Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 6

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V. C]a;s_s--fEumi'ce MxaMa.'s13er.' `IV. C111-ass (Jr.')V-E-uxg-ene Smilh, u1u u..Lz u1.I5Uu. 111' U1'LlU1' `UI II1I`1`E2 I I ` I I ' C`*La.ude :C'arru-thers, Leo. Berth`1'otte and] Roy `-M'cCaa.nn, equal. III. IC-lass (J-r.)--`4H.a.ze1 Higgin- _s0n, May Eilphivclc, _Frra11'k Higgin- son. R*a-11d`o1p'}1- H.-arrisg. Velwa E11`i=s. -II. Class: (Sr.)--4Heo1en Berhe-, Big Bargains In Boots & Shoes -...\,, ;_ n ;u. lltli 11U \.ll.?Ut-`. ` N-ep11c-w--A 1l rlgrht. m1c~1o; nmther will I. -[Old ['11t'T1'c--I will make 5'.-n a monthly allowallce. but 111141:-r~t-an-1 me, I will pay no debts. 1v- LA"- A11 - 1. 1` IqJ\/AIL \JJL uL_A\. 1.31-clllll U] K "I. H Bright `Bv0y-Anv(I whore born next? . YES, WHERE xms \\'Il.IIEL3I H BORN? `T-eacher--4.\'apo1e0n F i1-at was `born on the Island` of_ (`nr~i:-:1. _ ~'D__! ._`L1_ 111 A V4 Of t-`HQ 1` anti Ocro Blorwzrnegly ;\_-\-_.:.,{,,iatih - was '-recenitly` Pheld in fho (inn) ` Chamber at Orivliea stn li<;_u`.-`i ~ _ Vquestci-on . of h01d.in;_- ,,1.,Vi`, - mamdhes Zn Oro T0\v11;~vl1ip 11(-xtfr Mr." VWm. Scott, 'pre. of ,1 _|Or.0 A*ssoo`iaf:io11._ u'< u;1;[;i(-cl if ` (3'hL.a'Ii_l .' A`tl' a few 1'!!Tl'vv111.'-7;, remarrks by the chia.-irnmn, Xlr, VLGB, _pI'6i,d1'l`t Of the ,.\I'thI`o'-3 -sociaition. `was .(,-allm ~r.. I11(- },`;a. form, and gave his (*:trT\' ~xM, giemzes` in Iilowillgz ((yI11])(-.tit.:(.\_ K also expressed his viva`-.\_v_< in 1'.-_rm` to using the 11-ig.gh cu : ;3r)\\'_ 3'. `though much s-lvorwc-r; it Ivfr :1;..:a,;: Win 8. better con(li_=ti`m In 1n:1L::,- nst class seed ibed. '.\I1-. ('nrn-.- the Second speaker. II- mil :5; in order to have 21 ,.~`Il('('(`s~-{Ill 1,1,3. ing match. every. v1n(*.1n`}wr 1m_;. 25 'OIl tO his job with thv full ;1Ir[k.:w; in View of carryirm it tinmug-h, )1, Dtmcan also spoke uf Ih(- ;U1\';{q. t,agesTof the high mvt j)]<>`.'.'. .;1_\-1,13 that 41110 work tve11rl-mi Tu lzill tn; grass more thorou-;rhl,v fhzm that of the dommon `plows. A 1 Hr mgh slmver, he thought ` thc \\'I!i"}{ wa; _be17ter done. T`11e'mhm1k~` mi` the meeting '_Was rtenden-:1` these ._gren:t1em@n .for the \".1111;LU.- 27:- fo1'.m`_a4tio11 given. ) D E 1 ` .S Committees ed. ihe. following a-cc(un; \, lgfll Advance, Agssessmont amio 1e'c-bor s .Ro]Il!s, Sliips, _. $59.30; CR. M. MdC01xkgx;-,t'2:.t(,',?i` 6.` ti-on-B., D;, M., $8.80; D J ICu'l1|ough, bal. salary m1 ty H. C}. 'Wi.1SOIl, 1150 Of. . .*C0umr1' meeting, $2.00; 1, ; cddk, Igoords supplied to ;,1d`ig[_ `$4.137; A'Ebreeht. Ln-,(,d,`. ,p]:;gd,to.1*1nd1sgent, $(5.05, ` *'. 