`a beautifuf place. (52111 Be bough; ifor $1700. Easy tenm . \Y___ 0 _.--m 1_..:-1_ 1..,.-.-,.,. ..--,1 .`I.... J.U1' {PL I UV. .l'Ju4OJ U\'L|LllOo New 8 room brick house and Ilof fvimh hea-ting, ligvhrtin-g and plumb- ..1__ ___.-m. -:.1- -2 1u1.:r\.\...- ..1.1 1 ing. on St. 11 will su terms." IIUl'14ll`Du 6 room cottage, with electric light and T town water, Sanford St. Price. $859. 7 room brick house, Charlotte St., with -good: stable. Price $1850; 7 . room brick house with furnace, town water, and stable, in good lo- cation. `Pafioer $1760.` ' __A..L J---iL- 1..L Uuuuu. .|.x1.'1vo qucuu. 5 g6 -room house with double lot. Town water and" electric light, Flornee ._St. Price $1100. 5 rooni house end lot , Fredel-i`ck I S-t. Price $625. 0 f 7 -foom house and; lot, Dunlop St., 1' with heating, lighting and plumbing. Price $17 50. - 6 _roon'1..wood. gqttage with large lot, John 81:. Price $1050. 112; o _...-_. :I_--...`.....'I...... " ...:4.`L LVUW U LUULAJ wuu univv vvzuna everything up-to-date. QPr1ce $1600. -5 room house and large lot on VDona1dV -St. V Price $750. 8 room house, Berczy St., with good garden. Price $859.. T 1.....- In-can -`rum: n,n1n 1-an *3-sdala {$1.00 PER Armuli in Aovnucn Imnu coal: r-`than: cunt Iv, uuuu. mob. .I._u'-V `P-|-V`-H __ . New-. .8 room bunglzyow wlth. verythipg up-to-datg. ` rice `$1600. WHEN YOU CAN OWN O YOUR OWN HOME? . non-ulna, 1L5'uIu1u';_:, auu. yl-u'_u.u.r on :'the souh side of MaDonh1(1 If you want a fxice home this suit you. Price $2950. . Easy kl Moog` Wen on7__ F876. 5e1i?* king nach1n- I . T The C`olu~mbus `Oil '00.; which was ders iby-law, has entered `an ap- al, which is set for hearing on_ arch 261.-h. V _ ' The appeal sets forth -the fo1`1o:w- ng grounds 2% T 1. That the magistrate did` not avemhe necessary jurisdiction to uppnrt :1. co11vic.tio11. ' 7-an AA COLUMBUS OIL 00`. T APPEAL OONVIFCTIJOIN Tihast "there was __ not Sllflcvimtl Cloth Top Button Boot, he Patent Colt, newest styles, all sizes. . . With Easter but a few days ahead we emphasize the advantage,of a visitito this store during this week. This season is especially marked by exquisite beauty of Style Conception and by pronounced changes in Fashion as demonstrated in the New "Spring_Suits and Coats, Dresses, Waists and Skirts, Hats; and Bonnets. ' New Spring ~ Fabrics in ~ Silks, Dressgoods and Wash` Materials. pi New _ Idea all at Vo;;_e`1:_price% ENMOUS snowmc. or SMART SPRING BOOTS $2.50 |k$3.00 | 5350 | $4_-so I $5 Fdnds 61 ry made ice angi ..........$2.50 WHOLE No. 411:` \ Pulusn-ma I Y<>u are cordially invited to attend this SUPREME STYLE EVENT eviideume of fhe offence support a -eonvxction. 3. That `by-luavw No. 259 of the village of Oreemore is ultra wires inasmuch as the license fee is xed at a sum` greater rthan -the amount ~provided !by Chapter 192 orf 1';he "Re- vised. Statwtes of -Ontario,` section 420, sub-section 20, clause 6. T 4._ That rbhe offence charged -in the summons is not an offence wi:th- in the language of the Transient Traders Act, or the by-l-aw of the` Corpora-t`i~on of the village of Gree- more `in this action. Special Price Reductions For STYLE WEEK Ladies Beautiful Flaife Collars, entirely sew styles at...25c and 50 P;A-etty Vestees, mede of O.r,sgan5die and Lace st .... and 75c French Kid Gloves, ell guaranteed, one third less than to-day's prices Q1 nn -....1 Q1 0: I` rcucu nnu \J|Uv\.-7, -... b........-.5--_, -_ - b I V ` _ _ at ........ .... .,..;._;..7 ...... ............... .~ ............ ..$l.0.0 and $1.25 Ladies Novelty Suits at..... .... .,......