Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Jul 1915, p. 6

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Job Depa1:tm;e;1 Our Wall Papers are allnew and up- to-date American Patterns. We have the largest stock to choose from. No old pattern's-_--every roll new. Iii design and quality we can- not be beaten. When} you need` your parlor, _di_n_ing room or bedroom papered call on us--we can please you in both syle and price. Picture Mouldings kept in stock and made to match all papers. 7.175. PRINT snori HOUSE F URNISHERS Spring Necessities '9D1'_9S6I1t you and convey the rigrht im- ad hearts of the people whose f1-it-ml- knpwing`that yo{1 hav e stat[ion.m'_\ smvance 3 11 `r arrie _VV'eddi-Vng Announcemc-nts,T' /'.l`h<` `has arrived .at perfection M 1th._ The announcement of Hzis renement -and grace more than A civic Welcome to Private Dun- can Dingwall of ,the.Cam'cron High- landers was held in E1mv7ai'le Thurs-' dav evening, June 24th. Mr. A. B. Thompson, M'.P.P. for Centre Sim-- vcoe, delivered an address. ` 3 Cake tins may parain `and th I stigk. n n 1 v\ Ew.'i`.<: fry sh-Put salt in r':u- In lbefore putting in the {is}: am} 1'2; Willnever stick to pan. J?st .a t011ch of this mild :us ing wash, the D.D.D. Pr '-`. 1~ . . . P501` }w1l1$g1ve. you 1_nstgnt 1elicflI)1t.1. |your..burn1ng,_1tch1ng skin am1 9m psolute protect1on from . ah- _ _ all M lskm troubles. D.D_.D. is a sc-iil.l:: .`_`fT compound of. sooth1n;_r oil of \\'iutme er. een and other he`1li1- . grn....7+ .c..:1 o.+- ;....` ml?` ,p.1("""m.~`. green healing` n1`(-:.;:.:m.er` Don t fail to try .n.n.n_%,(,."`- kind of summer skin t1 ()11})l(1 My Will give you Welcome 1'<*li(-1: It generous trial bottle for -_>:,(, T f\ also about D.D.D. Soap, ' N Herbert G. Robertson. l Jrug,gis,_ name D.D.D. 1s made in (':1muI;1 } Wash \ ` Stops Itching Just a to1}f:11 gf__t}_1i.~t mild, Srmu p 3`. iTommy Nash was appoinlecl 10 -, v,tErvieW_ the TOVV'IlSlllp (A',m,Hlj ltheir next meetin_ re :1 uxmn Ii, Wards prize money for the l2lll`i money obtained by the ],u},;!\' 7} any way \VOl1l(l-}_f,`0 tm`.':11' ,,,.::`i money, all expenses })(-in'_" ,.;1i.;}:: the Dept. A pr,o_ m` ,},.,,.." consisting `of baseball. lnrrtlrillli races, rel races. ttxz-~._'--;,,.. arrangedat? take plac-e wl.il Iii`, exhibits il the hall \\'u-n- },,.;.',', judged. ' Various eox'x1;-1_i:im\, .sisting. of weed 12umi::~_v, l,,,',,1{(_ speaking, chicken }`,v.=_-i{:.;, W. were arranged for`. 'lTl:i- i~ rho 11,.,'f `year that this work l:::~ ln-pg, tempted in this eTown.-hip, s..`.,1` weredistributed by the (mun-in I)... partment of Agriculture an ('nllin--- wood in the _spring . and I_lu-. 3;... being grown on plots by the -mm, ren at home. The fair will be M1 `at some central place in the tow. ship sometime this fall. Two M. ltings of eggs of the B:-<-.140-l.:v.' Barred Rock strain were 11-li\~.lI';_ ed to each Of the svlxrmls. Tl. chickens` will also be slmwn in tlui. 3 fall. Judging `from. the nmnlwr (,3 3'di.rectors present and tlm into!-..; `taken by both toaeliera mul pupil, the directors are l00l{ln'_" 1r,m-H,-.1 `to`a very successful fuiyj. .\ ;-... freshment booth will be rm ~_ grounds for the eonveni<-:m- m 1;. people. THURSDAY, JULY ~ I er is an import.ant consi- 4 I .ay be` 1.:1'(-a~:<`-41 \\*1t';; the cake W111. not lst The Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. launched la'st'Week a steel hopper barge, being bui1t_to the order of the Depart1`11c-nt of Marine and Fisheries. ` L`1'a nt 3 fair. plqnls ..'