gmoor QUART]-IRS L % SPLENDII) LIQUOR -DEBARRED vv A'\Ia`ALlA\/CDIIO The order. is in the following terms: It has been broughtoto the attention of the O.C. that liquor is "being consumed in ofcers and lsergeants messes in this division. This practicemust be "discontinued immediately. Officers commanding units will be held responsible that not only is liquor_ not to be sold, `but also is not to be brought into `any olcers mess or Sergeants mess, or be in possession of any noflcer. or non-commissioned ofcer in any regimental mess in this division. `I -u-oo -. _.- v|.A v nunvsgo The second division, "in which Barrie is ' located comprises the countiesof Lincoln, Welland, Haldi- mand, Norfolk, Brant, Wentworth, Halton, Peel, York, Ontario, Grey, Duiferin, Simcoe and the districts `of Muskoka, Parry, Sound, Algoma and Nipissing, north of the Mat- ltawa and French rivers (including `the townships. of Ferris and Bon- troops have their headquarters is also given, but no mention is made of the three Simcoe County towns that Will have soldiers for the win- eld). A list of the towns Where- v--wvv `Dr. AMcCullough,' Provincial M. O. H., Inspects Barrie Armouries. The `daily papers of Monday con tain the announcement that a mili- tary' edict `became operative in the 2nd divisional area on Saturday which prohibits the sale or use of intoxicants in any armory or mili- tary building, mess or canteen. Col. `W. A. Logic in issuing the order -stated that it` had been made necessaryhy an unpleasant episode in the Sergeants mess of a Toron- |to regiment. 7111`- .3--- .'.. :-;' 1.1-- L-_n-__:-_-. Dr. McCullough, Provincial Medi. cal `Officer of ~Health, visited Barrie on Tuesday on" an official visit of [inspection to the quarters that Will |be occupied by the troops wintering I in Barrie. ` The Dr. when seen by The Ad- vance expressed himself as highly Ipleased with` the accommodation that Was to be provided for the sol- diers, expressing himself that no better quarters_ could be found in Ontario. The drill hall WO11ld,p1'0- V"ide excellent sleeping accommoda- tion for the men, While the arrange- ments in the basement would pro- vide the requisite toilet accommoda- tion. The hospital authorities were al- so interviewed, and it was found that the institution would be able to take care of the sick men. The lDr. said. they did not expect that the sick list would at any one time contain more than one per cent. of the men." When he left Niagara camp on Monday there were 15,000 in camp and the hospital contained but 150.0 During the Winter months there are more hospital cases; at Toronto last winter the average was three per cent., but to` be on the safe sideethey were guring on four per cent; sick-listers. _Dr. Mc- Culloug left ' later in the day for Orillia, going up by motor, in" in- lspect the quarters there. INDIVIDUAL cAvAss~ ` IN 0130 -rownsmr In the Interest of the Canadian Patriotic Fund. At a meeting of the Oro Branch of the Patriotic Fund held on the 11thpinst., it was decided to 'make an individual canvass of the town- ship. A public meeting will beheld in every polling division addressed by a. prominent speaker from To- ronto. The dates of the meetings are as follows: 11- 1 A . _-,_ { Shanty Bay, Monday, Oct. 18th, '8 p.m. - . Edgar, Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 8 p.m. School House 15, Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 8 p.m. ` . V Jarratt, Thursday, Oct" 21st, 8 p.m. . ~ 1 . _ ' - Rugby, Friday, Oct. 22nd, 8 pm.` Town Hall, Monday, Oct. 25th,` 8, p.m. . .. s_Oro Station, Tuesday, Oct. 26th, 8D.m. ` ., 1 '. :mnnn'n :_ L`,_ , .' - - . - Av is the amount aimed at and let- us" not come below the es't_imate. -H. J .