Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 1

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giliitittttititi BARBIE PRESBYTERY I At` W ; Andrew s` Shp Afmernoon Everjinig 14 0 .Ll\J UL` !W.~H. ,Ken11edyi; J .` Pamt-erson 12` IO. Cia-memn `H. Lennpox A. D. Snmosn -an V NV.` Ralinsford 7W . ii. t`E5Z1li J. F. Jackson 11 V. `Simmons G. Rankln `P, ` Love . F. Ca.rpenrter T. Crew H. 'La.*timer Jjas. Vlair `. ) I 8: 10 `A Barrie J. `Neel-ands 1x 1'77 -I'\`I. V) n J.` l.J\.;_J.oILL\Ao V . golitfm um; Am. a_Uu.UL,mc\`. Tenders: me be addressed to F. A`. I-em, Secretary-T!neasu`rer . Lake TS-imcoe Hobe1~C'ompny, Limited , Barrie, Ontario. 8-'10 H. Garahaan T J. Gi=1mousr T A. M`avoo_mson~ . A._E.IS"tap1e.to11 19`. "A? Hay E; 13`. LAO H. `ii`oE1 A. MacaD=on-`ald `A. E. Sbapleton G1`-.e'1l11v2in1 Z ` IG. Mxal.con1'sm1 101 Beeilby G. Scott? b T G. Halbnbick Brow-111-eev 1 ='=.al__"hrle. . "Tenders F or_ Gao1 Suplies `MANY DEATHS I numnc THE PAST new ms The sudden diealth of Mr. W. A. Pae in his 58th year on -Monday" enight art.10.15, was a great shock to _-his. aaxmiy and friends, and.` the news was Ilearned` mimh sincere re- gret by ~ al-1. Mr. Pae had not been .in rvhe best of d1eaJh since last Ausgu'st, bu-L had. been ~aFbou.t town -almost every day, and was dbvwn torwn aboust 6 o c*1o-ck on he evening of his death. About 8 p.m. he was rbaken ill and passed away. about 10.15. I of the best -known business men in Barrie for -a number of years, and conducted a prosperous dry goods busxiness here -from early man`h'-ood [up to the time of his ret'i-Aretment several yearns ago. His faatiher was a | reta`i'l merchant beore him and! at one `mime condiuetetl a store on `Bradford St. T The kute "Mr. P(ae was one of -the most famliuar figures on the streets of Barrie, and -he -will be! mmcih missed: He was a 'regvuzlar| _'atten`d'a11t at St. Andrew s Ohurah. ' He i-s survived (by his widow, three sons and two dauggjhzters, viz.: A-nthur of Edmonton, Dick of rtihe Bank ofl Covmnl11erce, E.u1tt vgtte. Marie, ()0 in at mne, rs. m. Graham of Prince Rupert, B_.1G., land Miss ma at (home. -One brother, `Peter Pae of Cvhnicaigo, survives. Fhe late VA. Pare was onel I W. A. Pae, F ormr Dry Coeds | Merchant Passes Away. - I W.` McLean Died on I Tuesday Night I Did: Pae arrived from the S00} yete1~(1=a'y and Arhusr is expeot-ed on Suttt-rhilay mo1'.nin~g. The funeral` will be held .011 Savttwda-y at 2 p.~m.l Mr. Willi'am C. McLean, anotherlf of the older residents` of Barrie, and I la man who `has been closely identi- ed with the affairs of Btarrie for over 30 V years, passed away at the Lfarnialy residence, Charlotte St , on Tusesdfay evenin:g,.. `albourt. 9 o c\l'oc`k.' 3 Mr. McLean was born on the 8th Oomcession ovf Oro, netairly 64 years laigo, being the son of the late! ,Alexander and `Mrs. Mtobean, who` `came -to `Ono from Islay, S`O<)l 0l'an(l~.; !