Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 7

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joy- and, the as I. Had the` enemy s bullet only hitt me inst-ead,! I envy" Karl his `heroic dea"uh. He L f_el*1 at the `be- Aginnning and never knew We were |`d:evteated. `Ozh, (now bizter it all is,` ['11 _... .......- ..:A.:nrri I saw this fall, for we were riding; `together. I sprang to `lift him up, but one `look told me he was dead. The ball must have; hit the lungs or `heart. His death was surely in- stant awdl quiite -p*a'in~le'ss. Many others suffered hours of agony and lay long in the heat. of battle till deasth -came. It was a bloody day. More than a -tllousand, friend and foe, were left on the eld. Among the dead; I `foimij -many dear frazoes,| and with the rest, there is poor- here I had: to -turn the paxge--.po0r Arno Dottzky. . [ I fell insen-sible to the oor. |'(1J6'1:'clLUU. U111, uxgu-w L'.n.uUx ru Luau, .u,` I It is all over now, Martha! Sol-I lfenino lis decisive. We have been ibeaaen. With these Words my `father hurried to me one morriing, sasf I Was sitting under the linden itrees in ctfhei g'a1~d'en.- I , .`I - JIA .'-.. -A-LA Lnvmua A: Y|"|11 ll;I'(3tf5 111 ILUU 5a1ucu.- ' I was aback in the home of my :g'i`1`1\11ood \wi,t.h my little Rudolf. Eight days after the great ubattle whiclr leftt me a Wi`dOWV, '_I returned to live with my family in Gru-mitz, |ou_-r ~eounmry~ plmae in Lower Aus- T__...'A. .-.. it 1-\..'\ A -' ]nn11 I Oll-I' L`UuLuU1'y' pruruc 111. ..IJU`Vv\.1. 4.-.. l t1-.ia. Just as it had" been before `my mtarria-ge, I was `s11rrqun3ded `by the loved. 0nes;-fat=her, aunt, ` two growigng sisters, `and! my f little` brdther. Their kindness` and sym- -parthy _to1vc-hed my grief-tstricken heart. My sorrow seemed -to have cdnser:=11a`ted' me in rtheir eyes and `raised me above the uordlinary level. I `Next to the blood poured out by the soldiers on the altar of their country, the tears of the bereft mohers, wives, a -nsd! children are |oonsidered; `the tholiest A]{iJba'U_i'01"l`S -.-....... .J|u-..... IXTL .-,4- OUlrs1uc1'vu nut: ulvlluuu A....,.,....,.v.... -poured] on the same aftar. W-hati was almost a. feeling of pride and `heroic dlivgnity took possession of `me, for to have sacriced .a beloved husband in Ibamle ooIi~ferred- upon me rthe equnivaent of . military merit, _ which grew to Ibe qunite Ia Qomfort- inig thorn-giht, 'and- thelped` me to `bear my sorrovw; Burt. then_ I was but` 0310 of In-ariy. `whgse _"10ved1- ones` Made in Canada byWI.eve'r Brothers Limited. Toronto. ft` 2 Ileithf 0110 U1 1u'u.u,y- Vviuvav svvvu vuv-.. sleptt Ibeneamh t1he Italliian sold; ' ' No +prar_tz`icu1a'1's were brought me of A-rn0 s death, orbher than that he had been found! dead, recognized and ouried. No doubt athe baby and I Wena his last thought and con- solation, and wimh his last breath he had groanedi, I have done my `duty, more than my duaty. I` ( -.... .....-. lxzxnrhclfl aaxnu 10.. gquty, IIIUTU UIl.'u`.l1 .lu.y uulug. Yes, we are beamen, sadly 1 -my father` as he sank on the bench. ' V I(f`I the Demon. . So the vaivtims were ;a neeless saw'ri~ce, I Sig`-he'd. A A Indeed they are to be envied, for they know nothing of the dis- grace which has .'come upon us. Buct we shall gta-her ourselves -`to- geher soon, rbhough they `say. that peace must now be comc`luded. `5M-ay. God grant it! I inter- lfwpted V`".Dh'Ous g*h iit `is too late for . my poor Arno, yet -thousands of ' ortihers will be spared. _ " `-`You seem ~1;o think only of your own sor-mcw, and mhlaxt of private in- ! xiiimnidmzas. -T'h*.i's. ins Ausvtriras af- fair. , ` T . h1\- . L _- -L .A __...L....` '..>-u vnnb sun A; ifalr. .