$15.oo, $20.00 and $23.50 Ladies. Sergeand ' 1`vViee.c1_~ in all sizes, Special this wc c:4k_a;11':A_.10.00 Fail}: Suiting, putst a nding bstylg featurefor Spring. 40 inchs - atonvoolo; o o n o o 9-v-uooi o o u u o o n on.o`cItloIoc> u o o o u o oujooo L 31.50, s2.oo,;s2.25 wide Fine Broadcloath Suiting a.t,,,,_,_,,, Attractive novelties in:_ CMa i-pets, V 5. Upon such further and other I The litnax of th etir display -in: a1| ' Llvil 26:: u - AspeVctio'n an'c_1'sure; add see Patent Colt ButtonBoot, ` New "English Last,- l\ lilitiry heel, all sizes . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.00 Grand Opening Display of Ladies SPRING MILLINERY, for the feet, exclusive` designs`, newest shades of Cloth Toppings. AT sxm nip. TH:-.-gyrznasrs ,o'r_ aaumr. `rm: COUNT ! or.smco': AND, THE oouraau or cauanp oun clirvurlou. Vchaurged *-to ' 'r1.e.Mim..ery BARRIE, COUNTY. OF S'IMCOE.f ONTARIO. MARCH } 25. 1915 s, Rugs and Drap'eri_e s .aw.a'it youfin-A ...... .,........$1.50; $z,oo, $2.50 gi-Oun'ds as counsel may advise. I nu... ,.;.m.' nnnnvvana nn at .nnm ect `T apliclr g1`OuI1'aS Z1S_ UUU.l.lBl -Lung auvxuv. ' - The case comes on at `.Os%ode_ Hall, Toron17o,.o n `March 26th.~* l CELEBRJATES 110th BI-RTIH-DnA.Y1 R -Richmond. Hi11 s eldest citizen, KM-rs. -Susannah Maxwell, (colored) `celebrated her 110th --b.ir=Uhd.ay re- `ceniilfy. `Many citizens, as well as some from -a distance, called on her during the day -and evening. She ,was born in Lancaster County, Pennsyl-vania, and! has lived! at Richmond Hill for nearly 60 years. She has always been -highly re- spected. . V `that, is charming, nov`el and Patent Button or Lace Boots, Grey, Black or Sand colored` tops, perfect 'baties. .$3.50? |Sword Presented I M To Maj. Witten The. Sussex Daily News, of B:risg*hton,e Eng., of recent date, con- tains the following reference to Major Witten, formerly of Barvrie, who was Ohuaplain of rthe 35th [Reg-t. fox,-_a. npmlber of years: --- ---J- ._ JI - n-ur\JlJ):l'\.1O_V I01` 8. lluuuucr U1 _y'Ua:.a. Looking very smart and"s:ou1der-V ly,' the men of the 1st Sussex Home Prroteation sBrig~a)de paraded at` Pines- ton Park -on `Saturday aternoon, when a presentation was made to Miavolr VWiAtten, the popular second in command, _ =t;ov_ mark his being transferred to the 91:11 National Re-1 ,_1 n__-..__ .'D......:.....-...+ 4',... tranxsierreu bu uuc mm L\au.1V1Luu. .L51.r serve, Roy-al Sussex Regiment, Wfor du'ty.--JAddiressirrg the men, Major Shapland, who will succeed Major Witten, said they were all proud of the distinction accorded Major 'W`.it- ten, although they all regretted very sin-cerel'y .his departure, especially as he was taking with him Cap-tain `Heather, whom they highly esteem- ed. 'Dhey wxishedl them allludk, and he sbegwged `-Mlajuor rWi-tten e acceptance of a sword as a slight token of the aifection in which they all held -him.--1M3ajor Wi-tten told the men how proud he was of -them. Since those early days of ~S-eptemher, W-hen the-regiment was only 200 strong, . urrrtil today there were a thousand . men,.there had! been. -a great change , tor the better. They had improved ; out of all knrorwledge, and become transformed `into smart `s-oldliers. ; This fact -had been his reward for . his work. He had a very real re- . gard for them all, -and he only `left ; Jbecause duty called him elsewhere - for the time `being. He was proud of the Ehi`g1l1 standard of eiciency - - they had! -attained, -and he -felt eon- dent thlant they -woulid} -not do any- thing to lower -the reputation of ; the regiment. The welfare of the indiivtidual must always give way to , the `welfare. of the regiment. He admired the splendid spirit of com- radeship wnd esprit de eorps which Janim-aetd them, and` prevailed l among officers and men. His work with them had been the most pleas`- - `ant experience of his =`1ife, andl 9 he parted `cf-rom them with the deepest ijegrret, -alth~oug1h he "was glad` to feel that he would have the assistance _'of . _-.Oa'pta:in Heather jstil1.