1 .. .... ... _J:_`_.__ 1 l`EIo&`J>IJ'l& l~I~L\.lllJ6\rllL, (`pl).!]'). I > . . g'CQun~ci;'1 %a;d'journcd ftn mm S-troud T on Monday, Amrn M` `M. MeC'!OvNmKlEvY, C1101-k_ " 1 V ' 5 -BLOWING. T M-ATT=(.' 1 I 1-:.< } _ H - ORO (1`T:8S;LNo. 9, R_ D a. `I, `I -'\)l'(l . J No 10, Lot Wdb{b;\ N0 T1'He B'aJc vN'o, 12, C'1arenL.0 1!. No.` 13, Thlos. Cook; Nr, ]4`S"'V Armstrong;-I No. 1.5, wlm `,H -No. 16, Frank 1see1.,. 4;`; James Brown. 0000000. $15,000,000 _0Es0ve 0000, $13,500,000 THURSDAY, M-AIR. NO` QUARRE I.` TI {I-}I .I-I 25c 290 1.00 19c 29c 11-h A11an_ sm nnmmn wALxnn,:-cv.o.,LLn..n.c.L.' `President ` ' n ` qenennmanager ' JOHN AIRD. Aw; General Mannie: It It Oi CORRESPONDENCE mx W01 `Last Thou` {171 1 Eh-t` ' feet eor of co and h ced I res mom made 'canh `som Vwom high} _e_tabl %?rL:; -for it "t;-out Women s Strap Rubbers, the $1.00 kind, for ..... ................ ..: ................. Women's Toe Rubbers,` with silk bag for ' enclosure, 1.25 kind for ..,..; ..... Women s Hold-fast, 75c_ kind..4....[. .-....'.-.,4 for.., ............ X ~ ' o u n - o o o o - o o o Q - u o - J o 0 ou'oo_np_oo-on up 5 C102 . W0men s Wahixte .BIl inT various styles,` worth up to $3.50,.for . . . .. 20 edloz. WoIrnen s H-alas Silk .Hose, yyonth 40 % pair, `Oilrr prioe, per,p!a;i1f . . . . . . . . . o o I Q I n o n I o O on 20 (102, Women s Heaxvy Hoe, Sizes f 9, 9%, 10, worbh[20c palir. T Our price, 2 pair for In rag';.ii';'y'i;'2$'{n}}:}i;}5;'iiBi1;E'$}"49c pr. .25 (102. Wsomexfs Vests, ~some 'EJgyprtia11' (3`o:'t;t_011, wvovth t\(\ .11.. . 11-urn OI 1eu0.W Urrass, called on relat1~v&3 here last` `ILL. T)--1_ 1r` . n Pu|bI1icvSIchoo1 Rep-ont for Fabru-I Iary for` SJS. N-0. 9, Esss='a.A Names: are -arranged in/ order -of merit: ] `(T 0].. .`D_-__.':.,. 1:. 1r . FARMERS BUSINESS ANGUS `CALL AND -SEE USAT THE BARRIE BRANCH L. F. CROSS. Manager. Marc-.11 Sh.--JMr. `G , at'te1mVd-ed the` fu:ne11a'li of Silk, Mercerizedg Lile and from 200 to` 350, for .,ww.,. `On March 31st, `the .-regul-ar meet- }ing of -the W.I. will: be {held at the- '.home _-of Mrs.,H. C. Wiisom. The ladies are Iaskdi to lb1`ing' ~1;he4ir- knit- tin-g n-eed'1es, as a 1`a1'~g'eA qu-antiity of; yarn has been punczhiasedx` for sold- ;.-iers socks. Aftemoon tea will be. `served for rhe sm-al sum of 100, proceeds in aid of the .Red Onoss {fS0.cieH3y. Tlhe ,WiIl-son O-_1`O`he-St! -21 wi`1'1 `pI'OV`i:d(` Inusic. IEV-eryonve W61 "-ccun~e.-Mrs. "M. `Th-omas, Sec. W.I. I,-`O11.-F-ewb. 25th, the Executive met? and -pa*ckedT-a large 5b'a=1e of new and' {second-h-and clothi-ng for the vie-I ]'_-_txim`s {of the war in Beljgfiurm, and ..a`1s~o =a. 