Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Jul 1915, p. 3

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Col. Currie s reception was one to be_ remembered when he arose to ad- dress his fellow-countrymen and constituents, and the volumes of ap- plause which greeted his utterances might well have been regarded by` him as a tting reward for hisl labor and perils on the battleeld.| I Later ' in, the evening he was the guest of the Collingwood Club at a luncheon, at which the chair was occupied by Mr. W. P. Brynes. the nrpqi Rant ' i I915 CHILDREN S EXAMINATIONS} Au a4\/_.r.,LA A candidate after whos name a subject is indicated in brackets is {required to re-write said subject with another departmental examin- ation for which he is eligible and which he requires to `take. \.. .... ..,, \/I ;.._uu;, u. ;nu1u[muu, F. E. E..\V.ei1', F. L. VVeir' (arith.), ,M. T. VVilliams (arith.). E. Walker, LR. M. \Vilson, E. Wyant, K. M. *\Vatson, C; Watson, W. J. Whalen, I Z `e 1-1 . -....,-.......;u;_,, u. Lu. J.u.UuU1ull1Ul\, J11. T. McLean, M. K. McEachern, L. M. McKay, E. H. McKechnie, E. A. MacDonald, L. McCann, R. McClel- lan, P. McDonald, I. -Morrsion, N. G. Millard (arith.), L. I. Morrison` (honors), A. A. May, J. Morris, G. I. Milliken, M. H. Maybee, F. J. iA. Morrison (honors), G. Munro, M. iMorrow (art), H. D._ Morris (arith), R. `T. Murphy, C. E. Nettleton, J- 'Nolan, R. M. Nicol, J. A. Nolan (arith.), H. V. O Connor, E. M. Oc- co\more (spell.) , L. Oldham (spell.), B. M. Orr, E. F. A. Paine (Writ.), O. J. Perryman (arith.), -M. J. Park (spell.), N. R. Robinson (arith.), A. S. Ryan, A. Reoch, V. E. Reynolds, M. B. Sharpe, I. E. Somerville, A. E. Stoll (hist.). E. :VV. Smith, E. M. Schell (arith.), A. `M. Shanahan (art), H. E. Simpson, B. E. M. Trott, M. E. Spence (arith.), 0. Taylor, `G. Thompson, 1?` F` . F` w..;.. w T. wn:n-r--:u-\ (arith.), B. M. Homing (arith.), R. Jackman, -M. E. Kiteley, M. D. Langley, E. R. Langley (art), E. E. Latimer, 0. Lawrence, W E. L. iLilly, N. D. Lovering (arith.), M. J. Maclean (arith.), I. E. McDermid,` %K. E. McDermid, H. McKean, W. C. McLean, D. McQueen; (g'ram.), J. B. McKinstry, G. M. McCormack, M. '1` MnT.non M T. 1/r..1:`..-L-.- Has a marvellous effect on rough. [ Makes Yomsiin Like Vlvet skin. One or -two` a-pplicati-ons will remove the roughness,` and by its occasional` use the skin aoqwires 11110 smoothness and sotness of a bdby s. Giyoedonsina `is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after .us~in.g it. Price 15c and 25c. De- liaghstful after shaving. in ; i % Ti` Druggiat. (this chance. 0130. MONKMAN. umrint, 0-- {.1390 PER ANNUM I8 ADVANCI 0433.8 0133 TIIIHI GIN?` You wom angina li- etc. P8915 ecial- hone A-1 gfoney .3`ar~T IJDUJILJI, V and Farrle. . Ll\-Una`: fio! _\]ALlI.L1 ... .4-.v vvv...-.J - v The picnic was a patriotic event. The different speakers conned tliemselves to the big question of the day, and the effect of their ut- terances will no doubt showiits If, in the recruiting stations- he speeches were ia1l_short and to_-the point. Political issues-were avoid`- ed, and. as the speakers said, unity in action was the only thing that would conquer the enemy. A mili- tary -band had been stationed on the _platt`orn1. and after each. speech `a pati-iotic`se.lection was rendered. The picnic was started by a `par- ade which formed at Sutton, and so Ion: was it that it almost reached to._ the Point. Fourteen bands, lnlndreds of decorated automobiles. ris_-`.< of various descriptions, and 'repre.