.I . ' Ian Collingwood ' recently held an opcn-air meeting for the purpose of stimulating recruiting, with music and speeches. At the close` seven young men signed for service. A V Messrs. `Grier & Let_hbr~idg'e, con- tractors, Collingwood, have been awarded the contract for the hydro transforn1er station at Owen Sound. The Bradford Red Cross Society put on a` dramatic entertainment this week. .Tho Bells, by Sir Henry "Irving, is the name of the plaf. . George Thomas, of Collingvs-'oo'd,: died last Week at the advanced age, `of 81 years. For half a century'he-I had been a resident of Co11ing'wopd.l Mr. J . B. Tudhope Vh`as beeVnelect- ed president of the Orillia Canad- ian Club. Orillia public school teachrs have been re-engaged at no_ salary increases. The summer hotel at `Pine Grove,` on the N ottawasaga r1ver, 1s open for the season. L T - John McFarlane, who was ainong those who established Midland, I died list Week in PeterborQu'gh. _| z V Dominion Day . sports in `Cold-A: Water W111 comprlse a marat'hon race | and two-mi1e bicycle race, besides other sports. ' CA NAD`%IAN B ANK` OF COMMERCE The` annual Sunday School con- vention of the township of Mdontef Vwas held in the Methodist chu1'ch,_9 Coldwater, on Tuesday, June 29th. "A. sale of ags, in aid ofvthe Red _Cross, `at Beeton. netted $105.00. Beton has organized a branch of the Red `Cross Society. _ A new boat service will be oper- ated this season between Midland and Honey _Harbor. Midland Masons presented D. `L. McKeand with a Wrist watch prior to his leaving for the front. Interest at the curt.-ent rate _is allowed ,on all fdeoosits of $1 end upwards`? Careful attention is given to every apcount. ' Sgpall agcounts % are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. ' A--_, .n , C H __ V _ -____- ._._.-- _ _..V v-. - ---vv--v A'ccoun_ts may beopened in th names of two` or more persons, with- drawa1s"'o be made by any one of them or by the survivox V T . S21 . Tsm nbuunn WALKBR, c.v.o.LL'.n;, l5.CJ.., Prgsidcilt _ ' . V ALEXANDER LAIRD. Generalnianager JOHN_ AIRD, Au t General Manna GAPIIAL. $15,000,000 nessnvi rum}, $13,500,000 .\ .. ' VThe TottenhamT Sentinel` says` an attempt was made to kidnap one of L the young ladies at- The Queen s. j __on Monday" night but the would-be kidnapper was ` surprised before ac- i complishing his design, He triedto `gain an `entrance {through the win- ` dow by climbing up a tree. SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS BARRIE B_R_ANCH Manager. i Stayner Sun--What might have been a most serious accident hap-` pened on ,the 10th of Sunnidale, near Mr. John Risebrough s " farn'1,V on Saturday evening last. . Mr"; J as." McLep.nv and his daughter, Miss` Ida, where driving to Stayner when they met an 9;nt_o_;,;at` that p,9i31t;and,.it is supposed; that the'. driver `fo_f; the.~ " to `avoid ayimu _ clef auto in trying I I9 I 1`69i di' k 33.. .. xwardspthe thus crdw Mpean ' -a The trig Evelyn was sunk recent- I ; ly some two or thrjeeemiles off Mor- vden Rock, in 80 feet of water.` The tug was owned by the French '-River Boom CO. and _left Midland ; on Saturday evening bound for -1 French River. A_ crew of four -men aboard, also two sons of the cap-. fain, escaped in the yawl boat and reached shore safely. - ........... uuum uu uuu. \|lUUlI. UHUDUII. LU1'l one of the `overseas contingents. Cabt. Carmichael acknowledged the gift in brief soldierlike terms, and the meeting closed with three rous- ing cheers forthe Captain. Collingwood Messenger-A. large number_ of the leading business and professional men of the town gath-I ered in the Board of Trade room on Saturday evening last" for the purpose A of presenting Capt. D. Carmichael with a wrist Watch. The chairwas o__ecupied;.by Dr. Donald McKay, who called upon Mr. A. D. lKnight to_make the presentation, }and in doing so, Mr. Knight con,- `veyed in his usual happy manner, the appreciation not only of those present, but the town generally of Capt. Carmichael `services, and the fact that he had been *chosen for nnn (VP +1-in 'n1'rn-manna n4-nml-:..'