Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 7

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D1;1_)N"J_* -BREAK HER WORD ` V 'llL\.\/JIU k}'llL\4LlU U tI\/ILL`! uvv -L\4\4- V ' . L \Vesrt from St. V.incen.t Srtreet. ' 5 Intend! to and willassess the cost ( thereof upon the property of the respective ' rzrtepayers_ abuotting thereon and: -he.ne't`ted! thereby to the extent and at the rate of Forty- ve cennts per foot fromtage (ex-.' elusive of Srtreet in/oersecti-onus) and` otherwise in accordance -wifohf the- prov-isions of general By-`Law No. 759 and *a:1ne11chnen~ts thereto and that a bs"0aJtemnenrt Show-in:g the lands Lialbtle ` l-bo pay the said assessment and the .names of -the owners -thereof as far gas they can be zisce-rtained from sthe Revised` Assessment _Ro'1:1, is -now on le in the oice of the Clerk of the M~u1_1icipa for in- specttion durin-g ofce hours. 1 k The cost of the work -is $10,820, l of which $8050.54 is to he provided` ` out of the funds of the Municipal-1 1. isty, divilded as fOtii1OW'S:--~ I . I l Kemrpemfeldt Street from _ Du.'ckwor-bh Street to -R:o|dney_ Street, total . ..$ 4920 00 fI`|_'__-9.. ..L....... Qr)*)~ -v-v PUBLIC NOTICE \Jv\/ (ul-LL`: -.~-v He speaks Gei~1an. .I.ll\.r\AuA\.;J mi VA \-Iv V) TOWn s share . . . . |Rodrne-vy from Kem- feldt Street to -Blake Street, -`aorta-1' . . . . T0wn s_ sh-are . .. . . . . . . Blake Street from St. Vincent Street to a point 605 feet West of CU. TT.:-_ .......L C4-urn-;$ FULLJV UVU -I.\\.' \'\-v V- Vuinoen-t Street . .. . Blake `-Sit. from `centre of Rodney. Street to a, point 570 feet West orf 9 Rodney Sitreet. . .. . . . Blake `Street from centr 2 -of` Rodney Street to a point 607 feet East of 1 Rodney Street to Cook Street, :21 tolt-a'1 distance morf }782_ feet, toIta~1 ULL Alva .;\,vu, u\4`I1\.a- .-.- Tto-wn s shaare . . . . . . St. Veincent " -S=`t1'eet from` _centre of Kempenfel-d't IS1;reet_ to centre of `V `Blake =S~t'r`eet, a dilsrbance. _ of-x416 feet, -total .. .. 700 00 `Town -s sh-are . . .. . . 586 37 $65 34 ".'Dhe estimated` life of the work is .10 years. A Court of Revision wi-l"be helci on the 29th day of Mamh, at 9 ` a.'m., at the Couneii Chamber, Bar- 'rie, -for? the 'pu11p0se of hearing com-, 3;.p'l-a:ints_ '- against proposed assess- 'men.ts or -accuracy of mhe frontage mea;su_remensts- and any other com- iepl-ai'nt in connection with the above Qmentioned works, whcidh persons in- _- teresbed may desire to make, and: "- which is` by law oognizuble by the `Court. 5 `but? `u-1u:Uu`uu U.I. ayvuxuu. uoauuunuuuv Jthereon $3 wihrioh accord- L -ing 170- rthe provisions of the gen- I eral_ By-Law. aibove referfed rbo anti >~` which will be payable in. fteen 3 annual _ payments, togenbhver with 3 `interest; - _there '11he same to be [ payable` at he same `time or times t "as 5*'0 1Ji-T:g"neralL municipal taxes. 2 T - 1: nnx'mcr.1m"r ~ -` . This notice `is -given to_ you in respect to your real propelxty` af- n. _A._.`! _.'... ` ` U , . Str;e.t Lvsaid lpropentzy has T feet frontage` on . V Street, which ': at... the said 1.~a:teV ocf Foi-ty-xve` ;CInIts per foot frontage will make; `the amognt of speci assessment _...1_.` .41. ......,....J_ , ' 1'4. JJ'\.l.LV'J.V .uuuu4, Town Olerk. lnaiga;, Barri,` March th, 1915; Dvvvu, Lot, JILDILLJ I/AIJOIL IJIDCIV/\lJ DONN-ELL, - !'l!-._.. [Va] 4.. 11-20 00] 841 671 581.5 ; in ' CPISIS; . en of " ,endi1;g T nu L1..- side of said t_.._. A... ..... i191; 1 DI'l.'I'ES"-"I" YEAR C~0R:D,_"_ BUT DRIAINIAGEV f GI_V-ES -B*IG H` The -Ontario Asgricuiltuwal College reports that the crop year of 1914 was the driest on record! in Ontario! The p1'eCi p|it8.itiOn\fl"OIn harvest 1013 to harvest 1914 lacked 5 3-4 inahes of being up to the average. This is a shontage of. almost 20 per cent. The College has often stated! that tile drainage was -eecsbive .in a. dry season as Well as in a-. wet one. `and has-t year it was alble to -prove this .....u,`L `sun 1-.