---T.h~r'ee -'- - --~ -than ;l\1' OI `Uapbulll .I.L'C"dlU1l.C.l _ 'D|JLA'&o .n.-..;-vv rowsmg `cheers for Mayor: Wltten rwere gwen Iby . T the men -at the `I--- ,7 Motor League For Collingwood A largely attended meeting` of i those fintveres-ted, in establishing a `Motor League was held in the Town - H~a11_ on `Thursday evening, says ; .The` Oozllingwwiood -Messenger. ' The . zmetihg [was called (by `Mr. T. P. ; fLon}g, wdho a'ep-resents -the Onpario 1 E:Mogbor `League of this district. A jMes3sr.s. .HI_amri-Son gand Erost; of` Sound, were .present as dele-_i `games and "gave some inberesatginzg in- S. ;;-fol"-ma-tion on goo-dh roads -and rthe" " 7.dbje.`:ats- of the -league. N,ea.rly'; all '.those` present dapositeti _thei1` mem- `_""+bership`:-feq V-`__'a__I1td; `t_1:he elecgxjsion `of i 7:if<$ff3: Withki` 191115 r? *su1t"ed ash--foilows.:-g1?(fQsident; _T.-' `P, . Vice-Pr :~ /1 (J: %['Mitch*: g ; v_'+J'UL'|1'l.7I.v`:Iu..y ' .1. 1'l.JuaOu.Lu- , ... ... N ew York's latest style, shapd heel, coldred or black top $4.50 %Orill,ia May Join Ont. Hydro All the members` of the. 4Or'n1ilia Power and Water -Oommission, :M_es>- srs. `Long, Hale, Tudhope, Sander- son and Mayor -Curran, met -Sir Adam Beck in Toronto on Thurs- day last in order to discuss the pro- posed reil-attionsahip of Or'il11ia s plant -to -the -Ontario Hydro-Electric `Com- mission s system. ~S.ir Ada-m took -a keen .interest in the discussion, the meeting "lasting from three o clock till after seven, and While it would be prem-atu-`re to make any an- nouncement -it may be stated that the ne'g=oti'a-tions are -progressinlg favorably. ` The `basis of the daiscussi-on was that Orillia should couple up with other municipalities in the provin- ciazl `hyvdrro-elec-.trric .development. This would mean that Orilii-a would become a partner in the Big `Chute plant, and the postponement of. the : construction of our power plant at -Swift Rapids so long -as -sufeient : power is ~ava.i1ah1e at the .Big _ Chute. -V This `matter -plant would -be ; connected with -the Eugenia Falls o ..,....J-cu. nqnuun ; The 0ri11ia News-Letter says :- ` K/\ILJ.LIu\IV U \ plant so service. SARJEANT & KING -Power would cost in the neigh-bor-| hood of $9.50 per horse power at Ragged Rapids and .probably about twice this delivered at the su'b-sta- tion in -Orillia. Before any denite ac- tion is taken it wi1`1!`be necessary for O11-ila to take sto-ekiend m-alke such arrangements twi-th the Hyd*ro-E1ec- tric as -will be satisfactory to "both parties. Whatever arrangements are then made ` would have to be rati- ed by :3. vote of the people. It will probably take several months before this can be done. Meantime -it is fair -to assume that any aur- rangemenrtsj made will mean a re- duetiori in rates for O=ri11i-a-. ' VERY SU-DDEN DEATH * 01` MR. A-GEO. D. GzRAN I_` The -Omillia -Packet gives the fol- 1-ow*i>nsg particulars of the death of MI. \]60'l'gB .