{J )'R. H. T. ARNALL. OIFFICE and residence corner of F01'0,t and Elizabeth -Streets.` (OPI 3 Elizabeth St. M-etllodist Church.) Telephone 167. w yvo annoy. COMM-ERCIAL mgr. Rn will be given 00 implication coxuucr cruxaxs Advertinnrn will ..I....... L_, .' V. A.` LEWIS, M.D.C'.M., Smzery and Diseases of` Women especial- Oice 58 Collier St. Phone 31'. ;. A. RADBNHURST, BARRIS} ter, Solicitor, Notai-y Public. &c. Oce, 1st oor`Bank of T01'01.to Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. Block, No. Money to loan. 8 -Qj ZQLgn:-__, .u. guvwuscmcntg must In cur; be moaned on solxd metal based } iuiouev ro LOAN 3- I-._._... __4-___.L -1 -Ann DANIEL J. coritir I:AW orrlqgs .L Is one in which your principal Sum never loses its value, you can secure your money the minute you needit. _ You can add to it or withdraw from it when you like, and it pays interest with unfailing rcgulgrity. ` - ' ' ---1. _.. .-..__-_.._.-..._ :4 _ lc-__:--.____ 'n-_-__'. 2;. v-r-1,, -n u r 'r1u_xisn: v..u - ,," It-om ch :;.*:.::`:.:~=.`:*:`=I=?v-`ii em Mrnino I._ V PHYSICIANS LEGAL ` DEPOSITS . . . . . . . $44,000,000 ' ASSETS . . . . . . . _. . . $61,000,000 ' S ' BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND SALLANDALE H. A. SIMS,` Manager ' Eis- FIELD COMPORTS The Mo_del Investment There s no 1 garden , like ran` ore}V1ard', -: Nature shows no fairer thing` `Than theapple trees in blossom In g_ these 1_ate:V:days o the spring: geside the "orchard ~the13e.'Aa,rethe i '5,W3 .33`? 56 ' ibfirds:-" T9 .h<".l?e1"` tmiterr = V9 vu J-L van; . vaav v v vaaunuu J. viva; (Ill . I like the country because I am fond o Nature. In the country we ihave everything so natural and so {free that when we go about our `work orplay it is a pleasure to do it. I like to roam through the or- chard in the spring or climb a tree, and with my book sit and inhale the sweet scent of the blossoms. To _see the tree infbloom is one of "the prettiest` sights ypu could `find, I thi-_nk; Jean .- Blwett was right when she's_aid:'_--.. ` ' ' " At the Waineet (Welland coun-l ty) Rural School Fair, prizes were given for essays on the subject Why I_ Like the Country. The first prize essay is herewith `publish-. ed from the" "Welland Eelegraph: .\n2.'...... 1' .' I 1 1:1,- +1.... ........;.... WHY DO I LIKE THE COUNTRY pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of $12.50 from the children of the Methodist Sunday School, Allandale. It will be sent at once to Miss: Plummer and will buy 100 gifts for the `men at the front. >aIl`U"I$C~l VD!` VISA BUILD ` E V summer. V do it not" ham gva. uvxgu ' On _ Sept,` 29th` fa boxjpontaining _ ,0; pairs of socks; -120`_kha'.ki hahdg krhigfs, .';,p;nd "rtgwels. was sent %`M;f9r`ganFfo;,% i%%distribn} For some time the Toronto dailies have i been publishing, an announcement that ,a V ` charge -would be -made for the Free ` publishing notices of meet- Advertising ' ings for societies and other f V events` for which there is no admission fee. In. other words the free notices , are to be a thing ' of the past as\ .far as -the Toronto dailies is concerned. In no other business, is as .much givenlfor. nothing as in the newspaper-business. An- nouncegnents `of meetings,_ and a hundred and one other items are published as a. news item that brings a reward in some measure to the person who has asked for the reading notice in the paper. , This sys- tem . has been in vogue as long as any liv- ing newspapeman can recollect. A person would never dream of going into a grocery store and asking for even an ounce of tea, or to _ a drygoods store for enough ribbon for a badge and not pay for it, but the newspaper is asked to give of`its space for all kinds of schemes as an item of news. Of course the newspaper owners are to_ blame. for the state of affairs. The owner of a paper that would lay down the rule that every notice of a meeting, or such item, must be paid for, would be a most unpopu- lar individual fora time at least; and if a -local opponentpwas still willing to give the free notices, his paper would get everything. going. Did it ever appeal to you, gentle reader, in this light?