The association! had received an urgent appeal from Miss Arnoldi for assistance, and it was considered the above would 0 prove most practical and acceptable. `The shipment will be made in a few 4 days direct to England. A en`... .1.` mnnn nn ._-, .1 I " ` `kRAILWAYMENS k ASSOCIATION T MAKE GRANTS -ro WAR T socnrrms gnaw comroms $900 .-.. unuv \7\IL\Ll\JLbJO ` The following oicers were elect- ed for 1916: Pres., H. Couse, Cooks- town; Vice-Pres., J. H. Mitchell, V 'Alliston; Sec y-Treas., R. G. Hang}:- `tnn `R1-nr1*PnrR -----auvg; lJ\J\l J [ `Eon, Bradford. v a mag. JAAECLLI The members present reported a fair crop, in some instances rather good. Mr. H. G.-Sibbald of Claude was present and gave a very instruc- tive and interesting address on .var- ious questions regarding the bee in- } dustry. ' ' I "__ __AV . In .. A - - y \QvunJU ;" Tlie .association has forwarded ithis, season about 950 pounds of the Ibest- honeyto the Red Cross Society -forthe soldiers.- nu n II Iv- The annual meeting of the Simcoe County Bee Keepers Association was held in Barrie `on Saturday, `Oct. 30th. In the absence of Mr. Couse, Pres., Mr. W. H. Reed_ was chairman. ~ 131:1: KI`.BPER_- ...,-.., ........ u auu. uuun.auuwu.' ' Sergt.-Major Tracy, of the 35th, went up `to Midland on Monday to [take charge of the recruiting class {there till a drill sergeant, is ap- pointed. (V____1_ `I1 '1 1 - ` V--nvvuo K" Sergt. Reid, who `has been inl charge .of .the. Barrie recruiting. istation all. summer, has been trans- sferred to Alliston. l -.-.. 9......-av; v;Vuvycu.uGul.D [LU 11113. Recruiting _is now in progress at the seven stations in the County. The diiferents centres are: Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Collingwood, Brad- ;ford, Alliston and Cookstown.` Q.......L `|]'.-_'... m.,., n V-..............u.., nguuu. uc uaa uuuupwu. The county executive is meeting as The Advance goes to\ press Wed- nesday afternoon. At this meeting the Col. proposes to have arrange- ments made for the preparation and `printing of literature bearing on the recruiting, especially will an ef- fort be made to set before the men of the County the true facts in re- gard to the nancial arrangements. This matter has been, badly mud- dled by the Toronto papers. In- stead of a reduction in pay as many suppose is the case the 75c and 50c .-is added to the man s $1.10 per day from the, time" he enlists till the regt. is mobilized. That is, while the recruiting is going on the men billeted throughout the county will receive $1.85 or. $1.60 according to the number of dependents he has. pnnun1;4:nm 3.; ..--- - The offer of Lieut.-Col __.G1f2_z_nt.- to organize a county regiment;.ha s"been formerly accepted by the 'Mil`itia Dept., andcCol. Grant offered the command, which he has accepted: The l\I'IV1+IY nvnnnl-3.... . . _ . . . -..~ Tnxirin OURLING cum BRIT. manc1m'ss $200] COUNTY `RECRUITING UINNUAL MEETING V m"i`h`ew\`;a:i`;'5.Grocery Co. complained iof the nuisance to merchants caused ,by` stray dogs, especially hungry ho_1_1_1ds.`_ way an v vs: AL IAIJIICILLQ `Mr. Geo.` Ball, Jos. Goodfellow and P. J. Heeley asked permission to trim -or remove dead. trees. ~ (Continued on page 5) w'I`h;mCentral British Red Cross `Society acknowledged the recent subscription sent from Barrie. They asked that the giving of the schools be givengindetail. ' `1[__ r1__ n,n 1- fit 1.... wry .n. A ALA tluuvxuttu Mr. H. A. Sims, for the Home Guard,_ wrote asking for the use of the town hall for drilling purposes and rie practice, on Friday even- ings. A gallery target is now used by the company and it is so protect- ed that stray bullets will not injure the building. TL- 1T..2.. l`1..