Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Jul 1915, p. 1

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`(LIL LL16 VII`! \/ V \/Ill-I-has Reports T . _ 2nd Dcp. Robertson presented the `report of the Finance committee," -recommending the `payment of ac-i counts under following heads,` as `follows: A p Bd . of Education, bal. 1914 I -__ `V mun-no An 7"`i'ev3 iii: f Hydro-Electnc 4:1;-nQnml\U\(! ' .L.l_y\Ll'U'1:JlUUI/1.1.13 uvuwuvuzvu, 1 coupons'....._ 27 61` Salaries .. 1597 37- ;'Se'wer connections . . . .e 40 T65 { Street oiling and` Watering; 17 20 Maintenance` of sewexsvy ._ . . . 12 15 L.O.L. grant . . . .. . . .' 200. 00 Parks Commission_ ; . . . . . . ' 800; '00 Post, .,Ofce improvements 35 95 fBoai`d of..Health :..,`. . 5,7, 25-_ 'Md1`ket and` Parks . . .4 39; _ e biling . . L ...~ 64: Boardiof j.W0.rka__; Te z sewexs U O provements . h `--gun trks I O DMD`:-| not novn.,qx_.; ll llllluo .l.llJ.1 .;..$5938 60. debentures, 4 v 07 R1 `\ Thursday,. duly ilst, was .cele- i brated in Barrie most quietly. Busi- - ne`ss ..was suspended, except in the building line, where every ne day counts. The ags on the public . `buildings were ying, and an odd ag was to be seen `on Dunlop street, and quite a few residences had their decorations out. Up at the bowling and tennis grounds all was activity; the young people on the tennis courts kept A up a vigorous play all day. On the adjoining lot the bowlers competed in the singles championship ford "the Sarjeant trophy. The baseball club went to Cookstown, being defeated by a score of 8 to 2. Four Barrie tennis players went to Toronto to take part in the Junior Dominion cham- pionship tennis tournament for-`boys under 18 years of age. The boys came out 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and thus brought the . championship to Barrie, Lawrence Barwick being the winner of the day. As usual. there was the regular holiday exodus by __the railway, and `numerous picnics to points along the bay. The steam- er Otonabee made her usual trips to Big Bay Point. fmaw LIBRARY : `CONTRACT LET Tuesday the Str. Otonabee ran an `excursion fromv Hawkestone to the Kirkeld lift lock. While going `through the Trent Canal a sub- merged log became foul of the boat s propeller, thus. making the .boat slow answering the helm, with the result she came into collision With oneiof the draW-brid_s:es across t11e_ canal; The upper Works of the how was smashed, otherwise no damage was done, the boat proceed- ing on her trip and returning to Barrie in the evening. The canal at best is difficult to 11a\*i;rate for a boat the size of the Otonabee. Ball Planing Mill Secure Con` tract-Within $15,000. Carnegie Grant The citizens of Barrie will have, bv the .time Winter is here, it is hoped, a splendid new library build- ing, made possible by the` Carnegie ` Library .Fund. n`.-.....J..-- .........I..... L]... `I IL, ....,...._, .