Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Apr 1915, p. 1

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ems ed. and me season. 24 :25 26 Ah 30 '. 31 THE } VVEATHE-R -GARDEN CUP In Coal} Car} 36% L 3331 E3? 4 .L A u '5 `*7 eI>h9.n9 12-1! WRIST WATCHES 2 PRESENTED To , HOCKEY BOYS Barrie Juniors Hold 0. H. A- Record For Number Of ` Goals Scored.- Six of I - . This Year s Players ` ` Eligible for Junior ` ~ Last Thurs -clay night a little -blan- lquet was held at L. Vai.r s V restaur- lant; at which the a members of the Barrie Junior -I-Iioekey Team were the guests of the ofeers of the club , and d'u`ring the evening Mr. J . `B. Barr on ..lbel1al_f of the Veicers pvresientecl each of the players Awieth a handsome wrist wateh. Steve [Vain -the hodkey star of many a game :01 naxti-onal repute, who so `su cees'sfu:llgy eoacrhed th-e team, was |prese11~te(l with a similar Watdh by the -olieers and members of the :team. [The T timepieces are all smit- albly engraveel, Vwi-th -the name of each ulayer and the year, ,-etc. The watches -are 20-year gold ones with `a good movementt and will prove excellent ; souvenirs` -Qf one Oxf the most successful hockey seasons Bar- rie -has ever seen. 1 - .1; 't`1_`Ir_- .o.uv 0.3. `t The nifty 1itt1e's`eptette'of hockey `players that represented Barrie in ithe O.\H.A, Junior -series this year, made a -magnitoent showing, and although they did not w1in'the dis- trict chasmpi'onship, they ca-me so close to it ..'that 'C`0e11ing`wood Jun- iors, the winners of. the d-istnicft, got the bigg-est scare nctffthei-1` hives. Dur- hug the season the Barrie boys broke some records. fihey started [in with a team, the players of Whi`c'h {were nearly all new to.O`.'H.A. oom- lpany, and aeforej the seas-onxwas [over they had the whole town -aroused to the `greatest enthusiasm `over hoe-key. n .1 .1 On the rst day of the year they .d:efea.ted Sitay-ner, and -from then r to the end "of the season they de- |`fea`tedv every team, losing only one g'an1e 'to"U0J1'i11~g3w0or1. At the n- is~h_-the_v were tied with `Collingwood ifor the d-istrrviet; and '21: memorable hseries of home and home games re- [-sulted; ih w=hi'e-19 Co'1:li~11~gw0.od s `bril- `1*iantt` juniors etwme out winners by I one goal. the total on the second gr-0u:nd_ lbeing` 7-6. 011 the four i-g`21.111es with C' however, |Barrie. had a margin of 4 goals. iCo11'i1rg\v00(1 gettillg 12 and Barrie '16 of the .28 goals netted. Up to the -time they p$1aye.d' C?o11i11g'w<)o tin the Shi_p,vard Tiorwn -the rst time; they -had scored 48 g`o-als and al'1- tfherir opplonents were able to get })at them were two ,goals .in _` these ve jguunes. It- is said they `hold the record` in the O.H.A. this [season in reference to .gosa1-seoring', vi-`they tgettinge 57 goals. with 13 ' ag1ai11s't them. ` VT, - _ - -_.1- -_ ils`(lllll) ULIUAII. Those who were. presented` with gthe wrxst watches last Thursday` ` eve111-ug .me1'e: ? ? `rx 1. 