Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 3

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Children s Dresses Men's Furnishings Q OPPOSITE STEVE VAIR S GROCERY STORE wly cru-shed while operating a boring mouths of enforced idleness, ' 1 I` I ! . I A A J (3 4 `I m'a`o'hine an: the factory, and had only Worked one day after some I` I`, ,1! uuuulnvuu LFJ. \Il.LL\IL'l4\/$.11 L\.AL\rL.|.\/uun_ Mr. G vette is the rst -Meafondf man `to.rece1've a check -signce the` \aQn4\rnau `vs/5 u---v- . 9 ! and Lfcnvns, Embro1dery, f"?`? .59 .59. .39 .69 .15 OF ` '-nds of made cc and 100 Men s"Fine' Shirts, all sizes. Regular $1.00 and $1.25. Fire Sale Price .. 0 Men s Black or Blue Striped ~OveraL1s,- all sizes, Regular $1.25. L Fire Sale P-rice.... ....`.'... .... .... .... ' Men.- s Trousers. Re-.gu,1ar 2.50 for . 1.65 M `. .`?`T"`.... .?.. .25 Men s Hats. Regular $1.50 and $2.00. for.;.. '... .. . . . . .. Wrintei for One lot of Men s SCOtC`l1 Tweed Suits, -all sizes. Regular Price $15.00 and $12.00. Fire Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Men s Fine Suits. all new ancl up to date. in Black and Blue Serge, all sizes. __/`..Regular Price $18.00 -to $20.00. Fire Sale _ . Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V - O-ne lot of Men s Fine Suits, -the best suit made '-in Canada, all new spring models. Well made, in fact this suit is worth $25.00. Fire Sale Price ` One lot of Men s Fine VVorsted.= or Fancy Stripe, all new and up-to-the-minute Suits, all sizes. Regular Price $28.00. Fire Sale Price _ 0 Boys Knickers and Bloomers in Tweeds - a-nd Worsted, reg. $1.25 to $1.50 for... I Boys Overcoats, sizes 4 to 8, nicely tailored, in good English Tweeds, reg. $3.50 and 1 $4.00, on sale, a big bargain" gt .... .. I One lot of Fine Lace. Regular Price 100 to 150 per yd. Fire Sale Price. 12 yardsfor...... 0 Overcoats and" Raincoats One lot of 'Men s Fine Overooats, all sizes, `this fall `styles, all new goods and all ` s/izes.. Regfunlar $25. Fire Sale Price -_ Men s Rairicoats, all sizes. Regular Price ~ $12.50 and $15.00. Fire Sale 8 Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Men's Raincoats. a `good raincoat that sold regularly for $12.50, for ....... .. $7.50 Ra`inc_0ats will go for OrientalvRdgs, regular 3.50 for..... Large Rugs, reg. 15.00_ and 18.00 for ......................... 8.95 and 9.95 Star Oilcloth, reg. yd. wide 30c, for ........ ..`l8 Feather. Pillows, each .... .. .39, or per pair .75_ Laces and Embroideries _Rug, Oilc_loths,_ Pillows Caps. `Regular 750 and $1.00 Ha_ts `and Cap Men s Clothing new . -adt came into force and` we publish Ihe qfadbs that other work- men in town -wilil rest assured that the protection iaorded: them is genuine and free frqm he custom~ ary red ta,pe.n_ A C1 .00 PER ANNUM IN ADVINC I sultan: cont: nsau: can-to '1; 2.25 .50 6.50 3.95 inia. ' `Om: . ilhn `C Celuqjf machin- I sxm Feekgfji mmi ETT IWHY PAY RENT! S rmml brick house, N0. 130-! `;\'m't1h (,`oI11ie1' Snt,, with all con- \'c11.i<*11cc.<. P-1'iCve. $3300. V 7 pm brick house, No. 121 Mul- < ,'21.