Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 2

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L.R.C.P. & 5. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: 5. Glasgow -- -SURGEON-- IL; ( n - - - _ :--c< (Successor to the late R.- IN-WIN, MURPHY &. ESTEN, Ontario Land `Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, S. E. corner Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. /Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left --with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, V Bank of To- ronto Buildin-g, `Barrie, will be promptly attended-' to. -------------------L T I DR. H. A. DUGLAY, OSIEQ-| DA 'l`T.TTr1 1>t...~:-:--- . G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 82 Established 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Bar- rie, Ontario. aun.ul:iU --- Eye. Ea: Nose Throat. [8Vin.2BD8nf.J van:-n ma` n_->~ - DONAJLIT ROSS, LLB.-, BAR- to loan. ` rister, Solicitor, 1 etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money ISTRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- y ters, -Soilicitorse in High `Court of \ Justice, Notaries ;Pu1blic, Con- * veyancers. over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to . loan at lowest current rates. G. .H. Esten. 1 ` v...yu.wuu.~u vuu LUJJJ _ . -uI11Ut5l'b"Uo`:LllG. Dne _Si't11`s8:ti-011. The, `band! committeve ments 'a'rt good. rates, `and they earn, (rwlhioh is a V committee annwally eleated by the citizens to manage ' the affairs of the band) engages `the. bandrmaster. The $600 granited an- nwaly bye the Itown is applied to paying (dhe cbandtmaster- s salary,` and! the members of the band` receive no part of this grant. The 12th `of July", cellndbmtion -is` -one -occasion w1he11 aJ!1' bands can secure engage- their` money, as the parade work `is, the hiamdest Iw-ork kl1`0iW:I1 to bands-! men,` and when the ce1'ebrva:'ti|onA is j at home, the `work of the local band is harder than ever a.s they meet all } tvaiins and boats, besides the regu- *]-ar -parade. Now, in the name of sfairness, `why does the Finance:- Committee of the Town `C-ounciI1| expect `the 0in=dfivi-d'u'aI bandsmeml who give their `services gratis -alii R`l`lr`rn`rna-r- 41,-. mkn .,.....1- ,.I..__----L_ ORESWIQIEE .. 5` ,--. .u. LL: .lJ.LIJ.LlJL\I]:J.l`J, 1'11 1 DIFUIAN and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. 0. Alexander.) Oice and resi- dence Burton Ave., Allandale. Diseases of -Women and children and nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. ` 22-Iy. __________________________, unlaor ol. good Farms and Town Pto- po/tlles for gale on easy toms. ' I ALEXANDER OOWAN, SI}??- cessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining _ probate of wills, guardianship and administration, V and General Soli- ' .-.:+.... 'kT..:.....- G. A. RADEN-HURST, BARRIS ' for Qn'l:.-..'4..-... 1\T..4...___ 'n,,1,1- o ment. )R. MORTIMER LYON, 31' [Carlton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N.Y.), Eye and `Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Dis- eases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, Hi I a.m. to 5 p.m., and by.appoint- ment. ` ` .S'1\E.W~A}RT`-i` & i-STEWART, ` BAR- RISTERS, Solicitor, Notaries ' Public, , and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office, 13 Owen 'St., Bar- rie. D. M. Stewarlt". ..... J-I-I LL: uuuunl, UDl'I1JU' PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Oice Hours-9 to 5; .Other hours by appointment. Pl_1one 565. . . ' 45-ly ____.