1*\ 1r 1.- L1,, 1-__:n:A_-4.l |\\rJ.'I/ll l:l1L7 .L`11LJ.\J.' \J\J1I.'\/Allbiulllto ! Geo; Cfheer wxll -graduate to 111- I ~;term-edaismte next year, and he will on the ~ri11g line in next year s '-an'tnrmed1~ame team in Barrie._ ' `I_,, ,, ` `run 1 trr, . _ 1__~ ,____,, _,An__C,_ L`-\ `C-lll'lL` 111C]. L' . ; ,DaI1ton P. ueeking,` bhe br.i-lliant` 15-year-old "brother of Grordon and rHa_rry );\I`eek.in'g. of the c11'a1n:p-ion Vi-cxtori-as. He has three years yet to p1iay in junior. T7311 Q...,....`..-.:1]n 4-`nix 11r\+_+()1\l`](1Y` I'll") 111 Juxxxuz. U 1) Bill Soniervialle, thve net-tender -who "malde a great name for him- iself on his rst year in `O.H.A. `_company. He xvill be over the age limit next year, :but wi11.und~oubted- ly gurei in iwte'1'_mdd\i`azte. . T--n-- /rI`3w.\ I7.nn1v 1l 1`1Il'\ ll ozlan M1`) lJ:gl.ll"-t`. 111 1u:bC1._ugUuuu-u,. ,` `Ivan (Tiny) Keely, who W111 also l gvachua~te . mto `ilmber-med1a~t-e next ! 1 \._._ .TJ",\.....\`_. u-J11 n].s.r\ of-.cn\ 11I\ Jun-1 . ; Dane II-Iarvey will also step up tinto .the `ranks of the intermediate. `11 1'1]. ll , _,'If___' ;1ll|JU'b11U '1'au_z\a U1. -uuc .um.~x,n.unpuuu.g. .Stan1ey_Hig.gs will still `be astig- ib1e- for junior. next year. He with the `T=l1i[rd (`Z:0n.ti~n'g`~e11t. `A A f\ . _,_A_ J ,,-;_- L- 3-. ljl I/CU. J.lLC\.l|(.uU\.I b\/(hill 111. 4;; A two . P'a1m~er Wardman has -two years iy-et 111` junior. "l'TT-`|1.-_.. l`A-..:.... ...'L.-u. unnn onnnol 'J'Uv LIL JLIALJIUL. Walter` Cooer. I who was spare -man, wi11_1be;e1dgib1e for three years yet. ' T .. .`. "ll"-...T47...-.' nJ-..4- n v. n.l-1n.n1n one 1-o `JOU- J os. McKnii.ght. anovth-er spare` man, will be e1`ig"itl)1e next. year." He ..is just recovering `from the effects of a .s:eriouVs~ atta-ok of pnjeumon-ia contracted just" ater the close of the fseason. rru 0 ~ `I I` J.Lf_' _.;....)~ L1I'C -BUG--BULL. `T-h|is 1-eaves six -of this year s play-ersa elligiible .for junior next year, and_ there are 2} 7half dozen. 'y:ounst-ers who played in .the church leag-u:e this year who "Will gure in next junior- 'tearm~ selection. In -alll. pfobaltzility 'Ba:r1"i-e will -have `both junior` and intermediate teams` in the _O.H.A; next `year and they I will .make some of A them stesp. ! 'MEN S EASTER SUITS Our szhowiug of Men s. Eater ;Sui:ts`_ never was, just quite so_ good.` \Ve _' have; gexclled ourselves on` . medium priced :Suits. {You shou-1d~ ;see ..the ,1;ov-ely '._Su;'ts_ we a1~eVsh6w_ing f;$7;99;;;:$10.00;ai;c1,$12;-50-; -Iit_ costs` [11-1`i3g1> BEST HE HAD INSPECTED, SAYS COLONEL LOGIE Staff Officers Give Third A Contingent and Officers Great Praise.-Other . Local Aspects of The War `This `is the `best quota we have yet`ex!aminedI for the 37 th Batt. C.E.F.,T sanid Udl. Logie, who with his staff, majdle an "inspaection of the 35th Regvtfs detail for `the Third Cionntingellt -heme .011 S-atu'1`.Ac1ay last. The p-h-,v-s'ique. general axppearancel of the men; uniforms and ac-cou'tme- vyments, -then` smart11.es.