#:.r-m1] 111 V1` %'Z'o%-11 \ 1115!: yuur` 1|; wa3,wun: uu -yuan. u... in a most practical way. Since 1912 `the `has been install-ing Practical Drainage Denronstraion Plots in parts of the province where little or no diraina s been done. The plan is to dlrain aif of a eld, '1`eavin:g the other ha-H rmdrained for comparison. Both parts are sowed to the same kind! of grain and the drop from each part tlrrah: ed separately. N`-ine -nslots were drained prior to 1914. The average lof the nine fietdls showed that at market prices at threshing time the drained =h=alf prod uced.4 $14.12 more `per acre than he undlrained hailf, `and that in the driest year on re- cord. In an average season -the averang-e `increase due to drainage is over $20 per acre, and in a wet sea.- son even more. ` 1' _-,__ LL- $\}ll_ (3-VVCIJ. Ll1\J1Co \ For -a number of yezus the `A-gnic-.1_1V1t11rai' C5o1'1eg\e has -been mak- ing drainage surveys for farmers 'fr% of charge, except, for `travelling expenses. -T-his offer is a\g:aix1 re- 11~e-wet]. Fmwners llavialg drainage clikulnies may Sneczure assist.anc.e by wri. ning' the .EDm)-artmellt of Physics, O.A'.'C.. G11-elph. for tinformation and.` regular ap1)]'icatim1 forrns. clinrch ? . E Our pastor is ibeing tried for or- :thodoxy.-Ph11ade'1phia Ledger. TAKE NIOTIOE that the Mum- icirpa-lv `Corporation of the Town of Barrie having `been dulv petitioned by the property owners interested `our Ross anal Sophia, James and Olrarlette Streets, under -the - pro- visions of the Local Ivmprovement |-Sections of the .\ [l111'i'(?iT)'al1 Act, and having -Jbc-o11st1'ucte:1! -Sewers on the said streets `as follows :- O-n Ross Street, from centre of Toronto Street to` the interesction with the cemtre of rS'o,,.h:ixa Street, and on and. ail-Olrg` Sropuhia -Street . _ from Ross Sitreet to-centreof Mary ` -Srtneet. va dlist-ance of 350 feet. I iA1(so on James Street from centre of Mulcaster Street to Berczy `Sftreet 4 ,a' di.~?Itan'ce of 504 feet. t i l 3 A'l-so on Charlotte Street froln cen- E 1 tre of Berczy Street to a point east of Berczy `Street, a distance of 42-6 feet. 3` Intend `to and ,w`.1i1 assess the cost 3 thereof upon the property of the ` respective ratepayers albuxttinig thereon` and benetted thereby to the extent and at the rate of Forty- ve cents per foot frontage (ex- -' elusitve of street intersections) and fotherwise in aceoltdgamce with the provisions of ge11ena`l ~By-Lasw No. 759 and amendments thereto, and that a. statement showing the -lands liable to pay said -assessment and L i O 5 the names of the owners thereof -as. far as -they can the ascertained from >0 the last Revised* Assessment Roll is 37 now on `1e in the bice of the Clerk of the Munvieipoalixty for in- spection during ofce hours. ' .1 1 - mngau A PUBLIC NOTICE -7`J\/\,'uAuAL \nI.-an. v...\.v The cost of the work is $2115. -of which $1335.63 ' is to be provided out of the funds of the Munic'i4pa'P- ity, divrildaed- -as fo1wlows:- !Ross Street `from Toronto Street -'00 Sophia -`Street, and. on Soph`i.a, rfrom Ross Sftreet , to Mary Street, total ..A.$ 560 00 Town s share .. 448 40 James Street from Mu1oas- rter Street to Ber-czy -Street, `total .. 74500 Town s slhaare 342 92 Oha'11lotte -Street from cen- _'tre of , Berczy -Street to `Al]lbelt Street, total 810 O0 ToM'rn _s sthare .. 54431 E V 'Dhe.-hastima-ted `life of the work is ` 15- years.` .1` on -111 I1! E1iai1,a O. AL - \J`J I.lL'U .IsII\IV 151*`-VAL 1 Jill Ill JA\tO\Q on -the ~29it1h day of March, at 9 a.~m., at the Counei Oha-niber, Barrie, `for the purpose of hearing com- plaimets against he proposed` assess-. ments or accuracy ,;of the frontage meagsurernenrts and` any other com- T in connection with the above mentioned -works, wvhiidh persons _-i-nter`esrted may desire to make, and which is by law oogndzaxble by the -_--_L T.'his nozticeT is given to you titi to your ream propenty affect- V !_>.l`01ierty IN THE DUI "FUTURE Ull.