'sma'1{l 'baJ11e. -for he Red Cross ll Sorcgety. ` T ` _ TIE", 1 n4 . -1 ` CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 'Ma.rch 8h.-~'Dhe rIne1n':bers of the C`hu1~c11tit1.\V.I. and Inheir escorts, spent a very enj-oya:bI1-e *eVe11Ii11|gf on `F-eab ,y 24eth, alt he home of Mr. J. G. Douse, Lefroy. A program of 'mmsi'e rarnd games rm-a-dxe *the evening `pass a 1'1 atoo quick-ly.j -`After lunch, va I001 -1-ec.ti`011, am7ou=n't-Ming` to $4.80; was ta-kent u-p_ _toawa1-_c1s'"t:he iSon1di-ens ~Sio'k lFu}1d. ` - " . A .. V...` - ...,;;~ 5111UU1Lo c . ' H II. -C1nass---~NeI1son 'H=arri.s,?' Lloyd Ra'ehar, 5 Russell Elphlicki, A Clam Be:-,ta1.1'e1oIt ce.m_\ _ . - wqu DBDUHGLUUEB. \ K = ~Primer--'E1a Elphi ck, Ola rence Sniith. % * `I ' I JOH1\T AMES, Tea-dherl. .1o12te,' "Viola" Riadhtar" and- Harry! "Marsden, equjal. T ' } III. .01:ass~ (Jr. )--A1ice sm-nth, Gila-dys Higginson, Malbel Truax I H. Oass -(Jr. b)---Verllie H'arris,E _=WiIBbert M'cGann, Olive .Mi!1ler,' 3 Jean .Hig'ginson. I T n1__ -K-T-~17 ff 5 . -r1` 1| 496 490 49:: T-HIORNTON % 0-HURC1H:ILL.7 49! Misses in spring a s75.c,% for...` ...... Children's Rdbiaers, for ` u O A O o O 00`:- .M_en s Clog Rub1$ers the $1.00 kind; fox ` ' V o o o c n I Q n o I o o 0 I I o u u a s . . n . . . - - ~ A -.V-an-.au., \.u..I.uUu U 1"U1"cLl:1'VUS Here 1a'SII3 fweek. Mm. "Rant. Minty of Au- lenywood is visidain-g ralartives in -this! , fJ~oc'aLli,ty; ;.. . Mr. Bent `Gaston -of]' Toronto is visiting his father, Mr. Jas. Gaston. Mr. Leo. O- Nei.1l `of Hxlsdale shipped .a oarldaidj of stock to the city on Tuesday. ; 1 `G. Lennox 3 .1` :1 `h - I 1 I LLLIILIAX tahz; late Rmgmber, We and high heels, worth for < ' .`.`. ,nvLu vUo_lu1x.I.5~\.L_'llVlG-I-f\l_D t.u- .L!L'a,lv_|IU3-J-9 \` ;_.__Pleased . -:to` T `Mrs: Herb. ' Va-tri-a 'sV'ere_' attack of? pneumn-1a- ' . . `M'rS_.'__ -(1Rev.)_' .SWi`hne_1'-t`K5n`i andx `-child` have to the West, A ateir visihilng.-rfriendis here for a. few` T .months. M113. .=(!Rev,)' G.-_ I. of "Springeld, friends "here recently. .' Mr.ea.I_1d- VMI-S. 7. George of Hamilton `_ attended the Iifunera pf `the Il,;te_ Mr? _ Joseplht S_pm'ou1e hpne. . Ath-oi1iIg:h" '- - I -Mr. Joseph Sprouilie been a1`hng'T:` !fO1`- a long time] his death eaameu :s1_1`cdIe11|1vy at 1O0 1_c1o0k a.m.. Deeeasekfwavs born on .Ohnist- I mas Day,` 1845, in the Township of-`K-ing and came to this village] 2 gait -tiheia-ge of` about two years, `and V -has resided here eon=tinu-ously dur-` ing `his Whole life, which rwas the 5 .5, allotted time of ma'n._ The stand-ard _: V of mantis measured in many. ways, _] h `-bu't...feW men, in the opinion of 1 your pen, possesseda in =h.i;gher sense 1 3 `all those ohra.