< and so1dner- 1 .1 -_.,. , -11 -,-,, _,_L L-,_.__ ly `bearing alrl `compare most favor- ably wti-t-h the best of those in the -Second C1)nti11`g(~11tAz1.t Toronto. ' The party of` sta ofcers consist- ed of Col. Logi-e, (7.0. 2nd Military Divisiaonal Area (former Lt.-Col. of the 91st H-ig'h1a11ders, Hiavmilton); `Lt.-C01. Lang. in charge of Instru-c.ti-onall Cxadiro; M-ajor Butch- er. in vcharge of Mwsketry Instruc- rtion; Lieut. I-Iowland of the Corps of Guides, Distnicnt Intelligence Officer; Lt.-Cvol. Bick, who will command the 37th Batt.. of -which the Barrie quota will form a part, and Capt. Morris of Toronto. They arrived at 12.20 in the Ontario Government `Car atitzwhed to the Cohalt train, and were a.cco'mp=anied by -their -wives and friends. V'I"L.'. 2...,..._,.,.L.,.-- 44.`,-J- -..1nr.n .-... I-Ln IJJ VLLUJL vv 1 V \/O tlIL\L L L l\Jl.l\A.nIg Tthe insp-ecatieon took place on the Market Sqiuarre, and despite a pierc- ing cold wind there was. a large crowd of spectators. 'Dlie guard and! armouries were first inspected, ~(7 ol.- Logie pay.in~g a well merited com- plimentt to the men on guard and to the officers and men on the well- kept appearance of .the~a1-tmxouries. Cap-t. Macdonell accompanied the staff officers. and Lieuuts. MeClin- ton and Mo-r.g`an~ were in charge of the two pilatoons of `the company. The men stood as steady as regulars -(hizriiig -the ins.pect;i-on of the com- pany. and then Kliiffercn-t movements in close order drill -were given, the of cer;< all 1gI`GGi11`,2' that it was the best e.\3hil3.itio11 they had yet seen on their tour of in. It was a .pra-ctic.al ex~lii*hitio11 of the accur- acvy to be attained -by constaiit dr.il- lin-2A1inder_ .cx1n1:ete.nt `i11:~:tructeoIr:~t, and for six `week's training` the men sliow-ed excellent resnlits, their (li'ere1i-t movements the-ing' exert-uited with 'z*lnnost the precision of regu- -lars. Extended order,drill lias not been taken up much yet. but even in this the men were we'll advanced. Physical exercises and bayonet dlrill completed the inspection, and the m-en were then 2'i\'en a -c-om-s_e of lectures in the Town Hall. Each of the staff oitice1..<'01l*tli110(l the train- vingf yet to he done here in ?his seper- ate branch of the work. and Col. donel, ofcers. non-coxms. and men %on the proci-ency attained. The party let on the 5.15:. train for ? `Toronto. completing a week s tour of inspection of the 37th 'Ba~tt., including` th-en quotas at ' the Soo. I` T1--._._, C` ,_ H... J TT- 31L.-.L..,..-_ ...._ .1 Logic _co-mplvime1_1ted `Capt. Mac-. Parry Barrie. :Mrs. John Lam13ie'has .a brother at Shorncl-.i', with the Princess Pants 1~eser,v~es. ~ -r-.11, ,-. ,1` 1'\,, T:u_1_ ` 1. Own 1`(:cG1,v (5. Wm. Little. 5011 of Dr. Little, 1\I.'O.H;`. leaves t11-is week -to join a Battery at Kingston. TN ._ L_`..__. -3 -1- .I.)Llbl.Cd._y a_u LLlL15OI.