` L)llI&\/I10, -VVILAUIAJ at the said rate of Forty-ve .censts pexj foot frontage will malne the ~ amount of special assessment thereon r$ , wuhi-ch accord- ing to tihe tprovuisions of t1he'gen- eral By-Law above referred to and whildh will ` be payalble in been annual payments/, `together `with in- terest thereon. '1\he same to be paya;b1e {at the same mi-me or time `yoitr. general _murxiOiP9'1 ' .08 ,1 V..- '- vA.'].-Co1u1t'0f Revision w*i'1!l -be held f\'l\:L.`I _ n 1r_`__.1_ -1. n _ _.. i,_:__viz. : Lot is the trnuible at your Barrie, March s?,'"i91`3.: has VAL Sttreet %_i'o-1-13 ms ;.;,:$; 3 fnwi J` ' ERTY Ham ly 1831 ' \ ~,. x ` ? .~uu1'<'(* [ . ,, * Stop your Icryzmg, my dear, ~3- shu \\'<>u-`1d say \_x*hen she -_-found 1('.,,,.~1m]| anew w1vt`h my` gm-ef: -18 art`. Vnnt >4-1.sl1 tn 1n- _rf0v1f h1m who. is ,,,,w so =11-.1pp_y From up vamqng 111.. .-;1i11t.< -he .1_s_even' now luookmg .1` .\\`11 and .1)1os;. you. The yeairs Wm `,1.-.~ quickly i\Vh(_311A yo.u Awulll gm, him tJ1~e1-e. For the `heroes _of %,'mm,1`, 11,-.z1\'e11 -pre_aparesT at -Sp6C)3.1' `IMO of 1-u.<,. _II-apq)-y.~are `those who M, .(.;11=1-ml from 't`h'1s earth Wh1_1e ],,.,-gm-mi11_;: :1 sacrez` duty. `Next _111l 21,-V m Jtlw-(?"11rist.i'a11 martyr co'n_1_es }].'(]_\'i11_ .~'()]*diO1`. . 3" .v T ..nn fnr 1-m'mm:s H1.n.1'. _(-\'(`I'. l`1 F ;\11nAt .\I:aj.'ie gmad a. ' `T f consolation re'ady,T ~how- _ Arno-V- _ _ ; . --_\I., 11:-~t 1'~eJ01ce, It1m'vartVw0u1d e .-1~ki1l_u' tuu.V11mcn11. You, 1n't1esvt' lbear _\'u`1H' Mt and resign T yourse1f., H4':l\'l`ll .~'(*n:1s t`hisvt1'iai1 to purify mu! your faith. .\ml in M1101` sthat my heart `be? pl11'i<` much my xxibh streng7thened:' my ;.~m'1' .-\1'1mv had :to . ",\'u.-110. but how dare you ques- 1i1u11'I`]IA` hi ways of Provir .di. `but I allowed` myself ,_to_ -m.m_\' tlmul lwll (seiebrated! in. th V 31--r :11]. t.ho.=e poo-r '-brave 'buro11hers , hun<>1' of txhcil` 11:z1.ti'()-1'1! A1113:--there (!<`11:'v'. _ . 7 '|`11_p mna~n:]+;1ut-10115 w:hidh,.my- aunt? ..'m-ml +\\'m'e'1'z1. tx11e1' c011fuSi11g and I a. ;1\-:~.=1:-t the 111y. tna11g'1e, and` be- liew that my dear victim -was now v (`-11j<.,\iI1g' lwzn-;:-11 as an 1*e\vzn'd for his A 1l}_{n1l}' (Vf $2lCI"iC, and nwuwlgv"\\'m1=1d' ibc -g-lsoriecl on. earth \\`if tnlw 1l'd1() of Vhe1'0'ic n1a:rty*rdom.. Jlwt `1w r'm'~e our tlaparture from , Vimmu the meat mourning cere-1'13 n 51` '32 mntlu-.11`-.1] wf St. Stefmxv, and I at- Ivilalwl. The De Pro`f-u1'1dis was` ~ung' for 21' our Iwarrio-rs fall-e11`m1d lmriml nu f01'ci~g'11 soil]. A -0a:ta- 3 1';u1qm- lmd been erected] in the oeu- uw n1 tsluu c11~1.1.1'c-=11, Ii-gwh-ted: with a lmmlml Up-mndlles Rand` hu-ng-with J Hug-.<. ;n'm:s, and Ilniflimary embilems-. *1 'l`~Lu- }_*'1`:1n(1 ',p=a:t110tiC requiem came 1'1'111 the (~!hU'i1' and flooded the co1'1g- ` 1't':_>':1Ii.z11. mostly women clothed. i'11T-'1 `..1;uk :m'.\' xveepinrgj aloud.` 'AIl'ld not I'M hm` mm allone, ibut fol`. the same\ ~21.` `ilaltv Hf 21111`, -each woman wept- wlm. hm! , up their sweet young `1i\-us fur u.~'.ff0r t-hen` -country, -the V in uho .1)-ac.1{g'r011nd stood Several` 2-u;_v'i11m1;ts of ivi_ug sohers, listen- ing` In the <:c1'e1n-011y--+a11Lwa-itin-g` tb follow their :t'a]11en -comrades witih-T Hut ":1. mu-1'.1n11`1' or fear. These olioudss. -1' i11('(`ll`.<(`; the S\\`e1\1i11g' voriceof (the n1-:_--aux. thv fe1w'm'1t -p-atitions, the <:n1111.-n xvoc `p'oured out in .-tears and :_vm;1n.~1 lnust pL1.re`l y have. risen tn :1 \ve11-p1ea.~:ed`(heavenly ear, and Ihv (`ml `of :a1'-mics and. battles must um-t`::i1u1y -. diown Hisiolessing nu t}m. Ito \\'ho*1n` -this catafallque` ` `* :11`-(V \ , AIL nu gm.-n4- ..--.~..~..u 9 ...---._..-._ 1. 11111 _ tor rejoice th-2_1-t .4 1v..1:f\:fl() .+]1::uf XXIII-11]-{'15. `Linn ' {!l H|'(` 7|`! \\_';r< 1`:.1is(+<. ,ynu \\';I-4 1`:11s( _ I Tnhese were the tyluousghfls t h'? t -;1n1:> tin 1110, um], wnhicih I `\.V1`0t8 111 my j ourna V-when I d6$C~1`1'bd the mnu1'uin;;' ~c-(+1e`b1`ati011. . T ' ,.~ . .-. L`- - .1-.L'nn4- (VP! ` un--_. % (v1 m>'1`I:R VVI.--.