*`But is not `A11s1mi-a made f ;indIi-vtidru.al*s?. { P ,u\;.A.|L'lI-AA}; -'-- .r_burt:anrt me;x,i`x'sv-tencec Id?i.vti`duJa1. Men 4 generatipn to '8 81l ....L..J... A...-nan :\.1r| an M OEA1P'1`ER VI. ow usuuu Men ` VHIBIILI. dliaappear, __.-.L_ p... `C1511. L`L).|.ll'. All Jill ll, V. -L . J .. ?""." ! 1sine% -rn0?s% death: ; bi; A petition is V being circulated zijn Medbnte, _to ask the Council to levy a special war tax of. on.e,mil1 on the d:x1"la`.r of -assessment for the patrio- tic funds. 4fI\`l |f`li,n-3-- ___.-.A,] Q1L'n.-.ALnnA.;~n'rr LU 'o ed` uc mnus. The Uoingwood Shipbuilding Co. expect the :be ?turning omt sh-rapnel .she1'1`s inside cf `a week. *Mi:dil-aiir and sO.rii111-ia will also soon `be niaking sihellils, and labor condii- ' tions in these places wi|1'1 be much `I `benettee:I theneiby. . I the :Local `Board of Heallth of the (1 Municipal Corporaition of the Town T] of Baa-rri,e having recommended! the - -0-0IlS5't1`l1'C|l]..'01l1 of sewers on the fol- 1 lowvinrg streets: Iiempenfeldt, `Rod: Z" lney, Blake, St. Virncenrt, and Char- . O ilotte -Streets and it was therefore` 113 necessary and desirable in the pull: te `lie interest on .san.i-tetry grounds .to.|' yconetrutcst su-eh sewers avccordingv to! H such rec-om-menda.tion as a Local I-mprorvemenrt, hand , the M:uniei4pa~1 1` `Council of the said Oorupora-bion of|iS1 TA-KE ` NOTICE , that -Whereas-l" H . the Town of Barrie haveing oo_n- 3]. ; struretecl sewers on said` streets as , fo']oIws:- . w H , On `Kempen'feldrt` Street `from the 1,0 intersecrti-on -with the centre of l :% Duektworth `Street to the centre H of Rodney Street, a d'ista1rce of 2-103 feet. d O-11 Rodney Street ifroun the centre lb of Kemrpen-felldt Street to the I 3 .~cen.t1'e of Blake Street, a dis-| tance of 420 feet. - ` , On -Bllake Street from -the centre of Rodney Srtreet to a point 570 feet 1' w\VesIt of Rodney -Street. g n V On Blake Srtreet from the cen- ; I tre of Rodney uS5t__reet to the cen- ` . tre of Cook Street, a distance of 607 feet. ,. On St. Vinveen-t Street from -the 5 centre of Kempen-feldrt `Street to j centre `of Blake Sitreet, a distance .1 Of 416 feet. , , ; 011 Blake "Street from centre of -St. . I Viincent Street to a-point 605 feet . n '\VesIt from A IS_t. V.incen:t Sitreet. -. y Intend! to and will assess the cost ' 3, thereof upon the property of the y respective ratepayers aiburtti-ng thereon and r`uene tte thereby to ky the extent and at the rate of Forty- f ve cenrts per foot fronitacge (ex-l 1`; elusive Sitreet In-terseetionns) and otherwise in aecordanice Aviutfh the Z provisions of general ~By-sLa1w No. 7 59 anlgl. Iaelnenclmen-`ts thereto and that -a re .statement 'slho\__v-in~g the lands liatbtle )5, -to pay the send assessmen-t and the names of -the owners thereof as far as they can be ascertained from the Revised Assessment Roll, is ,n no'\v_ on le in the office of the "J `Clerk of the Munici-pa`lity, for in- v . . . id ` speetlon dur-mg oicew hours. rnl-A rur\L V:" A-P -H-l1n ` rnY1n1`l!' 32 1' 1- .1 ;le ,1. PUBLIC NOTICE GUUIUH U.ll'1".lu5 \J4LIl\.GValA\1LLL~1o The cost of t1he rw1ork -is $10,820, `of which $8050.54 is to be p1`OVided ".1- -1 .1 .\r....:i,.:.m.1_ `OI CUDU.U`1 15 Ill} `UU 1Jl.Uv1u:. loutt of the funds of the 'Municipa-1- ilty, divided as foi1aws:- . Kemspenrfeldt -Sitreet _ from 4 Du!c*k2wor.11 Street vbo Rddmey Street, total V. ..$ 4920 00 T0wn s share . . . . .. 3227 55 Rodney S.tree.t from Kem- _ feldvt Sitredt to IBTake IS-treet, rbdtal .... .. .. 