---_--- NA ` ' " -up-A vvvuo The ' Hydro-Power Commission wrote inviting representatives from the town to attend a meeting to be held in Toronto on VVednesday to confer with the Commission in re- spect to radial_ lines in the di'-trict.' The plans for the lines in the dis- trict surrounding Barrie will be open for inspection. U A O :___ _ _ I 1 TT : \r\.4|\Il- u Vll\4 J.LVC LULILI/36 Jasr McCandless and 14 others petitioned for a street light at the corner of Kempenfeldt and Rodney st1__eets. Inspector Hagart s report to the Board of Health stated that he had inspected the sewer south of Eliza- beth on Toronto street and nd two sewers, one a 4-inch pipe from Mr. Edwards double house` and Mr. Handy s house which comes within. 2:} feet of the surface, and on the other side of the street a 6-inch pipe connecting two double houses and one single house into the manhole. This does not work satisfactorily as _the sewage backs up into houses.` These sewers enter the manhole con- trary to by-law, He suggests that a sewer be recommended `for Toron- \to street. Also inspected Bayeld street sewer south of Dunlop, and from enquiries nd Mr. Minnikin can get sewer connection by raising his pipea little more than usual; the livery stable could then connect and. that would do away with the odor at the Five Points. `I'___ If (`I R*YSON S - Va us-uya. uvv vnu JJLUILIAGJ 11151159 . g or I Dr. Little, local M.O.H., wrote en- closing sanitary inspector's report re sewers on Toronto street, also Bradford street drain. The sewers on Toronto street mentioned by the sanitary inspector are private ones. Mr. Edward's sewer is too small to allow of any more connections being "made into it; the other sewer is in an unsanitary condition, ` each has an improper outlet, a sewer comply- ing with the by-law would have to be constructed to allow of further connections and to remove the ex- isting unsanitary conditions pointed out by the sanitary inspector in his report. In regard to the Bayeld street storm drain, to abate the lnuisance at the, Five Points, due to the existence of this drain, `your town engineer, Mr. Macdonell, ad- vised the building of a sewer on :Bayeld.' The local Board of `Health some time ago recommended its construction on sanitary grounds, he claimed its construction was feasible, this sewer would also give Mr. Minnikin a service. 1'_.____ ,1 , Two Motions Tendin to Re- lieve Situation Withdrawn t in Council T The hunting season has called but onemember of the board of alder- men to shoulder the gun; Ald. Rusk being the only absentee from the regular meeting of Monday night.` hi ll\lIlII -------3--- A-- D06 NUISAETE . Our special Tomato Soup served at all hours in our Luncheonette Department, Home-made candies fresh "daily. Our Saturday window will inter- ` est you. - When Yoii Buy Candy % Buy Brysonh Produce Market Enlarged Its absoltely pure. [suoo PER ANNUM IN ADVANOE smaL: comes rust: cam : Phone **'i'ii'Iu2MA1N PARISH or V1`-SPRA Sundav 7' Nov., 1915-`VMidhurSt 118...Ill.,.I{()l_\; Communion} Veslgrg 2.30 p.lll.; l\lill0sinA9,`,' A7 P-m," e ' Artllur Stmtller, RCCt0I`- PARISH or INNISPHL 0n Slllllllly next the Rev Di. '0 Mea1'a. Pl'lll(`.lpal Wyclle C9` lege, Toronto. will (D.V.) Preach In St. Paul .s' `('}llII`(:ll, Innisl, 011 the ceasion 0-1' lilxst anniversary Of the 'Denil1;." 01' the , new church. * 391" jlices will br- mg Dr:1.V`ol- at 11 o clock{ f d lleld as follows: m01'.n` V Y the Holy Communion; evenmg ` Prayer at 7 o clock. It Tis `a sp1en-| `did Opportunity to hear.th1s noted preacher, and the many _i?rien}1S`0fl` t- Paul s are asked to jo1n Wlth 113 ~ In public Worship. All are ask_ed sent all offering of thankSg1V' Kg f0!` the many mercies presented.