-(IOontinuQdV) Q SUFFERED For Years, Restored'To Health ` by Lydia E. Pinkha`m s Veg- V etable Compound. Canadian women are continually w_rit- ` ing us such letters as the two f0110W1l8v \ which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restored health: ' Z k Glanford Stetion, 0nt.-I have up ' en Lydm E. Pmkham s Vegetable Com- . ff; rs pound and never found any medicine - to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- -_ ,, ing of womb and doctors didme no. . " `good. I suffered~ -. ' 'dreadfu1lyfor.years ` until I began taking` nervousness "sad in'-` `J digestion. ? -4-` Mrs. x-3 your medicine.` I ale .Hamur CLARK, Glanvfordu _s`g_,n,_ .05; '-' so -recommend it to: .Hu1-niu cmnc tihe news of .m:1nn;,-' ~(:-(rial)-1'&1t1o11. 'I`~\\'_ 4\vvvk.< zlftrar the defeat Chesterville, Ont. - " I heard_. 30! medicines highly praised, and ?I'y931' 33- I began taking them for 91 W0? and ovarian trouble. u 11-- 9 5. ,, _2__ _ .1 _.`.`-I'7-II"6"|A Hl uuu uvarum WOUDIC. ' , . My left side pained me 811 $119 t!m and just before my peod. Vr._ : irregular and painful-it wo\l_1d b.1 !'9`.~":. To sit down caused me pain ing and I would be so the times that I could not beat KP one or hear any one speak. _ Lit1._. V. 2 ,5; would oat; before my. 0t!_!n`.1i'.._If always constipated.- ' A u 1 ........-.. ..-.. 4...- ...Q}.I'; auways consupatea. . V .v _. I cannot say too much Af.;.91'-L1 Pinkham s Vegetable eQ9mP9 Liver Pills, for `there at 110 V. :UnderT tg V Disarm this Novel wpn forv its . author the Ngbl Peace Prize!` A Famous Story EVERYTHING E915; ' ll WAR `the `By the '1 _ _ ' BARoNEss'.Vo_N SU'1`_T.NER_ "" ``*.t" u.4o - - .. You must not for "one instant _ 17115-IIk,", he said`, h-axte eveni 1>h0ug1h in iihis peace -we` have ym~a."de Peon- CBSSIOIIS, we I `ave therelby sacriced `0"1' di!8'I1i!ty- We , Ausbrianse know perfectly"-_ what we `-are abourt. It is {-11`ot_ Gh;e 'litle cheek` `-we got any Suoi-` .feri~11-o"\_vIhihe11 makes us give up the` -gvairnne. Ear , from it. We could! 385-3'3 have vrouteds them with an- other -army" corps, ' and? forced. the llemy from` Milan, `bllvt, - dear Miartha, there are other }1*i11gSfi.11- vdlv-ed-great p.rin~cisp1'es and objects. `W e do not cease `to push the War |=furthe1', Jest rhese Sardi-nia'11' 1~db- gibers and "their Fremmhi '11=ang'm-a.11-aliliiy `I should rush into other port_i0n~s- of Ita9.'y--dM-bdena. -and! fT~u svcany---where dynasties are i-n .p0We_1' mvihilc-.h_ -are relates} to 011.1`-ii1I1`pI'i`l:1 farmiily; nay, , uthey might Eadv=an.ce even wa.g'a.inst ` -Rome i-tself, ~and= _-endanger the Holy Fa1;her--.the Vanda` Is. ' ,`By giving up , Loam-hardy we keep Venetia, .-and can` I` assure the Holy `See and the so-uth- ` `erni Itazlian states of -our support. Thus, my dear, you see, it is only for 1Jo1'iti.ea.1' Ureasonus :and5 `for the Salke of'=1111'e bia!I -ance of fponver. in. _ ,Eusr0rpe---- - , ' I T Oh, yes, father, I see it, I Ibr-oke in. I1; is a pity ithalt _ they could` `not have pllannedi it all hefore .-`1VI]a=genta ! I sighed-'hi: oter1y, sand, to change the subject, I .pointed to S 5 L i 4 5 . {Va package or `books whrc11 had ]u:st_ - I arrived frsonn Vienna. " ' r/.r~ II .1 .1 1 , ,1 ,- JII1 ___ 11- ..- u1l.'1VCL uuuvux V ruxxxxu`. iSee father, the bookseiler }h?a.'s sent us several things on .9.-pmnoval. Among` the arrest is the E n:g',1-izsdh -11a.tuui a'list D`a1~win s The Origin of| |Srpecies. [He recommends j int an eposch~1n-akin-g book in -modern T ;th0u:gh/5. ' . . ((TT_ _- _.._J .. ,..L . J`.-`.1-Jan-sun ~.-v\r\ 1171+:-1 By. Speial Arrangement :t3nou:gm:." . _ He need not. -"bomber me wihlr -it,Trep%1ie 'f-at_;her. In such` `stirring times, who can `be in-terest-V" ed in smdh ruibbish? How 4-c.aV_n .a st'uap~id.f book aibouet rpe1a11bs and sani- vmalls '.an'd `their O1`i`g i1i make an `epoch `of any inrntpontance to us men? `The feeratiion of the Italian -States, the fvaurr1ni11g- of the Gemnzan Bund,A "and the co11so1'idaLtio11` _'of =Aus o1'.i;a--s'uch matters make epochs in :h~i'st0'ry and m*an4k -the wgreat _t`:ridies 1 in Thuman aadvancement. '1" -1`: --A- L:nLnn1 ibb1'.lU'U:J 111 11 Luuuu -cfu v uuuuuu... VI These things wi1`1 `Dive in history xlong =a.frter - a11-ati stupid` 'En}g'-lish book is forgotten. Mark my words. `I duid 1n:ark ?1J'1.1em. - . '35` years Passed quietly, and my sisters, now seventteen and ei'gh' 'ategan year-`S 0M; are t0 `be Presented -___..4. nxm.;. .mLma:`l.