` Of course there must be exceptions when such a rule need not be observed, but. such cases would be rare. There `is a `vast. difference between an item lasting benet." That benefit,` or` boon, we may call it, is the establishment of the rural mail system `to, every portion of the Riding. This /-service ' was unknown before Mr. Boys came as the A representative to S. Simcoe. And Mr. Boys has not yet completed one Parliamentary `term; The longer _he repre- -sents the constituency the greater `will be his work in the interests of those he re- presents. a ' ' 2 appeg m A n. _ -- -_-_,_, gga _ the "eld or _lying nder a shade tree. _ ._ In the autumn, when the leaves on the _trees have turned to red, ` .cri'mson,'- yellow and orange, it is` `such :a lovely sight .-that you cannot help` admiring . the country._ Then there-is. thecorn. To :_see it` swaying.` in_ the `breeze and 4 hear it rustling. - is v.ery_4deligh_'tfu1. . After the corn ; has been cut there * is; the lling of .. the-silo, 7 Ahicli` is, very` interesting towatch. - V 3 ,1~`he ;winter.e.seas`oe;nv is-'*one[ of en- ..joyn_1ent_ almost -"f1"b_II I. . b.eginn'i1'1g ..to `n~the:ss1e.' ding,;isk.at- to go to an art gallery to 'seel beautiful. "pictures. You, can seel them right in the country; and these pictures . are more lovely than` any artist can paint. For an ex-. ample: There are the wheat elds with the golden grain swaying in the breeze, and the cattle eating in the shatle tree.l T , . . 4-`run l|Q1`u'1nn`su ---L A-- ` 1 l 11 1 Any Lwualloyu ~ Dunlop _ street was almost impass- able. Mud and pools of Water mak- ing conditions had` for the mer- chants. ` The Advance urged that the street be paved with cedar -blocks from Mulcaster to Clapper- [ton streets. . ...v.\. u uu.u.u; D1101! auu uwtuuug. ! . Death of Miss: Mary McKee, eld-' 'est~ daughter of the late Rev. Thos. McKee. A son of Mr. McKee con- tracted typhoid in Bracebridge, and coming home for treatment, seven of the family contracted the fever, ,With' one fatality. 1-`1'Iw\`4\v\ nLg.nAL _-_~ ~17 ` . . W. 5.. ..... L70 . J. E. Blackmore, of .Grand Ra- pids,` Mich., "a former Barrie `boy, avgarded_ gold {medal in` France for i-photpgrzgphic invention. 13...- -..- T2V`l___-_-`I- `I I -" "' 1,..v vvbl. u1JA_LAu 111 V \2l1|;1Ul.l- '. Fire in Elmvale destroyed Craw- i_:`ord s stables, 'Skelly s drug. astotre,e telephone oice, Drysdale s bakery, Rob_inson s jewelry `store and Craw- ford s tailor shop and dwelling. . :61 llfnsfir ]`nt nn~ -13 : LIL LI-ILLIFO 'V+f(JT)n Oct. 1st 9. botx" of hospital ~ supplies, containing 107 ' '- pads, bandagesv. and.;wipes, . was ._sent 4:6 .the Seisours "National-,.."1`_or'o1ito: The ,_ French h ospitfals' arg _in great `need . {of help . H `P l'\L. CC~..`..L : I L: . .....;.J...:..:;g. . V - \\ I F From The `Advance of Oct. 16, I _ .v189OV ' W'ate,1-works stand-pipe being ycrected, having a capacity of 245,- ; 537 gallons. T x T F I T,` `I'll- _I_, - n :1 -u vs I `Another matter that nothingwas heard of was the by-laW`to put the Park s Com`- mission out of business. It is to be_ hoped that the Worthy alderman who fathered the proposition has seen the matter in a broad-p er light and decided to let good enough alone. The Collingwood Bulletin in its last issue referred. to the comments of this page on the matterandyconcluded thus: "`We cannot say When- `the improvement was made, but it was only one day last Week when motoring through Barrie with a .party of friends" that We heard highly complimen- -tary comments on the beauty of the town parks. They are certainly attractive spots. O_u`tsiders.see our beauty spots and comment on. them. Give the Park s board a chance, they have only got started. Remember the J . Miss Hendrie, daughter of the Limit.