1120 00 rn__,9- ..1_....... R41 R7 lkJ`I).l vvv, uvnuu- . . - _To-wrn s sham V. . . . .l.JbCl.l\\.I b.)'vLvvv V--- ._. - - Vincent `Street to a V point 605 feet West - =o*f V St. Vxinoen.t' Street . .. . Blake ,ISIt. from centre of Rodney Srtreeit to a. point 570 feet`West oxf Rodzney Sttreet. .. B41-a-ke `sltreete from centre ' of Rodney Street to a tploint 607 feet East of -Rodney Street to Cook- Street, a total. distance n an:-an 1-..; .4.,..;.,..] 'D'U1'e6Io, U. I./U|Uu1._ u1aou.u\.u orf 1782 `feet, torbal 4100 00 4 'Down s shaare .. _ 2765 84 St. Vaincen-It WSPl:reet `from - centre of Kempenfeldrt Street to centre of -Blake =Svt're6_t, a dilsibance -of 416 feet, -total .. 70000 ToWn s share .. 586 37 T'Dhe estimated life of the work is 15 years. " . J 7_ VA` Clour: of Revision wrid be -held: on the 29th (ay of March, at 9 a:1n.,`at iche Oouncciill Ohamber, Bar- - .._-_......u-`A A1 1-utsn1v:v|vrl| nnrrn- a.`IIl.A, a-T; [J18 '\4'\JLl..|L\.'|1ll-I '\J'11INlL.I.Iu\1;, .....- rie, -for the pumtptose of hearing c0m- % .p-Ladnts against` proposed: assess- ments. or `accuracy -of mhe efrontage measuremenlts and any orther cosm- pll-aint in connectbion wilth the above men 'oned works, whlidh persons in- terebed may desire mo ma.-ke, and! which is by larw oog'n'iz1a:b7Ie, by the i Court. .ff\`I -_ __- 2... ' ' ` A A ..n .n\I1.ntv'I fn tun. {In L'ot ': on sideof Street said.` .prpent:y has feet frontage on X ` _ Street, which vents per uuuu uvuw-5y u... ......-- rthe -amount of special assessment lthereon $ whiclh accord- ing to the provisions of the gen- `eral By-Law aibove referred vtao v which,` be paydbie in teen ~A---------I-- - Lnuunl]-\.nu `annubal paymenrbs,-' together with 'Wl1'l`.l. DU ALI. .LL.L.'vuv-a intrest *th6?'o=n. "Elie: same to be ['p`~ay'.asb1e at _-`tihe snamegjsme or times` l~ as your ..g'~ene1-ai taxes. ;Dae Berries H%Wh4 '(To be Continued)` llerzul 1lllLLK4, LI-'11J'a1 mu. I `ha? arlin st. 00' 841 67 3% What Doctors Use l % For Eczema cozhftminabion of -Of nwlintergmeen, `Tlhymol, (anti other Ihea-isng. ingre'dl_iensts cnailledi D.DaD.. Presacripotni-011 .1s~ -novw Ia fvavonitbe -remedry of skin spaeiallists for all skin diias-eases. I!t penetraites rt1e_ pores, `gives inst_Jan't rel.-ietf from the most dIi'9tress.ing='1tc.h. Ivts soonthting oils q~ui.ck`ly `heal rbhe 'iname(i risiues. ' ` m . A1! '-lllsuio Test '-its soot.-h-itng effect. AH druvgtgistts `have a generous trial bdble `for only 250. Come and let [us tell you 'aJb-outta ovuar `money back g'11Is'1:raVntee offer to ;free < _u from your distress. -Ask 'al 5 aflzoust D.-D.D. |S3oIap. Herbert G. Robertson. Drugist, Barrie iii)`. n.1s MADE IN CANADA [tnvvso DEAI`-HIS M` f Joseph Miabigok 'TTdie}1 at the :Dhe`1 Bet~qn_ `Would. He had -been L L1- ...\ _ House of Refuge on Tuesday_ (.-Mlaroh 2nd`) of =heant ailure, says L115 JJUOUUII V.V`\}l.'l\.|o .l.l.La AlbU\,|. --u \JA in Ibhe instittulti-on only about three weeks, and came here from the c-oWn;shi'_p- -of Sumnidale. His re- mains`-were taken by G.T.R. to |NeW Lowell} o11V\V'ednes(1ay for in- !rtemnent. 1 1. ..1 _ ,A_,_-,1 .-z. 4.1-- fIrIJIIELM I 'I.IUl7Ill.Ulllu . I _.A* second d`e9:tIh occurred at the House of Refwge on Tuesldiay, Aslexa.n'der I-Ixumter .passing away at .10 p.m.. Deceased Game to the in- `sti+tubio11 from . Barrie H-osp5.lta`1 valbouit a month ago, where he had `been u`nd'e11g'-oin-g treatment for can- icer of the stomach. His case being` Ilprohoullced i11`c1ma.'1~.-10, he was sent lvhere, He suered greatly from the disease, but everyt-himg`po.=.qi`b1e was done to allleviaate his meri-11g ti\1'1 Whis meleasae `by death. He was 71 '|years of age. The VV'amS:0I1, Lin'1i:ted`-, factory at '.Bradfo1-d` is being reopened, after .~.benIg shut d-own for several 1n'0nbh.c. i TA'KE \ |O'I}I.