-1 T -nnf. 1-Af.rn.1'ne. I681! `ye-urn` wu, oaxv qu -...u 1 ......... _ at court. Wahy should I not return 1 1 to society? I thought. Tiqne had done its Work and quieted! my grief. -1 Despair had mea L'lIowed- vinibo suorww,` E sorrow Ei-nfw ,me1`an`ciho|1y, ?t*hen.~czame -V 1is d1essness,~ and nally I felt a re- .5 `nerwing of my interest in `life. I I woke one ne zmoming with the - rea'1`iz-alteion what I was a woman to 1 be nviedi--twenty-three, Fbeaurbiful, % nvobly born, _ri'cih, the imotzher of a 'daril`ing-ooy, ancl one of a devoted 'fami'1y., What had} I still to ask to mazk-e life de`li|g1h11fn`? ' V = awvc, Lug lluALu~v..-v In-a'rriedi harppginess,_ L! ___ R -\ 4:5 turn: g `love, my nanuauum Jlubuux, ...,, . happine~ss,_ my -terrible ts-4 sapzaratioll and grief. VTIhe diuwtion d of _.it had!" not `been `long enough to o create .-a - dlbse syvmpa.-thy. Our de- h votion hrasdl, Ibeeli mo Shortly cut. o to hwve grown` into the frivendhitp s and! -reverence `which is ' often" felt |by '11 those who have. shared years of A joy s and sorrow. ' Could. I have been in- t dispensaihle . foo: him when, for no t <;ause,- be rushed -inrbo the `war and 1 ile1t his; m'eg\imes_rrt,. which was not -1 caI1_|e(l-out? Yes,` four years- made i me as d-ierent being`. My mind. [had 1 bnoasdiened, and} knowledge _ `and cu1- 1 come to me which, I felt, _ 9A1-no mould have no symmthy "with, . `- If {he _oouI1d come back t`he;wouldx -._be 2 ` a~stnanger.rto-my.p1\esend: spiritual : life. J -. ` HOW~31?i( ,-tit a1=1-. ootrnej -gibdut? . `V. A ;.One. yeamof- in d6B1P8-ii`) .murn:in8. % r V. _ -,fvvd\1`1 di7h9t '; Mr i Rudlrhmign 5130914 armed W0 my 9.03: and became the centre -of my my `Vpridle, and my` existence. , ',Do' be able }day to,*ibe"hi8 -'::iiide."8nd' % Aoomp!an~i0n,,I lbmrid AmyBeT'in'fahe of %the~ h&17.81i:.1ibra . x BOOK 11. TIME 50}? PEACE CHAPTER I. ed to .r_eI1aIte- me -to the g'.1~a:n~d1' `his- torical processes, $501` which `I, too, dmadT1ivved..' Not that I ever gort back the o1d;'.en=thusi:a*sIns -of grliisah days; for" the `Maid of .Orleans-. Many of` `the OV1`VW\1`0 L1'.g`ht, -acoounnts . 1_1-ow sou-ndued` fhoorvsz -andi m0a1ainrg,`Whe11| ....A_... .13 --..... 5U Ll'l1'blK7LI '11'lJl`l-KJIVV a.J1\_,|| .lLL'\J|\.\|\u.Aub, vvvvv -- ` I thought -of ruhe horrors of war. - Gaul the pri0e3ess_ gem life 'be| -paid for wilth the 't;inse1 coin ofl .pasm11-uxm~ouS fame Z T _ .1)__.J. -A-L... 1a:..-`~45-/\\m1v_n.1'\rxl1`F TYIV I .pusuu'uuuuua 1wu1c: , Butt oh-e hi-Story-,sheIlf `of my! f-a;t"11er s `Library was soom exhauested ;` I 'be'gg~ed the bookseller to send me` more. He wrote :- rm_ -__-.-_ n-_;1-1-`7,. 5 '11l'U'1T:. LLU WLU-ut:_ .> . V _ ; I send yow T~hom`as Bu.ck1e s `History of 3C'i-vi-1iza.ti-on in Eng-' land. The work is unrllisshedi, but these -two volumes form a complete r\vh'-o'1te, and have attracted great at` d>e11tio11, not only -in England` but`, over the world. ` They say that rtih-e ~.au.13hAor is. introducing .a, new concep-` .tion V of hismory. T. cream-uxe tanner wxuuu 5 the daintiest hands or . . filmiest fabrics need - . n,ever4fear.T LUX - coaxes rather. than ' * forces the dirt out of `clothes. -` Won't Shrink " auuufux 1uuuuu..y. New, windeed! -Rea*d`in~g and re- `reading it, I felit 1-ikea creature 'taken suddenly from the -b-otrtovm of -a narrow vaev to the mounmainl tops and viewing the `world for the rst time out, beyond and` beyond , }to rbhe lbrgunfiesg ocean." [Not thaxt I. _ 1' 1________;.