_His early eduicaxtiuon was :g1aIi-ned in! the pioneer schools of the dla-y, and lwhen quite -a young man, he tau-giht `school for -some years, an-d during tlnalt time studied pharmacy so _ a'ss'id1uou;sly'bl1art he passed his ex- - ami-na'ti`onns wrizhlout attten-d`ing col-l glege- Over "thirty years ago he. otpened a dlrruig store in `Barrie and fiteen years ' a:g1o sold} this out to !. aeoerpt rthe. :a:prpIoin31nnen*t of Division ` 1Courft Clerk Of vtlh First Division 1 {C!o1u1t, Barrie, a position he fil1ed`f `with eminent satisavotion to all u~n- I til he was takensick l.a=swt fall, sincvel|~ wlhen thed}u;ties of the office. haves` -been lclol~:od~ after hwy his son, Ralphl-' McLean. For a numlber of years, M-1_'. _MIoLeIa11 served in the Tlouwn C'oun`ci:l,V and in 1896 was elected Deputy- R'eerve, and . in` 1898-99 he served as Reeve. He was one ofl the best 'i11:omned men _`-011 II111: l1lC'!l1`.!Si.l gaff`-airs that ever saat in the Clounci=l'. land his keen dehuaibimg .a=bil`ity and clever reasoning were known. , lthr`ou`g*hou;t the town. In his earlier} ' days, -he took Ian a-citive -iurnberest ill: I politics `on the Reform side`-and a.p-I peared on many plaxtformus in sup-` port of the ALilheral' panty.- Last. - A-u.xgu1st,' Mir. McLean was taken ill a.nHI `he has fgriaiduually sg'.r0lWn weaker unrtil vhe end . `came on Tues-day evening. A Mr; MroLea-n was a Plast, Master of Kerr Masonic Lodage. andi f `o. metmzlzer of "the Independent Order- .`F-oresters. - He is survrivedi by his 11:- `l_..1_ __ _`| A...` ._E:i1:'fueral wi-1'1 be held on Fri-' day at 2. '7)` o;rm., the Rev. Andrew ;'s:;u':u1 of the -Baptist Church offici- U91 L`UJ. U3l:U.I.B. 1.1.0 1: ow; vuv'u\_,|, ._;_y n... widow. and` one son, Riazlpih, and one dva-ug1h'ter, ,Mrs. H. D. J-amieson, bmbh 0:1 Ba:rri:e. Dr. John M!c.Lea1} -1.1- . - 1'\_.;_ ._ 111.1 ,....... l'\ ', VV `UU\l:'l}'1 1lu5U, Uru usxuxo 9.1 u .surv'ivinrg nmexnlbens ,of his U}-;t;1;e.>A1: ds, family. '3 rm 9 1 `I 1 13 n :` Aster an illness of one week, -the !`dea'bh occurred on Tuesdfay n'ooi1 of !Mrs. Jane Mingvay (widow of the {late Wm. Mtmgvgay) `art A her home, sM3a.rke`t Sguare, and the news was learned 'w1s_h_profound _megret by a very. large clrcle of imends of the Eamry. on Wedneediay. of.__ last iwgek Mrs.`- M1n'g'a_y + Whh.vnu!9991%; -91111 T1! '-".3--i_~l-e-.\ 1`8'-i .a'%!:> A :.iv,ih 4 * _i?;I1.Q9_- y T "*'>- , , _, _ ,,,, voL. Lxlv. No. 10. WHOLE No. 4114-} 1'n6MI-sou cnzw, I-unnnu __::n--_ UIHUII Ull .L)U.u.`1'1'U. 1J1 uuxxu ;v.u.u4u of Ori1|1-i;a.and! Betr ~M*aLean If l4Woo1l3ri$d`.ge, brothers, `are hve only ------------- ---n-v-an-sn-an I'M: 1-u:.a -`.n+.1\A1o"a | Klsgxuvu; wincg. MRS. JANE? MINGAY ing to Barrie, i the rfmmily `lived, at IJon-gfomd, .