Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Mar 1915, p. 1

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t. Catf was in L)KJ'l}UU`.` . E Yes, I `have been malmng ib-oats; for ears. - . (`IX 1-..__....'.. 4.1.1`... ....n;u\r.41n.Jl `A ILIIIVA` LU1 `yuan a. .uSirr James then proceeded to have} the witness examine v-arious and he technically h'e`s'cr.i'bed` thel Eleansher and the trouxhlle with '.it. . First 800 -P-airs All O`.K. 'Lieu:t. Whiuby said he was at; Valcartier -as 'va.ssist;ant Q11a1'.termas-1 ter for nhhe 48th .B~a.'tta1i-on. The` nst .800 "pains ii-svsued his. battalion at Va1-eartier were -good._ After that they got C'0`Whii'd~e lboort/s. -` _ E 1I1`21.__-_... __.....,J.-.....J- n nnl-un-ru1r\ 1`\.l)1'I|! a meeting; 6n =S-aturdlay of the: :'.~...-;.v_- -1 4.1.`-... 'r..1_,. ,Q:............. 1:l ,.+.J unay g`Ub UU'W'uu'u'U -uuvuo. - . intness rrxroduoedj a Sam-p1e_pair% ob `boots issued.` `his Ibnzrttalion in? J-anuazry. He explained! the grain; was very loose and soon got 11-aru, Th-e leaubhr was too -light.` A i Good `Only otr -Cenem-onia } The sole was not of rst quality` 1eaTther and woulcl take -Wa-ter`eas'i1y.` L1, 4 1. -..L _...... . 1...`- He .thouu`\;;h:eu`i>0'<'){:~ Rats H.g=ht for active purposes but alli right for ceremonial `uses, I -r_--__;. 'n1n..::uL.. '....:.J. +1..-..+ 1.n+.A'IO :c--. `.I.'1'5`1l`h .l.U.|.' L"C1UL1v11nwL uouq. I Lieud:._ Whiby said that later is-; sues orf |b00\tS were going -like rbhei, rst. One s-0-ldier ` xtold me Ehati when he returned -from a night . 5 |mamoh the sole. rwa`.s' split. ` t `(T) ... .LL:n l Il21JL`C 11 `[4116 GU19. `Wan Uyxxun Has this interfered with the : men rtua-ining bud: ? -" asked `Mr. E.- M. Msa;c%d-onald. Y'%.. Is .it d"oing'-so now? Yes. . ` V ' V . I . What kind of Iboot would y-oul prefer` -for the. permanent fozrce for` .amd*bar1;ascks? ? T 1.1- - 'D_2LZ-L `fhese had. light uppers. amt wom-i Do `you know anyvthiilg about} - -1... 0 - over 86 e home Ianmg_r, % M1! of the was in A ILOCAL com ` TO BE INSPECTED on SATURDAY `Col. Logic and Staff Officers] -Coming.-Capt. ikodgerq ' ! Gets Slight Wound.-- I ` Local Aspects of War l Col. Logic and sta officers, in- dlrwdlingr Lieut.-`Col. W. -R. Lang`, Miasjor VW. P. `Butcher, ' rand Lieut. Fond Hlowland, will make an inspection of the -3rd contingent here on Saturday. On Tuesday they were . at -S'au:1t Ste. Marie in- specting the detail of the 51st ':Soo R1ies, to-day (Thursday) they are` at I-Inaileybury and to-morrow at Parry Sound. Txhese regimental quotas will be known .nas she 37th `Battalion of the 3rd `Expeditionary Force; . The `Barrie quota is in ex- cellent shape or the. inspection. 1r--- /.(\.._.L \ (W-.. `Dr,.,`l.......-. - ....-._ -I wui:&1f11i`s.m("~62:rpt*.`)" re- ceived the following tbelegram on Mon- day. It was postmarkedi Field P.-0., !%;:`fh %$*;gh:;5 wmss fz" W'i.11- rejoin regiment in a week. A121` 35th boys well, j No casu-ales in i4: h Ba,-tba11i:)n as yet.--Rodg'ers, 1 -r 1r,.1'11_ .v. 3.... 1.-.... .