Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Mar 1915, p. 2

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STRATH1Y_ _& ESTEN, BARRI-S; _- _._ 3_ T`l"2..'L I1--- Having penti years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and havi served as Cli ical Assistant in Golden Square , Throat & ose Hospital. London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreids) ; for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital. Bristo : and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, B in am :former Member of ritish hthalmol cal Society. 0FFICE-78 DUNLOP STREPT. BARBIE. Phone 51. ' P. O. Box, 96. lDoNA.LD ROSS, LL.B., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc.` Bank of Toronto -Building, Barrie. Money . to loan. "DR. W. H. oocazs (SUC[OESzSOR 1... T\_ `I')..11_`_. _\ T)`I__...__-._ G--- L.R.C.P. &. S. Edinburgh; M.`:P._&` ;. -(;l:8g0w ` A --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat. D`....:......_.-..A. I 7, - pg. 1foggnm% Buildings, Barrie W, A. LEWEES, M.:D.c..M., -Surgery I ..__ J. T\.` .... .. . TTT.____.... -..........Z..`I ~A nnmhot of goo: I-'anVns and Town Pro- _ .37 ponies for sale o_n1nasymms., {Dig W. A. ROSS PHYSICIAN, 9 AL. 1 T) l"IC'l 17.13-, IDR. H. A. DUGLAY, osmo- I- -r:Ar'n*r'r'rn 1-n, g - work in nt-Zhe spring, There is- no doubt thlazt `more `hired! uhelp coruld be used.` to advantage on mhe average Oxgtraxn-io strm. . G. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 82.. % Established 1869. Undertakers. 1 Open day .and night. Morgue L and chapel in connection. Bar- } rie, Ontario. `D-R. H. T. ARN.ALL,`_On}`FIC=E __ J ..___ .'I-__-- ,_ !DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122; Bloor St. VVest, Toronto, late of[ `Brooklyn - (N.Y.), Eye and Ear ' Hospital, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Dis- eases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,` Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appoint- " ment. - - DR; M. H. EMBREE, PHYSICIAN c and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. C. Alexander.) Ofce and resi- dence Burton Ave., Allandale. -Diseases of women and children ; and nervous disorders a specialty. f Phone 269. 22-Aly. (Successor to the late B. L. Barwick Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency % % T * Nloney to Loan IJAS. ARNOLD Drlmosanko '-v----v - I -I-\r-and-I W JJJJJJJJ, .I.JJ-I-I-U` risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- wicke,'kK.C., W. A. J. Bell, KC. '4 -IV-V41--L -L-L -1- \ll -IJ'P~7 -L -I-'J.LV , .lJLLJ.IkI-ILL'LI hers, -Solicit rs in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public,_ Con- veyancers. Oioes over the Bank of" Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. ' TNWTIN, &" ESTEN, Ontario Land -Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, vMedical Building, S. E. corner Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left -with Strathy & Esten,A Solicitors, Bank of To- mnto Building, Barrie, wijl be- promptly attended to. ' _- J__-.,-_ ~ T T I ' u The whole problem resolves itself into :a question of Whetiher the farmer -ca`n rpay a wage that will enablle the` hired man to keep his a familly` decently and! provide a little for fthe futume. But before uat-tempt- ing `Ia solution let us see how im- pontantt -it is that more labor empllxoryedi -on the "farms. The scar! city -of help has caused farmers -tol seed: down mueeh land it that shoulld he pmdhilcing more `than a meagre crop of hay. -Insuiteient -attention to the dleamzing of seedl and. to cu'1_- V tivarbionn is allowing noxious weeds to innterfene rwist-h