Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Jul 1915, p. 8

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IJIAIJALI L55 1 Va; 5013.4 ".7 2 v- .7 --A f Immediately after the said 31st day of July, 1915, the estate of the _::said' deceased will be distributed lllamongst the parties entitled there- "to, having regard.` only . e to the `vtlims of Which] thee `administratrix " * sl1all ._t`hen , ,.hjWe*:; .jnotiee,-A .,.a1;d,:;f all ,;'thersi i'`i11j.4hl-"iX1nded ?froin'`3 the `T. .' "-14 . Pictorial Patterns and Magazines Sent by Mail-Please Include ' `Postage. Patterns Positivelya Not _ . Exchanged. ' SEPARATE SCHOOL Holeproof Hgge forw Childtn nd ,-, _ - -_ __w- at: llll&l\v_II `SIDE Women. See the $1.00 Silk for Women. A Guarantee With Each Box. . '3 GB 0 ,QJ\, `l\l\r, LIIU '1:-u ,....,L:.,....T.....f.fZ5ceah- Men s Lisle 50;; Lisle Stockings at 25c . vxuwu .D.1.Ll Mr. H. E. Jory presided at the Crown Hill garden _ party on the 24th, under the auspices of the Methodist church. The Barrie band and the Barrie quartette and Mr. C. Franklin,` of Barrie, furnished the ; musical programme; A LOST-On ' Saturday Molrning, l about eleven o clock, a small Colliel Pup,,fawn-and black. Finder will l be rewarded on communicating with this ofce. , - _ ` i ,_ ------ an In vv11Ut.U- DIIC UVVeIllng was a most engoyable one for those present. e e 3 V . 3.-- 0...- "J a.r.L\n.7nD1D- IL. J.uUunIllaI1', and T. Tooke` and M1ss.Gertrude Reeve and Miss J. Williams, solos by Mr. C. Franklin and elocutionary num- bers by Miss McCullougl1. Address- es Were` given by the Rector, Rev. J. W. Perry and Rev. Mr. Clements. At - baseball, Holly * won from Knock 6 to 2. The ladies of the congregation sustained their reputa- ,tion in supplying an excellent sup-" iper. The Weather Was delightful ,and taken as a Whole. the evening awas eninvahln nnn 42.... um... . _..~uu- St. Paul s, Innisl The annual garden party in con- nection with St. Paul s church, In- nisl, was held on Monday even- ing (June 28). A large number of people, old and young, attended, Barrie being well represented, the Citizens ,' Band suppliyng the music. Several `quartette numbers were given by Messrs. A. Monkmanl, and `T. 'l`nnlm and 'M;ee (1m.+....,J- D--- ; Last "-`week owing to extra adver- ;tising carried considerable matter {of interest was crowded out. Two garden party notices su?ered this 1 fate. ' Mary A.` Ludlow 380, o Cecilia Me-` Bride 376, Jos. Moore 375, Douglas] `BC-attyV3-17, Dan Houlihan 334, Reg. Coady 305, Leo Overs 276. `To Senior Fourth T Cecilia Dunn 478, John Overs A /1")R - Trimmed ats for W. $1.00 Values Manufacturers Samples of \ Kno-tear Silk Stockings, in Battleship Grey, Dove, Silver Grey, Black, White, Cham- pagne, Sky and Belgian Blue, Copenhagen `Blue, Paddy Green and Sand Shades, reg. 1.00. "Special ....... .. B I 7 beautitully trimmed Iixats iri ' various colorings, owers, rib-T bons, ribbon velvet as trim- mings. Valuesup` to 1 7.00, for quick clearance I There lives _i in" Toronto 9, man who was born ve years before -the battle of Waterloo, whose childish _cries Were hushed by threats that Bonaparte would _catch him, "Who remembers the illumination of. Lon- don after the Battle _ of Waterloo; and who to-day hushes his great- grandchildren with the kaiser as a bugaboo. who reads with the keen- est spirit the news of the great War, and who is preparing` to celebrate soon the fall of Berlin, to complete a marvelous century. He is Mr. Joseph