~'tt*1' St. =PI\iC(* $2300. 0 - I`I?nn.~`c :111d10tT `with all c0nvon- mm-.<. ';\,'0o. 84 ?Sou1;h CI011_i`e1'. St! 'J12l.lJu'- nu |.'L1L.' klL\.al unuuu.-|.'-J \JL 7 I _ V|..I.L"] ];zL1'tutl1m'oo ; 120 any. persons of "\\'e]1u.x'(* c,1ni111 they shsahl not then h}m> `lmd notice.` T . ])u.tIud at Bd1'I`]- the 1st day` of '\l 1l|`I"' M211-<-11 . 1Sl1:7 n T` 111* A \` .9,1_1 P1`i(-'4` /'.333H(). Y` 'I\ In TI uul'11`_v Fzn'111 for `S-a`1e_-2;1; acres .11 fi1-.-t-111.11 .1a11 Nice v0rcha1"d' 2111.1 11111g.:`z1.h:~1\'. -COW sbalble, horse .~'t.2`H<* and -c'hicke11 house 18x70.' I)1'i\'<- . .:-.111d vwooxd-`shed. This is ;1_`1m11r1uif111 pT~ac~e. Can be boutghut 1111' $170. Easy tC`1`|11'1S. ' .\\-w 5 roo111 brick house .and -lot? witih 111-.;1t.i11=g'. "1ig'}1:ti11'g' -and plumb- 111;.-2' >21 -tho .-('1ut-'11 side of Mc=Do11a1di St. If you `\\'.J11st ~21 11i-Ce 1101119 this will ~nir _\-.,~u. Price $295(>. Easy U-1`111.~. _ , _ ' w , ti 1wm111 cottage. with Rel-ectric `:1;-in st... : *1`n`111l 11101130 Iand lot, Frederick` I AIrH'1|Ll >)l.. .1. Ll\.k' q.1;.|.uu. ` St.` l 1`ic0 7 1110111 1101156 and lot; D11n1op! $11.. with l_10atinr,' lighting and? J1i111111i1'1g_*. ] ri('0 $1750. ' U 1-M111 wood cottage ivith large `.W.. M11111, Rt. Price $1050. - -\'<~1'_\'t11i11_9,' 11p-tO~datie. Price $1600. I .\"m\' 8 room `rbungalow With` I _ 1 .1 1'mn1'1 1101199 and large lot-011` iI) & C. Price $7150. v H` 1110111 1101199. Berczy 'St., with gmmi` _,Q`;`tI'-(i(`1l. Price $850. ' 1- p 1 - , T 1 I1 _;..._.1... T<>\\'n xlllllll. 1 LICK" H 1-W111 hon:-`e with water and 14);: uu. _ _ -electric l"`1u1'v1n(*(-` St. Price $1100. T - dousble-` Iot. 1i ght, T3,. ;.unru _.',u--u'u. _l11LlU `P'- '- ` - I "T 11;u'0 farms for sale in an Partsl -nf 1ho.C0un`r,v, also money to loan] rm t'n1'n11m1ds. T '- , ` .\'-()TI=C`E is hereby V given that 11 ' por:<~ons heaving -any c1'a-ims A;r21i11.~`t the late John Coxrworvth, Who died on the twenty-sevnth 513- pf Jzmuary, 1915, sire required 0 send` to the qndensigned, - ,1.....-.-.: ,..a...mL...\..... -2 4.1.- [[0 h(.'ll(l DU "-'11`; u`*`*V*`*5`/up 'kJ\)ll-1\J_l. tor fur the -ad=Inti.11';ist1*a.'t-ors; of the estate of said deceased`, their names; and :1(M1'e.<': and full nra.rticu=1ar_s* -1. n.,.:.. ,.1..-_.... ___.:i V Oi`c--15 Owen ` St._ . Phone 2883. Established 10 years #N THE MATTER Vt] of J0/mn Coxwortlz.,~%te Leofgtgte` E 1'm(')1.s`/H-1) of Essa,` Farme 3 WI ; ceavsed-. . , . T _de.` grNOTlCE T0 CREDITORS electric i_','ili ;1m1'tmvn water, Sanf-ord `St, )I i(`(' $5.), ' V ' T 1'am.n1` brick house, i , Charlotte- s`f.. with;,g'0odi stable. Price $1850.. .7 rmnn brick house with furnace,` n\\'1l w-.1tm'v, and stable, i11 googi 10-` -ufiun. Price $1750. 1 .. 1 -.1 1 \1.`l-v 1-1. lil[\'lla A L E X A I C I I. =S'o`1ic itor for the said Ad~ministra1:ors VOL. LXIV. No. 10 WHOLE Na." .4114} THOMPSON CREW. Punusu V _ ` (:11- I Wall P WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN HOME? ' lic; ` nncss, e the E3 and , donia nay be r using ' Delight- W. C. THOMPSON Our Wall Papers are -all new and up-. to-date American . Patterns. We have the largest stock to choose from. `No old patterns--every` _.roll~ new. ln design and quality we can-V not be beaten. *When you need! your parlor,dini_n room or. bedroom paipex-`ed call on us-+we can .please. you in both style andVpric'e_.i Pieture Mouldings kept in ' `stock and.