___________________, vuwuvugvuu ' The existing cond'iI11i'ons A must be `e '9."-ined rbo %fu'1]y_. -under-s aa11d_ the! u:.+.mf+:n.. rm... n.---.1. T - E2} H. T. ARNALL-4,-O-FFIOE and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth -Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. V VLUQ 11. I1: Surgeon, T D IN T`; -;u.n.v- \/a.L a, residence,` Telephone of Tqrqntop Buildings. Barrio V . v. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.-M;, Surge1:y and- Diseases of. Women especial- 'ly.. Office 58 Collier Sfc. Phone 61. . _ _% 35- %iIi%`.jc:."1`>`. , -.......'.`l-__ -- ~ )R. W. H. OCHS (SUCOESSOR to Dr. Palling), Physician, Sur- geon and Accoucheur. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses adjusted. Oice, Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly. -v ; ---._..__._... Va-V-I-IBJ v I .L\/.l..I..l.'J \r JJIIIJJJJ, D ' risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notgzries, Conveyancers, etc. . Money to loan. co, Ross block, Barrie. A. E; . Cres- .... -'l_- T7 (`A 11-? A --\11 mucx, barns. A. E; 'tl. Gres- wlcke, K.C., W. A. J. Bell, K.C. -vv-------av-U-vntis-I uuu uvuogax 03011` citor, Notary, Conveyancer,` etc. Oioes: Hinds . Block, "No. 8 Dunlop St. Money tp loan. ` vyoncvblu ,:JukrwvJ'J.UUUVU >11. U. .I\`01DQl`5'- son is ehairman, recommended that `the usual gratnrt olf . $600 -the given to the -Oinzizens Band Cioanm'irttee, ~add'i-ng the rider -that tt/he services _of -t3he"band' be given free for ttihe Orangemeus demonstraiti on in Bar: rie on J uy 1'2h next. This . pm- vis'i'on put in the crond*irt-ions of the is a big-.mistake and one `that shsou ' not `be alilmved to go 1111- chwenged. mm` A u `.1 1-.-- - I ULLJJJJLV JJ. U LULJ J. , I)I1J.\vI\r.lD' teAr`,. olicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oice, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. T% MONEY l'o- Log" 33 lama nmmnu -0 _--_ _ mmnnuxnns. RING ' 263 rntslidzaxi ROSS, PHYSICIAN, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin;,: London. Oice T-and Dunlap St., Barrie. 165. , ` --......v - :vv- -- 9n!m`PnIa5' -' ' - ;"?U.,,"0l_3f`P:1`I>L'1'o Horsesboem BAYFIELD 31: 4 . ' n K V`. . '~:v -V I ,;v17` `t,p>,..L .` A, MA iviaiz-T&-z1'z-or? Buggies, Carriages. Wagons .;.;..;..'95'!? "__C'P- . _ -..-....... .; uxnna 1: llkinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees unall Fruits. Eve reen . R . Shr 1b8 Climbers etc. Bverylaning isn thgggusrscry llinc lSend_ list of Your wants for rict-3. Cata- Vllo Free. Apply For erms JOINT: wnwran avanvwmsm: 3-3. "Winner. Nuraeryman. Port Elgin 011` 43.17 -J ____ p-ii`! I I\J1`[.1;J'\ FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE Most reasonable terms _g7vcn cr: 3 Stock Sales I CRAIGHURST} om. LICENSED AUCTION ELF. ai Druggist. --.- ---an I In] Telephone 109 BARBIE. unrrmn s'rA'rEs spumnmms - $1.50 in ADVANCE 31% new nune will be added to the sub- scription List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months -and ov`er willbe charged $1.50 per annnm. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE You BL` ms am PLANING mum I _ ._._.._...vu -v. Au, 1-.) _\ EZLTE. Beaver and Bishopbric wan I Board Cedar Shinles, Metallic Ce-mp Anythingiu the Lumber 1.1a.` Has a marvellous` effect on rough skin. One or two appE:ca- txons will remove the rougnncss, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may bt worn 3 few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. CERTAINTEED ROOFINQ guaranteed 10, 15 _\'enr:-. L VVLVIJIJUT CIIANGES, Advertigers wfill r'2ase bear in notice of mtentxqn chan re ;um.,,N`X mustbe handedmto the 0 cc not 1zlv."7.' Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the -;p\- r0`,_~ change must be m THE ADV.-x:x'<+3 .v,m;.`; laterthan 12 o'clock noon on Mon` V "' week, otherwise `the advertiser`; - may not be made public until 3 - - ing. n]I'r4! ,' coxvnzzvsnn ADV!-:RTl2 s'E.\n:.\"r.<, Condensed advertisements on rs! ;.;,z,.,. as wants of all kinds, lost and fmmi, W,` o for sale or to rent, specic ax-vi~1.,._ H j`; must be accompanied win: the cash. " Cuts for advemsements must 1 case bcmouxncd on solid mcta D '3e~ 1 D15.`- MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. nan - -- " inch. LVVVJ V latter fact de ` its patrons. It you ha 3I3f3'{.}, .`? G" '--.7 place it with the paper that rCac}{&1sxV1;;YC. not afraid to pay the price_ - `he 1,5, . Advertisements are charged . ` space -12 lines nonpareil measuflgff-(rd? 'l`RANHvlI\rm AI ..... _, Asia!-`Bl an 1' AUVERTIS]_\ 1; Legal Notices. Auctxon bales, _. .. etc.-First.insex-tion 10 cents pop x~ su uentinsertlon 5 cents per lir:n,m"' '- ng notices, 10 `cents p(_- insertion ; 5 cents per lme for e: X` lino f,/,.; `nah 5:15`.-,.. ` insertion of the same matter. Obimarv ;Ijf_` 50 per line. Ivninupa--._- . ._ HERN ADVAM. n_____: - n 'At the last. me" eting3-of the Qoxmcil, rbhe Finance Committee, of vwixicl} Dep}1Ity-Reeve H`. G. ..-. ..'L..-._.._--, - ` NEXT DOOR TO THE ` ,,.-..-- .. \.acuc1u(v nan/.'u2_r1 Business. . . . . Notes Discoamml at reasonable rates. . . . . Colin'- tion qf Notes and Accollnts giren special attention. THURSDAY, MAIR. on mostfavorab 3.3 (T7718. Drq/`ts Issued. payable an yu.-/1 cw. Cheques on outside banks caslzal at lowest rates qf exchange. . . . . Sale Notes Cashed or Collectwl T.Beecroft IUVVLI It! tannin T gran qgaovo _ COMMERCIAL nxsnu Rates wxll begiven on app1ju,,M_ CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertiser: will rv-....... L_, . t_Published tromthe oflice. 123 Duulop Street, i. Barrio. inthe County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, `every Thursday Morning. by ' Ziltnaiuun ~ ---_... _._.__ _.._(- A Tau` ADVANCE 13 .r|:mal:. ah-nulnt-Inn no ..... F. BEECROI-`T - _,,..-vs.-1 Is open for all orders in (`A.`s"I`I.\'(;.~'. MILL REPAIRS, 8:9. ' Boilers. Engines and all 1i_L(Z. ~.r;' farm and stationary machim-r_\ rm.:; and repaired on shoxtest notzus '- modcratc prices. uuu repaxreg one pnces. , ---- l.-.uvug _ Al work done by cxpvrf rm 1st and guaranteed first class hrnq--:_ Transact a Oce Hours-10to 4 MANUFACTURERS. .uauuuu1ul11g8. ' ' __ans prescribe it. 1 I ' W `Expert Machinist TRANSIENT ADVERTISIM` rnfil`.A_ `unh.