- Governor of Ontario, and the leader, accord- ` . ing to her position, of the None to - younger set in Toronto, de- Dance With clares e that for the coming so- cial season there will be no IYIIIIIMIII -hnnl\nA L- J--- _- _--3L1 It I` I1 v-um uuuuu u. vuu.I.U W111 UU LIU young men to dance with, .for ._all who are 1 worth _dancing with have gone to the war.-n Apply this to the "young men in places out- i side of Toronto, and there are many, Barrie" included, and we are afraid that there are` many left who are worth dancing with that have not- gone to the war. Will the young ladies say to the young men We. won t' dance with you because you will not `go to the war. The call is as great now as ever. The second Canadian Contingent is now at `the ring line, who knows on this side of the atlantic what the casualty lists are`! The young man who __is fityhas the opportunity still to serve his` country. ' p . No report came before Council at the last session in regard to renewing .the fran- chise of `the Barrie, Orillia and\_Toroto elec- tric railway, for which A an extension of franchise was asked. The reason being that the promoters of_ the scheme have not satis- ed Council that they mean business. The next` concern asking: for a `similar franchise should be asked to put up the expenses in connection with any _vote of the people that may be required. ` Since wlriting the above, we notice` that the Collingwqod Bulle`tin has taken the mat- ter up, declaring that something must he done along similar lines in Collingwood. The Bulletin says the newspapers are quite prepared to do their part, but `thank you will not buy ink, paper and pay wages. The sooner the parties interested p in Collingwood,' Barrie, and all over the l country, for `that matter, get together. the % better for all concerned. It will be nothing * more than a square deal all round. of news ianltil what should be a paid reader. 1 And there is but one way to overcome the trouble, and that `lies with the newspaper -- owners not so much collectively, but in each locality where there is newspaper ' competi- tion. ' ` ` -i - l m % NORTHERN` Ammncn` N ot_ being able. to Vappr.eciaAt;e, your few ;bles`sings.. is what 1_n9_..ke`s '_yp1_1.J lasuch On `Oct, 2nd, a Christmas box -was shipped to Miss Plummer, con- taining 120-pairs of socks addressed to Major Preece, as Christmas presents for the, 60 men of the 2nd -Contingent now in France, '160_ v tion, 2 doz. shirts, 17 doz. khaki handkerchiefs, 13 mufflers, 10 pairs mittens, 1500 cigarettes, "$5.00 worth of chewing tobacco, 19 housewives, "pairs -of socks for general distribu-I very well lled,` mouth 1 organs, chocolate, soap, note paper, -pencils, playing cards, and many -other small` , parcels. Special thanks are due to 3 Miss Craig, who made and lled 7`l housewives, and to .Central Meth`od- ist church, which sent twelve very", well - made, housewives. The annel` ; shirts were made -chiey in Eden`: ,. vale, Shanty Bay_ and Guthrie. The -T: parcels were, as far as possible,.. tied ,; pp with Christmas. 1. _-cards '1 ii ' "5 'n ?'.1 -01, ! . I\ I ~ I uvun uaga 1uULuBl.VUo Hares--'Hares, except from the 1st day 'of October to" the 15th day of December, both days inclusive, and except between` the 15th day of December and the 31st day of De- cember, both days inclusive, the wood-hare or cotton-tail rabbit may be taken,` killed or destroyed -. by. means of snares`, ferrets: or, any` ether. meatns than sheeting. \nuUJ u _ ALLUAIABL V V: . Snipe, ,Plover (Northern District) 7--Except from the 1st _ day of Sep- tember to the 15th day of December, bog: days inclusive. A __ , Aaavauul I Duck (Northern District)-`-Except from the 15th day of September to the 15th- day_ of `December, both I days` inclusive. C(__:___ `I'II_#,_ I\*r |I --- `m`i:<;lV Greg} SquifrelS-Except from the 15th day` of November to the 1st day `of December, both days inclusi_ve._ ` Partridge-Any partridge, exeptt from the 15th day of October to the [15th day of November, both days l_inc`:`l11_si`ve. ' - _ -.3.