- where Mr. -Ming1a$* (lied some 14 years ago; Known by her friends and J-neigihlbors `as a ndble Ghristian.woma11, always kind and` loving, she will be muidh missecl bf very -large circle of close friends and `acquaintances; 'anJd' most of all by her family,` who `have suffered an irreparable loss in the death of the most loving" of mothers. Mrs. "Min- gay a member of. St. Andrews Church and rarely missed. .aItItend.in'g service. `She was always interested in every good work and! -wwi-th modest demeanor assisted many chariities. S-ix.dlaug1hters and one .son survaive her, viz.: Mrs. Cartclher of Collier St., Barrie; Mrs. `Srirrclair of Ma- con-n, Sask.; Miss Jean Mingay, nurse. of Niagvarra Falls; and Misses M'inn ie, Susie and Violet at home. and Mr. John Mingay of Bradford Sm. All were at home art the time of `her dearth, Miss Jean coming from N-ialgara last week to assist in nursing her mother, and Mrs. Slin- clair arriving from the West on M'ond1ay. Six Sisters survive, viz.: Mrs. Paarker and ` Mrs. Sloan of -Montreal , M-rs. ,-Surtton of Vancou- ver, Mrs. Haxmrm-ond of Marrirtoba, Mrs. Riiieluard Seale and Mrs. J os. .Sea'1e of Cookshire, Que, an d1 Mirs. -Sherriunt off Lakveelld, Que. The -fun- erazl will he held rto-diay (Thursday) at 2 p.m. to the Union Cemetery. The piall-heal-ers to she: Mr. John J olhnston of Lorrgford, Mr. Thos. Learning of Toronto, Mr James IMGM-illian and Angus Mc~Lennan of Al-l'andra'le, and Mr. J . D. Rsmlgers and E. G. Recldittt of Barrie. The sympathy of -a large circle of -friends of the family goes out to the bereaved` ones in the hour of their sad afflicti-on. l The death of Mrs. Bern-ard P. Yokom (`Olive Grace Fletcher) oc- curred 'at their 1101119, William Stt., yesbertlaay morming. Mm. Yoloom, _w1o is a daughter of Mr. R. J. Fletcher, was onily 25 years of -age `and two children are left. The fun- em`1 wi'l`1 be he1?d.* on F:rid)ay at 2 .p.m. to the Union Cemetery. MC-611. BOUG-H T CAN-DY Y11t\`r\1'YrN i The `OfSll1-2lnW'{I``7l'11d.iC'aItO1' \ says:-- }The Osihawa rC`Ia11d-y VVorks, Kin-g~St. 5173;, has :1 new proprietor this week. On 'Monday the business -was `taken over by Mr. Andre'w Bakogeorge, of {the rm of Bakogeorge Bros... Bar- rie "and Lindsiay. 'Dhe confection- iary and ice cream paurlors of this irm are then-est in their line in the respective -:towns.- -and it goes Iwirth-out saying that the store in- Oshawa under the new m-anag'e- In-enst will be as good as the stores in the towns narmed. In Barrie, AndJy_ (as the new proprietor -is best -known) [is the most popular of fellows anal the service given by him was so well received and his lpoipull-arity so "great that '21 couple of years ago the premises had to be ienlaznged to aeeommodate his part- 'rons. On a- hat summer night, or aiiter the rink on a winter even- . ring, it is part of the rprogr-amme to call on Andy anlcl ' Arndy never fails to please his patrons. BRYSON S $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVINCI odlau: coasts Thilll CINTI Wliat are the new si1ap,es- in Spring Hats? There are so many decided nov- elties that it s impossible to des- .1m:lr\n flxnnn n1` HOT CHOCOLATE BRYSON S ICE CREAM BRICKS When the Winds of March `chill and numb you, re- memberthatBryson sserve the best Hot Chocolate with whipped cream and Tipperary Biscuits. 