-... L n . ' G. CO. Barrie, Ont. General Banl-ing Maiaagcr 0, .. ... `u. L2-a11aLl'l1. -ou=1"e4l',Y $260 should `be suicienrt Or_anIg'eAc~elebra.tioa1, and {let Ia.~li Oran-gemen nav for he ant? nflnnur _-...,..!..J._ TANNERYI` Iltth, nust 1;) cver; metal basu _ __ UU -Limited oNTARl0 Barrie. THE BAND `G-R:A~N.T adia. `No stariif ` made on movwting rm-aohirnes, gharves-' ktens, reapers, and! pants whereof; nor `on -the . roaxw materiwls from which sugdh imlpllemcents are manuifactturred. Traction d-imdhers, abinder ' twine: and all amtioes entering into the manu- cfwctu-`re -of ibiinder twine, atlso es-i camda ' 12! nsltaok raising was also encour- a=ged' `by the exemption of 'pua'e- e `bred .an~ima`s,- indludng fowls, Frulit gnowwers will} , ihaaveitgo pay Tums or Sunscarprxox {?o51'.7;fxedi; Irnnn 0|... - .. va. ULIU se/ocuety w.ou~I1d' 14-30 . . " . .r..u. .V_VJ.lU llwb I106 in [ itihe same itaiime coi1tri"buted.` a cent to " local. Lchaiisty? - Now, .1-eagd-> ` ` The Meafornd-A. Express .Vc-onciseily ` sums up .the home petniotiism .su!b- _j,edt[ "as lfqllowst *W ill -rbh `man -1}p, .M_eafordsA`},1;who._;h9,_Sf` , (T in- rhe , __ <;o1mtribut`ec1?:-.V-fa" . ...'...'..L' A- *1 ,,.,..,_ '\IJ..'l}IJ3l11c.53 au mar as supplying the nqcessames of the rural Tdise, tricts is cdncennedt ` \lj ugza -uuaunzma J~ulal'CB fansd; B gBlI1" -eral campaign of gressi,ve' rpu{blJici.ty' and a` more gen.- verous use of the parcel` roost, would -pr~actica_;1ly put departmental `stores out of .5busine_ss so fa1j as supplying i-ntel 1ig'ent age WAR mxns :Fa_rrmers` were }given especiirazlly good rtreatanet {by the Government in dkaterm-'imin'g where the new taxes `ah-mlll ail], says n Industrial Gan- admy `}\T,_, .+.;f..:4 ...-.._.__-- .... \J. '\.|.\.! xu. `U115 U1'h1To ' ' Every business man vshouldi carry an uadverbisvemenxt every week in the local paper, wh-iclh is read carefully `by both the man, the wife and the children` of every household` wi-thin reading distance of rthe town. `The -business man` who `is out of -the `local paper is not doing -hi-meelf `or this `business j}1stiOe_'anzd.9 a. -ova] lIOTV|i\nn..rDru 3--`-A1. ' " """"" V -. ' _ . l e `Even 'Fh0118`h many merchants in sir-the smaller 'tOWllS are slow to re- se- 00g'niz-e it, the fact` -remains that an there. is _ coming ct-o `be a great 1.3- l01;!VOl+ul'.l0l1V]l1 the style and quality; Lfe of local advertisiiig, due to "two rea-i lot; son-s-.-one, their very life Ibeiiig to idepend on competing successfully he ` Willjh ` the l-arge departmental stores," rt. Wlltflcl} are lbeailng drawn nearer everyl he Q11"Yl11g` bur` district `b ." f If the telephone and parcel imalfd is SeC0{1d'ly, because of thexpeop1e .be_| ie cromiiig -more eiiligghtened to their!` 3y own .1l1 l7e.i1`eSl}S. They are .-ad-opting a;-ti tht} from -Missou-ri -a.t't.i.tude, and . as prices must. be show-1'1 them 'by local . 39 merchaii-ts Just as -the lbig stores do`. ' x- In dreading the many different ad- . .W verrtisements ea-ch_ claiming .to -he ; ct ' the `best values for the money, jti] ts! 1S small wonder {that the Ilsllall 1-iownl Y, `aiclvertisiiig is taken with a grain of lei allowance for the enthusiasm of the 1 W advertiser. Bu-t Sin addition .to ex- ( Sy t.1'l111g the. merits of the clothing it talblle ,5_l3I5 1iS, ha-rdvvvaiie or What: .0 ever it IS` they are advertising, mer- .