\llAc . Pnte. Dayis, who was taken sick ionihe parade ground on Saturday, `$1.00 PER ANNUM m Anvmcl Natl COPIES 'fl~'4lIl GIN?! BRYSON HOT Order early frbm Salesmeri or `. '(IC'011ti=11ued on . I. AIL \J -5 Sound. BUNS LL|~1 1| |- vAL\ n_1\I\.I` IIai1`o;y1b11r1_v and page four) rTERi ;c:e11erhI ? ed at 2, _I3I.ih.. eStion- - - J fron Jvvyvv, 11%- "63 'UL1UI. u-- . Eerved. - an CANADA n A Joint Account is a Great Convenience` ' of \\'h<` \vithd'r: V xvlwn O.sj])H'i21- WM.1BROWN, M-j - Manager tgmgggggugggsguuuuu it `I1 `faiiiwiaiiiiwtiirriiii Hay St(3l_en `IX-:1 Vl ~# 1l;1r.< and costs .or t~hi_1`t.V *-1=I.\f.< in jail \\'{1s the` ne imposed ] I on l.m'ui- ln;=}1. c-ui1brerl.- found gui1- C 1;} in .\l .- "Police Court -of :stx:nlin_::' h:1,v` f1' `V-alter . Thomp- HIH, `I1:-nr E4134"-.11`. Mr. `G130. Ra.-ikes, ` -H5. M-u~upi<-(I -.1 scant on 'the- Bench X !Zx: I .[.\-I. R:1 - and! the <'-mm 1'mlH '\\';l:*1 L(:i`0\\'d(-3d.` with in-` iC1`(*>t<*'1 v<;w<'t~.rtors fronmtown and =c "11-s11"1'011-ted a house _a11d *>1`('1l;H`l T1-mu T1m1Anp4S01'1,-a11`dj13359? 5}" 1l.`:hI. ;1. h:r.~=~. which `he -shtabled ll; Y-1:,h`*1II1x~r>i;`.< ,~'t`mb]0 with~011.t 'peI`II1i-S` .<.1 llny \v:1s 11Ti.ss~0d" and T_~h0mp- 30 TN-n\'r*1'(*<'1 that Bushwwas f3.@~'1'. his 11Il'~t` hm}: his lmy mow. I1: is mix] zlnm. n1;r\vnril.< of .a"'-"L011 !d!iS9P WH`I`<.1 um! than T;110vn1p_on accused - .I.i}1sls.;111 ;;a\'_o vhi-m notice to Va`-_ A f'1'z1<".1.:~: 0ccu and an as.<:m1_t k-}inr,g'e sand one of Athft \\'fI* lzrid :1g"z1xi11st the co10re'd.mTan.. '1lw ;1.<.<:111'1\t1 'd'm-trgle W318 idi'smi~s'Sd_s_` `hilt nu the theft -cVha1'g\e Bus1rTW1:1 5 {$2;1\'o11 _t_i1n0 to -pay $10 and eost_s'. I-ied as` I when wach'in- ' Bank of Canada ;v;1nt a new DERBY `or SOFT HAT` FOR EASTER you win Beat Board Bill. ` A! Fined $75.00` 4[_\` ne of $7. ; and .c103}tS'...OI` ;kai`z1111t_ :1 p:e.11a1ty of 3 -;".lil'1` mm (1.055 the ten d.=aY'5 "H 7'8 h3`;:`ir9&`~ .?a`].`T Wcllt th-eve). was On. T,11'33d9?`5. 5`m`I3*0-\'0(1 on A. W. Larson `(OT H-`.1 LS3? (I:1'\1\,c<:\.. - - ' . ' "V ..1 _ ,.1, L ~- J-wvmx A. W. Larson -(or 11.: _::g`; VJ0'hn-S011. as it is" `thought. hjs__`_1jigtht;i. n.%""9 is) for defrau-d'mg _]fxhe,_;-' hI1grto11I-Iotl of -41- board. V F0'\V1 hiver.'Y. He went`- % 0 . - ,__' TA-' ' V171:-':`.LJ. ..-_ _ __ -..'- ' ~- 1'c`making a- Special. Sale I \'()\\' of reg. $'2..50.and $3.00 ' _ qualities at ' 4.4 , _ _.; $i~5;0*"33?1%$1 -.75 -4-`:- SEWEMONS 66. > - -J an-Ux'y. .l.L'C _yv`cuv ._ _ $48 w-1~Iiit:tVe11 for _iqn { .s:1~r11~ed that . he: ' ,1_xa:dL keme game , at Longlqag ].:.be? 8 rom vthre. I-r(.)q o_1 ' We';1Ig` ound o11f}1fm_1 V 8 found on % he . . pring s gravel 12-12p 5A\L'aa V jd'_i`bi`on.' .---'-" **' L. Lxlv. No. 13 'WHoL . T moms-sou CREW: PuIn|gnpn' No` 51?) EVERY `HAT I915 lV'lODELl J. FRANK JACKSON MAKER R or PORTRAITS Bar.;ie Bfanh --Mews HATS" Negro F ined 'I't may ~opn- WILL COMMAND .' 'SlMCOEMAN l \ 2ND connncnnri Maj.