Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Apr 1915, p. 5

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i The 1`:-.1-ii.-ha-111-.1111 .s(1-1'/\'i(;'(3 Will -con- lll l.U1'UllU UH -1Luuua,_y 1uu.:.u;.ub--3.: Tl11'011'_"11 the (~{'t'01'ts of the North 1 Ba}: B(12i1' 01' T1-ade, the mail from 1 Tr11'0111n. \\'hio}1 1>ass(*s`t111'oug}1 Bar- : lie at 11 :1.111.. is 110W bei11g _ca1'1`ied': 110111 U11111.~*\ ilI(= 1101'tl_1 by an after-H` 120011 111-i'.~'11t.V 7211',1`i\'il1;;` at `vN01`thj B111` :11 (3.311! 11,111., thus `giving the ]1onpl<- oi` that tmv11 `an opportu_nity_1 to +11- 1111- 'I`m'o11t0 daily papeI`s.;..t11e'. sz1111 11:15" th<-_\' are prilited. Si11c`e the ('112111:<=. . in Ja,n uary, . tho 111:1il 11-;1\'i11:' Toronto at 7.45: 3.111. did 11111 1`oa North "Bay until 9.71: ) 11111.. 1m late `for `distribution. -ti1111L_- 1111111 1110' 51111111101` service is 1'('~'In1~(~1i_ -A `01-v.`-an-1 ma: most 01' Note.<`;' Frbm the The )m`\".'1il.1`_:'., Club I}m=.'1iz}'_a Clvl)" are-looliings `iA'01`\'.'-am} in `:2 most enjoyable Sear son. '1`i;<'- 11<?\\' v1z1\\`11 has received a T0]! th'<*.~.~`i21'_'" 01' '<-1`a_\' a11d is` IIOW in f`;1'.~'t-('1:1.~.< ~1::1}>< Ttfor use. The` an-V Izuzil 111M-1}'1:'_' ('11' the club Will be` an: i.""I=1<-<-1 sh-m-tl_\'. 7 ' \r .. 1 1 n ,1,-.'l' .~nIHl`. defeated -; ._ . \\'z.1lk01';v who (1 in Ba.\1`I1}<:_t. Athv 1112113 W130 vWg111;a:piOI1.'j.V tho (':mziIi:111 .Ch`CC1i9:e1'1an played .`~;hip. and }\l1'.- -1- G .,5ar afternO0n7' *a1m1't<-E1 lww on Tue; llgwed by a \\"i:i<-In `\\':1.' -I()s(?1,V= the g_ame'., . I1b111nb(-1' gar l(Ir-)\`()t((]-)(`aS11O( :lubA is` The ms? u,_ _ em in`: info . 3 War out ` ctill. . , ( t the ,P1'a .}1(=l (`21('}l' :tIU`100n Q ,tean1;~1. . eld on Tmm Th:`t1f:1' {amateur for -`_":1111(as` w1th- - - _ Scare? ' ~ ' , . ' 1 (nlxllllllll-1C . j +m... W ' ` nun. tary \ Hun - ~ . xuLuL\,u,|_, Wu, ~v`-v ta1'.\' V(`l:11'l'o An] v .- . .. ` 110 amcc Scot1and7s claum` t0 811 -. . ma`; 1\`_`f"' haf been vlndtcated, - `V `.`x1><*<'tT Secretary Clarke _to, 3.]H(e;1- ' - . _ . 1 I 111 11111 Hlelan . regal1a>ae Q ' ' I v ' I 7 0n1pa1n(d b_\; a sk}I'1 o the pipes? DEATH or FORMER APRIL 29th;'fi919:;f`:%:": 302'. \ ~. x; MX.i:`:1' MECHANIC` H'v'H_ `Catholic1`i'n;' religion iatti1a1at;.i,iSt.ri T Francis -;= and ,_was _ a ;m_embe`r 1 of, the Hi_s;r.Widow, V. who: - survives` him, iv?`vas formerly `- .` Miss. Catherine Dunn of ' -S,t,ratfo_rd.*; Four brothers of Mr. Markey; are V-living . and two `A sisters: - J, Markey, i'o:f: .. the ediotrial sta of V. the `Woodstock., " Sentinel-Review, formerly of Toron-i to; Frank and Joseph, in the Bat- tle Creek shops "of the_ G.T.R.'; and Arthur, a contractor of Trenton, j New Jersey; Miss Cassie is` a nurse ' Wat Stratford, and Mrs. F.