Elias- hints ~ er_ of Good nt in- epted. ment farm- e.V91'Y I 9 LIIIFILIL an: She :t.1"(.)kedV his gaunt cheek} Then we -may let the other woman {-go hang, eh? YT- .D..IL LL- ....'I.] ...-.-...-.J. at-.-...L A... lluunby van 0 ile felt the eold sweat. start on. lhis brow. Her callous remark slashed his ner _ sensibilities like the thrust` of a dagger; He tried to laugh, but only succeeded in pro ducing a painful grimace. ` (lA....`.l ....... ,7 Ln lwuvlula` an no 3-? *\lLl\J1l.l5 (J IJCILL-ILIAL F,&llLlI~\I\lI And now, she `went _on, as if the -matter was fully disposed of, % ``we 'will_ discuss something tangible,_ `eh? Fr(_efleri(.:."- 11?? 1 AI 1, ,1I_- J." 1 ISIAUI. l\/0 ; V` `I am very, very fdnd of your ;son, -James, she said. How Vproud you must be to have such a ly 1 . 1 1 , ,_-I__ TT__. Kill K L` .l\J\I\.ILA\JI ' Yes, said be, rather. Frederlc. L ll'-' 0 V 1 nun. , He` eyed her narrowly. How : `much ~of__the. horrid `story `did she i know? How much of it had John 1 Desmond told` to his wife `I ,~.-.- . -`x. 1 7, 7_A___ ; I3] ` | uesmunu bUl._u nu Ina vvu.c: I am suizised at your liking him, Yvonne.~ He is what I d call fa diicult young man. . F. I haven 1: found him diicult. 3 3 Morbid "and unresponsive. e ;- '- Not by nature, `however. There . is_ a joyousness, a. light-heartedness 1 s in his character that has never got 1 ' beyond ` the A surface until now,J James. -, - lITT.L.L:| -upucu-v. , UGIII B ` ` {Ir.1til 1iow? . bee-n' 9 '9 Yes. And you talk of snding She him -away. Why? of .8 - -1113. 1.... ....i.....a....1 J... ....-.. ..l...m.A 1-`in. sing}! dazedly. unnvununn v bu (HAL \Jl\\J\.ILl\.4lJIl IJLJUQ The reason you ve already given . is` sufficient to convince me that he :ought to go at once. _tWhat is the ; V other one,. pray? V I 01..." I..LL-.`I n.. _:.._.._;L. 1-._-___ I I I ` 210 211 212 010 bl!) 214 215 216 217 213 315. 66!) .221 423 Plan 231 201 SH nnn VV\l ouse) Coun-' pages Z`7' lo` 183 Plan 554 121 u 13; 196 `AH `but instant He is not that s_ 1ll. _ No. `"7% non {E3 23.`. 273 274. 275 276 277 278 ` ` Financially `! He swallowed hard. Yes. 1 Poof! . she exclaimed, dismiss- iing the obstacle with a wave of her Lslim hand. A cigarette, please. There is another reason why he. `shouldn't go---an excellent one.: ("'lVL.. .'............ --..-- 9--.. ..1_...-.1__ _..._-.. BIL 272 DUO V V A A V A v nnv, - I14. \ She lighted. `the cigarette from the match he held. What would ; you_ say if I were to tell you that I object to his going away-at present? HT ..L-..IJ -..1- 1.1.- ..__.._ -L_`_:-___. r ~~~~ --v - . _ | I [should ask the very vobvlousl questionf ` ' - `I'D ..... .. T 1.1.... 1.2.... T _.._.L Li... T-77use I like him, I Want him to like me, 4 and" I shall `be very lonely~ without him, she answered calmly. ut1'-__nn 1,- -__:-:| .111-rn,__` ___,,9 , ,vg~.u.J u You? he cried. ` Why; you ve never known anything but- lI\..... ....... '_ `l.....I.. -_..-.. 3.. LL. any v `IA --gv II -. sauna. Unnnnnb Iuunu One can He lonely even in the heart of a throng, she said `cryp- tically. No, T James, I Vwill not have him sent away. . TI- ........ ...'I-..L,.E.... - ;..-.......L (117-. All! uvnnv In V1 (OJ 0 He was silent` for a moment We will leave it to Frederic, he said; I Her face brightened. That is all I ask. He will stay. i rm....... ....... ......u...._-'...