Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 4

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I "Sept; 23gb. 7 Mr. Arthur Jeffe1'son. of Isli1;to11 spent the week-end with his cqt_si11,} Mr. Lc-on Rowe. i 98?" [ Mr. and Mrs. R. Hobsonwerg the` o-uests pi; Barrie`_f1'ie11ds du1-ingfiir a .0 *.~u.- I ays; ' I ._ . : kl ulnuw .LV o LVLKHL -f1\i;.wXIbert Nizyitr :;1L1_.(l Ukamil" Owen Sound spent the week-end` I Mr. Ira Spi:der s. , 3 `M1.-... 1' .'....-.. 1r-:_- _._L,,,,_, , 1'-_ I `ILL I Jul. [U K} I\J y Miss Lizzie H Mair returned r Churchill [this Week. rvauu;vJL;.AL V1110` `W963. ' ` 1 } Our corner was well represented at Collmgwood falrron Friday`. -an U\l\l\.lAJ J.\4(ll.llJU\,la Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht of chufmh- ill spent, Sunday at Mr. G. Moir s -1|/I3. A'l`l......L \T..--l.... .....'I .{_'_____'l:L ,n SUNNIDALI} commas ,Miss Annie Goodwin of Toronto who has `been visiting friends here, returned _home on Saturda . A vortr ciinnnoopsui Inn... .....v..-._l ____... -v.:ua.nnuu _JI\Il11\3 uu. ua.uu1.ua A very successful lawn social t_W8S held at Mr, Jas. Thomp's0n s in aid of the motor ambulance fund, and a goodly sum realized. ` If. .....,`.I `ll -.- A'IL_._,1 1 a nu `V 1 . Mamie {Henry has gone to: Toronto to attend the university.` She has put in one year. ` The Misses - Marl, and Laura Thompson `aregln Toronto visiting friends; ' u- n ---- in 3 Our o_ld and esteemed ifriend, Mr. Andrew? Thompson, reached the a four score mark last Sabbath. Th_e following , members of his family- . were present: Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gr. L. Thompson, Toronto; Mr. and {Mrs. J. A. -Thompson, Toronto; Mrs. (Rev.) Mears, `V Toronto, Mr. _and' Mrs. J. W. Henry, of this place,` Who also Were present at Mr. Thompson s to Wish him many years of good health on the other side of 80 years, which he l1as al- ready reached. Mr. Thompson is a clean and honored citizen of this place and We all join in Wishing the old` gentleman ;man_V years of health as he has enjoyed in the past. - t ' vvuuwv, UULUCIL Do., milling Do., smutty Do., goose Oats, new .. Barley, feed 13.. ...- _`lL_`__ , ' The Rev. `.Du't'1lOp took as` his text` last Sabbath. evening I. Cor., 2nd Chap,', ` 2nd` _v'erse: eFor I deter- mined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ,i and Him Vcruc1ed. ~ . ` 414.1. I.) 0 L1 BIL II \J llautllll visiting V her` p%;:,gents,' Alex. Stewp.rt;7;;3yg;}1ere. * Mrs. J dim `Cross1ey; is in- Tdronto ` /visiting fxends. - - Mrs. ABe&'t, Chapin of Orillia is` `Intuit ~w\n...\...-J....- 11'- "I `I |..`,_-_v, _-vsvvu-.(1I,;.|Q . V;theIj1_1terest of _]ile"Society in 7Norther_n- Ontario, ' ,_Z~pjre`a_ched in St. `. AM`1 _.,`, .T.yi3, fig Zifworkiirg `in J tide s h._ 9n_._ Su1id a"y7" afternoon, tak- ing as."'h:i's, text `John IV. andV"15t'h verse; `fThe woman said unto him, sir, `give me this Water, thgt I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. ' - - we .a..f4i!=.t11re- %Last'% t_W"ee`k _w'as*` the best "of the season. oRo SO-HOOL PAIR AN TEN MILES COLWIELL` )in Orillia is`? nuts,` Mr. and Mrs.} The offerings of grain at St.