1101* um cow nnmxs - - summzs - MES. 13. YOKOM THE WEATIIER 32-38 Elizabeth Street frc AT OSAI-IA:WA Lowest Highest 4 15 6- S23 .. 14 '30 . 247 30 `Snow VILILZD Lllau lb 0 1Ll.lkJ\J-)C)AlJ1\/ LU \A\/0' cribe them all. New High Crown Derbies, New Telescopes, altogether different than n Inof unn 1-70 ohninnc 14 26 15 18 `.756 36 27 31 j- W. H. BUTTER ARE YOUR CHILDREN L LEARNING TO SAVE moNm%%% KKVIC-`L`\ lJCx3 all-\J6\/UIILII. \AlLL\JL\Jl1U t11a.u1ast year s shapes.) .\2{=.\v Colors, Mist Blue, Batma- ship Grey, Coffee Brown. Trinity C-ilxurch Young Men Are Asking TENDERS WANTED `>J:'U\I4\|.` ---- - ~ -- h"h'C()11v11t- in -1:11 `VUNIFON-A CB1N&{ OF Ci;M;\TAxDIA;, with opplortunies 1,4) .saw~ re-g,11']Iar1y, andi train-ing ' in. },w to expend money Wisely. Such an e in rthrift and -saving -v;'.II,p1-o-ve invaluaJb 1e zin `latter life. 1 V. 'a.m.- V ;1.m.- Come in and see them. V. s?m\f13AY IN LENT. M-arc-th 1_41tJ11,.191'5 H 1.m.-IIo]y Communion.` 1.1n.--Maibi11's and Holy AC ,, `L. J. FRANK JACKSON In Inuuu>A MAKER or PORTRAITS Barrie Branch. :Ti?i`Fi`iFFFF?FFFF | 3R1) CONTlNGENT NOT 501" T0 ~SAIILT,JYET Mr. W.fA. Boys, M.P., Brought Influence to Bear on Govt.- --Irispected. by Com- ._ ~_tnanding' Officers \./~vr.u.s.s.a.swu.-\.u..n.a.5 uuv uwvnr .LuU5 uu..|uu. u, wiibh headquna.=r.ter_s alt. Wchimby, ~a-ml whlo is to command the Battalion i-n which - the {quota from fhe 35th Regiiment for the Tlhlird Oversea-s Expedliitimuary `Ftovrce will lbe, accom- panied` by Major Cliamheron of v'Be'a.- verbon, who Wli'1'] be the -Senior Mta-T jor, was in '1J0'WIi -o_n Fr-ivdlay, the 5th in'sIt., inspectting the. loca'1 corps. He expressed `himself. -as very much pleased with the pm -sique of rdhe men and the progress they have thus far m`ad:e rw`imh their drill . ` "An Zrixmrpression seems ltd ~(hta.ve e~g'-one a;br\o`ad that the men 'wIii1I1' be moved to Siaut Ste. Marie for maili pre- pIa.1%a1ti:o11, eprevi:ouas `to mo5bi_zin'g.".a:t some central point, A butt, through the inuence of owr lucal member, Mr. B0'y1S,. it `has been arranged ' that rhhe men `will c0n*t1in=ue to train here as. it i-s believed they` are -as comfo-rtt~ wblve -as they cso be anywhere and are receiving the best ins'tru'dti!on they can -get. Centa-i.n`l`y towns- people are d~Qtin'g in their power to make the men happy and? con- tented. `A IIJieurb.4C`k31. .0. Jr; Biick, ~Ofvcer| Oammtanding j the 345th Regitmemt, ...I!L.L IL .. .J....-- .....L..._... ..L `[17]. 3A.;L_ -; J _' C1o1`oneI Bidk and Major Cameron were -enttertai-ned `by Qldlonel` S-nea1Jh,- Maisor -Ctouwaan 'anId Oapt. Maedonel of the local` Ciorrps during their stay in `town. 'u4a.u Lvvu \/Luv: Ix.) t\.J'UJ "V7111. '|J'U IIUAKJ fin he -Oounoinl (E.-ambers on Man? diay, Ma1~c.h ifwh, at 3.30 pm. All memibers -and -those wishing to en- -roll .as such are cordially `invited to =a'-ttend. " ' - g A metilig of the 7e1'{(.'11i:7e of the Red `Cross xS'ocievtyT-W'i1'1 be held. -Hlirx .n`n1\m n:.