.........L.`..` Midland Times-The,Hydro Elec-.1 tric Commission have a gang of men engaged throughout this territory at present surveying for the pro- posed radial line? between Newmar-4| iket and Penetang. A staff ofmen] who have established offices in the I American Hotel here have charge of the work at this end. Theob- ject of the survey is to obtain an lestimate of the cost permile of the `construction of such a road and to decide upon the feasibility of the 1 same ' from a commercial c and n- ancial standpoint. ' T ..Among the list of candidates Who ?have passed the nal examination of the College of "Physicians and Surgeons , and are now` full-edged doctors are the following from Sim- coe county: T. F. Kelly,- 'Orillia,' and VV. H. Ely, Cookstown. Among` the students granted a license onl account of shaving enlisted for over-l seas service is the name of J. W..' Deadman, Orillia. . _ l 4u1"o.1'm:llf_sif1ch children we say- with unmistakable earneatness: They need .,scptt s En_1u1.sion,_a'nd need it now. It - ' I ? Bceton - VVor1d--Mr. _ Thomasl }VValsh` of Adjala had a ba1'11-1'aisi11g `on Monday night but -the would-be" there to assist and the {work was carried through to a nish Without a hitch. A` platform .Was `after- wards erected -and a large number! of young people spent the evening`! in the joyous` dance. V I [ Orillia News-Letter-Capt.1 T. VV.l lWoods new steamboat ar1'ived| from Kingston last week. It will take about a month to install the machinery and ttings-. The new boat is `about the same length as l the Geneva, though a foot narrower. She will. ply on Lakes Couchiching and Simcoe. _ V ' - A third` .Ori1lia factory` is en-! gaged in shell making, the Long; Mfg. Co. being the latest to start! on an order for 15,000 .high ex- plosive shells. The Orillia Furni- ture Co. have received an-order for` 25,000 `ammuniti'on_ boxes, these! `boxes hold two shells. \ Captain John D. Glover, son of Mr. Wm. Glover, Mary street, Oril-_ lia, qdjutant of. the 4th -Battalion, killed in April at the Battle - of Langemarck, has been recommend-I ed for gallant and distinguished service in the eld by Field .Mar- shall Sir John French. morning 1 of last week before Vsui_1up.! It `is supposed to` have been" one of the planes from the aviation school at Toronto. ` T Mr. B. Hinds, Writing from Fore- most, Alta., speaking of the crops\ in the .West says, while early sown wheat has not shown up well, the heavy rains recently is bringing the (grain; _along rapidly and a heavy crop is assured. The later -sown wheat, oats and ax far exceedsl anything I have ever seen here, and I have been in.-the distrilat 'four years. ,Owing to- the liberal way the Government. has" supplied _pro-_ visions and seed, there will be a very large acreage of crop in. Al- though our present Government has 9&7 Conservative name,` I think. when zit-f?get_~sg `down ` to 'y supplying help! in ,4;ime__I6f~`-' need, they far _ exceed the {former = government, although it had ` fa . more liberals-name_., I suppose a _ 'numbfer"j'of f'peop_le `in "Ontario when ` i othat.;thesirsG0Vemment _._W%3i ,_ so tc`;,' to the western . . GIL ubbsuuun V Take` Hall s Famiiy Pills for con- stipatio_n.- ' _ ' , i-- .. .- __-.-_. . I. `Ne/offer One -Hundred Dollarsf lRewa'rd for any case of Catarrh` `ithat cannot be cured by Hall s Ca- ltarrh Cure. " K ` T 1 r F. J. Cheney & Co.i, Toledo, 0. We .the undersigned have known; I`. J. `Cheney for the last 15 years,|' and believe him perfectly honorablei [in all business transactions and n- lancially -able `to carry out any obli- [gations made by his firm, . National Bank of - Commerce e , I Toledo, 0. ' Hall sc Catarrh Cure _is taken in- ternally, actingb directly upon the _b1o.od and.muco.us surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. I lPrice 75 cents per bottle. Sold by` all Druggists. 