` Lawrence market, Toronto, are con- ned to small `lots of Wheat, which bring 90 to 940. Oats range between 41 and 45c. Hay ,is unchanged, with sales of fteen loads at `$19 to $21 a ton for No. 1, and at $13 to $16 for `mixed. Bundled straw is quoted at $12 to $15 .a ton. Wheat, cereal ;..$ 0 95 $0 00! In I'rl`:]I;I-Iris A Inn A A ` %ir1:T%VNoRrnnRN` ADVANCE. to Eanl `of following letter of appreciation: ' Miss Martha Holmes - Yourl friends in and about the Court _ House having learned of your ap- -V proaching marriage desire to ex- ` press to you their very best wishes] for your future happiness and pros-l perity. By your engaging courtesy, kindness and obliging disposition you have won.` the highest regard and esteem of everyone and they all will be genuinely sorry to lose you from their midst. The little gifts 7 accompanying this, it is hoped, youl will nd both pleasing and useful, and also` thatthey `will, in the days to come, assist you in remembering your old friends. on the hilly. Sign- ed, Jos. Rodgers, I H.C., John l\/Ic- 1 Cainpliell, H. E. Stoddart, J.` Ff `i Palling, H. Wallwin, B. M. Smith l The`eKie;z;l-S: ef the Con accompanied` their present appreci` 1.r:..,. v--.n 7 et: The bride was deservedly popular with all who knew her. Perhaps this friendship was more :.marked amongst those who had business at the court house, both oicially and in a business Way. For sixteen years Miss Holmes Was the capable assistant in the Treasurer s' oice, and the many` demands made upon her were cheerfully attended to. As_a Worker in Christ Church, in choir and Sunday School her pleas- anttsmile and Willing hand was ever III evidence. ' I ...-..-u... ;4uucu6.|.1u., `Uy vv`a.gI1eI'. -AIH31`. the ceremony the bridal party re- turned to her parents home where a Wedding repast Was partaken `of, only immediate friends again being present, owing to the illness of, the fathervof the bride. The newly-mar- ried couple left on the afternoon train fora trip to Chicago and De- troit. on their return to Barrie they will reside in the Sixth Ward. The groom is one of the popular engineers -on the G.T.R.' Deer, n1na=j_qua1'ter. .a - ; .:fore quarter. M1itton =.% . . . onduor on A-.Lan'1`bs',[ each ' _ dsouie Carpet Squares that were bought before the ; price. In Tapestry at $5.75, 10.00, 13.50 and . . A _ . ~ ~ Brussels at 15.00, 20.00 and 22.50. Draperies fok_Bedrooms and Dens. . ' i{ tiful new designs. . 2 Special attentien now given to" We invite you to S66 We still h'a_\_/_c~: __._-,4 smmsm wnnmcs% Children s Vests, in all popular weights `and sizes from I2 to 32, on sale much below present day valus. Combinations, white wool n- ished cotton, in short sleeves or long sleeves, ankle length draw- ` ers, sizes 34, 36, 38, and [40, special` at ................ "$1.00 _-.415, IL 1 D, D515 dressed . .. Sows. live . . . . Butcher Cattle 1.oNG--HoLMn$ ...`.vt-ts.) '}z_ith th; , ,__.,--.. ..., guy ynuullls UL U. [)lllK 011' > a _trestle used by picnic parties; ' they proceed to run their bicycles! u up the incline andwhen the plank lteeters to the other -side, wheel down. Last Friday afternoon a bunch of youngfellows, among them Norbert Moran, the 16-year old son of P. J. Moran, Bayeld street, was trying the stunt, when he fell off the "plank, breaking his left Wrist. `Mr. Emms, the_park' caretaker, gave 'first aid and the boy was then taken to