-..... `nun .J.Ja2uua.I.1u11 uo J\4Un 001.. J. -B. Mc1P.h-ee `has .been. ap- pointed! Paymaster of the 20th `Ba.tt.,, 2nd `IContin,gent, now "at Ex- vhibition Pcank, Toronto, with rank gofiapatain. . ` 11;- T\_-._....... ]fAn`1.mn11 +3-no \ [ U1 * '\J'u}_.M;u1u. - Pte, Duncan McDouga}J -of the 3rd Contingent here, had one broth- 4_3_r killed and `One -W0und'ed! in 15--- France. `The healrth of the :boys of the! Third Oonbingent is now reportedl |good. Two weeks -ago there were] 27 sick in the hospital, but now; lth it} 'but [ 1 L- AL- .L.._.. l`I......A 'd.I'C UHIU. UU 'UU 'p`UUI.'1 auzvuuvu up _ of poor material; -Jhich ~1e1_}s W-aaer in like a sieve, as one of '5-the men said. 1r.r,,1, ,__- .__c `If- ...,.,]-`u ` U11\'5.I.`U 13 `nu-I: vuc. l The boots issued .to the `boys here tare causing many complaints. They [are said to be poorly stitched and ,__-.-_:-1'- _L:..L 1.'.;,.- 41... '-Elle Lucu. btuu. 3 Percy -M son of Mr- and` Mrs. John -McCosh, Bay-eld st..| has been .inva1id`ed `home and arrived lin -Barrie on _ `Saturday. He was `With the Princess Pats, and put in] a number of days in the trench-es,!| `When he was taken il-1. n 1 /1 , _.-_.. L--.. A...` W`U`Ul.1 uti wan uaunuu 1159 The 3rd 'Oon=tin'gvent now has an `adequate supply of "ries, those. which were at other company head-E `quarters Wimhin the County %ha"ving ~' begg called in. - A-.. ...,.1.\ An: DEC`-11 U-u.J.1'Uu 111. I ` The me_n_pu4: up a . ag pole on! .the armovurl-es on Frxd-ay, and a, `Union J axck {now oats -prouvdily from! i ithg rb'u;i1d_ing. 7 L-_.-_L 3.. 4L..1-.\-- Lcu rV\`\I\rI_! ULl'l1\.l.l11 5. . ; Mucli 1n-terest 1s takep - by spec- itabors "111 he drill, wvhlclh is more `complicated than at` first. The .ba.yonet. drill, under the supervision` `of an Imperial`. Servi-ee man of .15} }yea.rs experience; never -fails toi idraw a crowd of on-1-oo'k:ers. `I . . . .. _ , A 1 1 I` t'\,.f11I .- 'u1'uw a L'.lUwu UL U111`UUn'L;1::- | 1` Lieut. Arthuvr A1-dagxh, of Orillia,` has .-been attached to the 35th B-at-` `,ta1`ion, C~anadia11.,E=:kpediiNt1im1m-y, -and: zjoti-ned the. 3rd e0ntiIi'g1ei1=t at Town-I `to lgst Week. V `I ' 'Orri1'1i.a P~a:c.ket--Mr. Fraxik Dunn. has r_eoei_ved inte`lulig'ence-. tha-1; this ieldesrt ibrother has had :three sons. "his second oro-ther one son and his 1 . . *. . `eldest -sister one son, killed 111 iFrance. The sons of his brothers _we1~e in the -R-oya` -Oxfovrs.-hire Light iiIn1fantry. and.` `his sister -s son in the E Fusiliers. ' , ~ The following .is.,f1"om__..a.' `Bryce pf;C0uh.ti1Iman.5who.,fee1sQ caxllujtij 11; ; serve; I his -_Ct0u11-t1_'y .and'.`l1um-aruity :-~: 3} ~ AvDon t misu11vti3ers'band, .us-an ap- gy "peal to `fathers and mot1_1ers: ~ he-`war sis 611. Who Is `goingn ..u ;-_i` `to Q An Iriih soldir from Gfraven-E nhurst (surely he must be Irtish) 1` 'wri.ting to. his mother ,from_ France! tells her: Now if "my letuters here- `gaftevr do ` not `come as regularly as` `,in _the_ .past, (10 not think I m `kill- . 1 l`,,. '1 -_- __.-.m {`1...\.Ju 1.-.. I yuuv, I [11 lusnu. -I ` ied, ovr I am E ` No .-signs of weakening are yet'; `visible in the morale of the German` troops as 3. Whole, says the ofciall mil-ilt-ary observer at British head~i quarters in` rtihe eld. There is plenty of `work yet` for the recruit- ` ting sergeants._ A 9,7, A den V `Friday , Parry, -Soun`-d Nortnh Stzar-The bown presents :a real military ap- pearance these days and remi-ndss one- of Niagara-on-the-La{e. In `addition _to :the hundred and -a M [quarter members of the Third: -Con- % *tingent ;a1~ now with 1195` about ~fonty officers who are taking their ,eou:me,` some. as Lieutenaants, some `as Captains, ot-hers ..1:aking tJhe_ iliieldv 0:B"1cer s -and- 'C.