- _ Tuesday evening the Library Board met and awarded the con- tract to the `Ball Planing Mill Co. `The contract is for the completed -building excluding the interior furn- ishings. \Vhile the exact `contract price has not been given, out, The Advance learns that the completed building will cost in the" neighbor- lhood of $14,750.00. ' , Herb Lennox s annuifl picnic at 3Jackson s Point on July 21st is `looked forward to as one of the events of the year. The New- vmarket Express-Herald gives the following particulars as to the days proceedings: The biggest annual picnic in the world, otherwise known as the Lennox Picnic, will be held at Jackson s Point, as usual, nic will be absolutely non-political and entirely patriotic.` The pro- ceeds from the picnic will be de- voted to The Daughters of the Em- pire and the Red Cross fund. The attractions this year will be greater than ever. There will be no less than 14 brass bands, including the Queen s Own of Toronto. The pro- ceedings will open with a grand automobile procession -from Sutton, to Jackson s Point, when valuable prizes will be given to the three best "decorated automobiles, the first prize" being a new patented automo- bile signal valued at $32.50; second prize an automobile rug valued at $10.00, and the third prize $5.00, in cash. ,At* 1.30 the whole 14 brass bands . will be massed together, which will ' aggregate over 300 players,- and those present "will be favored with a concert of patriotic airs, all under the leadership of Prof. Barrow of the Queen s Own Band, `immediately after which the . speaking will commence and will be '. sports `` and amusements will be pro- -vided for the _children',- and the 1 witl_1['.a ; grand display "of rewogks. QEverybody,. irrespective of poll cs, are `cordially ~jinv,ited to be present amt-r7beni.y--he1d3 - on Wednesday, July 21st. The pic-' entirely patriotic; ,- All sorts of whole days -outing will conclude- = at; this, vthe. `greatest picnic that . has: ` `HERB S ANNUAL BLOW-OUT fin zizohol rubbed on quick- __lyV (wilt `clean,-a dirty window better . E gfdapesugg gminqnia in -wash ` , After; pgttige. b.utt_ered_. .: paper in rtlxe pan. spri,n.kle.i!1- Just a '-`httlee our. This will keep the cakes ehstiteking; - '2" ` "`Z -A Ann Anu:4nI' THE HOLIDAY IN Town OTONABEE HITS BRIDGE `Time-Table of Events of the ` Day WHAT S home on nus TWELFTH A The members of the Orange Or- tder will have a. busy day of it on `Monday, entertaining the visiting lodges and keeping things running smoothIy. The programme for the day will be follows: r7nn ...... ,f....,.`L...... .3. Int. \L(lI.y VV ILL IJIJ .L\JLl\I II n) I _ 7.00- a.m,-`-.embers of L.O.L. 452 wilLmeet t their hal1Aon_Dun- lop street, `sharp at this hour. All members are requested to be on hand. I\l\I\ . Ann `I'\ 1' A _L uauu. % 8.00 to 10.30-Reception to visit- ;ing lodges. All lodges are requested `to register at the town hall. ` n1n 1| w\a DnnnLn" "l\11i`U\l'IIVIl'I'\" AVI II\I L\Jbl|JU\|ll- I~U vnnv vvn-A nnvuan ` 9.10 a.m.-Baseball tourna'ment on `exhibition park. 1 nn .. ..... T)t.........n.~:An -94.1:-nu An CAIIIULULULL `EJ661131 1.00 p.m.-P`.rocession forms on market square, proceeding east along Collier street to Charlotte, to Duckworth, thence West via Louisa, Dunlop and Elizabeth -streets, to Exhibition park. nnn ....... IX... g...-..:.vnl up manna, AIILULDLULL lltbl. n. 2.00 p.m.