-...... uv__| [ll Innate .l.J-\J Vv nan IJVIHJ u There was. another" pause. You two have-become very good friends, Yvonne. - , He is devoted to me.. She blew cigarette. smoke in his face and laughed. There was a kpock at the door. V T Come in, she called; - Frederic `entered. _ CHAPTER _VI. . 5 The Spreading Glow Yvonne Lestrange, in a way,` had been boljn to purple and ne linen._ (IL- L-.1 ___-____. I_.`.-._... J-........_L:-.. D51 Lilla. AL `(V rub raw UlA\ nnnnv naanvnno had never known_ deprivation any description. Neither money, position nor love had ' been denied her huring' the few years in which her charm and beauty `had ashed across the great European capitals, penetrating even to the recesses of royal courts.` `It is` douhtful if- _.James Brood knew very much con-.7 eerning "her; family when" he pro- posed marriage to her, but it is cer- -tain".th.t: he 4did1.1i0.t-ica1`.- He first`. "saw:`her`:a_t- the g_h,o_me__o'f afBritish gifnollillki hntij .. --di3'-15 th 9.` m9?r ?``F-1 vnJ.AGI-for `1>%oiir`% McmcnoL-(cmme3)` pa!-It `Lair, `-10$ An-.5... (`A-he VI instantly collected himself. in a position to marry,` ft all 9! , l . . `was an instant when their eyes met `through an openin in the throng which separated .t em. He was not only conscious of the fact that he was staring at her, but that she was looking at him in a curiously penetrating way. There `was a mocking smile on her lips at the time. He saw it fade away, even as the crowd came between. He knew `that the smile had not been intended `for him, but for some of the eager cavaliers who surrounded her, and yet ' there was something isingularly direct in the `look she gave him. f'l\'L..L ...I_...I../ ...I......... 3... LL. .'I--1-..7.. bna v v annuno . I A That single glance in the duke s lhouse proved ' to be a fateful one [for both. They were married inside la month. V The virile, condent American had` conquered~ Where `countless suppliants of a more or less noble character had gone down to _efea`t. _ - u . .- ll` uv tavavsnua \ He asked but one question of her, she asked none of him. The fact wthat she was the intimate friend and associate of the Woman in whose home he met her, was sul- cient proof of her standing` in so- ciety, although _that would have counted for little so far as Brood was concerned. ` -u - . ll - Iv an-.1 vvmnvvg sauna: She was the daughter of a baron; she had spent much of her life in Paris, coming from St. Petersburg when a young girl; -and she was an orphan with an. independent for: tune of her own. Such common de- tails as these came to i3rood in , the natural way and were not derived from any effort on his part to se- cure information concerning Made- moiselle Lestrange. Like the burnt child, he asked a question -which harked back to an unforgotten pain. ~ Hana '1-rnn l\11l\~n* Il\vvl\4:, .. .......... nnIn.I.aI\a_\.L uuvn 01.! (Ill uLlLU15UbbCll Pal; Have `you ever` loved a man deeply, Hevotedly, Yvonne--so deep- -ly that there is pain in the thought of him-?V_ vi .repli;d without ' There is no such man, may be surexof that. `(T `-.._ '--_-_`l-,,1 I ..-..._,` `GIT was.