-enatives of numerous associa- tions made up the` procession. On` arri\`nl at the grroiinds, the. pro- `~_ l'{1lIllll(` was started, but "the heavy min naturall_\' interfered with a 1 number ol'- the events. The tug`-of- : war which was looked` forwardto, 2 \\':l~ walled oft , the g'1'o11nd.bei11_q too" wet to ntteinpt it. Theitwo base-. hall tennis st-heduled to playiwere on ,l::_:2nl. and the wet groundsand rnin_\' went.l1er did not stop them until the nine innin,<.:s- had been ':.i~ln-l. Football was played, and; I J < 1 t0._t}1Lo For the rst time in ten years there was bad weather for the Len-0 nox picnic at Jackson s Point last week. The weather, however, did not have the effect that might have been expected, and the `attendance was la1-g-or than everp It was esti- mated that about 2,000 automobiles, besides the hundreds of farmers 1-igs, were on the grounds, and this ~onl`\: in part indicated the attend-` ance. `Special -cars on=the Metro-l politan and special railway trains" l)ron;:'ht hundreds from `various! points in the country. . T`lr.n nit-nun ran on v-xi.`-n:.\L.'.. ..-____1_ I` `Crowds Were There .but the` Programme Was Cur- e % tailed. RAIN SPOILS ; uannox PICNIC J Pumps, ir- Patent or Vici Kic-1.` This season's newest styles,` wit'hV or without straps, regular 3.oo,_special 1.95. ` Hundreds of Real Shoe Bargains no farther 4aVyay` from All fine American Pumps and Oxfords will be sold away` be Three Strap Slippers, Fine V-'i'ci' Kid, Summt Weight Soles and New Heels, regular 2.oo values, special I. 3 5. ' . `Glasgow Pumps ad Oxfords in `Pat:n't or Vici bc_autiful'- new styies, regular 3.50 value, special 2.35. Pumps in Patent or I;ine.T-Vici Kid, ne - Amrican makes, our` hest quality, regular 4.00 and 5.00 values`, special 2_.55- ` ' |... Lxlv. No. 29 `wank '~ `'9 THOMPSON anew. II.u`u.n_uu` ." 5 __} COME` No 01,9 ALL `NEW Goons. % YOUR MONEY REFUNDED EXPECTINQ ` SALE STARTS ON THURSDAY JULY 29th. LADIES $1.35 $2.35 53% Con`- $2.65 $1.95 A In the acre-prot competition last year 501 bushels of potatoes werc raised on oe acre by a Middlesex_ lcompetitor at a- cost of $32.62, "and ;With.a net prot of $167.18. ` A Home Guard Rie Associa-tioni was organized at Victoria. Harbor on _Friday of last Week. with a membership of -fty. At the same[ meeting suicient money iwas sub- scribed to purchase `a machine gun. L VICTORIA ' HARBOR TO `PURCHASE 'M.P.P. for South Wentworth; - oa\l . \uu.n1J.1llaall U1. L118 MP. Harry Sennett, and the speakers were: Hon. T. W. McGarry, Pro- vincial Treasurer; Hon.;James Duff, Minister of Agriculture; Hon. Fin-' lay Macdiarmid, Minister of Publicl Works; Hon. Dr. Preston, J. A. Armstrong, M.P. for North York; Mr. Hilliard, M.P.P.` for Dun_das;l Mr. Chambers, M.P.P. for South Wellington; George Henry, M.P.P. for East York; Mr. Ferguson, M.P.P.' for South Simcoe; Mr. Hart, M.P.P. for _East Simcoe; Mr.'Regan, Mr. Allan, M.P.P. for Hamilton. _ day to swell the funds vnav LU_Ul]. press, and the Daughters of the _ Empire, ,,took` advantage of the ' they have been taking contributions since thevstartjof -the war, and theirl success at tagging was very marked. Hon. Dr, Preston acted as- judge in the baby, show, and Betty Smith, of Sutton, won the rst prize. The second prize went to ' Manley Braden, of `Toronto, and the I i 1r- - - v church. There third to Nora` Feasby, of Whit-t other contestants, - for which . found the competition was so keen ` that a prize was James Forrest, of way Company, `given to all. Mr won the prize for the best decorated automobile. His car appeared as a miniature warship with the inscription H.M.S.. North York. The midway- attractions, the ' most p being throwing baseballs made up like the Kaiser. The `chairman of the day was Mr. W. Prof Treasurer; Hon. James Duff. the Toronto Rail-' I ~ 1 1 1 J c..vu take "X?:"'IN1: GUN ` run despite H nu A9 `L - BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. 