-On arrival of procese sion, the massed bands, under con- ductor Addison, bf Barrie band, will `render Onward Christian Sol- diers. As far as ,known there Willdbe ten bands taking part in this number. ' r\t\l\ I `I1 I _ ________:__ uuxuu L 2.35 .p.m.-Addresses by promin- ent speakers and a programme of sports. The packing of_Red Cross bales will be in the society s rooms, July 15th. All `conhibutions should be Kieft in the rooms July 14th. rru-- T),_.`l (`I ____ ,. --..-.;:,....I...... A-\t1`rI LCLII 11 LUUAIIJ U unv ..L.A.vI|u ThelRDeH' Cross pai'ticulary asks do `for hospital kits "and bed socks. iThose wishing` to do bed socks may obtain directions, needles and wool at Scott s Book Store. uu I_}\.\J|.I.' J J.F\.l\Il\ vJuuLvo Tuesday,` July '29, 5-L pots of jam were shipped to hospitals in Eng- land and France-._ It is hoped to make aVfortnig'htl_v shipment. Housew wives may still have another op- 'portunity of showing their patriot- ism. T 1 `Ir 1 f\r\ `an a A WHEN WILL YOU sma nr YOU DON T` SAVE NOW? _Tuesday, July 29, 108 pairs of ward slippers were shipped. Since Hchcse are 111'ge11tly needed it is ihoped to continue shipping month ` ly. nrm.- A o-1,1:`---9~ K2417) _._-_:__-.1 gov 5`The So1dier s Ai( received from Mrs. Drury the, generous sum of $25 for decorations furnished by `the society at the Thomas-Drury nvedding. Photographs of the `in- `terior of the church on that- day may be obtained from Miss S. Clut- ton,' treasurer. Largre photographs 75c, post card sizes 10c. TYIAIJ. LL- 'lZ)...'l- 15-...-.-. _._---4_ --- - time. VOrange marmalade should never be very stiff, or it is liable to candy when kept for any length of AAAA Iva Gruel, when properly prepared, should be a little thicker than cream, and should be absolutely free from lumps. Dan-.- TITJI....... -2 Tl"IlL___.__ f\,,L J-L IIALL Luau; ,,... Reeve Wilson, of Tilbury, Ont., in making a gift of clothing to the Belgian Relief, hurriedly plunged his hand into the pocket of a coat he had not worn for more than a yearand discovered a bundle of old lettters which contained money and cheques to the value of $100. ILIW "\.IKJV unuyu `W. Visit the Red Cross rooms on July 12th. Lunch 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Afternoon teas, ice cream 2 till.6 p.m. `Donations of pics and sand- wiches will gladly he accepted by the society. l Ce_ntral Methodist church had charge of the tea-roons on Satur- day, July 3rd. Proceeds, $74.19. The Soldier s Aid con_trib'1ted to this` arrount, $12.10. ` When you buy your bread look for our label on every loaf. It's our guarantee to you. V {$1.00 PER ANNUM ll! kDUAHGI smut: cool.-Ila man: amt Though your salary or _income will no doubt increase, so Will your 'gxpc-nses--_and many nd th_at the iatter more_than keep pace wlth the \]'.-.m in 1-hp 1-imp fn chart 1 Look Label RED cdss NOTES For the I-lion: no '_ lHUlL._LAJunn ..`,\_ I" r--v .. _ ____ former. Now is the txme to -svtz-art a, Reserve Fund and the Savi D partment. of the Union B253; oef Canada 15 the place to keep it`. A Deposit the extra you havgon hand now-you can open an account with any sum, down _to one dollar-\ and draw interest on it. Barrie Branch GM; UPHAM - - Manager` iliitiittltillti ziiiiiffffiiiifii 7.0 . 8.0 711.0 munion. . ' 3.0 p.m.