` nun ,r\w\ `Lana Tlhe -oicers of the Red! `C1ossex-- fend their sincere thanks -to the ladies of Dalston, Painsw.'i'ck,_ Ivy and -Shanty Bay for t`he.ir splendid ~co-operwti`on in sewing A and; knit- ting. ` "Fhe local ubr-anohr of the `Red i Gross iS-ocsielty ac`kno:w`1edigves with -tihanks zreeeipt of one . {hundred and twenty d:o:1-lars . ($120) from the ra'i]Jw.aymen~ of Alllandiae, being one half the proceeds of the concerrt re- ce1'11J1-y given in aid of nth-e Red Cross and `Fie1de'Comforts. * V :F,a(-11 matu-`rti1;'g: A and d"a11`g`hte1' I should; have -`a personal `ISa.v1in:gs `*AccOuvnt- the UNIIION- `BANK ...-.-rs The secnetja.ry idifi iihev Cbm- .for os wishes rbo gramefuy a-ck1row1- `edge _ the reoeiqgnt of the ha-ndsome sum of $120, `gen-emurslry donuated by otfhe sr'a:i1'way men of Aflilandatl-e, be- ing. half the proceeds of their` very successful eon-oe_r`t }11e'1d on` rh he1221nd. 1 T=he fpresidenrt also .a~ckn0 { wiith tharn-ks rthe sum_ of $14.50 fron1 the Cen-tnal Meh-odzist Ghurdh, `bie- ing 25 percent. of 1 the ;p1~oce-ed-s of their concert, and ahe sum of $13.00 .from- tfhe `ladies of the Ciollier Srt. Moth-o`d!ist =Ohu.rdh, thrmlgh Mns. J ackson.` It is by suclh 'co~opera:io11 aflon-e than; the Field |Comi'-orlts hearv-e been able to fu_.rnidh.t1he men at -the fronlt with such genevous Ibaies of much ' nmded sock-s and other room- fonts. Adele Srpry, Sec.-Treas. " ~TI"lL - I_:`I:'1 A ._Z..;-.` - .11.: ..'l .__, ____.- ..___A_- T The fouowirlfg axitai-elves were grate- :fu1'1~y received and ' ISe8I]It- tto Sails- Fbuxry o11"Maroh 6th: 330 pairs socks, ' 51 _dh01eraibel11s, 33 mu-lers, [4 caps, 30 pains mitts, 50 padkagesv` 120- bacI_do, 9 piilpes, V ` " .L \IL`l/I ro LJ.\4l-\J|L'\J KJ'tl'L J , KJK/\.40 .L .|. um-0 I ,,A J i 'A%DD-RESSINIG OF ' ` In -order. JUO fanci-1-innate the -h*an`dl- ing of {mail at rthe front andhto in- -sure prompt delivery -it is requested -that a1]:1- mail be A `addressed as fol- ilowsn. . ` ` ' . V (Ia) Rank . . . . . . . . . . ..g.. In. \ '\T.;__- _ 'or` 2;; _ (g)_j Fm-`st (or Second) TO`anaxh{an* Conmngent . .. . ._ . . gm) "British -Ex1p'ec`.'tion ary Eoma A.-vnvv fDIna-4 *'\\]Vlhen rhhe_fa1v_mqrs of F1-osv V -were` forwanciiing suxprptiies Ibo Brivt-ain, Man] J 05. `Drysdale tplascedi Va 12a.g wri-th his . name an on it in` a shag orfl oaths." says Elmvhl` Re-' , =1'r__ .'r\'_'._..J_1..1- ..-....:.....`L .. Ln;.4.I 333151 ?r1~. L1`)lUrysda_m;lll<:,:13`<:ce:7`:al Eai; .' ;te.r -mm .a Br-ifoisll. 9d `n :so1'<;1`iet. & giounti ;:g0;% g Enlla. = ' i.when:;;fer1m:gf guts Aystarted I J. `tam? K 5:. r " ; .|;|ll.aIJ.hl.\ noun noun Ntame . (c) Regimental Numbe (d) Cormpo_a-ny, r ortfher umt 1` n; (e) Bamtalsiorn Q. . . . . ` /J.'\ 1)-! _..IJ:.. RED 0Rous:s% S0C'I:E.TY FIE-LD CiOM1EO!RTiS " L6r?ii0if,"`ENGmND. ` THE -INv'l'ERZ8rT8 Of BARRIE, Tl-Vl' COUNTN 0|-' SIHQEL AN'D T|-IE` D,O$$3 `OI-' CNA_DA OUR CBIITYON. BARRI`-E; COUNTY OF L SIM"C0_E. ONTARIO, MAREH I 1, x9157 . s 7 . -. ' ` I . The appeal of: dihe Crown has -been( allowed and -1Jh conviction of Al- bprt ;.Wrig1ht, Jirewer, _.of Orillini, is 'con_rmed,-.;by:,-,`rthe Se00'I.,J, Div-ision~a$1 `C-curt.J ` * V 'W~r.i-gvht had 21 ~ brewe-r s -1iioense.rin Orillia, which is a dry town. He was charged wih nan infraction of mhe Liquor License =A)et hy.se1i];ing iin '0riilF1ia -to a- man who had nott>a `Li-I cene to selfl. The pu-rohsaser came, in mom `0ri\11ia__vownship.