-G_'en_eral Steele` Acepts I Goivernmentfs Offer---Born I In Medonte, Went To | ' .. School in Barrie and ._ g ` was Member of 35th ` I Barrie and Oro `people read with a great deal of satisfaotion the re-_ pont pwbhisheci "011 Tuesday everring that Major-`General S. B. Steele` was} the man chosen to lead the Second; Oanardian Ooanvtingent to the front. Genera-.1 -Steele when interviewed` atl Toronrbo General Hospital, said that he -had `oeen offered Iandthad tasecepvbed [the command from Sir Robert Bor- den and Maj.-Gen. Slam Hughes. He believed that in a week -he would be s.uf'ci'ent1y recovered from the ace-i~denst he met Wlilth when " his |.horse t-opapled over on {him at the "lqeisg parade in Toronto to legtve for - the fvomt on a, m0menIt ~s notlce. He `expected to :be able Ito . leave the hospital by 1Jhe1en . of the week. 1\[,__-,___'_n _ _ . _ _ . . w --..`| 1)-.;n|'I,] .LUDkJLUuL 'uJ U11`: gLlu__.U.J_ uuv WU Mai0_1General Slamuel Beneld S4 oee1e_us an Old Barrie Fboy ands was born in the Township of Medonte, aftenwardeliviiig in O.ro. iHe is` the son of Ctormrmander Eilmes Steel? R-N-, Who ewtled! on thei townhne _ Medonte and Ore about 1332 - and who -was afterwards Inember `of parliament and for a ~ time Lleultenant-Colonel of thel |Co1mty- Militia. Miaij.-'Gen._ Steele, Who`, 1'8 now 69 years of age, entered -mi.-llntary life as a. private in "the I `old =,Oro rie company of - the 35th. He_ -was educated at Barrie and Oimilli-2} Collegti-ate Instittutes. I Fromo the year 1866 he has been actively oonnecuted with the Cianiad -ian| "forces. 6 serving under Veiscountl iWo1`eel-oy in the Red River Expedii-i , tion, and on the f-ommaation, of the North \Vest_ iMounted `` Police he ' joined -that body in 1873, becoming V in turn inspector, ssuperinxtendent and com-missiioner du.r.i-nng the con- struction of the C.P.R. through the. "Roc'_-ki-es. He served: through the Riel Rebellion and was on duty in the Klondyke du-ni-nug the gold rush. T-hrou'g'hout vthe Svouith Atfrivc-an War` `it-he"`then Colonel IS-teel-e was "in com- `mond of the jS:t1*.athcona Horse, and! {was -pwresensted w-itih the King s Ciol-i |-oms oy His late Muajestty Ki-ng Eld`-l war-d VII. iinperson. For the past! ifew months Major Steele` h-as nbeeni llnespteotor-General of the VVestern iFo.rc-es and prior to than: he was -in ic-ommand of the 10th M1ili.-ta'ry'-Dis- ltriot at VVi`nn-iupeg. ` {.!`.lUb `"61-D V|`V 111414-tauao W I Referring to an imerview with _' 1\'I'a:-(}e11. Steele at the H-os;p.ital on. ' Tuesdva y rthe Toronto .S| oa1r says : ' L` ` -- A -I-nu n 51 *1 11.91110? Reczalls Lieu nlvur _,|.1`Uuju:.u. , Since th trime when, as 9. boy,`. he =in=d.'u1ged ' .'n_ ~a11h1_eti-c exerc:ise's,'.~. Ge11e1'.a,1 v_S;t_ecle` has `nevgr L allowed ., himsellf -to deteni-orIa?te' __pahys-i-cally. iI was `born about 70 -tm'-iles north ' of Toronto and in ' those days our boyhood` ga:m-es- were -is-hrenucous-.-Jbu-t " 1;-goocl for` you.