__ Dodge ; ' of Hudson ,-. New York, is the other sister. The `funeral will take place` on Monday at 8.30, when the -ser- ' vice will be conducted: by Father : McCann at-St. Francis. Church, and 1 Hope Cemetery; a The Toronto Telegram of Mon- !d'ay evening says :---The `funeral of ' the late James F. Markey, master t mechanic of the Grand Trunk, On- tario Division, took place this morn- ing at nine o clock from his resi- ' dence, 215 Roxton Road, to St. Francis `Church, thence to Mount 1 Hope Cemetery, Where the body was int_e_rred._ '_ n -s interment will_ follow at Mount. `:1:av:i\.IassV of Requiem Wa chant-V led by the Rev.` Father Flanagan, of! Q41- A -rs-vs ,n \I\t\\n:c41n 7 7H1... 01105.-|~nAn1\ can I vu. nu vlav 1. VI .g._'uavu.\, uuauu, \l__L_ J W L Eta. St. Ann s parish. Thehchnrch was crowded with oicials and represen- |tatives of every _department of the [Grand Trunk syte'm, from Port- 'land to Chicago. '_ The pall-bearers were -R. Patterson, master mechanic, Stratford; Mr. McHattie, master mechanic, eastern `lines; JJR. Don- nelly, inaster mechanic, Al1anda1c;| T I` '.. ' 1l'_-' f`1-._.J..._-.. .......J...-. .....-.. a.A\.zAnJ , anssaauv J. .LAA\1\J5Avua.L.I.\4, 4.na.5uvLA\a.1.~n\u Mr. J. C..- Gardener, [master "me- chanic, Ontariov lines; Mr. W. H. Sample, master mechanic, Battle Creek; Mr. A., G. Maver, master mechanic, Montreal. Among the G.T.R. ofcials present Were Mr. itxr -h 'D,.1..`l.. n..--......1 Q...,...-.:..J-.`\.. | \J u .1. o.l.Uo \)AL1\.u.|.0L>.J I14. uuvanu Iv \.u. \l -v.p..n. - 'W. "D. Robb, General Superinten- dent of the Motive Power Depart- ment; General Superintendent VV. {V .... -1 1.1 IWSII--- f`|`LZ.......... Q...n.. | lll\/_L1lJ , _ \.l\uLL\.J.I.lA KJ\A1l\/J. ALLU\Jl.L\.L\/LLU 1E. VGil1en, Chicago; General Supe1'- 5 lintendent VV_hittenburger,_ Toronto; [General Superintendent, C. S. [Bow- 'erk, l\Iontrea1; Superintendent P.li `J. Lynch, Allandale; J. J. Beck,` `Superintendent Union Station; ` I Superintendent ` of ` Transportatio_nl NV. S._Wilson; 'Tern1inal` Superin- itendent VV. H. Farrell; Assistant Master I 1\Ieehanic VV; C. Stealey; Claims Agent F. McGaw; .9 and \V. H. Patton, Supervisor of Signals. R-epresentati_ves Were also; present; `from.t11e`B1'otherhood of` Locon1o- In tive Engineers, Firemen, Order of ilRailWay Conductors {and Train- 'imen.' ` i " I FORMER MINBVSINGA MAN g ' HAD ROMANTIC CAREER; No writer of ction could_ have ` chosen a "more. suitable eha1'a'cter 3 for the central gure .of a red- ` blooded story of adventure than the late Mr. A Malcolm `Dougall-Stamp, `who died suddenly in the VVestern `Hospital, Toronto, _on `April-19th.} `He was the eldest son of the late Sir Edward.eDougall'-Stamp, former- - ly Gov`erno1'-General of Vancouver, and a. captain in the Royal Navy. ,He was 63` years of age and was =born at sea.` ' 9 V '_Entering Eton college when but a lad,,. he passed into` yCambridge _g University, graduating from the >' famous educational institute when 5 but little over 21 years of age, with . the degree of MD.` ' 0 a \ 0 1-1-J-In -`-1111!]. 