~O. courses. `The of `the "Third Contingent, _now that they have nth-'ei~1; new uni- forms, present a real ` -sm-ant and ' soldiejrly _-.appe'a`1~anoe,a:nd -we are all " quite proud of" them. V .lA .. I I\J not ! Luv U I/.LLA.L11\ J. As: Good.` `boy. POPULAR BANK MANAGER sons 10 st. JOHN, N. B. l F. T. Short Given Send-off band Case of Pipes by Barrie Club and Golf Club, Prior to Departure on Tuesday ' OnsM0n1day eveiiing, a number of the memibers of the Barrie Club and the Barrie Golf -Cluib game `a ;Litt_1evfare'Well to Manager F. T. Short of the Union Bank, who has been -transferred to St. John, NB. The President of each -Cilub pre- sided, D-r. Palling for the Barrie Olrmb, and Reeve J. H. Bennett for i the Golf -and a pleasant social evening was spent, tinged with the regret at -losing one of the most popular memlbers orf {both clubs. Toasts ,, to the King, the Army and Navy and the Guest were proposed and brief responses were `given in -all of which eulogisttic remarks were made in reference to Mr. Short. The toast to the Army and Navy was ably responded to by loapt. -Bird, R.N'., Lt.-Col. Sneaxth. Major Cowan. Capt. 'M:1e9d\one11, and Lieums. Mc1Adam and :Wa~1ker, and Mayor Craig and the man- wrs of the other banks spoke of the loss the town sustains by the mrhorwl -of Mr. Short to rSt. John. (IL _ _A_ d'U1llU';,Vuu. \J'.l. '.u.I.Lo I._.un.u.u -vv ruvu uqusuo 'I)uri.n'g .th evening Mr. Sthont was `presented with -a- very hand-` some ease of pipes, with the best `wishes of all present. iSince coming to `Barrie four years` ago, Mr. Short has taken an active interest in many affairs of the town. Hevhas been Captain of {the Golf Olulb ever since it was Iformed, and -was l.arg!ely instrumen- tal -in the formation of the club. He was Secretary of the Barrie Patriotic Fund. Sec.-'Treas. -of the Barrie C1u~.b_. and V-ice-President of the Board of Tra.dwe_.- He was one of the most entlhusiiasti-c workers in `the Diamontl Jubilee Celebration land haselways Itaken.m1 acrtive. in- 'terest in everything to promote the welfare of the rtlo-wn. Trinity [Church C='hoIir loses one of its most `l energetic. members Iby `h is removal. -.\,r__ .QL.....L 1.`-EL 3,. QM 1-t\l11\ .!'\V\ UIICI-Ethic` ALLGLLEUULO 'u y .uAu ; \,.uv . ...-. 1 `Mr. .=Sho1't left for Sat. John on `Tuesday noon, and owill ibe follow- ed Iby lfrs. S111-: on Sartuvltay. lSeven(tee11 years a-2'0 Mr. Short. was `stationed at St. J 061111, and` this is Mrs. ?Shor.t s home city. " -7, ..1,' L1-.. TT..:...-. E.LV1l'uS. 'ouu1'.oa xuuuns U-1-DJ: I The new manager of the Union `Bank here `is -Mr. Wm. Brown, from gtbe Head Office, Toronto, who took _ 1--- Ullb ALL/|A\.l \1Az;uu_. 