7`F..`l-..\ `l _T..117.. 1'.1_.__:I__ 11311, n GOVERNMENT Ac'1T1*.D_- . .; WISELY IN AIDING . v WESTERN PARMER} A ever receivedtlvxei oroper balgmce of food to suiciently nourish both body and `brain duringthe growing period when, `nature's demands are greater than {in ( mature life: This is shown in so many - -`pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds; Jack of ggnbitione; . ` an . . ., .7 - An" attempt`- to set re to the! Meaford armories "Was. discovered `last week.- A can lled with rags `saturated with coal oil, and a fuse! with the end burnt off, W(.`1'Cvf01111(l! on the ledge of the cellar window: on the east side of the btlildiiig, along-\vit11.so111e sticks of kind1_in_;" |;wood; Apparently the fire failed to, . get at proper` start, as only the end} `of the fuse was burned. It is be-} \ lieved here that the attempt to burn! `the building was they work of some-! ?one in sympathy with the German cause, and. the local` militaify author- ities will sift the matter thorough- was torpedoed. Mr. Duncan A. Hanes, "son of F. A. Hanes, of Huntsville, was a sur- vivor-passenger L on. mthe ill-fated Lusitania. In the last issue of The; Forester he has an interesting -let-2 ter of his experiences When the boat! Nnws mom S_U`R.ROUN-DING COUNTIES T % i Newxnafket and Bradford Canad-i lian Foresters held a (lecora'tion ser-`i vice aftVNeW1na1'ket on Sunday, June 20th.? - T - ` The Markdale` Standard says :1 Mr. R. S. Va McLaughlin hasffall. wheat 42 inches - long and ,``still' growmg. _ T V I 1 Mr. Fred Rutherford, of Owen` jSound, has been appointed County clerkiof -Grey. county, `to succeed his father, the late John Rutherford, who was county clerk for over a} quarter of a century. - 1 5'` Mr. jvand VM1's`. Chas. Freestone, Meaford, celebrated 'their` golden Wedding anniverary last Week. ;` -The. corner stone `of the new St. `Patrick s R.C. church, A Schombcrg, `Was laidpn Sunday, June 20th. i 'OWen Sound will pave their front` }street with tar macadam using tar {from the local gas Works, with trap irock foundation. i Newmarket town council will ar-` ~range to provide a shooting gallery for the home guard. Free lighting will also be provided. NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN Ann!` 9-Anmivn. I-hp nrnner hn1a`nce of food \ l Huntsville recently placed $15,000 [of debentures on the market, giving home investors rst chance. Not a 'single local investor offered to "pur- i chase. l Mr. O. Asselstine, junior mathe- imatical master at Owen Sound Col- jlegiate, A is leaving, to become mathematical master `at the Chat-l ham Collegiate. . E I l I LHgg3T.'{$;"s i;"a`&Y" d;1` 1f5 iii; lhorse was valued at $150.00. I} The ES:ress~Herd1d,_ New"mar1:et,` !has installed "a linotype. t -. Mr. ahd Mrs. Henry` Sioan, New-i Lmarket, celebrated their golden wed-I ding last ' Week. ` V ' I % B1'acebridgeladies'a1'e }1dldi11.f~a Vcelebratlon on Dom1n1on {Day to % raise` funds to purchase a motor ; ambulance. ' vessel 'in itS'lii1g$ a,na'b1d to , deat h i 3 internally. Mr. McLean and daugh- ter esc`aped unhurt, although the ` 1\11rv-rvuv. uvnn `*`L\:vv Jt\`-\r\1\a4\:J n"L.. Molldasr, VAug. 2, will he New-5 . _ ` 1 market s civic holiday. Maford` will have;'a special "mar"-A ket day on Saturday, July 10; Grey eountjr expenditures will be over $100,000 this year. This is {an increase of about $33,000 over the last = year s estimates. I HOW S THIS? Mr. VF. W. W'ebb-er` is .author._ity for the statement that an aeroplane ew _over 'Orillia early tMonday THE NOR_TH`ERN ADVANCE ALI-V\J So a lady here in Toronto suddena ly said: ``Wouldn t it be nice, if every girl and boy in Ontario would send the French mothers_ a spool of thread. How many of you would like to join the f thread brigadiat `Well, if you` will, send either the thread or. money to buy a spool to `Mrs. -` Gilbert, the Seeours National, 51 King street _ west, ?To_ronto:-.