Mantell. He lives at 69 Herbert avenue, and he celebrated his 105th birthday on the 10th of May. - . - . . c$ver._ Kn Sm` liose GARDEN 1;AR'I_'I1-IS machme V\r'V 5 by. _ Egfit 6ij`,"l_iand. V` k :,1ieid by the late jg uuu aewmg ivxacnme, `O hn Crispm, has been taken ed2;;;t-9t}k*A:;UPP1i5 f' the Crown Hill . dMade of good quality Indian Head and Pa1m Beach Suiting, white and colored col- lar, sizes 34 to 40, special $1.00 and .25 an ,`. i I . isf ;gainnmdp:ni;;:p`.te store at Big. Bay Point this year. . . ~ 25-27;) ARM FOR ~s,LE-asituated in the township of Innisl, - Ni lot 6, S. east 2,1 lot 6, con. 5, 3% miles from Thornton, -containing _ Farm contains large `mick house, f ibarn` 36x100, hay barn with pig- . mg Appl gery and ihenryt beneath. drive- house 20x60 feet. Soil, a clay loam, orchard of three acres, two good wells and cistern. School house on opposite corner. R;M.D. Ap-V ply on premises. ' 25tf. `OVERLAN D CAR FOR SALE-5 Passenger, 30 h.p. Overland .Tour- ' Car," in rst class condition. y Box 462, or Phone .288, Barrie. ' 24-t-f 150. acres. ` White Terry Hats in Women s sizes, latest cut and in great favor._ New Midcly Waists $l.004`and $1.25 AWhite Terry Hats Holeproof Sox for Men. Buythese by the box. All Guaranteed. `VI-Iawkestone, July 6th. 191: ).--In_ loving and und_v1n: momm-_v 0t Papa, John VV. Shaw. who died at his home, Hawkestono. . on Jul. 6th, 1909. :`One'precious to our ho;11'ts W35 J...I...... lWe think of "him in silence. 1 No one may seeus weep.- `Bnt deep Within our hearts Hls memory still we keep. Our home has never been the same Since his {mice has silent boon. Nor is the World the same to US Since death has come between. 11-r-n 1 1\_,_...l.Lmnc V..- v y-xvauu-.7 vu Uut. llktlll-V "" taken, . The voice we loved was stilled. The place made vacant in bur homo, Can never more be filled. Peautiful Waists \ $1.27 Fifteen ADiff'e.ijent Styles Womcn s 'Waists in Voile, tiste, Orgadie and S` STRAWBERRIES-For sale, about 1-3 acre in Town of ' Barrie, in splendid condition. Owner` has no time. to handle. "Will sell on shares, with small cash payment, - to a reliable part}/.t Claud Faux, = Bayeld St., Barrie, Ont. 23-tf TED-Good General Servant: . Must be able to cook. No wash-_ . ` ing or ironing. Apply to "Mrs. .- Judge Wismer, 74 Mulcaster '_street. . ' tf. Swiss Muslin; embroidered and plain gcollars ; open` front, 3A and gopg sleeves. Values up to s',; .;:;.1':::::::;::::::: $1.27 |ADDISON--In 131:i}.. on .\lq'mlav July 5th, to Mr. and _\bI:-.-,`L, Addison, a da11 _ PATERSON-In Orillia. ,m; June 29, to M1`. and 311-5. Fr:-.1 Pater- -son, a son (Neil A1'chih:1!1.) . DIED BROWN-I11 A1land1l(-. oz; .\':12: July 4th, Ebe11ol(>;:m~ B1'n'.\'z:. latc- of the B .and B. AI)<-pt.-L.. H.T.R.. aged 63 years, 11 lnomls a.:.lT days. . Funeral (p1-ivatm took place on Tuesday, lit}: inst. - flGIBSON-At Holly, on .lum- 23rd. 1915, Hugh Gibson. auml ls _\'(-ars. MILNE-In Barrie. on 5I1.IN13} ~ July 4th,. Mrs; I\la1'-2:11-of llilne. agedT84 years. , ' WARRvEN-I11 Barrie-. on Sat111':`.a_\ , July; 3rd, 1915, \\'ilhohnina G. Warreu,fWidoW of the late F. N. VVar1'en, in her 48th _\'-:11: IN MEMORIAN GB Lauxuc up u n g x... ~Wife and Daughters. BORN 8th e, Ba- NOTICE TO cnpnxtrons REWARD -%J For Sale L . " tfvfee1:V Inspector k_ 'sam1;`les` from the" .Va ri0us .,'n;ilk' .y9;`3dor,sV_`:;- Km. ? `rand A `sxibixiiig `% i O: D : jh ul U1-VII ll Illllllm , LJLULLI Ll L'J .l. _ .018,` 30. v_` W6od *-S-treet, , Toron- t{o...,,. ;0nt-% of the " ' `V % ` " SE10 .1} DE. - " 7 - ./ n was . . . .