-ra=cberis`t:1-cs -that en- ,` I. , vter into -the make.-`dzp of an honest A [man, than -did: the late `Mr. `S-proujle. d He \beg*aan life With. the tra`.d"iiti0na1 a .s'hi`]li2ng' ant]: by manly and stra.igl1t- 9 forward dea-ling achieved more than B the xaveiiayge man s nanoiall success. 1 - Deceaas-ed was the oldest of a farm-' t _ `y Olf Itwo sons and `four daughters. t "a11Fd j-oined` the 3'5'th 'Batta-`1io11 at an early age, and was o11e of the first} :to volunteer for active service dur-f I ing the Rebeldii-011 of 85 in. the if` NonthIwes~t. He also took an active! 1} 1 .interest inma:rk111anship anyri` posses- ; fl . Ised - as many 'if not more m-edla:1isi'0' rfor military target .sih-ootiiirg than ;, any man in S.i~m:coe C'oun'ty. F or, ; years he had been, .a very _ `active: ` rm-ember of L.O.L. No. 16 and up to!` t` 3 `the time his wife, who survives hi'm`.,"b ` received! 7 a -.para1y.tic stroke they` 53 L were seldom Ianbsent from their pew I P i; in the `1\Iet11odi~:~: c. Cihu-1-oth here. M:-.i at Shiroule was married to Miss M'ar- l [ -garet Rdbecoa Miller of Utopia by C` , the Rev. `J. -J. *Coc.hra1_1e, M.-A., ' on March 21rd. 1887. - The funeral was held last .Sunday_ at .2.30 pL|m., and was oondvu-ated lby _ his pastor, he Rev. Mr; DL1nYap, 11.5 ' -assisted `by -the Rev. T. J. Dew N (Aing11iean.) `A short service was ~ 3,- ih-eillct in the house -and!" the remains, by were conveyed to their last resting I [J5 l'rpJ:aoe 111 Union. Ce1nete_ry here. ; 1,3] `Few .-men have died here who `have on `left a greater impression for good` 11}, `than the late Mr. Joseph SApro1r1e.i1.`, A Wid`ovW. whose right side has been I 13.3 -paralyzed "for tho. J13.-St A11 years.[Ag5 must nisih 1ife s- j'ou.rney (F011-e, but I M she has the ec-onsola tion of Him I m. -n7:1n ]s.n+fI-. n-n:.~] C-T --J: H 1 n .prog,_r,essi.n`g " favarstbiy, 9 S -._ .55-uuka uup uuu aura DJ U11 `UT I.'1'l'lTl IW` ' I to The widow". One brotbher-. I I hatrh said "I _-will be 2a` husJba.nd' Waiter art Bradiiord 1I__st!(J'a:mes, r-Fr'iday".-". ., Miss . Mable" Ni?x_o1-*1} as _ they` visited '~ Lfiiiends in Toronto recen}b1y.:.pwrtt of . M*r ..-Henb. Nixon of Cooktoiwn' Mrs. -Br: spend; Isunday wrirbh, friends` there. . . M-0F-adieu Mr. .Fred Tbmlxinson has rerturrned-I9-Ripihard from visiting fniends at Mial-tom . _. Ivivje. "T `D'l...._....,2l - 4... __._...i.- :nr.,_ 71- .1 , on - 7 5c; _ kjurailiilty ror . 