`OE tsh.at- he M~u=n- i-uiipa-.1 'C01'p*01'avt1i'on of the Town of Banrie hav&i1L'g' `been diilv petitioned 'by the property -owners interested 011- Ross and. S50I1)hid_. James and Charlotte S-tr-eets~, under the pro- v.isi.d~ns of the Local Imp1'oveme11t Sections off the Mu-nricipall Act, -and having shaving` ('O11St1'L1'C`tdJ Sewers on `the saitt _s4t'reet-s as 'fo11o:w.s:-- On Ross 'S.tfeet, from centre of ' `Tonontao IS5tareet to the interesctimi ` \\*i=t}1 the `centre of IS`o..h:ina Street, A O,\..,.uI-.3n Q14-woof +'rnn1 |.prorvisions ot gelxemu !1),)`ug1Jw V. 7 39 and! -amendments thereto, and iihsart ea st1atemen.t S11-oswving -the -lands iafble fto pary said uassessmenrt and -the names of the owners thereof as `far as they can Ibe as-cerbained from the last Revised` Assessment R1011 is now . on ilne in the office of he Clerk of the -Mu.11i|oipia:1i3ty `for in- spection during office hours. NIL- ,....m4- ..-.4` H-no mark is ~0f PUBLIC NOTICE spection durm-g Omce uuum. The cost of the ?-work is $2115. wllch $13-35.6-3 to be providied out of the funds of the M"un'icri1pa"E- ii-ty, divrildsedi -as f01-1ows:- A Ross Street from Toronto "'-' A J-- Onmkin -Q;+na1- .l\U-D5 Uuvcu LLULL; -v--__-, r treet rUo Sophia -`Street, V and on AS*oph`ia,rfror'n Ross `Street to Mary Sitreet, .t0ta1.... ...$ 'I`own s share . . . . . .. . . . James Street from Mu~10as- Iter Street to Berczy |St.~reet, total . .. T0wn s slhvare Ohanlobte Street from cen- ' tre -of Berczy -Street to i 15 years. . . A Count of Revision willll she held on -he 293th day of -March, -at 9 a.rm., at ithe `Council Olmniber. Barrie, if? he purpose of hearing oom- -3_-L- -.4...:......+ I... ..u-m-ma.m1| gunne- 101' um: purpuou -u; nu... ..-,_, v-__ plairnzts against the proposed assess- ments -or accuracy of -the frontage n}easu.~reunen~ts and! any other com- ---AA-3-.. ...1'.4-L Isl"-. .n|1\(\1rD ` IIl8SU.l'8IIlI1`l5 all`! Kl-l.l`y VWLVL nu- `in connection with hhe uaxbgve men-t-ioned` `works, wvhi'vdh persons -_i.n. oeresrbed may desire make, and n . ` ' ` 1---- -`-4--omr1lnr\l1`\`l'\ up 5c 90 00 `This notice is givern to you Iin to your ream pwpenty aect- [P1`0'Perty n.'I.A/`J v pf` 4 -9` .4 `U18 GIIHOUEIIJD 01 up-vuxax. uaauouxunvamu rtihereon $ ' which accord- ing to the tprorvuisions of the gen- eral 'By-Law a.'bovve referred to and whidh will `be -payalblse in tfteen :ann1m:1` pay-ments. dzogetiher with in- t`e1'-est`t.-hereon. 'I\he` same to `be payable mt rhhq eatme mime or times :as.I*_ y0'ur gen`e'rai1 " UWJLD cuuAa.\.a -- .-. "Dhe esltmna-bed mII-.6Us~ET OF TREEUQE. [[00 Klfllt UK) LIIGAU, bv|l.\.n is by law csognsizaxble by the you _ ,a understand (I11. (1.14 "lhif '0? tirl work is- 'L)Il/Lvou, 560 00 A10 Al\ 745 00 342 9'2 . 810 00 541} 3'1 I90 290 trneeltzga. a 5th..;;;` was he E Tmr.rnsDAY, j%%1i1vh,f`%%1 ; cmnc U1 ma "vmvwuvvy _ vwv ma ~,,3gh.ts were restless. Ofte 'I ;m'oke with the [horrible -feeling mt at` the very moment Arno mig'ht )be dying in -a ditch thirst- ing for water, and crying out `for- `me. I two-u*1d1 f0rcve_ _mysel-f back to Yby *.imag1ning`/the scene ' -_..L'__'l ...\A........ ...L.',..L Cwuar` my 1 Such letters foymdy` the sun- shine of my ex1s1ae'nce, vibuit my ` - ". 1 _ ---.-nan -nn.:~+]'naa 1 \ `(:11-`L D "J IIJALUUD LIDLJLLB - vuu uvvagv u .7 .. ,.f his joyful return, which was much more probaible to `be my ex-? })l`1`iC1)(`C than the cono13rary. V {ad 11nev`s cfollorwed t'hick ' and ,1'a.<%t. -My -father was deeply dis; tr<-~;~ m}'. 'rst over M-o-nteb_e11-0,` then ~.\l'.1:_ ands` not he 61101118, for. all \'is1nn1 was disheartened. `Victory nzuI~ been so certain, `that we were ._1]n-.ml_\' p1J11I1 i'l1g' our ag .dec0'r-a- ...`1 'I`,\ IN.-...wm T...~4..-....J +Lf\ '_1]]'('.([[|'\ IJLLIALLJLJJE KIDKL $4.145 run. `*,i.11.