0NTARIO , }ULY 22. Iv upzxuu VVe are [treated roy'ally here. Nothing 1s too good for a soldler, i'ospecial1y from Canada. ' `-4.: A|4LL\.l. U ILL J.EllIlI J.U.LU o I a 7 J 7 . Dear Sir-You will see by the. heading of the letter that I am in England again, arriving this time on, a stretcher. I am, getting. on very well and hope to be t again` in a few Weeks; There are quite al few "here, with the -samevtrouble as myself, that is nephritis. Its ef- fects are the same as gas poisoning, 'aecting the lungs and kidneys, but" as none of us were gassed, the doc- . tors are at _a "loss as to the cause of - it. I got over the critical period in Rouen hospital, France, and though they, had the oxygen ready, I pull- ed through- without" it. I left the Battyat N ieuf-Berquin, about threel lkilometresl outside Estairs. Theylp had just left the trenches at Lall }Basse the day before, and are now ,I_ believe, at Hazebrook for a, few Weeks. -rs-V - - - I Ward 31, .Northumberland War` }Hospital Gosforth, near Newcastle, ;England, July 12th,_ 1916: ` 115...... Q- X7..- ...n _-- I.-- LIA! 'Sl-JRGT. w. s. Roan wnmzs mom HOSPITAL 5 Brandon, J ulyi 24.-Mr. . A. E Matheson, President of the Lake of 3 the Woods Milling` Cog, reports:_ I that taking the West as a whole from 5 the eastern boundary of Manitoba. 4 to the Rockies, the promise is for ' the nest crop in. the history of `the i` country. Over this vast area, one ' thousand miles long by one to four hundred Wide, grain is in head and presents a strong, healthy growth. a This season has .once more proved Wheat a cool Weather plant, as corn is a` hot Weather plant. The danger to crop failure is over now, `and. with good ripening harvesting A weather the 12,500,000 acres in - wheat should yield 200,000,000 to ; 275,000,000 bushels. At 20 bushels 3 to the. acre the yieldwould be 250,- ; 000,000. This is a fair ' digest of 4 Mr. Matheson s statement. . Men's Cahvas Boots and Oxfords, light and co;3l on the `feet and excellgnt fox; wear, regular 1.2 5 value. T Men s Calf Boots, `Blucher cnut, geod serviceable soles, all leather, regular 2.50 value, special 1.95. L 3 ~ Button or Lace B`oofs, ne calfupprs, good heavy soles, nweht styles, regulgr 3.50 value, special 2.35. ' ' ' Boots and Oxfords, the season s newest, black or tan, button or lace, xfcgular 5.90 values, special 3.65. A ' ` 3.1W.'A.`iu.ATH_ESO1h` A l ' snns BUMPER anon; -- 5, 11 comm! ow states: now. W. s. 1101313. ! o. 14 (En- MEN S $1.95 $2.35 $3.65 75 aM`raY% below cost price. & Don t miss __..---`., \~vul4UA\I uvnsxt I1 EQLCQU UUlIUUu1'BU Of citizens, who marched to the. strains of the instruments. The_' guest of the occasion and the dis-9 tinguished visitors were in auto-5` |"n10bi1CS. Vll\/ uvvlllll uu DIIC uauu. lJa:1'h, WllCI'B. a pavilion -had been erected and-` where addresses were delivered. This _s_z`athe1'ing` was preceded by -a [procession headed by the Citizens lBand, followed by the local commit- ltee of the 35th R.egiment, the High lSchool Cadets, the members of the Home Guard, and a great concourse! A`? n;+';r7nncx Y"l`\l\ ...........1--J J l""Z&}1bng `those `of note. vvho had come especially to take part in the event were: Hon. Jas. S. Duff, Min- lister of `Agriculture in the Ontario l_Government and the Warden of the County. Col. Currie was escorted to the Globe Hotel, where he met many of the leading citizens of the town and county of both shades of poli- tics `whose greeting was in the na-' ture of an ovation. The crowning" ievent of the day was the nieeting` in; the evening at the band park, Where. 9 'nnv'll1'n'n .1-um] knnm ......._A..