90c _qw3m5' uuuup _u'L1Uu1Uuu. . . . 0 .LVl.II'. ant]. Mrs. Geo, rSni=der ~aItt/en=ded 1ihe- furn- eraIP of Mrs. Mli-Her .a't Waverley on ...u`a.. --u - M|on-d=ay-. V. .. . Mr. W. Dales moved from here to '-Btarrie on Thursday. . I . . Carplt. J-as. :HiI1'1 is v.isii-tinug hisl son, Oarput. S. Hill, of Or-i-Hfpz. Mr. "S. `C. Hart of` Yellow Grl_ass,] HQ 0-Q17 I)`I\.1l1.I\ .1. -.~._ 4. - 60c qixalirtzy -for . M;1 s .W0rkin'g Sthints it 500 quualltiityj . . . ' _` .'for . . . . n o o o a n 10 T'doz_e1'1 Men s Engllish .VVorsed Panfts, Se - per 1:4a~i_r . .. . j 12 drpz. Me-:n s_ Frejncth Baibr-igga I,1 `Shir:ts - mv0ntf_h 500 g`-a.1'ment,_our pux-ice only, `per. -coco-noaooonufnooo THE TNORTHERFN ADVANCE `Am a$5c' are Headquarters for Rubbers ih great va.riety.:_ were visitors` at this 7'1odg'e on" Wed- nuesldiay nilgthit. .. Miss Mary `Cas- -ton. is spemiling a wwek. _v`itSiftin'g` cfrienclls in Barrie. A. . Mrs. Warner of Ttoronto 1'53 visit.ing her aunt, Mrs. Jrolhn '_S-hefeld. Mr. and 5-K!"-1-Q. {Inn .Q....'.J.... -|LJ_- J, 39c .390 691: .,.-., -I/Avv\.\/L10 'uuU 1111' D116 .1\.b`(I \Jl"OSS !Fl1J1`(1'. .. . . `Miits Eva` `Crawvford de-. lp-anted this life on eS-Lmdsay, Feb. 495th, and` was buried on T_uesd'ay. Mudh sympathy is fet V for -her m_'oher,- rwh-0 has nursed her for. of j the late T. Roe, died -on. March . 1 yeam. '. .. . `M-rs.; Tzhos. Roe, wldow. I. `Miss Hazel of Onitlliia is vi-siting`! her friend-. Miss . . . . VMiss [Ney has returned from a very pleas-! jam; visit in Midland, a~oo`omtpan'iedi `hv 11::-r .`F.ryr.)11lr`l` `ll/I'.'4_~.n l`+.....1- VuT'zJ1J.k`eu65IIail. s Family Pills for` iconstipa-tion. . V ` R` I-I-OW -S THIJS? _ -We -offer One Hundred Do-lulars Reward! for any case of Catarrh - that cannot be cured by H-al1 s Ca.- tarrh Cure. V - ` F. J. Cheney & C0,, Toledo, '0. ; W2 the `under.-ig'.nedI have known !F. J. Cheney for.the last 15 -years, ~and "believe him perfectly `honorable! `in all -bu-s,iness t1'.ansacbi.o-ns and. .nancial1y `able to carry out any idbligations ' made by his rm. U N ationarl Bank of `Commerce, I I To1ved-o,A 0. F I-Ial l .s `Catarrh Cure is taken in- ; Itrnna-lly, acting "directly `upon their lzbloocl and mucous surfaces of _ thvefj l system. Testim-oniarls sent free. Price 7-5 cents per `bottle. Sold by; all !D1'uvggi'sts. ' n " I Vl`..