` mode to ma'Atcl1.Vall'pa:1`p5eiltf's_.. _ .u.lo.lULu.IJ\.I'J.o VV 11.1` 3 the assets of Spring `Necessities - One of thee most brutal assaults which has ever been perpetrated. in this County o!ecuIrred in Adjala, near Allris-t-on, on March 1st, Mrs. Richard Davis, an English Woman being the victim.` John M. was changed with ft/he crime, and had a hp-relrimwinary [hearing at Allis- iton before Magistrates J ; H. * M1'tchel'1,`D. "A. Lee and VV.m. Rilley on Wnednes~d9ay of last week. Art [this hearing Ly7ndh plea-d-ed" guilty to the charge of assault and d:oti11`g bodily harm to Mrs. Davis, `Crown Attorney `Cotter appearing for -the pmosecumion. ` 'II'.,_ T '.1.`I ' , `Ix - - 1 j -Refused.toIHe1`p` {I} Mr. Ned Ryan was out in the g 1~oadi._ He rents the {house we lived I "in. He 1-efu.sedl.,' Never said any-' . thifn-g`, _ but d~ird- not V come. ` Lyn-dbl r was then, oultside sand I shut the Idoor. He came round to the -back`; and knocked -on the door Wifth M; (big emv013II:1en' p-2L'i!1 and then walked`, in. He caught me `by the -throat ` and pushed-hme `to the front d-oor. ] I opened the door {for the children _g [to go "out `and `he then threw me ] oult. I clung to the -side of tehei id-oor to save mysel-f from fallring. J Fzi'1:thy' Lang*ua.ge . "AI1`1 the time _he was u`s.'i11-g dread- ;< fu1~ 31ang'ua.gc. He` called: me aI1 `Bloody P1`-octestant and a. "`Ldusy `dirty 'b--. ` I then wenzt into the - `house and got my fb|El!b__V and child-'3 gren, and Went up to ` W'm. Ri1ey`=s ; `(house The cilnilrhen had to walk in- : `their bare feet in rbhe _snow. I ear- I ;ried two as :far .as I coud. It _took- 1 {us 10 .minLn1'/es` to get~ up there, and" _2 the -c_Ahi1d~ren, were Icrying all the|` ' time. VV=hen we `were going up to Rn'.l'ey s ' I could hear (him and S`3JW.' 'him smasfh.in-g._the- fuawnituzre anclgs two win-dsonws in the h-ouste. He was-' `astild 11o]JIeni11g_\xnhe11 I got back. I II, 9 found my Washing `Uhnoawn on the `floor and of 50 wounds of flour, ha-lfi lfwaxs -thrown irn-to I the `it-ulb, the stove! -;pipes were pushed off stove and thvei l storve, pus'hed~ - back. There was a.` re in the s V,w_hentI left; The` 1l'ta-hale was tur' dz upside down and `xcnadked --down the centre. Lynch 3i Iboardjixmg at. Ed - .R5*-an s. Last 1|fa11 he vcaane into `my house. -bult lMr. Ryen fetched him one. He was `the Worse of_ 1iqu!oaf. 1-,- 1r-,._-- ...._.`l 11.- .........-. .J..'2'....'.....- `. ,...W-.,......u... Mrs. Li|1ian'D:av'is evidence, in part, was as follows-: I ax` the `wife -of "Richard '.D:av5.s. I know pnieson-er. On the first he `came to} our place in Adjala about 2 or I230. My husaband was out at Work, I...-.J T .._,.- -1--- :__ 4.1.