`--. \I.5 \.nvuvJ.v` Deer---1"&ny deer, except from the 1st day of November - to the 15th, d_ay of November, both days inelu-I slve. ` V . . " No person shall hunt, tak, kill or destroy r\,.,...' A._.'- _1___- ,4, A 0 ! poor health in the eountry becausel the air is so. pure. All these are a; few of the reasons why I like the` country. It like it and would not` want to leave it. I SCOTT S BOOKSTORE The Bank; lqry ofanada Another achievement has been added to. the long line of deeds done for the riding of South Simcoe. Since Mr. W. A. Boys, Boys has become the repres-, M. P. a entative of the riding, he has been unceasing in his ef-_ forts to secure for his constitutency that which it justly deserves. The latest is the securing for the Town of vBaririe a half Batt. of the soldiers-in-training for the over- seas contingent. This, of course, particular- ly affects Barrie, his home town, and a `mat-_ ter that his fellow citizens will not forget when the time comes to cast a ballot for the representative of the present eicient gov- ernment in power at Ottawa, at the present time. But the work of Mr. Bgys `in behalf of his rural constituents has been of a more GAME LAWS ` By A. Tucier > _ Being the siory Of the ,`Cariadian Volunteers from - Valcartier to Salisbury. From Saiisbury through the trenches to the Battle . at Ypres. JUST PUBLISHED `Price 254: Chief Shrubsole s report on the .fire dept. shows that the new chief is thorough- ly onto his job, and is likely to prove a worthy successor to the late chief. One thing about the Barrie. re brigade that seems strange to this page ' has been the practice of allowing.- the hook and ladder wagon to remain in the hall unless absolute-l ly necessary. Now Chief Shrubsole proposes to have a team on hand for the purpose of taking the wagon out on an alarm. There hardly seems the necessity of having an ex- tra team" for this if an arrangement could be entered into with a near-by livery stable to answer re alarms. The stable to be connected with the alarm system. SUIUU `YUGIB JUN, Gilli U110 ULLLJ vvurJ uv 54:54-mnv a real park of it is to pursue a. xed pol- icy, which ,only a commission can pursue. A month ago the Orillia Packet said! In several respects both Orillia and Col- lingwood are better locations for troops ; than Barrie.. Well,t the military author- gave such good recommends. cities do not think so. The headquarters of the 76th Batt. is to be at Barrie with one company to the towns for which the Packet` \' In an excellent address on National: Ideals in Education and reproduced else-; Where in this issue,` before` the teachers con-; vention, Mr. Prendergast declared that the` only Way. the immigrant to. our shores can be made/`a good Canadian citizen is by teaching him the" English language. He said that we should make sure that "every place West of the Ottawa `river shall speak English understanding1y. Why did the speaker` not declare that from ocean to ocean the English language should prevail? Then, and only then, will we have a true Canadian nation. a QueeI_1 S Perk_will be a hard proposition for some years yet, and the only way to make ......'I ....-...'l.