` us . . . Dr. O Meara will also Preach 3 N Pet . er s, Churchill, at 3 o clook. `J- W. Perry, Rectorll ._-. 'nnn 1 Nov: Tph, 1915 f } 23rd sL'.\'r/>.T-xY AFTER TRINITY] ~----.--..;. 4.1.]. .u.:.4;v .LL|J.LLVLJ._.l. 8.30 a.m.-Ho1y Commuron. 11.0 a.n1.-.\Iatins and Sermon. 3.0 p.1n.-Sunday, School. 7-00 p.m.- -Evensong and Sermon.` L ' lnuwnnnnnnn hder (311 a. at a % G; M. UPHAM% - 4 Manager" gnuunauiguuuuung ' _-r-~--~ V. VI -17.- ot WNW W "W". draw money when in town or when sing the bank. It is especially .cp:;:'enient if the husband is fre- quently away on trips,`as it enables the wife to 4 procure funds for ex- pgnses on her own signature alone. in the names of two persons, either of whom can make deposits or with- . vnnn0(' whom in fnum `nr whnn f famil_v f d _ V egrwith the an S It may bAPen- Union Bank of Canada _ A Joint Account is a Great Convenience ftxjty (I-hutch This limited space will not per; mitius quoting prices-But- come and see 320,000.00 worth of beau- ' tiful fine quality furs at/excep- tionaily low prices. we can save you)money. /- , -` . ( my, No. 44 WHOLE No. 42:: vol-- ~moMP3ON ca:w._ puausruza _ _ -1 J. FRANK JACKSON The spirit of -ape `giving determines the value of phe gxtt, Wha1;,-.,then,'_couldAbe more ttlng than your porlzrazt for the Christmas remembx-ance7t0 carry your aimnln massage nf fnendnhin Q Christmas rememorancefno cax_'x'y your simple message of tmendshxp? A dozen Portraits s_o1ve at once a dozen perplexing gxft problems; Make an appointment today. BARGAINS IN HIGH CLASS F URS `E53 ?er}sonaI 73/5011955 THE WEATHER. 90. Maker of Portraits Lowest Highest Rain . .. 38 49 0.03` . .. 37 _61 -1 .. 43 46 eo.os; .. 39 0.06` . 36 A 62 . .'.e 51 62 0.01; .. .. 37 47. 0.09 n temperature for Octo- , being 2 .degree_s' above" Barrie Branch 1 In reply to a question from Dr. McLeod, Mr. Beecroft said the new bl schedule of relief would give to a . `wife and one `child $17.50 a month ;_ wife and two children, ages 10 to 15 years, $22.00 per -month; `wife and two children, 5 to 10 years of age, $17.50 ` a month`. ~ They had, " 1 ; gured out that, `counting separation allowance and soldiers assigned pay, ;. the patriotic fund allowance would. ;' be" such as to bring the monthly _l.;,imount up /to [$50.00 for` each fam- H on `Is 1" .u-. . I T'STec.-Trs;s._ Fdux "read "the" fras-` urer"s Arst annual -report rag o_uHOct. ; 30th,_ 1915," as g1Ioyys :, T % The speaker said he had given` -much, thought to the question of] what Barrie should do in thennext -campaign, he thought we should raise $25,000 and as a beginning the town council should' head the list with $10,000,. to -be raised by ten- year debentures. He had attended the convention in Toronto last week and felt rather small when the show- ing Barrie made was placed before the meeting. He had explained the ;situation that only half the `amount I raised was" credited to the central lfund. A Toronto paper had pub- xlished the list with comments. 'Why` Barrie had A been singled" out when London, A Orillia _and : other places 1 were not credited with any contribu- tions at all, was more than he could -understand. i - ' I D D I I D I D L pire.' A `year ago Opening the meeting, Mr, Bee- _. croft referred to the fact that the holding of an annual meeting of such an organization was an un- heard of `thing in the British `Em- an_ appeal E was for funds, and made in Barrie _ $3,600.00 was subscribed,` one half of this amount was forwarded to headquarters in Ottawa and the bal- -ance retained in Barrie. - There were two plans upon which the work could be -carried out, the double purpose fund being adopted, thus it wasthe fund was divided be- tween Ottawa and Barrie. We have paid out `nearly $1,700.00 to the families and dependents of the sol- diers