|J. Uu.'au-u, vvuu vvcsu ... most `as well `known in Barrie as in Oni-lilia. The Packet -Says: T-he town was shocked yesterday evening by the irrteltliigence that Mr. George "D. Grant, barrister, had died suddenly at Mrrs. MeP~hee s -`boarding house, comer of `Brant and -Matchedash streets. Mr. Grant was out and about town. as usual, -the day before, though, as `his friends noticed, looking anything `but well, from the effects of. a heavy cold. He passed ' away diluting the -afternoon _, from , failure of the heart, superinduoed by a. slight congestion of the lungs. ' ..Mr. Grant was the third son of i the late Rev. R. N. `Grant, D.D., ' -and was about 46 years of age. He . was -a lawyer of marked. ability, and .- had .p-raaetiuced` his rprofession sin *Omi=11yia `the time of his admis- - sion, in 'ear1ymaIrhood,' to the . Bar. 5 He represented N-orth. Ontario in T the House of `Commons for about 3 .y_eaI.1'9, Irst returned in 1 -`by-e-election vfollxotwing/the death . 7o`f';the tape 'An M.aI.eod,. defeat- .`:~:-.1 ,*r*r_,_ r1`"_______ .1) t1A__`n_ T | \L'\JJ-vsu v UI sun: '1l'u.U 411.15 uu .u.I.'u.|.av img, the `Hon. George E. Foster. In '._the7 general election following be. -defeated Mr. 'Geprge_ Proaor, of` .Beavverbon._.` `_Forur years {later he} Went ; down to. defeat %before_ the '3 Ifilbesent iepgqesentqiye. .-of Bid.- -_1.u'u- gvuvxau usv-rwvu ; guuu uuucu. 1. J.L\.u Iyuuvo . ` . K | I . defeated Mm `G0.31'8`9 `(E hsfve farms for sale in,a~I1parts AB3`V'6I'b0n-L7 '.F',11` 11e.IV:of"the. County, a1so" -money loan ` " wn "'l:o...%*_E1,.f_9?1t .3befQre__ .._h9`.o1_|1`arrn_landS. A - " .. . of -R1d:; 4` L V UUULD Wxuu. vuv .n.au5uu..w .....-.~. so as to msure contmuous The high spot in American Shoe making, ` as good as the price. all styles. . T. . . . .$5.00~ his wide .-aciaquaintanoeship, and few, -if any, enemies. He was an effec~ -tive public speaker. possessing a wide knowledge - of `literature and generally mall stored mind-*re- sourceful, quick in repantee, _:and 1~eady,"ofIten ixrdleedz brilliant, -as a maker of striking phrases. There are few who will not learn of his comparatively early death with re- ..__ -J. $5.00 FAAIM-ILY GETS $2,700 Judgment for -$2,700 `has been awarded Mrs. IM~a.1-y M]aeTague and her-six children. aged from four -to sixteen years.` against- the Inland Lines, Limii-ted. and the |C.`P.R. The tria'1 was heard at Barrie Assizcs recently lbefore `Mr. Justice `Clute. , The action was -to -recover d_am- ages for the death of Michael `Mac- Tague who was killed :by the snap- ping -of -a wire cable while the C.P.R. staeafmship Emperor was -be~ ing warped from 'winterdqu.artxers to 1')- ..L ."If:...`kTv: [hid] .r\lI\ Faknn 1 n vxr 1-R1`.-H llhg w'cu`.ycu` 1Luu1 H 1.1:; 1' xltvun 11 {Port 'M`cNicotl~ on February ..x. . iwuv PAY RENT `I914. 8 room brick house, No. 130 VNo1'.11h `Collier St., wvitah all con- venziences- ]?rioe $3300. ' 1 1-,,__ '\T. -131 1u'--`I ` \'.C1lll.Cl1.`L'Ua.. ..|. .I.uJc wuuuu. 7 room brick -house, No. 121 Mul- caster St. `Price $2300. ,,,L1 _:.1- _n.(`o..JI cuswr oh. `.1. .I.`1Lx: tpauuu. 1 House and lot, South side of Cd!- Hiier St... owned 1by_M1'. NV. T. -R. Black. 9Su1id `brick, wall co_m{eniences, 13-e_.au:tiTfu1V lot. Wi1~1 `be sold, at :1, rev.- s0nab1'e price. , . . .~ _-_-~ /J .;M4 1...; win!!! I-.- avuauu: P1100. 15 acres of good land. New 47 room dwellilw. _ Barn \vi=t:h staibles u1id'1er. Hog -h-ouse, ;`._0h:icke11` and good` watuer. mi~Les from Barrrie. Price $1750, :Ea toxins.` nn 1tr-,_;`IA Q; -4.) 15'a_I`I'l. .[ l'lCt.` q>u'.)u, uL71;1ua_. _ `I-Ious-e No. 89 WO.r_S1ey,{Ct,,_ and lpt. oonveniemcs. Good. stalble. |Pr1i~\ce 1$'23()O. . . 1 .____-' 1-._ 0.71,.` on ...',_..._.. .1 1'LL'C tpauugr. _ ._ 3 - , -Poue-1nt1'-y F:arm. for S.a`:1e-_-2J_: acres ` of rst-class land. Nice} _ .91_`C1_1-a1'd and -bungalow. C-ow sbalble," -ho1"s'e stable , and dhicken house 18x70. 1 Drive shed and wood-`shed. This is 1 .0!` I `I f"I, 1 , 1-,-.1_L