-_ - ,__`__],] V50 `U116 |lJUU1U'1Ubb UL.ta11. _.L\'uu uuwu -Ly` I. ua usuperleia mind` of twenty, "could 4 x grasp the !bodk-1bu-t, to jkeep to my ( `picture, I saw that lotyimonumen- H Ital th`i11sg`s (lay lbefore my 'as'ton-ished l 1 vision. I was dazzled, overcome, 5 my ihorizon moved out into the im- w mensities of life. Thomgh the full ` unders'ta!nd`i-eng -only came tome later, 4 yet that one vision I caught even '- i `then, that i -the history of mankind! itself was not orrnuslarteili by Wars, e ikiillga gstartesrnen, treaties, `greed, _ `cunning, `but by the grasdu-all de- ' *ve1'-o.rpImen't of the iiiteflllect. Court; . ehsroni'c`les_ gave no exrplanation to` imdlelilyiilrg causes. nor -a picture of` the civilization of the `time. Buekile` did`. n-ot `paint war and d'evast~ation`, with ma glarmor, `butt demonstrated that the respect for amns diminish- ed as a people rose in culture iandi 'in'tel`Iig1en'oe. The faarther from bar-l -barism you go, the more `war and ts 1"Ioan~a-`nC"e will die out of our eul- '1 1 ` ,,,_A. - J'__...L A- Made` in Canada by `Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto. IUD L`\}'J.lI'(1'lLUU VVLILI KLIU '\.ruw UL VLUA vu- -ture and oeaxse rto exist. Just .as chiJdJh0od~ s Nvran~gI1~i1ig ceases, so` xxnust -saofcviety Voutg*l`0*W its ` ohii1ddsvh- Inegg. ` 1a .1 -, _ ,,,-_.`I-.`n 4.- J.1....,;un... Jmhw all this appeaedl to rt,-he .eon-I -victilons of my heart, which I -had so often dismissal as 1xm:wor.thy andi -weamk! I now ~fe1.t bhait rbhese groaw-E .in1g ideatls in me -were an echo of the snpi*ri1t of -the sage, and saw that -Ehinkers were losing ' their -idolsatzry _,,.1. J-__'l_.L:_._. :4... ............-...-..:.4... 'l.:lu.1u\U1 D WULU uuwzug u.|A\.I1.L Luvnsnund ` for War, and! doubting its necessirty. The book gave {me mhe opposite '-of what I~ soulght, yet `how it so1ace_d ._,G2._,__L-_--.1 ...1-.~..L...1 'n.n4J: manna- way. softens hard water --.. gives a rich,- cream-like lather which R filmiest fabrics Wilub 1.` BUu!5~.u:u, me, eniig*htened,V elevateti, and paci- edjme..|0ncse I -tried to talk to my rfathver va`bou:t `it but he would have non? of it; 'he_ refused to follow me JVU l1\)'VV av 'o\.u.u.uuu-` _--___-.;..._.. .._. 4.1......L 2.-. 1.... an.` HUUU UL .l_u, .110 1.01.11-0\/\.I. uv .;u. 430 the mountain top, that is,i1':'e `r:-l ;fu-sed to read the book, so A it was usglk-2-`ss_ to diisouss Lit. - _ - ...-_..__I.Jx -1! -uyuwy HEULUDD DU uxauuzaa -1 u. r the .secon'dL year -of my]-a sorrow I s`tud=ied.~` rwith renewed ar- "3 dor, and! as the mind expanded the `old unhappiness disappeared-. Buckle "1 had u11conseious`y given me a taste *t for the" lrangver world again, -and} I 11 satised my craving rto f0311r0Iw -out a his idea in other authors. The ,pas- i ' sien -for Ilife renewed itself, and; '4 - the melancholy dlieappeared; `Then 1 i the third change was wrought in 97 I me. Boo'k_s alozne woud not satisfy : ; -me. I I saw that with alvli thisread-" ing my loncgings were not being` gxraxtied-!1}ife s .oiwers . were still ` - for `me. to pituek -if I only stretched I out the hand. .So in the winter of 1863 I entered salons of Vien- nese society once more to T introduce . T M3arttI ts;,'.--Coximtesse Dotzky, `thee riohe young. .;~%v2idtryv.I tthtisj spoken of, R meat Ill '1JKl|.I:II LIL YULIG BEIQRU ft. of -the woldi '9.~gVa_lin.- Dime part sun ed me, and I was greeted, feted, on all sides, mujoh to my de- _ig1h:t,' four years, of social `The entire family quietly pre- what I`-W01.1`1' remgarry. My zaum no longer referred to my j'sdldiier". .sa_int 7 albove. _ The . future; .V1?~v'11i$<**itV'*ieeti:*;Ie:1%f;I1i8?1"`%%n? 136 5 K Mg. i H914 "dv'5'l-_'UOiM)'V u - `VVVV-~\u ..--~..---.. . I ' " Every me e cept mvs 01 1" S e earned to hair's A-;forg*ot,'t4(nM-_Al1i_ ` - n 15.7. "oaxes tl forces TI-IE %N_C}RTH E`RN ADVANCE? ~ may t ;- `--Rudo&f; a , ,7ev'eninc. pr!ayer.. e1os"edwiritl1: "G:o-d kee`p1Inefg~ood" and brave for lovye of my father, Arno. - We ~siste-rs enjoyed society. in fthe extreme. It was really my rsrt glimpse, too, for I had married so soon that I hand.