`l__ TT_1`9, TN '1 `I-xvii A ll 'l "Mrs. ,'Goxwvort1h and `family wish .120 express their Ibhjanks ito: -the Can-` .adian_ Orrdere -of Foresters for the prompt payment` of the insurance pal;-cy -hed by the late` !Mr. J. Cox- wonth of Ivy. The -c*]sa:irm was paid`. Wlivhin 30 V days afoter Mr. CfoxFl lW01`.tlh s dfeagth. T ' Q. .n.uA-V n _ u 5' V (7 (D11. {dress i1;7t:he`TIl\`z[et`IJ1od1stmr:w Clhumch 12129 Sunday evening, . on, -the. Mission- I a.1vy s Did`-e gti Exaperien-ce in" Mex- `Iioo, He w1J'l deliver :a i1eeitu=re `_ in uthe `Temperance Hzaslll here on ~Wved'-_. I nesdaxy evenlivng`, subdeaf: The Evzils 9 [of Mbrmanism. Sa'iil`verA col-lectiton. ! (.w,s, whbman`miss`mm.1-greatly, glas they ` were tougjetvher Jhe greater 1. pamt of` their time) and sdbers, V` Brandon of Winnipeg, ,Mrs. MeFad|en of Ailgfowma. -amdf " 'Mrs;} g-Richard Power of his vi`1lJa:ge,su1'-"I vive. "The pa.l'1-bearers were: `Alex-I ander :S=t_ewant, VR. 10. C=unni-ngh~am, J. A. .Oo11be1t;`t, Rolbent West, Arthur !M`cO1ean and R. D. Henry ` .15"...-. 'l ,..n....L Gi.....-_-I ._ __.|Z..=`I.L..... 1.--I : .s_:;,v\J_-;uu~a.; uu:.\L 4.00 .14: .n..LuJ.La. CM1-s. Joseph -Slprouile .i.s}hes ldshaniks for rthey dd ffor hr du.r-` `V convey to her friends " '-her kindest 3 ing her sad: .tria~l in the death amii %b11;1:;a1" of her 1-aite. h11.11siband'. . ' ` - 1 I o 30oouooooooooooogoooooooo I t C_?_R1A'IG4H-URSTT _ [ u.Lu.n~- V21. LIA./L J.u.Iuu_ nu-vuuLu. V ' Tlhe Rev._ Dr. Dlcxdds gave an ad- -... LL- .'Il'-...J.:'I..-J_4. (`1.`I______L `l-_L V Lots of Vbairgairis in Men Suits and Overcoats Lots of Bargains in Women s and Childrens Cots ORRJD :01` _TnH`A_:-NKS sel-ling for MINES-ENG and Drawers garment ; 2 '::.:":: 299 11:: :: 390 :':.I::: 49!: ':::59c 5?. 1?. 1 980 z;;-u\,}J\JlJ 11):. mic year lU_J.O. The f'o11`ow`ing -were appointed? F e11'ce Viewers and Sheep V3,~Tu'a- tors: Jno. :Sutther1Iand-, P'tr.T Green- `sides. W. J. Davidson, J. R. Jamie- `son, Rdbt. `Rogers, J. J. Reid, Hart '.I\hOma:s, Hzugwh Donnelly, Audils King, Rolb-t. B1-ack, R. A. Sru dher- land, J n-0. -'So-ules, Wm. Kenrecly, Wm. J . Cawan, V C-has. Wice, `ar- en'ce =Srig'ley , V ' Pound Keepers~-No. 1, -J. W.` `Pamks; No. 2, Chas. Hindsle; No. 3. Jno. Boyce; No. 4, Noah Grose; No. 5, Jun. -VVh;an; No. 6, J oIh_n Mc- Mlar. 8th.--*Mr. J. Wilsd -of I Pvorat vMciNIi`oo:1, Oounrty Oran-ge `Master for East Simooe, and `S. J. 1VIa1m'ing, Distri4ct Mtasster, and H. Gill, D-iStri!Gt Secretary of Elmvailve, morn w;-"'-nu-` m4. 4.1-1:- '-14.1.--- , - tr? 1 Wiwg-`law: No. 478 was passed, ap-I 'poin1hinrg Pathmasrters, Fence View- gers, Sheerp Valuators and Pound ! K-eepers for `the year 1915. ! n J-':n11`A-.J: .. .. -- 4 -- A ` `A-1an--+C o]Je_man--Thart- rbhis Coun- cil A-receive he C01-1ecto s Roll from rthe `C*o.1lect:or, -as a-ccounrted for as fol- llowsgv Tortzisl amount on roll, $26,- l240.35; {Percentage ` due from Col- gledtor as per Audii.tor s Report, :$110.06; Total -amount Daid in by !