who have gone to the war, in many cases these families have been better -provided for since the war broke out -than they were before. done her share in this patriotic fund, but it must be remembered that we were amongst the first ewns in Canada to take up the work, and at a time. when we never dreamt that inside of a year Can- ada would have 200,000 men under arms. It is now up to us to again subscribe to this fund. Uplto the present, `there has been raised in Canada $5,000,000.00, of this three million l1as been spent. The re- lquirements for the present year have been placed at seven and a- `half -million dollars. The slogan adopted by the central committee is one dollar ' per capita. The two Inillion dollars on hand is to be held as a reserve, to be used when hostilities cease in providing for the families of soldiers. proposed in the forthcoming can- vass is -to subscribe a certain `amount each month for a year or till the end of the `war. When hos- tilities cease the `contributions will `cease. It _ will be months after be- fore the soldiers will be home, and. the reserve fund at Ottawa is_ ex- pected, to take care of the soldier's families. It has been said that Barrie has not ' The plan ' 33 the I Barrie branch of the Patriotic Association held its annual `meeting on Tuesday evening of this week, and while the Police Court chamber u7o -nn4- `.-n...-u...-1...] 4.1.. .....u. --`I Univ a. unzvv \JUu..l.la uuuuluer iii; `crowded, the. gentlemen who were present were there for the pur- pose of devising ways and means to continue the work started a year 9780- ' T ` ` ` 1 "President Beecroft. presided `Secretary C. F. Fau_x took the lutes. - 'New Campaign to be- Launched in Near Future EWILL NOW 32 ronwmnnn To , HEADQUARTERS LESS $500 } L RETAINED FOR LOCAL - To Seldiere amilies--.-Money. Retained When Fund Or- J ganized Still on Hand PATRIOTIC FUND 3ARR1ERANcH mnour%$1s42.s31 THE INTERESTS OF} BARRIE, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. it '5; Way erby and and our ided andl min- I BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCGE, ONTARIO `NOVEMBER 4, 1915 .l.`l.t:lvUl1_U1 g . V , , **W ewzenke wee tendered 7%.; figs` Vie; J udgg Wi smer,j"a.nd -; % ~6fte.r, _00i1i1tY.1f0W11 e;at`9Qrh.3n ` "_Hi'Huo11;t;ev.faiH1\fuf" find '_ ft_heir _Wr.1d Vice-Prs.-'-Jales -McMartin. Sec.-Tre'as.--T'. T. Yptiiig. _ DirectOi`s--W. N;""'Duif, J. A. Mc- mings, Geo. Urry, A. Carson, Geo. |Vickers, S. J. `F\isher,, W. Patterson, LJ. .R. Hambly, Mrs-V. T.` Cav_en`a. 1-\-1- ..-L-.. L- r\..L....:.. A.-mi... - `I "l .`l' Lar_en,` J. H. Bennett; Geo. `Cum-_ "'2ie;'Z;"`ti 6}l}Z{ri3' A}; H. Bennett (who is the president pf `the Assn ) and J.` "A'.-- McLaren. l.;J2L_..- ` D T m:m1iL::rs-' if:-`ga J. Elchere; " ' ""' 1" " 1- 11i...4.:_;- :__-; I 1.---.1.-..-'J' -nvuannb, uanvvvuu ulnuau 1411016 VVGID laisliight `decrease in membership on account of the lack of effort to se- cure. members, and no doubt the year of war effected this -work to some extent. About $300.00 had been paid out in prizes, and in ad- dition to this the g premiums given to members were good value for the money according `to the statements from some of the members them- selves. It was made possible .for the society to do this` bx the `generous government grant of `$234.00 for the! year" now.closing. There is a bal-' -ance on hand that will carry the .-society over in a proper `manner un-, -til the renewals, `new = members and the grants supplement `its funds `suificiently to w'arran_t another suc- cessful year; ' -IIVL- .L`-`I`I.}....'..'.. V..&.._.... ._g.___ -I--L I `J\JQL)L Ill ie The 4_ f'g )fl:>`v;'ing oicers were elect- ed for the year: President-J. F. D. Noxfhan. ' 1st -Vice-Pres."-.