- .3 -H in Jun ~n~n-re-11a 1: Ever] Tun]- .0 ' The `September bulletin `of the Canadian. Patriotic Fund states that during the month of August` it was estimated Increase in that 4,000 ,fresh cases were Expenditure taken upon the books of the _Will Mean Fund, the increased liability Larger Giving thereby incurred will prob- ably amount to not less than $70,000 `a month,` or $840,000 er annum. -And this is not the end. The at is well on the second yearpand the end, is not yet. What was ample provision for the rst year of the war, must needs be doubled during the second year. Of all the schemes for the V helping of the soldier on the battle-eld or `in the hospitals, the Patriotic` Fund is the only one that looks after the dependants of the soldier that have been left at home. The fund is distributed in a business-like man- ner,. those requiring aid are given according to the several needs. The drain ' on the fund will grow larger, the call for assistance will become more pronounced. Therefore Barrie people who did so well when the call* went out for a then dimly realized cause, 'will. surely ' respond when the second call comes for what we know to be one of our _ ' greatest needs. 9 ` . e - . With the repairing of the market scales it would be a good move on the part_ of the Market -committee _to erect a building over the market scales, so that theywould be pro- tected. from the weather.- In winter time snow interferes with the proper working of the scales, at the same time being an incon- venience` to the man on the load and also to the market clerk. The present little in- signicent building should give place to one of dimensions to take in the scales on both sides of the\preset building. I The other week Orillia Home Guards were presented with a set of colors; in Mid- land the organization is 200 strong. In some places the glamour of the movement has faded, Barrie seems to be one of these places. The other meeting night there was not enough of a turn-out to hold a drill. To the members who may have forgotten the night of 7 meeting, the company order appears each week. on page eight of The Ad- vance. : Maikdae . . . . . . . .. Schombexfg . . . . . . . . V . . oat. 12-13 `Oct. 1415 ,4 ' I Custom or habit alone explains the fact that the home gardener al- most universally leaves his garden plot in a neglected condition until 3 spring. No attempt is made to pre- 1; pare for the next season s planting. ' If the farmer were to follow this , system, the results would be dis- 3 astrous; In the spring he would 9 nd himself with Wet and heavy ` land, would be unable to work it and the delay would mean late ? crops, if any at all. 7 ' '_The garden should be dug in autumn, leaving the earth loose. If new soil is being used, the sod should be turned under to a depth of _ four inches to ensure rotting. Vines, dead leaves, or weeds should be burned, and the ashes, together - with a quantity of godd stable man- nre, _available,i should be. dug well m. W _ g 7 gome Gardens and Vacant Lots Should Have Autumn Gulti-__ nu-33% or rA1.z. runs 1(._____ PREPARE FOR.` SPRING: V U.I.'BI)~ 'of_ an English In. ` ....&:I 4-; IS 80011` Q 1_mle. .s-- vation. .,.-......_-..-_ ....-...... \I uvv iguana.` .nu.1u--~ - crease, if` it .were possihle, that every citizen of Barrie w uld welcome with _ open arms} The increase 'n the population `of our "town was the convention of the en- tire. teaching staif ' of the fsch__ools;o'f `Simcoe county. There were` ' gathered some of the brightest young-and some who were not- quite so young--minds in the communities; . some who proposed to make the work a life task, others who were using. the present as a `stepping stone to better things in the world. Such gatherings M must tend to` the betterment of the teacher and_ through the teacher to the pupil. Apart from the work of the convention, this page hopes that the visitors have carried away a feeling that their visit has been a pleasant, one, and that they will be glad to have the opportunity of returning to Barrie this, time next year for the second {conventions of Simcoe` county . teachers. a .f..l.,;4ux1 111118. . until something i ..- \lUIIo .l.Q`.I.O .._`Oct. 14.15] is about I 3.1. ___-I I 3, 1915, .-,w.-.-!'=".`._" .'