% TUDHOPE,' Sec y. : #1; 310., ,oE" 1;`,.ia" `iig ` %i?35ar?1 ` re- df" that half -'stai*vedT-`looking \a._nimal? , .Simply~`to `please the? ?L7Wif; ::, . 7. ,i..G09d.1i8S8.` but I such a 16+. % s urely- I51-ij_nfgV alt MILITARY MESS SIMCOE TEACHERS MEET IN BARRIE Joint `Convention of Three Inspectorates-Instructive Papers Read-Patriotic Giving. O-u.c;A.--nu .-l.\JL U119 \1.lAl.\a.l\4LLll DCCDIIJILQ - 9.30 to 10.00---Report of Ontario Educational Association, Mrs. Greene, Mr. Morrison. 10_.00 to 11.00--Geography, D. A. Norris. ..... an . `--_ A. Vi. , V 3 uuiwiiiiiwtisrnvirrw | tto 12.00-Superannuation, Rev. James Buchanan, Elmvale. Afternoon vChairman--"A. R. Kidd," Everett, president of the S. Simcoe Associa- tion. ;\_- . A..- A._ _ A. _ ._ The teachers of the three in- spectorates of Sin1coe county met in a combined convention in Barrie on Thursday and Friday of last week, the meetings being held in St. An- drew s church. The attendance was slightly over 300. The delegates were billeted throughout the town at priva e houses as Well as at the hotels. `T e comfort of the delegates was attend- ed to by. "a committee comprising the teachers of the local schools with Mr. Ed. Shear in charge. mkn Qua` n n n n ` n |\ 5.`...-....3 ..L nnn . -v;.:.o a..J\.4o nJLAuuu. L11. UIICILSCO The. first session opened at 9.00 a.m. Thursday morning with Mr. D.. A. Norris, president of the N. Simeoe Association, in the chair. Rev. D. D. McLeod, minister of St. AndreW s, conducted the devotional exercises. The following is the pro- gramme for the" different sessions: non .L_ -Innn 11, v-ET15 _to 3.00--ShoolGardens, J. `B. Dandeno, B.A., Ph.D., Provincial ;Director of Elementary Agriculture; `. Qnn 4-,. Ann D..:....:..1.... -.c CVL-_1- V; .n.aa.\4L:a\.L1uu/L.y ;.'..;' 4.00-Princip es of Styl Lin Composition, Wm. 'Prendergast, `B.A.,` Toronto Normal School. FRIDAY Chairman-C. L. T. McKenzie, president E. Simcoe Association. Ann L. nnn In T\ . II `AT - :`t:)w,Tl1`.J(ll):.-The Agricultural Trend--J. B. Dandeno, B_.A., Ph.D, 11.00 to 12_.00--`Success or Failure- in the Schoolroom, Isaac Day, I.PLS. 1.30 to `2..15--Ontario' Teachers Alliance, Messrs. Cole. and Nesbitt. r . V u - ` . V - A v `.4: I\1LAA|\J\J\/ A-A\JLJ\J\/l.(UI\.IlIO ii 9.00 to 9.30-The Poetry of Num- bers, J. L. Garvin, I.P.S. 1 non L 1n-12-: 1'*r:,L, 117 ` my-u, ua \AsrA VAAA .Lnl. uIJo 1 9.30 0 10.15-History, Wm. ;Prendergast, B.A. `I[\"IK L. 11{\{\ "'11, A ' In I ; h After the regular business was iconcluded, the `three associations imet separately and welected their ofciers as follows: North Simcoe Presidint, R. D. Campbell, Elm- vale; Vice-Pres., Miss Booth, Bar- rie; Sec y-Treas., E. Shear, Allan- dale; Executive Com., Miss Benn, Penetan,<:; Miss Miller, Midhurst; D.-A. Norris, Penetang; H. S. Mc- Naughton, Collingwood; W. J. Hickey, Phelpston; J. E. Morrison, Allandale; Auditors, J. E. Morrison, Allandale, R. Stewart, Barrie. . Stratheona Trust Com.-J. L. Garvin, B.A., Barrie; E. Shear, AI- 1andaIe;' W.` J. Hickey, Phelpston; E. Frye, Collingwood; Miss Booth, Barrie; Miss McRobie, Bar- -`-:n~ .R`.:n(\ Un-.-_J (V_IL'__..__ ...... -V , vv c ya .LJ.1uL\\uJ, L ll(IlllDIIlIII LE. iBooth, `rie; Miss Howard, Collingwood. Rep. to O.E.A.-E. B. Frye, Co1~ `1ing'Wood' J_. H. Hall, Phelpston . Dlnnn l'\ vvnnn ...... 1.`-.. -1n1o `n--- uguuuuuuuuuugg , --..,., vv vuu, u. 1.1.. L.I.aL1, .l HULIIDDUH. } Place 0 meeting for 1916--Pene- itang. ` o ('1-_.A_1_ (ISM, , - , `V President, A. R. Kidd, Everett; Vice-President, W- J. Irwin, Cree- rmore; Sec y-Treas., Geo. Wilson, Lisle._ T ` _ President, "George A. Cole, Oril- glia; Vice-President, Miss O Hare, {Midland; Secretary-Treas., J`. A. iGillespie, Victoria Harbor. During the convention a resolu- L y` (Continued on page 5) Something New. Most V V Home-made Candies BrysOn 5L THE NEW OPFIGERS {$1.00 PER Auuuiu m ADVANO SINGLE COPIES THREE CENT` BUY YOUR South Simcoe ' %_EvrY , D? East Simcoe TO-DAY AT G,M.