-and placed an order lor a dozen of a'1e and `a dozen of porter -to be djelivered in the township, Where local option was` not in force. - I | KILL I|4|.'I.ILl.OIAl\r4va.uAL uUL;UvAv\Nvv\A ' ow uu--V in Orilliua. to_ an unlicensed person, and. it is, t.~hereore, an Tinfracxtion of the :law._ ' Wright was convicrted by Pdlice -M_!a'gis1nvaYte'Ciarkea:t -Or3'l=ia, but =be- fore Judge Vance of Simooe ;Cou-n-` try` his appeal was a{l|Botwed. The A1)? pellate tni-bunael, `however, h0`d's that the` 'Itr~ansa>cvt'i'on constituated - a` sale` I n ` 1' `I , _ I\ "I10 ' BAARRIIE GOLF IOLUIB TPI `I31 f\'I"I 6 |J1lC- JJKILL-l\4 _ U1]. ;Ll.L'\JLL\vL4J I1V\4LI I ing, was langely ~atte;1ded, and xnost en-oou:1~a,g1in-g reports 4were presented. The nsanvoical rep~ortt ' slhowed a :o- sped_te!bi1`e surplus T from. Ias-t; year and the Club lh-as_ `a good member- shlip. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: Pres., J.-H. Bennett; Vice-`P-res., M. J.` Shamacy; Ceapbain, H. E. Jory; Sec.-Treas., Dr. H. T. Amnalul; Com- rmi.ttee-H. A. Sdsms, T, Cr_eIw1and T. Beecumft; Aruditor, L J. Salter. ` ' -..:... 41...} , -_._-_. __._...L,Z....... Any .person wishing to join the cl-uib shoulld notify, the se-..tet.ary_. so that the_ name may `be posted up and duly voted upon. The. 11 em- Jbers are looking foitward to another successful season. i Tth ~annuJa`L meeting of, the B2 1--_| rie Golf Olulb, heu1d_,.in the rooms of. !j;he. Barrie C-_1u:b_ on Monday even- _'__ .1-_...._1, ._A.A..._..J...] ......J ....r..~.J- Mrs. Geo. ARod:gers has received the following lefber-'fron1 her hus- band,` Oapt. G-eo. Rodgers, who, with the rest` of the 1st; Br.ig1ade," un- doulbftediv -has since :xgi)zerienced his first bapttism of 1we"i1i"" t`11e trenches in France. Capt. [Rodgers writes as fIo1`1Iosw.s under mdsate of F eb1_'ua;ry '15t1h: ' ' . ` . [Letters Fromj [ ORIIIJI`,IA.V BREWER 1-'\.A1'r.n T We are up at -1ast where we can j hear the guns and. see `the ashlights - at night. `We a-rni-ved here - 1-aszt 3 irighst aibloult four. It is an small : villatge of aibowt 1600. a When we . -got `off tihe e11r.ain we had a walk of" i a`bIouIt four mies. -When we azrriveci I Here we had I130 put the men a into ' batrns anti hxou-,ses,i i wlliieli A took us till dark, and Wtahen -started Uookirrg out for `ourselves. I _-got a bed in a house which is very good. The, *Gerxman's -were here for nine days! and sure &id~ put it on the rough. i This Iron-s;e had Ia shelil `come right `Tthroutgh it am1d?