Dr. Lewis. The Dr., seeing; the seriousness of the break, decided that an ex-rays ` examination was necessary. On Saturday morning Mrs. Moran took. the boy to Torontol where the injured Wrist was exam-l lined by Dr. Gallie of the Sick Children s Hospital, later in the a day an operation was performed at ~ I ' The bo_'vs}withvb1'cycle's who at- tend the Collegiate are in the habit after school of trying` out a circus }stunt in St. Vincent s park. One of I them is the placing of a plank on 9, frngfln nun/I xv -r-3n-~:~ ---~"' J-J?lgLIlIJ, !.R':1' B0. 0 ll` Hogs, hve, select ( K .5!-..n~---J y HINDS-QUINLAN l V On Monday, Sept. 20th, in St. Mary s Church, Brantford, the mar? riage took place of Anna Maretta, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.g Hiram Quinlan, and Stanislaus B. Hinds of Barrie. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Father Patton. The bride, who was attended by Miss Kate Conboy, wore a travel- lling suit of navy blue serge. Mr. `Frank Quinlan of Barrie attended the groom. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the resi- dence of the bride s parents, Where 'breakfast was served, after which. the happy couple left for Detroltll and other American cities. . l Seasonable Sale of Wo- men's Suits I only Northway Suits of Serge, Panama and Tweed "fabrics, well made, special this week reduced to . . . .$l4 50` A. S. A. M. Beardsley, W. Woods, E.` Little, Wesley, Violet N. Mingay, Kate Stevenson, Caroline Beardsley, A. Beardsley, J. R. VVeymouth. BAD PRAGTURE or WRIST __ -_.. .. ...uut:; yum, loltcf 111 F` T to h'~g-'l;' V- '5`? I W` BUG: _ ~03 5 an t is week in the new belted military effects. In S at 315-00. $16.50 and $20.00. See them. T - t ..... ....'..\..s2o.6'6 He also draws to youi' attention the Big Reduction in px-i(;_-,- Ford Touring car....................'..s53 , Ford Runabout.............. .........$48I?.t% F.O.B.`. Ford, Ont. We can make immediate deliveries. H. R. Palmer, well-l_ th_x-ouh Simcoe County as an exp. automoblie mecha.mc._wil1 be 111 c arge of the Repair I)e}m1-1 ,, H. Al} kinds of cars repaired._ Parties wishing to have their .3 ' painted should leave their orders early. Geo. Mulcmnmn chgr e. Ample a_.ccom modation for storing] cars, as we ha doub ed the capacity of the Palmer Garage. . h'- H`-and-no-ad --up-I l'|4n.`.l Q-_-_:_ _ 4. _ _ . .. guy `aw-`Iv-\4AI4. vn. unav A 5-nu.1vL \.lY.Iu.l(l.5C. "`:l'v'aIr Treatment and Good Service Our Motto" oats;'t1;;.?v .'..'. Buckwheat .' `Rye .. `Hay, per ton . . Flour, per .bbl. .. . . Pastry Flour, per bbl. New Potatoes, per bag Eggs, per dozen . . Butter, per lb. . .. .Butter, by the "basket: Chicken, dressed, 'i!b..../ Ducks . . . . . Turkeys . . Beef, hind j.dua.i':te;'. II A -`A-- -'-- --`--- '. R. HUXTABLE Begs to announce that he has opened a first-class L. A T 4 ;____ F0111 _TOuring Car HT At the FIVE POINTS, and will handle exc1u-ivcly I:'(\Dl\ I` A Dc `Price $5130` MADE IN CANADA" GARAGE '?!5'3liff `We invite you see the beau 1}: Boys Pull.over Sweaters in all wool Cashmere and heav) VWOOI Rib, open at shoulder. ex- `tra value at.... ......... $1-25 uu1'r1e, I Wheat, new, -wholesale `Wheat, new, sprouted Barley, wholesale ` . '. . . Peas, wholesale . . Military styles in Reefers and ` Overcoats. Boys Togs_ On display this week in the big window. V =`This% Store For Millinery IX largie barn be1on_:inf:. to De- puty-recve McLean of` .