%UPHAM - - Manager -_-.----- --.. `.._a-u ...--..-...__ 8.30 a.m;--Ho1_v Communion. 11-0.a.m,.-.\[atins and Sermon. 3.0 p.m.--Sunday School. T 7-00 p.m.Evensong and Sermon. A of whom (- `(ha i11t11(-`1'1mx1os 01. two pei.S0n.S. ` .t1` V an make deposits 0 e1 1e_{. "W lH011<`,\` when in town 011: With- tlw b21111` - V1611 t -:. " It_1S especlally 1 11. the husband is 3 on trips: 35 it enabie-n es }1i1ssi112' convomox quently m\'a_\' Atho wife to procure f V - unds for e . .x_j pensos on hm` own Siwnatl _ V _. 3 Alre alone ild-` - 915 Ch 'Sunda.V.', 17th Oct., 1 ren s D . .m-' Spec` H ay-gMines1ng, 11 a y ial . f l1W"`1 service f0.I' 1?1%:n Ho1; Com` by a celebratlon 0 munion. _ ork f Offertory fr the W the TS C mmisxor P7 unday Shl 0 Midhu . - j' 'e? t, 3 p.m., Spec1:i`ffI?::. i c"hildren; Vespraav 7 p' j j Strnfhgav D AAA... fol-fa1nil_\' 1'.'unds. It may be open- ed with T110 - n 1 V r I1" 1 "1265 ed , to the 7 an uruwa A Joint Account is a` Great Convenience w. No. 41 WHOLE "T 'V"' LXTI-IOAMPSON cnzw. Pus_usn-123`. "_;} Fine Black Wolf sets (larget size) $15.00, $18.00,A$2 l .00 ..._., _-l. FUR VALUES Fine Hudson Seal sets (shawl 7o inchcs long,` $24.00 -set. Canadian Mink sets (regular 6-1nn nn\ I`... one An` Persian Lamb set (fegnular $50.00) for $38.50 set.A Alaska Sable sets from $25.00 to $40.00 per set (large sizes) Bank. of Caxiada Trinity C-hurqhr Gnu \- take_ BEST Y_0U_NG PEOPLES IN CENTRAL METHODIST You of Money Saving That win Convince `ext Sunday, Oct. 17th. com: ' BIGGEST BRIGHTEST Oc-t.T17th, 1915. ' % TsL'.\f1mY AFTER TRINITY Ill` av.-J \n\-5I. "i'6.d63 for $75.00. . PARISH or vnsrm manual; DAY J. FRANK JACKSON MAKER OF PORTRAITS Barrie Branch The Deputy Minister of Education Wrote drawing attention _to the Wishi of the department `that it Was .de-I sired `that. as many schools as pos-' sible take up domestic Science and manual training Work, and that a representative would be sent to ex- plain the Work, if requested. V 13 1-. - _ I an 111 1UvU111u5 uy uuu rz.w_, D-v...--.... la That your committee be em- powered to have cement sidewalks on .the east and west sides also to the ' front entrance constructed} should conditions warrant _same this. season. LU Ill DIIU unuaa. Luu;.uu.\.u., .., ...... -- That the town council be request-: ed to open up the gutter on north side of sidewalk the entire length of Collegiate property, supply iron grates for use where school walks will be constructed and have re- moved a number of large rocks on the street to the east of the school` property. Report adopted. ' ~ On motion of trustees Love and Richardson, the `principal of `the C011; Ins. be requested to` make on or before. Decgrst and May rstv in each yeara report" as to his opin- ion of. the eiciency of each mem- ber `of his p staf,--. {a_nd7for_`_ thiis-.pn_r;_4 V 2 = ppose. he: he? further requested per- sonally! to_ in_spect,-jthe. iworki of _.the, `dierenKtp.v_assistants_._, lid ` l V Owing to the holiday of e Monday! the regular meeting_ of the Board of `Education was held -on Tuesday evening`. There`W_e1fe present F. W; Otton, `chairman, and [trustees An- 'dreW, McAdam, Richardson, `Wally Win "and Love. V J \ Circulars were read r- drawing at- Hention to the proposed Red Cross Tcontribution _on Trafalgar Day, Qand asking that the scholars be al- ilowed to contribute to the fund. Penny Bank headquarters urged! lthat more interest be encouraged| amongst the children. The average` of