-.u `IL vluvn ; I am condent that I can hold your love against the future, but "no man is . vital enough to compete with the past. Love doesn t really die, you know. If a. man cannot hold a woman s love against all `newcomers, he ~ deserves to lose it. It doesn't follow, however, that he can protect himself against the man who appears out of the " past and ~ - `- V - .1 1 .1 ~ 7' r `~--n. EIMCOE. van on al .' :Wr;:)1;: as though the past W %n1aveayou an ew she No. ITIQD VV 1"! .....a.. 345W 28 Broken _3-16E 1-*2 347N E 1-4 .. 348W 1-2 349E 1-2 No. \a.a ucuv l 1 The ad*journedVSa1e will take place oh'THURSDAY, the`16th day of DECEMBER, `at two o clock p,m., in the ("Any-+ Tinncn . I. 11!: .lULrll uu._y Court House. Barrie, August 31, 1915. _ ' `i 3 First publication m Ontano Gazette, Sept. 4th, 1915. vnuj cm of '1$61{'.r ifcNIcHoL-(continuea)` .- Pu-I; . Lot Acres Arrears Costs Toni W1-4.. '7 no 13..-`- hesitation`. James. You _ L 13 1'1 . . ... . . ._. . . . u (as descnbed In reg1ste1'ed 1 0 V ' o 5 Part i1."..?.I .... .."'.'. 1:`; 36 " ` : 5 Acres 21 20 15 1122 TOWNSHIP OF TOSSORVONTIOA vxaonlg v-.~-_--_ "Lot-Con.Ac .s A;r`e(:u9s Costs Total . . . . . . . . ..19648690200 890 2 . . . . . . . . 19 -6 50 4 04 -2 00 6 04 . . . . . . .. 19 7. 14 3 71 2 00 5 71 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA TOWNSHIP OF TINY TOWNSHIP OF TAY Lot Con.Ac"s Arrears Costs Total __ _- A-- -_ -_ -- gg. .- S8. QCIIVJO He did not mince words. Years (ago a man came out of the past and took -from me the woman I loved anfi cherished. -n 1100 1 1 1' auu DIICJ. 101101.50 Your your wife? she asked. in a voice suddenly lowered. Yes, he said quietly. TWO WOMEN snvsn mom % % orennnuus By Lydia E.Pinkham s iVege-`F ` table Compound -Their Own Stories HereTold. Edmonton, Alberta, Can. - I think it is no more than right for me to thank _ you for what your kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound have done for me. (`T91 When I wrote to you some time ago I was a very `sick woman suffering from. female troubles. I had organic inam- mation and could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was conned to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, ' I feel like a new woman. I most heartily recommend your medicine to all women V who suer with female troubles. I have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham s Liver Pills, and think they are ne. I will never be without the medicine in the honse."-Mrs. FRANK EIISLEY, 903 Col- umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. A ` The Other Case. Beatrice, Neb.-Just after my mar - riage my left side began to pain me and the pain got so severe at times that! sulfered terribly with it. I visited three ' doctors and eachone wanted to operate `on me but I would not consent torn` op- 1 eration. I heardofithie JPinkham?s. -Vegetable Compound r ma o ALLA .- Am 1 .. Lot\6on.Ac s Arrears Costs Total ..1022os 34v6?4 200 834 .. 7 15 10 1875 200 2075 run onn (If)? an nn '-! on L(:t.Co;1:Ac s Arrears Costs Total . 3 5 1-2 1047 200 1247 egistered deed No. 491) : 1nn OK :0 0 An 07 Kl) I 20 DANIEL QUINLAN, V15 19 -~-.-- ~`_.-._..--_..., 'Treasurer, County Simcoe. 35-41 r`1__-L;._ 6-..; ALL 1n1:- (To be V Continued) 10 10 11 13 VB ntario J 100 100 UCCU 100 (II '56 $3175?" OQ RG1 1833 727 '6({$3 "(Si no 9 00 1322 and V saints oung Pages from t the. sub- vithinV story, ' frket- 'v kalue. ention has that 2,000 -....