- `` ' ;_` ' ,,DoT you.:wo,11der`Wh1a_t. the ,- Se- Ngtiorilll-,1,e., means It 1_`mei`Ihs; A jational fhelph * ;I_t"}- i`s -`a soc`iety"-forrhe ` [ed in Fraxgcev to,.;heIp_' those auering A ` ` `dnd":Whft Q cuurs JN anonal : I -Girls and boys, big and little, how Wouldyou ;like, each of you, to spend about ve `cents to help the children and their `mothers of France? ` . ` Letters coming from France say: We have scarcely} any thread to sew clothes with. The ,Were destroyed by 'the;Germans,A so `the French women cannot even mend what clothes their children have._ V V factories i THREAD FOR THE FRENCH The following clipping from the [Toronto News can be applied to Barrie -boys'and girls. If any Bar- lrie young people feel so inclined, }their `contributions will be received, gno doubt, by the local branch Sef ` cours National: I | n :__1 ,. 1 l The following train changes went into effect last Saturday: No. 53, Toronto to North Bav. leave Barrie 4.20 a.m. daily;`No; 48, North Bay `to Toronto, leave Barrie 9.28 p.m. idaily; No. 57, Toronto to Algonquin `Park, leave Barrie 2.20 pm. except lSunday; ,No. 395, for Collingwood and Meaford, will leave Barrie at 1.55 p.m., instead of 3.25 p.m., daily except Sunday- The train for Mid- land via the short line will leave. Allandale at 12.30 p.m., daily except Sunday. . ' ` Effective June. 28th," No. 58, Al- gonquin Park to Toronto, leave Bar- rie 2.05 p.m., except Sunday. l ` ..,w..u, 4..I.(&l4UL 1vauua.1'. 1 ` Ave1'age a ttendance for the 29._ % ! Prime1f-Ellen Elphick, Gilbert! }McMaste1', Annie Schell, Clarence 1Smith, Rena Bertlhelotte, Leonard 'Rachar. Louisa Harris, Vernie Mc- Cann, Hazel` Racharf ,\__,____ ____ , 11 1 A V A I CHANGE `IN TIME or TRAINS} II. Class (b)-C1ara Berthelotte. I I." ClaSs-Russ0_l Elphick, Lloyd Rachar, ' N clson Harris. T\Tra.Nfnqfnr Annn Q..1...n nu 4VJ.V.z\/`#1111 L- Hig'g'i11s011. TT (`II Victoria Harbor Era=A gang of surveyors were in town on Monday `mapping out a route for an_ electric railway _ which may be constructed `under the direction of .the Hydro Electric Power Commission between Toronto, Barrie and Penetang-- uishene. - ' - ` ` I ;1E BARR;iII PRESBY'I_'1`..RIALi |% W.M.S. LA 1 I C. Barrife `Missionary. Society held _ 1t_S '- rst 911' nual meeting ] in the Orill-1a Presby- terian church on, Wednesday` and Thursday, June 16 and 17. There were ,upw_a1V-ds of sixty delegates present, `from the 51 auxiliaries and 20 .mission bands V included . in ._the -Presbyterial Society. The.sess1ons [were interesting and inspiring._ The reports showed that the auxiliaries and mission bands have a member- ship of 1164. The `total contribu- .tions, amounted to- $2,362. ,A synopsis of the reports presented by`_ the various secretaries will be [prepared by Mrs. Morrison, of Bar- rie, the retiring recording secretary, printed in pamphlet form, and dis- tributed amongst the auxiliaries. The public meeting on VVednesday evening` Was well attended. The `speakers Were Miss McGregor, the leldp secretary, who gave an ac- lcount of the work among the Indian iwomen of the Northwest; and the Rev. F. H. Russell, a missionary `Who l1as_ spent tWenty-tWo years in India, Who has charge of the in- dustrial education Work of the Can- iadian Presbyterian Church in Cen- |tral India. UL sun. Anzxtatho l Oicers were elected as follows: `Hon. president, Mrs. Moodie, Bar- rie; `president, Mrs,_ Copeland, Col- lingwood; vice-presidents, Mrs. El- liott, Midland, Mrs. G. H. Wright, of Penetanguisher, `Mrs. Sheppard of Angus, `Mrs. Cameron of Allan- dale, Mrs.. Abwnethy of Bond Head, Mrs. Frost of Orillia, and Mrs. Smith of Gravenhurst; record- ing secretary, Miss Smythe, Victoria Harbor; corresponding secretary, `Mrs. D. G. Bell, Stayner; secretary of supplies, Mrs. J. A. Keir, Oril- lia; Mission Band secretary, Miss Mabel Soules, Beeton; Strangers Band secretary, . Miss L.