Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 8

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4.. uur: uruau z_u'ub"[-1c manner, see] TAYLOR, Dunlop S; Bar-, r'ie. tf. _ `1\I1a:r_y Pickoxidi, the xv-or}-d s fore- most ll-m actress, adds -a-noutiher tinvdtive :a'dhievAement; to her long 1 list bf -ste1 l`avr tnium-p=hs in the Fam- ous Pl-ayerrs Eiilin Cmnnpanry produc_- r tion of Beh`i11;d1th_e Scenes, `by,: AULU, `UV ` UIJU Thus. Aid-erson, -Is`aI1:.-e1~1-a H01-mes, 16% in.` Stripe ':C'.rasl1 for .. 10c, present value 13(- '1-5 -in. Half Bleach Barns-ley 13c, present value 14:: 1162; in. Best H-andi'Cr.'a~sh, sell `border 13c, present value 13: 16% in. `Brown Homespun . .. . 15-} in. Smooth h-a\lf -bleached` Crash 11c, present value ISL 10c, [present Value 1:;.- 191} in. -Brosw-n Crash, Red Border_.. 10c, present value 121; 17% in. Heavy Brown Tiwwivll . .. .' . . 15c, present valur- 1%`;- 22 in; Stripe Tea Cloth -. .. . . .. .. 13c, present value 17.- 18 in. Heavy Huck` Towelling, Redi 1 `and! Blue Border . . 13c, present vallle 1 .16 in. Fri-ne Huck Towelling, plain 12c, present \'alm- 14;. 17 i in. Heavy -`Linen Oraslll, . .. . . 14:0," present \'alu(- Im- 19 in-. Blue -and; Red Check Tea Olomh 11c, present value M. 22:} i-n. Blue & Red Oheck Tea Cloth, 12%, present \'z1llu- IT 25% in. Blue & Red ~Cl1eck Tea'Cl0rth, 16c, present value 22;: 25% in; Plain Linen Tea Cloth . . .. 20c, present value "in ` !1.5 1:62} i i '1' 223; 1 no got 1301 _o1=1= vow; Buvmc or IOWELHNE `thene were to 'be had 2500 '-pa:t'tern's in "lengths of from 5 to 20 yards vif whispered to us on the soido tllzrt; yards of Prvimt, made up of many we ac-ted at Offe-1'01] fur '33]1il1{l". at for it they p/vaztterns, ~re`l-iatble and a Bargain at Ihc. ' . It was an brpportunity once- --wer wired for them--they re there and T-hursday; Frfidiay and Saaiturd`-ay and Miondaay -s the regular price of 6%c the,yva1'.d?. Our word are a neat lot of price1.j A -\-v- g~ uvo week. lings : -'RemeI_nrber what we sltwted in this space last Week. Li11m1 1, ices are soaring--o`uIr present shock was 'bioug!ht: `before u- rise. Many of our customers replenished 'their supplie:.- 111;: if-eek. Here are some priees on` rhhe most needed '1'nwg1- ~1n2`s: - ' ' TIMIE PREAICHING SER-I VI-OES' | sA:LVAa*IoN ARMY -~, ---..A\., h,_ _1915, 1.1a}E I:Qv1Vm-VA`. _ , A IN`! \ u I aunv-1.14 _U:ll. albrics.' `BORN -Sa:tu1rdn.y. l[a:rc 11* Jr. and Mrs. Joseph L `Rf A Jnlrx 1-nlzlln` I` A mysl,-1u_IlS `In h.nak.'1,] Consequence. 'Dh~e] ;_come Nifow: than wish "19". gm `Wed- Mar. 13i5, 3r ,.! r\__ ~l11d I ".` ' T.,'_'1 a pa wuthm "333 days 1:h~e.'ea.fter. _ . Wm be sold` -subject bid ' and to the exist- .p&l`l71cua1vs and condu- mt" be made known `fund in the ma.n1rfaot-urriamgv part of `the itownn. I .. ,OF SlAiDFr--10 per cent. t; galb and the balance Gishst-rovmed 5 hose, fe- re'd'31'11 Aed. The pr(:w;)(-rt." --13 d]` to -Bratciford Sitreet and .the -Thereissiyi the said+pmpemty,. `I'l(l`1nna.-I ----. -.`vu `Ulla d 190 be erected mwl a ' good. ;l.....JI:._.. L'_,_..