< and Te Deum Instead, the ,;1_g_I'.< were _\vaving' _ and the priests . , Vl`..-.___ FFL ,..... 4.1.--. \\|('l\'1'=l 1 1" |'`73'v-1-`1- ' "`I;1=tl1e1' dear. in case of another <'xvf will not then peabe be de- .~l;u'~::1(" I aslied one -day. -"`>`11a111o Tupon you to. suggest ~uh :1 th-i1rg:! __he silenced` me. -- .ntm- that it s`hou`1=da`=be a seven V) -t _*211.~`. e\"en_ a -thirty vealrs war, so *hj.1t .m1'-side may be the conquer-T 1 ,,',,_,, 1: -4. -4... 11- .. 1...........-. .l\.- :_ .` \\'k1L/ IvI.Iv1JAt'5 (4.4 tr; \I>uv-r -`lu`\uti1V13_v' in, Turin. There` they xvm-z[-, t}1:mk'fu-1 Ito God t'hat he had 7-M-V1; ,t hem to str'ike down the ~\.\fi(.1;=1 "'l`odesc']1i.. ' I ____ ,I' ____J:]_..__ imdige foodls is Hill. l7ll1'-`,1\lU u1u_y UL! tuxu \/V1L\1uJ.L ur. and we dictate "the -terms of _-_4.-me. If we fight only to get -out f it as quickly -as `possible, we mi_ 'ht. . as well never have begu-n'. And tshat w-ou'1d-. have -been by_ n` 1110 best. I sighed`. "\\'mne11 are such cowards! Even _\`(>1-I. whnin I g`r7Ound`ed S0 thoroutg {- Iv in -principles of patriotism and ]m= of fa.th.en1and. -are now quite wi1li11_:;' to sacrice the fame of mr c-mmtry for your own personal 4-.n11if'0-rt. - ' "A1as.A. . . it is because I love 11 ID! ~.n11.~`. ..'\.H(l. 'LU'UK|._)` '- 1. Htllllq LJ1ur\.A./\A., J.&\~v- my _1m. but- who k-norws? `Shot ' mm!` .sh 111-ightmake me a Wid'0W zany minute. There was no answer as I st;:'m1.a11;;]. rang at Vohe dbor. .i inu.1'1_v :1 11cm? was t"i1rus~t `out of '<:.h.2 wilxdmx of the adjoining apart- WBMAN wuum N01 GIVE 9 'c1L~P1`Er.R- V.--((xonminued) mvnt: < vnu Though Sickand Suffering; At Last Found Help inJLydia' E. Pinkham s Vegeba o . ble Compound. I o Richmond, -Pa; - When I started taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable e Compoundlwasina `- dreadfully rundown v state of health, had internal trou~ S trernely nervous and had given in to ID! i As it was Ihady 5 hardly strength at_ -1* 3 Ea id" timestobeonrny, feet and what I did do was by a-zretz effort. I could not sleep atjnight of `course felt very bad in the-morning, and had a steady headache. u A 14.-.. L-1.:_... 51... nnanniaa `muffin 1 III)`- ll`. _'\]1<}. I 1 t0-day ? _ _ .1 I 1 purpose ouzgh. Mr. V 5110 mm 8 Bwwuy ucuuauuc. After taking the second bottle I_ I10? ced that the headache was not so bad , L Irested better, and my nerves stronger. I continued its -use 11351 It made 3 new woman of me, and DOW:-`:1. L. 'can hardly realize that I on >a'ble,.to do. f so much _as I do. 4 Whenever I know any-_ - J _ ._.-.1 _..A:.Iu.' `I I.l`U'.lla Alas. Arno so well! 1. `I, n. t`_,,, 30 InuCn B5 1 00 VVIIUIJUVIEI J. no-vvv ""J ` woman in need of 3 good medi 9.1- highly praise Lydia E. Pinkhugfs etable Compound. - Mrs. -cum, 3146 N. Tulip St... 1,_2ich!!'o`,"`5.`t P`-1' Women Have Been 3' Th(*1'c. is no use ringing`, Under `the Ti `_ Disarm this Novel won for its au.thor the Nobel Peace Prize; A A Famous Story in-dieed, had By the" % T BARONESS Von SUTTNER I` stoiodW1:1a`i ;1'11es * u spot- Wihaat scene S"h rooted to ' the been! W31-at he /sht ere mu "9 fore the` poor . C-,11`_i3 of agony be. madness! - ' `ad? "broke" into the` hous is empty.- , _ _' , What, is . IFrau V.OI_l- Ulhnann gone 3 . V non- _ _':_ L_'I_-__ ` 1.- LL- :............ D She Wis t asylum Jthree head di_sa'prpear V T- ...4....-,1 ........4......`l.m,.' akendso the ciays .~a>g'o, and` rbhe father wished that the war might last thirty years for the welfare of the country! How many more such mothers would there be then? ' - I `went down =st~a5irs eshaiken to! thepdepths. I- started to eakl on an- other friend, and on the way I pass- ed the Relief `Corps storehouse, for -_the're was then no Red' Cross or Convention of Geneva to distri- bute supplies, and! ._the people were all eagerly` offering `comforts for the sick and wounded. I entered, fee'1`ing.impe1'.1e'd -to empty my purse into` the hands of the committee.