`vt111-ey make a mess of erl: h1in0's.f {The Lady of -the house '.sto1ptpedj1_ne here to tell `me that her `husband and five Tbronshers were at ttihe war. Her husband was the vill- 1-age I`backasmii-th and she 2hasn t seen or hezvrcl of them since they left on ithee` Evbh Au*g:u:st.' Last week their only child: 'dieL ` T-he :p'OIO=I` woman a had! a good `cry. - The place is full i of Be1`g'i_an~s_. ` old: men, rwomen and: Clhdlfell, -and r they `have 110h1in'g.| ` butt W`-hialt they stand in." Any able} ibodiied . man who saw -an'c1`> heard a what I have `am-ii.-W-ou1vdn t rtake up , amns is rrrotti rt to calfled Ia man.| I am going omt for :1 ri-de no-day (id; `is now 11 am.) to see some of rtihue places saround here. There are b a lot of Eng`1ish and Gnerman-s f lbu-nied around` here. It` is very. f-un- Q; ny mo hear the men talking to the French and Beilgians. As youl I know," I <:tan t "give you any names,s and by rtlhe way, they may not let `a=11 those cancs gio hnoutgih which I send; you from who _porIt where we (3 `landed; I We .gv.ost stanbed to unload 9 art d-ayligihit, Friday, he 12th. I - h a-cl he jdb `of jwking `all the Sztu, . oult ofihe and got thmughj dbiourt 9.30 when I had the rest of ] the day `to myself, so the first thing I` I did: was Ibo-go up and have atgood dinner; You should `have heard me 1 gaoslning or what ,but to _.pu$ ,u.p_. with rtihey _ me; 'then I for a.wall; wi'1ih. rbhe .'who" was ;- a.'fr.-th~'n_naoadin'gV of .us. He took .']-n1ei.d0wn~ iho` see -500 , German -.ptris0n- ;-'grs, whb. were ` bortutso act ft`-aurahca-' They di=dn :to ` look- V-overy e1rce(-e4vv`e..can trim -(a. them yr UU : all A There G ' UL'U1L'l)-IIUW. l_IA\J \J$UJ (V1.1 U\lL I Vvgnlr 'c1<".'qi i2sVff,J6JURIsHI G :1 v_y '.l.`J.I.. -Ts ,PENuATY F Line 'u. uyu u. v V` ` . vv uxfyvw - 5'u"U` t"` '-1%1A1?.he` L_,_ . ( The ofcxieal visit of R.W. Bro. W. J.` Martin, _Distrio1;. Deputy G1-and Mastoer oi Georgian District, .:to K_err_ -Masonic Lodge on ' Friday veniirg of last week. was A the oc- casion Qf__ a. _very pleasant gjaherln-g_ of cmemfbers` of dahe orafzt. The oc- casion was also marked by a frater- na`l visit orf the officers of Northern] Lodtge` Stayner, cwho &SSiSt(il .. AL . .........__ .:.......L:,-._. -1.` LL- ,1 .... ..... -.,5_u.... .......,,.,, ..,...,,n.,., _;Lv .....w..,... !in he `exemplizcation of the degree -work. - Dhe Work,-in the lodge room, (being ` concluded; the . members `and vi-siltors to he number of over 100 laadgiourned to the banquet room Nirhene a` dainty luncheon was served. W. `Bro. `-R. W. wsttewart, -Master` of Kerr Lodge, presided, anti intro- dwced the Toast to '~the Kuing, `which was `forllbrwed by iihe Nlation-a1 An- them. `Tihe Grand! Lodge of Gan- ad'a, pnoposed by R. W. Bro. R. J. Sprot, elioirbed responses from Dis- trirctt Deputty W. J. Martin, of P-enetan' , and} R. W. Bro. Bethu-ne '- C1;.____. __ I'\____ 1U__-_..S_.,. 77 __..... KERR L`O!DGeE VISFDED . j % T BY Dxsmmm DEPUTY] ,...,.....,,,, 'V|lU\.Av -.. ...v. u.,......... of Sutayner. Ouar Em-p_iire,` was =proposed" Thy W. -Bro. H. E. Jory, and ah-y responded ' to by V.W. `Bro. J, F.