~_-.~ \ ,...,..,"a,.r...; ..,. < :. .. ._ I .> \ A ` `. ` ; . Las ".$V.68kf nsnector an ` i The annual bargain sale of _ Cor- `lene Corsets ,one of the best made.- to-measure "Corsets. in the market, begins Saturday, July 10th, '1915., As usual in July the company. is clearing its shelves through .. its agents; .Ladies, it `is up to you to` be comfortable," so don -.t miss this _a , as the corsets; are . going at h f price- The company needs `the money and I shall be glad-'tocs'e1_fv6 -Y011- ._Hear_d,.- "-15" `Ross. ' Q`. ., nui:sn_ * Bruce Stephens, son of Mr. R. A. Stephens, was up in the police court -Monday on a charge of running an auto under the age_limit. ' While at the steering wheel young Stephens ran. into the delivery wagon of R. "Wilson, butcher; Sixth Award, doing considerable damage. Bruce was taxed $2.00 and costs, in all $8.25. {-A suit in the Division Court ' Tues-` 1- day resulted from the collision._ L 'The new armouries building in Queen s park is fast coming on .to completion. Last Week the steel work for the roof was placed .in' position. There remains of the brickwork. to` be yet completed the gables and the towers. Contractor .Rusk says he has` at _"least 100,000 brick to lay before the Walls are nished. - ` A \ I I Driving Auto nder Age. I .. ___-_ 1 \J;sLLLea D UUGMUILHL 1 WHY--To give everyone a pleasant 1 outing. Tickets 70c and 300. } Work on the Armouries V WHAT--Collier St. Methodist S.S. ` ., Excursion, _ V . `WHEN-Wed., July 14th, 1.15 p.m. WHERE--'-To Ori1lia s beautiful .. -..`I_ WEEK IN A The ladies of Barrie W.C.T.U. are opening their parlors on Owen street (`above the public library) as rest rooms for ladies and -children` visiting the town on July -12th. Afternoon test will be. served from ;3 to. 6. Visitors cordially invited `to come -and rest. .v ` IN THE MATTER OI` the Estate of, Annie Henrietta Eughson, late of the Town of Barrie,. Deceased. Notice is hereby given `that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Annie Henrietta Hughson, `who died on or about the 9th day of - March, 1914, are hereby. notied to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersign+ ed, the administratrix `of the estate A of the said deceased, on or {before the 31st day of July, 1915, their Christian and surnames, addresses ~ and descriptions, and` full particu- ?- lars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held 5` them, duly. verified... 1.........1:..4...1.. . ..m.`... 4.1.... ..;.:.1 91;.` The ladies of- Central a Methodist `Church Will serve m als on the .12th _July, in the school oom, entrance" Torontoystreet. `Come and enjoy a good meal. ~ e . 27p - On Jaly 1st 9. box eontaiihg 4200` bandages,. _d1f'es'sii1gs,i_; Wipes, ,, com- presses, and 1000 mouth-Wipes was sent to the. Queen s Canadian Hos- pital, Shorncliffe. '_ A generous con"- rtibution_ was sent. by St. Andrew s `feonsisting of 1086 "bandages and dressings, The iarniouries are again. open `for recruiting. '33 men are required for the next quota, and it is expected that Capt. E..R. J.` Biggs will be in commandp Up to Tuesday night 513 men had passed the doctor, they came from Collingwod, Midland, Waubaushene and Barrie, V _ _ \ Invitation to Orange Lady Visitors -For the engagement ring,.11igl1-e grade jewelry or {jewelry repairs consult E. H. Williams, the jewe1e1-. Two stores--Opp. old Queen s Hotel and at Cor. of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. Marriage licenses issued.l Recruiting Again This "\;r:ill-f};:'a.r;1:ie . for in; struction at the - Town Hall on Fri- day, July .