& chants -tell at what" prices thesexs va articles can be thought at their 2`. 'J_ ! stores regularly,` or as 3, .saturday 1- i Sphec-ial,t}'fead'rs ane i~mpressed', and-I la .1. w ere ey ormerly read` to scovl, e.-I 'n they come to 'buy. The. out. i xx efcome . is that home meitchants real- I, ize that the devil of department fh - St_0re competition must be fought e. -_ W-lllh re; -a11dSIIi8:l'l `town aidiver tise- .b ments (111013 Prices Ito `meet the city 1 h ,. aidrvertisemeiits` in `the -same" home, 1;] 7 ~_0n__ce small town merchants get the t[1d93 rmly xed?-in -their minds and t ?l,3 Ftheli` r-st feeling of stage ; fllgllt, there is no `reason why die- [- Dartmental store orders shouldfn -t `_g1`0W beautifuilly less -and` trade ow P Inc. local _c`haiinel-s as it should`; You I): ' cannot successfully dispute the fact .v ' that most any necessity can be p-ur- 1]] 9haSdTCl19&Ply -at home as in D5 th 01!lB.S, -only the people _d|o(f1,`t cc kn9 W 1'3, `because of the local" mer- t`h hantS"*neg1e0t -to press this im- in pcrrtant point home "from week to th Week 'b.V. in. their adfveiu. iai ._tiseme_i1ts their _ prices :for these kn necessities and . _als_o pu,tting- on an ar. 00035101181 csaile, Just the same as H14 `W93 do in -the cities. ` " I ' NE`-s.-.... i`._-._:__ __ ' `I C _. ( S The f0l'1-ow.in'g' timely -article is from the pen of an advertising aut-'ho:r'ity -of Dominioil wide repu-` ltailion :_ .` _ 1 !LocAL MvE'RGHA.NT. S_ OvPPiOrR- I TUNITY ` 1 E tBe1f1`in, 'On'tario, is ,d`opating the , .inIteres ting , experiment L of trying to . make--it easy-Tfor its` own .citizens . to {buy up `the municipal debentu-res , of 4t`he city, and it is not anti'c~i*Dated7 ,9 there will be muefh d=iieu1ty _ in am`- rivin-g at `a saitis-fascvtory "conclusion. ..A1]JO|heI; project that, is' being work- iedi ouzt there is a mu-n-ici`pa1 loan and sav.i1rgs corporation which willl! deal with ' the 'people -di,rec and which `by the way, .\vi'li1 handlle the ddbenstures _'W`hiiC|h the city has to sell. The idea is ' one whicih - has ' been Worked outt to some extent in iciities -of. the United- 'Srl:arbes and has `been found`. to . ibe sati~svfa;otory. The mayor of Be1`l=i.'x1 has gone into the 4 ksyzstem; adopted in some 'ofg17he ` Amerixcan centres and` has. culled ' wh=at- he thinks are the most a1p- ' peal- ing feacturevs 7 and with some ! {new ideas of `his own, intends to 4- .have the Berllinj munioipal loan!" `concern made an `actual 'actti,ve p-ar- ' .0 0 _1 . . - - o - 0 +1.. r`()1r\+ 4|`-I -u..--- -..__ \.\.r1L\. L!1.1l. .u1-aux: all `it(.`'Uu`a1 ti=o:' pant in mun- 1Jcipa'l m-avtters 111 a shout" tlme. ......,....D -3-. ..,yv;.-u;v.uuv\:1.;y -uuxupvu |;I1U`Il.` from va'broad in` the farmers mosit -chenlshed T-asset, the Cana;d-ian home market.` ' - SELL DEBENTURES Au: HOMEE the ostiher Ihan!d= the new tax:-i increases. `by seven and . one-`half per cent. . `the 1 farmers protection {on horses, lbeef _ca:bt11e, `pouvltry, vegwe? 