` T.1_1en_ ar_t 4 d1_.mng..;`fO_;1_ . Eaitee * `Of 16% .We%'~W"re ` JLL\A4 De Tl-IE m1':_n:s'rs or BARBIE. Tm: coumw or smear: mo THE common or .csNAoA oun cawanou. ; 1ARR'I_E,COUN'll:O F S.:IMiCOuE OTNTARIO, APRIL 1. 915 BARRlE-0RlL_LlA g macnuc CHARTER :~ GIVEN EXTENSION: Five Years More to "Complete Line, But Hydro May Pur- chase At. Cost.--What . ` Ab_out`Agteement With Town ?_ The Railway ~10-ommittee of the % vLegi.s1_Iature `gave a ve-year exten-_ sion to the Barrie and -Orillia Elec- tnvi-c Rarilfvvayon Tuesday on certain .cson('l4i-tioms. They" asked for ve, years in which to complete the line. p-nov'i:d1ing 15 per -cent. of the amount of the capital stock was ex- pended in two years. An amend`- -ment Was. made to the bill that the `seven mtiiles, on which some prelim-` !in`ary work has nmv~b-ee11`dou., [must be cuomp1erted%' `before the rest` `(of the noad wars proceeded with, and' Ithat the Hydro Oomcmiss-ion can `take rthe road over at cost. The . bi11._cvam".ied with these amendments. I T - 1 ,. ,_...L3___` 4.1-- 'I`...-.-- A._.L` bUlu__(."u1'r1'=1Uu vm-pu uucvac nuuuuuu.-u.._w. ? Just Fwha-t position` [the Town of Barrie standjs in referelwi-3' to. lts agreement with the B-ar'rie and !C.ri1lwi2r Rai1way,T`is.not quite clear, LuL it is [said that the franchise` of our "streets, Vg'1:a'11:ted a year ago last |Janua;ry,' has lapsed `On account. rf' `T-the fa;il'ure of the Tcomrp-any_ to (1-3 the necessa.r'y work wirthin one year. The agreernend; wi1 zh the town I-ca1`1~s for "the work to be commeniced by _A'p1vil 12th, 1-914, and the '1fine `co_rm- pleted and in operati-011 ~.by Se-prtem4 tber 1st, 19.15._. The 'agree:men-t should) -be" taken up -by -Cfouncil at once and see where _the town 1 stads. ' A-1 11.4. :- ,......'...,....,J.; v['a.1Lub. `L V _ Hon. Aduam Beck is strenuoussly ' opposing` the extension` of -charters to lsines _Which would be d-etri.men'ta1 `to mhe nloli-Cy of proposed hydiro` * lradials. T-he Toronstn and York ' |R?a-d'i'a1 Were refused an 0xtse11sion of time to extend their line through from N-ewanarket cto` Barrie and C0l1`ing1Wooidt,. and the Forest Hil `line was also refused any ext-ensi-on,` -despi:te`_ a reputed ldbihye of the] m.embers's. 5 'Messrs. A. B.` T-h-ompson tandf J. I. I-I`artt voted for the latter 'bi 1'1[' and -, a-g`ai:n.st the `hydro scheme, |and.~ T. H. -Lennox -chamni-oned the |To1)ontto and} York Radsiia applica- ;\. tion. _ It was a warm `bia_;t't1e that ; Sir .'Adsam ' Beck Hwa-ged tor the L cause of hyId`ro.jmdiva~1s`, and the vote ; `Was non-partisan, some` LiIber.al_s I .voti'n-g _Wjith . Sir A'd:axm, and Conser- . "v-ativesa-gainst him}. ._ . . , __- ~ I . _ _ WarStam1r TaX33insAPfi"15 LL16 .l."Uh \J.lU.UU, JJVLR1`.l.'bu.l.UL1I: =aI. jxluuavvu. .u.-we Jbl`0U -nl~I~JI.I\J\-I. V|AO-\r Vfolowi-.t1g ninnstrunctions re one cent war tax on letters andu post cards mai'1ed~ in Ganada for :d'e1Aivery in -C`|a.nada, United _ States or Mexico, and on'1ette_rs mailed) in Canada ' for delivery -in the `United Kimgdom sand: B1~itis&1" upossessions generally and wherever` the-.tw0 cent rate applies. ,-_-_. 