` P-alsinsgg The ' Visiting `B'r~ethren were toasted, W. Bro. uMiaa`r rproposuintg the toast in a brief adJd res`s.f W. M. `Cuamplbell of .C|..L_ A", __ _.___.`II_' _-J -_-__ -1.-- 13,, ,, _._!.L:L _ uSItay-ner repllliedi, concl=uding with a` -much a-ppreciva;t,e( pjtriotic address," and` D. G. Bel of Srtayner `also 19-` plliecl in most tt;ing' -terms. Dur- ing the evening songs -were given` &by R. W. `Bro. Geo. Monkman, Bro. Robt. King, (Bro; D. G. Bell, Bro. W. Sctanlvey and Bro.` Irving !McL'acvhvhan. The toast 1i-st conclud- ed '"by tihe Ilsua-1 Junior V 1\Varden sj Toast. Besides oivcrers of S`-bayner Lodge`, tlhere were a number of other v'ixSi;t0ns, _.inc4l11di11g Angus 'Warnica and others from Minerva |L0dge, Strotud. '&ll.LLU1}VLI\/LI. \JJ- :. T. SHORT, . . Managgr 'Sttroud' curlers played f-rriendly games Wiltwh Barrie curlers on Mon- `d1ay azternoon and evening, ` winning Ibofh series of games by a twzafl score of 109 mo 95. The rin-ks and scores} were as folibouwsz - ' ` v;.uA \.f\-IAIJAL 1'37 Welbb S. Meredith, 10. T. *C*2tr1 is1e `A; VV.A Green iH. |Meredi.h C. 1MclConkey 16 Rev. `C-lbmenats vvvuw ' Pashtersvoxx 13 5 6."i31L5 Mi -Ro1'binso11 D. Lennox . 15 Rv. C1eme11It.s: I .L.va vv \A-vuv I W. P:att:ter.son 11 F. Peacock W. -Merecmh ' B. Webb ' S. Meredit11' 17 Axt a'm-seating of the Barrie Pres- bymery held here on _ -T-uesd'~ay_ the f-o\1s1!orvvin;g were axprpuoinsted C'o `sinners to the .Goeneral Assembly: Revs, J eiwistt, Anderson, Grillzmovur, `E115-o-tat and Dr. McLeod. * ` `A call from Bond Head to Rev. Dr. .McuRIae of ` Dor~onb_o was de- cloined-. -Rev. -J . A; Redtdton `of Sev- ern B1`.i_de 'tend'ered his resignation.` ; XSTROUD C-URJLERS WON .'| In" tl.-Illa ALLLl'lJl1lC' LILLLL ALVA`! \./\IAuLA . munon. _ 3.0 1>.1n.--CH1:i1-dren ~S.- Servlce. 7.00 1 >.m.-EvCns0ng` and -Sermon. .'i7{I_C\'. 718. R. J. BIGVGS, B.D.,' Vicar 1 . gxzarthers 2'. mm: rv-Ix. . . - Sit1.~oud' . `Peacock 7. 'CTI'3'r'edit11 Avvx/4.: ~ -Rdbinnson '-Len-nlox ' 13 Let uswglve you a quotation _ cu Your Next Job of PAINTING. nmcomson & MANN PAINTERS Carriag and Automobile Paint; [ing a specialty? .-Agents. For Do_miri.ion Car- \ -. .3-a .. f .1*ia gcs arvud Wzafgtingi Ba gld Strgeizt. "l`I ..\'I)ERS wi1`1 be received up in '.`\I;nx~h 15th, "1915, by -the .Lake '>'.in1<-m~ Ho)t.o1 Conipaiiy Limited, :fm- Hm purchase of Ithe Realty of mid (`nn_man,v. formerly` occupied Hy the Queen s Hbtel, and situate on the Ncvrtli side of Dunlorp Street, B;m'io, Ontario. The said pro- })o1't.,\' has a frozltage of` 132 Aieet nmro or -less, by -21 depth of 165 feet more or less. Paymvenxt to be made as folloxvzsz 0.11 accepitanoe of [Ten- der, $1000; sufcient rto equal 50 D01` cent; of Tender wittahin 35) days, and balance may ` remain on more tgage for a peri-od not exceeding three years. A111 unpaid amounts to -bear interest at the rate of six .1361 eent.iper annum. - _ T 1 Highest or any vtender not neces-` Sgly `ace-eprbed. 0 11 1 7. `Tn A-

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