- ignder. -a11gnVt-`:t>y rgvlti-119 t` a Wr- 33 199111 ` _ W 1 mi`: be m)- `at 47118 time of 92110 Mlwre vwrm for sale -by Pl1Hi(-, A11'0t10I1 alt the .New Barrio ]Ioto 1 W th0 T0vm of Barrie on Swt11rdn_v. B9 31`d day of April, 1915. at 1.30 `d] k P-fm-, the fdl-louwtillg v.a111:r1>le 'm the TOWII of Barrie mu! bem of Lot No. 56 on the north sxde of Fwcierick Sctrmt Lot No. 44 onthe Soulth sideof SW93` Ia:eoor(1ing nto R6swtered=P-Ian No. 493. u'a:.....:.J .`. 1- ' % AUCTION SALE or VALUABIJS Town PROPERTY N*OTIC`E--L0st or strayed fxvrn: premises in village of Srtrowd, "11 FeIb.- 20th, 1915. a large (*`=`.':i~ Dog; hasva white stripe down 1'.-2%-w. wahiitei ring Varound - neck, whre ]'yrnme+ n-....J :`L-1-FL ` " ' H Abe. rprosecurted. Alex. B1\>\\'nIx' LO-'S'T--~On` Sunday 21 ftu:-1 2 Mvareh 71311, an Irish Trrivr Pu py Dog`, m1sweri11=g Ito thv mm Of 'Di'm. Any person 11:11`!-an ti-ng this dog after this 110tim- wi Barrie. _` V ' I Don t fovgvent R. )I-(`V-:: '~key s extensive credit sale of ms `Stock and implements at the wxxri; ;ha`1f of lot 16. Con. S. Im1i~'n'I. - ,morr-otw (F ridiay, March 1-_'Ar}:>. {T-here am a dot of ne 11or`~r-~ :11; lcatie, and implements are in r12.- shape. Eve!'5Wthix1='g will 1m #13 nvihbut reserve as Mr. .\Iv('~nk-=: has sold his farm to Mr. S. Brlr.'-` of Barrie. Eight months` -mlii rwivll -`be given on sums over $14, Ba: on hamd at 1 1).n1. 'to-marrow if M: want to secure vstoak or illlplc-111~:1t~' at a bii'g`-saving. NY. A. .\I(-('-Mo-;.' -auctioneer. .,;v` of 2.500% Yards &f Nlade In Canada % Print At 6c] Per YTd _. .. .,..t,...A ;~4LL\: Lau` H11. iail excursions. The fnei,r_r`}1r [W1-H be_ put back `on the HI: ` basis. Tuhe haailways Ll1ave.c~0n.~<-1m-V the present year at least tn'r<-vo the old rates. which nbt-aim-. 1913 during the time of lulu` N; 9.1 E1hib{t"4on in T0ru11st.<. means :21 sngle fare rate with ; -Ian] Ln.-. ....n..-..`~ rm, `- 1*fti:}RsDA~Y, MAR. um, _ EXTENISIAV-E CREDIT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . u - u L; valu 0 val u 0 T IUD IN` 193: - SALE- - h('.(ma h, 1915. . If you want genuinatisfactiori place `your ofder for that: us. -Take advantage of our many years.experi_ence. We . hf`!!! fI\ l`l\;"'4 ';` `ll. . - A _ _Im Pup- ! {lzIIEl(.3, ' )011l" .vi_H ' Thi Iava ` -5 BBC auVdlllagC know how to serve you. ' _..-v-` The` Poke Bonnet nd the Poke Hatmakch their bpw fo the public, along. with the Tr1com_e Turban, and the wi_d, straight ' Tiny'little Turbans and Sailors perched on the head like 2 than hats._ Barnyard and Milan Straws monopolize favc fondness for being trimmed with flowers`, which appear to and atly do they cling to the crown or F brim For ten days Miss MicGugan,`assist'edebyl Miss Van de Bogart and the usual staff of assistants, have been very busy. getting this department in order, creating advance "models, and without any formal opening, we announce that we `have ready for your inspection an elegantdisplay of new exclusive hats--representa- tive modelsof the Spring Seasonof 191.5--a fashionable showing of hats model- led by our own artists; reproducing the latestideas of Paris and New~',York, at A prices to meet long and short purse strings`, Our New Dollar % Corset -Z--"O'O10ith -anti `Lin-oieums, new, designs, largest stock to -ch-oose from at Dou',g1a`-1:1 Bros. . . ( Doxt Meeking .h'va:s been - offered-. ' a on the Alli . lS19arV hockey ntea-m. v The East rwi play the West in T oronIvo ion S-aturdiay night.