- It might save some -poor fellow`- and -keep his mother from the mad- house. I was shown to the room where the contributions were ta1ken. [WLHCIC I/11C 'i.ZU11U11'UlLU1'UL1D vv\1\./ uuuxuxzs I passed` several! rooms where vlong talbles were` piled` with .packages of: linens, " wines, cigars, ta.-b~acco, `but 1n-os t1y' mountains ` of ban'd|a'g1es, and T 1.1.. A - _ ....1_ J. ".3 LL 1. .n]~n:r] Jinan 11 nuv lll'UUD1J lLI\lI.|1.I|U41J.1r3 '\j'.L I.IlA-1J.\AUFe\;u, Uvl.L\.A I *t1houg.ht {with a -shuddier, how many bleeding gashes i't wo1_11d='take 'to use them 'a11-a*ned: my `father wishing that 17he'w.ar migwht last for thirty `years. many. of our, country s sons would then `sue-cumb to -t}1e1r W-ounds? V '-My money was-. received thank- fully, -and my many` questions were answered, comio-rtin'g me much to hear of the good `being done. I? * :An `Old -gentleman came in, 0er- " ing a hundred -orin bill, and osay'- ' ing: ' Allow me .to con-triabuzte a ' little toward the. useful work. I_ look on all this organization -of yours, -as the most humane. I have served `in-. the ocampaig_n of 1809'.- 181-3, when no one sent the wound- `V ed pillows a-nd A-bandiages. There were never enough surgeons and supplies, -and thousands suffered a hideous death`. You cannot realize the good` you are doing. nAnd 9he went away with tears in `his eyes. T__-L LL-.. JlLAur\ van a lr;1\-rv\v1nr\+:.l'\`rI By Special Arrangement" WCILU awag VVLUAL uuuao 1;; thaw wuavuo Just then there was a commotion` outside, and throwing -open the d:ounbl'e doors, the rgu*a1`d announced: `.`Her `Majesty, the Empress! ~n,11-___:_-.. L._1..2...,J .L:...,. ........ Hm -v -Nun I vugg` > EW Saying I 4:1..- . LLC1 LVJJQJCDUJ, U119 .l4llI.t.lL\.IU\'C Fo'_11'owing` behind `hlm -was ;the_ Voea-u-tifual young soverei'g`n, who in her simple ` street dress `appeared ev-en ~1o_ve11ier than in `her court cos ? tu-me `or `ball dnesls. ' 7//`I . 1 . _.~. _____`_1__' DULIIC U1 ua-u. ULCUD. I ?have come, shesaid gently, A bec'au~se -the Emperor .writes to * `me from the seat of War how useful ` .a11d,aooep`ta1o1e is your wo'1_'k. Szhe T iers examined the rolls of linen. Hotw `beautifully done it i-s, she ex- claimed. _It is a ne patriotic undertaking, and the poor sold`- I lost -the rest of the -mark as she -passed *into another room, so `visibly content with what she was` "seeing. A , - un--__ _-;1..1n:....,.m Im........ ....m'..A,a WAR `better. But the suggestion that ran Slit: wua DUUIIE5. - Poor sdldiers !, These Words` sou-nded st1'an~g'e1y pathetic in V my` ears. Yes, -poor -indeed, and 't`he more com-forts we sent them vhe through my head Was: ' Why not 1- ~ -~~ J-`L --- Innrvvuo n1'+t\rPA+n\l3I9 2 I-'I1I'Uu.gu uxy utsau vvwa. vv1xJ' nun keep them at home a1'toge r)her? Why send. these, poor men into all this misery? ` 11+ --- T .......+ ;.1....+ .-....;+ +1. ums 1Iut5t71',y 5 But no,- I must shut. out the ` thought, for is war not a [necessary A thing}? A I found} the only `excuse for al-1.this cruelty in that little word`; Mus't.. * T . T --_u_ .....-. n.-..J|'.v-xnaazm-1' o W01'(1f I ' '1v1u:s'|.. I Went on my way ami passd a bootkjstore. Rememsbugxii-ng that my 1- ;_`L,. ........ man-unn .-nrma, 'tx1n10n ` DU`U-l'v5laUl.'U. .LUlL.l.\.41LA`nJ\ .4L Aw u.\,.-. - ___u . -map "of -the war -region was sworn ; to shrd-s, I stopped in to order one. A number of buyers were there, I and` when my turn. came the pro- 5 prrietor asked}: -.