` missede the gaiety and -asttentions. My `crowd of jad- mirers, horwevei`, did not impress me much for between. us there lay a chasm. B1-i1=li-ant young beaux chamting of ballroom, count, `and theatre had not the -f-aintesvt glimpse of the things which my life was be- ginning to depend upon. ,Thourgh 1- _;`_l. _...]-- L-Ann.-. :+n. ];an lm: guuuug w uupcuu uyuu. __..... ..,._.,... I had only `begun Ibo `lisp, the Language of the '~hig'her- -things of `soul and.` science, yet that Awas `farther removed from these chamber- ----4..L.L;. (`1...V.1-. nan n1-1n.11 13.91-.a.mn`n;an `1w1,'-mm-g 1'9;-:uuu.v::u .|.LUu.u. uuuou umuw. ers ":th.9._ n. Greek or even Prat:ag~o n.i-an. I vhcacl begun to `think in the oO11g11e with which men of science woud some day debate, ` and nally solve It was quite vcrtain that ih such- uthe greatest riddiles of the A world. 121 cirlele I`Wou1`d- scarcely nd a con- ,ge!n:ia1 mate,` and I carefully avoid- iedv. all entanglling _rumors,e --devoted 1 --- _-]---- ._nn,JI :n.4-A a C11'|C`.l'_e .I. 'wUu1u- buuxvvxg uuu u- uuu gen-iai mate; carefully avoid- e(i 4 rumors,` t1 myself to my `boy, pllungez inrtoy 14 stu-,d'y,A kept _.in t`ou.oh -with the in-' 0-_ telzleetualv w'on1d,' read` and "neiished 9.. `keenly all -the latest" things. `This ]( barred "me. from many of the frivol-` n iti-es, and yet , I keenly enjoyed the 1( Egaiety, the cogmpanny, and dsanei-ng, n I 1'-onge to open my salon rtoyua few li of the uaptper -world of sc.hot1'a.rs:h-ip, ic. `abut my social posizti-on made that s` i-1n*p1o:ssi*b*le.'. Ii Idiared not "hope to I 'mix the classes in `Vienna. Since C t. s f that dlay "the exclusive sp-ir*it has ichan-ged. and` 'as'hion Ito--day nds . 'it Iaccepta3`1e to -open its doors - to -b1'.a.ions of the rarer sort. But at C that time it would have'been quite, `im.pos=si.b\e to receives except sirch .as ` were p*r,esentab1'e . "at cou-1*_t-eo-u~n=ting at last sixteen .ancestms. ` Our own social set -would not have been a;b`1e C to 'c'onverse with -the .hinking class land the letter. class would lnive found` it intollerabsly d-u`1*1 `to min'g'1e A |W-ilth a, 'd.ranvi11'g_-room .fu.1`1 orf sp=orts- ( men, Cloister-shred} gilis. old .ge11' erais, and canonesses. A`l'1- the talk jwnas a viapid recital of .where the ( _i\1as'.t rha]:1 ha;d`- been and where the inext one was to be-pexhaps at ,.Sc1hnvartze1nbergis or Pa1'1avin-cini s; , who was the ltaxtesgt nadorer of Ba1~o.n- 4 ..`~ess Bacher, and the -1 rejected of the C-oimtess Pay; how many 3-estates had Prince 'C-roy;- was Lady . AIma*1nay s title from her father s or 1 mother s side? C'ou`lid.` such d-rival - nossi'b~1y have insterestedv `the intel- 3 `1eCTfL1*a1 set? , _ E _ 'Oec'asiona!1~1y an able ostatesnian, 1 I -.d`ip1oma t, or man of ge_11iu.s cropped e up among `us, but they alrvvays as-i P, suumed the frivolous eo11versatio1i.0f ., the rest. yA quiet afxter-dinner dint :14 with some -of our pa.r1ia,~mentarians 3 or men of mark would have been L'i1n3.'d`8 impose-iable almost, for hardly woulld the `conversation ..tu1'n on =3, some tp.o.`1`i-tiecal or scientic sulbjec-t 1- when it would be ' i11'terr11pted- with, 11 Ah, dearest Countess Dotzky, how] 1`, chapmiiig you looked yesterdiay at} nit-he `picnic! And are you going to; .d,the-Russian -embassy -to-tmorrow? l I Allow me, dear M|acrt1:a,- said ` imy cousin Conrad LA`1rthaus-, to in- 4 ].trodu'oe Lieutena111HGenena1 Ba1~on_ :Ti1ling.- E bowed nandI-arose, t1hi-n-k- 'j ging the introducrtioll an .invita,bi`on `Ibo dance. ' ` ` -Pardon me, 'C0untesVs, `he said`, (with a. sligvhvt smile, showint , a =p'er- .fec.t' row of teeth, I do not dzmce. So "much the better, for I would like a moment s rest, I said, researt- :ing -myvself. . ' I was bold enough to ask for the .in.trod?u=oti0n, for I `had some in- rformat-i-on for you, he oontinued. I looked! up -at -him --in surrplrise. iHe was no longer young, somewhat ligrey, and with a serious ooumten-_ la-nee, butt withal a distinguished and E` Isyrmpahetic face. \ .