crop Idlevdlopment Better help `woudi en-albe f-amners to carry on rmotre extensive farming and reap greater prots. The ques- tion might be `asked, can a farmer a-end to do without some extra help this -spring? There is need for greater pmdixetion _o,f famm prodrulce `bud: the appontunitye may fbe lost by the failure on the part of -the farmers to get things done ' just at the right time when help is `so scarce. Enormous -sums V of money are (lost each year through the sow- ing of imp:-openly cleaned and the faiure to get it firn the ground 1 . .orf- .4-La -n{naL.4- .41....` V --.. ------I----- `i alling), P ysician, J \I'\J\-Ll-IKJ \'KJ `J '\/`Ill AU | geon and Accoucheur. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ' Glasses adjusted. Ofce, `Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly. 0 .AJ.l.J VV Jun), dlLMJ.ll\/I'.LI-l.O, nJunAe\JAJ ' mli Diseases of Women especial- ly.` Office 58 Collier St. Phone 61; - 35- ;/K./\.A.LlA.L "13'A`1ia1 Physician, `i:osN11Kc`1}, Barrie, Ont. Oice Hours-9 to 5; other hours by appointment. Phone 565. 45-ly -LV\JKJK}, L '.LLL'I~JJ-\J`-`L '1 urof' etc., LR.C.S., Edin`.: L.R.C.P., London. Ofce and _reside1_1ce, Dunlap St.. Barrie. Telephone 165. '.LIIo I.I.o O J.LJ.IlJ."J-LJJJJ \I.L .L J-\J'.LJ I and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. _1_)_r. %J_. _ARTHUR Ross 1-`0R MONEY` TO LOAN u'n Inna..- 4.-..-.....L -1 _..-_ V mtiannraxnz nunvnroni. ....-..: ;.uuu.sv uu '5,-on my -111. put! gxvuuu at the right rtime. Much ailoistmre thwt shorud `be `kept in-11e -ground for the use of scmqps, V Vevaporates and -is lost, wholly on Jaocount of faxifure to iloosen the swr.ac_e of the soill as soon as it is dry enough to lfiir ":11 Jane. nr\1n:vu-I `rD1-n--- 5-- ---- . RING 263 Nonmnkn Anm Barrie, Ont. its patrons. If you have any ,,d,."`*`:q C130 far the largest 8 AT -latter tact demonstrates W: lace 1: with th ems *1 1,101:-afraid to pa.yptgeII;r?clg,t reaches tllztem Advertisements are charged 3 ` 12 lin - 0rd 32%?` ` '```` ` `` measure ma`? i n"c"n." mm -to . Ju vvuowunmn OF Buggies. Carriages. W33 % Sleigh; and Cutters. _ , Ploba 1. Horseshoe! ,-_-_- .. pf .4"Iu'1av-u6I"I5.l1'i>' '1-o """`"""T' I No". 55 BAYFIELD 5 ;`:*.~9?'???;.3 `-Y5`. - 355. 51 ;:a un`s 91-:>,S=rAN % 5, ..f1\\"&s.' . .1 . JIIUIII `-..`e !'BANBl'EN'l' Anvanrxsm; Legal Notices. Auctxon ml , em... insertion lo cent.-sea ef`i`I`fm an uentinsertlon5cents per ine_ -~ __ ng _noti0e8. 10 cents nm- n_- . uu ucnumseruon 0 cents `mi notices. per 1 i?'.3" :.&`i.""`A" `me `r em` se on 8 same matte , -. 6o'ner line. 1` Ob` f`f\`l`.!IIr\v A - _ _ , :L'r$rURspA_-Y, MZAIR. 25:1,, y Make fa-nniqrg more probaiblle and The -rst step is taken towards sotlvsirng the 'la1_bor problem. This -be largely Mung-ht about through eduleatiron. Some people rbhink that rug yva Aaanve conm:ncuL msuy . Rates will be given on application . CONTRACT cnAxogg Advertisers will lease -' , notice of intention It)o char1)}e:ra:in_ mlpd must be handed into the 011% nwmae Saturday at 10 o'clock, and tinge Coot `ler chsnge mustbe in THE ADVAVC? for later than 12 o'clock noon on 3/} If ggekgghbrwsg the vertis_er'g anig in mg? In e Pu c untxl the week I cormmsnn Anvnnrrazmg-_ws Condensed advertisements on ' as wants of all kinds, lost and roumpew for sale or-to rent, specic a,,ic1edD must be accompanied with the gs)? ```~- !\ Cuts for adve*tiscmcnts'mu5 -1 case bemourned on solid mm} :1: 'W- C. And_rew| V .1 uulb. Begvel /III` Blshopbric Wall Board Anything in the Lumber Line GET OUR PRICES BEFORE Yiou ii [THE Blll PLANING Ml Telephone no ..... _, CERTAINTEED RdbTNJ guaranteed 5, 10, 15 Vonrq 'l`ele;Io;e BARBIE. CRAIGHURST. ONT. ` ;L1cENs1-:1) Au_cT1oNm El\l5 -Dung g..