4 \. I | charge on Tuesday. {of . her I. Cald- lM:AKI-No EXPLOSIVEIS ! . % NBA-R PARRY SOUND E The Parry Sound North Star ;says:--We undierstand that the lC'anasdia-11 Expl'o-sivres at `Nobel have lszecuredr a large con-tmact for the` `manufacture " of gun-cotton and {that from _ve to six hundred men `are to be taken on as fast as pos- s.i'b~1e. As there are no dwellings al- llouwed w'itl1in a mile or `two of the works and no board-ing houses are allowed or av-.L-il'a'h1le i114 rl1e vicinity it means that the men `can be ac- commodated =in Parry S-ouncln if means can `be provided to get train lserviee -to -take the men to and farom `the works `This is a nuvtber of -great importzmc-e, not only to the ,C,.P.R., but also to the town gener- leally. I Cochrane has a new weekly- lpaper ea1]l'ed 'Dhe It is 'receivi11=g. good -advertising patron- lage and is well printed and edited. {C1 .00 PER ANNIYJWMWHI TADVTINTCZYI olinu gonzo 1-mu: cunts BRYSON S HOT CHOCOLATE When the winds of March chill and. numb `you, re- V memberthat3Bryson sserve the best Hot. Chocolate with whip ed cream and Tippera.ry iscuits. iifcmam nmcxs "nor AND `com nnnxs ~ sunnuss Ere. 5`? 50001 boo: was in: A ITS 1. .LV\/ Id , 0w1i- % he mar 2 tly on 1% went to" receive gut the: - * 11-13 f WM. BROWN. % - - Manager I - V an cAuAnA%.ad~4:w;:3~`" Are Your Childrn Learning to Save , Money ? Each maturing son and daughter shofxld have a personal Savings Ac-A. E count in the Union Bank of Canada,` with opportunities to save-regularly, and training in how to expend money , ,_ __1.---4.2p..... 1... LI.-.V..3l'.rI a.UU Llun-ub ___ __v V wisely. Such an education in th`. . . ' , 1 e and savmg wxll prove invaluable V _ In ; later life. g;guuLueug1.c.guguuu1g _ `I `rs ainiiriiirniartn->951 f8-.3() 11,0 qmunion. A 13.0 }>.111.--C{h!i1-d're11 S' Se_rvi-ce.' 100 p.m.--Even-song and -Sel'IIl0I1- max: 1:. J. BIGGIS, B.D., vicar : 1.v.t:stV blocks in Soft and stiff bats guaran- Iced regular $2.50 and $3.00 quality -_ Special Sale At $51.50 and $1.75 See Them In [Our Windows '1`mu1.-1's will be received up 17:0 mm! in:-11ld`i.11g Monday, March 29.1315 1SJ`..'. fm-`the salvage _ and` its 1'8` m-W31, c~xc1L1: ~:ive of `Bar -rttin-gs and: XLLlI'1~' and brick in st.a.11diIl8' Walls. on tlho site recent-ly ocurpiecf b_y'th=e_ VQ11s~m1\ II(r.t01', Barrie. ` ' , I A SPRING HAT `.4 Thu 11-ig A11 - ...,,\ -, ...,..----\.. 11-est or van,\fT n(:cu. accept-ed. ,v ._WH,__\_, :\ ali tenders to F. A-9 Lettv S<:cr=ot,z1r,v-T1'ez1sL1r"(>r _ -La,-ke; Slmcoe Hoot<*l (,`ompany. Limite rie. >1-2-12 5imm9r! ___&._ C0- LWLYL7, --,3`- 11-1111 uestion _ % ' ~| } - . can *3" co.. am neg" s|m-"' E . , T nrbt v8P . D'l`hle Cgrmpatilly w1%1ag:`,%:1f1r9gl.t 3:`; I 1-i1 uesa. . '-' hon ." iI0h>?'ll`lown Hafl. Bar' A "`,"i.cnuns wi11_.' ~ ec:.edti 15e present, "3 `d..' 4 _ A ' e enro e . ' V [}'[`,'. ~ ERNEST R. J. BI'g.`_IE35,h 3.3. Commnd1.||8 n- , -. A D-._: - - -I commmz oanr:as- "M WL .33 HELDIS c ` _ :,'D's_br'et...v Representative J 1 0 am: slmcoe Forestersuan 0;," the Out. ;Dept. of Agni 111%,: C V A V , ..- . . , I ' ;';`,}g,;SP3357'1.2`:`3;1{:fq??7a'?3t?37`L ture. +WasA`:nn town an `Saturday. sand` ~-gecwd m J; p?e.an?'$if',.`31.,';`"g,`;g;,-u-;;_g=`3,=;; told an` va110e%r_epresentat1we% % at 1 eemonea. * .' pl two - new school faxrs would be':'a!t1d- I J;1aIG'os, LI1i:U'r;.~ ed_ -to ._1:he,":1ist`._for: b_irnooeJ -`County A_ `.`"Co., 35:1; RGQ` nag-_t f_a11.'