--S.S. and Bible Q1853- 7.00 p.m.--EvenAsOng and `Sern_1011.- -REV. 1-:. R. J. BIGGS, B.D., Vwar L Mrs. Warren V Death came with startling _sud- -.:1r:n(~ss to Mrs. ' F. N. Warren; widow of the late F. N. Warren, at 1 A01` home, Mary street, on Saturday cvenm<.;' last. Mrs.` Warren had. been . K 1 1 1.1 `I 1 `:I' `I, _ `In Lyn. _ N _--~-uuk-.;, Luau. J.V.I..l'S. VV arrcu uau uccu 1_n her usual health, and sho1`tl-fy,be- ioro her death had returned from` 3 motor trip down town. ` TH-u 1I.'..-.-..... 1-13,-.- '-1_.__ V...`... .. u u1ULOI' trlp CIOWYI townf, Mrs. "arren, before her rxatre, was Miss VVilhelmina[ Go 'A` .A A ` t `ward. She was marned A813 Tggnig to the late F. N. Warren` - {survived by two children, vM.155. A ' -the Frank and Charles E f ' Uriionle Bank staff. Wane? died in 1908. ` .and Toronto streets. Last,` fafl shed , " (laugh `Capt-) 'Gaziley and d?Th0mas of Chic T ` - - .380 OSQP S-dbury. The remains". ' `- '>:iBrie on .:sh1~1l"d(;i_Y ..V."`~Int e V -v--wIu tvcvtvlv I A former resident of Barrie in 310 person of Mr. Jas. McCabe,_ dled in Toronto on Thursday of last Week at the home `of his daughter, MTS- Wm. McDonald. `Mr. MCab_e `f1' many years ran the old R`0Y"1 ht91, on the corner of "EliZ9be1'# '5 left Barrie to make his. home with hls daughter in `Toronto. `*T11.1-`9,_9 Ah th t_er_s and two js011:SAA.'4(3('3*I_l1A`P1'.i3:,,` 9 famllyz Mrs. -M-cDona1d,;f`M1`5,-` `:"btr:;@`uh,;f'jg`! `is made _in:, _S__;t any VOL-. Lxlv. No. 21 WHOLE N . ` mom-son cm-:w. nu-ucnu #9`) if-th sL1\'mY' AFTER TRINITY July _11th, 1915. { '" .0 a.m.--Holy Communion. 8.0 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11.0 a.m.--;\Iati`ns and. Holy Com-A` Aum3amnma.'. YOU WILL NEEDA % STRAW HATfor JULY 12 Simmons & Co. if; each AAA $Tri9i!v C-hur9!*_. DEATHS AND PUNERALS Every Man s Strawv and Panama THat in the house at half price. J. FRANK JACKSON my man; YOUR'S FOR HATS MAKER OF ` PORTRAITS James McGa)be_ [soon ` Four Bdys F;r`n `Barri e lnv `Sefmi_efinals---Barwick Wins ` Championghip , . Dominion Day saw four, Barrie lads distinguish themselves in the tennis tournament on the Rusholme courts, Toronto, The event was the Junior Dominion` Tennis champion- ship for lads under 18 years of age. 3 There Were 25. entries, from Brant- ford, Hamilton, Scarboro, -Mark- ham, _'1_`oronto and `Barrie. From here four boys entered the lists; R. L. Barwick, Jack Scott, Jack Boys and C. Dyment, and these boys were left in the -semi-nals. In the first `round Scott beat" Boys, 7-9,- 9-7, 6-3; in reporting -this round" the Toronto News says: Boys was thought by some critics to be the most nished player on the. courts, but. he had been tired out. by a hard mid-day. match With Tr`uss.` In the second round Barwick beat Dyment 6-1, 6-1. In` the nal round Barwick Won from Scott 6-3, 2-6, 6-2. 6 a _ l T 1voV\f\*I0+*I`r\r\n `Ln Ln.-...... .....- ....L -L1- - I 1 l I v\.ra-A .n.;.~.v1u. IJUVIIU U`U, Q`U, U"l. In reporting the tournament, the Mail and Empire says: On Domin- ion Day on Rusholme courts, To- ronto. 