~`.`A map of Italy, madam? L ow did you it? i IIRIIO one vas'k:s ,for anyjching else, nowadays. W'hi~le wrapplng up my purchase, he `said . to: a gentleman ~L-....1t:.....' mm fret. mm. har&.-nowa- one 1s `matters. , authors and 1_>ookse1lers. 7 111?` H , It har&.- nowa- and publishers So V long as war lasts _`no interested .in intellectual --These are hard times for UV . 'vv -___ ,, ;1_:.. -- 1: - n-rant u.-gin on Among}. 11 that Of % 'o1'k was ~ H.u'l:U1'b auu. -uvv......,.. jYes,* this is a 1 the nation; and war lowed by a. deline stq._1`1dard.` ' ' LL- A.:'L:`...]I -H1. | askgdv. ' 1111', 1 -asked. - . . Not 'mine 8110118, -mad=am . T Ex-I Aceprt .for- `the army providers, all tradeeunen are, suering untold loss- es. stands "still in the % ; on"-the {$1-m; ` fyerwhere _... . " '.nv:+1u}\11:f_ f-aiabory, on `the farm; eyerywnere . vmqn 4w'i-thorutt ~1_work, [without ` .se'c'_m.-ities ~- are cfalli-pg ; and -value... While A all is =~;`b.1.9<.`k'.. .; Lland ousinessi ;aa'uJ J "'-. K V 3Dl.J|)1$UUuU1u. great drain on and -(war always fol- decline in vintel=1ectua1 lbusinss sufers ? jug e_Ij_`1et"th;:'tore',., I 1 e 3 My ifriend at home. The . `Countess ? Lori zrriesbaeh in f more than one shared` the {same lot With` eme. V He:-= fa1ih`er was an jgenera;1,' and dike me, she had mar? -ried. an" ofcer. Her husband as we1I'as two brothers were in the - serviice. But Lori?-s nature. was . very lignh-t-`11earted. 1 -`-She. had; `fully _conv-inced- hex-selnf what her dear ones were under the special `pro- tection of her natron saint, and she :was con-dient uh-at -they wohld . re- ` turn. -She received me with open arms. ' ` - I -So_g-1-ad 430 see you, dear; it is good of yaw to come. But you look worried. news ?A _` `5No,'. thank God, but , the whole` 1:`hIing is.'so terrible-to me. 2 ' Yousf mean the `defeat? - Oh, do not thcinek sabouzt that, for ' the next news must be Tvi~crt0ry. T Defeart or vicory, war is hor- .ri=br1e', I said`. How much better if l'th(,3llf1 neyer were a. war. ` 1, _ L 1.1- .._- .....-.1 .1 `an. fessiom ? V _ . Then we should not need -any. .W`h-a.t a. silly` way for you to itall`k, -she said`. ` How stale ` life -would v be `with nothing but civil- ians. I almost shudder at - the sthougtht, Ibudz, -s fortunately, that `would (be imptorsshile. ` - _ I-mpossi-ble ? I ~sa-id. But per- [haps you` are -right, or it would have -lbn-gt ago been changed. . Wha;t do you -mean? _ cI mean haat armies -would have long ago been disbanded. `But no-, one migiht as well expect to. -prevent eaidihqua,-kes. ` I cannot un'ders`tand -`how you \I.L W9 5.v---.....-V iv .L I ean~{ta1'k so. For I am rejoiced zthssut -my Louis has this -splendid` chance to distinguish himself. it isfal And for my. -brothers, itoo, I good thing, . for promotions are -so `very slow in times of peace. Now they have nafl'l oppontuniities. Have you received any news re- cen.b1y? I in-terruprted. _ Not for some time, 'buit you i know how very unceiitaain he post ` is. After an engagement they are `| =too `tired to Write. But my mind ` is easy, for Ibomh Louis and `my `brothers wear the Ibsl-essed armulets. - Mamnma pugt tfhem round their necks > Lherselisf. . - . ` ' Can you itmasgiine `two armies meeting, when every man wears an . amulet? Tell me: if .-the bullets . .are ying there aanidi there, can they L ra:1(lW`be` deeeted info the clouds? ,_;_ __.___ } I. is `@341 l. $ \.I.'Cll\J|l\.J\.H Jl.l.IlIl\J VJJKJ \AA-L: \.l\4tl u l ``I do `not understand what you. mean, Dear `M-antaha, and'- your` faith; is so lukewarm. Even your aunt{ icsompla-ins, _ nalbourt you. { `-Butt Why can t you 'answer me?