113 1~`1ogpf_-'p_p_(:i ` 9 ".777 v V moss uni , - -;.ooOOO6000Od iif andedti1dan1s`:sa;: He; dprictied .mediine lifdr a." while hear: . particula.r:i1`1' his habits `of dress and! . mon people. Bfacebiidge, but "I think` it t was 9.1-} wa'ysrdistastefu'l to him. He always`; wore a` frock `coat -and was very` speeeh. -Hedi disdained to carry a parcel _~ and he had little to` say or `do with what , he termed the ` '_ .Mr.~Dougall-Stam_`p s,, sister was! one "of "the" ladies-in`-Waiting to" Queen Victoria until suddenly -` 'stricken with blindness. A brother had large estates in France, Where 4 he settled, while another is now liv- ing": in England, 'Deceased spoke `often of the late Duke of _Mar1bor- ough,_-and I believe he was in line for a title himself- He often said that he knew the ' present King very intimately when he was ' a _b0y.n V . -\ :1 an. n -' 0 `I Mr; `Dougall-Stamp is survived by two sons, J. 0-. _Douga1l and Mr. S. A. -Dougall, of Toronto, and by Mrs. . Thomas Hankin. l The remains, were Minesing on Thursday ter_ment. ' Local Aspects} % 5 , 9 Of The War Dr. J. V. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J {Brown of Barrie, who has been a Lieut. in the A.M.C., has been promoted to .be captain, in charge ._of the Camp Stationary Hospital at Toronto `Exhibition, Dr. Brown examined I most of the 35th quota for the 3rd Contingent. Orillia Packet-At the meeting of the Red. Cross Society on 'Monday afternoon, the members said good- bye to` Miss Jean Alpert and Miss Eva Dunn, who leave shortly. for England on the staff of the Toronto University` base '1 hospital. They were presented with $20 each in gold. The _y.oung ladies hold 4 the rank of lieutenant. . | G. C.-Fiddler, a -member of Bar- `rie Citizens Band, went to Can- nington last week `to enlist in the band of the 37th Bath, C.E.F. `Three Orillians have enlisted in the same o1'ga.nization, which will V go in- to camp at Niagara With`the Butt. ..`L._--J. 1ur,.-- ')nJ.L , . 3% """" '7 'oo`o3o`o'o`6*'o'7 49` ,:0oooo00 ` ` o Mr` Ge- Sunday. ford `e-Ye improvements are vbelfg. Extensl st Office. _ . ;_ made 3tAS31iePO\\Ta1ker has returner}:- ' r. trip in Ql19be- 4' 2 ` f1'.()m :1 1,5605 MacLennan A weroj:n: The )1ho1'i11<" the week- 1 - Toronto ( .0 Lowe has moved i.'Q- hcre he has smuregl; :1 A 1)os1t1o11.P0uch(,1- is visiting Mr. and 11 .1. mm T-T11`rnhD'I`, Inn! 0_ Cummings was 1r>1> N'a`V9"__: \J\AlIAl1.l vvv A v Aviva 1. . Qioout May 201;} I_Q_nr\Ivsv -u-...,J ._..-__. A . ` Cannillgton Acorrespvondent w.1'ites:-The new Military Band, of _ Lthe 37th Battalionis quite a `draw- ing card, bringing visitors to town `go hear T them. fl `rBandm`aster Green , _ _ , _ .1 _A -.L` L__--;-L-. 1 DU l.1U:l. bllcluo ' .1Ju:AL\ uuuuuuu KJL \N .. \4\ -. is -an ofcer of upwards of twenty e years A service i11 the Imperial Army, and certainly the progress shown by the men in the excellent `music provided for the march Sun- dayjwas a `tribute to his ability. The Ambulance `Corps of ,the 37th Batt., C.E.F., have taken upon , quarters at Cannington. Word has been received at; Brad- ford from Private VV. D. Watson \ that he is in `a hospital in France wsuffering from illness con_tracted- in . 