-..__ -- [JOHN JENNE [ FOR Tl-`IE CBJNTY or SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given and |Stock Sales ' 0 I a\l.4au-I An k;nd ' ' ' ' 3.;;...g:u::.F:.9::.;,le2.`:;.:.:*,:::..T$%i so "'- `V012? ing in the .\'ur:er1|3 I ` H 03 your wants for prices. 3"` '3" -"'- - A Apply For Terms ` AGBN1-s.wAN1-an` avanvwnal ` J. H. Winner. Nnrseryman. Port Elgin 0' ` 43.17 g vuuv IIFI vi _ company "w Inenewrouml NEXT noon TO THE TANNEn y 2? L";spa`1<;:,cf Ai) V1-:1ms1Nc QAEI ____ __g._ j__._. MAKES YOUR sm LIKE VELVE'I`- Monkmanfs Glycedonia. % -- - _--l -u \JlJ\4\r\ovu~c is not sticky, and gfovcs may be_ worn a few moments after using it Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Has a marvcllotvxvs effect on rough skin, One or two apf)lica- `non: will remove the rougnncss,` and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s., Glycedoniz 3- .....s -4: -I_-, c U % TREE5. i, ,( ------y wov- Boilers. Engines` and all kindaot farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on sholtest nouce and moderate prices. T Al worl; done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class. Transod a General Barzl-hag Business. . . . . Notes Discofbdzd at reasonable rates. . Collec- tion 13/ Notes and Accounlx given special attention. Drqa Issued payable an_I/U`7t7"- V Cheques on outside bani.-s cas/mi at lowest rates Qf$l`Cjl(11/( - - Sale Notes C'a,9ked or Collectrd on mostfavorable erms. \ ` v T.Beecrnf1 in CO. T. aeacnor-r, _`go. M'oNxMA1~g.` BANKERS -` ' - ----- C\\JV _vgrg_ ._.____n 1-,- Oce Hours--10 to 4 _ f & Expert Machinist eep does not re- frgsh and the pystm gets weaker and weaker. 3 per like 1 I or each 311 11'. Obituary Manager -ligrrie. POLU1 ave lfpfu ----II 17 I331-`O Scott : Emuhion corrects nervous.- ness by force of nourishment- it feeds the nerve centres by_ distributing en- ergy and powexfall over the body. .or- .8`.? U Don t resort t ' ` holiq`-niixture`: Ia rc- ,c_ezi1 .31 The -The ;Lders _ ntIa\Jl net ' `tn. 4'.-sail! i ulna: HA5 ha_ a I , , __`J - _ -v- -no that country. V -' % `But of all this there is not much in the `book; The personal mevfer-% ences are ..of- -the It `is the work of._a A`ke_en_,. .obse`1_-vier, whb_is _11og1: only _'_a 5, snvxvv mulqrv ;I.vI.;uu.,v ~',C.a_.l_'QL\mili`l-V1-`I .'(;o={._17;fe`"_.;-`a:jfui ex rum caiple T ` 7 tifmiinual '_`It 'is;3grasnte& that long iiours T and hard wdrkgc are -` necessary; at ; tti-mes `-but the `most sinaoessfuif farm-.A ers rboadxaey are `those Who (1403 good deafl of brain wotrk as wel as manual labor. Farmers C{lu`bs are exenti-ng a wvondierful riuenoe in " ' knowledge of Jberbte I gnvvv-u:.-unn H. .. _._ ..---.1- - -- ' --'-1*` _-'4L ~ `When the Klondike region was opened to miners he 'had command of . the 'Mo1mted" Police in that region. He was commander` of 11119 Svtradhoona Horse-V in " --_the- 'iSo1'11ih War, . `nand -aterwands (lid g1ood.se1-vice Vin g vo1"d_e`rf `jnl {rhliic-r\`u-v ` a man dqellindt En `:x1--.. .. 4:....;..... .._..1< 42...; 41.- ~..___ V; -quvvvyws sow di-nty .-,d1over grass` -they -treat their-grain fa:-:~vhe~ vention" of smuit and .-buy their col -nonthe they discuss v-ai'ious j as V eoiil ` cuiltiva.-tion,'. weeds, handling. manure and matters.` of iimpontaawe. `T-he disserninattioxi of erhhig i.