25 youths entered the lists of the Junior Dominion championship tournament for lads under 18 years of age; This Was a record entry, + and it was specially gratifying that: so many places outside of Toronto - were represented- W. A. Boys, ,M.P., of Barrie, former Canadian! ,champion, ewas on hand with the` I Ba.'i'ie contingent of four boys, who fproved .their mettle by eliminating iall the other competitors and enter-l `ed the semi-nals ll solid quartet. Like father, like son, may explain lilack Boys. The youngster played lsplendidly, exhibiting a A coolness land style which Sl10l1l(l`I11al{e him he future clianipion. Barwick, the; chiinipion, played nine sets, con- lsisting of 86 games`, winning 54, a tv';'ing ordeal, considering the in- triise heat. Scott, another Bacrrie . boy, who `defeated... Boys "in the , semi-nals, played 14 sets,,consi':-l \ing of 122 games, `Winning 7]., a really marvelous exhibition, and it is questionable if this feat was ever accomplished before in Canada. ,Dyment,_ the other Barrie boy, who also reached the semi-nals, had an easier time, playing seven sets.l Truss,`of Brantford, who is only 15,] has great style`, and should carry.- off the honors in a year or two. VHe| gave Boys la goodargument, losingi 4-6, 8-10. Martin, "of Hamilton, al- so showed form, losing to Scott, of Barrie, 6-4, 4-6, 63-6. Duthie, `of Toronto, was the best of the city , entries. _ His strokes .Were very good, and he hits the ball hard. With more c.ontrol"he Will make an excellent `player. The youngster i.Greey, of Toronto, 14 years of age,; diminutive, but very game, `played in great `form. He should make a good` player." . " FIVL-A anrrao A guuu. 1.uaJUL. _ The Globe says: W. A. (Pro) ;Boys, M.P., of `Barrie, former` Can- adian dchempionfwas on hand with the_Barr1e;contrngent of four hays, Who proved then` mettle by el1m1n- ating all the other competitors and entered the semi-nals_ a. solid quar-' .t'ette._ Like father, hke son, may; explam why Jack B_oys, the yo_ur1g- ster, played splendldly, exhlbltimg ......1 .... nun!` a4w1In urkdnln ehn11](1 `seven who is only fteen, has great style, I Ister, played splenalaly, ex-u1uu._1ng ra "coolness and style which should `make him a future `champion. Bar- wick, the champion, played nine sets, consisting of eighty-six games, winning fty-four. ' Scott,` another Barrie boy, who defeated Boys in the semi-nals, played` fourteen sets, consisting of" 122 games, winning `seventy-one," a really marvellous ex- hibition. Dyment, the other Barrie boy,` who -also reached the semi- finals,` had an easier time, playing sets. Truss, of "Brantford, oifthe `honors in "a year or two. Martin, of Hamil- ton, also showed form, losing to Scott,` of Barrie, 6-4, 4-6, 3-6. Duthie of ,Toronto, was the best of the city entries. -His strokes. were very good, 6 and he hits` the ball hard. `With. more control he will make an excellent -player. ` ' ~ - and should carry On Sunday next the brethren "of `the L.O;L.,'.Church_i1l, will` attend` `divine service " at St'.'_ Peter s, Churchill, at 11 o"clo.ck. u On Friday eve`ning,_~ a; lawn. social will be I held. "ethe, ._~auspices yof _/ St; `.1 ete1 -q {fch1;1`h, on [the '.g'1f,ound:s _ `of V1` M138; . Ackers,: Churchill.` It A`,'."l'l,eaA;so,nt`1<; evetiin , is ,.xn-(mu: zzmmnd *'1.........u`~""",.=-:'.g'(,;,q'3.3f. the gr 0111105 U1. _ ;u.1. 