- 1-_____ __:..1_ jmcoaj ten 0:131? BRUTAL ASSAULTL g NEAR ALLISTAON ' ndo\J\/I AVLJ Ll-`\AL7LlIAr1.l\.L VV`l&>J \JLl-U Clrll VV LILLX, and I-was -alone in._ the house with my V chi1dne11. The -eldest boy, ,A1*hui', ,sa.wV Iaet part of it and heard} part of it. I was out at the clothes-`line when h-e -came. tome. `I got in. He was Sitting ` on the Itasble. /I Fa_sked `wrhart s ` the matter "with you. You arre ind'-rink. `Get out of my !house. He said he would not--oi-tq was his pllaxce abeo-re it was mine. He said `if I did n-ot get ou,| he would throw me out. Then he\ kicked? at me.- I took un the Wash. `board, -a11-d said if he '1:a$id `h1aI1'diS.0Il me I -would hit him. He took it 'aW_a.y from me and then pus`hed `me right across the `room, and-`I sort of fell across the dresser. _I opened the door and noI1dA-he crhilrdafen to [go out. He then grasblbed me and put me out of the . house and the !_c'hzi1dsren followed me.` Iaoa.l1ed- for` I aJssai,sta1rc~e. L110 WULHC U1. 1u1uvu:.. _ Jens. Mo-rri=s said; The was dnivwing` past and heard Mrs. Davis yelzlxinugy [% For G:o:d s sake rba-ke hifm away)?` ap er Tl-IE IN-`l 1ERES T8 OF BARBIE. THE COUN'I'~Y OF Sli AND THE DOKQIX OF OA"NADl`OU_-R CRKTEYON. BARRIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE. 1ONTARIO, MARCH n. 1915 `WILL BARRIE HORSE %` 5 win KlNG S PLATE I Lynch, .-the~pri`s20ner, was `the man `W410 ~na.rrowy escaped "with his life when the Allyisrton 1oek-urp W318 burned last fall, and the was the first to tenIan.t the new LII - in the: ia `Barrie horrse capture the King s _Pl-ate of 1915? This is the big"-feature event of the OJ. ~C'1m y s Spring Meet, and the most coveted honor of all t_2he races. "The Brook- diale Stalbles have _won ' this big event on several ovceasi-ons, the last` time in /1912, Fwhen Ithe_litt1e bay led-It, Heresy, gal-laoipeldi home an easy \wIinner. Irtu was 8. years previous to] that when the ' Bi-rookriaxle AS:t.-a9o1% won. the plate. In 1904, Sapper was rst; In 1903--.t1h`ey won`1_szt and 2nd with Thessalon and Nesta re- speetively. I In 1898, M=a~ra.`tana II. was third." In. `ornher years since` 1904, King` Won 2116, Count Mart'i'al1 2nd, and Fort Garry 3-vd. This year the Dyment entry, Lady -Cugrzon, lwi11`gli'ke1y go to the post `as :fa:vori'1>e. `She "is a bay i-ly by [_B1-auidIi,t--'I`he' Belle `of Mayfair. [T-heir oltlher emtry. is the dhest-nut lgelding, Beau C-heval, by T0ngo_r- der-'-4Depends. ' `IF-.. .`|..-.7.L. 'I.r....:1 n.-. no Q0172 ' .L}L.lu1a_ua,y. . _ on Friday morning he appeared before {Judge Vcance, and` reversed his plea, saying he was not guilty; He was -granted a_ week s adjourn- menxt to allow him we secure coun- sel ands witnesses and will come up! zto-;mor13ovW.1, 1 _ l lock-ugp. I u!C1"",IJGy:_11uIa_. ` -Fridray s Mail and Empire says: .'I7wen`-t.y-n`ine entries were reoe1ive< [for rbhis year Kimg s Plate, nomin- I aatiorns being made by seventeen} gowners, Last year t,hirl3y-two en- tri-esp were mardie for this erirsh `srbake, w1h'i'c!h-is'ap`t11y. termed the Blue Riibamd -of "the `Canadian turf. Mr.| Sbeasgram has ve. e11Jti'ies..- C01. .1101). J. S. Hendorie uthrcee, Chas. BM`iI1.I'ar hree, Brookdiale Sotalble -two,l TT I`1.'