1;-a`btles -anicjother products, V-thus _re- du'cIin'g proportion-atelgy compevtitaion `Fr-nrrn .o-nm.n.J'. 3.. . H..- _E.._......;.-9 -,, - AL .---~-u uuusvJ fsssrvl V GD _ J.'al_.Ll1Ul ! -re nbt,_ as a mile, gexsbensive _ti1.n-` porters, .rthey_ nqt be raected ~-to - any great degree.` The `special tax- es on bank ,cti1.cuiNa:tion,' , loan. and` insurance companies, ctrayel, `celle- gnaph compan-es; and tlh-e3 stamp rtlzies rvmilgl sccancely affect" them -at a.(sg:"I"a;1;t `Li? $"oBsi;' nor the Orange cele rthe Boloa.-Ii ' Orangern band as any other `db. `lauuysu-r\_/ 3 `_vyuLJ.\-u.l_ VJ-3 -J.U1'_ ayluyugo ' As consumers, :fann'1'ars'wiH `have 1 'to piay_hig1er on. some of the *v1hich_ t-hey impot, but as farmers .n an vi./\.` ' - -11 A -~-`- A d:d'ibioAn al .*taxes .}for 11Vi:ip,o.1:iVn:e_-' Sull- pihate,` whi(:h_ is useduifori A Q rnf\.'I'\a'1'IZvu-Iasn. ..Cn....... ---. -.-311 l'L`- --- )`l'd 3 Express ;: =W ill -the people who rthey were justi- pv. f_`I1a1'm A--IL--- `--* ' ' """ I UUUIUD ht) 'I9I1~nt-:1! .1_'_ .-. a.a..nv.nAJk) is At the request of ' the Dominion V Parks Branch the E. B. Eddy Com- 1 pany has recently put into effect a t very excellent p~recau:tionary meas- . ure -against forest res. This *Com-' 1 pa-ny is now printing in striking t colors and . attractive design on- . their match boxes _an effective re .`-notice, warning. the public not to , throw. away buring` matches, espece i .. ially in the _ woods. It is a well , known fact that many `forest res _ are due to carelessness in hand ling matches, ` ' ' ' . It is -recognized that the best way to get people" to realize the danger with matches and -re. is to have the necessity of care `constantly .im- ` .. It is thought that i-f a person sees` a re warning notice every time he takes 3; match "from -a-wbox, the exercise --s of "care with re will gradualfly become `a .hs1i)Tit' with `him. I 4 o . . I ,,, `,.`1.'L; ' - ' SAIEETY `F-IERJST 131? ....e. I iW`(`3 `When the esh has Ibecoine, vsaft so as to pit if pressed with the nger. _ (4) When` rthe scales are easily lloosepecl. ` V -' (5) Wl1e11 the sh will oat.on. water. ` . `Obviously? all these tests cannot he applied! -to all sh had; asre offer-I `ed for sale in the market or stores, .bu.1: some of them can, and the xhousehoulder would do well to apply lthem before "purchasing sh. e 1 .' I-unrl u W .I. U11 11] .Uptothe , .- uu ;uyaus.yo It has heen scielltioahl-ly demon- i ` strated that the toxic or poisonous elements formed-"i11 Idecormposing sh, greatly exceed those produced `in the Vesih ,0-f warm-ybleoodaed ani- mails. Further, these are 11smi:}ly most dangerous. in "the early stages of decomposition. Consequently the need for extra` precautions in! selection of fresh sh is plain. The! following points are worth remem- `-bering {when pu1ych'asing sh. 1 ' Dead `sh are unt for food : ' (1) When `the eyes have lost their sheen and= have `become cloudy. ' . I '. /`C]\ 1171 -1 ` "` ` any Standard Work go to , FRESH VIS. S-TA-L-E FISH Fresh ' sh is -an exceedingly` gperishanbl food producdz. Even. lwhen` reasonavble care has been taken by th packers -and dealers, such sh wil_ frequently deterior- ate rapidly, - I I T4. 