-Migsh M; Camp-! I._I`I ` .--an be}_l. % In the pr_esident s report, which` "Was given, orally, stated that ve meetings of the directors had been held, also a Sweet Pea `show, as well as the regular Flower show in Sep- tember. 1 He stated that he had not` found the time" to devote to the of-_ ce of president that he would wish to spend, but he had. done what he could and would `continue to help the- society, which was a` Worthy one `and a credit to the town. The report of the Sec.-Treas., Mr. 1T. T._iYoung, showed that there was .. ..1:...1..:. ..1.......... :. _---,-L-a1 ter-A otor and 'ANNUA[MEETlNG nom. socnan President Reviews Work nf Season--'-Tretasurr Reports" ' . nances in Good Shape The annual meeting of the Barrie Horticultural and Town Improve- ment Society ..'as held in the Police Court .Chambers on Thursday even- ing of last Week, -With1Pres, Fisher iin the chair. V ` I general and almost ready to shake In these gloomy times of war it is refreshing to pass an hour or two amid scenes of merry happiness`, and those who were privileged to enjoy this hospitality of the three gracious witches who reign; at Ovenden. came 7 away fully convinced that with `such fairy god-mothers the Barrie girlies are in good and. cap- able hands. Picture if you like a group of dwellers in Misopotamia or a Moorish dance or any other variety of staged gathering made up of pretty maids and children of the healthy. Anglo-Saxon type, add quaint decorations of candle-lit pumpkin faces, black cats, etc.,_ with music and dancing, games and play- acting, and you nd yourself bliss-I fully. at peace with the world in hands with a hun. May I be per- mitted to offer thanks and congratu- lations to all for an entertainment so happily conceived and so daintily carried out.+-An Escaped FOF.S1l from the Museum. `ALL 11ALI.ow nvz: AT {T OVENDBN mums comment uvon 4%}. Platoon Sergt.-eH. C. Chan: _nen- . - ` inilzi Thu`-I-nn`nuT,Qnur-L `In-Lug. `D34. `. Islnsnovnl 3rd 'Platooi1 Sergt.-C. T. Thomp- SOII. v 650 . - A. . j .. .._ The low water mark 7-appears. to have been neached in the interest attached to the Home Guard move- ment, for at the weekly turn-out last week there were 14` new recruits present `for instruction, and from ,L`l..:.. -.. -.. -m-..L _.:n L. ____L _o_,,n_u :A.n\A Smith. 1---v-v-v +v- uw-u -vvwu: -um uvwl this on an `effort. will be put forth to stimulate. interest in the corps. `New officers have been elected as *follows: " Capt.-A.- Wilkes. `, 1st" Lieut.--Rex. Ardagh. 2nd Lieut.--L. F. Cross. T 1st Platoon Sergt.- Wm. Gale. 2nd` Platoon Sergt.-C. M. 'G.' Q....2LL oof lin- Intrest` Being .=.-R`,envived. and New - -Recruits" Secured` vf1'1strutor-S`eVrgt.-Major Pitt, ` HOME GUA17 oncnns took place at 2 o clock on Wednes- day, at the home of the bride s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Emms, Mulcaster streets, when their second daughter, Mae, wps unied in mare riage to Mr. J. J. Clarke, Barrie, Rev. R. G. Turk oiciting. The `bride entered the _ drawing-room on her father s arm, becom- ingly gowned in A Belgian blue` silk crepe-de-chinPe4,~`,%" After , the ceremony adjoummentl yes made tol the dining-room where dinner, was J served. The afternoon was `spent in music, and: singing. The happy couple` left on the 5.15 train for To- rc-nto`. The .bride s 7 travelling, suit` was ,a, navy` blue-serge military Suit with` blaok plush picture `h at- ._ The y ung couple: are members of ithei ,ch,oi1I * of `.1Collier7_stre!et _-Methodistlr A very quiet but pretty wedding: 7. c1inrc:1;,: .. and .