-knotwleche will --make farming` protable -and! - wages paid. IM3ixed! famming willil 'heip -: inlg [better -Farmers Wlll not get the wheel: `Idlass -of men when they .' engage them for `a few .months in the summer and `let them go when ` winter sets in. The most ; satisfac- tory hirecl-man is a married man fuvmiehed w-irth a newt cottage, -a garden and milk for his .am.iJw. If eonditioxxs "can {be improved not only _cthere the less diificurty -in getting 11-aborers fburt more of the boys 'wi1l! e aay -on the farms.- Fammers shoulld. eo-operate in se- curing their thell`p. If a E-arme1'~s muib wvoruild appoint a committee to I-ook afvter the help problem, much oould he done. Every member of. in '1""'i".` '1'i1:et"ai1'n=$'s h wan e the -dlufb should!` inform the loom-T mirttee `as to what =he1fp- `he will re- quire. If say, fty men were need- ed, it wou_Ildi- perhaps pay to send one of the dliuib members over to the British Isles to select them. The Ontario Depantment of Agmicullture -will -assist in -sec.u.rin.g`.' help for the `farms. -Arppillieantions made to the {District 'Repmeisen.ta-tive, J. Laugh- `1-and, at Golingwoorl, wi:1 receive prompt attention. _._-_'~ vvn-I\. `Q 5 v \IL_ u, uj -u; uuvLu W`1'h.ll danigverouas rapids, was an 'exceedin'g- ly skilful piece of work. Steele was then` twenrty-one years of age. He afrberwna-rds `joined _ -the `Mmmted Police, and rose steadiy Ito most mpmsibb `He pisayedi ~ a distinguished paint in `tbhe suvppres-T sion of ` the `Northwest Rebeion in 1885; ` ` . g . ' - | Canada -ought never` to forget -the splendid! service done `by the,,Mount- ed -Pol-ioe.. `Theirs was a. "genuine work -of aiviilliza.-tivon. `They -were -the friends :a-l: i=ke of the settler and of . the Indian. -One of the Worst enemies of `both was the dishonest !-trader, who tempted the Indian to part with vauratbl-e furs` and `horses; in exchange for bad whiskey. The` methods are described} [in Major- General Srbee1e s_ 1For-ty Years in Canada, published by M-dClel-land, Goodchild and `sS`tewIar_rt, Toronto. At one` trading, post, he says, a fort was built, with heavy" gates, in which there. was :a sma-151 opening _,for rtradling. The trader stood` at `the wicket, a` tuibful of Wlhiiskey :be- ,side him, and when an` Indian (pushed a *buffalo robe --to `him through fohve -hole in "the wall` he handed out a cupfirl of the poison- ous decootion. =A quart -of the stuff boiingfht a ne pony. _ T Ann-A . I n i In 1872 a` dp-arty oftraders `from the United` Startes sold: -1-air-ge quan- tities of whiskey to a band of As- `sin-i boin Indians near the lnms. They. then a decided rho clean out `the Indian camp. Taking cover near a creek they` deliibenate fired at the Indians, who were in the midst of -their orgy, every `lodge lighted up so as to ymake them easy victims. `Thirty Indians .-were killed and `many wounded. yT.he` `massacre was .wIi:tne_sse'dI `by -a re- speotaible American trader, Ashe` F-arwell, who was married to a Crow-squ.-asw named Big Ma-ry.. Big Mary and .'her husband _managed to rescue a young squaw who had `been seized by -the ruians. The whiskey-. crazed Ifndi-ans stometimesi fought` and 'kii1'led ` each other, and were of course a source of danger to set- tlers. `T-he '-Mounted; Police m-a:dfe short work of the traders, arrest-i-ng them and seizing their surpuplies and their booty. They 'k'-lililecl the abom- inalble trade, and made friends of A the Indians. . V A _ -Major-`General 7SItee1e`, an -old. Me- dentze boy,. has issued' 4 his work, Forty Years ' in uC*anad!a, and` it has a=1-rea:d1y received a hearty wel- come in the book world. The` T0- -ronto -Datily Srbar- had this ap- precc.iati-ve. review :-y- . ' - V wouu) men I2 FARMERS PROFITS {M~AJ.