\Io1onto was struck by li}_rhtnin2' 1'(*0m1tl_\`:111t1 burnt to the ground. Tlw l0.~:~' on buildings; and contents is wtixntmwl at $5000. This loss is p;11'tial1_'` covered by $2000 insumnov. .a.4\JVv.:.1.JA;J.I.r1J+'\lL\.i1 1--1u >]b1'1n:ilrM, . Ohio, on Tuesday, Sept. 231st, ,\Ij_.g Caroline Gray to Mr. John Lom- bard, private som'('ta1'.\' to -Tl1.~`Iiv"=? -Day, of the US. Supronu ("amt _ _ _ A DIED EASTMAN--I11 Barrio. on .\'11n1:1_`.', Sept. 26th, Earle D011:1II1C:1-I- man, aged 35 }'(`:11'.~' and M months. _Funo1-al `rook yrlzu-0 mm G. G. Smith & C'0.'s vha]-(A1 to IE; | G.T.R. station. Iim-rmr~nt in Hamilton on T110sh1_\'. BODDY-At Ba1'1'i0. on .\`:1t\1Ma_`6. V September 25, 1915, Lama H. ` youngest daug'l1to1' of the late John Boddy, B1'ad1'o1'd. Funeral took place from the mi- , T denceof her sister, .\Ir.<. J. .\IcL. ' Stevenson, Bore /._v street. on Mon- day, at 12 o clock. Intornnont at Bradford. Nobby Suits in all sizes. MARRIED I LO;-\Il.3ARD-.GR:xY-A1n HODGSON-In Ba1'1'i(>L on \\'<-IHL;-_.-`.I day, Sept. 29, to M1-. and .\{:-.~:. H. Hodgson, Gowan st1'(-(-t. :1 >011, .GRAHAM-In Guthrie, on F1'i.]z1_'.', Sept. 24, to M1`. and .\I1'.<. Dun. can Graham, :1 da11j."ht(`r. E-REYNOLDS-.-In Barrio. on m.,,-., 1 Sept. 24, to M1`. and .\I1'.~'. Reynolds, Bradford st1'<-ct. a .- . 01!. St. Michael s hospital. The Word from Mrs. .\Io1-an is to 1] feet that the patient is doin and would have been able t turn home had not a bad r-old ned him to the lxospitnl for }little_ time yet. T --5-. Apples, -basket .v .` 515: _';"fBu,tter, lb. `i jBeans,- qt. . . 5. . .A .5 .. ._? -Beets',_ bunch .. . . . , . I ', Beets, basket . ; . .- . ` Buttermilk, qt. . . -_. . _. . . . `Chickens, spring, lb-. . . . , , Cumcumbers, basket . .'Cucumbers, 3 for`. . ;. Carrots, basket , . . . . . . .. , (102. `.'... .... `I Cabbage, head , . 3 Cabbage, doz. . Cucumbers, each . . . . Carrots, bunch . . Cream, coifee, pt. . .. Cream, whipping, pt. . ' Crab apples, `basket _. . . . Citrons, `each . . Cauliower, head . .. . .. Ducks, live, pair Eggs, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ground plums, qt. . .. . .; eHay,rton . . . . .. Lettuce, bunch . . . . . . . . Onions, dried, basket" . . . Onions, dried, bunch '..'.'. Oats, bush. .. 40c. by 10. Parsley, bunch . . J. . . . . Pears, preserving, basket Pumpkins, .. Parsnips, bunch . . . . . . . Potatoes, pk. . . . . . . . . Potatoes. bag . . . . . . . Radishes, 3 bunches . .. . Rhubarb, bunch . . .. Lamb, quarter, lb. . Sage, bunch , . . . . .. Squash, each . . . . . . . . . . Tomatoes, ripe, basket . .. Tomatoes, green, basket . Turnips, . . . . . . . . . . .. Thyme, bunch . . . . . . . . . .. Vegetable marrow, each .. = THTURSDAY, t before the advance in .50, 25.00 and 26.50 1tvyasan cxpcrl air Depu.rtnu:nt. their cars Ma1c0m.-un, in 1-5, as we have r,` SEPT.` BORN -111 .\`]1'i11u'Ii(?]J, (`nut .31 . ii ' $01119 NOTICE TO cnnnirons TORONTO MARKETS 7 \/\JJ uux mlllmg I I SATURDAYS L I'ARMER S PRICES 'no1esa1e ., . . dUOOI ICC! W *0!!! I00! IIOI eat .. er .. I yer -m`_____ I I - ugu UV.