.1_12__...- ;...-,. He was 1}u.li.ng up when Ned Ryan] `tolsdf him `to go on home about his business. . % ` _ Lynch was committed. for trial and was brought. to Barrie jaailzxby` Constable Rogers of Allisbon on '.Dhr1:rs_day. - - . 1.1__:.1.__ ......_....:...,.. L... ...;................A I LVL Ll'J."a'.I. `U111 UL:, .111 uv;xuu;u I\J'VI-IllLI-\/ C__. A. Crrew two, H. Giddings two, J. G. Bzuiborur `two; these seven `own-ers :fur11-inshdirug nin:eitee11 of `the ntwentty-nsine enIt.ri,es, w`h`i`1e1 the other ` ten h'av`eL n 1'1-0mi11aoe!Ja by Geo. -..- -r-r 1 - -rA_ [\1i___ r1____ {1,___` B811 I1"d.VU Ut5t`u u'uuu1_1a=;-C-.,u u_y \)'\4\Ju `M. _ 'Hendri'e.- `J'a-s. G1'ay, Geo. Cor-3 Hifll, J. DOJ-aunl, Wm. Knausmal-11,` . LeRo , G. Me`-rose, F. H. Little, R. Nlewefl and T. `P. P-hel-an. l "_Uhe 1iis t-is -ma'd*en up of twenty- four rhree-yvear-0n1d.s and ve f=0ur-v year-oldst. - No less bhan ten of the chree-yeasr-o1dis `earned lbr-ack-eats as rtwo-y-ea1:-olds `as follows: Lady `Cur-4 zon. Pepnp-er Sausce, Okemuus, Oibero, S.`p1utitver', Last Spa1~k-, John P-eel.` lHia-1n`prt:on Dame, ' .Maiden Birad1'-ey la-Ind AS.1n'.- ohreId._ -Six ,of the candi- ydastes have `never rstantedy They? ane; Johnnie. Austin, Miss K2upanga,l Red Fvire,` Banjo, Rev-elry Ianvdl Offenbory. N-one ` of this '_ yea.r :s candidates has started [before in -hev :`lKi_;:1g"_-s P-Inalte. ' V ' V 3-- rt .......; ...,,. -1: 4:1. D...,m1._- L .LLl,ll.'5 p .L 'uwuU. Laadny ICu~rzon, one of the Brook- dalle Stab1-e"-s- emtliies, is the most fan*ciesdT at the present It-imve to win, ' the pllarbe, as she Won several times last year `and Wound up the. sea.'son_ in fbri;l1i.ant as11'izon when she crap-3` turldj -hhe Grey Sstakes are the, ,_bine last `fall and ran the mile in `1.40 2-5. % In mhis 1'-axce she met; and "d`efeaa oec1 sudh good two-.year-oldls as `L Rarn{0her,_ Star of Love, =Slta1-w1a rt~ Helen, Shyness, King Hamburg ` -Charon and F-ainr Montagfu-e. ` rn'r1--rn :rr.TxT.r*1aa 1'11` Amn ran A _.__ *I[I\.T~ *S ;eLA7ii""(5B'gu;ineas ' rand he Ithird: horse $300. d-ition'a'1,.. vdtanters. For three-year~o.l`ds and .i.sh s A. U11. IALA .5. u A`I. the git of `his {Majesty King George V.), rwilh $5,000 added by the clulb The rdt horse to re- ceive the g1uIi~neas, stakes, .and $3,500; the second horse ` $700, The ibreed.'er of the wiimer L` receives $500. .,A rsweepsbakesh af `$5 pay- able at time of enitry, $5 ad- u-niless declared `out by` May let, :an)di $25 addgitizonal for I 1 upwards, the property of >9. Brim-_ A resident `in Ontario, "fouled, raised`: and-' "tra.'ined- in ,On.- _ tarilo, hat have never won a; 1'-a.ce,. .ei.tuher `on the isat or across boun- I rbry, other -tib:a;n ta rasoe exclusively for `two- y.'em`4o1ds,` have-V never left -Ga"-I`1',ad'a,'J and have -never (been for ' ~.. ._.-_$'., .:_ '>._*.-__..-1.1.-.. -..- -' _. .`.__.z..L 'Q?9531`E1`T`S'A4T1,047 M3-Ti 5 L dais 0 r3.091Ved 5 . Z -I -I ` \1I(ALJ.'IN\.|'LQ, (.vL_L\A ll-In! 14 54v V V; 3I.I\/KJJJ. L\lL 9; pverito-d of more than one month` ouit of this pmovin:ee.h Winners to! carry? 