4___,.-.L' ..__.__ _.....4. IL..-..-. IL.-n.nn mmnaml nh 'DQAh 13`H'-P1` hd Ij.ne:two cent rape appvues. A war-taxvof one cent has been imposed on eadh . letter and "post card mailed in -C'a.narda for delivery in Ciamada; the United States or Mexico, and on each -let-ter mailed in \C'anada for de- livery `in the _ United Kingdom and Bri-t1ish_, Possessioons -genex-a1T~y, and Wherever -the two cent rate applies, to -become e'ec.ttive on and ?f1*om the 15th April, -.1915. ' ' This War Tax is to. `be prepna-id `by the senders -by means of ad War Stamp -for sale -by Postmasters and other postage stamp ven- A-dors. V m -.11, ._L'__.__..;- .,....v....1.:,a. +1. mmdi 1xTm- T,v !A N.0r1`H~EER BIG n Snow --The A. E, Cudmore Salvua-ge Ca, IJimu'_lted,- w1hi=ch has vbeen incor-1 ponated art $40,000 capairtaal, -has pur- chased the "stock of `C: .Rt>dIgers-. _ofWO'1`an-gevzille, at a low rate on the }do11ar,~ and _wi`1Fl :mioav_e~ it to Barrie `L;-for arrrother co'st~p.rice-o1'_-_1as=s saleg. cotrntmencing Q11. A April 17th. -Th-e `stock _c:o11-s'i1ss`.1_3s. of g`roeg1*.ies and; duty ` I` - ---A J ' lIfY::|]1n CD71- _aOrs' . ` . . . . A 77 7 V 'Wherever+p0SSiib1e, stamps on wIh1dh the word! V War Tarx `have been % printed ;should` be used! for -p_repayment of the V` 31 Tax, but Shmlld 0pdi.ng_1~y postage stamps be `used for th1s_pur- pose, they will Ibe accepted`. T ` rm.:_ r-.. Q.4......... ...... nA`r1:+3nrnQ1 `qtnmn s*Fm' W31` ` T,L1:I'DOS`eS "D088, Hwy `wnj. 9 Inc wwuuupucu. V ' This War -Svtamp -or -additional stamp `for war '-pmrpos-es should be afxed~ to the upper right hand portion of the :ad;~d1~ess side "of the" envelope or post card; close t~o'11he regular postage so that `it may be neadilv canoellxetl at the same time as the rzostage. I-n the eveht of failure on. the part of the eenldler t'hm_u-gh oirersixght 01" negligence to prepay the War tax on each letter or ' post caml above specti-ed, such -a letter or postcard will be sent immediately V to the nearest Branch -Dead} Letter Office. ` It is essenti-all -hat postage on all elasses of mail matter should `be prepaiml ~by means of Ordinary rp-osjtage stamps. The War Tax Stamp will not be. accepted in any case for the pre- . , _ L A_c . -_ .. ...lL.q tn-l\- SEOCK C;U11':s'1I:;,ua u; g._~,;uu.u..,.; .,...,_,. ,.-u. *g`O-Gd-S `etAc., _ and tbh-ere will} `be sen-5 .:sa1ion~a'1 bargains '=f~o-r -everybddy.` Improv~eme11rt-suave {being vmade in; the |()'ud*'more S*t>`or?e;' Srevigfney .Block;. . Cogl!ier..`St_.,,`; `anew? sqhoe dbeparbrnenti %!bei-`ng s3Wd99|1* %'at% Ftrhe` ba41:%Lof` the ' ' ' ',vmg% ~mor1 gfor; ~.`.3.:!n1;gr' : V . N ` 1174.. .14-'1.1.`-_l':1`hA n;mjgea _ g,;;ne:;{` c 3 V`; IKE 11L'\J'.L L A v vu-as ~. --_.V- ._ . S V M." A . ?gdods~A.Wwth for fufr-th'er announce-1 Post 0f`ceT Depa~1"tment ~at Ottawa has just issued the -;__,__.. __ .__....- ,......J- ..-..