-L sclhool if-an-gs I ~w111I be -held Bu-rie.M arch2:;,1915, . _ ' , as-V-yam", at "Mi-nosing; M g%_._.____..._..,% Ivy. ';Dumroon land Greemote ~ 1&1 OLD TIM-E PREA(}HI1TGi s1;1zgA.th f, J 'and%`jQ: _ VIOESV ' `wxl! be -continue in V the, Church all this-I wek mat udmited `by. she ;.__pa_.$O,r'.i " r -_... J JVULUUU Trinityjg-_lxA\'1'ch ________ L. LXIV. No. -2 want. ` " ` n-rum-sou cazw. I-cum-uh` "~05 `T7-'1 _;--_ 3.111.` J. FRANK JACKSON A rare opport,unitLy to buy \.1`n..- MAKER OF PORTRAITS 1. \4v._v Barrie Branch. P-AL.-VI sU.N:DAaY % | March 281311, 191.; A % ; 1.--Holy Communion. nT.-.\'[ati11 and Ante-C*`0_m-I -'MEN' I-INFSV" TENDERS LIQUOR STORES % AT 7%0 cLocK! New Liquor Act Provides For Commission of F iveto Con-. trol All Licenses.+-No Sales to Soldiers . % .- Thov 1-onsg-expected bills` of the On- tario Gwovernment respecting changes `in the -Liquor License Act was Vin- trodwced. = in the Iegislature on [Tuesday evening and at`-ter being `given its rst reading will likely be taken up_ to-'dia.y. I --us-.-....... ,A.-J. -1 1.`...-.1 .A..._...:n., ......... W I)`-I ..u.,,. 9 The -.wiping' out of local commisw sioners -and local inspectors will be followed hy the establishment of a Provincial Commission of ve or more members with full control over the license system of the pro- vince, and with full power to refuse or revoke any license issued, but limited in issuing licenses -to the present number in existence in any municipality. -G-._-.. _ LL- ......'I1.....1 ..`l.............. ....., l 71?} pf the-2: Ill L131-J.\IJ`tI`IL'J>.L U. 3 ' - "Some of the. radical changes an- nounced: in-the new ibil-1.are: , `Closing a1`l shops N (liquor stores) at 7 o ,<>1ock each evening. . ' ` losing all places of sale .on aLl(4l. LIU1 0 ' Prohilbition of sale to soldiers uniform either over the bar oxf OL1~\I1.IOo' , V Increase in the ne _- for 9. rst -oence from $100 to $300, with {the maximum penalty the same at $500, and for the second oence Ia imaximum of four months -fin Ijtail }ins:oead of 60 d-ays.'1.`T ' _,____1:__.. .. _.?l....... -1: 4.1....` l JJLUVUQLI `IL WU \J.(&J 00 '7 , According to th plans of the ~ Government, the change will not l` `he f limmediate. The present * ~ad- . ministration will he continued un- til after the licenses for the coming l`icense year are issued, and as soon .th_ereafter as the right ' men` can he i`s_e"ci1i=red~--men big enough to meas-l ure up to the tremendous respon- silbililty dha.t will be theirs-_-Ihhel local `boards .will relinquish their `duties. * The local inspectors ` will 1:-robalbly he continued for a longer period, perhaps -six or eight 'mon-ths, and then as the commission sees its way the best of -them will be re- talinedi and made part of the new -a~dministraltn`Ion., These inspectors will devote their whole -time to . the work and will be made responsible for several counties each. ILi;USTRATED -LECTURE { % _BY BTAJRLRIE. BO-Yvl % On 'l`uesday eventing, . April 6th,` `in |Oo1`1i er St. Methodist uSundsay School, a very interesting ih'l'u-s- trated travel` talk will be given 5by -Mr. Arthur Lo-wer, B.A., on A Trip Through James Bay Dis- Vtri-ot. This _ trip was taken by M-r. Lower last summer for the Govern- ment, and his experiences in this nairt of. our Diormin-ion so little; `known "to. us, along rwih `the views` which will be shown by him, ~(_>uigIht i to -drr-aw ~a 1~a.rge_ crowd _.of his- fel- ~low-tmvnsmen. {Further announce- ment will be -given next I ;BISH%OP BRE'W`IN!G 7 ) % .