` T _2.1' __..L :...J-uqmzlu-u :(`n~n-v:.hc:.a.a u1+ * myaxxmyuuxxvuxu .l.a\?Uo \ . I wi*1'l not nintrlude, Oournhess, Vbn-t wwih-at I have -to tell you is not suiilzi ed to a baLlTrroam ehsaxt.-` If you w=i'~ x the ``l`01L1`, I wi. 1?1 come to you vittih i-t. W I am at home on `Saturdays be- .'_ tween two and four, ' `i I womld rather see you alone. 1 l Then came foo-rmiorrouw at t e `same `-hour. The . Baron and `deft `me, Later, Cousin Conrad ` passed; I eashledl -him to -my sidle" tern`? quesrtioned him eonscernirng - " -i`-iing. V . . 2` Ah `ha! Has the so irmrplressed you you are eetting 3 an inves1i1ga- 5 *tion on foot ?_- gig is unmagiy C `hurt a diistingxuis _ .-ptrincess o e I: reigning (house has him` enbangiled 3; - in_'=her silken web, and therefore he` 1`. does not wish to nna.rr3lr`,.d I-E115 iegu-` 1 mentlzas just been 0' ere 1. eve., 1 but he -is -no friend of society. I; y -mleet `him evgy, H123` `aft bhe_. `N013? _3 is `Outta, where e a ays Aseems : ' -"- g'so1-bed Vin henpatpers or a game of kl I was astonished to]-see -hum :1 here,` but the 'hostess'is his cousin. rf e_ speukng. with you he went` ~i,.12_;.-:I__ 99' r nwuvx oyvu.n.u5 `vv 4. away i.mmed'ia.tely. '_1}e gas in: 'wsas yvorun` beausty .hat lbrousgthst. him` UTIIIQP ll.l`lU'l% `u ' ;No'; burl: do aiiot `imagine gbhat ivt at long range, and, Iherefore, A '-edited. foo. 1n22w..vu~ H94 ;I.Pr1ya Q3431. sLI\.) W M |other aaqaegz : I117` ` yuu . .L'ut_:n: Duv mus u; uuu Iuauu ' dress. `Oh, said `he, Sthvact is she? 2.,Wil1 yo-u_ intro'du'oe- me? And I (brought `hi-m over A with no idea that d;i_=st11.V1 your V of 5. I ~.. :..:. ; `HHKUW JUU JSILUW JUILQ 4.1.9 '11:-anus`; , 1 ~wanit to speak to her. ]3..puo queistionetiz `Could you` tell me '4 wnhther a certain Countess _Dotzky,!-1 folunerliy an Allbhaus, probably `a '1' relative -orfjyoufx-s, is Snare ttq-day? I 4 inter to * - you. `There * she its -in the Ibl-119': J_.--.. 9 ;a-t|-:.J- :1: `: ni:>n's_e>nse,.`y Conrad, 7 as are 130% a 'si:1;y fami-15 7 name`cis new to me. . '`S"o"y0u a;re ixiterested`? V Pehapsu hey"-is"11hie' 1`u'c=ky I who have '=trie<} for months to interest you in me smust'sbep asi'd e for this 'c0 1id-lhear.t~ed liemtenant-colonel. Let me Wacrn you, he is. without feeling. The TTi1-l`in-gfamilly, I`bd1-ieve, is of Hanover-ian origin, xalrbhough h-is -fatther was an Austrsi-an officer and This mother. a Prussian. Did you note his North German accenit? Maud married -4 '- Why `only `last June she told meshe wou1dn t mar- ry the best man "that `walks the earth.. `~ ` T}1at s all right; the man she marrred rides in qn automobile. TAKE< N0'I`I C`E- that whereas`; the Locatl Board of `Healthy of the if 'Municairp~aJI Oorpormtioii of the Town I of Barrie having recommended the Q const;ruc:ti~on of" sewers on the fol- `( lowinig streets: Kempenfeldtt, Rod- ney, _B'1ra'ke, St. Vinncenit, and Char- lotte S Streets and "it was therefore necessary and des-ira h1e iii the pinh- _lic interest -on sanirba.-ry grounds -to` 1 construct `such sewers ztccording .to -i such reeovm-rmendaution as a'L0ca`1'1 Imtprovememt, and the Mnnicirpa-1 c Cou.nci'-l of the said 'C*0r:pora oion of 1 the Town of Barnie having ~c0n- < strurcted sewers on said` streets fo`fo\vs:-.? On Kempeirfeld-`t Street from the : , intersection I-waitvh the centre of : !. Duickworth Street to tihve centre` of Rodney ~Street,\ a distance of i 2103 feet. ' ` On Rodney Street from the centre of Kemrpenfelid-t Street to the, centre ` of Blake Street, a dis-[ tance of 420 feet. 1 On Blake Street from the centre. of Rodney Srtreet to a point 570 feet S -West of Rodney Street. . 011- Blake Street from the cen-l rtre of Ro_ch1e.y Street to .the cen- A tree of _ Cook Street, a distance of r , 607 feet. ' ' ~ 011 Sit`. i Vincent _Street from the t centre of Kesrnpen-feldt Street to centre of Blake Street, a distance r of 416 feet. .- ; 3 On` B-Iiake Street from centre of *St.| l ' Vincent Street to a point 605 feet ,,r n_..,__ (M. 'tT:__,.._-..1. Cu..,.,.+ L)l;.l'D_Uu sidegf

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