other towns as at June 30th was - given V as follows: * | Brampton 73 per cent.,1$3.16; Ot- Brampton perc ent., `$3.16; _Ot- tawa 93 per `cent, $3.99; Paris 79 per cent., $6.72; Renfrew 75 -per cent., $4.65; Toronto 62 per cent.,! $5.02; Welland 78 per cent., $2.51. Mr. J. .H Bennett Wrote accepting the position on the Public Library board. .. _ l 11 U III\.I\J1l :1 Trustee VVallwin for the Buildingl committee of the C011: Ins. reported , in favor of a fence being construct-} ed on the West side of the Collegiate grounds from the street line north :1 distance of some 240 feet. ' They also recommended the taking down of the board fence running north in `the centre of the grounds, as the} I fence is old and unsightly and of no_i1se.` .- 'I A :1 ,,Ll |V Cadet corps of C011. I1 ;tion' report` Was read, 1 nounced that the corpsfw shape and Very efcient.` ];I'..l`1..__1.L-- 15---... 0. `Al ... 0`-IOl$IIlJ\l in \JL 7 _ McCarthy, Boys_ & Murchison, in, a long letter addressed to the chair-` man, of the board, set forth the: claims of Sarjeant & Co.: in the coal trouble. "The letter asked that a meeting of the board be called and the. report of the Property commit-l tee be rescinded. ` ` | uwv I~l\-/ J\J vvvv Luvua . Trustee Richardson presented the. report of the Einance committee, which- recommended payments of $2,925.81, and accounts $285.81. `Ree port adopted. ` ' ` f'l'1_..-....A...- TIT ..ll---1... '13.... L1,... I).-Zl.11...... of the building having become rough LLU LIED: The boys playground to the east and uneven requires levelling. In.` connection With the proposed re-A: pairs your committee would recom-' mend the enlarging of this play- ground by excavating and levelling down about 25 or 30 feet along the northern part, the soil of which may be used -as much as may be" neces- sary in levelling "up the playground. kn rnL_L vv1\c-Inn nnvnrn;+4'nn arn_ SBIISUU. - _ That a proper housing ` for bicycles should be provided, and would recommend that _ a building`, be constructed at the north end of . the_ Collegiate building for this pur- pose, and your committees be in-' 1 str_1_1cted to have same built. ` _.I_L:'_`.. LLA WI?1-`i`nci1A)a-ls Marlin and Shear wrote thanking the board for salary incre2s_as. T A A... - ..- ' I Stzrllcluell UUVHGVU Dunn: IIIALLIII I For the completing of the ventila-I ting system -in the Collegiate, cer-' tain -connections are necessary and would suggest your committee be empowered to have same attended. to in the usual manner, by tender.` J-------- --.-....:I `ma -nnnr|Aa"_ For Balance of School Term --Conferene With Sar- jeant Co.-Improving % ` AL Grounds. ' I ENGAGEA N RSE * FOR THE SCHOOLS of Ins. Inspec-` .......:I ... :. I ` J. ;.|.Auo Assutlvu l which an- as in good I .BKR*R1E,coUNTY OF s1 L ; Meeting ' of Representatives ' `of County at Court House. vauu v\.'a.:. A: The letter from the solicitor of `the, Sarjeant Coal Co. was then ltaken up. and a long discussion fol- llowed. During the discussion` it came out that this dispute `had brought to light the fact that `for years school coal had been weighed on the dealers scales rather than |on` the town scales, as called for in `the contract. A motion was intro- duced that _no action be taken in re- lgard to the letter, but nally an amendment yvas presented and car-` r1ed as follows: 11' 1 1 -- I }TO DISCUSS I1. IIUL ` ourth On motion of trustees VVa1lwin and Love the Managing committee were empowered to engage a pro- fessional nurse for four or ve days a month, for the inspection of the school children forithe remainder of the term: _ Richardson-McAdam-That the| Board confer with the Sarjeant Co. regarding the discrepancy there ap- pears in the Weighing of coal