` -_-For real, good o'wers-w9d-` ding or table bouquets, Funeral Designs, or Floral eecbs, put up in `the most artistic see mrmw 'FAVTn'D n 1 ~' - - COME AND sax-3 THE HATS THE NEW - DRESS Goons ARE ARRIVING AT SARJEANT & KING S H I , ,J -,_,__. . .... .. uuuao uuu Lug. uaual _aL'1H ave creating s, formal hats--representa- the Seasonof showing =rnodel- artists: renroducina H19 1=.+.a+.;A.... .: n....:.. _...u M- -, .17 . . It (is in Style, in faefinnone of the; newest; Models, Show-ing the Amed-injm lovw bust, 1Jong'7 hifps T ,-and` ba'dk, and a siight in-ou'r`ve. art the Waist Line rtlh: z'nt conforms tho the new rstyies; I V` It is one of Oro_1np'ton s Tnitunphs in Dorset vMja2krng. ' ' has prcxved 1;o a general `favorite. Many nice t11in'g'sj sdiid of it. and no; one .(ompv1a_1irnt, is repormdr by ?Miss` Davies who has charge of the} "IC`orsrt_ Depart/me n-t. Mr. Thos. ICmiIg`, -of :O`raigihu1-st, `none of the_ 1`i:fe-hm-g rre'a:d'e_rs of The i -Advance,` has been a Weekly :vifsi,t-or -in t-herr lhome. since it com- Imen-oed pu`b*icami~on, `Was "in town on |Tu:es~day and renewed` his sulbscrip- rbion for the 63rd mime. The ar-m ,on Wh'io'h `Mr. Craig lives-, he north I Colionel! `IO'u.rrie, vof' Vanoourver, {who has reeenrbly {been V made a B_niIga:d?ier4Ge1rer.aI1' is an uncle of J. A. Patterson of C-oli1i`n-g`woodj_ 'Dhe re ibriggtade {Were given a run 170 a ,b1az1ng wood-pile '1nT! '=Letwri:s ; Wtood-yard! on Monday morn-1 ting. A Tfafse 'a;1ta.rm gave mhem an-2 otbher run to Art Lowe s, Lit1t1e England, on `Tu/esday aft-emro-on. _v . Muntt. an Jeff ' in Mexico. is one! of `the -atttnacztiions. for hei iOpe1-as. House early in Arprril. A smack aomptany play rhhree nights ctotmmenucing Marclhv 2~2n<.L I I. V --*WLa_ Paper--lSprring 11eeessi o_ie.s[ --New sto-'c'k, new designs. See ourl window display, at Dou'g*a`1~I`Bros. l _ d -V . . _ --E. H. "WVi'11i.ams, .the J ewe1er,l opposite the Queen s Hotel, for !hi~ghe'st grade jewelry, watches, idcloeks, etc. M]a1fnia=g:e . licenses `is- sued.` ,` _ t.f. . - \ ~ There is a proposal rho pust on a ` vbig chorus of the combined choirs lof the. town under Ba-n-dmaster Ad- dison, the rpnoteeeds Ito be divided be- [tween the Red Cross Funds and the ; Clidiizens I J!.l.I`:.l..V.li11U_, D*w:' Wlllell rune Ialtler W'011,! {on Monday evellvimg.` G40rd!'a_nn "and [Harry 'Meek~i-ng played -a great :1 mama I G;-en 'C`a.`DdIwel-1 refereed the game -between the Toronto Vricbom-ia:s an-d -Melville, Saab-k., w'v!1e11 rhhe lalijter $501113` .nrr\ 1|/I".-u.,J.... A---~-~ ' . The M"-ammotbh IRink will hold a! spec-iisail Sit. Pa.tnisck s s1~:a1t;in'g night `on. Wednesdray of next Week. There vwfll be 17. "Irish hand Anumsbers rand the price of zadmiasoion will be 17 `cents each. ' v `M?argarq' Mayo, :1ihe `distinguished dnazmatic au1Jh'so11ess. This great -photoaplyay will! be seen at 111119 Gmand to-nig~.h't (Tl1m-sclaxy) and` Saturday night, `M-`arch lllh. _ l , ,_ I -..