!'ent_ mtemeltnerfxn Z1315-fIa`"m; / 'm"r'mfm31?s E M039 851110 _\_J `g . Nlousv LOAN W Vega; J4:-go amount of money 3 ` 9.1101` M. ."?'.n't `. .?.`.'.`i3."`3. }i`.1..'."a rarm_aJlK` w ' Iva; I`uu 3 `Inn y. H.-In-.' "am pm` Graduate Cli al. $ in 5:3:,}f ri: gsryld as ' 8`i)`ift%,,;:,x Loud . on Royal London esldzn " """-lm Aoomeid for 8 term R as H sitak. in you 1,0 ndon hthalmjc 01 calinsag "'Icn_ Dunc 1 " NEW. mnmn. . ~':| .9 0 ' -BOX.96. ?_jf L` ' B113`-0 Hind Birm Member of ` 7-: cu cnssunuv-u --v- V53-O.P. & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. &: S. Gl3" ` --SURGEON-- ECU , N038 8 Thf03tv , . . ,A- nu-iv`! in o If the oensus d of "Barrie had been taken on Thursday or Friday of `last week, the , A , population of the town. would vTeachers ~ have shownf an increase of up- oonvention wards` of 300 esou1e._h`An_`in_;e An...` 21! IL __.- I DR M. H.'EMBREE, PHYSICIAN" I ' and Surgeon (successor to_ D1`. I 04 Alexander.) Office and T95" ` JGIICQ Burton Ave., Allagldah ..Diseases of, women and chdfm T int! nervous disorders a specialty _ Phone 269. 2947* j _._.j- - - . .7 . DR. MORTIMER L1 O.\. lg; Bloor St. West. ToroI1t '1 , r at. 91 Owen St... Bi1I'1'~` GE]: - Saturday. Diseases-~It.\'t ~ ` hours, 11 a.m. to 45 P-"1" and by ' .a,p'poinmnent_." .--- {J -Nose and Throat. (.`011sultatv10I1A DR W. A. ROSS, PHYSI(`]:\_\ a Surgeon, etc., L.RC.S.: ltdlnav L.R.C.P., Lonaon. Ofhce 511} . residence, Dunlop St-- 311" Telephone 165. J1`! VV UI I LULID Money to Loan. Phone No. 14 Over New Bank of Toronto. (En- trancg on Owen St.) V [DONALD ROSS, LL.B.. BAR- ` rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Tofonto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. . `ZN ovnw n sorlptlon Lin un subscribers now |_nd over une will be added til the money 1. in arrears 0 paid. charged $1.50 prerthre .-- the Nb \l nu; Noknim ADVANCE Barrie Ont `Tn: ADVANCE is proven t 1355.2` ***~n * in(;h::"}I:1:>ht; . It has also by far the largest subs - `mbtlon re'(l:`?1i1l;tsl3.tte r r act de t itapatrons. If you haI:r1g::1;a;$1:E5 unhtm |:`ac:,:m*::;:2zver 1- Advertisemenyts :1-Enf9.'.....-. H vvnAtIJU]' UHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in ' .1 notice of intention to chan e ad\'c xI'1t1iI:emg::h' must be handed into the 0 cc not later am Saturday attlg oc1orc}l,Ea`r`x&){ln`e {OHM c e mus e In ' Ilahtzggthan 12 o'clock noon on ` om W _ `Monday A In , week. otherwise the advertiser sannounmmm may not be made public until the week long ing. " cowmzxsnn ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on fl as wants of all kinds. log); and found, pmen, for sale orto rent, specic articles, em" etc must be accompanied mm the cash. Cuts for advertisements I . "V . case bemouzncd metal 5.2 W Page sncl - nu nu-uuxuuerblll 0 cents per n In not` , 1 iigsertiongg 5 Ce:1cte88D8l'0li(I:1((:3n:grp:;c] nu\u.un.._..- . _ `IE3; oyfpignro I -` ORESWICKE & BELL, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Ofce. Ross block, Barrie. W. A. J. Boll, K.C. STRATHY & ESTEN, B.-\RRIS- hers, -Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public. (`on- _veyance'rs. Ofces over the Bank of. Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan -at lowest current rates. G. H. Estzen. . _`;'q ` G3 9 ' 11 had from the 011100. 123 1 `~Piu;"3.:x-tic. in the County of Simc _ ' Vince of Ontario. Cunada Thuudsy Morning, Thompson cgew, Pu 81.50 m ADVANC A"No new name will 1... ..;, . Ease. 8'1`-EWAJRT & -STEWART, BAR. RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oi-ce, 13 @wen St., Bar. rie. D. M. Stewart. ` Jtzggmgnerthsrugdvnutc 2ijfvu,`,g:B3d-f1;`o:)`::`t:1Y:__g1}3__; ,1..23 Dunlm. .. "THURSDAY, _l}_:. J. ARTHUR Rqgs C VIIIII I u Such. an investment is a Savings Account in The Bank of Toronto. A small or large amount will open an account, and the pleasure of watching your balance "increase. will stimulate further thrift and saving.