2 the trenches._ ' -_ - ~ Under the heading of Job Out- . classed," The Streetsville Review - gives the following extract `from a 5 letter-received. `from, Roscoe Hol- lingshead, at Streetsville boy with l3 the V Royal Canadian" Regiment in Bermuda: Since "joining I have been shot, stung` by a blue bottle 1 sh, bitten by a tarantula, poisoned .1 with a centipede, chased by a shark, stung by a `scorpion, nearly drown- 3, ed once, drilled` in the heat until I lagfainted, h`adV my lngers frozen 0' While on guard at Halifax; have l- been_inoculated, vaccinated, but not` e intoxicated-. 4` ` * The Field Comforts hope to send a. box to Miss Plummer on May 9th, for distribution` at the front. Con- tributions of socks, handkerchiefs, I small towels or cigarettes will be }'v.ery gratefully\ received by either Mrs. Stewart or Miss Spry. - On April 22nd, $15 was `sent to Miss Plummer for cigarettes for fquota. [from 35th Regiment, in 1st Contingent. ozn 4....-"Ala -rrrnva unt. fn Mrg_ .\JOIllz1llgt3l1h. . . .350 towels were sent to Mrs. Starr, Toronto, for the University `Base Hospital. The boxvalso con-_ tained 7. doz. handkerchiefs, madel `I . :1 'll'_'.....:-.. D......'l n-p I llalneu l- uua. ua.u.u.n\/; uuuuu .-.u ........,., by t_he Mission `Band of co 11iei-st. ,Met_}1odist_:Church. ' `nay... .,..L3.".`. _ . ' , V. H 5?":nat1%9ns ` ` RED (moss NOTES The subscription list for Mr. A_d- % dison sChoraLl Concert in aid `of the Red Cross is-_nowaopen at the Bank of Nova; Scotia... The concert will take . place on 'I.Ihurday, May -6th, in the Opera` House.'='.Reserved seats- `$1.00, 75c and "500. _ rm... ..n+ 1-onaim at the.` Red3 $1.00, '/Dc and Due. - r The _ net receipts at the Red; ` Cross 'tea-room- last Saturday amounted to $35.55, and the con- `tinued success of this _new venture` is earnestly desired to help meet the constant demand for more funds. Donations of homemade dainties, etc., will be gratefully received, a14- so orders - for .. the same. For the I - month of May such `orders should The sent to? Mrs. Chas. Bcattie (Tel,` @320) or Mrs)` Turner (Tel! 564). 5 ; ~'r__PheA rooms` .wi;1;l':-bei. open from nine 1 5 -`till six` !.o"clo`ck -"every - Saturday and . -there will fbe . `a -supply of cut out A 7: arnients for distribution` to- those '- w'i~sh'I'ng to .~s_.e_W `afar the Red Cross. e- iiRe;d? Crossjrooms last Sat-_. g r ' there! .Ws.ji en.-.' ,. 