-9th, at 7.30. FRANI; MOBERLY, Capt. '-Bambo Vrandah Curta'.ins,I all sizes for sale, at Dougall Bro_s. tf. Goes to Maxfkdald ES. A-Open for the `season. .Litt1el Lake Summer Resort. Boats for Hire. Board by day or week, zyid lunches and soft drinks at all hoilrs. Miss Lawrence. A 20tf Last Week at the Y Mr. Jasg! `Ke`enan ` played, against Messrs. Marshall, VValker, Aiken, Hedg-e1-,' -A. Brunton and J. ` Brunton. b The; `result was in Keenan .s favor, six! Wins and_ four draws." ' ` I On `Thurgday of last week. Mr. Chas. Coliton. took possession of , the_- New Barrie House.. - Mr. 1 who/" recently resigned from the- sta of the Bar- .rie Collegiate, has been engaged as principal of the Markdale High School. ` Wm. Duncan, who passed a cheque on Vickers Gerits Furnish- ing store, was sentenced on Satur- day last to a six inonths terms. 2% acres of rst-class gardening -land. 6 room Bungalow, Barn with horse and cowistable. _Drive shed, ice house and chicken house {S by 70; Nice orchard and small fruit. This is a beautiful property and can_ be bought for $ 1800. One half cash. Division Court will be held i1_1 the county as follows: July '13, -New Lowell; July 14, `Coldwater; July` 15, Orillia; July 17, Bradford. Jas. `Keenan Takes on Six Blayrs `I , I H m_e `Guard Ordexj No. 25 K` Duncan Gets Six Months. Member Pharmacy Concil -I-~r A. v` Mr. H. G. Roberfson has been.1'e- elected by acclamation as represent- ative for district No. 6 on the .011- tario Pharmacy Council. l` ' -. - 1 '- Band on; Thursday ~ evening j1n,v I. 1 Queen s Park. , New Man Charge Division Court Dates This i`s} the` 339th day of t_.l'1`e ; : . A ` 1.- 5 abres of rstv-class land `on! we1L lington` St., Barrie. 7 room brick house. Nice bank barn and orchard. This property would make a beauti- ful -home. Price $1200. Apply W. C. THOMPSON `Misses Hazel and Winnifretl *Marr .'left_ -Monday. for Gravenhurst, 4w1z.9A.re .%they. ;m9t 9 - party.% pf: school; ;`Lti!I,!h`ers- B.3}t`and..Gta~;; S. C.V Rowe .and,`_1':1ivo daugh- trs,`.'Ruby and `Pearl ,of Barrie, are spending the` summer ,,at Cedar [.Gr,ove,. F;a._1fm" near. ,--Thornbury.-.3 A 7 114iW`15??Vi9?T- I It is now Capt., the Rev.` E. R. J_. Biggs. The announcement was made this `week .tha1; .Mr. Biggs ` had V quali-. ed for `his captain s 'rank._ ' - A Miss .Viola Liddard,Miss Kathleen Tuer and the `Misses McQuirter, all of Midland, are" holidaying at the Arlington. V . , - Mrs. J. H. e Bradford and family, Quincey, 111., are visiting with her mother, `Mrs. Alex. Graham, Worsley street. . ' T Miss Ida Lewis` of Wo1se1e;r,Sask., and Miss . Al-meida Lewis visited `Mrs. F. L. Lewis of Toronto last week. Mr. Chas-. Otton of Regina, who A- has been - visiting among old friends in town, returned to: Calgary this 1 week. Mrs. R. N. Barrick, nitce of Mrs. M'cCandless, with two children, is ivis-iting her aunts at ..Sunnyside. . | `Mrs. C. H.` Clafy, Dr. Chas. Clark 'and Miss Louise Clark motored up from Newfmarket Qn_ Sunday. .- ` Miss Hswley an<'1`LMrs. Slcewart of [Toronto }visited with Mrs. J. M.| |B'othwell, Bradford street, 1astweek.| Office Owen St. Phone 288 j Mrs. Finiayson of Toront o is vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mr. {John McCosh, Bayeldistreet. _| I ' Miss Sen1n1ens, Co1l"ii1g'Wood , is the! guest of Chief and Mrs. King this; Week.