-GEN, STEEE-I_,E S `BOOK | F-ORTY Y-EARS INC-AN'AD-A Majvor-`General -Steele has written a fascinating book, which .is 9." most va;luIa!ble contribution to the his: tory. of the West`. The story: begins with the famous expedition senit to Fort Garry under Golonel W-olseley, afrter -the mumd er of Scott. The transportation of 12his'force from Thunder `Bay to -`Fort `Giarry over lakes 8nd*.'l'iV61_`S, many .of -them with Aanmarnaan -n'm'n .In ....~... ._ _-__--, . ooun-tn lmade -by Major~General `Steele, `but "L _A 1.1. - .:_u. n+-:nn , W9 111:3 UVLl'u\.`4.l'I.- uruuosuou n.. Avg.) ,..,.-..f.-. -Major-Genera Steele has power! of observation and: description which a V journalist or novelist might envy. He .'knows a story, and the -book is fu{l1`of them Rarefy ~h-as there appeared a work so typical of the IOanavdli:an West, so may of the soil, `so vivid a pictwre of a life that! is passing vazwaxy. , ' ID806 `Dy .Lnu_|U1"'\Jcuv1a.; ..,...,..,..,, ..,..... by sthe information-. that he gives, his elcnowleclge of rbhe country, and his regiidbgvt `interest in -its welfare. ____-n`I\ .CI.L_._'I.. \Ln.~ `.-.. .4-u-uugio J GIIJLII '(l.I.|I\.I. V A/Cassy nu v -0195. vvu. my 5.... den stuthls year 1-}; increase {pro- duction. '1lhe potato patch -scheme T is not ttakin-g. `After several weeks, says` The Sun. the result is ve lonely applibaxtions out of -a popula- -tion of nearly thirteen '-thousand people! ` The -Loncl helps those who help themselves says ran`old adage, `bu-1; `indications are that `the Lord: will -have very -little oppertunity Ito] `help Owen Sound s municipal` upotato -patches this summer -unless! the naativ-es -get -a greater. hankering for digging` "in the soil than they apparently have at present. -r_ n_11..-_..__--,1 41.2- -.n......,... ...,... "W" `n-`1 \I1()'vT~O-_`15i'()'PU-DAR` `Over `in "Owen Sound; -a commit- tee was focrmed to get every `back! yard; and v-aacanrt t1'ot -planted to gar-Q J-.. ...J.--1: $1.-In `man 44'; ;-nnnaoea rnmn- BAIOK YA-`RD GARDENS I -I-\.r\' ALEX. ootw , For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to ` . ' TYTIJER `& TYTLER, V 18 Toronto St., Toronto, vMor17gag'ee s iSo1icirtm's. 8 Du1ilo'o~ISt.,_7Barrie, Ont. Agent for. TytI`ea' & Tyrhler. in Amnn m.._..... zA.`L 1:1,. .1 .......,v V... \1\4\a-IUAIIAAS svuamuvgs uu .uu.u.I -prdbiams, '-and ' they will `be well` ,. ,'the everyone,.for we are all dependent `on the basic ind-`ustry of to a be -written `by Mr. J. `Laughland, .S`iI_nooe 'CIournty s District Repres- en-_ta:bive of the Ontario -Dept. of Agriicmltuare, who is stationed! at Collin-gtwvood. Tlhis rsgt article is on the acrm labor -p1-.o'bl-eun, one of the most diimt questions` before the frwrmer to-dsay. nsovme of the other topics with which Mr. Laugh- lahd will deal in fu-tume articles` are "`..T-he Importance of Good - Seed, Soil Fertility, Conservinvg -Soil.- Mo'isture, `.`Weeds, The Live `Stodk 1Situation, Increasing M-ilk Prodlulction, -Organization,` Mar- kets and `Transportati-on. These are all questions in which the farmer should "be" vitally interested, -and fromcuIM-r. iLaugh1-a:1id s knowledgethof agtri '-turail eon itions' `in ` is County, are subjects with which he is Well quazli-ed -to judge. There is a reall need for a. more genera ..............J - .._:.___n;____.1 1 _;J . .1 --- - _ greater or lesser degree. These sartidles wizl ueuuu J-\lJ' .1.JII1!l7.I. ll LJQULUI. DATED, JTowonmo, 5th Mmh, 1915., A ~ 12-12` (_h1.!1l(Id.O1UL_Y Jluvv um 1.IA\/va\.u..|.u. In Col-1in:g'-wood this sdheme was presented to the Board of Turade 'but was shelveci and not -heard of since. V7 L'ULl- '\.