-._ 4:... .r\-rm 1n++n-no o-n11. nncf "BARGAIN SlAxLE Few Appeals ? Re Sewer Ratesll , `A513 a `Court of Revi~sio of .-the/' ; Totwn Cbunci41 -on Monday *mormng, a Iimmlber of wappeals Ia-gain=s`t sewer lrtaxw were reoeiviald. SR Oa1=d1wei1%,` Mrs"; Adasrn-son an D. 098 appea - `adj agalinxsit a"ssessmei1t1S: on 'Br'adf0_rd|| `.Srt., cledixnipg that ? then? p'o1.evt_1es_Il (there were not surtable for bmldmg and the sewer w(1>1u1*d ,[ `herefore, be of no beneat to 15 em. U. `R. "Cotter voiced ~t`he rsame Icem- 1)laIi-nt Iin ,'referen*ce Ito a. 1o't'souh of his residence on Orw-en S't;, Where lt'he_..seWer -is some feet higher `than I *h9,.3rPe1`-`> - . 1` `TT' T-T (`L,.L...-~ ' 'ul.l'U A1.uUyUL'LJ. D rc'y'_G~au1~eyra11d; IIL H. StotPS~l bwry claimed the meas11:reme11ts' n'f their properties were one foot too _i wmruvch, and D. J .- Tulck, Blake St, [thought his property only -measured "143 feet, Whereas Iixt -a-ssessedr for` 175 rfeet, A 7 4 -1 ,,-_fl- ___...;.. -`...4. 3: .16 JCUI/._ %Sever`a1 other wppeall-s were pwt. in? lankl the court achj_mtr11e(1 to co11s111t' the Town So1i9c4i.to'r. Reeve Be.nnt1t,, ,dhaairma.n,_ and Depu'ty~Reeve SO\111S`| . and A-Lld. C=1a1-`k and: Wilkes were the `only -memzer-3 present. [Infant Found A ~g111a*st1y Ind `was made by Fire- Iman Lines art the coal ,g.hutes in tA1'1and-afle ya.r-d.s on Friday nigwhtj when `the body of a male child,` wrapped in paper, was found in the tender among coal w'.h`ich ' had been dumped -from - rth-e dhuates. Tile in-T, fanxt was `of 6 months premeaitu-re lhirhh -and had been dead some time. it being d~ou`bt2fu'1 :to say whether `it ~ died! immediiatbely -afsterr 'ubi1'rt-}1 or not. No marks were found on it and no, clue has been discovered as to .=whe1`.e it came It may have been` placed in a [coal ear ` some daiusatance away, or -it may. have - -been placed .1;he1\e recelitly. . ` `\' V i A'LL_..-..- _.. (`,..u.-;. - .-..,..J I -`lrl1 U.l`U 1'UL3`U11U.l..y. ~ ` i` ?Qrosw-n' A3tt0rn'ey _Ctorbter and tGoro1rer.Wa1l\vi11.ope11eds 'a-11 "inq1'1~es1t{ `on rSa$turdiay_ morning, and Cihaievfi {King sumioned, `dime following` |j1_1r'y: ,tCJh`a.s. *Atkinss-om v(foreman),' `C. W. =AimJber, J; Corbett,` Neil `Mc- Eachern, IJ. Emmxs, J. Irwin, W. J . -MidMtanurs, Moore -and `T=hos. Tooke, -`The `body was v-ieywed and? .-a-dljournrm`en!t made until 'T=ues`-day`. next, April Gh. " " . I I 3 0 '\J|I I~.I\.zv-av `J. Moore F. Loth _ _A. Malcomson F. W. Otton ' '!A. E. Staplepon B. Kiing ' ' ' _ sk.--`-8 . T sk-.--1_3 5" The. 'Ba-mfie `Curling Club has n- : ish-ed -a:1 1_-its Asc-`h eduled games for } In the nal game for `the "Garden Curp played at the `Cu-n.1`ing` Rink on _F~nida,y._e\%'ening Byron King s rink! Won ufroni A. E. S.tap1et on s` rink. -by a margin -of ve. shots; the rinks and scores being as follows: ` J .IG.jSco_bt , . Hallgbicli I I_ -- 3. *KIN'G S or: C2uik.; d ?an to S6! - auhai bar-" 751,A 52`tf0 I -

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