` ' ` V Mrs. R. E.- Fletcher and daughter! `of Toronto are the guests of Mr. A. ` Morren, Collier street. _ Mrs. H. O. Partridge`of~Sinta1uta, Sask., `is visitingwith the Misses King, Poyntz street. I > '_ Mr.EdWard Howell of. Toronto ` was a guest of Mr.'and Mrs. Catcher a few days this week. * Mr. James Keenan and xMiss| Mabel are visiting in Cobourg Withl Mr. ` Keenan s brot11er.g.:v . -. `Mr. and Mrs." Baldwin Bailey and` ichildren of North Bay` are visiting `Mrs. C. Bailey, A -V Hon. Mr. Justice-'VVablsh of` Cal- gary is the guest of Judge Vance, ; Collier street. 1 Miss` V. B1'i1`1sw_ead of Toronto Was! `a holiday visitofwith Mr; and Mrs. V Catcher. - l "IFOR H1RE;-Pho}:e, Todd, - "`T72628 4:-FARM. FOR 'SALE--A.t* `Minesing,' .lot 3, con. 8, Vespra, 75 acres of 1 clay and clay loam, nearly all cleared. Telephone 1 and rural .~' email. Apply on premises. E. ;' T H. Johnston, R.M.D., Anten Mills. .25-28 NOTICE _TO. "_CAMPE1.S-Mrs.V_`J. __ -_.____ ` :.o....................... ' . Mr._ and Mrs`. J. S. Jbhnson hael returned from their jSa.ginaWjtrip. I 1'. IN. -- - '7~'.l.`>l12e ti tHeste(12 . Lfo1'1ov2v_S Hl22;S;iiith, 3 34 p.c.2%;. A. Iaylozraa ~_{MI1".75Iibwe,L`3 2-5; `D. Bundy, 3 2-5;`- LD: 'Bisliop, 3 2-5; Jno. -Marlin, 3 2-5. u`M1- Qn`.+11'7.. +...+ ..+.;...1 1'15` 'I..:.-..L-J.L-.L` Gordbri Lon 2 man is`-attending the! IV Boy Scout camp at Oshawa. . I | ~...n .-auauyy, u u u, any. 'J.lLa111u, 0 4'0. Mr. Sn'1ith"s test stood soAhigh'that' a -second sample was taken, R with, the" szim: result-`as `the first test. ' --For' real` good owers-.-Wed+ ding` or table bouquets,. Funeral Designs, or Floral effects, put up in the most artistic 'manner,- see WM. TAYLOR, DunAlopi St., Bar- 1-in. ; -Reevle "Potter Was" in town on Mon-1 day. - " I _ Mrs. A. Bricker and children are visiting in Listowcl. ` Scott s `bookstore, this. week, V in their adve1 w`tisement.`features a new Canadian book,` Written by Major- General Steele, C.B.',' M.V.O., en- titled` Forty Years in Canada. This_ book should [appeal to. Simcoe county book lovers, especially to Oro -people, the township in which Major Steele, was born. "House, No. 74 P'enetang Street, with 1% acres of good gardening s_o'il. Price $1500. $500 cash. -I L Last Sunday c.Rev.`g_Wm. Price , of Toron_to,. *preacl1ed~ his `first. sermon as minister of - Christ Church, `Re- formed Episcopal.` Rev. Mr. Trice and family _have been in Canada for about a year, coming from England. This is" his rst .Canadi_an charge. _The congregation has been Without a settled minister for ve /years, and the coming of Rev. Mr. Price is looked forward to by the congrega- tion _ as the beginning i of better things for the church.` [New Mihister at Christ church rie. V ` T Aid. z$Tt`e.ple_t.onA was a very much ysurprised man this Week upon re- ceiving a summons from the Col- lingwood police that he had exceed- ed` the `speed limits of that town`. A I-`AAA. .....L.. 1... 1.1-- _,,, uu. 4-mu; uyuuu 111111.03 U1. Lilith LUWII.