` McLean, Bradford; library secretary, Miss Olive Ross, Cookstown; Messenger lsecretary, Miss K. Faris, Bradford; `Home Helpers secretary, Miss C. Bannister, Collingwood; `treasurer, lMrs. A. V.`Brown, Allandale. l_/ It was decided to hold the next annual meeting at Alliston,~where a new Presbyterian church` isshortly to be opened.-Packet. ' d4 L\I|vU 1iI. s.s. 1&0. 9, UTOPI-A JOHN AMES, Teacheix __._4._----> month I [` mom Boozr. MILL -I4\'l! ton yest'e'r day`;: "after. an as absence of twenty 'years,. Mr. Duncan McLean; `a "former ."Thg'ese-maker `_of Otter Creek, , now a bar-tender in a De- troit saloon, _wended his ~way to- wards what 'he"~tho'ught` was the bar I of the old Am/erican` Hotel, but in- stead of a grog-shop` found a dif- ferent line of dope being handed out `from the premises, the Herald- Times now occupying. the sitevwliere Bruce County s strongest booze was once sold. Even ?`the old lamp post thatsiirimks used to lean up against` was gone from the flout of thel building, as is also the bench at the, back those with head-aches used to! lie down and rest. Although many : people once had to~brush their best` -Iriends off their clothes the next morning after visiting this place, yet nobody now ever gets that sick from the, dope in the Herald-Tiines,l `thus showing that the product from this building is something of an improveinent on. the old, even if it }isn t as sanctimonious as the i;mme;.Hsna+`iswag l W alker-a Chri.stian Guardian or as dangerous- ly lively as Jack Canuck. From booze to literature, from beer bar- rels to ink wells, and from W'aIker-' t0n'd1'_unk to VValkerton sober, are transitions in the right direction,l he_re s _ hoping that theepeni .Wh1ch 1S mightier than the sword may ll the town fuller of high- brows than the bottle once did with red noses. s I Mzira townsihip council refused to grant permission for Orillia power lines being carried across the town- ship to supply Longford Chemical Co. With _'poWer. .. ' I Ameeting of the directors of the Rural School Fair Association of -Medonte Township was held at Moonstone on Saturday, June 19th, at 10 o clock a.m. Messrs. J. M. lVarey of Barrie and Geo. A. Elliott of 'Collingwood, Assistant District Representatives of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture were pres- ent. It_ was- decided that each director must obtain at least $3.00] towards prize money before that' school could compete for cash prizes; the day of the `fair. Money could be `obtained from private individ- }uals. Women s Institutes, Farmer sl V` Clubs, etc. A committee consisting`; ref Ross Rumble, Bruce Brown and IMEDONTE TOWNSHIP ' RURAL SCHOOL mm AssN., DOUGALL BROS. `_.Gjl;sd_.t<')', submit samples and prics. Orders by mail ref cegiexjssmss:-attention as a. personal order. % The satisfaction bf knowing t] which will properly represent you pression to the minds "and hearts 0: ship and goodVopi1}ion_you value, aeration. ' In `the preparafien of VVedding Advance Job Department has arriv catering td esthetic ideals. Jun is the Bride s Month. happy [event should carry ref an_v_. other message.. orrect and eautiful wedding Stationery At a joint meeting of Collingwood Council and VVate1' and Light. Com- .mission -it was decided to employ electric energy in - operating the Water-works pumps. A stand-pipe will also` be built. - -

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