3:. .u.uuu.. u, Churchill._ A "pd1{6g*fa1mv`_i11" b ` %%ii1i1is*1i@a;{ ,`_`fA:ll' -are `very :cordi.1lyV invitd `_ t6. -fbe` _.__`.__.._j. ; 1easa.nt%.`.' eveziing. is 'pr'oii8`d.'*~`R}'f1` ` hmen 1:s; mud la? "s'hqrt`% n-uvv th The oiiit 1' . At. 3 pm- 9.-{St-, P3.1:'8.t11..hI91Ehf .`I`l!11' mmsn or INNISPIL THE zmrrzazsvrs "or BARBIE,` `1'I-It - , BARR]/E. COUN"l`b`1@OF SIMCOE; ONTARIO, JULYS. 1915 On lTuesday,(.;11nFe 29th, a `most "enjoyable evening was `spent at St. 'Joseph s "Convent, Barrie, when -the music pupils gave a delightful'*Ie- cital to their parents. and friends. Although the majority of the enter- tainers were rather young, they Egavenevidence of marked" talent and very careful training. The excellent interpretation and admirable . tech- |,nique displayed by the ' more ad- vanced pupils showed them to be musicians of no mean merit, and, as the Very Rev. Dean Moyna, who presided, said in his eloquent speech, the Sisters. ofeSt. Joseph have every n reason to be quite proud of the number and progress of their pupils: The results of the recent College of Music examinations, which sever- al of the pupils tried, will be pub_- lished _later. The programme, which was so creditably rendered, was as folows: "l' I ha `I 1/ IN A - - ~ w VVIIIIJ (ID J-UlUVVDn `M Inst. Solos---Song of the Sea. Shell, Master R. Cowan; Birth- day March, Miss H. Ross; Leola Waltz, Miss E. Quinlan. 5 Chorus-Selected, junior girls. Inst. Solos--Buy a Broom, Miss R. Cook; Reso1ution,o Miss M. Moore. ` - ' on u . - __. .- R w:I'n;:"c`_'uglo:;:'#I:';;vr:1;:;w . Fairy, .M1ss` M. Overs; .The Do1l s Dream, Master C. Crossland. TT...,...l 0-]- 'lT-A2_1 -r n I nu Jun J..I.uv.I. In Inst. So1os-_` `Carnation, Miss K. Moore; Sunshine, Miss J. Maxwell; Peasant Dance, Miss } R.Y Brengan. ' V `IN! .-. ._.. "311 will "int, U . 'mSolo--` ` a1tz, Master T. McCarthy, accompanist, Miss D. Hart. i a r 1 ;;_-- .. _- __. l .n..A.uIu. u i Inyst. Sdlos-Melody, Miss A. iMcPhaden; - Monastery Bells,. 1 Miss A. ,Livi11grs`tg11._ 0 .LvJ.UUJ. U9 Inst. Duet-Sele;3ted, %Cowan and` J. Maxwell. T_-_L- (N ((15 0 1 4/A\/BUAIL .LIJ.(.I0 DUI. \Jo \JJ. Uaauzuu. I {L Vocz;l Solo--T` `Irish Lullaby/ , Miss G. O Neil1, accompanist, Miss D. H:art.~ ` . ` . T ;A. ,. -- -- `I I-Inst.'Duet-'Se1ected, Master Simon and'Miss G-. Simon. Inst. SO1o-\Valtz in G, D J. Cowan. 1-----. -- __ -v.n.nu-J 41.. >141. V 1.1150 I/U11. Inst. D11et4-Selected; Misses _G. O Neill and R. B1'e1111ap. (`1 I IIIN 1 1 L uuu Lt 1JAC11l1a1- V So1os-;Cabaletta, Master H. Milne; Happiness, Miss M. } Ma1_'shall. * IV I ;.__'_ -- `V4.15; >JllIAJ-In Vocal, s So1o.-_The_ .Task, MMothe1'.Mahree, Miss B. `Mc- 2K_11ig'ht.. Accompanist, - Miss Q. ` .Quin`lan. _ ` Inst. So1os--Papillon 'Roses, Miss D. Hart; Minuette, Mozart, Miss B. M.cKnight;` The Butter- y, Miss E; Ellis, . - iChorus-'-Sel`ect<'3d, junior girls.` ' Inst. Solo-A la bien Annie, Miss Q. Quinlan. Inst. Duet-Se1ectd, ` .Misses E. ]Ellis and Miss D. Hart.` moo aov scours m CAMP AT OSHAWA `FirstAAVnni1al Outing Prov. Boy Scouts. Str. ` About 600 Boy Scouts have pitch- ed their tents at Oshawa-on-the- Lake in the rst annual provincial Boy Scout camp undertaken in On- tario. The camp forms the shape of a horseshoe and encloses about ten acres on the farm of -Reeve G. "D. Conant, of Oshawa. It is in charge of . Commissioner H. G.