1 I % . :73 FIELD COMFORTS THE NORTHERN ADVANCE brought to" last; for in- Will please you every way, superbly teilored garments ef the rieuiest styles `and best fabrics present` an array that will de- light_the_ inost critical dresser, price 20.00, 18.00, 17.00-,16.00, 15.00, 12.50, 11.00, 10.00, 9.00, 8.50, 8.00, 7.50. soniecl civilization acting as judge to wllcm all in turn state their case. The piece is a powerful and thril- `ling commentary on_ `the titanic struggle that is being - waged, and _;makes - a stirring,-* appeal " to"the .pjemAoj;it1ns;b p , ` ' Our New urrs S % ., '.l..'ne DBBDUU \'VU11u. page aaaa v V... some of the low-lying farms" `to th Friorth of \ Beeton - fall. wheat has `been injured by water lying on it, Iid?" own? >tg"_p;ing.: grai;1 .f< ;- - V 7a1}d ,sev9:g1 els will. he ploughegii; See our lines of \Vorking- Shiirtsj, prices I'.5o, 1.25, 1.00:, 7 5c, 50c they are a large body shirt_of good quality of cloth. Arrow Collars, 15_c, zfor 25c,V styles, Lodon, Fifth Avenue Hambert, Chadley, Mgrley, Belmont, Kempton, Devon, Margate. . The Beeton World says [that ~ 'I---- 1--3...... -C .-snry-na"`+t\ I, 't101l . . . . A __` `P051, Poucher :1s v1s1t1ng Mr, and` . V came up from Torotn-' to an Monday to take a situation i5s Guthrle, w11o spent a m.m1_th th her sister, Mrs. Robt; Wil- - W1 . _ V. has returned to her home in Midlalld. _ " Trains No. 40 and 41 started cal-` line. at Muskoka Wharf for the rst ."- this season on Saturday llast, pril 24th. t ` _ 1 e `\Io11daV G.T.R. Detectwe G01`-' don had several men s11mmoI_1ed_to court in Penetang for trepassmg. on- the'G.T.R. tracks. At the home of Mrs. eMiilan', gr. a most enjoyable progra.3si\'e m,,1.e party was held by the LA.` II of B,R.T. last night. . _ , Last week 50 cars of grain, came down from the first grain boat of the season to land at Collingwood. It-was <`011si:;'11ed to the Gooderham People 0f.T0r011t0. ' - . A couple ot'g10ea1 railway men . were let off on suspended sentence j in the Police. Court on Tuesda,y,_fo1~ : using (}.T.1{. `fuses to light up?` Lover's Cl'(`(`h. when the_V went` sh- ing 1"or'su t at night. Better- `I i I E E ( 1 1 1 4 I 11seV1':1;__"s . in oil 11ext"time. The ,1 1'21\`('l trains have been Very bmy for 1110 past week hauling _::1'a\`01 from '\\'z11k01"s pit, near C01- ivoll. to Torm1 t(). This g1'ave1vis to be u.<-'1 1'01 the new .Unio_n Station, which. `it is .~':.id, will shortly` be started. ;u'm- many long` delays. _ A m~.-mu_-xj's jun , which investi- gated the \1`(`d'[}l 01. - E11g'i11ee1' Ed-I vcanl Iiomxn. in the G.T.R. yards at St1'a`L1 (T-ho11.~_'111'(*d the railway (-om1:m_\' '1'('n- a1l0wi11_;' their em-'. 'pl0_\'('('.< to handle eug_;'i11es in the: _\'ar 01' 1'oum`1I1()11ses without pro-I VVith.a purchases of $75.00 we vx;/ill give you a Laoies' or Geot's Gold Watch free. A 15 Jewel Screw strong watch as cut. You do not need to make your purchase all at one time, you can save your coupons and get it; I ACLUETT, PEAB(')D'Y E co., INC. Makers of ARROW COLLARS. Sales Dept. , Herald Bldg., IVIONTREAL ,r-V-(f(")z"gZ[[ ~/s~- W ar 34;-in shown in.t/1,9 beizfer sotjt J35 ops ---fashzons latest edicts coqrecty and smart{y we pressed LII garments 0 unusual \ merit. a dtup ---_ __ .-.