\ Ill` of . ' 77 ``It isn t necessaI_`y .thex_pg:u:;he He walked away Om. erut over window. aml stood lookmg ONeither. the bloal< little cou;tyard- nd yeti spoke formally m1,te.S "-3 azel he know that her questlomnlgetlg he 1 Was upon him _aI}d that Illa ask! turned to hqr a;;`211_r_` She Wotried tol still anothc1'\q11est1on. He that! think of something t0 Say this Would turn her away from `V l hated s11bjcct._ H1, `A M _` N`_,L-g_'_|,. I . to dress? Isn't4it time .1 ysoulive Pretty! dearest? The Giinlgnggoing will be- far up imrth and tv inc piled [up bad with Fifth Me with s110w---V _ tion . _. 1. men Doosn 't Freda! 10 eve the Q77 game 115 nmth(-i"S name . 't . d bef01."? 1. question thlat he 9319 k iws` g t`. . . i i no aijluiilfll Oiiot` c01't " ithliiatvelllley.` The r name, sald he . , clenched knuckles of his hands tightlv he .. behind 1118 back war He 0 ] 7 ' tter.1?t'i has novel` heiard dI:rek1:r._ Therei She looked. at her` gyes `,;that was somethlng 1 -V ' _ . `steady.- ,\used him to Shlft ms own I A =u1a_ not gaze uncomfortab1Y- He ca '11 7 gave h , . i?i~,.,'It: W3j mg, as" of i impend -"g peli1 ziiiip.1i!1"1 :not unlike the - Que? :`Vio:5};:i.dan8 though demte 58115133 that ave cicplained What 1t W m a curiously _, uneasy 891: more than_ once he V d . J-V1` Jluu -DU _sVci 1.` But I 'am"~`ql.1;i.;te. me he win not 1:`S1_0f Impending peril.` It was 1 deserve tne1r_e_nuxe.:- 11 Ike the queer, inexplicable be 4neces.s'ary _;_to p th`;`t1.}1 of danger. inquiry`, .ho:wev_er.; g:;.e*"iT,'_s1_1g.1l-tell a_re`.;,.1.o; *_g_o~ " `eat `present-_-not for iencecinore than had expel` :.t1l3'5t01'.37 my-self _3m9 I . e"7~ - " e A in 1;] .' - _ - V. of great f()1;3eS:1Sl.ent, trenqexl depths. ` `Id Wnder coulq Will youziino F11. 0? WY: PEFP`3F`f 71" 1915 Nushv TIN GS. ind: of made ce and OOURT nt the hour of - 1;, HOUSE - clock - I _ . V Aug:iog1esoTx0nWI1f 3`r*nm `mg-mu, ...,.. no of the ,` . 6 Ian~ *0 `B may sell by . em to discharge the ta ` `"511 elm `'80s in. besugic; curre 1n and about the sa] e and. conectio .. e. The following 10 ' are Patented A (except W-`. V hem oth ' wise stated): 35 U 10 Plan 11 5: uv I In By counts m the ye to me dir of S` at :)I?cc(>)1:` bmL01-d. igue the 18%!) 3nd` ` -lapds meription Or arrears res -`hie th Ergo v 1"" `wet her 51111009, V (`Otg I here , by QVQ nohce p . e A`. virtue of a min t issued by )3 ~ Wkrdeu .\ C0mInanding and descn mg to bed ,leyy . bung` inubon the 5119 .cmny with m, _ mendments thefeun to 3 lune` eessmep the arrears and Costs be 800 her . ~ pmd, I ` on nd` re- adian egular be $2 % Black 18 White ' By George Barf McCutcheon-_ %co%uN'rv,or sIi`M_i0E % Treasurer sSale of ls % IN ARREARS I-`OR Copyright, 1914. by Dodd Mead and `Co, 11 gg Plannsm 9- , , A Plan 529 CIL\.P'1`I-IR V.--(Continued) : Plan 533_ VILLAGE ootrmw or smoon, `mo V Part or PORT McN'I_OHOL 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 ,1-8 31 o 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8' 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 '1-8 1-8 1-8 18 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 A1~s 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 .1.g. 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 '1-8 L8 in iii? 