`C'o1lector, $25,546.84, inicluding per- {cen'tagve; Defa.ut1_.ter s_!]iistt $740.43; [Taxes remlitted $8.00; Loss of per- cemtalge on defaultefs list $37.42; Percentaigve remitted -as` non-co'1\1ec:t- ablg. 31517.7 2. ' A -`T .___ . !Co-1e1nan---`Lesl1ie'-T }La:t the vC`=1erk` fbe inetrwcted to write the Supt. of G.T.AR., asking him to `have he approascehes 'at- G.T.=R. crossiing on 145th 0011. `made -of -more s2o1`i=d ma- iten3e3- /\A` ~ _ 1 I .:.4u_y J. uzuuru 4Jru1cu,y. I i -Les.1Iie:---M1a1sti,n--4t11~.i. c0 wmis -Coun-[ 'cil dionate the sulmj of $10.00 toih every young man of /dhlis township zj who erists wlih the 2nd` and; 3rd ivconutingent 'to upihold the cause of " :GrIa*.'Brita;i1T1. ' I 3 1. -u. , - A- I 1"Xan--1Iv;1.1in--"1'$}1at this Cou.n- lciI'Ugranrt the sum of $10.00 to Le-` I. frov Pulbilic Lilbrary. ' ` ,'l`-v....i'l.!..v .`1\,r-_.;.:_- 4. , ; m - A I Les`1ie--%Co1*eman-"I`.11at the Reevei and -c!hai,x`.ma.n on Indigent Oom- mi'ttee be a committee to in'te'rviewV the officers of Barrie Hospital in "I`f'a,1I3d rho in'digenIt rptat-ient in 1105- IP `-`V J % ` A11_,r 1:1 ..I .r!1 ~. .-1.: t'\.u Al.l_\.a.I.l|lt 11:11 |.l..I.1CJ..I..I1U'U1.D' -W1.`/1'U `lllfifllll ` and `the: in ohe c"fma.ir. -M`in- wtes of last meeting were read and adopted. Communicaiorns land- `ac-I wcounrts were reoelived sfram the fol ,1-owiingz D. -Peacock, H. L.TA1brecht, A. A. '!Mi]er, Northern .A:dw=an-ce` Ofce, which were referred` to their} rapecrbive committees. ' T __,"|_'A .f`f `I. .7111 . .1 -is 1. on `Mar. 1st, aoeordinsg to aadziou.rn- Innisil Oouneil met art eohumm1a' ment. -A111 cmemIbers- were present, .n...,1 `+-L... .13.`..- .:.. 1.1.- _....:.. 1n-,, 11? 113; " cou.{Jmf71yw for` ma:ny Her 'hea`1|th had not` }.*been for some time, a]_1owgh' Hvhe end -eame.su-ddeny at the last. I `P.-a1`.isdh`0f Vespra-nS-1m'd;'ay, 145th -Marc-h,,_1915.-.-CMIid111u'rst, 11 -a.m., ,I_-Ialy Oormmuvnion ; Vespna, 2.30 p.m.; Min-esin-3:, 7 p:m.--4Rev. Anth- fur cStrdher, Rector. V I zuo ooooooooooooooooooooog" hifghy-Qsteemedll ...a........ A... ;`l..`.._ - .._.__.___.__..-L_ J-.. 500 Bzlkvck W001 Ribbed four ` Fine W oo~1- Socks : 40b quvality *. 'f`or .. kind, 40c quality . . . . for . . . . Men s Wool bS`T .25-ev qutailiaty . . . . ` afm` '. . . . _INN7IS$`-IL -COUNCIL 50c 75c 1\l 1., JJIJGLL ULUDU, 1; Jdhn . The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. '3 S25

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