-L\JJ'-Lul I .IJ.L`JlJlJ,. . ~ Solmxtors for the send L Execuwtrxx. ' 3`:(m~. --..~ `L./u-..nbc>Izv&' we basket. essed, 'i!b... . Z ltiuarter. . ; 1'uarter. ._ . .).: o u J O I o c uoooo u o n no Barrie, Sept. L711 nlnanln .. O80 O41 045 055 0 70' 19 00 13 O0 12 00 8 00 11 00 13 00 11 00 900. 799 T 60 12 00 6 56 An- 7 McNabb, s7: `1iint p_f I-`Sayn'er.~ d1ed 600 i 40 22. 24 24 14 213 55 50 '95 ' 55 ) '14 00 6 00 6 00 ) -50 I 25 L 27 L 27 L - 18: 5 15 18 14 00 .v 10 09. 750 .20 -1153 D D1200 D u I 00! 094 0 75 `O00 0 45 0 00 O 00 0 80 21 00 16 O0 15 00 10 00 % 29th.` the 24th day September, 1915. ` A -- ` I ` Q CRESWICKE & `BELL, . LL). --3 J 0 UV . $1.251 25c .. 15c . $14 ` 9 25 12 00 ?7'50_ 7 00 53 48 _1 00 55 nu- u I-r\l\ .. 5c Z`. 15c . 25c tin jq3`ihi*o `J- `-4.. ` _\r1llJlf\IlL in anal: iou,t:`- SUUIXBI I re (dug-`the better; . . q ' A` j i1 The. farmgx- s-_ ucahsh zngzket v.n.II 60 D11]-I6: _.." Our 'frie_n';;Mr. Wm. cope1ana,1 V who has purchased the Murray Hill \fa,r_m, will not move into it this `year. ' ' - - _ ' Your Cor. made a ying. trip` re- cently but tookmtime to `come . to. mother earth occasionally and `con- cluded that Mr. B. L. Banting is A in one "of `the most _up'-to-date _.farfners_ A in Essa). Iverything .se'e'n gave, evidence .of"'care and good jiidgiiient the buildings az`1_d onj;th>ej' _.e ..._,.4A\AQ_`.._xQ& ..4-a- -- ---#-1-` 0 ufu, 50 uvv uz LIJJ , 1.1. gall) , llclu AND TAKE` NOTICE that after the 1st day of November, .1915, the said executrix will, proceed. to .dis`-`- t_1fibute- the assets of` the estate amongst the persons `entitled, hav-` ing regard only to the claims , of 3. which she shall then have .,had;,'no- "tice and the executrix ' will not be [have received notice. I for such` assets to any person pliably of hose ~claim she shall then not ".1\AlI'I1.1-Ix . --5 -4 5'---- - in` the build`ings 5113 `Z11't;1i .,*` ~ ---Pet6to-wroh-s-quite e":L`::..,...,Inhn-]:`c- .~ .....1 41.- ...-.~; ucuqqa `uu1t7b'b'. . 5 `A number from here attended` the banquet ' in Barrie tendered to! General Sir`. Sam. ~I-I`ughe_s and reg .,, port a. good time. n`-nun ' ...}. I.`:- `I IL, 1'11` F` ` ` -. v u 1.511.110 J. LUDU) IJUIIUJI Messrs. J. R. Gray, _Chr Nix'on and . Richard Power,. pleased tosay, are all on t1 after,serio1;s illness. ' .A II ` _______ l_ __, Pleased to report our young friend Harcourt Blackstock -is home again from the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rie, where he was `operated on some ti._me_ ago. He came home last Sat-' urday. I The_ Rev. R. H. Somerville ex- [changed pupils with the Rev. Mc- pKenzie of. Stroud. ` The `latter gentleman preached the ,anniversary sermons in connection with the Townline Presbyterian church. _ MDQGVQ T D m`- I . ' _ THORNTON . _ I Mr. Willard Stewart has accept- ed` a position in the Union Bank, Orillia, and has left our village to assume `his . new- duties. Willard has in him` the makings of an` A-1 man for the position and We join with ' his many friends in_ Wishing I him success. _ " ":"\1VW |N7'""'I Pm: .;'5`h82* 313 ........uuuu v; 01119 1111106. Mr. G. C, Caston was one of the judgesgon fruit at the Barrie Fail`: T ` V lllllll LII 1 Mrs, John Shefeldsreceived word on Tuesday of the death of her sis- ter,-Mrs. Robert Stockill at P_oWas- san; Mrs. Stockill was a former resident of this place. ' M, (1 re t*....4.