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 Arrears Costs Ttal AA ..A 4- A- U `AL: V. folk actice - nt in 1 Young ' girls tor_ial eyes-the eyes that 9, so fecently }be3ln_"ablaze with love. `I (I 5 Jcaxvuo. `,,` There is -no -one-nothing to be` | jealous of, . . he said, passing a, hand over.` his moist brow./V Then he drew nearer and took her hand in his. He lounged again on- the arm of her, chair. She leaned back and sighed` contentedly, the smile on her" red lips ' growing `sweeter with each `breath that she took. 3 He felt the blood warming" once more in .his veins.` I ' 1', , , LL -_-` ...1. LL...; IJCCII GIJICIIJC '7 IIIII l\I V I10 We must never speak of-_of that again, he said, a queer note of harshness inhis voice. A Never do you understand? He was very much sh1ken.. ' 116` CI 1 `l 1,1 m? fI:`.o;g'iu\;:2w_.1`11e, she pleaded, stretching out her . hand to him. I am foolish, but I did not dream. that I was being qruel or `unkind. Perhaps, dear, it is becaus I'an_1- jealous. ` (l7I"L....,. :n an Ann r|l\`1'|:`l'Il`! `'11 `IA HE llu She stated. She had been fad from right in her reading.` Now? [ Thlils__wintr`I , . ' `I--- _).-.n... - Lana I Fora long time they, sat thus, looking into each other s eyes with- lout speaking. He was trying to rfathom the mystery that lurked at' {the `bottom of those smiling wells; j she, on the other hand, deluded her- {self with the _idea that she was reading his innermost thoughts. ' i ``T Ln~A tuna`: at-L. reauulg 1115 luutuluuav uuussbnxvuo Q _I have been consldermg. the ad- visability of sending - Frederic abroad for a year or two, said he. at last. I `I ('11-- 1.1..) Lang. 1?... 1 11115 .wuu.c1 x _ ' Yes. He has never `beeni 1 abroad. ` A y y Indeed? And he` is half Eur- iopean, too. It seems--_-forgive me,. `James. Really, you. know, I cai1- not always keep my thoughts .Ifro_m. slipping out. You 'shouldn t expect; _ it,dear. ` _ . _' "i .I .snppose it `is _ only natural that you should inquire, - he `said. resigznedly-. f - 7 - ' Of - my servant`," t she added pointedly. " ` T He u `hed `slightly , I dare say- deserve ithe1;re_buke.:- It will not -'~~---'/ L- I-`and-H 1:311: 1 1'UUunU LII VV Ill. Aavv `be necessary `to pursue that ,line o ` inquiry,_ however. `T shall tell you the story myself some day, Yvonne. Will you not bear with` me? - v A, y . She met th >a17'I18t '8PI29.81.*in eyes with p. t slight frown of . annoy; a,nc`e.* v ' 13 141 "142 143 145 146 147 . 148 149 `El\ 2" 100 101 112 1(3- 104 an: i5`-I 'lO 156 157 158 1% 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 % go1+*mgTm*` =;m.;(c...ti....`a; No. '- Pant Lot Acres Costs Totaf -_-- --__ In to mann `Anna M 136 137 I00 JUL 152 153 154 `EH 's.P1msu T. .37 - V -52 .75 76 had speak, `she went _ on ocolly: I dare say there are two sides to. it, James. .It s usually the case. 1 IIIIII u 1 \ He winced. There' is but one side to this one, he said, a harsh {note in his voice. A That is why I began my in-. quiries with Mrs. Desmond, she said enigmatically..' But I 'sha n t `pursue them any farther. You- love: me; that is all I care to know--or that I.require.. ' 5. . : (`T J- I...... .x..... ,7 `I... .'...1.1 ..1.....-...L Ulllnv J-. .5`/\1v|sAvo. `-` I do love you, He said, `almost imploringly. ' " cu... -4.-.-.1-...1' 1.:- .-.....-...L ..L....I- F11 23