` Hammond. The towns represented are Toronto, Fenelon Falls, Port Hope, Whitby, =Oakville, Barrie, St. Catharines and Oshawa. Electric light wires have been run into the camp from the Seymour Power Company s `lines and water has been piped in from the town water works. A tele- phone is installed in headquarters and there is a well equipped hospi- tal in charge of a trained nurse. The camp is complete in every de- tail. Col.` Gooderham, of V Toronto, has presented a trek cart equipped with all the `latest devices to; go to the troop winning the largest num- ber of points of general merit dur- ing -the ten days camp, Thecamp is maintained at the expense of the boys, `and T this is the rst attempt at a boys outing of such `magnitude and" has many - unique `features; It rom_ises' to become an annual.affair. .' Dnunun :5 hfumnnrfna ;, `An, oyster=-= openei Tis Z-`.a.handy }hii;`g*.'in;-.t11fe kitchen .aw 1_1`en-.:'sit`*-;com`es `Ito ;tying7 ~t11ings*open~ --V ` of-` extract'. grease `sta,ins~*?"-from fw,i_t`h` VT;%m,tr4 Lt *%the.A`consi,sVten, Ly of 3. .... .- "v'ra1l.. paper, X powdred pipe clgy `1lLUlLLDv UV Kl\l\J\ILLLIJ INLL at much: Barrie is represented by 'Longman, who is attending the big- feamp [picking up pointers for use at the _camp of the local scouts this month, * ` T A h1>?A-.TIs`H or vnsrmx Sunday, 11th J uly; 1915.--Mine- }' sing. 11 a.m.; Vespra, 2.30 p.nr'.; Midhurst, `7 p.m. Preacher, the Ven..;.Archdea._co'n Ingles, .M.A., Arch- r dea n"':;;,of '- Sirmcoe.`-J-R.ev. `J..i.`J.'1a: '.&-.'.` :1 `Drl\tI"-1\`I` J ` ~ ' Arthur Kansans; ; vc. } St;1'ot11`gr,`_j Rector. ; REGITAL "Air coNvI:N?r 15 F0 remzuu Uvcxuzsuu, 1vu.V.n._ v be.&%remm:aT%with _arkn:e ..1.=":'.~ ~s . - a, count! qr snic 9_a-Auo Tl-IE nonunion of lNADl'-0UR-A cmslulnon. Misses J. sd9I5_ % Miss _ SEWER BY-LAWS ~ mssnan COUNCIL THE TRAFFIC BY-LAW PASSED Board of Works Passes on Lot of Street Werk--Light Committee Recommends_ Number New Street Lights` _.same time their valuation was very_ LIL IV .llL\llI IICNULLIIU L\.\JL\.A\\.A0 From the town clerk of \Veston,l re assessment system, that the. cost was $100.00, but. had never been `made much use of, at the good. They. were called the Manu-' facturer s Appraisal Co., of Cleve- land, Ohio. . They. called a public meeting, and took up the different districts a11d had the people to dis-1 cuss what . the property was worthi in a certain block or two and take that as a basis, they took into con- sideration the depths of the lots as Well as the frontage, then they en- quired as to the cost of building` materials and worked out .the cost `of the building.` Their value was nearly double what our assessment was, and was fairly accurate. 13-.-..- T_T...'l.... `CnnJ-:1: A aann;nI-;n11- Monday evening s session of the town council was one of` the longest `of the year. Besides the regular business before Council there was the passing of 15 sewer construction `by-laws, the reading taking up most i of the _evening.. I F|'1L.;... ....._ ......\n....4- 7h|'..u.... l"....{.