- -.-u. Ivl ulcu. |.quUl"'lllal uur many We'_haye the 1 .Mis.GambIe in charge, assisted by exp: . - skirt mak_ers..; . . ~ . I mere ornaments, rather s favor, with "a tremendous 5`, to be pastedon, so -rmly he they adorn. ' ` .._a..v .. uuscls` .3110 say-co1\71'i~:"Xr5I"D SEE IT. tailoiimadc suit win; "L.... 4.1. ... .4 , A was one Tihe Snpooillvers, a motibn picture in "nIi11~e--parts, from the novel by Rex Be-Aaxcih, drew a full house at 1:119" `Grand 'Operra House ` on Wed- nesdiay eveniing: of illast wee . ' It ` C I Kltra .r\\-\n ;n. +4L.A EL...-.1. _...LV.- 1 U -`Oiwintg to hhe dhipmenrt of goods going astray or severaxl dxgys, The IA. E. `Culdlmore Salvage O0. Wi'11'not "be able to `open soruxt their store on Oolllier. Srt. unti:1'Satusr.d;ay, Miawh 9n+.h ` ` 3` -i+Dvon rt miss the special prices` l on Groceries at Steve Vadr s sale g ' which continues -this Week. It is an '. oppontunficty to save money at a j _ time when economy is imperative. f. Everytthing pru-re, clean and fresh. ' Phone 369. '.Dhi~rd door west of - "Drea1m1`and.- ' " . A meeting of the Young- `Con?! servative cauno wi'1s1' be head in the :1 Cuhb Rhonis, Mdambhry -Bil"oc'k, Dun- t 1-o,p4S.t.i on Thursd`ay, March .11:t;h_. art 8 p.m. The (Sons of England wil ` -5 be.gues ts of the Calub on this oc'- ] c.aei~on. T rogressive euchre {will `be the form of entertainment. Re- -t freslh-m_ents will be served. A11 0011- ,t servartives end" :r-iends .inv-ited`. --.T~a-pestry, B`ru`sse-1's and Union Canpet Sqwanes, all sizes`, new de- 5 signs and colors lat Dougalll Bros. : The first comm-on scthool i-n -Sim- 0 CO9 County is` Salijdi to -h'aJve been ff etanted in 1823, art Ihe Scotch Set- t-1-ement in West 'Gswi-llimhury. I {half of` Lot 43, _Con.'1,- Medonite, (has been in the possession of the _vCraigT `fa.-mily since the year - 1821, and the fourth generation now re- -sivdes iiher-e., The village of Ora.-ig-' `burst was nlanned after -the Csaig Ifaimilv. ` ` ' half : th[;r1`at;:;1:2-1ls"'a.r;3 expert coat and PATTERNS POSITIVELY k 'EXC*HANGED .. \I'L.L u .u.u. 5uu-u_u v 01 Jimmy uuluuug I to the St. I -axtrick C4011-cent and` Fea.st of Seven Taalbiles at Central `Method- ist Oh-un'ch,. March 17th. Best Jlotafl oa'IenIt. Tickets 25 each. I _ Bginruing `=bo~day no order for Bad;teu'ns or for other merchandise w.i 1'1 `be acknowledged. vunlless postage -,-__-.._-..cv.. ......-vuu yvauugv and jpurc-ha-se `price in full is en- 1__ .1. _Dai?1y`wen1`eeeive many. leter `or-i dlers fbr Pficxtoriaal Pea-terns -and `in? many cases. pos*baIg`e_ for mailing. is. . not eneosed. I We keep no books for. Qurr "mahri-1 brder' department and` ' `these ba:1 annces amount in the 5aog*g'{reg2arte to a considerable su.-m, be-' sides enma.-i~1ing `considerable office work. ' I Pictorial Patterns - % By Mail \J I vALAp ulwo-U wcun. .1 L Taorf 11};~e% II1'0|tai 0n piotures _ I .% .. .. 75,"_85c, $100,: 1.25 and 1.3-5 Pretty ;_ ])g1jess Crepes and~..