- deselredlg as-anon: wqeamtwisr -Felt -Footwear of all k'ii1d` at! zero prices only at Carey?s `Cut-I --.Ratg Shoe T St`ore.,=` Womeng I_`-Felt} . v. ussnnuno VVGLU uaucu U] JJ_y.I11Cl.1lIo team of juniors played a. short game afterwards, but were defeated 11 to 0 by Collingwood seconds._ ,. ...... nu u u u : a n u u.n. uuv 3oa.IL. I The match itself was a good ex- hibition of the game. Collingwood] favored the` mass plays with some; tricks_ for variety. Barrie`, under the captaincy of` Maurice Esten and coaching of- Mr. Grandv. tried to lmade the 7 game open by playing a` passing and running game with con-` siderable punting. During the rst ) three quarters Collingwood `had a slight advantage and had scored three points to Barrie s none. How-} ever, ' in the last quarter our boys tightened their defence and-gave the backs a chance to run and punt. In the midst of some lively play Esten secured, the ball and -by. a splendid run carried. the ball. behind the op- ponents line for the only touch- down of the day. This ended the` scoring and the game ended 6 to 3` in Barrie s favor. The oicials were Messrs. Grandy and Hodgins.- The team was: 'Bo1ger, ying. wing; Barwick, Esten (captain), and Meeking, backs; Dyment, quarter; Simon, Longman, Flaherty, ,Mc- Intyre, Boag, Scott, wings; Arm- strong, Hall, -Clarke, scrimmage. The signals were ' called by Dyment. A `Anya A-9 .I1Q\Q1\`nt\ \LI|CoA\J _ .-L--L moderate amount of sport, `home ,and home]games in ..rugby football iwere arranged between Collingwood land Barrie. The first was played on l.Saturday` at the former town, but ias it was rainy in the forenoon it was with difculty ` that suicient cars were obtained to take up two teams and some of the staff.` ` ' In recognition of the `value of 9.` 3 l l Barrie" Seniors Win at couingwood {_ -Juniors Defeated.__ va. UULALVIH Up at the armouries the work on the building is fast _ reaching_ the point of completion that there yvill be no` doubt of things being in readiness when the men arrive` on Monday. - Contractor, Tooke nished his `Work on Tuesday. The carpen- ters-. are nishing up their work.l The. heating and plumbing is com- pleted in the western end of the building. The drill hall, where the bunks are placed" will be heated by four furnaces, two more are in the building for use if it is found they will be needed. Sleeping accom-I modation is being supplied for 640 men, there being 80 bunks holding, eight men each. I l g The 76th Batt. will be. in Simcoei county on Monday of next week. The Batt. left _the camp at Niagara yesterday (Wednesday) and is due to arrive in Hamilton on Saturday. They will, remain in the Ambitious city over Sunday and Monday morn- ing will board special trains for Barrie. The special will reach _A1- Iandale station about 2.00 in the. afternoon. These facts were secured by Mayor Craig over the long dis- tance telephone from the adjutant of the Batt. A civic reception will be given the men", but the details have not been worked out as The Advance goes to press. The officers and. men `will be met at the Allan-. dale station and the march will be` down Bradford street, route march may be made through pa.rt of the town. It is also likelythat a lunch will be served the Batt., as the men will be hungry and the cook house] hardly in hunning order on the hour} of arrival.` . _ I Spend Sunday` in Hamilton % Arrive by Special Trgin COLLEGIATE RUGBY CLARK]-'}-EMMS iii'oNnAY! }_ -At the annual meeting of -thel Thistle Curling Club the `following officers. were elected: . . Hon. Pres.-W. A. Boys. . I-Ion. r Vice-Pres.--R.. H. Webb. \ President-Dr._ Pulling. _1st- Vice-Pres.-]-W. A. J. Bell, K.C. Se;-Treas.-Geo. I, Wilson. L to Q.C;A.-H; 'G._ _Robertson, iildtgmte Hm; .f.:;:;;3':.b::=m.=.`:. 1 QIi"'5nifit'exe3 *1?iVt-*Da~ *0 '11? " i;ch,iso,IS',.: Dmf-`a;_1_1i"fDr -Bzmieee` be}:

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