-. UL llllv V V`\Jl.ll.Ll5I. There Was present Mayor Craig, Reeve Bennett, 1st Dep.-Reeve 1 Soules, 2nd, Dep.-Reeve .Robertson, `and Aldermen Wilkes, Lang, Broth-1 gers, Fisher, Stapleton, Gray, Rusk, lClark, Horseld and Minnikin. Anvsnruunrun J-Ln p\4\wv\1*\1-Iv\:.11r|`-`Il\v'|& cuvn-an UVJ LLLIDU U11 I-113.3% DUIIL \a\dIIu From _R. H. Stone, for permission to build a cement curbing in front` !of his residence. on Cumberland St.` UL 1110 .I.\4IJL\L\.aLL\.I\.4 VAL \./|AALAIJ_\/J. I-IA4L.l\L Kill! t From` the Vair Grocery Co., cal- ling attention to the obnoxious gas-1 ses from. Clapperton street sewer; Last year the Council ordered this `sewer to betrapped, but `nothing not done. has been done. Proceedings `Will be taken against town -1f somethmg Is I\` `ll TT "1 `I \.lAl.~J. LL, .L.L\J& unnvnws uunavn. ;v;.A;oz..--Aggy Among the communications were the following of local interest: 121..-... TIT:I`I `D T. ':....-.. ......J II..." 7 i the LIuI\l\JL`JL)II 0 ; From Will K'ng and Mrs. T. R..Redd_itt permission to trim trees. iMrs. Redditt` also called attention ~,to_ndust on Blake street. 11 T1 (`II UIIC .'- \Ill-`J VV Ills \J.L LU Wi`1"`)`1lriwt11e Queen Mary _Hospital,l Weston, in reply .to letter from! clerk` re Hazel Thomas, that pat-I 5 I tients beilig taken into the institu- tion are charged to the municipality` in which patient resided. 1n__---_ L1-.. ;---.-_ -1..-.1- -42 11C'..\..4.,... i ' G43, (.lIl.l.Ll IV (00 -Lttl--I-L`, u M U u L m v vs _ From Hydro Electric Association. asking that Barrie join the associa- ition, the membership fee being $10.00 for a population up to 5,000, and $2.00 per 1,000 over 5,000. 171---..- 11' n T ........ ....1.:..,.. +1...+. (hill; lyhuovu 1,191. 4,Uvv vvua. \I,vvvo | From H, D. Jamieson, asking that sections of the pavement in front f of the business places of VV. A. Mc- lConkey and Fred Loth, on Dunlop lSt., be repai-red; also that a light lbe placed on Simcoe St. south of- lthe Lount property, and another at corner of Maple Ave. and Simcoe St. ; also that Elizabeth St. at his residence and that of Mr. F. Smith be oiled. VIN '11,] `I, .133 UC Ull.C\.lc From Geo. Cameron,` that he did not want Penetang St. oiled in front of his property. ,'[]V......,. LL- Dnuivm nAmnvm:nn:nn nclrr ` 1115 1.111.. l.PKJUU ULIII U1. J\JClILQ LUVJ o , A Petitions 4 were read from C. C. ?Hinds and 14 others that Elizabeth street he `oiled from Eccles to Frances street:_s. 1 ' Ai UL IILD Pl. UIIUJ. VJ 9 From the Parks Commission, ask- ing for $800 out of years levy. DAL: l\I!\fI ocvnun -...nnJ' -pmnvn F n .I.' J.G:Ll\JCD Duxvuvuu From "W. Piggott and six others, that Ross street he oiled west from Mary street, tenants agreeing to pay the cost opposite properties oc- .cupied by them. ' manna `l\....1A Dana nun: 1 0 LULL DJ 01191140 `*1 From David Ross and 12 others calling attention to the ' condition of Berczy and Amelia streets, that `it was 28 years since any improv_e- tments had been made on these :streets. _ ' T 4,. _LL__-.. QIIL WC UDO On Inotion. the various matters were referred to thelr respectlve `committees, except` those dealt with t duringtthve evening. . Dnunwfa We

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