~IIJ KJILIIQUJIQ ' -The property will be offered for! sale subject _to 9a reserve bid and. subject` also to a rst mortgage registered avgxainst - said! -`lands for $2900.00, which is` payable $300.00 yearly on 1st March 1916, 193.7, 1918, and `balance of mortgage on 1st March, 1919, -with interest year- ly` at` 5 per cent. per annum. Bal- ancf of purchase pnce payable in .LJ..LU\.l4.l.l.l'AV.L.L AVLI-I .A.l.l..J The Gravenhurst Banner say1s:_--l In refusing, etc., to menew for his local paper, a Western ~Ontario farmer said it took a this spare time to read the Gildbe and the! l 'IJlnllll`I.15` .I.\I\I "vV\/4\ \J Al4l\Jl~\I VI JI/vuo _On this property is said to be erected` -a nearly new frame dwel- ling, six rooms, cement found'ation; `a frame driving shedf, about 21x30 ft; `:1 large bank barn abount .,66x4O ft., -'wi.t.'h stone 'found n1tion~ and` Stabling underneath. There is :a small or- chard -about the house; fencing in wirrr state of -repair; guoocl g1a.rd en; about 35 acres bush on farm, most- .-ly "small stu; 30 acres ihay; 15 acres --oaits.- Soil , Mack loam and clay with clay subsoil. rm_- _...........r.__ .._'m 1.- ..1!-..-_`| 1'-.. Lot Number. Seven in the Eleventh. A `Under and by virtue of` a, power. of sale \3ontained- in -a certain mort-I gage which will `be-prod1iced` at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale byipulbllic -auction by W. A. 'Mc;OO'N KEY, `Auctioneery at the BAIRIRIE HOT-EL, 'Ba.rrie, 'Ont., on SATURDAY, the THIRD APRIL 1915, at ONTE ~O IGLOlC=K in the] afternoon, thart val*u=aIb1e parcel of: property known -as` the "East half of Concession" of the Township of Ves- pra, in -the County of *Simcoe, con- taining 100 acres more or less- (L -`L:ru .4\1l\`VI-l'|1"}CC -:1` nn 4-A. Ll\ {East Half Lot '7, Con. 11, VToWi1-l ' ship of Vespra ..Lat'e_t Ma zins LATEST NOVELS `Mixed Fermig Win] Help 1.. -Securing Better Help.--Most ` I Satisfactory Help a reMar- tied "Men With -Neat V Coftqge _~ '--.t;'1nconronA*r::n,ms; A .- V orTRONTO % or anystanaarawork so to ' IIKIIIII. 1 -1-aupvv 185`: -....--... ._-_._- _ are proving to be a very great convenience to many of our friends. Wit - these` accountseither of tW(T_O!' more persons in the house- hold ay.deposit or withdraw money,` and in the `event of the death of either,` the survivor may withdraw the money WITH- .OUT DELAY OR FORMALITY. Interest paid on all sav'- n . ings balances twice a year. V - MORTGAGE SALE the RANCHES AT_ARRlE AND` ALLANDALE T` % H. A. SIMS,yManager V I BRO1AD1\_`i\1\1I)ED Total Assets Over: This is the n-st of 5 series of artidles to be published in The Ad- vance on-"questions relating to farm n-..AL.1im....- 1....) .u....... __-1.1 IL- __-1.-r ._Ib ipt% [ Savings %Accounts% _-_-__..:-...-.. 4... rnanu nfnnr TH}: `NORTHERN ADVANCE For " .unonr6`Iu1-an 1355) _Bi Glad he is still. Mead- minded enough to hear (both side's of the question. ' I Ther ne 5tz}ing IW_ish I could swear o cw ' -`ear s. A IIYTTH AI `AUCTION SALE ;Of VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Under and by virtue of_ a cer- tain agreemen; which A wiiulil be pro- [tinned at rthe time of sale here .vvv.i*1 l `be beredl. for sale by Public Auction at the` New Barrie Hotel at the Town of [Barrie on Saturday, the 3nd day of tAipri, 1915, at 1.30 o c`1-ock p.rm., the fdllouwoing vvaluaible property in the Town of Barrie and being composed` of Lot {Na 56 on the orbh side of Frddaericke Sltreet Lot No. 44 on the Soulth sid-eof `John lStreet (uSourtih) oazooording eto `Reg-istered' P-lain. No. 493._ `TL--- 1- --_`l L ,L,`|- WW- - .n.v\/:LPJIv\/L\/\.L .1.-Ital}!-v J.V\.lo TU!)- , `There is said to be erected' upon `the said provpenty a good, `brick, eight-romnecl drweliling house, re- cvenly re-decorated; The - property is dlose to Braidiford Sltreet am} the manurfactua-img part of the town. "ITI".