__1 -_ uuu ya. u4u.uuu.2uu UL but`: lJU.l111ll1Ull. o _ -On his arrival at the station Col. Currie was met by _the Mayor and Corporation as the official tenderers of the public- welcome. But the platform and its surroundings were crowded with a mass of humanity, not less known to the hero of St. isJulien `or less anxious to do him * honor. The town of Collingwood, assisted by representatives from` dierent; parts of the country, gave Col.I Currie `a splendid welcome home on] Friday evening of last week.` It was a" home-coming. as -Well as a mander_ of the 48th `Highlanders, whose gallant Highlanders in the his- toric battle of _St. Julien included triumphant Welcome for the com-! many Simcoe county boys, with the parents of many of whom Col. _Cur- rie had gone to school, had subse- quently been associated in business affairs; and "Whose interest he had [nally been elected-to `look after in` ythe Parliament of the Dominion. f\... L}... -.....'__-'| -L 1 GIVEN ENTEUSIASTIC Wm.-I T coma HOME.-TOWN L DBCORATED { comncwoon THE `DOK$1 OF CQNADD OURACHITEION. Honons emu-1] you thm MOORE S SHOE STORE. solid - _.--,. ., -;. ... \,I1Luu|1Db .\;.:cU}.'..}, .LV.; 3IE. Greer, F..V. Grise, E; C. RE 3. Grant, 0. G. Grant. S. V. Hawkins! 3.5 (arith), L. HOI1Sb1`fIOT, C. M. -; Hewitt, M. A . Harper (honors). A4 - L..Hoar. D.TF. Hazell, J. L. Hall,: [V. M. Hayes (arith.), M. Holmes` Trunks, Grips and Tall Travelling? Goods 1/3 off the ~ Pric_e. Everythirig Below cost price. Strap Slippers in Patenf or Black Vici Kid, serviceable and cool, sizes `4 to 7%, regular I.oo value; special ...... .._* 0 o o o o n no tajtJi`.c~>?1 : nd` , by Strap Slippers and Sandals, made of ne "Patent or Vici lKid, White Canvas, good leather soles, all our best sellers, sizes 8 to 10%, regular 1.35 and 1.50, specia1...A ............. 0 Misses Strap Slippers, in all the newest styles, Patent, Tan or Vice Kid Leathers, sizes II to 2, regular 1.50 and 1.75, special V` ` B oo--u_~ o o n n u - - u - u u o c n u Q o n o c o u n o n o o n a o o u o c o o o o o n n o o n o n a : o u o o n c u o no A\I1\l' A . \/uun, xx. Ullllll ~\iJ.1'1Lll), J. Curry, E. J. Dorsey (spell.), A. Day, J. L. Drennan (arith.), M. M. {Evans, A.` L. Fachnie. G. Foster, A. E. H.` Fair, H. B. Furniss, J. J. Gilygr, A. F. Gilchrist .(f:eor:.), N. P vnnw `EV (`I T\ `(T I`1_.I,.- T1 ............. J . . R. B. Aiken (arith.), J. M. Aiken, B. Atkinson. _G. M. Atkinson, G. C. Baxter, E. F. Belfry, G. VV; Belfry,- M. A. Baycroft (arith.), K. M. Beck, G. A.'Bennett, M. A. Bennett, 5_R. A. Boothbyr. E. M. Breedon. B. iChristian, H. Collins, R. M. E. Co1e,[ .E. `M. Corbitt. M. J. Crane,,E. A.} ;Crai:, N. C. Cooper, J. W. Craw-i fo_1'd. F. C. Cook, K. Curran .(a1'ith),l _T n11rr`Y T! nnmonvv Inna" \ A The following are the successful 1 pupils inthe Model School Entrance from the County: t D D AZ`l-.... /__.2L1- \ 1' If A -1 1 vv AAHAIUI ' u \IvLnbuA I -- .,_,. _ _ g Lower School Examination for %111tra.nceI`{ ingo hNor1al Schools-l omas . eat , azel Card, S.! W. Davidson, Agnes Ruth VElrick,' Margaret "R. Fowler (arith.), John C. Graham, _F_'rankie O. Hubbert, (rordon IlVIi14,:g`S]1:ZOn, Mary R. Mo-i ann, . . e nt re, Flora M. }Murchie, ._Joseph Ngder, Eva H.` `Parker (ar1th.), Mary E. Ross, Dor- othy `J. Sargeant, Lena M. Sinclair (ar1th.), Violet Taylor, Helen M. 'IV1r11'_ne;11;, Mabel E. Warnica, Beulah mg . VIVL- .`-ll.__:___. -,A, 11 , n 1 [DEPARTMENTAL nvbbldvv LALJUIULCDC o ` Model school Entra.nce.-Ma1}y T.` I R. Coughley. `I Jun-u... G ..`L4.-`I 'l'I___.:.._A.:_-_- --- l Following is the 'list of success- tful pupils` from the Barrie Col- 7 legiate Institute: ' `Il.`.1-'I cI-1_--1 -I-I__L,_-,,,, Ir . -N` l \rI-`\J\A`.IL\4\J-_ ; president.

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