` A foot-note to the summons stated that if the sum of $500 is "remitted the caseerwillvbe Withdrawn. Which looks as if the northern town pro- poses to make auto owners _pay for the up-keep of the `streets. The Worthy " alderman. `was one of a "party that recently motored to Col- lingwood and during their visit has no recolection of distru'bing' the dust of that peaceful hamlet, at least Within eivilization. He" admits that in approaching the town they may have pulled her open, but that ;Was out in What looked more like a country road than a town street. ;Motor1sts have been Warned from, I.Toronto to keep, away from Col1ing- ` Wood. ` V `Keep Away from Collingwood AIJ (N LT HE %.N()RTHERN ADVANCE Marks obtainable` 650, to passl 390-Marguerite Grey 545, Flor-g ence Grey 532, Jas. Nottingham 525, Gerald Daley 512, Annie Gill 504--these having obtained _ Honor standing (488) are recommended to Sr. Third class. Kathleen lMoore 487,. Gladys Houlihan 482, Florence N ottingliam 480, Madeline Clark 476., Fred Cavanagh 441, Irene Gill 436, Nellie Coady 373, 5 ` ` ` Part Second , to `Jr. Second , M9.`r1{s`\Qbtainable 300, to _ pass 180--`-Eileen Gray 288,. Alice Quin- lan 280,, "d Desourdie 279, ` ;2z9e Phil Lam }' ling fnii Quinlan, 331, Mon- ita Daley 330, Marion Rivard 329, Catherine Moore 329 Alice Overs 325, Thos. Ludlow 31,8, Mary Moore 317, Rich. Flaherty .316, Annie Mc- Veigh 304, Agnes iQuinlan 284, Alice Carpenter1245, Melville Bar- rett 232 `Russel `Keenan 123. The rst ten pupils having obtained over '75 p.c. on each subject are promoted! n uu-x 1.uua. uump` to Jr. Third Class. ` I Jr. Third to 'Sr.l Third Marks obtainable 650, to pass 390.-Lawrence Haskett 604, Mar- garet Lampman. 593, Gladys O Neill 572-rthese pupils -having obtained over. 85 p.c.,-of total marks are_ re- commended to Jr. Fourth class: ,Retta Brennan 498, John Grey 486, Edward McDonald 465, Isabel Lud-I 1ow 448, Clarence Gill 446, Ed;'Sin- drey 423. ' House, No. 70 Penetang_'Street,. Barrie, with 1% acres of V. rst class gardening land. Price $1200. $500 cash. [ 1 9 u` , an Total` 200-Anthon`y-5 Saso 185, Ella Murphy 180, Gerald St. Onge 176, Doris Quilter 170, Adolph Desourdie 168, Leo Byrne 164, Ger- ald Sibbald 156, Richard Spearn 150, Leo Flaherty 145, Maurice Nu- gent 140, Anna Cavanagh 138,_Mar- ion O Rourke 135. I i To Junior First l , Jr. Secondlto Sr. Second. ' _ , Marks obtainable. 450, to .pass 250-Thos. McCarthy .427, Teresa Murphy, 417, Margaret King 415, Lillian Haskett 409, Irene Hogan A407, Euphrosyne Murphy 400, Hazel, Murphy 389, Chas. Crossland 373,,` "Bessie Walton 368, Delphine Peters 365,- Alex. Clark 334, Thos. Lamp- man n11inlnn QQ1 `ll -.. ; Recommended-`-Jos. - Byrne, Ed.` Hogan, Harry Cuff, Donald McDou- gal, Jack Moore, having obtained on `IX .; Dvvn, Us4r\ 90 vp.. Junior First to Part Second 3 .Marks obtainable 300, .to pass 180---`Joseph 'Byrne 288,. Edward \Ho`2'an"275, Harry Cuff 274, Donald 'McDoug'all- 274,- Jack Moore 270, Jessie Clark 250, Robt. Spearn 230,! Joseph Codyj 246, Stafford O Neill` 228, Gertrude Keenan 223, Irene` O Rourke 221, Joseph St. Ongre 220,} Chas. Saso -214, Matthew \Valton 184, Thos. VVa1ton .182, Norman Barrett 181.9 I _Second to_ Jr. Third u o oxuav canva- blue at _6c Bunting in white at per yd. 5c Tricolor Bunting, per yd...8c. Caxbric for 'Strean`i:ers and APennantsin Royal Blue, Sky, Red, `Orange, Yellow and _White, at peryd....T....' ..... ..8c Tricolor Bunting God Save ' the King on each yd. at 15c Tricolor Bunting, photogra- phure of King George and Queen. Mary on each yd. 15c Flags `& Bunting for Decoration Flags at`3c ,5c, 10c, 15c and 0:- _- .1. Fine .Gauze Lisle Hose, in Black, Purple, Paddy Green, Tan`, Grey and White .... .. Special ......... ....... .4 .............. .. _ _ - 2 I A complete cnllectionvof Men's Lisle Sox in Tan, White, Battleship Grey and Black `and F ancies. Special values, 25c, 35c: Market Garden Properties

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