1-; n - >4 -V yv---;.A1.ru;\.11'ucI(J1|D Luau 'uI1|By can get` [more :for their money right in II-Iu11tsvIi1lle, vW'irt-h -tlhe manuacturrers ` .and the Local dea1er s g'1 1-arra.n1tee {to Dbalck ahseir pur_chase. ..---..-...., VVJUAL .u, ;;o-u UJ. Uaua.|.ug`ucfu.' goods, wilth - tihe clatokogued priice and his own, mar-ked in plain gures. It is .su.1vp-rising to note that, on every antie1e--aInd they are staple household? 7 nee-essities~-mhe `Huntsville retail prrilce is `lower than tha:t marked in the crabaogue, wlidih, this deciklied adv-arntaugve `in favor of mhe Tocal goods, rbhey are standard manuifatzture, beaxrinlg the name of` the makers as :a gumantee ouf qua-. irty, While the Toronto. articles are; name'1ess.' We are"g'ladI to see his diirecnt campaign ` i11ai1g'u'ravted. It "will serve to convlinsce some cult-of-I oownApu`1*c'}1,aers that -they can g ` mr ."Fl'\1' `I VIr\n1rIIr ...' .-LA. 1., ORDER OOlMlPfET'_ITION Tfhe Hunttsvvtle Foerdster says:-- `The H11-nftsvh'llI'e `hJa`rdsw:a.re merchants are taking he dead in a unique anldi seffecitive oampIa.1'gn to convince the public that the matil-order house` :b'am'g2m'ns are not always just! what mhey -seem. Mr.- Hem [uh-isl "week `annlountces, 'h1is wiiililinzgness to meet the m'ai.1-order > sharkxs on their own ground; and hls one of his .wi:nd`mv~s' with .a list of oatJal`og~ued" K1'.l'If\l`]'J 11r1.l+'1n H1-rn n n 1- rs] In -- -r--- J MI THEE MAIL A\.r|.A\.l'] (2) -v v- v_..-- .- uuuuzjxtwj A are proving to be at very great convenience to many of our friends. With. these accounts either of two or more persons in the house- hold may deposit or withdraw money, and in the event of . the death of either, the survivor may withdraw the money WITH - OUT DELAY OR FORMALITY. V Interest paid on all sav- ings balancestwice a year. BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE _ H. A. SIMS, Manager. ' ' time, however, Total Assets Over .... uu vv U1 vu 1CulU'Ul 1 I the` red gixllls have. Joint SavingUswLAgcdmts n.nov 6- . 1-... .. -.-....- ...._-A. __,_ THE, NORTHERN, ADVANCE ,_.--., \J'\l'lJLI.I\Jll. .l U1UHUU'_ ` a guarantee grant for a Hig: ci~bizens cellblvast.-ion, and the 'fo'l,l`ovwing year, (`the Dial- mond Jufbfilee) mu-dh dxisccussiion *en-_ sued `before a gwarantee gnam was! made rto the biggest celebration ever held in any town i-n Caanad-a -Su=1~e"y a, sgmamrt of $200 q.1m...m- '1. ~--ms---A (INCORPORATED I855) WIISE ;EooL A young man should use com-4 mon sense in everything, advised the Sage. 5`Yes,` added the Fool. In everything but` a love letter.--Cin- cinnati- Enquirer. A I I j ~SOLI'D IVORY There s little. difference .'between " the 11ewspaper censor and the sold- Iier--the latter has the =bonve in hisi "back.---Philadelphia Ledger. [ Real Est;l:e-:nd Inaumnce ; Phonosst. Bosanko Block. Barrie M. . . U U . axouwuuu. .LuL out: purpvstt. `Other industrial `companies are also co-`opera'ti,ng with. the Domin- -ion Parks Branch in the cam~pa`ign agains_t destructive res. Last spring the Canadian Pacic and other railways placed re Warning {notices in their smoking cars and blast fall inserted them 'in- their] irhenu c__ard's. `Arrangements are al- -o 'being made with - the Manager in Chief of the 'C.P.