-V]JSr'I-'I`.S 0HRIiS`T -GIIUROTI \ A most successful sale of ,WO1'k, `supper and concert "was; `held in V Christ. xC`J_1u1'ch, 'C!01li-er lS1;., on Mon`-E -- -- ---1-.---. D: .31` l'\:nI\ VII! [K/'.UI'l`la, `L/'11U1'U11, L/`lJ'1.l.J.UJ. nuv-., uu. .;.u.u;.. ` day eve11i~n~g', when Bishop Brewing ! of i Toronto was. g'1`eeted? `by `a 1argei- nu.m'ber of the. parishioners. ,An ex- cel-lent concert was given, iii which ;M~rs. DeGreer, Mrs._ R. Homeworod`, v Mr. and}. Mrs-_. Hector IC`o1'es, Misses Thompson, Armitage, `Morley, `Obn- ,_ nie Coles, Olive Scott, and Lieut. Morgan, and -Arndy Fraser, C-has. F vrantklin, Neil MoV.ica_r and'` J. G. Keenan, took part. Bishop. Brewing also -gave '-several much ap-` precniabec readlings, and 131.18 -audienxoe `thoroughly. enjoyed the varied ,pro-' -_-' .-_-__..... | b1rv4.vu5.a.uJ ....-_,..., .,.. ` ' gramme` given. A IA|.fter Ihe concert a comgregation~ al meeting was held amt aairs iwere satisfactorily aarrsatnvgbd for the future welfare of the church. _ SEVEN SCHOOL FA-I;RsS_ 1"I Wf'T"I' 211-it mnnsrs or manna, 1':-rs cou1u1'=v"or smco: AND ms ooumlun at cumin: om cmmunou. 'BA%Rl_{IE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. ONTARIO, MARCH 25. I915 In Inns Suspicious Letters Secured on St'rangr,`Found Guilty of V Beating His Board Bill.- . ` Remanded forseutence - - Wh-at may mean" a very important` -arrest was made `by Detective Beardsley on Monday, when a man who registered at the Wellingtpn Hotel on March 131311, as A. W. Lar- ....._. __-.. .4.-3]---- 3__iL_ -__..J.._ Jl_ ._ .. charge of `beating this `board bilI san defrauding ~Fow1er s Livery. . More important developments are expect- ed. A num`ber of papers were foundxon him and` sent to the To- ronto Detective VDep'artment for ex- amination. The `local authorities, 1 however, refuse to divulge the ex- ( act information -gained from these i papers -as yet. There is little` doubt 1 that the man is travelling under an ] assumed name, -as two pawn tickets < and and accident insurance policy I found on `him were ,made out in the V name of H. S. tJo'hn'son., Otiher { papers gave i_nformation- in? refer` s enoe to wSa`lisbury Plain Camp, 1 where it .is thought he had` been. 1 The man registered` at the We_l- 1 -lington on `March 13th, and on -the : 17th, 18th -and 19th engaged livery rigs from" Fowler s Livery, saying he was going out to `buy property. He failed` -to settle, _ and when asked for the money" `by `Mr. Fowler A ' on _ AMonday. said that .-he would cash a cheque caseoon as the banks open-. ed) and pay` him. Mr. Gilmour, of ' the Wellington, also `became sus- . picilous. and on going to the man s room, found that he had departed ' taking his suit` -ease and all his .be- i 1-on-g'.ing'.s. `At `Ail-liandale ' he was ; noticed `by Detective *Bea11d sley and _ -l`Mr. Gilmour making for the - Pene- itang train, but when he saw them, '.L.I.