`1)`Il'TC1' l\nT.1 (`1.lTI'_1'.1 1A A. - One. of the 'most txlrifcuilt ques- tions facing the farmers of Ontario to-dray =is the prdblexn of securing susilcienrt competent 11611) in oaJrry- img on their work. Indfuoemen-ts io'er-ed by farmers are not great enough to -retain .as a labourer an industrious, arm\bi:tious `man when so good. `Canada has about two people `for every square -mile of {land while some of the European countries have from four to six hundred per square` amille. `Thus with suleh oppo:r~tu.nities for devel- gocptmenrt and ma1ny s~a-m`bition to lbe chances of armihg for himself are .g . . . I his own master, hired.` men will start farming thernselves and help will `he scarce untili conditions . `are -ohaznged. The Writer has :in mind. an. alblle-bodied} active, intelvligvent young mam who -is reoeviv-ing the magnicent sum of sixteen dollars per momlth from a farmer. T`hat young man like others no dowbt has I ~tu'h'e amlbition to get married some day and have allorme of his Whaat are his prospects? * _ .. -In ;snu.-an unu.-u.~\/v u A usaf I`.lIulvA`U U1. ul.L\./ UU VV l1o TERMS OF SAEDE-10 per oentp art` the time of s-a1'e and: the balance within hhinty dlays `oherea.f.ter.` rm..- .............n._ __:11 L- --1_1. ___1_'-.;. | 7!`! V1111; Lullllll/`y \l'ClJ '0 Q1191 CCIUJUIJ The will be sold` L-s.ubject!. t_o a reserved' :bid and to the exist-y? . __,_,_,,J_ ` Fwrther particulars and condi-I tions of sale will` be made. known at the time of sale `and in the meanttime_ may be learned from & ES -TEN, I `ln_1C) ~ `T.....1..-9_ G.....1.!...'.&,..... ' 13..-.....'- l A.) .A..Lv4.IJ.|. AL .L \:9 LJKJ .1. ..Ll.L\ 1 10-12 VendJor s S01'ctisbo1fs,' Ba;-rie., gy--on I have $2on,ooo.oo worth of houses and property in Barrie dug Agandgle. Real Estaeeyind Insuunce A A Phone 530. Bosanko Block..Ban-le that 2 Taxes ? ' jnliul A nll$Il\JIQl\v. Small cash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for $515. OWN YOUR OWN HOME _ Cease wasting your. money rent. V - A _ .. ..uu.s .u.uuu. L 5vGut71qu:| read of a;,lr;icuElhmuf`2:LvWknowiedDme~ `L--n.-..Ln--L 4-1.2... [`1..--_.L_ ..__.`l 4.1.---` Repairs of all, kinds Residence. 164 Bayeld Street Phone 627. mu . TRY Kennedy" Special Rye Lwhisky li.3.BAN|(|N uv V :1 PHONE 033 THOMAS" WARD" $1.10 A QUART Kenzzss CMiO)S'T `OF US DO Contractor & Builder sI.9oo.ooo -J sl-\.llI\J. '\JJ. 'o_Ir -LL\Jul|lUu..l.cuL '.n1l.\.l'VV`1Ul.lo`5`? tnoughout .th?s County, and .-these articles are by a practical man who knows whereof he writes. Opp} T~ the 4` Post BOOKSTORE & STEWART, BAR- - BISTERIS, Solicitors, Notaries . 'Puib1ic, "and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Bar- rie. _D. M. Stewart. ALEXANDER OOWAN, `SUC- cessor to Lennox, Oowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor .for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship; and administration, and "General citor, Notary, Gonveyancer, etc; Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlap St. Money to loan. G. A. RADEFN-HU-RST,, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. ~ Oce, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money .to loan at low- l_ est rates. 0R.E.SWI9K. ?- .. & -.._uu vv val: vunattinlu l DltUU`1orCi;|dIUI'rIll 3111811 01' In 181 '"""ia2 <`mra[`r. mws i au`: 1``8 on street Bat-rie.[/V |vI9I1EI III WK I Wehuv a large amount of money to loan 1 ntloweat current ratemeltherin small or in large amounts. on the nennrltv nf com] 0...... mane T-HE L A;B:O.Rd H0BL1:aM

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