5 lbs. _`ex:t1'.a.L Deamh ofl nomima.-bar ~doesAi1ot render ; entry nvvoid`. ~- One mile and" 2a quarter. A piece of `plate vwi111~ be presented Xlby the club to the winner, De-z E-oj11'anaat;i:0ns`-S~aaturd1ay, ' May 1st.` To _;1',11i1} _S'aftua_`-da,y;' _`_22n- I 21I\JLl#9UIJ.l\ 14I. LJRAU 'LLl\.ILl.IJ .l.\IL In Sidk Olam as -210 result of an acci-T dent .rvece3'ved at ?the Wheeolfbarro-w factory` -a few Weeks ago. Itt will ibe reme-rdbered ~` -that rhiss young man {had his 1:-hunfb and nger bad-f spemsaxtion Act as,` ..`GY3-ll._ l"-L!... -- .. .......'..]4. .1.` ..... One lot of Ladzies Suits, all new and up-to-t.he- minute in style, made of ne Serge, neatly `trimmed, Well made, V all sizes. Regular Price $12.50 to $18.00.- Fire A `Sale P1`lC8 .... . . . . . . . .. .;.... One lot of Women s Dresses, -Black, Blue and` Brown Se/rge,` in all shaJd.es.1 Regular P ' , $8. O (1 $10.50. F' .S Pill: ff` . . . . . . . . . .13. . .a.`? 3.95 100 Ladies Ski:-Ats, all new and up-to`-t.-he-minute in styles. all sizes, Black, Blue and Brown Serge. Regular Price_$4.5o, for... 1 o a n a a n o o - o o o - - o o o o o o o u o o - o o o o - o n - o o o u o a o o o co Ladis F}."F`ishiP8 GF`S R-eguslzar $1.00 a garment. Fire Sale A. P Price P . . . . . . .. 059 One lot of Ladies Blouses, Linens Lawns, nicely nished with Lace or all sizes. Regu-lar Price $1.00 and . $1.25.. Fire Sale Price .. 0 . Ladies Sateen Underskirts. Regular ' n$1.25. Fire Sale Price_ . . .. 0 Corsets,._, Long Hips Regular Price 75c. F'ire.Sa-le Price 0 Ladies Kimonas. Regular Price $5.00. . . Fire Sale Price .. . .. 9 One 101; of Ladies Hats. Regular Price on ' $4.00. to $5.00. Your choice for . .. One 101; of C`hi1dren s ,W-rapperette Dress- es. Regular Price $1.00. Sale Price Nice W11-itxe Embroidery` Dresses, size 2 -to 6. Regular 7 5c and $1. Fire 7 Sale Price. Cthiludrerfs Dresses, sizes 6 to 14. Regular Priee..$1.25. Sale Price` ' . Children s Underwear. Regular 250 for noon 6 o n o . a c o o o o o n o n ' o o Q o o In C0R- OF ELIZABETH AMZMARY 5T5- Hundreds of people have-secured unprecedented bargains at our big sale` during the pasttvvo weeksrand there is a big assortment yet to be cleared out before `Saturday night. We have marked everything in the store down to away below cost price and you will be -sorry if you miss this great sale. T Extra Specials for the next 3 days. D_Waisberg s Fire Sale Three Days More Men s' A11 Wooli Shirts or Drawers,` all sizes ` Regwlar . Price $1.00. Fim vSa1e PTi'% i...,. o...` . '. .....i.'. ` - Regunar I 7 Men s A11. Wool ii Gray -Sex. Price 500.` Fire Sale` Price . . Men s Hea_vyi_W_erk_ Shirts, all sizes. iRegu-lar iP'rice 650. Fire Sale Priee Ladies Suits and Coats Also Dresses Mengs Shirts, all sizes. ' Regular 750 - and $1.00; `Fire Sale Price . . . . . . no-o o`oooVII;o'Qo;oo'o`oou0OVouioaroou . REMEMBER THE PLACE AND NAME. LOOK FOR THE E {SI-GNEIVN FRONT OFTTI-IE STORE ` . :7 . ` ` .514; I_-It1_ndredsofoi:\her barg'ains,toQ numerous to mention

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