\-~ M'en s {Working Shirts Gold Watch Free Arrow Collars TODAY 0RILLIA S NEW` LIGHTS ENOASED IN GLOBES _ The work of installing new street lights on 'Mis sissaga St., Orillia, was commenced, last week. Fifty "200 candle power lights are to be bracketed on these poles, the bulbs` enclosed `in _. frosted `globes. _ V',,[`he. cost_ to the town Wil1'be $750 -IL\l \I\IQU Il\l voav vua -- i. year for current. . Jyvishi pedlar was ned $15 and costs by Magistrate Broughton `f9r'_`;v:pdd1ingwithont a 1i_ense. Gent's` Black Cashmere Socks, Penman s, price SOC, -` 3 for 1.35; 35, or 3 for 1.00; 25c. V FibfeSilk Lisle Socks, colors. Black, White, Grey, pri ' 4' A a-\r\Id'L` Ar `I V j35c,- or ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:..' Black Silk Socks, pxicg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black" Lisl Socks, price... ............. .. ` Black Cotton Socks, price 15c . . . - - - .. ':l3oysV Cottonjerseys, with long sleeves, sizes 20 to 38, I`IpriCcU...IO.I.;JO..C.II!.II IOOUIUIICUIU O O O I IIZSC Boys Half-sleeve Jerseys and without sleeves, sizes 20 to 38, price.... ...,........ ..........I8C 1`/Ien s Fine Mesh Combinations, closed crotch, price 7 5c Men s Fine Cashmere Shirts end Drawers, sizes 38 to 46, just the line for the hot weather, price ............. .. 7 5c each Men s Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Draxvers, price .... .. 5oc_ price ..,......3pairs for 1.00 Gent s Fine Shirts, in Stripes and.Checks, also Plain White, Tan, Helo, Blue, with and withbut collars, made by the Arrow and Regal Shirt Com- pany, Limited, sizes 14 to 18, `prices 2.00,` 1.75, 1,50, 1,25, 1.00, 75c. Gent s Fine Shirts ,1=ooR SALE ron The Bradford Fish Co. are hav- ing _little success this Wcek,__ says The Witness, the sh being too small for the present market anti ,the rice received for the good quality being too low to. make -sha ing _a very protable business. I Mrs. Matthew Faris, an old resi-` dent of the Scotch Settlement, 'ne'ar Bradford," died on _April' 19-, in .her;_ 1-in", J _.--.. - ,. \.A4.u- us, I ggd year. U V % hon MODEL .. ..2 pairs for 25 COME IN AND TRY . - - - - - - 25c pair . a /o SOC "GERMAN our OI pe1`1'u1(-5. . V _ . _ `C`1:11'o1m- .\Iit<-11011` of Tol1enl:Lle,. while wo1'kinj_-' on Mr. Pug`sl_ey -3 ctt ' -taut dm\.'11 thI*.s|101'0 on Friday last, . f(,11`h')1x1 tho roof a11'dVsuStain:("l_ a ' b1'ok(-1. mllzw bone and i11ju1'iest-0-`it. one oi` his a1'111>`. Dr. Lewis Vwvvasogj (-a1.1ml'to 1'(- fracture,` :1.11J _Ch11'cm-0 will be laid vup for S01)`-.2 "1 ` lap to (-oxno. (`nn. 1'('_*_"1'(`t_ was expressed; hm` on, 10z11'11i11:.:' of` the sudden` k-afll in Toronto of ,M1_'. J. F. Mar- ke_\'. who \\'a.~t master mechanic at =thi.~: play-o for some time,` prior to 11i.~f]1'omotio11 in Toronto. Supt. - L)'11<-Ix, .\I1*. Donut-11_\', Mr. R. Stan- l(-_\ . and .<<-\`(-ml ' other. 1'a.il1'ooad 0f- uals from In-1'0 attended the funeral` `in To]-mm) on Monday n1or11ing..., .1 71"] I , m'--.L _ t\-C LI... \TniI+h .

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