\.IUC.l- U11 ..L`Il\.lI.L .I._lU.l.l, .30 V'u JJCIL on was taken into " custody on -a he ran and rushed into Patterson -s Drug Store, -where he -asked to he ` ; aillowed to -leave his suit case. He` then. made o up the track. Later in the day Mr. Beardlsley arrested ` ; `him, as he (was going to the `station, . -after a chase down :Simeoe. =St., near the iWaterworks Dept. -On `Tuesday he appeared before -P.~M. Baden- hurst * and was found guilty of _ de~i frauditn-g the Well-in-g`-ton Hotel out of $17.00 and Fowler s Livery out of ~$3.50,anJd was remanded in cus- tody ftor -sentence `until -the 30th. This offence now eomes under the ?| criminal code and -the penalty may 1, be up to $100 or "3 months im-_ y prisonment. . - u I b I MAYBE AN, IMPORTANT om; At New Year s the =Ori11ia Water, Light -and.` Power` `Commission made a reduction of 10 per cent. on..aj1i1 gexisting light and power rates. On `Monday a further reduction was made on` lectri-c light fates, *both domestic and? commercial. The 1(2- ductiou on at 1-ig*ht rates amounts to about 10 per 4c~ent'.,A and the re- .duction on cururent .for domestic -:p- pd-i-an-ces, such as irons and toartet s, amounts to 17 per cent. There is also -a -very maberiral reduction on mete-r rate when the` consumption emceedss 3Tki11owatt hours per socket lnstalined. `. . It \_s:a*s fou-_nd `jihad; _ ,'notvi ahs`taI`1`d- % ORILLIIA R-I*_`JDU"'O_ES nadi flbo I 111; visit } was found that notwithstand- `ing the V reduction in sales at the lnst of the year`, the revenue, show- |'ed cgnsjiderafble `increase over the -same period a year, ago. Under C-ommi-srsi=on `Management Ori1.1ia s electric service has been ex0e:l14'ent,, and the nancial` resu-lies: have been bgra:tiFfyi_~ng ' as well. T ` {LIQUOR ~0C)'=N,VIOTIO'N-S I Q % V IN: \SIMlO!OIE 00UN-TY| I, As a` result of :the activity of Provincial Ijiquor Inspector -Atywers-t, the . ` foil-otwing convictions for breaches of the Liquor License -`Act `have -been seoureci within -the last few days: James Farrell, S-tneets- ' `ville, $100 and: costs for keeping liquor `wi-t-hou~t_` `license; Rdbert -Maxwell, C-neemore, $150 -and costs, . same. oencae; Au MUK-i-nnon, lStay- ` ner, $100 and costs,. gsame offence; , J. J ; 'Oougth_1vin, Stayner, $100 -and :4 costs, same ~o'Ienoe.;.- .j Geo. Hydriok, r K-ineardine, `. $50, ibeimg . drunk in * Focal" option territory; .-* John Eng- I` .~lish,.. 'Me_af,o-rt}, $100 , and costs; keep- ", inug -liquor.` withbuti license; Fred` l Huston, $100,` obstructing officers in ; serch of Eng1ifh s' hqnse.` V11-re, ip1UU `auu: UUSUS 1U1' nccpulg unm a.-mu -U'u1'1_'wUx\ax ` license; A cross the British 4 -Maxwell. and avmv `boot "-and rbhe present. boot ; . % same. oifencne; he addbd th-at d:he_ British `boot was ner, gsame oence; heavy and might give `the men sore I J. 'Cousgth_1in, Stayner, feet. `The Canadian shoot was noti o'Ien_oe.;:.- ; ;suiba1b1'e for e'i-thew preparatory `work "$50, being. drunk or activ-e `service. - . " local John `The witness said `there was `no! 1..