\V<$i.1s . . 65:, 7 533, _9j0c,`-and ` $1.25 Du;-abTe' ISerges in Blwk iand Navy Hanasm Vigoureax Vin; Light, . Mid and Din`-k Grey . . .. 1.00 and 1.25 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Cookies shou~1d['4l'2-e clotgh-lined stone jar W you} ogld ., them zoooouuuooou awe: --+Iron ~Bd;"Maztress and Spningsl for $7 .00 xthib Week, at Dougalli _.-----av `UV _ _ _ I. -, we on Iuesduay from the oom1n T 1n -9; lass, , ~ V gtlence -of 'her 9011, Mr. J. D. Say1m `Censons ken 11%a:e(v3a`elit:, sae -t11ey Il-1 let it pass ~ mo Minesing" ' Stay `and. nish fehtain `for `mud; =S 1iR`0U IJ""3A`t mum, 0 . {bonnie ._ Sioorl:14and s ame,` 5'bh 1915 `Joseph Spmue ? get. T iogam 1i:_.;lvl1_:_.1l1`@le'3,`___,iv)n *~' dbl`; -5 .1 I _ ` If my letter `should be longer, _; Kimsity, dear, said! he, 1 `emmniber that I'm somewrhene fmi my rre on my knee." __- -..V kJ'U g.uuu1'u'11'b' were a wee bit ' sazt he proespvered4 fine; ,. Kepat a1vv4a fmae Pi'O0ld|i'11y, -Ssbran-d`, ~ Van Leicester Sqnuia-re, ` Sticlkit tae his rw-ee biat ah-airge, for- j `bye his ihent was sair. . (Othorus) [ Lt s a 1:an;g' way we Avu-'c.hterm'uIcIhty, 'Int s a Lang Way Itaae Perlh, ' ]Jt s `a -`la,-ng way taeget taeianylwthere ` `Frae anywlhene on eanth, ` G-"uidlbye tae Bailimchuisb, Eave'wel'l bwt an- ben; _ It s a` hang, lang way we AuzcIh12er- zznwdhty, , T `T < 31113 P53 ` @8113` back Sandy sent ,3, wee, `bit screed tae tetl~I_ . the "Bass he "Iouo ed. 7 - `.0 'k'i-lxtieluaddies sh . rhe Empirefs. _,m1ch`ty prouid. TI: nun-up 1-13.---` - "I " A . .L\' cw V CI'S1011 .(B,V the 1ev. W. Par.-ton ` in `T.*iJt-`Biuts-, ' IJond'on.S Uap 'tae 'eok-less London ca ielrandlman lang syne`; IAS the Stouuthnoms `were a 1 era"-':+ Jan '--~-- `' ` n j Miss. Blvossiom Mc:Knilght_ of Ivy, kpurpinl of -the vS:i's~t:ers" of St. ,Joseiph s_ Gonven-t-, has passed her rst year piainvofonte examninsation at` the To- ronto `College -of Music with nst- -class lh'0ll50i`S. 5 -uu..l.\..I u1wLu.u.g 1113 vwusence, .MT.. J -.of ivhe heac oicre sis j aching . aasmnr, ` ' ' - of l\_Iov. Soaia is seEdaT;ig'E*m`3`..`1`I` in his home pmvvinoe, Nova Scotti-a, and dumimg his absence, Mm. Borwserr .n+` itm :1...,,1: -12.-.- .:~ nu Mr. Joe M`cKniyg{ht, one of the Barnie Junior Hockey team, is con- valescinjg ater Ia diacngerous attack ,_wi't1h pnveuzm-onla. iM3an*afgei" L; J. Salter of the Bank Nova spending a -month `1Ii_S !}}*otme_ pvowfvinoe, Scotti-a. Wcilifrid 'H4<;1;n'es is i1;ixe A on ac-T coiu-mt of tfhe serious illness of. his Ifaxther, `Mr. John Holmesf ever Shown `in i -Barrie. -Manager Potwell is end`ea,voriinsg to secure a i retum date, as many of those who - saw the peicrture vl-ast week have of- -" tfered tto .pu1~ah-ase {tickets at 500 if .' the picture is, given another show- ' `ping here. ` "_VV'QO9OO99OOOOOOOO.QO< or LOCAL nmzmasr `LQAAAAAAAA AA - A A - A . N orame Mr,yvetrs has It-a=ken -a. posi- `tion in . 'VVIaIIkervli'].le and left for rthere on Monday. . OQQOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: ` " Mr. Geo. Ba is ill at his home,` ,Miapl1e -"Ave. ~ . T `V I `Mrs. T. VV.