`R.i hotels to lhave very neat and attractive re mem-oranda placed in the guest `rooms of the hotels operated `by the lcomp-any. . have $2oo,ooo.o worth of houses and property in Barrie and Allandale. Small cash payments. Balance as rcnt.- Farms for Sale. '"1` ...' . -5 WARD Repairs Of all k[inds Residence. I64.Baycld Street Phone 627. 164! .. _. 5 . v \/ -nun. 1.; ac). VILUCD gfa L15 '21]-1 `surmmer tor the park concerts, -to tum out on J u-ly 121th `tree, when _t-hey might just as easily earn $3 V. lodge `or remain wvorking at their or- $4 playing -for some outside: usuail vocations wsith-ourt the conse- quen-t oss of a day s pay It is -an `injustice and one tihat should not; asked for. However; it is safe betting that the ban-dstmen will` not; play Withowt rpay. _._ . _ i "Dhere is another aspect of the` ease -which vis even more -iwmpontartt. The gnanttng` of the free use of the abandi is :a, 'd`angerous -precedent. - If tn-1-s condition in the -agreement accepted `by the -Band* Committee, ' the Town may as well say that they ` can order the hand; out to play naetz` any time, -free of -charge. It has 1 generally been undenstood h=a:t the "'3 park concerts were {furnished -`in -ex- - change for the grant of $600. Now ` we may just as reasonably exzpecti1, the Sons of Exrgland, the K1 *iIg`.hts.] "of Col-umbuxs, or any other society, I` to `apply for the free use of the 5 band as the Orangemen, and how!` to dihe Orange Demourstration, and` C this` rshowld tbe -sufeient. Surely 3 big l'odg'e, suoevh as -the local! L.O.L. 3 S is, eould afford to pay the in-is 'dlivu';du:aI members of the tband for rthe day -s work; It is not long since ; '1` (the Coumei-1 refused `a guarantee} ,0 I (rI|nn-\4- 13;... - .11` ' the match itself has also been at .f_-aulat. If an ordinary match is lig`ht'ed; and aalzlowed to burn from one end` to the other, the ame then extinguished, `it -will be observed that the burned portion remains a |li-ve coal for almost ~a"minute after [the ame is out. The `E. B.. Edd-y {Company are undertaking to cor- rect this fault by impregnatilng their matcthes so that when the ame is out the matdh , is dead. Some of their matches are-' now treated in this way and it is the intention to have all their matches ' impregnated `as soon as machinery can be installed for the purpose. I lnfkon ;Il.lJ`I`lD"1I':t11 .An..~..-..~--- - 3 ten}. own YOUR own Ham; G.S.BANl(|N V Cease wasting your money mt- _0pp. .tl;e_ Post $6I.900.000 ` - ' " _ can be maintained by I - ad_epting.tlIe right "nourish-y ' ~ ment, and Nature : own oil- , food in Scott : Emulsions ` strengthened thousands of men women to continue their work ` d usefulness for many years, Scott"; E.....:..-... :. - me: - -- `A number .- :`..RNLD Hospital (Mooreids) ; for a term as Resident Surgeclm in RoyalitLondo_n 0{)htha.lmic Hospital; :and Birmingham e 03 ital. Bxrmingham :former Member of ritiah hthalmological Society. I V OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARRIE. Phone 54.` ` P. O. Box. 96. .._______,._________, llr. Bosanko 9 d a tonic to keep the ._,o- `rich . avoid rheumatism I-khwart nervous conditions. i --- from injurious acids- " rmful The beat 3. nrpsnnh. hr . . 7`

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