-;- __;- r- L e , Sept; 27th. The Crq'ighurst_ band has been en- gagedeetse *P`1?y` ithe 43929516. L.-1daye;ee5at 'ElmvaIe+ 3`Fa11'. ~' * ,i'u `I /sf -' '- `IN THE MATTER of the estate of % Alfred Edwin Horace Greswicke, of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, King's Coun- ' sel, Deceased. The Red Crossga1`den party held here on Friday night was a decided success, The speakers were Mr. -J._ P. Downey and M. B. Tudhope_ of Orillia. `T. T. Young` of Barrie` -acted as idhairman. The musical part of . the program was rendered by: ~Mr1-' Montgomery of Orillia and lthe'band._ ` ` v . 1..- __ __ oa.1u':u. ' - `"n?i1`"E{3rti1U League. held a a fruit social last Wednesday evening. ow-% ing to the fair the crowd was not as large as hoped for, but a pleas- ant evening was spen . ` ' A ._ _ Deep sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. A._ E. Partridge in the death of their little daughter, Rodha,` who passed away Wednesday of last week. -The funeral was held from the residence of Mrs. W.- H. `Par-l t1'idge on Friday to the St, James"! church, `Rev. `C. :Brown to"1ciating.l Four little boys, Ernest Pratt, Earl Kenny, -Elmer Partridge and Grant Robinson, carried the tiny casket, which was covered with `oral tri- lbutes. ' V - i ..-.~uuu.a._y uouugauuu wu.u uowers. AHarvest. Home services Will. be held in `St. James church next Sun-' day morning and evening at A11 and '7.30' o clock. Special_ music Will be rendered by the choir. Rev. Mr. Taylor Will be the preacher for the day. Special collections will be taken. Anniversary services Will be held in the _Methodist "church Oct. 10th, at 11- and 7 o clock. Rev. Mr. Reynolds of Allandale will preach morning and evening. Dalston choir will furnish music for the morning service and at 6.45 there will be a song` service led bythe Crown'HilI choir. The usual thank oifering col- lections will_ be taken. 7'I'\'l-_ 1.1, ` 1 - -_ - Sept. 27th. , The Sunday School rally day ser: vice was `held in the- Methodist; church on Sunday afternoon. Rev J. S. Stevenson preached and illus-" trated "his remarks by a train of- cars, Special music -was rendered by the scholars. The church was at- tractively decorated `with owers. - I U nnnn An` .I._.'._____ #_U7. ... . .a.vv5a.LLA Mr? -and -Mrs, "J1'1o. McConkey of `Toronto _spent the week-end`_ at '-Mr. J no. Hunter s. us.-uo .-..:.u:Lv\;.I. an t ' V `Quite a number from here attend- ed Barr1`e Fa1r, ` ' ; z.;.;uuuu Aaalg WUU3u The .funeral_. of the late Robt. Givens of Holly was `held at Stroud Methodist cemetery.e He` was a. highly respected member of L.O.L. N o. "605, `Craigvale. We extend our symnathy to the bereaved wife and family. II.` _..J If-..` V 1'. `hr pm a I A` Threshing is-theorder -of the dar. ,Miss M. Welbanks of N ewburgh,` 'Ont.`, ' is` visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Young. ' ~- v If... T--- (\.L;.LL -11 TY? ' " ` s. Mr. 333 Stbtt bf Wyevaie V cailed on friends last Week. `rm... .e._----.-1 in 1 ( .~;_ :0 )o6q666o3goo: .'A `- `I `Q7- NOTICE is hereby given pursu- .ant to R.S.O. 1914, Chap. 121, Sec.