} Because you are jesting at Wh-alt `ti-s sax;-redl -to me. 9 ' `Jesting? Not `at all. I was si'mp_"lyA vsugwgesting a reasonable -asrgu-ment .in things -that are above us. 111'? .11 1,,,____ Q`L-L :4. :L ..y mi... ` U5. ~ ` - , I You well know that it i% a sin .to ' amgue ; and -trust your own rea; - son in Vt1vin*g'.s than; are above you. Yes, __ my dear, I will be quiet. You e -are right.` Logic and reason are dangerous. Reflection and re-. search are of no `use. A*1`l~ sor-ts -of dotnbts torment` -me and I try to answer thorn ;but nd! only` pa.-in.. Were I '00 d'isbeIive in mhe neoessirtyi oi: war -eould never forgive those 'wuuu-,"' . 1 *-You mean Louis Napoleon 0.11,], what` an intriguer he is! V _VWheher he or `another. . . but -1 I must try to believe -that men do not cause wars, that ley break out] of -themselves like nervous fevers, and the ames of L Vesuviius. v -Wahaxt a state your mind! is in! Let us be isensifbtle, Listen to me. - L !Soon our husbands will come J back" captains. I sha:l'1~'h.a-ve a jolly ,' six weeks -at ..a watening-plane wirth , mine. It aw.-i;11 `do us bordh -good; after 1 tliis suspense. , You need not think g.1:ha.t I . have not suered at all. 9 And it may yet `be God s will that 1 one of our dear ones "shall! meet` a eoild-ier -s d|ea*t`h--ouit what is more 3 ndble,` more honorable, ~t1han death 5; *in battle for empe and father- e ` - ` H 111-? - . 11 I 101 .1, _ __4i v u an I` u . .1\.aL\/ "0511 % u`Li'ou `are tal-1 like the `next? best army proc1am~a.1;ig)n. ` tr-.. :1. __.._-.1._1, 1... ..1_......1u'..n ....m.. UUUI1 ax IIJJ llxvvtuuxwvlvnxu Yet, it -wouvld be _d:read!fuil-poor m.a.mma-~shou1dI K-arl or Guvsta,-v be lost. Burt alet us not think of it. Yes, I shall go -and refresh myself at some watering-place. I think I -would prefer Carlsbad. I was there as a gi -`and. had} a glorious sea- --- n - V - "I, .1700, Went .12) M>ar ienba,dn', -and thene I made the aoqwatinmance of my husband. Burt d0n ?t let us be Ts`i-btingv here iky. ;I-,f you have linen _L `L.....J. '....... A... L.-. usnnln-:n:v Innvu-Al. '$I.'Ub1_ug* 'uCl.U l|lJu `.111. JULU ~uwvu_ :.u;v.- at handx `We can be _ma.k-ing` . band.`- ages. I just came from the` Relief I`fr.__.,. 7 uunpb"** '. `We were inrterruzpnted, for foomman brought in a letter. -From Gustav, cried -Lori, fusly. iSihe read a_ few lines ..1_ ..I ..'L.:.. .. ;-.u\nu.s'J- rm an an1r :-onlnau .I. uLl*.l`y . 'LJIu:U shrieking, fe?11-"%ftA`Ii'yT neck. ' (KT -_.: ..____ _....... -.JL..... ....Z|.....4- -:n ..IJU'L|J, lyuv. |Yiour h _L'i);;nd? (ll'\I 11 `k`55`6ih (`io`E"`& Gozig! she 'exc1~arim- Read for yourself. ` 1' - LL- 1..|L.L..._4 T mad` sun. 1 I up it-n9 lewr. ,l C811 1'?` stave gveu U11 Iuuu vu, 1:0 5...... -... the contents perfeerly, for I power. fame, and-._ greatness, or it 1 copiegi it in -my diary. crumbles, sinks, and is lost, -If it n `_`Re:idi `aloud, for I could` not n- -allows itself -to `be sunpassedi or 4 ish. ' " A swalsliotwed rby obher states. T~here- _ I .1-a'd :-- n ' 1 fore", it ' is the highest duty of every s ._ Dear `Sister :--n-Ye.s'1ter we T had individual to saonice, -suer , and .- 3; severe encounter.-. "h er'e was T a even die, rtihaxt -- the existence, the l9ng_.11igt.. .4jf_ and A woundd.lzpcwer,. and ~w_e]sfare of the state` he` ".h3,.1' Km-1 =.perpe ctira; ted- `and _ '.increasec1'. V -. is ;yon;\ ;'11}1ese impressive; words remain- "1:he_f'75 ` -iflwwi ,% `in my"-thouguht, '_and1 I" noted " ' ' ` ` iuriiouaiy-`i.1_'k9 the -sentnces _in_my'l. ` been imxtei IIUVUI WC1'U a- wax. 1 dear, What ~the11 would be- of our -gllori-ous military pro- 099 Vk mg j is` gm, i:i `1ve1~1*:~eis9pe ' .\.|'`s v vu .5`: cw THE NORTHERN ADVANCE rsica.

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