de- |livered to the -school with the view of arriving at an adjustment of the difference, indicated in - the com- munication received by the Board from the rm of McCarthy, Boys & Murchison. Friday was the date suggested for the meeting, if suit- `able for the Sarjeant Co. A meeting Will be held in the Court House this`( Thursday) after- noon, at the call` of VVarden Potter, to consider the_ raising of a regi- ment from Simcoe county. The {Warden has called the meeting af- ter a conference A Grant, of the 35th Regt. The War- den "has Written the heads of the various municipalitiesin the County inviting them to, this meeting, which will `convene at 1.00 p.m. in the County Council Chambers. It is ,expected_ that such a meeting will greatly aid recruiting in the County, and that steps __Will be taken tostart the organization of C the County ` Regt; . With Lieut.-Col." I uv 141.35 UULLVI JJhlL'|lULl E-VG: On motion of trustees McAdam and Richardson. the resignation of Alex. . _Co'Wan `from the Library _Board_.was accepted with regret, and that the best Wishes of the Board follow him ' in his military` duties- and a1so,for his speedy re-` turn. " . -' IRISH REGIMBN'r_ '_ Mr. D Arcy Hinds has been noti- ed by the Militia Dept. that the formation of an Irish Regiment in Toronto has been" authorized. Major Magee has been selected as Colonel and it is announced that Mr. T-. Herbert Lennox, K.C., will be Sen`- .ior Major. The regiment will num- i'ber 1000. ` `On-motion _of [trustees \_ Wallwin and. Love the Property committee were `given power to purchase 18` _eo_1'ds of slabs, `for Central, West VVa1'd `and Burton Avegschools. I n.. .....L:._.. ..Q .L n McAdam, re`, the, letter froin_* the Dep. Minister . relating to Domestic Science and `Manual Training, the secretary -to write the minister that. the Board are considering the mat-(. ter and Will advise the Dept. in due course. ` ' Oct.` 10, 1914--A-Vespra c oun-` ci_1 decides to ask farmers of township to contribut_e oats. t\-L '0 101,! 'I3............ 1')-.. v naunnnr vv vv aaaa `wavy \l|~U|JI Oct. ' 6. -1914--Premicer . Bor- den~ announced that 22,000 more troops were being raised for servic` _in. Europe, making 'the Canat an contingent 55,- 000. _ n".4\-an I111 41.. rm _t_h.__t V Ostend. __ - \lVVu Oct. 8, 1914-The rst Can- adian, contingent` for the front arrived at the `English port. The Belgian Government was removed `from Antwerp to QIIQ I `I I W6`2."'9, 1551.4--Antwe`rp sur- rendered to the: Germans. The British captured gmany trench~ es in the battle. _9f. `the Aisne and made con__side_abl e head'- way. Col; Burlaild,` Canadian Red -Cross eommissibner, died suddenly in London of angina petoris. _ Vt _ _ 'I\'-L 11> )\lIlII'I?\I? ` I4 uyLvu ~ u_y u v: VA `nu-nun `0.ct."1, ,:j`16`,w 1914-T-British_ `%1'.ifi1'i_sz"-'?` Wawke Hunk _.f_J`v:3r;_/'(3:9_'a_1'-_~% 1`A\' `a 7131 "-I 3*. -:11 . " -F5001 LDC Oct. .14, 191_4A- --A11ies occ`upy vYpres-Batt1e begins on the Vistula. L _ 4 i Oct.. 15, 1914.---.Ostend -- oc-" _____:-_1_ I... 41... n...._...-...... \JUIn- LII .A.v.s..I.o \/u gnu cupiedrb the Germans. . .f\-.1. . {$.11} l&(bLL- D uuxusq; any 0c t."717*,`.- =-19.14---Fjoiirf "Ger- mn destroye`rs_ sunk 'by _ Un- ` ,_oti1la,j ;: ~ 5 ' ..-`nu A . win I '.. 1' ".