` 56, that all persons having any claim against the said Alfred` Ed- win Horace Creswicke, who _ died on or about the 7th `day of "May, 1915,[ .at the town of Barrie, are hereby required on or before the _1st da of November, 1915, to send or de- liver. to Mrs. M. E. F. Creswicke, Barrie, the executrix of the -will` of ~ the said deceased, their names -and ' addresses and full particulars of ` ;their claims and the nature of the - security, if any,` held by them; _ ` AND "I`-A'l?`.'l a`.~\T('|fl1T(`I'l:1'A.1.-1. Jr, '_~az; i..;-"i;he hat >thj __'1_-1;1_, GRAIGHURST GROWN mg. .-v.n.,. "U G/LU] I the_ mend 4 young` ; I, 1- it Sat-`l gar; ; .in3 The first Rural School Fair for Oro township will. be -held at the I. Town Hall on Saturday, October , 2nd. Pupils from- 14` schools 3 throughout the township are making` great preparations for the 7fair. _. During the summer. they have been lcaring for plots grown from seed lisupplied by the Department of` iAgriculture and now they are get- [lting all` sorts of exhibits ready, in-I `eluding live stock, grain, roots, I 1 ,'fruit, owers, sewing`, baking, na- ture collections and art. - Over `1$100.00,will befpaid in cash prizes, "the money "having `been subscribed_- by `School Boards, Farmers_ Clubs,- Women sf"`Institutes, r the `Township iCounVcil,.V. the . 1 Agricultural ` Society _ and private`. individuals. _"l;`he' ex7-. ,=hibits~;a=.wi1l`. all .1 be ;i1_1Fplace by 11 o-?c1qck.u [People V ` :1-e. :_ invjted_ tbs : : h1`in`-.- 't1i9i1':.)}l*di11nIf`nl 111111 -`Iiinic 0.1216 e th?egro1ids- Ijinmediiatelxipafter; ` up ; . . a;vLA\JJ. away .l.'11l.ll_) UVUIIIIISK Mr. Leo Coughlm has gone Peterboro to attend Normal. pgyud , ULJIIIIIJJIJ I Do.,,mixed . . Straw, bundled Do_., loose .. , Mr; and ,Mrs. VVilf1'e,d Dickey (nee Miss Edith Muir) of Toronto are spending'a week at `the la.ter_ s home here. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Knapp gave ha reception in their honor last Friday evening. ' ` Mr T.nn -{`.mm1.1:.. 1. -.w I./An\J V L\ \.aLl.\.l. (LII AVLQ \JUu_l;]l11ll so ` l"- "Imd Mrs. Marshall Freek of 'Ba'rrie spent Sunday at L. Car- son :s. A . ` .-asiclbllllllo ' A number from here attended the dance at Mr. Clark s on Monday evening. _ , Mr. Reeds, B.A., of Toronto, spent the week-end at M. Cous.r,}1li11 s. 7\vr1v*o-n 1hr-an 1\.r..-..,.1...n A ___. _._.._ Sept. 28th. Miss Frances Hussey of Sault Ste. Marie is spending a couple of weeks with her cousin, Miss Violet Mc- Laughlin. . ` A -- I .____L._', 1' ` 1 .. _ '_ `J:-v_v\ as - \lll uuu.ua_y. Mr. Howard Wilson has returned to `Toronto, after a few days visit lwith Mr. J. Cloughl-ey. I u--u aavwvv vuuL1u\:1uJCu. P1Uu5ll1llg. _ Mssrs; F. Rowe and A. Jeeron and Miss M. Rowe were in New Lmvoll ; on Sunday. `M3. 'LT....... ..,1 117:1- -_- 1. - _ - 1 W-l\.T`x:;1"`sml;iya:ck of Lisle have Tr11t- ed the farm of Mr. D.TA. Gauley and have commenced_ ploughing. . MAQQTQV F phin nay` A T.\1.._.---. "\irrf"i5eo1}Wo 'To1:onto `M/a_s the guest of Mr. O. S. `7Rowe "last wt-01;. V A % ` ' - .- --- . I - M. Hunter A1"et \1_1m1ed to `To: r31.to after a visit 'to'Ii1' niece Mis `M. Cloughley. - T T i I '!ll._......,. 131-4- -n'r2,`L - ctgtended visit to the West. 5` in. 1174.. `*n..-__-1_ .1, m, QJIAIJ l\./J, LCCU n a Do., malting .Rye, bush. `Hay, timothy . ` -.-......'.l

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