` Dinsmore of V-an- ` !cou'ver is visitixrg `her mother, Mrs! E T-`hos. Si-lxbakld. - | v vv VVVVVVVVVVV socm VAN PERSONAL ; 'AAAAAAA-A,--Aw - - - A V HAD "A New Ve 1'1-v --s TI-P-~PE.RA)RYa: GEQVICKERS `Many Clever` New Stylesare here. in- cluding New " Nor- folks' of Serge and Tweed. All are made. of sturdy Fabrics and will` give excellent ' wear, Sizes for Boys of5 up to 16 years of age. Prices New Suits _ For Boys 3099oooooooooooooooooooog 2.25 up to 8.50. ace put into `a when hot, -if 1* m1@ins~ *i.1d* L79 rsion . h n . \ V wee bit % RA`W{N---Alt Gemtre Sunnidsale, on ' March 5th, imanst son of Mr. and V Mrs. _Steven Raswn, aged 2 months. T ROE--`A1: boat 21, Con. 10, 01-0, on . March 2nd,` 1915, Miim Anna `Maria Roe, aged '52 5 yeams. The deceased: resided with her Ibrobher, -Mr `R1 _R.AR:oe. Imbemment took "Mk3i.eIa11_. V ' his 641111 - A day, Marcth 12th, BAIE--A*t `Ba-rri v` van, .l.lJJ.'J VV lllwln . D'ivi`sion - Co1uwt Clerk. in year. Funeranl on Fri- at 2 pm. e, _-on Monday, Mar. .W-imam Pae, in his Fumenvalv novice laster. .U ADI-ED -M3I1\;"tC`rA.'Y--In Bamrie, on Tuesdsay, _ _'y'ea.rs. M\a.rczli 91111, 1915, 'Mrs. Ja._ne Min- _ gay, wiixdsow jof 'vhe liarte VVi11i.am V :Mingay, a1ge'diT .67 - years. . Fu1'iera1_ ' Thtunsdsaiy, Mamh 11rtJh, at 2 p.rm. M'c,|GAR*THY_--In Tom-onto, on Feb. - 19t17h, 1915, Peter Mc.C`athy .' (tormerly of Boavrrie) aged` 7 5 I / -Don"t forget-_:Eve1-ygbody ~. A-Lo Q4 1)...;..:..1_ na--_--__L _ AILDERiSON-4HOlDMJES--'A:t the -1'-ecrtory, Ivy, on February 24th, 1915, by the Rev. T. J. Dew, AM-erson, Essa, -to Mrs. -Td-.1~.o].1n TIA]..- ...- A 1.1 - _.L , u.-..u J.v. _J.Ia. J.\UUo lnwernent - place on Friday. 2nd Oan., Vesptm, on '-Miarclh Zth, 1915, Mrs. Myna Roe, aged 76 years.` Interment -took [place on Tuesday from the resti- denoe 'J.~ D.`Roe,` LEG}-EAIR--aO-n - Sa:tumday. Ma -Grh-, 1915. to Mr. Joe ~. `I.-egevarr, 'Cemtre -St., A=Il1Ian'dJa1e, 'dm1=g'hter.. ' uuuu `um; vuc 1\,.\'. .['1OSI37lt3Il. nie, on F nid:ay, Manch 5th, 1 I170 Mr. and Mrs. -F. C. Be, ' |Statio11, -a daughter. 'BRi0A;D--iAt Ed:m=0nton. A:]tba.. Jtanutai-y 1-84:11, 19-15, to Dr. ' -Mrs. R. Broad, a ;da1ug1hter. 1"I1IN-I-onus A \./.LJkJ I 'lwIi'l_l V be held `the Baptist C-hurch' iconnnencing Sunday, `March 21st,! ;amcl will! convtinue for two weeks; `They w*i`ll [be c~on`diu'cted by the? Pastor. The rst Week Rev. "W. Lowe of Mi.-dllland will breach on the Sund'ay `and each nivgthlt foIl1ow- ng, and the second week Rev. E. E. Slhields of 'Goi11ing1w'ood w:itll preach. A cordial oinvitartion is ex- tended to all. 13E_I;L--At4`t}1,e `ma \/-ILl vv J UL|Jllb I730 p.-m... Oh: .:and Cause and I pu-rblic 'invi_ ted. his late residence, 1 01 K m:11:.-_-- A I Speci-a`1 services in `S.A. Ham, C-ovI:I'ier St.,_ -on |Sundiay,, Mar. 14th, at 3 -p.1'n. and 7.30 pan; Mrs. N. ,B. Johns-tone twill speak. 'Su:bjeot at 3 p.-m.. A Vital Question, ad- dress to young people; Subject `at 7.30 C1h11istia_ns `in Kha'1_xj,] ,,,,,,,1- n...._m ....,1 .nA---- SPRINGMILLINERY NOW READY

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