-1ish,\+]1[e_.aor&, $100`. pa'pe1f 0 in the '=boots.: The `leather. iinag -liquor without -`Fred `board vnhlioh-= one,of oe1'-ni` Huston, witnesses `had, found in -the `boots. sea-rah of Ernigl*i`1h house. ' ' _ and described as -paper Lieut. Wihit,-i .j ` _-V V ,.by_saidw~as used in all 'Oa:nad'ian\ 4. A `metinsgyof -Cam-adiain iRsed.fboo os.... The -lling -of- cement andl ,:GroSsr_Saciety, Ba;-rieo BrandH,. will 9. cork was alsp in` all "boots, _ I Council on; - V . r '- 0 '2,-'n~ :1"1|"`.' J\1`.L1 ~ `._L"3d,;hi1' _. ___ ,UU ,'.l-It'll-\L" .l.L.l, 01117 `\/Vu.ALvAa. \zu:a.s,.san.rvu `V15 . ;.-_Ma.1`('4"f1 29t.;h,-_-fat 3.304 -p.rr_1.I T " " , - _ ; - T1;19 ~A/`1,!.P8.9`-3,t`.bB'11dance`. _ is 4'0a1'.ti-cularl`yl -Maid-lam]. .6 `Arg1'1_s-`~.A -team. ` `of; C0113?! :88 miat_:bersT of Lgener-_ -`horses " Iblon to the: `S'arjeant-';S1'Ve::} 7*F1ff*.*iMF3t.4"_?Y!5I1w"1 coming 'sthe%i`oe; Withbjai 'D` "Wd.:'0f 113'. `.?.,f91"-mhudr B8Y.P9*1 "7 % dio*?.?che' on '1\@ond,hfy. . A5 :th1~o.ug ELIJCTRIC RATES I-I-II `G LI.U|I.lJ,l. - `J11. 'LJ`GU\.Jr'J1JKl-`y V deiegzborsi `of. .13": -Simcoe og ~CoL',"1Li'xIii:berI, ` the for the Queen s Hotel property were con- sidlered; but` nothing dfetnite was done in reference to. -a. sale of this vvaiuiafble .real estate. Tenders are be- asked in anosthr column for the `sizlvaige. J 1151; to what use this estate, which had been the site! off""-"a hotel `for over `half a century, wilb now . be put remains na"dher problematic. TQU-E:EfN -S PROPERTY "GEORGE wn.soN \ Aron DIVISION coum CLERK ;.L\J, ,Q`u`inh;1 fIn ,a telephone` message from a member of the `Legislature yester- day afternoon, it was u noi_ci-ally {earned that Mr. George Wilson of A-11-andalte wI.i'11 shout-ly =be app-oin:ted Division` Oouurt Clerk here to sue- ceed dhe' -luafte Wm. `IO. `McLean. Others who a.-spireci Ito the position` were: ,Messrs. Robt; W. 1 ayne,n James Arnold, Chas. Lower and" several others; but it is.` undenstood that rbhe four Simcoe menbers re-~ commended M-r. Geo; Ki-lson. The position is said mo be w h 'a4bou:t $800 per year. - um. wmm naus E ABOUT sommns BOOTS .l.U Uuhu LVUWD Bays ieut. `Wthi-troy, ".Quan oermaster of`; .t!he-f 20th Ba1tta.'1rion,- Toronto, was .11'he` . nat gwitness. . The {first issue for his men was from Nov. to Dec. 1. 1 11 ,1'\ ,'-4; 1____ Last week .'Lieutenant A. E.` W?hi:by, a -former employe of U11-l derhi~11 s,' `Limited, Shoe Factory,` gave evidence before the Parliamen- twry -Boot IO`-oImmitbee, which is an-1 vesfigating: complaints in regard` -to `the; `boots su`vp p1\ied rthe soldliers. The Toionto News says: 1111..-.Ln_-_ .' r\_-..-L..._...........4..-... V.-.43. -1113 111611 `Wan .|.J.'U'L.u ;_Vuv. u .A Board was held Ion tDec. W14::*;i1e`I;: it was -fotind many Boots were worn! o'uvt at the soles. ' `I `I {I ,_L_ v__._,_ UUVU `aw hu.U B3\l'l-\1>Jo I Twenty--two_hu:nd1~edA 5boots were issued! `to rthe tW0 batrta-1*i~ons at T0- ronsbo and -235' were utusrned in -as basl-. I `I `I `I 11. ,_--;_-_._- .._..J| _...__.' I .1. AJ.'\au\.I gnu out soles. UUD UU1CUa 1 They were urned -back to the`, \ Ordtr1a`noe stores. T "W11at was '-the matter with that b09E`S`? asikgd -Sir Ja's.' A.,i,kins. | ~____1.!-J`. UUU U3 3 HEACU. 'L)1L' U Go. .L.|.;L,Q1u.:.-:1. . The stock was poor, rephed ; witness. 7 . i .1- , .1,,_L! bbogay ` t(T7' ears

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