-`. .17` "`$:2iT"i`f&-,First L ,bt1;l e Y % ~ A YEAR or WAR. comm REGT.E -FOR. '1_'ORON'lf.9 I Right in the midst of an -un- paralleled and . world-shaking `con- ict, When the demands upon the average individual are more numer-_l ous and more imperative than ever `before, the trustees and congrega- tion of Central Methodist have in- augurated an effort to rid their church building of debt. ' And therein not only have they. demon- strated _their faith in the nancial soundness of Barrie, but also in the true tness of things. A. Golden Jubilee in their` "estimation would have been meaningless that did not provide for placing the nances of the church on a sound basis. And their faith is being rewarded. V Last Sunday` the jubilee services were ' continued with splendid congregations and enjoyable ser-l vices. Earnest and thoughtful ser- mons were preached by the Rev. J "R; Aikenhead of Richmond Hill,` the "minister under Whose pastorate the present church was erected, and the response of the congregation to the appeal of the `pastor was both generous and hearty. l'\... 1\;r.....J..-- LL- T__-1.11-- m-- ,,,1 I it. reasonably certain that the sum .On Monday the Jubilee Tea and Reunion was held, and taking into consideration other public functions in the town, was a pronounced suc- cess. The chair was taken by.` his Worship Mayor Craig, who com- plimented the pastor and people of Central on their enterprise and their successful conclusion of a, half cen- tury of history and spoke some timely. words on the war i1n.Europe and its relation to Canada. a Read- ings were also given by Sergt. Jones on The Canadian Stand at Ypres, and. Miss VVanda Bowman on One and All, a stirring` ap- peal for_ adequate nancial support: for the men who offer their lives-on the altar of their. country s free- doom, while Miss Hazel Marshallv sang with deep feeling, Let mel like a soldier fall. By special re- quest Miss Elsie R-aynor' repeated the beautiful. and excellently render- ed solo,- Close to Thee, sung by! her at the Sunday evening service. The two anthems by `the choir and the piano solo by Miss Jessie Bry- son were also deeply appreciated by the audience. Mr. Caton, Jourdan, who was closely identied with the Crusaders Class last year and is now. at the Toronto University, made a breezy speech in which the still claimed relationship to the church and its activities. Mr. Henry Mabee and Mr. Rhinehart, Who were identied with the church in its earlier days, both spoke feel- ingly of the sainted dead, among whom were the late Mrs. Carson, mother of the church, and the late .Samuel Blakely and James N aylor, two earnest workers in the most. difficult and trying days of the church s history. The state- me'nt`in'.c.onnection with the Jubilee fund was presented by the pastor,_ -who reported between `$1200 and $1300 in cash and subscription to date onxthe amount of $5000, which it is proposed to raise. This he, in- timated would be supplemented in all probability by` a substantial gift from outside, providing the. balance. was raised locally,` besides other advantages to the _congregation' which he was not in a position just then to point out. This makes asked for will be forthcoming be- fore the canvass is nally closed. - N-nv} Qn'n.|.~..; J-Ln ..I..n3.... ~-'-.--3--- `A UNDERTAKING Central Methodist Church Jubilee--Succes,sful Jubi- U lee Tea-Big Reduc-.` tion Made in Church - Debt. I TRAFALGAKDAY commnunous \-.v...v vnlv uuuvuoa ma U-LUDUU. L Next Sunday theclosing seryices of the Jubilee -will be held, and the day will be given over` to the young people. The decorations will be of a special character, planned and executed entirely by` the -young people s `organizations of the church and will" surpass anything previous- -ly attempted. Then the singing ,will be led by a choir of the Junior Crusaders and . f Greenberry s lt'1-..A.:_--...`l -, ...--.- -\ Nothing nal` has as yet been settled as to _what' form the sub- `, scriptipn from Barrie to the __Red C1988 " Society Wil1-lt_ake.. ;._.The\;.zGm1n- -F __committ.- 21-nd local C1988 . ,4. .4 1e1;y;.i :;.9iee1'_s~;-: -.h-ave_ _ me;-:;a1}d: i (Continued page 5)